Congratulations on your wedding day from the godmother. Congratulations on the wedding day to the goddaughter from the godmother

Is your godson getting married? Having once taken on the role of his spiritual mentor in the church, you should take part in his life on an equal basis with his parents, guide him and support him in the most important moments of his life. One of those moments is his marriage.

The time will come - and the noise of fun at the festive table will subside, so that your beautiful and sincere congratulations to the godson will sound at the wedding. What to say to him on this day? In a wedding congratulation addressed to a godson, you can give wise advice to a young couple, which they will remember more than once in the future.

Congratulations to the godson on the wedding in verse

I wish you, my godson, on this day,
So that great love brings happiness!
Was so that an understanding spouse,
May you always respect each other.

So that your souls are relatives,
Nothing could disturb your peace
To be both healthy and rich,
We met sunsets together for up to a hundred years.

On your wedding day, congratulations
From the godmother you accept!
I wish you happiness and luck
And eternal sincere love.

Let your life not overshadow
The routine of gray boring days,
And the heart answers the heart
The fire of a thousand lights.

I bless you as a mother
May the Lord keep your union!
I always wish you to be together
Live without quarrels, worries, resentment.

Accept congratulations from the godmother
Happy wedding day to your joyful, happy!
And may all your best moments
Happen day after day slowly.
Live together in joy and happiness,
Warm each other with love
And the most active participation
Accept in your family life.

Blessing of the godparents at the godson's wedding

In congratulations at your godson's wedding, you can tell about how he was in childhood, give an interesting incident from his life. If you are well acquainted with his chosen one, then in your wedding congratulations to the godson, you can pay attention to her.

I congratulate you on your wedding, children,
I wish you home warmth!
As a godmother, I bless you
May your love bloom more!
I wish you parental happiness,
Good luck and luck in everything!
And life's storms and bad weather
Let them go around your common sweet home.

Today is a solemn and bright day,
Today is the family's birthday.
Mutual love, pure, selfless
I wish you, my beautiful!

Walk hand in hand through life.
Things are all - together, grief - in half.
If you happen to be offended - I'm sorry,
Without thorns, I wish you dear.

Let the kids be born, grow up,
And let the joy in the house always live,
Let friends visit more often.
Consent and fidelity - for many years!

Marriages are made in heaven
And fate brought you together.
Always be with salt and bread for you,
A lot of happiness, joy, kindness!

Live in good health for many years
And know how to appreciate every hour,
Enjoy, smile and love.
May the Lord protect you!

Be kind, do not skimp on feelings.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all the best!
Have kids soon
And let there be a friendly family.

May hope always inspire
Fortune will surprise you with generosity.
Congratulations on your wedding, children.
All the best to you, advice and love!

Congratulations on the wedding from the godparents of the groom

In your congratulations to your godson on your wedding day, you can wish him and his young wife that their life path be easy and bright, filled with love and joy. Wish them good luck, prosperity in the family, mutual understanding and support. The main thing is that the words of the wedding blessing to the godson and his bride should be warm and sincere.

Dear godson, his bride!
You are starting a new path.
Now you are responsible for each other
Take care of your feelings.

If you can hear another
Understand, and endure, and forgive,
That, there is no doubt
Your family will flourish.

So let luck help you
Let luck help you.
May the years only multiply love
And let her keep your union.

What do you want on your wedding day, godson?
I want peace to always be in your family.
So that only good news comes to your house
On the wings of happiness, the dove brought.
Love, respect, take care
You are each other everywhere and always.
Pass with dignity and honor
You are your feelings through the years!

My godson, congratulations on your wedding day!
I wish you to be happy!
May everything go smoothly in your family,
Live in joy and abundance.
Let the love in the hearts not fade away
Every day it burns stronger.
May all wishes come true
And your hopes will not be deceived.

