Letter to your beloved man. Romantic letter: how to write. A beautiful confession in a letter to your beloved boyfriend “online ...

Sometimes it can be difficult to put your feelings into words. And then the best solution is to write them in a note. Very often, expressing feelings on paper is much easier than saying them in person. If you like the boy but are afraid to confess to him, don't worry! Just write your feelings on a piece of paper and give him the note!


Part 1

Come up with text

    Be honest with yourself. If you really really like this boy, tell him about it! Think about what you want to achieve with this note. Do you want him to leave you his number so you can write to him? Then ask for it in a note! Do you want to go out with him after school? Then invite him over to watch a movie. Think about what you want to achieve with your note and write about it - it will be much easier.

    • Plus, be honest with yourself. You do not need to write that everything is in order, if your sympathy is unrequited, and that you can only be friends. Don't post about it if it's not true. Everything that you wrote in your note must be true, otherwise you will start communicating with lies.
    • You can write that you just do not know what to say. You can write: "I do not know how to tell you about this, but I really like you very much." It will be cute, and the boy will be flattered that you had the guts to do it.
  1. Style your note like a poem. There is no single right way to admit your feelings, so you can always get creative. To tell the boy about your sympathy, you can write a poem.

    • The note doesn't have to be rhymed if you don't feel like it. There are many poetry styles, you can experiment and figure out which one works best for you.
    • If you don't like all the other rhymes, go back to the classics. You definitely can't go wrong if you write something like: “Everyone is smiling, enjoying the spring. I'm not a poet, but I like you. "
  2. Remember the quote. If you can't find the words to express your feelings, use quotes. For example, you can quote a quote from your favorite movie or book, you can recall a quote from a song that you associate with this boy. It is not so important how you say it, the main thing is that he understands the idea.

    Compliment him. With the help of a note, you can express feelings that you would be ashamed to say to the person in person. You can compliment, praise the boy's hairstyle or clothes, talk about his character, why he seems attractive to you. If he is not interested in you, he will still appreciate the compliment.

    Add a touch of humor. If you are already good friends, chances are you have a common joke. Try to include this joke in your note. In a relationship, such details are unique and play a special role, so the guy will appreciate that you thought about it.

  3. Make a little gift. Your sympathy should be shown not only in words. If you are embarrassed about confessing your feelings in person, try explaining your feelings through a song. Take a CD and record a few songs there that you associate with it. If you are a creative person, draw a picture, depict yourself and him together.

    • Whatever you decide to give him, it's important to include a note with the gift. You don't want the boy you like to wonder where such a wonderful gift came from.
    • The note and gift do not need to be signed in detail. For example, you can simply write: "Dima from Lena." Your gift will speak for itself, so the accompanying note can be quite discreet.
  4. Decorate the note with stickers or drawings. If you are going to put a note in an envelope, you can decorate it too. You can write the recipient's name on a sticker or using a stencil. If you want a touch of humor, try cutting out the letters of the boy's name from magazines. Then stick them onto the envelope. Then it will look like a ransom note.

    • Keep in mind that the guy might not like it if you put on too many decals and stickers. Usually, less is more, if you don't want the note to look silly.
    • If you are writing a note and want your letter to be taken seriously, it is best to stick to a simple design: write the recipient's name on the envelope in nice, even letters.
  5. You can paint the envelope with watercolors. To make the envelope brighter and more beautiful, add colors. All you need for this is paints and brushes. Just draw some wavy lines in different colors.

    • When painting an envelope with a note, hold the brush at an angle, slowly moving it over the entire surface of the envelope.
    • Wait for the envelope to dry, then put the note in there.

Part 3

Pass the note
  1. Give the boy the note in the hallway. If you meet him often in the hallways of the school, give him the note the next time you meet. You don't have much time until your next class, so you don't have to nervously stand by and talk.

    • If you are too nervous and afraid to hand over the note yourself, ask your friend about it. Make this request only to the person you trust so that no one else reads your letter and tells others about it.
    • You can pass a note in class. Most likely, the boy will be surprised and too intrigued to do anything else (apart from the educational process, of course). The main thing is that the note does not fall into the wrong hands. You don't want to be picked up by your instructor (or worse, read aloud).

05.01.2011 |

The rhythm of human life and humanity is accelerating constantly. Paradoxically, the more technical means appear that save our time, the less time is left for communicating with each other.

