Why do non-Russians wear white socks. Men's socks - how to wear and what to combine. The most underrated item in a man's wardrobe

Nothing spoils the impression in the guise of a man like socks! Wrongly chosen, they can cause you to always be remembered as "that man in white socks with black shoes." Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of this, um ... accessory seriously.

Rule One

The color of men's socks should match the color of the suit, but be slightly lighter than the color of the shoes. Try to find socks that match your trousers (unless, of course, they are black). If you can't match the exact color, choose socks that are a tone darker or lighter than the trousers.

White business socks are excluded. Bright, extreme colors are suitable for leisure or sports. Patterns, cartoon characters, inscriptions are also no good. Drawing on the toe is allowed, but it should be small: moderate English check, company logos, dots.

Rule Two

Socks should be high. The bare leg should not be visible, even if you are sitting cross-legged.

Rule Three

Of the materials, thin quality cotton is preferable, perhaps with a small, no more than 2 percent, Lycra content for better wear. Silk socks are worn ONLY under a tailcoat. Don't go overboard in trying to be elegant.

Combinations such as wool and cotton, silk and cotton are comfortable. The legs will "breathe" (synthetics in socks should be no more than 5%).

Elastic at the socks should not squeeze the leg. Good socks have “press control” for this, that is, an elastic band that does not squeeze the foot.

Further. Even inappropriate to talk about it, but! Dear men, it is customary to wash socks every day. The best option is to buy 7 pairs at once. Then at hand there will always be clean and not very worn socks.

The price of good socks can sometimes lead to a stupor. For example, Nina Ricci, Versace, Gianfranco Ferre produce socks for $50-$120 per pair. But there are, as you know, other companies whose socks are much cheaper.

Approximate color combinations in clothes will help you choose the right socks. So.

Gray suit - white, blue, pink, ivory shirt - any color tie - black shoes - socks to match the tie.

Charcoal gray suit - white, light pink, ivory shirt - red and black tie - black boots - black socks.

Dark blue suit - white, ivory shirt - gray-red-burgundy tie - black, dark brown shoes - gray, burgundy socks.

Navy blue suit - white shirt - white-red-blue tie - black boots - dark blue, maroon socks.

Dark green suit - ivory shirt - red-green-brown tie - brown boots - brown socks.

Sand suit - light blue shirt - dark blue tie - light brown boots - light blue socks.

Light brown suit - white, pink, tobacco shirt - green, burgundy, red-black tie - coffee, red-brown shoes - burgundy socks.

Dark brown suit - white, beige, light pink shirt - green-brown, red-brown tie - brown boots - coffee, burgundy socks.

Black suit - white shirt - silver grey, red and black tie - black boots - smoky, black, dark purple socks.

There is a curious theory according to which a man's socks can serve as a clue to his personality. Without taking it too seriously, let's take a closer look.

Black socks usually worn by individuals who wash them once a month.

gray or brown more commonly worn by conservatives.

White adored by athletes or businessmen with unreasonable claims to taste.

Bright socks (like red ones) they prefer outwardly calm, but easily wound up over any trifle.

Having dealt with the color, let's move on to a more detailed study of their socks and continue with the drawings:

Diamonds or weaves - most likely, they hide the search for their place in life;

Funny images or ridiculous - girls, you are with a playboy;

Stripes and without a pattern are preferred by individuals who wash them once a month.

Of course, the choice of socks is a personal matter for everyone. After all, maybe green socks with a red Spiderman are your style?

How to choose the right socks

Do you know how to choose and match socks correctly? Far from a fact. To be honest, too many men spoil their looks with the wrong choice of socks.

But there are not so many rules, following which you can make the right choice. After all, some socks are suitable only for special occasions, some colors of socks should be worn only with certain clothes, etc. So that you do not spoil your appearance with socks of an “interesting color” (see picture), this article was written.


Perhaps one of the most frequently violated rules of modern fashion is the wearing of white socks outside of sporting events.

Just the other day I saw an elegant man dressed in a great black suit and black shoes, but when he sat down, white socks peeking out of the shoes spoiled the whole impression.