What a joy to live and be loved!
What grace is mutual love!
Let this day be unique,
I repeat again and again.
Live so that not only the bowl
It was full, not only the joy of the walls,
But the consonance of your feelings and thoughts
They would not fall into captivity to disagreements.
May there be many stars in your life
May your heart be forever young.
Less showers, hurricanes, thunderstorms,
Inhale the "white apple smoke" more fully.
There is a secret of being in this world.
Both grass and starling keep it...
And this secret is future children.
Love! Take action! Save at last!

Silver threads
The love of the heart tied
She is the road to happiness for you
Pointed straight.
Walk together along it
With good luck on your back
And tenderness is quiet, slowly,
Let him go next to you.
And I will support you children
holy prayer,
For the Lord to always watch
For your family!

Congratulations from the godparents on the wedding to the godson in prose

Words of congratulations on the godson's wedding day can be heard in verse and prose. Choose the right words to please him on this beautiful day. Our site contains the best wedding congratulations and wishes that your godson and his companion will be pleased to hear.

How quickly time flies, how fleeting our life is! It seems like only yesterday you became my godson - and now you are getting married. I wish you to keep the feelings that you are experiencing now for your chosen one for the rest of your life. And may the higher powers bless your family union!

As a godmother, it is a great honor for me today to bless you, children, for a long and happy life together. Walk along this path, holding hands, cherish the radiance that you radiate now, the tenderness that shines in your eyes, and keep each other the loyalty that lives in your hearts. Be loved and happy!

Well, here I am waiting for another celebration. It seems that just recently they dipped you into a font - small, touching and defenseless. You grew up, gained knowledge and wisdom. And now you are a young man who has connected his life with a charming girl. Now you have to go through life together, hand in hand. And I will always be there, like a good fairy from a fairy tale, and I will always protect you, my dear godson. Love and happiness to you for many years!

Godparents occupy a special place in the process of a wedding celebration. In addition to the fact that they have their own duties, they can also play the role of natural parents or witnesses in the absence of those during the celebration. The blessings and parting words of the godparents at the wedding should help the young family cope with any troubles and obstacles on the way to a happy family life.


In ancient times, godparents held the responsible position of being divine guides to spiritual children. The planted mother was the best friend, mentor and role model for her godchildren. And the “second father” replaced his own father in matters of matchmaking and organizing a wedding.

Now matchmakers are called native parents from the sides of the bride and groom in relation to each other. But in fact, it was the named parents who were matchmakers before. The groom's spiritual mentors went to the girl's house for the purpose of matchmaking, and there they were met by the godfather and mother of the bride with bread and salt or pumpkin in case of refusal.

When the proposal was accepted, the matchmakers blessed the future couple for marriage. Also planted parents served bread and salt to the young as a symbol of family well-being. By the way, according to tradition, baking a wedding loaf was also the responsibility of the godmother.

Previously, a young bride from her godmother received a piece of fabric for a wedding dress from her godmother - now this process has been transformed into a joint trip to a bridal salon. It is the duty of the spiritual mother from early childhood to teach the girl chastity and the science of housekeeping and the preservation of the family hearth. And the mentor of the groom was supposed to become a model of femininity and teach the boy to love his own mother, grandmother, sister - female representatives of the family and transfer this love to his future wife.

At the wedding, the named mother has quite a lot of responsibilities, from choosing a dress for the goddaughter to replacing her own mother if necessary. Also, spiritual parents during the wedding held a crown over the newlyweds (this duty is now often transferred to witnesses).

The named parents take an active part in decorating the house for the reception of the newlyweds and their marriage bed. In addition, young people do not expect formal gifts from their spiritual mothers and fathers, but gifts like for their own children, at least an expensive gift shared with their parents - an apartment, a car (but, of course, do not forget about the financial situation and demand the impossible ).

What to choose godfather as a gift?

Planted parents will not have to think long about choosing a wedding gift, since it is they who are prescribed by customs and traditions to give bed linen. And here it’s already a “need for invention is cunning” - a gift can be in the form of a beautiful, with an original print, pillowcases and in the form of a bed with all the necessary accessories, up to the repair of the entire bedroom.

