Useful food pregnant on weeks. Approximate diet. The value of proper nutrition

During pregnancy, a woman feels not only happiness, but also fear. It lies great responsibility for the health of the future kid. A pregnant woman is obliged to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. It is important to know that in every trimester, the body of the future mother needs certain substances and vitamins.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Principles and power rules for pregnant women:

Food of pregnant women in the first trimester

In the first month of pregnancy in the diet of women Must be present products containing a large amount of calcium. This is necessary in order for the fruit normally develops. These products include:

  • milk products;
  • fresh fruit juices;
  • broccoli cabbage and other green vegetables.

Manganese must also enter the body of a woman. It is necessary for the normal development of the placenta and the fetal shell. List of products that contain this mineral:

  • eggs;
  • oatmeal;
  • meat products (pork and turkey);
  • spinach;
  • carrot;
  • bananas.

On the second month of pregnancy, toxicosis may appear. It is possible to facilitate its symptoms in a simple way. In the morning, without getting out of bed, the future mom is recommended to eat a Sukharik or a dry cracker. Then save me a few sips of water.

Heavy food, such as meat, in this trimester should be replaced with more lungs. It can be the following products:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • legumes;
  • cheeses;
  • nuts;
  • yogurt.

In the first trimester, because of the toxicosis, a woman has a loss of appetite. Products such as quashed cucumbers or cabbage will cope with this problem. And also with binding attacks you can fight with lemons, apples, mint chewing gum or candy.

In order for the intestine well worked The following products should be included in the diet:

  • whole grain porridge;
  • kefir;
  • prunes;
  • raisins.

The first trimester is a very important period of pregnancy. Woman should listen to her body and indulge his needs.

Food of pregnant women in the second trimester

Basically, in the second trimester, the women disappears toxicosis and a terrible appetite appears. In this period, the kid's body is actively developing, so the future mother needs to strengthen the power. However, this does not mean that you need to overeat. It is worth eating food that contains a large amount of proteins. And also, it is necessary to saturate the exhausted organism with iron and folic acid.

The list of products that should be in the diet of a pregnant woman in the second trimester:

  • buckwheat;
  • meat products;
  • beef liver;
  • beans, asparagus and green peas;
  • tomato juice;
  • lettuce, parsley and spinach leaves;
  • citrus;
  • avocado.

At the end of the second trimester, the body of the child It needs vitamin A and beta-carotene. These useful substances can be learned from the following products:

  • white cabbage;
  • bulgarian yellow pepper;
  • carrot (it is best to use in a vary with the addition of sour cream or vegetable oil).

Food of pregnant women in the third trimester

In the final trimester, proper nutrition will help a pregnant woman to avoid such a complex phenomenon as late toxicosis.

In the diet should be only useful products. These include:

  • red meat;
  • fish;
  • dark green vegetables;
  • whole grain porridge;
  • seeds.

In this trimester, you should not use oily, salty, sharp, smoked food. It is necessary to exclude bread and baking, pasta and canned food from the diet. In no case, during pregnancy, there should be no chocolate and citrus. These products can provoke allergies from a child.

To prevent constipation, a woman should include in the diet:

  • dairy products;
  • dried fruits;
  • fig.

The following foods will help to cope with heartburn:

  • chicken meat in boiled form;
  • a fish;
  • omelets cooked for a couple;
  • eggs boiled sick;
  • skim cheese;
  • fruits and vegetables that have undergone heat treatment;
  • white dried bread.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman needs to replenish its body with carbohydrates. Therefore, various cereals and vegetables should be present in the diet.

Meals during pregnancy

Non-compliance with the regime, norms and power rules during pregnancy can negatively affect the health of both the future mother and the baby. Dangers that may occur with improper nutrition:

Harmful food for women in an interesting position

A woman who bears under the heart of the baby should be extremely carefully towards her nutrition. During pregnancy, it is worth excluding the following foods from the diet:

Meals with health problems in pregnant women

It happens that future mothers arises allergic to basic food. In such cases, it is necessary to agree on a diet with a doctor leading pregnancy. He must pick up individual food for pregnant women in trimesters. To do this, you need to choose products that will not cause allergic reactions in pregnant women and will be able to meet the needs of a developing fetus.

With anemia, women need to eat products, as part of which a lot of iron.

Against the background of pregnancy, women may have such a dangerous disease as obesity. In this case, a diet is needed. She must appoint a doctor. In no case should not be starved. This can lead to the development of pathologies by the child, as well as to the depletion of the body of a pregnant woman.

Permissible weight gain for pregnant women

Basically women who are in an interesting position consume more food than usual. This is especially observed during the second trimester. But there are also such representatives of the finest sex who are afraid to spoil the shape and become famine and their future kid. This can not be done.

Many pregnant women take proper nutrition for pregnant women for a diet, however, it is completely wrong. Food for pregnant women should be balanced, high-quality and vitamined. In order for the fruit normally develops, it should receive the required amount of nutrients.

Admissible is considered an increase in body weight for twelve kilograms. If the weight increased more than fifteen kilograms, then this is already a deviation from the norm.

Emptying exclusively useful products during pregnancy, the future mother makes a huge contribution to improving the immunity of his baby. During this period, it is important not to overeat and not consume hypoallergenic food. If pregnancy is complicated by toxicosis, nutrition must be adjusted. What can I eat during pregnancy, and what are it recommended to take additives?

Balanced power menu in the first half of pregnancy

Sometimes in the first months of pregnancy, women decreases appetite, sometimes there is even disgust to some, even earlier favorite products. The balanced power menu during pregnancy, the proposed below, is compiled taking into account the intolerance of some food, it includes only those products that are easily absorbed.

Breakfast (7.00-8.00):

Lunch (12.00-13.00): Salad of raw vegetables, a vegetarian or vegetable soup with sour cream, stewed meat or boiled fish with a vegetable garnish, fruit juice.