Instead of a friendly meeting - a conversation on a mobile phone, instead of communication in a company - an exchange of comments on forums on the Internet. A letter to beloved turned into short SMS messages. It would seem that the epistolary genre remained in the distant past.

But, in fact, letters, albeit electronic ones, continue to look for their addressees. If you want your letter to interest a man and encourage him to send a response message, you need to know a few rules that should be followed when composing letters.

If you want to start a correspondence with a man on a dating site, then your first letter (and subsequent ones too) should show your interest in the personality of a man. On the other hand, try to give him an idea of ​​the main traits of your character, your interests and hobbies. But don't limit the letter to a simple listing of your merits. The letter should be structured to highlight your personality. Don't put too much emotion into your first letter. After all, you are not writing letter to beloved, but a message to a practically stranger.

The man became interested in you and wrote to you first. In any case, the man should be thanked for the letter. If you want to continue the correspondence, then give detailed answers to all the questions that interest him. Study his profile and try to identify your points of contact, common interests. If there are none, then it is not a sin to cheat a little. For example, if it turns out that a man is zealously interested in gardening, and you have never had the opportunity to dig in the garden (for lack of one), you can write that you are fond of growing indoor flowers.

True, if your acquaintance passes into the stage of personal meetings, and you want to invite a man to your home, you will have to buy several pots of flowers (or borrow from a friend). But don't go overboard. Do not write that you are fond of mountaineering if you are sick of the thought of heights. If a man in his letters is inclined to talk about high feelings and romance, answer him in the same spirit. But at the same time, carefully (!) Try to find out his attitude to the material aspects of life. After all, you will not be full of feelings and dreams alone.

Remember that most men are interested in women with a positive outlook on life. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to complain in letters about health and financial problems, misunderstanding of colleagues at work (friends, relatives). Don't let your man know ahead of time that your favorite pastime is visiting fashion boutiques and beauty salons.

If you are interested in keeping your correspondence uninterrupted, ask a few questions in each letter. In this case, the man will always have a subject for the next letter. With intensive correspondence, you can talk about small everyday events. The main thing is that these stories are light and funny. By initiating a man into your current problems, you let him know that you need him as an interlocutor.

By means of writing, it must be, first of all, sincere. This can be an ordinary letter in prose or (of your own composition or borrowed from other poets), as long as the message expresses your feelings and emotions.

It doesn't matter which way you send your letter to beloved- whether it will be an email or a slightly archaic paper envelope. The main thing is that the man learns about your feelings. And, perhaps, another happy couple in love will appear in this world.

Letter to your beloved in the army

Hello, my dear, one and only dear man!

Several days have passed since I have not seen you, and my heart is breaking from separation from you. When we parted in the evening after our dates, I did not feel such a sharpness of pain from separation that I am experiencing now, because I always knew that the night would pass and I would see you again, so close and dear with a gentle smile on my face. It even hurts me to remember your smile - I so want to snuggle tightly and kiss you tenderly on your lips. I miss your smell, the depth of your voice, it seems that now there will be a doorbell and you will enter. I often dream of this at night. I understand that this is still impossible, and for a whole year we will suffer in separation, but please do not listen to anyone who will argue that girls do not expect guys from the army, I am not that kind of girl, I am different. I know for sure that no matter what difficulties await you and me, I will always be by your side, even if there are thousands of kilometers between us! Do not think that these are just nice words, and I write letter to your beloved in the army just to support him. This is not true. For you, probably, not a single minute passes so that you can be free, and I am tormented by this freedom without you. I try to go headlong into my studies, and I catch myself thinking that I don’t think about the sciences at all, only you, you, and again you are on my mind. My friends who comfort me when I start crying from separation from you do not make me happy, on the contrary, they only add fuel to the fire.

I beg you, dear, you serve, you only serve very well, suddenly they will give you a vacation, and we can see you early. For my part, I promise that if I get such an opportunity to go to you, I will definitely, without hesitation, buy a train ticket, the main thing is hope. I even wrote a poem for you on the topic "A beautiful confession to your beloved":

I hope to see you soon

And I pray to you as a loved one:

Be sure that I can wait

After all, I love you, my dear.