Also on the shoulders of spiritual parents, in addition to organizational issues, are also entrusted with partial financial investments in paying for wedding expenses. So the duties of the godfather for the sake of tradition include decorating the wedding vehicle and paying it in full. Previously, this custom was called “young people riding” and instead of a car, a richly decorated horse was given to a young family, on which the bride and groom rode.

Godmother's speech at the wedding

During the wedding celebration, the script has a special part for the godmother's speech. So words can consist of a blessing to a young family, a parting speech to the young, a solemn presentation of a gift. But you can also follow the customs: as a rule, at the wedding, the planted mother gives the bride a symbolic family hearth in the form of a candle, which the goddaughter undertakes to save. The words of the transmission of this symbol are drawn up in poetic form, in the form of a prayer, a song, or simply beautiful words. Samples can be searched on the Internet, but a speech from the heart will sound much better and more moving.

The words of the spiritual mother should not only be parting words, instructive, but also sound from the bottom of the heart with sincere wishes for happiness, health and family well-being. In response to the congratulations of the godparents, the bride and groom also say thanksgiving speeches and give gifts in return. The named daughter, as a thank you, presents intimate gifts to the matchmakers in the form of underwear, but not modern, but according to ancient customs, undershirts, in which ablutions are usually performed in church baths, at holy springs. Moreover, these shirts must be embroidered personally by the bride.

After the wedding, mentoring duties are not removed from the “second mom and dad”, and they will always support the young family with advice and, if possible, financially.

In a fairy tale, the godmother was looking for a groom,
But you found each other without me
And a wonderful family is born
And now I bless you!
I wish you great love,
Salaries stellar, not small and modest,
Apartments fabulous like a palace
And the feelings would not come to an end!
And let the machine be just chic
Deliver to heaven like a white horse in a moment,
And may all our congratulations come true!
Happy wedding day - Happy family birthday!

On your wedding day, I give you an elixir,
Created from affection and passion!
And the whole world will envy you
When you are in his power!
Accept this gift from the godmother,
Let him not let the passion subside,
Let him kindle a fire in you in a moment
And gives you moments of bright sweetness!
Let your marriage consist of pleasures,
From tenderness, love and touch,
Let the elixir burn the blood inside!
Happy wedding day, marriage!

I promised God not to spare care
And do not regret affection in difficult times,
Being a godmother is not a job at all
This desire to look after you!
You're getting married today, honey
And you will be under a reliable wing,
May love live in you without drying up,
Let your home be filled with gentle light!
And let the years run, no need to regret.
Keep each other every hour,
I will be there in difficult times
To support or comfort you!

I, as a godmother, wish you good health -
Good for raising kids
Useful to defeat slander,
You can't live without it!
I, as a godmother, wish only happiness,
Without it, you cannot build a marriage,
Without it, you can not overcome bad weather,
You can't live without it!
I, like a godmother, wish peace in the house
It's completely unbearable without him.
Without him, everything seems dull!
Congratulations on your marriage! I love you!

I want to tell you young people
That love saves the cold world
That the rings on the hands are golden
Dearer to the heart than a diamond or a sapphire!
Let the love that is hidden in the rings
Will wrap your marriage forever
And quietly like fire on candles
It drives away evil, madness, darkness from you!
May goodness prevail in the family
And rules over husband and wife,
May the heavens sincerely kiss you,
Promising long life and peace!

I held the baby in the church in my arms,
Kissed, promised to keep carefully,
And now you met your husband in life,
But I don't dare to lay it on him
Caress, and care, and desire
Protect the goddaughter from evil,
Therefore, accept my cares and efforts
And promise to always be happy in marriage.
And I wish you good luck
God bless this family
You call, come visit more often
And do not be afraid of the wind and roads!

