Congratulations on May 9, Victory Day to Veterans. Touching congratulations to veterans. Official congratulations to veterans in verse

Happy Victory Day veterans!
You are the pride and honor of the country.
We were given freedom
We say thank you!

We will never forget
What have you done for us.
We will honor and remember
The whole country is together with you!

Thank you, dear Veterans,
For your pain, for your wounds,
For courage, courage in battle...
For everything, I thank you!

You are very devoted to the Fatherland,
We wish you a long life,
Love, from everyone who is close to you,
So that you are greeted with a kind look!

An example to take youth
So that the trembling was not terrible again,
So that there is no soul in tears ...
Only, only joy in the eyes!

Our dear, highly respected veterans, heroes of the world, brave winners, we congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! First of all, we want to say “thank you” to you for our happy present, for our life, for the opportunity to walk on our native land and strive for important dreams. We wish you, brave guys, yes, yes, exactly brave guys, because you will always remain like that, we wish you strong strength and many, many good, glorious and happy days in your lifetime. And may the world for which you fought be eternal, may joyful children's voices ring in it, may adult smiles shine, may old people live with joy in their hearts.

We thank you for freedom
For giving us peace.
For work in the rear and exploits at the front,
For the fact that such a peaceful life has become.

We wish you health, longevity
And let troubles pass you forever.
For your courage, I will sing songs -
Veteran heroes, Happy Victory Day!

Bullets whistled, tanks roared,
But, about Victory, you still dreamed
"We went to the enemy" and did not give up,
Achieve peace, with all your heart tried!

Lost family and friends...
Lost, loving, mothers with all their hearts,
But, despite: pain and fear -
They believed in Victory in their hearts!

Thank you, dear Veterans,
For your courage, pain and wounds,
For your devotion to the country,
For peace, for happiness on Earth!

Thank you veterans
What did you give a rebuff to fascism
And not sparing their lives
Our homeland was defended.

Bow to you low from all of us
For your invaluable feat,
For a peaceful sky, for laughter,
For the holiday we love so much.

May they praise you for all ages
And your wounds will not be forgotten.
Since May 9 you! Hooray!
Thanks for peace, veterans!

We thank you for everything:
For your courage without barriers,
For protecting the world
Not for titles and awards.

We want to wish you health
To live long, not get sick.
We say thank you
For the fact that life is not spared!

On this day - holy and glorious,
The whole world thanks you
The world is free and happy
Thank you too!" speaks.

You, dear veterans,
Congratulations, from the bottom of my heart,
We wish you happiness and good
Lots of love and joy!

Happy Victory Day! The war is long gone
And the battlefields were overgrown with grass.
Veterans, thank you for letting us
They could live under a peaceful sky and sun.

Neither the cold nor the hunger of war is familiar to us,
Because you took the fight
When the enemy wanted to seize our land,
When he walked along it, destroying all living things.

We wish you long and joyful years,
We promise to keep your feat in our hearts,
This earth that has absorbed your sweat and blood,
Just as holy to cherish, just as hard to love!

Our dear veterans
We heartily congratulate you!
We have not forgotten your feat
Low bow to you from us!

Good health and happiness to you,
Friendly so that the family is
May your grandchildren please you
Peace be forever!

May the aged earth become peaceful,
Scars will disappear, all wounds will heal,
Forget the war. But you can't forget
Great feat of our veterans,

And life will not be given away in vain,
And a tear will not touch your eyes,
Let never a cruel war
Fate does not take away from anyone,

May the memory be eternal and holy,
And sorrow will never come again
Shielding the world with an unbroken back,
You have given so many a chance to be born!

There are holidays that, along with joyful emotions, also evoke heavy associations associated with human casualties and tragedies. May 9 Victory Day is one of those. Despite the fact that more than 70 years have passed since the overthrow of the German fascists, memories of that terrible war and its horrors still live in the memory of today's generations. Every year at the beginning of May, people around the world not only honor the feat of Soviet soldiers, but also rethink the lessons of the past, hoping not to repeat terrible mistakes in the future. Needless to say, the traditions of this great holiday should live on, constantly reminding us of the fragility of peace and harmony on our planet. Beautiful congratulations on May 9 in verse or prose is one of those traditions that is easy to maintain in every family. However, its importance should not be underestimated. As long as people send heartfelt congratulations to each other on May 9, even in short text messages, the memory of the Great Victory will live on for centuries. It is especially important to express warm wishes to the veterans and eyewitnesses of those events, which are becoming less and less every year. Believe me, a touching wish from the lips of a representative of the younger generation is just as important for a grandfather who saw the war, as is a more official congratulation from the head of the city or the administration team. In our today's article you will find the best congratulations on May 9, 2018 in verse and prose, filled with the kindest and brightest wishes for everyone.