If you're going to the gym, white socks are just right. You can wear them (you will even look better in them than in black socks) when you are going to play outdoors, for example, football or just go for a run in the park.

However, do not wear white socks where you are not going to run, jump or jump. TABOO. Black socks should be worn even with jeans, so pull out your sock drawer and put your white socks closer to your sportswear and away from your dressy evening wear.


If you are going to wear formal or regular trousers (except jeans), then the choice of color of socks should be dictated not by the shades of your shoes, but by the color of the trousers. Black pants with black socks, brown pants with brown socks. The same applies to blue and gray trousers.

When choosing socks for trousers of other shades, you need to be careful. When choosing socks for your trousers, choose a few pairs and then make your final choice. If you still have doubts, we recommend choosing darker socks.

The reason is simple: if you suddenly have to take off your shoes or when you sit down, you will show off your socks. And if they look harmonious with the color of your trousers, then you have made the right choice. On the other hand, inappropriate socks can greatly spoil not only the entire ensemble, but also the overall impression.


Unless you were born and raised in the 1980s, when it was fashionable, you should know that twisting your ankle socks makes you look messy. Bending your toes isn't that bad, but it still looks weird because it makes your ankles look fatter than they really are, especially when you're wearing flared pants.

The same will happen if you put on shoes. When you sit down with your toes twisted or bent, everyone will notice your hairy legs, and in a business meeting, in the office or when meeting a girl, you definitely won’t earn yourself reward points.

Flashy socks can be worn ONLY at home

Socks with a fun color or your favorite cartoon character are fun, but please don't go out in them.

Socks with stripes of unimaginable colors and other multi-colored jokes are only suitable for your family and friends when you relax and do whatever you want. Wearing similar unusual socks in other situations (at work or in a bar or nightclub) will lead people to think about your “normality” or simply not take you seriously.


Another common mistake is wearing socks with shorts. inevitably, you will have to twist or bend your socks, and they themselves are unlikely to stay straight on the leg all the time.

And above, we have already come to the conclusion that bending and twisting socks does not comply with the general rules of wearing. Secondly, wearing socks with shorts visually shortens your legs by almost half, which will make you look shorter. And if you are naturally short, then this will definitely look unprofitable for you.

And since you don't want to leave the house in shorts and no socks, stock up on a few pairs of short socks that won't show when you put on your sneakers. Also, don't wear socks with sandals.

What do his socks say about a man?

Socks are incredibly useful. They warm our feet in cold weather and bring comfort when wearing shoes. By the way, it is by socks that you can guess the character and habits of its owner.

1. Socks with polka dots

So, for starters, a sock from a series of polka dots, a check, a rhombus of bright colors may appear before your eyes. It can be called "fun". In this case, know that its owner is an interesting personality, relaxed and very sociable. He can start a conversation with any girl and find a common language with all the neighbors and mother's friends. At school, all the teachers loved him, at work all the women are thrilled by him. In life, he is a clown and a ringleader. It is really easy to communicate with such a person, but it is difficult to be the one and only. There is too much competition in terms of conversations, walks and gatherings.

2. Zoo on socks

Rarely, but there are also such specimens of men who wear socks with dogs, elephants or Santa Clauses. These are exactly the socks that mothers, ex-wives buy for them at 100 rubles for 5 pairs. They are of disgusting quality, but exotic design. If you caught a man doing this, know that he has not just fallen into childhood, but it is quite possible that he is a sissy who is indifferent to his appearance. A normal man will never buy himself such a disgrace with images of various animals. He entrusts these matters to a woman close to him. However, he can also shift other decisions to her.

3. Sports socks

If he wears sports socks, most likely he devotes a lot of time to his health and sports. He is athletic, disciplined and tries not to miss training. It is quite possible that such a man will be able to arrange an enchanting performance in bed for you, since he is so well formed and keeps himself in good shape!