Maybe the poems are written a little naively, but from the bottom of my heart. My dear, I will try to cry less and think about studying as much as possible for me, but I will still wait for you and be sad. I look at your photo and try not to remember the past, but to think about the future, how good it will be for you and me when we meet, and no separation will ever threaten us again. Write to me, please, as soon as there is time, this is very important for me, the letter will be like a piece of your warmth sent to me.

Love, miss, kiss, your girl!

Letter to a loved one in separation

My dear, how I miss you!

Quite a little time has passed, but it seems like an eternity lies between our last meeting and today. I begin to count the months until the day when I can finally see you and hug you. Snuggle up to you and listen to your heart beating. Run your palm over your cheek, so pleasantly smooth that you want to tirelessly stroke your face. You know that I do not like unshaven men, and therefore you always give me pleasure to touch your freshly shaved face. I hope you haven't forgotten about it? Although I'm asking this, I know perfectly well that you remember everything that pleases me and gives me joy.

That is why you liked to give me pleasant moments, which gradually developed into hours, then into days. Do you remember how we broke off and went swimming in the middle of the night? But I don’t know how to swim! You didn't know it then. Fortunately, you managed not to drown me, and I enjoyed such a bath. When you can not swim at all, but know that you will not drown, when the feeling of support and support warms you so much that you do not notice that autumn is coming. And kissing in the moonlight is probably no more pleasant thing at all!

How awful it is that I cannot afford even such a trifle now! Although, is this a trifle? The voice of my beloved, which so many times told me about love, so many times asked me to come as soon as possible. And your voice on the phone when you told me to dress warmer because it’s colder outside? Or a pleading voice asking you to stay at least another half hour?

I miss, my dear, I miss. And I can’t help myself! I'm not boring, I'm just sad without you, without you and me together. I miss those minutes and hours together, as if there is not enough air to breathe and live.





Personal letters to your beloved boyfriends contain a particle of the human soul. Having reached the addressee, they strive to get an echo in his mind.
To understand how this happens, we will learn how to make a letter to our beloved guy about love.

Farewell letter to your beloved man

I thought that I was not able to survive the separation, but now I forbid myself to think about death.
We all have something to be angry with the world for, and only the will dictates other laws. My beloved, I say goodbye to you and mentally prepare myself for the realization of the fact of parting.

I cannot help but understand and sincerely wish to let you go. To hold by force is to make oneself hate. If there is no more love, then let respect remain.

My memory will forever keep the impressions of the days spent next to you. These days are made up of moments of happiness and joy. I hope that they will be memorable for you too.

Your kindness, your participation has always illuminated my path.

You literally changed my life. And you keep changing, making me stronger every day.



Let me be honest in this difficult moment of parting.

While hurting you, I cannot help but shower myself with reproaches, despite the fact that there is no such thing as guilt for high feelings.

Leaving a bloody trail is the fate of the one who leaves first. But it is necessary to set foot on this path, otherwise we both risk drowning in lies.

Love is not subject to human desires. It cannot be caused by an effort of will and cannot be replaced by other feelings. And pretense is a bad counselor, unable to provide effective help.

Time will flow and smooth over painful memories, leaving only pleasant moments in memory. Forgive me and try to understand. By doing this, you will save both of us.

Never fool your boyfriend if you have another!

Example of a love letter to a guy

I love you. It’s amazing that I’m the first to say these words. But there is no longer enough strength to hide feelings in oneself.

I hope that I am not considered a dreamer in your eyes, and my attempt to open my soul will not turn against me. After all, while you are in the dark, I can indulge myself with sweet hope.

About passion or erotic writing

Where to start an erotic letter to your beloved man? I'm obsessed with you. Your hands, your eyes and your lips follow me in a bright cohesive image.

I'm afraid to wake up. After all, there, in this twilight world of dreams, you are forever mine, and I am yours. This beautiful dream is my constant companion.

I will carry away obsessive thoughts to infinity, burn myself to the ground. My love is limitless, it is all of me. And you are my inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Not all guys like to communicate on too frank topics, so before doing this - find out the character of your boyfriend!

Letter to a guy in the army

My dear! My dear! I look forward to the moment when I embrace you again. Probably at this time you have already left to serve. Well, separation is meant to strengthen our feelings.

I promise that I will try to be optimistic and keep myself busy with useful things so that I have something to tell you about. And you hold on. Be a strong and brave defender of the Fatherland.

