Crafts from napkins on the table. Origami from napkins: Beautiful ideas and techniques of execution. How beautiful to fold napkins on the table

If you want to beautifully serve a festive table

, besides interesting dishes, your table can decorate original folded napkins.

There are many ways to fold both paper and tissue napkins.

Learning about several of them, you can decorate how everyday, so I. solemn the table, thereby creating cozy and festive atmosphere.

Wipes for serving the table - "French envelope"

Beautiful napkins on the table - "Bow-butterfly"

How to decorate the table with napkins - "Heart"

Decoration of the table with napkins - "Hare ears"

How beautiful to fold the napkins - the "bag"

Schemes of beautiful napkins - "Tie"

Crafts from Napkins - "Swan"

How beautiful to fold napkins on the table

1. Flowers from napkins (master class) - "Clay"

* Now you need to combine the left and right corners of the resulting triangle with its paint.

* Now connect the right and left corner from the back of the napkin and insert one into another.

* Turn your shape and pull the corners to the right and left.

* It remains only to neatly put a napkin into a vertical position.

2. Lily from the napkins do it yourself

* As in the first case, the napkin needs to be folded in half diagonally.

* Now the napkin needs to be folded again along the horizontal axis.

* Begin the top of the top triangle.

READ ALSO: Paper Flowers

3. Crafts from napkins do it yourself - "MegaFon"

* Fold your napkin in half.

* Once again, fold the napkin in the same direction.

* Now symmetrically need to beatened down the side of the obtained narrow rectangle.

* Turn the resulting form to the front part from ourselves and twist the ends so that you have "kulets".

* It remains only to connect the "kulets" with each other.

4. Napkins on the table (photo) - "Diamond"

* Fold the napkin in half horizontally.

* Now once again fold the napkin in half to get the square (4 layers).

* Bend one layer of the square and bend it in half to almost the opposite angle, slightly reaching it.

* Becoming the second and third layer of the square in the same style.

* Turn over the figure.

* Fold the left and right corners, as shown in the image or video. The main thing is that everything is symmetrically. One end to fold the other.

* Roll over the napkin again. Ready!

5. Beautifully fold napkins on the table - "turntable"

* Connect all the ends of the napkins in its center.

* Lower and top fold so that they meet in the middle of the shapes.

* Turn the shape and fold the lower and top parts to the middle.

* Start bending from the shape of the tips of your future turntable. Do it as shown in the image or video lesson. The bottom left corner must be left left, and the upper right right. The same with the rest of the corners.

Video lesson:

6. How beautiful to turn the napkins - "Artichok"

* Put the unfolded napkin on the table with the involving side up.

* Generate all corners of napkins to the center.

* Bend the corners to the center again.

* Now turn over the napkin and reap the corners again to the center.

* Gently start pulling the tips of the napkin from the quadrilateral.

Video lesson:

7. How to put the napkins beautifully - "Handbag"

* Put the unfolded napkin on the table and fold it vertically in half.

* Collect the napkin in half, it is from bottom to do it.

* The top corners of the first layer are lowered to the center (it looks like a paper airplane is assembled), and the resulting triangle bend down slightly below the base.

* Repeat the same with the angles of the second layer and the resulting triangle bent over the first triangle.

Video lesson:

How to make flowers from napkins

Rose from napkins do it yourself

From a conventional paper napkin, you can make a beautiful rose and decorate the table with it, as well as make a pleasant to loved ones and your favorite people.

The scheme is not very complicated, which means that any can make a rose. Here are both photo instructions and a video lesson.

Option 1

* Spread the napkin on a flat surface and start twisting it into the tube. To make it easier to do, grab one end of the napkin with the help of index and middle fingers.

* One end of the tube must be bent.

* Holding one part of the tube, start twisting another (greater) part. You do not need to twist until the very end - stop slightly below the middle.

* Low, not twisted part, carefully lift upstairs to make roses leaves from it.

* Push out in some places your leaf for roses so that it remains in the position you need.

* The lowest flower can also twist.

* Redade the top of your flower so that the rose becomes more realistic.

Photo Instruction:

Video lesson:

If the first time it does not work, do not despair - everything comes with practice. Practice and everything will turn out.

Option 2.

How to make a rose from the tissue napkin

You can also make a beautiful rose from tissue napkins, and this process is even easier than the paper napkins. You will need two napkins - green and red, as well as a glass.

Option 1

Video lesson can be found after the description.

First make leaves

* Fold the green napkin in half diagonally.