Sincere congratulations on Victory Day on May 9 in beautiful verses to tears

Probably, the main difference between beautiful congratulations in verses on Victory Day on May 9 from other wishes is their sincerity and ability to bring tears to the eyes. And this phenomenon is easy to explain - such congratulatory poems always speak of the great feat of the Soviet soldier, the hardships of the people and the horrors of the war years. This mixture of pride and bitterness, joy and endless pain, skillfully conveyed in poetic lines, touches everyone and everyone to the depths of their souls. It is these soulful poems, touching to tears, with beautiful congratulations on Victory Day, that we have collected in the next selection.

Options for sincere congratulations in beautiful poems to tears on May 9, Victory Day

Victory Day is special for the country:

We remember the soldiers, the fallen.

For them, rockets will fly into the air

Let the sky be lit up with lights.

I bet there are no people who don't appreciate

Army feat of those who protected children.

War blows, I believe, behind,

Only light and joy remained ahead.

Good health and warmth!

Birth of healthy, happy children,

The grandfathers who recognized them are a great example!

The war has been over for a long time
Again the blue sky above us.
Only the memory of the past is alive
We will not forget this pain over the years.
Do not forget those young guys
That they brought victory closer to us.
With no way back
Only forward under fire fled.
Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing
Let the planet be full of flowers.
The sky will decorate the fireworks
In honor of the heroes that are not with us today!

Through tears and pain, through battles and years
The fighters were close to victory.
And that day has come, the trouble has receded,
Everyone cried and cheered!
Congratulations to all those who returned alive,
Let us kneel before them.
We honor the fallen with a minute of silence,
They will be remembered for generations.
Thank you for everything we have to say to them.
Thanks to our fathers, grandfathers
For peace, for peace and grace.
Thank you all for the win!

Official congratulations on May 9 for veterans in prose

Every year there are fewer and fewer of them... The living witnesses of those terrible events are gradually leaving us, taking with them the true memories of the war. Very soon there will be no one left who can tell the younger generation about the realities of the Great Patriotic War, based on their own experience. Therefore, it is so important to remember and be sure to congratulate veterans on Victory Day, keep their stories and be proud of their exploits. Official congratulations on May 9 in prose are just a small example of how you can thank veterans and honor the memory of the fallen. Such wishes, as a rule, are relevant for large celebrations in honor of Victory Day, which take place at the level of a city or a specific organization. At the same time, beautiful official congratulations in prose on May 9 for veterans are also relevant for school lines and children's concerts on this great day. Examples of such wishes can be found in the following selection.

The best official congratulations to veterans on May 9 in prose

Dear veterans, in the difficult years of the war, you defended the right of our people to freedom and independence with your breasts, let me bow our heads before your glorious feat, which will be honored for centuries, wish you enduring health, good spirits, respect from those around you, prosperity and peace.

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on a truly great holiday - Victory Day! Let the ghosts of the past not bother you. You sacrificed yourself and gave yourself for a brighter future. Your merit is the millions of lives that are now living in the world. Health to you, honor, support and tranquility!

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on Victory Day! You are our pride, our role model, who made it possible to live in peace! We bow before your exploits, strength of spirit and will, unbroken heroism. Be healthy! You gave an invaluable gift to all subsequent generations. Thank you for this! Happiness to you, prosperity and as much good as possible!

Beautiful congratulations on May 9 Victory Day to veterans in verse

Along with solemn wishes in prose to veterans on Victory Day on May 9, beautiful congratulations in verse should also be prepared as part of the celebrations. It is best to choose such options for holiday poems that contain words of pride and deep gratitude to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. To give such beautiful congratulations on May 9 Victory Day in verse for veterans even more enthusiastic, they can be read against the background of the music of the war years. You will find examples of beautiful poems with congratulations on May 9 for WWII veterans below.