Afternoon person (16.30-17.00): Kefir, bun, fruit.

Dinner (20.00): Curd casserole or cheesecakes with sour cream, kefir or milk.

Such a nutrition in the first half of pregnancy will help you feel well and easier to endure malaise, if such arises.

But even knowing that you can and need to eat pregnant women, remember that not only the mother's food affects the future child. Categorically refuse bad habits. Alcohol is extremely adversely affected by the development of the central nervous system of the fetus and can lead to a delay in the mental development of the child.

The same applies to smoking. It is important to remember about passive smoking when a woman is indoors where someone smokes. And of course, under any circumstances cannot be taking drugs. Nicotine and drugs, like alcohol, easily overcome the placent barrier, extremely adversely affecting the development of the brain of the fetus.

Any medicines during pregnancy take only the appointment of a doctor.

What can and you need to eat pregnant women in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, the fruit becomes more, and for its normal development requires additional energy, the need for it increases by 350 kcal.

Food In the second half of pregnancy, it is necessary to organize with the fact that the body of the future mother requires more nutrients, primarily protein. The protein is necessary for the formation of organs and fabrics of the fetus, as well as placenta, uterus and chest glands. After all, from every 3 g of the protein obtained by a pregnant woman approximately 1 g consumes a growing fruit.

By making the menu of proper nutrition during pregnancy, the amount of milk and dairy products as the main sources of protein should be increased in the diet. The total amount of milk can be 500 ml per day, mainly in the form of fermented fermentation beverages (kefir, biocofer, яжян, yogurt).

As full-fledged sources of animal protein, in addition to dairy products, it is recommended to use meat and a bird (up to 200 g), fish (70-80 g per day), as well as eggs (1 pc. Per day). Meat can be partially replaced by by-products (liver, tongue, lungs, kidneys, heart). There is also a lot of iron in them, also the extremely necessary pregnant woman, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

In the right menu during pregnancy, it takes a lot more (almost 2 times) minerals, primarily calcium, which is involved in building a fetal skeleton

Calcium during this period is needed by 300 mg more, that is, an average of 1000-1100 mg per day. With insufficient flow of calcium with food, it begins to spend out of the mother's body.

At the same time, many pregnant women often destroy their teeth and even soften the bones. To avoid such troubles, in the diet it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of dairy products, especially cottage cheese and cheese - the main suppliers of calcium salts. What products need to eat during pregnancy to fill the loss of calcium in the body? Rich in calcium eggs, primarily yolk, as well as legumes and fish.

The rich source of calcium is cottage cheese, the amount of which per day in the second half of pregnancy should be 50-100 g, as well as cheese (15-20 g per day). Milk products are also recommended sour cream - about 20 g per day.

What other products need to eat during pregnancy

What other products are useful for pregnancy for the future mother and child? During this period, the need for fat is increasing.

On average, in this period, fat is required 100 g per day, of which 20-25 g - vegetable oils. The power menu during pregnancy should include butter, rich in vitamins compared to other animal fats, as well as vegetable (sunflower, corn, olive, etc.). The amount of cream oil should be 25-30 g per day, vegetable - 15-20 g

In the diet should be present products rich in iron. What can be pregnant, given this need?

This is primarily meat and meat products (beef, language, liver), eggs, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), fish and seafood (cod, perch, shrimp), as well as apples, figs, pears, pomegranates, blueberries, rosehip, beet , Spinach, tomatoes, garden greens. One of the guidance recommendations during pregnancy is to use specialized products enriched with minerals and vitamins that are useful and pregnant women and nursing mothers. These are such drinks like "Femilak" ("Nutritek", Russia), "Milky Way" ("Vitaprom", Russia), "Madonna" ("Valetek Prodimigareks", Russia), "Enfa Mama" (USA), "Dumil Mom Plus "(Denmark).

Given the recommendations, how to eat when pregnancy, carbohydrates in recent months are better limited. They enter the body with bread, crumbs, pasta, sugar, pastries, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to consume no more than 350-400 g of carbohydrates per day, since their excess contributes to the fluid delay in the body of a woman, and sometimes leads to the development of obesity. Excess carbohydrates may also lead to the formation of a large fetus that, as we have said, creates a certain risk of injury during childbirth.

Bread is best used from coarse grinding flour. It contains more vitamins of the group B, in addition, it is rich in vegetable fibers that are favorable by the intestines, which is very important, since women often have constipation during this period. The total daily amount of bread should be around 220-250 g.

By drawing up the approximate menu during pregnancy, it is necessary to limit the total number of croup, pasta (up to 50-60 g per day), as well as sugar (no more than 60 g per day) and confectionery (up to 20 g per day).

The main source of carbohydrates in the second half of pregnancy should be vegetables and fruits, as well as various berries and to a lesser extent fruit or berry juices. The total number of vegetables per day is 500-600 g, and potatoes - 150-200 g. From vegetables it is advisable to use zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, beets, cucumbers, as well as greens - dill, parsley, celery, etc.

  • You need to drink less fluid - no more than 4-5 glasses per day.
  • Try so that there are no products with high allergenic products in the diet.

These include chocolate, cocoa, natural coffee, mushrooms, nuts, citrus.

  • Do not forget about the correct power mode.

In the second half of pregnancy, when the stomach increasing in the size of the uterus squeezes the stomach, it is recommended to take food often, but in small portions. Daily calorie food must be distributed evenly. Typically, the six-time power mode is installed. The last meal must be no more than 2-2.5 hours before sleep.

Approximate power menu in the second half of pregnancy

The approximate menu during pregnancy in the second half of the term may look like this.

First breakfast (7.00-8.00): Egg or omelet, kefir (any fermented milk drink), fresh fruits (berries).