4. Black plain

Yes, he is a real conservative. Here you have to look at how worn the socks are. If it is strong, it means that he bought the first ones that came across, if they are brand new, it means that he really cares about his image. It is important that black socks are worn under shoes. This is a rule that every man should know: socks should match the tone of the shoes. And if your chosen one put on black socks with white shoes, then he is a rare lazy person who does not like washing and changing socks in itself.

4. Socks in different corners of the room

A man who scatters his socks in different corners of the room clearly leads an untidy and sloppy lifestyle. He doesn't take much care of his things. It will be extremely difficult to collect such a slob, but, as they say, an attempt is not torture. Pay attention, but does he confuse his scattered socks when he is awake and does he end up putting on different ones? If yes, then do not be surprised that one day you will not be called by your proper name. He's just too sloppy and inattentive.

5. Knots from socks

Are knots of socks hidden in the corners? This means that their owner is a secretive person, a little suspicious. However, he also has a positive quality: he brings everything he starts to the end and consolidates the results, as if tying them in a sea knot. He also does not like to lose anything and appreciates his time. Agree that sometimes, in order to find the missing pair among the chaos in the room, you need to spend a huge amount of time.

6. Ironed socks

Yes, and this happens sometimes. Especially if he lives with his mother, especially if she has nothing to do. So, between watching Brazilian TV shows, a mother irons her son's socks, calls him at work, and in the evenings checks his whereabouts. He is a sissy or a terrible pedant who can be pissed off even by a speck on the table.

7 Hole Socks

Holes in socks? He clearly lacks female affection and care. Maybe you should give him decent support, mend a pair of socks, cook food or tidy up the apartment? Such a type abandoned by women will be so delighted with your attention that he will be ready to carry you in his arms.

It would seem: socks are such a trifle, but they can seriously spoil the impression. It will break at the most unexpected moment. They will slide down like an accordion. Then they somehow miraculously get mixed up, especially if their owner did not sleep well. And in a person everything should be perfect: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and socks. To avoid embarrassment, you need to buy high-quality socks and change them to new ones in time. Color also matters.

What should the socks go with? How to choose the color of socks? There are a few simple rules.

For a long time there has been a rule of clothing etiquette, which says that Socks should be tucked under pants, not shoes.

For example, you are planning to wear a gray suit with brown shoes. Which socks to choose: gray or brown? Definitely grey!

Kennedy in matching socks

Clooney: socks under pants

Are you going to wear a blue suit with black shoes? The best solution is dark blue socks. Under black trousers we put on black socks, under khaki - khaki.

It is preferable that the socks are slightly darker than the trousers.

If the trousers are light and the shoes are dark, you should choose socks in the color of the trousers, but a few tones darker. For example: trousers are beige, shoes are dark brown, socks are light brown.

How to choose the color of socks? Under trousers, but a little darker

The “socks under trousers” rule is relevant for a formal exit: for example, for a business meeting, for work with a strict dress code, for a formal event.

Socks under trousers

Advice: buy several pairs of dark gray socks. They will suit different trousers: blue, gray, beige-gray, etc.

If you are going somewhere where strict formality is not required (for example, to a date, to a party, to an office without a rigid dress code, to a wedding, etc.), you can choose colored socks that do not match either trousers or shoes . However, the socks should echo something else, such as a shirt, tie, or handkerchief in the breast pocket of a jacket. So, you can wear red socks with a gray suit and a red tie.

When choosing socks for an informal outing, creativity is welcome!

The same applies to socks with a colored pattern - for example, with an argyle diamond. You can wear gray socks with purple diamonds for gray trousers if the shirt, tie or scarf is also purple.

Advice. Colored socks should be dark enough. For example, if the shirt is light blue, it is better to take dark blue socks.

The same principle works with jeans as with trousers. We put on dark blue socks for blue jeans, blue socks for blue jeans, and black socks for black ones. You can also wear accent socks with jeans if the clothes have a detail of the same color.

Rule 4: White socks - only with sportswear!

Under no circumstances should white socks be worn with trousers or jeans. This is the real mauvais ton! And even with white trousers, you should not wear them, preferring colored or light-colored socks. In general, summer white suits are worn with moccasins, loafers and other similar shoes without socks.