* Now fold in half.

* If necessary (if the size of the napkin allows you to fold the triangle again in half.

Making a rose

* Fold the napkin diagonally.

* Pickup of the resulting triangle connect with its basis.

* If you wish, you can lower the lower part (the one that is longer) the figures bend to the middle.

* Twist the shape into the tube - you will have a rose bud.


* Insert the bud in the leaves.

* Insert the whole design into a glass.

* If necessary, correct the leaves and bud so that they acquire a more realistic view.

Option 2.

* Fold the red napkin in half diagonally.

* Roll into striped napkin.

* Now the strip must be twisted into the bud and then fill the sticking corner inside.

* Prepare a green napkin and fold it in half diagonally.

* To the left and on the right, fold the ends for a couple of centimeters - see picture. You will have rose petals.

* Invest "leaves" in a glass.

* Insert a red bud in green leaves.

Decoration for the table is ready!

Paper napkins may not be easy to be hygiene, but also decorating any table. Why not create yourself and close a good mood, spending a few minutes on origami from the napkin? For a festive table of paper napkins, you can add real masterpieces in the form of flowers, boats, tents and even butterflies.

It is enough to show a little fantasy or choose one of the proposed options in the article. Such a table setting looks spectacular, does not require special skills from the hostess and does not take much time.

Original Origami Napkin Option For Design Table

Option of serving for breakfast and dinner

If during the Middle Ages the napkin was the subject of luxury and was made from expensive materials, today she is given less solemn role. The first paper napkins began to use only in the XX century after the completion of the First World War. They began to wear a more practical character and attended almost every home regardless of status. From now on, it was not necessary to fill the napkins for the gate of the shirt or dresses.

Today, the abundance of colors, textures and styles of paper napkins can re-embody a long tradition of a beautiful table setting. A huge number of original ideas and accessible ways of folding napkins allow you to make a festive any breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Simple tea drinking and lunch does not provide complex structures, so the most solemn options are better to leave for dinner. In the first case, it is worth taking a 35 × 35 cm napkins, and for the evening 46 × 46 cm. During the tea party, the napkins are folded under the side of the plates, under the appliances of guests, fruit vase or under the dessert.

The napkins with the ornament and the pattern, as well as the openwork edge, quite carefully fold the tube, an envelope or in the form of a triangle on a plate.

You can use rings for serving or in a cup handle, folding the origami harmonic napkin, as well as reject the dessert spoon.

The solemnity of the table gives napkins folded in the form of cylinders and cones.

Do not overdo the table decoration so that guests do not forget about the direct assignment of paper napkins.

Selection of paper palette of paper napkins

Using several colors at once, you can twist red napkins in roses, and put the green leaves in a circle.

If a strict dinner is provided or the interior is made in a high style style, then it is necessary to take gray or napkins of metallic.

Rules of etiquette in the use of napkins


Spectacular Origami Napkin Options

We fold the origami napkin vertically in half. Fleet goes on the right side. From the bottom up we put the napkin in half. Then you need to take 2 upper layers in the left corner and bend them to the center. Similarly, we make with the right angle. The upper triangle bend to the lower edge of the origami napkin. For the 2 left layers, the same is doing the same.

We fold the paper napkin face down. Then bend the corners to the center as in the picture. I turn over the design and bend the corners again to the center. At the bottom of the Origami napkins are not bent edges in the form of triangles. Sticking the corner in the center and pull these edges upstairs. Cute petals are obtained.

Beautifully decorated table is the center of any celebration. It is possible to give it originality with the help of decorations in the form of various figures made in the Origami technique from the napkins. Textile and paper works are used for serving festive trapes. For their manufacture, newcomers can take advantage of the schemes that are distributed in large numbers on the Internet.

Paper is the most common materialUsed for serving meals. From her you can make completely simple figures, and complex structures. Even small children will be able to decorate on the table on the origami plates from napkins.

Children's table

Origami from napkins for children are made in the form of simple figures. They can be decorated with a table during a children's holiday or family meal.

For cute fish it is necessary to take a standard square napkin and fully deploy it. Then folded twice the square diagonally, thoroughly stroking the seams with his fingers. The central points of the side drive together so as to obtain an equifiable triangle. Each side is bended to the axial line and return back to get two symmetrical diagonal lines. They alternately firm the opposite corners of the workpiece. All lines neatly stroke and turn the crawl to the other side. Fish is ready.