Is goodness only found in fairy tales?
No, the godmother wishes you well too,
Do not spare affection for each other,
Rejoice all days and all nights!
Do not spare light for each other,
Smile and don't you dare to be sad,
And when the children come
Don't forget to give them your love!
May the family grow and be stronger
May there be no blizzard in your life,
Lean on each other - it will be easier,
Happy wedding to you, wife and husband!

Happy wedding day
Accept the confession
Way of the Cross!
Huge family
Over the years become
Do not skimp on affection
And have fun walking
Help each other
I ask heaven
For you happiness and miracles
And then in great love
Live long you!

The godmother is the person who is not related to the goddaughter by blood, but bears the same responsibility for him as the parents. This is due to the fact that the godmother is responsible for the child in heaven, which means that she must be present at all important events. For example, on .

The godmother accompanies the goddaughter through life. Any problems that a girl has, she can discuss with her, as many children are embarrassed to talk with their parents on "adult" topics. Here you can discuss boys and touch on the topic of alcoholic beverages. That is why many godparents know such details about goddaughters that even mothers do not know about. And a wedding is a place where some interesting stories can be told, raising the mood of others and making the bride feel a sense of nostalgia for her childhood. Such congratulations to the goddaughter for the wedding will be more than ever welcome, because today she leaves her childhood forever and becomes a mature woman.

In addition to mentioning funny stories, it is imperative to note all the possible good qualities of the goddaughter so that the groom finally understands that he made the right choice. Tell everyone how kind, sympathetic, gentle she is. In fact, a man does not need a housewife who will only care about what to cook and how to clean the house. If a man is truly loved, he will put up with all the shortcomings of the chosen one. Convince everyone that your goddaughter loves to the last cell of her body. Finally, wish this marriage long life. Do not forget to hint about the grandchildren, because you will be the same grandmother to them as the mother of the goddaughter. Note that we have recently published on our website, we recommend that you look.

I once held a baby in my arms
And as a child, I read her a book.
Gave her dolls for her birthday
Always idolized her.
Today the goddaughter became a bride,
And the main culprit of the ball.
I raise a glass to you
I wish peace to your house.

Congratulations on mobile

My beloved goddaughter
Congratulations on your wedding!
Everyone is frozen and waiting for a miracle -
Families of birth and love are everywhere!

I wish you the best wife,
And take good care of your love!
Keep your paradise from envy,
To penetrate an outsider, so that he could not!

Today I congratulate the goddaughter,
I will make her today.
At the evening to be the sweetest,
Be beautiful and be happy.
Throw a bouquet into the crowd of friends,
And accept all gifts.
So that everything in life is strawberry,
And maybe even unusual.

My dear goddaughter,
I wish you the best today
I'm on this holiday with all my heart,
Today you became a wife!

Always understand each other
Always respect each other
And always love faithfully
Worthy together you live!

I'm goddaughter with a wedding
I'm so late to congratulate you.
Get a manor soon
I will order you today.
To be always happy
And never sad!
To always be beautiful
And you always smiled!

My beloved goddaughter
You are insanely beautiful.
Eyes glow with happiness
A tear sparkles on his face.
Next to you is your chosen one,
You, of course, God-given.
So be happy together
And take an oath before the altar.

Goddaughter, congratulations on your wedding!
You will become an impeccable wife,
Save love from boredom and from troubles,
To celebrate the anniversary - 100 years!

I wish you patience in life
Obstacles on the way so as not to get up!
You will always find support in your husband,
Yes, and support him and understand!

I'm goddaughter with a wedding
I'm so late to congratulate you.
Get a manor soon
I will order you today.
To be always happy
And never sad!
To always be beautiful
And you always smiled!

Goddaughter, dear, happy wedding to you!
I want to keep love forever
And keep faith in each other safely,
And, like jewels, guard happiness!

I wish you success, hope, good luck,
So that my husband and I solve all the problems of the family!
Love each other, because this is happiness!
Then all misfortunes will be bypassed!