Thick sports socks should not be worn with trousers. Only thin ones! Ideally, under a suit and dress pants, you should wear smooth socks, without any texture.

With jeans, sports socks are acceptable if you plan to wear sneakers, sneakers or boots.

How to choose the color of socks

The first and basic rule: socks should be matched in color to trousers, and not to shoes. If the trousers are much lighter than the low shoes, the color of the socks should be medium, ensuring a smooth transition from the suit to the shoes. For example, if the pants are light gray and the shoes are black, the socks might be a medium-dark gray. A similar rule applies to jeans: black socks should be worn with black denim, blue with blue, and medium-dark blue with blue.

In the process of studying the topic, we even came across an artistic justification for the phenomenon of light socks. According to the rules for applying shadows, the closed narrow part of the leg - the ankle - is in natural shadow, therefore, in reality, it should not be conspicuous. Too light socks break the silhouette, bringing the shaded area to the fore, which looks unnatural.

White socks can only be worn on two occasions: at training and on the red carpet, along with a white tuxedo and white shoes. Sports socks, as a rule, are more dense and elastic, often shortened. You can wear white socks not only with light-colored sneakers, but also with bright and dark ones.

If you are wearing white low shoes with a white suit, thin white socks are the only solution. To be honest, we saw such combinations only on the catwalk, in fashion magazines of the 80s and in the wardrobe of the Ken doll. We do not think that any of you at least once in your life will be faced with the need to wear a white suit with white low shoes. However, if you practice, then our advice is useless: you are a style guru without them.

How to choose the length of socks

There are three lengths of socks: low (low-cut), medium (ankle-dress) and high (knee-length). In formal looks, the length of the socks should be as long as possible so that your bare leg is not visible under any circumstances. High socks are worn by most politicians: even if they sit on a low sofa and their pants are very high, we see only their socks, but not their bare legs.

Suspenders that keep socks on the leg all day can already be considered old-fashioned. But if you are a conservative, then sock suspenders will find a place in your wardrobe today. Suspenders are also worth a try for those who find any elastic band on their socks tight, or for those for whom slipping socks are a problem.

Do not wear socks with shorts. The exception is sports. Training or running in shorts of any length and sneakers requires socks, at least for hygienic reasons, and socks can be anything: short or medium, white or colored. In the case of shorts-breeches made of suit fabrics or summer options made of denim and linen, socks are not required.

If you wear shorts with loafers or slip-ons, invisible footprint socks will do, which will completely hide under the shoes. And if you are wearing topsiders, moccasins or sandals, then you should completely refuse socks.

How to choose the material and texture of socks

Socks should be chosen not only by color and length, but also by material. Thick, dense socks with a high Lycra content are good for sports, as they stay on the foot and are resistant to active loads. For a suit, you need smooth plain socks, without texture and pattern. They can be made of high-quality cotton, bamboo, with a small content of lycra (up to 2%). Jeans are worn with socks that match the style of shoes: with loafers and slip-ons - thin suit or low traces, with sneakers and sneakers - sports, with sandals and topsiders - none.

Leave the wool socks to the fireplace and mountain boots, and the bright cartoon print versions for Milan Fashion Week. Aerobatics - silk socks. They can only be worn with a tailcoat, so we put them in the same category of mythical menswear as the white total look.


formal suits

Men's suits are conditionally divided into formal and informal. Signs of difference are the features of the cut, fit of trousers and jacket, color and material. Formal suits are designed for formal events and the business environment, they allow you to comply with the dress code. Formal suits are always paired, i.e. trousers and jacket are made from the same fabric. The jacket has strict lines, which can only change within the limits of the model. So, the shelves are always glued, the upper part of the jacket has several lining parts that make up the "frame". Trousers in formal suits are most often wide, with arrows, but modern versions can also have narrow legs.

Informal couple suits

Informal suits differ from formal suits in a less regimented cut and soft form. They can be either narrow or loose, plain or patterned. Informal suits can be paired and unpaired, in the second case, the jacket and trousers are made of different materials. Informal suits include all modern options with tight cropped trousers, sometimes just below the ankle.