Second breakfast (9.00-10.00): Salad from raw vegetables, sausage, milk (tea with milk), bread with butter and cheese.

Lunch (12.00-13.00): Vegetarian vegetarian soup with sour cream, boiled meat (chicken, fish, sub-products) with vegetables, fruit juice.

Afternoon person (15.00-15.00): Cottage cheese, kefir (any fermented drink), fresh fruit (berries).

Dinner (18.00): Dairy porridge, fresh fruit (berries), bun, vitinal drink.

Second dinner (20.30): Vinaigrette, kefir (any fermented milk drink), baked apple, ripping rosehip.

Nutrition with toxicosis during pregnancy: what can be

Sometimes pregnant women appear nausea, vomiting, which is a sign of early toxicosis. And the late toxicosis is accompanied by a violation of metabolic processes, liver, kidney, cardiovascular system.

What should be the nutrition of pregnant women during toxicosis?

  • For a while you need to exclude those dishes from the diet that are poorly transferred. But at the same time, it is undesirable to limit the number of nutrients the necessary organisms, especially proteins.
  • Nausea and vomiting can be warned by taking food often and small portions.

For example: In the morning, without getting out of bed, you can eat any well-portable dish (or product). After that, you need to lie down a little. After 1.5-2 hours you need to organize a second breakfast. In the future, you should adhere to the same principle, taking food fractionally, in small portions. And try so that in the diet there is enough protein, as well as vegetables and fruits. We advise the most diversifying food.

  • In severe cases, when nausea and vomiting repeat very often and pregnant can not tolerate many types of food, it starts to lose in weight, inpatient treatment is necessary.
  • With late toxicosis, rational nutrition is especially important.

It is very important that the body makes the desired amount of proteins containing indispensable amino acids that are not produced in the body. Poor protein nutrition leads to weakening immunity, frequent diseases. What can be used with toxicosis during pregnancy to fill the protein content? Many protein in dairy products (especially in cottage cheese), as well as in meat and fish.

With toxicosis in the blood, the content of fat and zero-like substances increases. Therefore, the amount of fat in the diet should be reduced (up to 40-60 g per day). Creamy and vegetable oil is better absorbed from fats. The refractory fats (pork, barbells, etc.) should not be used.

What is better to eat pregnant with toxicosis?

Be sure to include a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet (pumpkin is especially useful).

  • If the late toxicosis is accompanied by edema and overweight, it is necessary to dramatically limit the amount of fluid (up to 600-800 ml per day) and the cooking salt (up to 2-3 g per day).

What is better to eat with the toxicosis of pregnant women in late terms? Improving the urination and removal from the body of excess cooks, apricots, dried apricots, baked in peel potatoes, oat groats. As we have already spoken, you can use a special salt, where part of the sodium salt capable of keeping water is replaced by a potassium-magnesium salt ("Valetek, Russia).

In the diet of pregnant women with a tendency to hypertension should include products contributing to the removal of liquid from the body, - dried apricots, prunes, cucumbers, watermelons!

Cabbage, beets, black currant, apricots, decoction of rosehip are also useful. The total amount of fluid must be limited to 0.8 liters per day (3-4 cups), and the number of cooks to 3-4 g per day.

For the prevention of this pathology, it is necessary to use various dairy products. It is desirable that these products are part of a diet daily in sufficient quantities (3-4 glasses).

Menu of pregnant women with toxicosis

With late toxicosis, accompanied by edema, it is possible to recommend an internal diet. The menu for pregnant women with toxicosis may look like this.

Breakfast (7.00-6.00): Cottage cheese (egg), abolment bread, unsolved oil, apple baked, milk (tea with milk) - no more than 100-150 ml.

Lunch (12.00-13.00): Vegetable salad without salt, boiled meat (fish) without salt, baked potatoes without salt, unsolved bread with unsolved oil, 1 cup of compotes from dried fruit (dried).

Afternoon person (16.30-17.00): A glass of kefir with 40 g honey, unsolved cookies.

Dinner (20.00): Cottage cheese, unsolved bread with unsalted oil, a glass of tea with lemon (in the absence of lemon - with ascorbic acid).

How to eat during pregnancy not to recover: diet food for pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman needs to be constantly weighing. It helps to reveal a possible pathology in a timely manner: hidden swelling, development of obesity, etc.

If the weight of a woman is increasing weekly more than 200-300 g, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. At the same time, first of all, it is necessary to use less bread, porridge, potatoes and liquids (up to 0.7-0.8 liters per day).

In case of insufficient weight increase, and even more so with its loss it is necessary to strengthen the power. The shortage of basic foodstatons in the diet of a pregnant woman adversely affects the development of the fetus. Serious correction requires food for pregnant women, long-suffering reduced appetite, weakened, exhausted. With prolonged insufficient nutrition, the child can be born with the phenomena of intrauterine hypotrophy, that is, with a low body weight and grown in growth. Such children have a reduced immunity, anemia, rickets, intestinal diseases often develop.

How to eat during pregnancy, so as not to recover much, but at the same time provide the future child with all the useful substances? For power correction, specialized dietary products can be recommended. These include: dry vitamined milk, mixtures "Femilak" ("Nutritek", Russia), "Madonna" ("Valetek", Russia), "Enfa Mom" \u200b\u200b("Mide Johnson", USA) and others. These mixes contain full-fledged Easily digestive proteins are enriched with a wide range of vitamins and minerals, they can be used in the form of concentrated drinks or add to different dishes (porridge, vegetable puree, soups, casseroles, etc.). The advantage of dry mixes is that when using them, it is easy to calculate the amount of protein and fat required to correct the nutrition of a pregnant woman and give it in a small amount of liquid. In the absence of the above specialized food correction products, you can use dry vitaminized milk or baby nutrient mixtures on a dairy basis.