Origami "Shirt" can be used when serving a festive feast for boys. It is very easy to fold it. The napkin is deployed to a large square. His corners are summarized to the middle, stroking the side lines of folds. The opposite side sides of the resulting figure bend to the central line. There should be an elongated rectangle.

Approximately 2 cm in the upper part did turn back. The top corners of the rectangle are tied to one point on the central line, forming a collar shirt.

The lower corners from the center are rejected to the sides. They should go out the contour of the part. Then this part of the crafts raise, the crying under the tips of the collar. All fold lines gently pressed with their fingers. Shirt ready.

For girls, you can fold the origami "Tulip flower". For its manufacture, you need to prepare 2 napkins (green for stem and color for bud).

A colored square napkin, not unfolding, is located in front of a rhombus (open sides should be lower). The lower angle is connected to the top, forming a triangle. The right and left corners of the triangle are bent in the opposite direction so that the tips are overlooking the side line. The figure turn over and get a bud.

The green square is bended diagonally and unfold back. Two neighboring sides pressed to the diagonal line. Then the shape is folded in half. Nizhny angle wrap up. Steel with a sheet is ready.

At end, both parts of the flower are connected on a plate by typing the tip of the stalk to the fold on the booton.

Rose on the stem

The flower of napkins in the form of roses can be made in several ways. The following method is the most famous and simple performed.

Paper rose, which can be put on a long glass, mastery from a conventional single-layer napkin on a simple scheme:

Water lily or water lily

A napkin can be performed beautifully folded in the Origami technique.

It is better to use dense paper products for its manufacture.

The napkin is completely unfolded and folded as an envelope. It turns out a small square, the angles of which bend into the center. The workpiece turn over and repeat the previous steps. Folded angles are fixed with fingers in the center. Another hand neatly pull the bottom corners upstairs, forming flower petals. Then this operation is repeated with the remaining bottom corners. All items spread. The water lily is ready.

Modular Salnament

To decorate the table, you can use an unusual napkin, made in the technique of modular origami. For its manufacture, you will need the following materials:

  • 4 green napkins;
  • 40 colored napkins (white, red or pink);
  • a small piece of wire.

The green square blank is deployed to a rectangle, which is folded in half, chained the horizontal middle line. Four angle bend to this line. Then the long sides are connected in the workpiece. The resulting figure is folded in half. According to the same scheme, three more strips are folded, which are folded together and fix in the middle by several wires of the wire. The rays of the base are painted in the form of the sun.

For the manufacture of petal, the napkin is diagonally. The sharp corners are lowered by forming a rhombus. It turns over and bend the top corners up. The resulting triangle is folded in half the corners inside. The angle is painted, flexing the figure in the form of a petal. Similarly, all other petals are folded.

To facilitate the formation of buds, it is necessary to prepare a flat stupid object (handle, spoons or forks). In the neighboring rays of the bases insert the corners of the petal and tightly shifted them to the center. For this work use auxiliary tool. Thus create the first row of bud. Modeling subsequent lines of petals, new parts are inserted into the adjacent elements of the previous row. At the end of the work, all petals are corrected by forming a round-shaped bud.

Textile Napkin Figures

Fissure napkins are less common material for the decor of the table. But the figures of them look more representative and noble.

To work it is necessary to pick up dense cotton wipes that can be previously starch.

Decoration for glasses

Beautifully arrange using shapes from napkins, you can not only table, plates, but also glasses. For example, glasses decorated with iris from fabric napkins will be original.

The accumulated square fabric bends diagonally. The corners of the resulting brazers raise, leaving a small distance between them. The lower angle wrapped inside and fold the blank in the form of a harmonica. The figure is placed in a glass and straighten the petals.

Romantic origami

In the design of dinner or wedding banquet you can use textile napkinsFolded in the form of a heart.

The napkin from the tissue of the square shape is diagonally. The sharp corners of the triangle raise to the straight. Then two small top corners are sweeping inside. On the upper bed, the napkins should form two small inaccessible triangles. The blank turn over the other side with small triangles down. The bottom of the rhombus wrap up. The figure is once again turned over and lay out on a plate.

Pink bud

Rose is one of the most favorite colors of needlework masters. Rose from napkins can be made of both paper and a tissue napkin.

Square piece of fabric bend in the form of a screech. From the base side, the triangle is rolling to the middle. The workpiece turns over the coolest part down. Holding for one end, the workpiece twisted into the roller. The free corner is fixed between the layers of the fabric. Then you need to pull the corners located at the bottom of the roller, forming two sheets. You can decorate the surface of the table with a finished craft, place it on a plate or in a glass.