I'll write to you again tomorrow. Correspondence will help me to brighten up cruel loneliness. I love you and look forward to it. Hope to get an answer soon.

Example of a letter about love and longing for a boyfriend

Yearning. I am soaked in it from the inside. This feeling is beyond my own understanding. The abstract pain of my soul has long grown into physical pain and is now stuck as a thorn in my heart.

How many times have I tried to cheat time, but in vain. I am counting down the days and hours until our next meeting. The world of fantasies and dreams has become more real for me than the present. It looks like madness, and I am a patient who does not want to be treated.

Answer me, darling. Say a word, this word will keep me warm for months. Thinking about you will not hurt so much if I believe that you, too, are directed towards me in your thoughts.

Written messages have not only form but also power.

To set this force in motion, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Always be honest, write a truthful letter to your boyfriend about your feelings.
  2. Think about the person you are writing to.
  3. When composing a letter, do not forget about politeness and goodwill.
  4. Do not be afraid to talk about something intimate, letters are meant for this.
  5. Remember that with the help of a letter you create a kind of archive in your own memory and in the memory of the addressee.


A love letter - This is one of the most wonderful ways to express your feelings and possibly avoid complications.

Tell him about the most intimate.

Of course, now there are many different opportunities to express your feelings, such as getting the pen guy interested in contact and making an unexpected confession in ICQ, which you would not have dared to make in person.

Still, your letter is the most romantic kind of confession, which will surely leave a mark on his soul forever.

What can be written in a letter

Have you decided to write something very romantic to a man who does not know about your feelings?

And perhaps your beloved boyfriend is far away now.

Do you want to tell him with the help of a beautiful love message how much you miss him and how you are waiting for him?

Or maybe there are problems in your relationship that you cannot talk about and a romantic message will be their solution?

Romantic letters are written to the army and with their help you can ask for forgiveness from your beloved and beloved, or just talk about what you never managed to say out loud and say to your eyes.

A letter to a loved one should start with this

Probably the best way to start a love letter is to tell your loved one why you decided to express your feelings this way, in writing and not otherwise. After that, you can already express the essence of your love message and the very recognition.

A love letter does not have to carry any explicit meaning.

And after all, for your loved one, it can become just a memorable gift. Or proof of your love and your sincerity towards him.

He will re-read your letter many times and relive all the most beautiful moments of your relationship.

You can find many beautiful words about love on the Internet. Should you use templates like this? On the one hand, it's better to write a romantic message yourself.

Reflect your sincere feelings in it. But in principle, no one forbids you to use ready-made love letters and be sure to use them. From them you can take a few beautiful lines that really express your attitude towards a young man.

What to write in a message to a man

Ideally, a letter to your beloved man about love should not contain vague reasoning and tell in all details about your suffering. Still, one should not forget that guys and men are more rational than girls and women.

If you do not talk about anything in particular, but simply write how bad you feel without him, he is unlikely to like it and he will understand your feelings. Therefore, if with the help of a letter you want to get a certain reaction and specific actions from your loved one, try not just to express your feelings, but try to make your message at least a little meaningful and intelligible.

Be honest about your feelings so he cries

If you are writing a letter to a loved one, be extremely frank in your confessions. How to make a letter to your beloved guy to cry? - Do not be afraid to tell too much about your feelings - he will definitely appreciate your sincerity. And remember: a confession cannot be written in a hurry.

The best way to get started is to just write everything you want to tell your loved one and re-read your romantic message the next day. This way you can evaluate your love message more objectively.

What should be an unforgettable and pleasant confession to a guy from a girl who will stir up a real storm of emotions in his soul? So that your romantic message evokes genuine feelings. In the letter, you can write about some valuable memories for both of you, as well as remember your common and most intimate moments.

For your beloved, the joyful moments of your love story are no less important than for you, but young people rarely remember them and therefore must be reminded. If you remind your beloved about the best thing that happened between you. He will definitely not remain indifferent.

Don't forget to write your letter well

After all, writing it is not all. If you write it in a gnarled, crooked handwriting - even if you want to - it won't make out your letters.

Therefore, you need to write correctly - without mistakes - and accurately. And if you scent the piece of paper on which you wrote - then it can very much add to your advantages. Many girls go further - they leave a kiss - a lipstick kiss mark. It is also important to guess with the color of the lipstick.