In dietary nutrition for pregnant women, inclined to allergies on the protein of cow's milk, you can use a special product - the protein cocktail "Madonna". It is produced in the form of a dry beverage containing vegetable protein, dietary fiber and rich in thirteen vitamins and ten microelements.

In the food of a pregnant woman you can also use therapeutic nutritional supplements. These are various vitamin, protein-mineral, fatty additives, supplements based on useful microflora. Vitamin additives include "Beta-carotene" (shown in a lack of vitamin A), "Golden ball on fructose", "Golden ball with calcium and magnesium", "Golden ball with iron" (sources of vitamins, carotene, mineral substances). Fat supplements use "full", "linseed oil", "Omega-3". In case of intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, long-term use of antibiotics shows such additives such as "bifiliz" (a mixture of live bifidobacteria with lysozyme), "biobacton" (pure acid culture of acidophilic sticks), "acipol" (a mixture of acidophilic bacteria and kefir fungi).

Dietary food during pregnancy, accompanied by constipation, should include more vegetables and fruits with a rough tissue (cabbage, beets, cucumbers, raspberries, strawberries, currants, rowan, etc.).

A good action has bread from coarse grinding flour, as well as wheat bran. These products are rich in food fibers, normalizing intestinal motorcycles and contributing to the removal of harmful substances from the digestive tract. Wheat bran is particularly useful for women prone to completeness, to violations of fat metabolism, as well as women with adverse heredity of diseases of the cardiovascular system. As special studies show, regular consumption of bran reduces cholesterol content in serum cholesterol and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

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Girls, found a useful article, MB to someone during pregnancy and I will come in handy!

Now that a pregnancy has come, it's time to take care of the right nutrition. During pregnancy, food used affects both the pregnant and her child. However, there is no need to "eat two", you just need to choose food more enriched with useful nutrients. For development, the fruit receives everything you need from the mother's body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral elements and vitamins. Mother in turn receives them with food. Therefore, during pregnancy and lactation, an increased need for vitamins arises. Ethrenal food can lead to miscarriages, small growth, perinatal health impairment, worsens the viability of the fetus.

It should be remembered that the pregnancy period is not the time to reduce weight by using special diets! Alcohol during pregnancy is contraindicated in any form and quantity (even red wine)!

For a normal course of pregnancy, it should not, especially in recent months to use fat and flour products. This leads to an increase in the fetus, which may make it difficult to give birth.

In the first half of pregnancy, food should be quadras.
The second must eat 5-6 times a day, preferably dairy products, and meat and fish dishes limit. Be sure to include: porridge, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, eggs, vegetables, fruit.

Salted, sharp and smoked exclude (can lead to severe toxicosis). Limit the use of liquid to 1 l per day (including soups).

With the right choice of products among the four groups below you and your child guaranteed a variety of and balanced diet.

In the daily diet, 50-60% should be proteins of animal origin (25-30% fish and meat, 20-25% - dairy products, 5% - eggs).

1. Dairy products - contain proteins necessary for the growth of the child and replenishing the needs of the parent organism, as well as trace elements (calcium) necessary to strengthen bones and teeth.

In this regard, it is advisable to use up to 0.5 liters of milk per day, both in solid form and in the form of dairy products (kefir, yogurt, dairy desserts, yogurts), as well as cottage cheese. In the diet, it is useful to include solid grade of cheese as, for example, cheddar, melted cheeses, pasteurized cheese.

2. Meat products - contain proteins, iron and vitamins of the group "B", also necessary for the replenishment of the needs of the parent organism and for the development of the child.

This group includes beef products, pork, lamb, poultry meat, fish. Products from this group are advisable to use twice a day. More advisable to give preference to poultry and fish meat. Try to use only lean meat, removing areas containing fat in the cooking process.

    All foods from meat, birds and fish should be eaten in boiled or baked, avoiding fried and smoked dishes.

The skin from the bird before cooking is always necessary to shoot.

White meat is always more lean than red.

Filena of beef, pork and lamb - the most lean.

All sausages and sausages contain a lot of fat.

Eggs that need to boil hard, and use only protein in food.

3. Bread products, cereals, potatoes - contain carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements and fiber.

Products of this group include bread, preferably with whole grains or coarse flour, potato dishes, pasta, rice, cereal from various types of croup, muesli or flakes. Dishes from this group products should be included in the diet at each meal.

4. Fruits and vegetables - contain various vitamins and trace elements necessary to maintain various functions of the body, and tissue to improve digestion processes.

A number of crops such as peas, beans, beans, lentils, cabbage, and dried fruits rich in iron. However, the absorption of iron from these products occurs with their use less active than from meat products. To improve this process, simultaneously use products rich in vitamin "C".

Vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet of at least four times a day. Try to use vegetables and fruits with a leather where it is possible.

Important is the correct distribution of products for each meal. So meat, fish, cereals should be part of breakfast and dinner dishes, as the products rich in protein increase the metabolism and delay in the stomach for a long time. In the afternoon, closer to the evening should be preferred by dairy-plant food. Abundant food in the evening has a negative impact on the body of a pregnant woman, contributes to a violation of normal rest and sleep.

Food during the day is desirable to use 5-7 receptions.

As an example, the following approximate menu may be proposed:

Fruit or fruit juice.
Oatmeal or bran cereal with milk.
Bread from coarse grinding flour, toasts with low-fat butter.
Tea or coffee. Lunch
Tea, coffee or milk.
Fruit or cookies. Dinner
Sandwich with lettuce leaves, with cheese, with fish, with cold boiled meat.
Fresh fruits or yogurt.
Tea, coffee or fruit juice. Afternoon person
Tea or coffee with cookies. Early dinner
Meat, fish, cheese, eggs or dishes from leguminous crops.
Potatoes, rice or pasta.
Vegetables or salad.
Milk pudding, or fruit, or biscuits.
Tea. Late dinner
Milk with bread made of coarse grinding or with cookies.