Design table - an important element not only festive feast, but also daily meals. Beautifully folded napkins can make a simple family dinner with a special event.

Beautiful table setting is a whole art. In addition to the knowledge of the right location of each device, the ability to create beauty from nothing. For example, turn a simple napkin into an exquisite flower, blossoming right next to the plate. Many owners seems complicated and even a challenge. But in fact, all this is much easier than it seems, and each can master the Japanese art of creating paper and animal paper.


Napkins are used both in everyday life and on the festive table. They are able to turn any food in a luxurious meal, even if there are no special dishes on the table.

When creating beautiful figures from the napkin, not only correctly selected schemes, but also the quality of the material play a very important role. Napkins are different: dense, thin, single-layer, consisting of several layers. Sometimes they are also replaced by more expensive and high-quality linen towels.

Choosing napkins, of which it is easy to make figures, it is worth paying attention to only those whose density is above 18 g / sq. m. Such paper does not break when trying to bend it and wrap. In addition, unfolding such pieces at the table, you can be sure that it will not break and damage even after use.

As for the size, it is better to choose wide napkins.It costs to navigate the complexity of the figure that will be created in the end. If these are some easy creations like a primitive rose or a fan, then you should choose a napkin sizes 35 by 35 centimeters.

Patterns can also be different. Napkins, of which make figures on the table, are monophonic and color. The harder composition, and the more small details in it, the easier it should be the material from which it is made. It is better to give preference to completely monophonic paper. And for easy neat products, you can take bright patterned napkins, in which the print will serve the finished shape.

How to fold beautifully?

In working with thin paper napkins, it is important not only to find the perfect suitable material, but also learn how to work with it as careful.

Figures of animals

Elegant crafts in the form of animals will decorate any desk. And if you do together with your child, you can get not only a beautiful decorative thing, but also a pleasant evening in a family circle.

Japanese art origami teaches creating complex compositions from paper. You can roll the cloth in the form of a dog figurine or crane, and you can make a frog, which will even be able to jump. But such crafts are far from the simplest, so you need to start with something easier.

For example, with the creation of their own hands origami from the napkins in the form of a swan. The desk decoration looks very graceful, and it is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance.

The first thing the napkin needs to be neatly folded on the diagonal and spend the fold on the fold line, smoothing it. The edges of the napkin need to raise and attach to this column in the same way as they do, folding the airplane. Then the cracker must be turned over and repeat the same thing only on the other side.

The resulting billet folds across. Corners must come into contact. Now you need to get the top up the narrow part, making the swan's head out of it. The neck will be able to fold the shape along. The last stage is the formation of wings that need to be pulled out and accurately straighten.

Floral and fruit compositions

Flower arrangements also look no less beautiful. From paper you can create amazing plants and flowers.

At the same time, the creation of such a miracle takes several times less than on the formation of an exquisite swan:

  • rose flower. One of the most simple colors is a pink bud. It is made from folded in half a napkin. It is then bends into a neat triangle, which follows over with a neat roll. It is necessary to repeat several times exactly until the pink bud becomes quite small. Then you need to get small leaves, trying to act so as not to damage the rosets bud.

  • Lotus. This composition consists of several napkins. Eight squares will need for the foundation, another twenty-four - for the edges. All billets are mounted with a stapler that does not spoil thin paper. Of the eight napkins, neat pockets are made in which white figures are inserted. Such a modular combination should be carried out until the napkins are completed.

  • A pineapple. According to the similar principle, the figure of pineapple is being done. But it is necessary to mount the napkins, moving off aside, and upstairs. Yes, and colors, as a rule, are selected by others. For example, green and yellow or coffee.

Beautiful flowers are suitable for serving a festive table for any occasion.

Decorations for the new year

The most obvious version of the decoration of the New Year's table is a tree from napkins. To create such a craft, you need only green napkins and a step-by-step explanation.

Make a Christmas tree from paper in several ways. For beginners, the easiest of them is suitable.

To create a simple Christmas tree, you must first turn the square in half twice. The edges need to be carefully cut so that a little free space remains between the layers. After that, the napkin needs to be turned over, and its edges bend into the center to get a neat triangle again. It turns out a neat tree, which is already in itself will serve as an excellent decoration of the table.

If you want more, you can additionally decorate it with sparkles.

Creating pieces from napkins is an exciting occupation for adults, and for children. If you beautifully fold all the blanks in the cloth or make complex figures and decompose them next to the plates, you can make any meal more solemn.