Pair suits can be made from fine wool, as well as more unusual linen, tweed and cotton. You can wear informal suits both with the usual low shoes and with shoes without laces: loafers, slip-ons and moccasins. The same rule works with informal unpaired suits.

Informal unpaired suits

An unpaired combination of a jacket and trousers is a great alternative for every day. Participants and guests of men's fashion weeks often choose bright steamed suits, for example, raspberry trousers with a light green jacket. In everyday life, you will probably prefer more discreet combinations: blue and light plaid, khaki and milky, dark gray and mustard. Please note that unpaired items in a suit must be made of fabrics of different textures. It is not forbidden to wear black trousers and a gray jacket made of the same fabric in different colors, but the look will turn out to be boring. It is better if the trousers are made of smooth wool, and the jacket is made of tweed, and for summer you can combine trousers or cotton chinos with a linen jacket. Drawings will also support different textures, but they should be on only one piece of the suit: either checkered trousers with a plain jacket, or a plain bottom with a checkered top.

Length trousers

Conventionally, all men's trousers in length can be divided into long and short.

Short trousers are always narrowed; in the modern version of the men's suit, they can only slightly cover the ankle. Informal short trousers can be worn with contrasting socks (see the beginning of the article), as well as with invisible footprints and without socks.

Formal trousers most often have wide legs that reach the heel at the back and form a kink in front, lying on the shoes. The presence and depth of a break are determined by one of four degrees: full (full break), half (half break), quarter (quarter break) and no break (no break).


Formal suits require wearing derbies, oxfords, monks and chelseas. Informal pairs and unpairs, depending on the fabric and style, will be good paired with loafers, moccasins, topsiders, deserts, chakka, as well as sneakers and sneakers. About all these and many other varieties of men's shoes. Have questions? Write to us through the feedback form and leave comments on social networks. We always talk about what interests you!

Shoes for black and graphite trousers

Formal: black.
Informal: anything but brown.

Shoes for dark gray trousers

Formal: black, dark brown.
Informal: any dark.

Shoes for light gray trousers

Formal: black, light brown, red.
Informal: any.

Shoes for dark blue trousers

Formal: black, brown (for navy trousers); light brown and dark brown (for trousers in rich bright blue).

Shoes for light blue trousers

Formal: black, brown (for muted blue trousers); under bright blue: light brown and dark brown (for bright blue trousers).
Informal: anything but bright blue matching trousers.

To me, socks are the funniest piece of clothing. For some reason, I always remember Carlson, who was chased by his grandmother demanding to change his socks.
Funny striped socks are cool. But you don't always want to look funny. And even more so, you rarely want a man next to you to look funny. I want him to look stylish and courageous. Like James Bond, for example. He already knows how to wear socks and what to wear.

There are a huge number of men's shoes that are supposed to be worn barefoot. Moreover, if we look at shootings in men's magazines, photos from shows, we will see that often even classic shoes are presented with bare ankles. Of course, it is hardly worth wearing a formal suit without socks - such a reception suggests a relaxed atmosphere and a fairly free approach to your appearance.


But often there is a certain problem: you want relaxation, and wearing shoes on your bare feet is uncomfortable. Here special models of shortened socks come to the rescue, which are practically invisible from under the shoes. The female version of such socks in Soviet times was called footprints. They still exist. But I'll talk about women a little later, let's get back to men for now.

Moccasins, sports shoes, espadrilles, loafers, slip-ons - all of them can be worn with an open ankle and socks of this type. It will be convenient, comfortable (shoes rub less with socks), hygienic and stylish. The main thing is to choose socks so that they do not look out, but are completely covered by shoes.

This is not a very good option.

I think it’s not worth specifying that if you wear open sandals, then you shouldn’t even combine such micro-socks with them. (Although when I see the condition of the legs of some men in transport, I want to advise them the opposite). Most of all, it "gets" when a man puts on shorts, and to them long socks, reaching to the middle of the calf. First, your legs immediately begin to look ugly. And secondly, this is some kind of, excuse me, nerdy version. Shorts - only with bare legs.