The total amount of liquid consumed in 1-2 trimester should be 1.2-1.5 liters per day, including water, tea, coffee, juices, soups.

The reception of the table salt is limited in the second half of pregnancy to 8 g per day, since more of its amount contributes to the water delay in the body and the development of edema.

General principles of proper nutrition during pregnancy are reduced to the following:

    Food should be taken often 5-7 times a day with small portions.

Eat slowly, not in a hurry.

Drink more simple drinking water. A glass of water, drunk before meals, will allow you to fulfill faster and for a longer time.

If you know that you cannot limit yourself from a product, it is better to give up it at all.

Eat more fish, birds and smaller red meat.

Food must be boiled, baked or stew, but not fried.

Give preference in food vegetables, fruit and cereal, vegetable oil.

Food in the first trimester of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the Woman's diet is not significantly different from its menu to pregnancy, can only change the tastes of pregnant. But now you need to begin to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition in order to avoid toxicosis and lay the foundation for the correct embryo development.

Try to include in the menu daily green salads with vegetable oil and sea fish. It is important to start taking folic acid, iodine and vitamin E drugs, to take throughout the pregnancy.

Due to the increased work of the liver and kidneys, it is advisable at the very beginning of pregnancy to significantly limit the number of sharp dishes and such spices in the diet, as pepper, mustard, vinegar. To reduce the load on the liver Fried and fat, try to replace the boiled and stew, limit the use of butter, sour cream of high fat, cream, vegetable oil. Cottage cheese use the unfavorable.

Along with vegetables and fruits, eat coarse bread, as it contains fiber and vitamins of group V.
Special attention in the diet should be paid to the table salt. She plays a big role in water exchange. Excessive use contributes to the development of edema and supports inflammatory processes. Normal daily use rate
Salt is 12-15 g. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is already possible to recommend a limit in the fatty and smoked rations.

Coffee should be completely eliminated from the diet of the future mother, even if before pregnancy it was a favorite woman's drink. A pregnant woman who drinks at least 3-4 cups of black coffee per day is greater than the chance of a premature baby with a small weight. Substances contained in tea and coffee (and tannin) can expand the vessels, which will lead to an increase in pressure. It was relatively recently found that there is a certain connection between the use of caffeine and some congenital defects in the kids. The use of a large amount of coffee in the middle of pregnancy can even lead to miscarriage, as blood vessels narrows, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus.

During pregnancy, the body should receive enough iron to prevent anemia from the mother and the fetus, and also stocking iron at the time of breastfeeding (this is the only and very important source of iron production for the newborn). To do this, often turn in your diet buckwheat and nuts.

Food in the second trimester of pregnancy

At this time, the diet should have a moderate carbohydrate content, as they can lead to excessive consumption in weight. Excessive use of products containing many cholesterol and impellent liver work. If the future mother cannot refuse scrambled eggs and salads with a chopped egg, it is better to use only protein.

Below lists some high-cholesterol products:
egg yolk;
Beef kidneys, liver and brains;
red black caviar;
sour cream;
Baking and pastries.

Restrict consumption of fats. From the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to exclude pickup salts from the diet and moderately add salt into food. Very important: CO 2 trimester limit potential allergens in the menu (citrus, strawberry, exotic fruits, etc.) so that the child is not born allergic.

For receipt of calcium in the menu, daily daily should be present in the menu: milk, kefir, degreased cottage cheese, cheese. Otherwise, calcium will be washed out of the bones and teeth of a pregnant woman, and the child will declare a tendency to fractures. Be sure to start the reception of calcium preparations (a child, in contrast to an adult, absorbs inorganic calcium). And do not eat chalk, in addition to calcium in it, a bunch of substances harmful to you and the child, besides, this in most cases leads to the deposition of calcinates in the umbilical cord and the difficulty of nutrition of the fetus.

1 time a week spend apple (1 kg of green apples for a day) or kefir (1 kg of cottage cheese or kefir) unloading day. Begin to get used to consume less fluid, you will need it in 3 trimester.

And, I repeat, no alcohol!

Food in the third trimester of pregnancy

Power recommendations in 3 trimester of pregnancy are the toughest. First, to avoid late toxicosis of pregnant women and, as a result, edema, the amount of liquid should be limited to 1 l (including soups and fruits). It should be measured daily by the number of fluid received and released from the body, the difference must be no more than 200 ml. By restricting the cook salt, you can free the fabrics from excess fluid and thereby strengthen the metabolism in them and their function. In the last 2 months of pregnancy, the amount of cook salt should not exceed 5 g per day. When a fluid delay or edema - urgently to your doctor!

It is not recommended to eat meat and fish broths, especially concentrated, as well as meat podlivals, as they violate the liver operation, and so working with the load. Soups are better to prepare vegetarian, sauces - dairy, meat and fish in boiled, can be in baked. Using mushroom broths limit.

From animal fats, only butter is best used, and all the others (beef, pork, bars fat or fat) generally exclude from the diet. It should be prepared on vegetable oil, it has more vitamins and a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Reception of folic acid preparations, iodine, vitamin E continue.

We continue to arrange unloading kefir and apple days 1-2 times a week. In the last month of pregnancy, it is necessary to limit the consumption of accessible carbohydrates: sugar, honey, jams, etc., refuse completely from flour products and fatty foods - this will prepare the fetus for childbirth, reduce the fat mass of the fetus for easier passing through the generic paths.

At the same time, the disclosure of the generic paths is much more likely, the abdominal press works more intensively, in connection with this, the generic act is accelerated and anesthetic to a certain extent.

A permissible weight gain for pregnancy.