1. In the initial position, the napkin must be rolled by 4 parts. Put it in such a way that four separate leafs be at the bottom.

2. Now bend the left side to the right to find the middle of the napkins.

3. And deploy it to its original position.

4. Bend the right side of the napkin to the center.

5. And the left side also bend to the center.

6. Put the napkin back up.

7. Bend right and left side to the center.

8. Turn the napkin to yourself with a sharp end.

9. Sent around the center.

10. Approximately so that the sharp end of the napkin gets to the top edge.

11. Generate the narrow end of the napkin as in the photo. It turns out the head and neck of the swan.

12. Bend the swan in half.

13. Place his neck and head.

14. It turns out something like this.

15. It remains to flush the swan tail. To do this, pull up one layer from the napkin.

16. Total will be 4 layers.

17. Swan from the napkin in the Origami technique is ready. Just keep in mind that it is not very stable, so it is better to put it on a napkin, who has one corner bent inside, as if creating a tubercle that will not give a swan.

For the table service, you can make such or such.

Adjust your guests to friendly conversations with a beautiful design of the table. Figures from napkins will be able to help you. Make exquisite swans, fan, beautifully wrap cutlery and guests will immediately understand that they fell for a holiday to the real mistress. It will place them to you, and they "come up" your tablecloths and dishes. After all, with such delights, I don't want to overshadow the events of the organizer. For the new ideas of figures, consider the origami icons from the napkins on the table specifically collected in this article.

Floral Salpars

Lotos's cloth is made easy and simple. Categories of colors from napkins can be highlighted with a large chapter, as a variety of folding methods is very much, on any choice and taste. A very interesting way to fold from paper napkins in a lotus flower, which is a kind of carpet. It looks very gorgeous, but how to do it, show in the instructions with photos. The technique of creating these colors origami modules is called.

To start work, we need to prepare napkins, 8 napkins on the base of the flower and 24 napkins of any colors, will actually look like white and yellow napkins. We will also need a stapler or dry glue, it quickly glues and does not soften.

We make modules based on green napkins. The folded napkin is four of them, fold diagonally. Side angles fold on the airplane, and tips wrap under the bottom. We put in the center. We make such 8 pieces. We bind over the stapler's pockets up.

From white napkins, we make the same modules and simply insert them to the wipers between the two fastened base modules, and so the layer behind the layer up.

In fact, you can continue so until the bud closes. Or insert other color napkins, twisted, for example, rolls or veins. In this way, tank-pineapple can also work.

These closets will serve as the original decoration of the festive table and simply use them functionally.

Bouquets for the holiday

To serve the table for the holiday, make each guest an individual rose in a glass. Take the napkins of two colors. To make the semblance of leaves, fold the napkin diagonally into the triangle and laid into the glass. For bud, the triangle of napkins are twice as well, and switches to roll, as in the instructions in the figure below, and insert "leaves".

You can decorate the table with a rose from the napkin, though it will not work it already. Cut the napkin into 4 parts, we take a pencil and begin to wrap a roll from the napkin on the pencil, but not to the end, we leave a piece. Forming the harmonica, we remove the pencil, turn into the tube, take the other parts of the napkins and repeat the procedure, turn our rose buds in the petals.

When the petals seem enough to you, the ends that we did not change, tighten the spiral, take the napkin, make the hole with scissors neatly the hole right in the center, make a napkin near the center. And insert the rose stem.

Light vase

Such napkins serve vases. They can be folded, for example, candy, like treat, cakes and other confectionery. The photo shows examples of folding tissue napkins, but the paper fold will be the same, the main thing is to take them more size, not the cheapest.

Lily. Expand the napkin, fold the corners to the center and repeat with the resulting square. Then turn the napkin and fold the corners again.

Now, holding the corners of the center with your fingers, remove the corners from under the bottom of the petals.

Christmas tree. We take napkins from the pack, do not unfold. We relax the napkin to 8 corners, bend corners in the center at a distance of each other. We fold the parties inward and turn the corner in the pockets of the previous angle.

Swan from the napkin - Grace symbol on the table. We put the napkin diagonally. Stroke the fold line. We put up and put two sides to this line, as on the airplane, turn the napkin and we also fold again. Now the resulting figure is folded across the corner to the corner and on one third flexion the narrow part upwards, it will be a head. We fold in half along. Now bring our swan neck, head and straighten your wings.

Video on the topic