Even with sneakers we put on short socks - and everyone will be happy.

Now about the girls. There are two options for attitudes towards socks (however, this thesis also applies to men): either we approach the issue creatively and consciously focus on socks, or we don’t wear them, or we put on a shortened version that no one will guess. Yes, yes, those same heirs, only in their modernized form.

They are also good to wear with loafers, moccasins and other shoes that came from the men's wardrobe.

However, with closed boats, they will also look good. At least it's certainly better than the unfortunate nude tights or regular length socks. For feminine shoes, it is best to choose thin seamless ones.

That's it - bad.

Just please don't ask us why it suddenly became fashionable to wear socks and stockings - with dresses, skirts, suits and coats. Do not ask, because we do not have an exact and honest answer to this question. There is only an answer on duty - because fashion is changeable. Because socks worn under shoes add charm and fragility to the image. Because the socks of the last century, and here it is again.

Socks and socks in the collections of fashionable women's clothing

In the autumn-winter collections of women's clothing, socks, stockings and multi-colored tights could be seen at Prada and Gucci shows. Last season at Balenciaga and Dolche Gabbana. In the spring, shades of tights in every conceivable color are a must-have element of the Balmain look, while socks and knee-highs will be offered to wear by Prada, and Versace.

In the photo - images from Gucci:

Photo - Pinterest.com, Vogue.com

As you can see, Gucci models wear socks with a printed dress, with skinny jeans, with a leather suit:

How to wear socks - Like this!

Of course, we're not advocating that socks or knee-highs be included in just-in-all-out looks. Wear them according to your mood. When, for example, you want to surprise. Or be surprised - brave yourself.

How to wear socks with a dress, skirt and trousers

In 2014, while analyzing men's fashion trends, we noticed that three-quarters of designers suggested that men NOT wear socks even under a BUSINESS SUIT. We then assumed that reputable couturiers organized a conspiracy against companies that produce socks. And yet the masters of fashion did not take into account that nature does not tolerate emptiness, and that, according to Newton's Second Law, the force of action is equal to the force of reaction.

In our fashionable case, this means that if men partially stopped wearing socks, then women began to wear them - with dresses, trousers, skirts, etc. So, as you can see, there are no contradictions between physical laws and fashion, with all its contradictions and inconstancy. Q.E.D.

We recommend that you follow the path proven for thousands of years called "From simple to complex". To get started, include socks in your look with jeans and a jacket. If you don’t dare to put on pumps, then wear loafers or sneakers.

If it's cold outside, replace your sandals with ankle boots. If it is more than 12ºС outside, you will be quite comfortable and warm in socks and sandals:

After you have practiced on trousers and jeans, move on to more complex stylistic decisions - wear socks with a dress or skirt. To get started, turn your socks into a spectacular, but not complicated look in terms of the amount of detail. For example, put them on and sneakers or ankle boots, see photo:

Black outfit - red socks

As you may have already noticed, most often fashionistas wear knee-highs or socks with platform shoes:

In the forties, women of fashion put on socks so that their feet would not freeze - because of the war, only a few could afford a new seasonal pair of shoes. Because Her Majesty Fashion could not fight this trend, so she made the only right decision - to lead it.

Beige trench coat, socks and granny sandals

Black socks can be worn over black tights. And yet - with a fur coat.

Knee-highs, an A-line miniskirt, pussy glasses and a fishnet blouse will help you create a trendy autumn and winter:

If you don’t like the trend and you are sure that you will never dress like this, you can close this article. Just remember:

Remember also that “in a year” you will be the one who follows fashion, and now, if you put together a stylish look, which will include socks or knee-highs, then they will imitate you.

And here is Alexa herself in socks, boots and a cocktail dress at the women's fashion shows during Paris Fashion Week. “No, well, what,” her look seems to tell us.

Openwork black stockings will be worn by the most daring women of fashion:

Fishnet black stockings for a drama look