This is a question that worries everyone. Throughout the pregnancy, in 40 weeks, the total weight gain should be on average ranging from 9.5 to 12.5 kg. At the same time, in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, the weight gain should be about 2.5 kg at the rate of 500 gr. per month. And in the second half of pregnancy, for the next 20 weeks, the body weight gain can be 10 kg at the rate of 500 g per week. The maximum weight gain in the entire pregnancy should not exceed 10-12 kg. This includes: the weight of the child is 3 kg, the weight of the uterus - 1 kg, the placenta - 0.5 kg, the oilyoper water - 0.5 kg, increased blood volume - 1 kg, subcutaneous fat - 1 kg. That is, for the whole pregnancy, the woman itself can add up to 6 kg.

For a more accurate assessment of the permissible weight gain of the body for pregnancy, you can take advantage of the following data.

First you need to calculate your body mass index (BMI) on the following formula: source weight (kg) to divide on the square of growth (m). According to the result obtained, if BMI is less than 19.8 then the body weight is considered to be reduced. If NEF ranging from 19.8 to 26 is a normal mass mass. If BMI is more than 26 - excess body weight. Next, using the table, you can determine the necessary weight gain for a certain period of pregnancy.

Pregnancy weeks 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 38 40 AMT less than 19.8 0.5 0.9 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.7 3, 2 4.5 5.4 6.8 7.7 8.6 9.8 10.2 11.3 12.5 13.6 14.5 15.2 BMI 19.8 - 26 0.5 0.7 1 0 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.9 2.3 3.6 4.8 5.7 6.4 7.7 8.2 9.1 10.0 10.9 11.8 12.7 13.6 BMI over 26 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.4 2.3 2.9 3,4 3,9 5.0 5,4 5, 9 6.4 7.3 7.9 8.6 9.1

With a normal course of pregnancy, an increase in body weight of a pregnant woman, first of all, occurs due to the development of the fetus, increasing the size of the uterus and the number of accumulating waters, the mammary glands, the increase in the volume of fluid and blood in the body, and lastly - counted fat accumulation (1.5 -1.7 kg).

If you suddenly noticed that you have an excessive weight gain or body weight gains are excessive, then pay attention to whether there are no such products in your diet, which is very advisable to exclude from a diet for pregnancy time, namely: Jam, Jam, marmalade, chocolate, chocolate biscuits, cupcakes, cakes, pie, cream, cream ice cream, fruits in sugar, as well as chips, crisp potatoes, sausages, sausages, fatty meat, mayonnaise.

As with an excessive increase in weight (more than 15 kg) and in case of insufficient (less than 4 kg), an in-depth examination is necessary.

Accepting alcoholic beverages, including beer, completely unacceptable even in small quantities.

Possible accompanying problems and ways to solve them.

    Difficulty chairs. To prevent constipation, it is advisable to eat foods rich in fiber, namely: coarse bread, bran flakes, oatmeal, legumes, lentil soup, overnight - Prostokavasha or one-day kefir, on an empty stomach - raw vegetables and fruits, prunes, apples .

Nausea. This unpleasant phenomenon often takes place in the first three months of pregnancy and, mostly in the morning. To prevent nausea, waking up in the morning, and not yet getting up from bed, try to eat a small piece of dry bread or toast, or a piece of apple. If you feel nauseous throughout the day, then make small breaks between food with a reception of a small amount of food, but so that the total amount of food taken in the day has not decreased. Otherwise, large intervals between food intake can provoke vomiting. In some cases, nausea allows the use of cold food, which has no less food qualities than hot dishes. Sometimes various culinary smells can also cause nausea, which makes avoid fried foods or dishes with various spices.

Heartburn. In the third trimester of pregnancy (in the past few weeks), some women suffer from this unpleasant phenomenon. In order to prevent heartburn and get rid of it:
- should avoid abundant meals, try to make food often and small portions;
- Do not eat fried, fat, smoked dishes and products;
- Avoid strong tea and coffee,
- take food without hurry, slowly;
- Do not bend and do not lie right away after meals.
If these techniques do not get rid of you from listed unpleasant phenomena, consult your doctor.

In order to prevent food poisoning caused by dangerous causative agents of intestinal infections, such as Salmonella or Listeria, it is advisable to eat during pregnancy:

    soft nonpasteurized cheeses, such as, brie, Camembert, Stimiton, etc.

any paws;

raw eggs or cooked shattery;

homemade dishes, which include raw eggs: mousses, homemade ice cream, bubble cheeses, etc.

not enough thermally processed meat (meat with blood).

A lot of myths are connected with pregnancy and will accept. Very often they bring a lot of inconvenience to the most pregnant, complicating their lives. Many myths are associated with food of pregnant women. You can often hear advice to eat for two, or, on the contrary, to sit on the diet so that the baby does not grow too large. Many misconceptions are related to the use of certain products, such as chocolate or sweets.

In order not to worry about your food and do not create excess loads on your body, every woman before the occurrence of pregnancy should be learn how to eat right at this time. In fact, there is nothing complicated in the planning of the diet of a pregnant woman, you just need to try to give the child everything you need and not to give extra. And how to do it, we will try to figure it out.

Proper nutrition in trimesters

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics. In the first trimester, our nutrition commands nausea. Happy, which this fate will not comprehend, can rejoice at the coming pregnancy. The rest you have to reduce meals to a minimum, try to eat a little by little, the most light dishes without a pronounced smell. It is better to give preference to porridge, fruits, vegetables, it is necessary to eat meat and drink enough liquid to avoid dehydration.

In the second trimester nausea passes and the woman is waiting for another invisible enemy - elevated. During this period, it is very important to secure full-fledged food without overeating. Since the baby begins to actively grow, he needs more and more vitamins and nutrients. A woman should eat more meat, vegetables and fruits during this period. It is important to eat products rich in iron, such as liver, buckwheat, apples, tomatoes.