You can put some kind of paper flower in an envelope. And pass it on unnoticed. And it is better if he himself finds it by chance - It should be addressed specifically to him. Otherwise, he will think that this does not concern him.

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Hello beloved!

I am writing this letter, and in front of me is your photograph. I do not part with her either day or night. I just can't live a minute without you. When I think about you, it seems to me that you are near, I feel your exciting breath, the warmth of your body. Honey, you have no idea what you are doing to me! I live only for you! As long as you are on this earth, I am not afraid of anything, I will overcome everything. Every day I thank God for helping me find you among the multitude of people, for our enormous tender love, which will never end - I am sure of this.

I had a dream today. Believe it or not, it was you. We walked with you across a wide field, golden ears parted around us, and in the distance - a large wooden door. At first I was scared: where is the door from in the middle of the field, and how do we go further? Approaching her, we stopped in confusion. But some unknown force prompted us to bend down and start looking for something on the ground. After a while, our eyes fell on the key. We took him, opened the ill-fated door and walked on, holding hands ... You know, it was a good dream. The field is our life, big and interesting, the door is an obstacle that we will overcome together, because we will find a solution to this problem - the key. I truly believe in this.

You know, I have a dream. She is very kind, and therefore must definitely come true. I want us to have a real strong family, so that we love each other not only during our honeymoon, but also, the further, the stronger. Let the years only temper us and make us more tender to each other. I want us, my beloved, to have two children: a girl and a boy. May they delight us and be the meaning of our whole life. You must admit that it is so wonderful to look at your children and never cease to be surprised that they are a part of you and me, merged together!

I hope that as you read this letter, you have the same feelings for me that you miss me too. You can't imagine how I want to run up to you, cling to your strong manly chest, smell your muscular body. My beloved, dear! Believe in the sincerity of my words, because before I could not tell anyone what I am telling you. Why? Because I have never loved anyone as I love you! I myself am surprised at this, but I can’t help it. I don’t want to! You are the best, you are the most beloved, you are the dearest person for me, for whom I am - both into fire and into water! At least to the ends of the world!

At the end of my letter, I want to wish the two of us a speedy meeting, which I look forward to like nothing else. Hope it's mutual.

Goodbye My dear. Don't forget, write. I kiss you and love you very much! Your baby.

Talking about your feelings can be incredibly difficult. You need to find the right moment, choose the right words and intonations. The most difficult thing is to decide, to find strength and courage in yourself, because such a decision requires incredible courage and courage. The best option is to write a love letter and express your innermost thoughts and desires on paper.

There are many advantages of this form of recognition, but the most important thing is that even refusal in this case will not be so painful. Of course, the answer will have to wait, and the agonizing wait can also turn out to be painful, but this is better than taking a person by surprise and not giving him the opportunity to reflect on what he heard soberly and objectively.

Do I need to write a love message

It may seem that writing letters and messages is a thing of the past, that today it is not relevant. This opinion is fundamentally wrong - regardless of time and era, people need the opportunity to express their feelings, to confess their love. It is sometimes incredibly difficult to say the most intimate, looking straight into the eyes. Letters come to the rescue - they are the best helpers of lovers.

The letter can be written electronically or by hand. The first option is more modern, but the printed letters depersonalize the text, depriving it of frankness and sincerity. Beautiful handwriting is able to express a lot of feelings and emotions, so writing such letters is definitely worth it by hand.

Another advantage of letters is that you will always have the opportunity to think about what you are writing about, re-read it, check the correctness of the phrases and the appropriateness of some confessions. Emotions and feelings will not knock down the presentation, will not turn recognition into an incoherent stream of thoughts.

What to write about

Even deciding to write a message, we do not always understand what to write a letter to a guy about, what information it should contain. You only need to write in it about what you think about, what is in your heart. This is fundamentally important, because when you meet in person, you will no longer be able to hide your feelings, and then it will be more difficult to make a confession.

If you decide to open up your feelings, you need to do it honestly and sincerely. If you're writing to someone who doesn't know you like him, tell him when your feelings arose, why you like him so much, what makes him special to you. A young man will surely appreciate your honesty and directness.