Congratulations on the wedding from the godmother

2013 Toasts, vows and wishes Godmother is one of the closest and dearest people in the life of every girl. Do you remember the good fairy from the fairy tale about
Cinderella? Indeed, in life, for many girls, the godmother is like a fairy. She can listen and give the necessary advice, and if necessary - help.

In the article, we have collected for you the best wedding congratulations from the godmother for the bride. Wedding greetings from the godmother

Wedding toast: congratulations with an amulet

Dear goddaughter, I congratulate you,
Congratulations on the amulet, dear, I give,
May he protect your family
You, good, madly I love !!
Your godmother.

... I wish you warmth and tenderness

Beloved godson, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Happy wedding and beautiful wife!
I wish you both warmth and tenderness,
Family values ​​to keep your firm!
I, knowing life, do not predict it in honey,
But if fate brought you together with a visible hand,
You can handle everything - I know that for sure!
And fidelity, through the years, will carry peace!
Be a good couple, don't let me down son!
Favorite godson is getting married!
Accept congratulations!

Wedding toast: live well

Lord bless
Dear goddaughter!
Health will give and optimism,
Well, a friend of the same age!
The correct path will show. Needed solutions!
May life be filled with kindness
Smiles, luck!

Toast for the bride and groom: Sunny days and attention!

Sweet girl, goddaughter,
You are not my duty!
All I can offer to help - Tenderness, love and affection!
I wish you a lot of happiness
Sunny days and great attention!
Rejoice, always enjoy life
Smile more to the world!

And another toast to the wedding: Strong love!

Remember this minute
May it be sacred.
Now you are no longer a bride and groom,
Now you are a family, you are husband and wife. So let any misfortunes bypass you,
Let the fire not go out in the blood .. I wish you health, luck, happiness. I wish you strong and passionate love!

For the fire of love

I want, friends, I'll tell you about
I'm sure I won't disagree with you,
That a man's heart is a home
With its four corners.
There all the corners are warmly lit,
The fire of love ... How magnificent it is!
Where the first corner is the light of the wife,
The second child is naughty babbling.
And the third corner is close friends,
The fourth is the guests ... I can hardly count them all. And I want to raise my glass for the fact that hearts are never empty. If you are the godmother of one of the young, then you simply have to prepare a beautiful wish for the newlyweds for the wedding.

Still very touching and sincere wishes from the grandparents of the bride and groom. The best of them read Five of the best wedding congratulations on your wedding
We are in social networks: In yours,
Yulenka, the main day, I wish you happiness.
Beautiful days and fabulous roads. So that you live with your husband in comfort and harmony
And trouble never came to the threshold. Become a beautiful wife and take care of the hearth,
You manage to combine love and firmness.
Now both the house and life are all on your shoulders,
You must raise the most beautiful children. Let your husband be a strong support and support,
And he does not recognize marriage either edge or end.
Let life bring pleasant surprises
And the smile will not leave a happy face. I bless for happiness, for fate, for a long married life.

Congratulations on the wedding from the goddaughter

Daughter, dear, godmother

Let all the lights shine brighter today
Let the flowers bloom for you
And such amazing beauty!
You're getting married, I'm glad
May fate be kind
Let your family be happy
You - prosperity, happiness and kindness!

We wish our newlyweds

So that their path in life is successful,
So that at their silver wedding
And we would sing and dance.
To live better every year
So that the house is always a full bowl,
So that the world is always in their apartment,
Both here and in the whole world.