The further the pregnancy is developing, the higher the probability of swelling, therefore it is necessary to strictly limit the consumption of salt. The grazing tummy in the third trimester often provokes heartburn. During this period, it is important to eat a little by little and give preference to products with an alkaline reaction, such as cottage cheese, eggs, boiled meat, fish, bird, steam omelets, dried white bread.

Another eagerness of pregnant women associated with meals - constipation. To avoid them, it is important to eat fermented dairy products, dried dried fruits, salads from raw vegetables (if there is no heartburn), boiled cabbage and beet. It is very important that the volume of the resulting food was sufficient. It is necessary to eat more low-calorie dishes rich in fiber.

How much fluid need to drink during pregnancy?

About the liquid during pregnancy also go legends. Someone advises to drink, someone on the contrary - to limit the use of fluid so as not to provoke the appearance. Modern medicine argues - it is necessary to drink, but in moderation. Pregnant woman should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. It is water that helps to bring toxins from the body and does not allow to form kidney stones.

You need to drink shortly, a few sips, and choose the correct drinks. It is clear that sweet multicolored sodes from the diet must be excluded. It is best to drink simple water. If you want something more tasty, then you can choose juice, but it is worth it to dilute with water 1: 1 and at the same time juice should be natural and not very sweet.

A lot of questions concerns the use of caffery beverages during pregnancy. From black coffee for pregnancy, it is better to refuse better, but if a woman is accustomed to him, it is better to do it gradually or drink no more than 1-2 cups per day, gradually reducing his fortress. Tea, both black and green can be used in reasonable limits, a cup or two per day will not damage. But this does not mean, you can drink two cups of each drink - You can drink no more than two cups of drinks containing caffeine, per day.

Often familiar teas are advised to replace herbal. Do not do this. Cause - many herbs have an abutient action, and a woman may not know about it. For example, by many hibiscus, which we know as a carcade, is exactly such a plant.

Do you need to eat for two?

Very often, pregnant is recommended to eat for two. Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to immediately pounce on food, increasing the portion twice. Really, the need for energy in a pregnant woman increases, but not immediately twice, but gradually. Therefore, it is not necessary to increase the volume of serving at all, it is only necessary to monitor the quality of food.

It is believed that a pregnant woman on average should consume 2.5 thousand kcal per day. But this is a medium figure, someone needs a little more, and someone less. therefore it is important to focus on the development of the baby and the well-being of the mother, as well as to control the weight gain. In addition, you need to follow what you eat. Every major nutrients such as fats and carbohydrates should be enough in food. Moreover in the second half of pregnancy, proteins will need more, but the consumption of carbohydrates will have to reduce. This is especially true of sweets and flour.

If a constant wish appears to chew something, it is better to go for a walk or chew vegetables. Many girls during pregnancy allow themselves to overeat, believing that this baby wants to eat. Then this is poured into a long and difficult discharge of excess weight.

Is there any need for receiving pharmacy vitamins?

Very often in the literature you can meet recommendations to take vitamins during pregnancy. In most cases, this literature is or frankly outdated, or issued by the manufacturers of vitamins themselves. Today there are several points of view on the reception of vitamins. One of the most new and maintained points of view in the world says that only folic acid is necessary and only at the planning stage and in the first trimester.

What are the rest of the vitamins? They are often recommended to use in the second and third trimesters. But in fact, if the woman was able to become pregnant and to convey pregnancy to half - a pronounced avitaminosis, she most likely not. If a woman can buy a notched vitamin complex for pregnant women, then it is most likely to afford to eat normally, maybe. In any case, the full nutrition is much more useful than taking synthetic vitamin.

There is another problem associated with the reception of vitamins - their overdose is extremely dangerous.. For example, overdose during pregnancy can lead to a violation of the formation of the heart of the fetus. Surplus some vitamins are derived from the body without harm to it, but at the same time the load on the excretory system increases. Conclusion one - when avitaminosis, which is impossible to cure with the right nutrition, the reception of vitamins is needed, but only on the recommendation and under the control of doctors. It must be vitamins for pregnant women, which contain vitamin D and trace elements. An independent appointment of vitamins "just in case" is contraindicated.

What dangers can hire food during pregnancy

It is very dangerous to overeat during pregnancy, especially in its second half. At this time, the liver of a woman carries an increased load, and overeating increases it even more. The body can respond to all signs of intoxication. Therefore, overeating can lead to, weakness and vomiting. During vomiting, spasms of the stomach and other organs often occur, which can lead to premature births.

It is very important to exclude from the diet too salty dishes. The abundance of salt provokes venous stagnation and the appearance of edema. And this is quite dangerous, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Also should not be pounced on any exotic. This can provoke a trap disorder or allergic reactions. The earliest vegetables and fruits are also not the best choice for a pregnant woman - they may contain a lot of harmful chemicals from fertilizers and means for planting plants.

Important during pregnancy Avoid any strong allergens.
This does not mean that they need to be excluded completely, it is simply no need to abuse - one or two chocolate candy harm will not bring, but five or six can provoke an allergic reaction or cause the development of allergies from the baby after the year.

Eat during pregnancy better in feeling of hunger, and not on schedule, Since with time the need for nutrients can change, and the old chart will lose the relevance. Eating after 19.00 is better to restrict, you can drink kefir or yogurt, eat something non-calorie and easy.

It is important to eat slowly, not in a hurry, well chewing food. At the same time, it is very important to sit comfortably. Often, the tummy supports the stomach and interferes with the normal reception of food, so you can eat in any position - if only it was convenient. As soon as the feeling of hunger is gone - a meal must be stopped.

It is better to give preference to simple products that fir our great-grandfathers. It is also necessary to cook everything just - cook, soar, bake. It is not necessary to eat complex salads with a bunch of exotic components, sushi, fruits from distant countries, and all that our body has learned to digest relatively recently.