How to express your thoughts correctly

Expressing your attitude to a guy in your own words can be quite difficult. Thoughts can get confused, the right words can not be found in any way, the letter can seem awkward, illogical and uninteresting. To get rid of these fears, you need to take a break and think a little before you start writing.

Before composing a letter, write on a piece of paper in the form of abstracts your thoughts, everything that you would like to convey to your beloved. Perhaps you wanted to tell him the story of your feelings, convey the depth of those emotions that your meetings give you, or just ask for a chance to show him your best side.

You need to write everything that comes to mind, without thinking about how it looks on paper. You write this exclusively for yourself, which means you can be extremely honest, sincere and courageous in your decisions. After the abstracts are ready, re-read them. You yourself will understand where to start your letter, and what should be left for oral recognition.

Types of letters

There are several different reasons to write a letter to a guy. This may not necessarily be a declaration of love, perhaps he is on a business trip or in the army, and you are very bored. Sometimes in a letter it is much easier to state the reasons why you have to break off a love relationship - in writing it is easier to collect your thoughts and explain all emotions in an accessible way.

Let's consider several ways to write such messages. Examples will help you get inspired and start your own writing.


A letter of confession is the most common form. These messages are difficult to write, but they can be life-changing. Your beloved may not be aware of your feelings and experience something similar for you.

The structure of the letter should be something like this:

  • an introduction where you need to explain the reasons for writing a letter;
  • the main part where you can express all your innermost thoughts;
  • conclusion.

An excerpt from an example:

“I don’t remember when I realized that I really like you, probably this feeling originated in me from the very moment we met. When I looked into your eyes, I realized that I was lost in them. I want to be by your side, and it drives me crazy to think that I don't know if you like me as much as I like you.

I do not expect any action, I do not want to force you to anything. I just need to know how you treat me, if I have a chance to be by your side. "

A short excerpt from an example of such a letter will help you tune in to write it:

“I count the days until the moment when I can see you again - there are only 134 of them left. I believe that separation will make us and our love even stronger. Wherever you are now, know that I love and wait for you, no matter what. You are part of my heart, and without you I feel bad and lonely.

Your parents are doing well, they are waiting for you, your little sister finished the quarter without a single grade. Dima is also being drafted into the army, maybe you will even meet somewhere. "

Farewell letter

Saying goodbye is just as difficult as admitting your feelings. The letter will help to tell about the reasons, explain and convey to the former lover everything that cannot be said out loud. When writing, it is very important to choose the right words correctly: parting is always painful, and such a letter can hurt even more.

It is better to write about how good it was for you together, what a pity that the best times are behind you. State the reason why you are leaving, so that your ex-boyfriend understands what his fault is or, on the contrary, knows that he is not responsible for the separation. So you can put an end to and not spoil the relationship, perhaps one day you will be able to become just friends.

How to convey a message

You can send a letter in different ways: put it in personal belongings, send it by mail or leave it in the house when leaving, you can ask mutual friends to hand it over personally. The main thing is that during transmission you are 100% sure that it will not get to strangers and that the recipient will definitely be able to read it.

When writing, it is also important to pay attention to the design - it should be written without blots, in a beautiful even handwriting, and be issued in a neat signed envelope. Therefore, it is best to write on a draft first and then rewrite on a blank sheet of paper. It is undesirable to use lined pages from notebooks - they will look sloppy and frivolous. Such a trifle should not spoil the general mood of the letter, and therefore you should take care of this in advance.

A simple A4 sheet is suitable (it is better to choose thick paper), you can also write on special decorated sheets. You can lightly sprinkle the paper with your perfume - the smell will be remembered by the recipient even on a subconscious level.

You can make your own original envelope:

What is not worth writing about

Of course, each girl decides on her own what exactly is worth writing in such a love letter, because it must be sincere and honest. However, there are several topics that are best left out. The main task of such a letter is to intrigue, push the beloved to some actions or steps, to reveal to him your feelings.

Also, you should not write about any negative points, you should not use expressive words, and even more so, you should not use obscene language. You also don’t need to write about the opportunity to refuse or pretend that this letter was not, this will demonstrate your insecurity and anxiety. In addition, by doing this, you can accidentally induce a person to refuse, even if he does not want to refuse you: sometimes our fears and indecision play a cruel joke with us. Don't be too persistent and aggressive. Be calm and confident in your feelings, and then such a decisive step will definitely bring success.