goddaughter wedding gift

On the wedding day

Congratulations on the wedding from the godmother

It is a great honor for the godmother - At the wedding, raise a glass.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Worthy of all the accolades!
Let your feelings be debts
Keeping your quiet home and life!
And the nights are softer than silk!
May the angel always keep you!
All the best, and only!
Now a little bit, but still "bitter"!
The wedding is in full swing.
And always praise for everything! “Oh, what a!” and “Oh, what!”, “You are my dear, dear ...”.
There will be a husband like a house cat.
Wives are gentle creatures.
They are waiting in hot love.
And you have to push yourself!
And hug each other
Tolerate shortcomings
What became of vodka ... "Bitter!".
It's so nice for the godmother
To be at your wedding, relatives!
I want to repeat a hundred times - Let your house be a full bowl,
Be supportive of each other.
And let it not be in your life
Skirmishes and unnecessary disputes.
Always let everything be in abundance - Health, money and more.
It's sweet for me to see your happiness
But I want to shout to you: "Bitter!" Once upon a time, I baptized you in the church as a small crumb,
Now you stand at the altar as a beautiful bride,
How quickly time flew by, how beautiful you became,
I sincerely wish you warmth, love and kindness,
So that your life goes smoothly
So that you become the happiest of all
Let there be only joy nearby and let success pursue.
On this day, my dear goddaughter,
I want to wish you
So that you and your husband climb the ladder of life
We just wanted to walk together!
And you did not know the problems and troubles,
So that everyone around would say: “There are no happier people in the whole world!” My dear congratulations,
And I sincerely wish you
To find their happiness.
And I'm like a godmother
I give my instructions
And take care of your family.
Don't stop loving each other
Patience, you must have support,
From now on, you are her friend, she is a friend,
Marriage must be carefully preserved!

Wedding congratulations to the goddaughter from the godmother

A wedding has always been and remains the most solemn event in the life of young people, their relatives and friends. Congratulations and greetings, jokes and wedding ditties can make the bride's cheeks play with a thin blush and the groom's pose. This day a miracle will happen, a new family will appear, and after the wedding, a new family hearth will light up, which should burn with love and warm with warmth for many decades. Many good words are said by all those present, wedding songs are sung, a luxurious wedding table is laid. Everyone is preparing for the meeting, the mother and godmother are embarrassed, they are nervous, collecting a magnificent loaf to greet the young. The father, together with the newly-made father-in-law, is gaining courage to meet the young spouses with serious edifying speeches of congratulations that will be delivered today and will be useful in a long and happy family life. But it is the godmother who is given the most touching part of the meeting. According to the Christian tradition of our ancestors, she gives her goddaughter all her tenderness, kindness, care and love. This is a special, very intimate kind of relationship. Mothers by blood are given by fate, their role in the life of their daughter is very great. But she also cares about caring for her family, other children, arranging home coziness and comfort. A relative or close friend who accepts a tiny girl from the hands of a priest after the font makes her choice quite consciously, assuming the duties of some kind of earthly guardian angel. And now the time has come for the goddaughter to build her family nest. How long would the godmother not prepare, before the wedding, would not search the Internet and various reference books for traditional wedding or modern creative words of congratulations, all the same, excitement can prevent them from being pronounced. Clean and tender, native before
God-like child, shrouded in a fog of guipure, silk and lace, this day crosses the line between carefree youth and a fully conscious family life. Remembering the moment of baptism, the godmother, in addition to her desire, catches herself thinking - this almost unknown young man, reverently and gently supporting the bride's elbow, has become for her the closest and dearest goddaughter. And from today, he is responsible for ensuring that the young wife, even after the wedding, is surrounded by love, warmth and spiritual comfort. The godmother, even after the marriage, remains the honor of being a close person and, to a certain extent, a confidant of a young woman. She has the honorary role of adviser. So that luck, laughter and happiness,
They were always there! Congratulations to the goddaughter in prose
With day
Birth, dear goddaughter,
I want to congratulate you and express my maternal love to you. You are with me
Baptized by God when she was still a baby. So grow up healthy, happy, easy, let your ladder be upstairs, new luck to you in life. Page 1 of 11

For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

Every person is extremely pleased to hear words of love and tenderness on his birthday - because a birthday is an extraordinary holiday of the soul. And, of course, it is especially nice to hear warm congratulations to your goddaughter on her birthday.