And the last rule - if it is impossible, but I really want to be very sensitive. Remember - pregnant women can not worry and feel unhappy if you are confident that sweetie, podcake, strawberry, etc. Make you happy - let yourself quite a little bit. Remember - not for you.

The kid is very important. It should be abandoned by bad habits, increase physical activity, as well as supply the body with the necessary minerals. It is desirable to make an approximate useful menu for pregnant women for every day. Balanced nutrition ensures the correct development of the baby and helps to maintain a beautiful figure after childbirth.

Products in the diet

The program for pregnant women should consist of carbohydrates, protein and fats, but in moderation. The use of proteins is not worth exceeding more than 120 grams per day. Of these, 80 are animal products: kefir, cottage cheese, meat, eggs. The daily rate of fats is 100 grams. Carbohydrates is a source of energy, but they need to be used with caution.

In the first trimester should not take more than 400 grams. On the last trimester it is recommended to cut up to 250 grams per day. It is advisable to eliminate not vegetables, but flour and sugar dishes.

Proper nutrition for pregnant women provides boiled, steam, stewed and baked dishes. It is worth limiting the use of sugar and salt. Glucose increases blood sugar levels, it is capable of bringing pregnant diabetes. Salt contributes to the fluid delay in the body and leads to edema.

What you need to eat pregnant every day:

  1. fruits;
  2. vegetables;
  3. porridge;
  4. dairy products.

The menu for pregnant women for every day should include 50% natural tissue: fruits, vegetables, berries, solid wheat varieties, bran.

How much do you need to eat pregnant on day? The amount of food should not exceed the norms. A conventional diet should add 300 kcal. If there is a weight shortage worth consulating two times more food.

Prohibited products

There are certain products that can harm mother and child. But it is possible to rarely make an exception and a cup of coffee with a chocolate.

It is categorically abandoning alcohol, narcotic drugs and cigarettes. These substances are influenced by the mother and the child: the abnormalities of the fetus are developing, the vascular system is affected, premature labor is possible, as well as miscarriages.

List of prohibited products:

  • melted cheeses, not pasteurized milk and raw eggs. They may contain bacteria that can lead to infection and involuntary miscarriage. Quail eggs do not belong to this category;
  • some kinds of fish: Marlin, Shark, Tuna, the royal mackerel contain mercury, it will not affect the baby very badly;
  • sushi use with fresh fish is not recommended. Great risk of glitstic diseases;
  • if before pregnancy, the woman suffered from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, smoked products, sharp and fat can provoke a strong heartburn;
  • in chips, crackers, carbonated drinks, chewing gum contains dyes, taste amplifiers and flavors. They negatively affect the body of the future mother.

It should be careful with painful agents, preparations against seizures, pills from cough and cold. In the content of them, alcohol and narcotic enzymes may be present. For the entire period of pregnancy, it is allowed to consume 2-3 times dry wine. It increases hemoglobin and appetite.

Daily menu

Food of a pregnant woman should consist of an optimal menu by day with recipes. It helps to get used to the new diet and not think about snacks. Food is recommended to use diverse and useful. Vegetables preferably consistently in raw form. With heat treatment, they lose most of the valuable qualities.

Also during toasting you can gain overweight. A diet for pregnant women by day contributes to weight loss, and also normalizes body weight.

Menu on 1 day pregnant woman;

  • breakfast: oatmeal on milk, banana, butter bread;
  • lunch: vegetable broth soup, cabbage and carrots salad, dried fruit compote;
  • afternoon school: kefir with a cheese, apple;
  • dinner: Vegetable stew to a couple, vinaigrette, herbal tea.
  • breakfast: omelet with greens, apple, green tea;
  • lunch: Pasta with cutlets for a couple, Morse, vegetable stew;
  • afternoon school: cheese and yogurt;
  • dinner: baked meat, vegetable salad.
  • breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits, loaf with jam, juice;
  • lunch: Fish cutlets for a couple, boiled potatoes, cocoa;
  • afternoon school: kissel, cookies, banana;
  • dinner: Vegetable casserole, ryazhenka.
  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge, butter sandwich, juice;
  • lunch: soup with meatballs, salad with olive oil, herbal tea;
  • afternoon person: milk, bun, fruit;
  • dinner: Beef Cutlets for a couple, bread, tea.
  • breakfast: Fritters from zucchini with sour cream, boiled egg, butter bread;
  • lunch: Goulash with porridge, salad with green peas, dried fruit kissel;
  • afternoon school: kefir, cookies;
  • dinner: cabbage cutlets, lettuce salad, wild rose.
  • breakfast: Muesli with milk, freshly squeezed juice, chamomile tea;
  • lunch: Vegetarian borsch, boiled chicken shin, compote;
  • afternoon snack: ryazhenka, cheesecake;
  • dinner: Fish stew, boiled potatoes, bread.
  • breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits, green tea, apple;
  • lunch: soup with sour cream, meat meatballs with rice, juice;
  • afternoon school: Kisel, banana;
  • dinner: Fraga from vegetables, tea with milk, bread.

How many times a day you need to eat pregnant women? In the first trimester 3-4 times a day. On the 3 trimester there is 4-6 times a day is considered the norm. The diet for pregnant women for each day can be maintained until the end of the hatching period.

Dish recipes

Dietary recipes for pregnant women can be prepared quickly and tasty every day. For them, special products and effort are required.

Vitamin bowl. Ingredients: 1 peach, 1 kiwi, 100 grams of nuts, yogurt, 1 banana, 50 grams of currant. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and ready to eat. It is considered more dessert. It is recommended to eat this delicacy at 2 days 1 time.

Vegetable mix. Composition: zucchini, carrot, cauliflower, artichoke. Clear vegetables, cut round slices. Extinguish. Top to fill with dried dill and olive oil.