Variants of beautiful poems with congratulations to veterans on May 9 Victory Day

We thank you for freedom
For giving us peace.
For work in the rear and exploits at the front,
For the fact that such a peaceful life has become.
We wish you health, longevity
And let troubles pass you forever.
For your courage, I will sing songs -
Veteran heroes, Happy Victory Day!

Thank you, dear Veterans,
For your pain, for your wounds,
For courage, courage in battle ...
For everything, I thank you!
You are very devoted to the Fatherland,
We wish you a long life,
Love, from everyone who is close to you,
So that you are greeted with a kind look!
An example to take youth
So that the trembling was not terrible again,
So that there is no soul in tears ...
Only, only joy in the eyes!

Your feat is difficult to assess -
We didn't exist at that time.
But it is unlikely that we could live
Without you and that freedom
What could you give us?
For everything I will make in full.
We can believe, think, live,
We have been given silence.
But the fire of memory burns
And this light is eternal.
Thank you! May God keep
Health, long years.

Short congratulations to grandparents on May 9, 2018 in verse from children

Particular attention should be paid to short poems with congratulations on May 9, 2018 to grandparents from children. Everyone understands how important it is to educate the younger generation in a patriotic spirit and respect for the elders. Short congratulations in verse on Victory Day on May 9 to relatives of grandparents from children of different ages is an easy way to instill respect for the elders and introduce them to the traditions of the holiday. Many old people, although they did not take part in hostilities, felt the consequences of those terrible events, having gone through a hungry childhood and a difficult working youth. Their parents were the heroes who made the victory over fascism possible. Therefore, for them, this day will always be an important holiday, congratulations on which they deserve and are waiting.

Examples of congratulations in short verses for grandparents on May 9, 2018 from children

Happy Victory Day, grandfather, congratulations
I want you from the bottom of my heart
For victory, for courage
I send thanks to you.
I'm proud of you grandpa
You are the real hero
Be healthy, don't be discouraged
My main winner.

Happy Victory Day, dear grandfather!
Peace, in the world everyone needs,
Let the evil enemy not destroy
Life will not be disturbed by a calm course!
I want you to smile
And always stay healthy.
Pleases you at the beginning of May
Let the lilac bloom beautifully!

You are the main warrior for your grandchildren,
Worthy of various honors
Fought, did not fight -
You got the victory
Those who lived in this world,
The one who was responsible for us,
Those who believed and worked,
I have achieved the best in my life!

Touching congratulations on May 9 Victory Day in prose and poetry for the team

Probably, there is no family in the expanses of the former USSR, in whose history there are no memories of the war. Almost every home has its own heroes, fallen brave and strong-willed workers, thanks to whom we live today under a peaceful sky. This war is relevant to everyone, and therefore each individual citizen and our entire society as a whole deserve touching congratulations on the Great Victory. An example of what common wishes can be for May 9, Victory Day - touching congratulations in prose and poetry for teams. They can be used at celebrations and commemorative concerts in working organizations of various sizes. For example, the director of a company or the head of a shop at a factory can use one of the options for touching congratulations on Victory Day in prose or poetry for a team. The main thing is that these wishes are said with all my heart and soul.

Variants of touching poems and prose with congratulations to the team on May 9 Victory Day

Colleagues, Happy Victory Day,
Happy great day to all people!
Pain and troubles left in the past
And grief from cruel days.
I wish you all good and peace,
And solidarity in everything
So that the good sun shines
And warmed your house with warmth!

Happy holiday to you, Happy Victory Day,
With the triumph of good over evil.
Peace, dear colleagues,
The sun is just outside the window.
Never let him wake up
Shot and sirens roar.
Let the song always sound
Trill of singing nightingales.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the great holiday, Victory Day. May there always be blue clear skies in our lives, may our relatives and children not know what war means, may our hearts always be proud of the exploits of our grandfathers, may the song of Victory in each of us awaken the power of patriotism and a sense of good hope.

Beautiful short congratulations on May 9 in verse to tears

If you want to pick up beautiful and touching to tears congratulations on May 9 for your family and friends, then pay attention to the following selection with short poems. This is the perfect format for holiday cards, personal greetings or a toast. Also, such congratulations can be used to design thematic pictures and school wall newspapers in honor of Victory Day. You will find examples of beautiful short congratulations in verse on May 9 to tears in the following selection.

The most beautiful congratulations to tears on May 9 in short verses

Happy Victory Day
And with all my heart I wish
Never know war
See happy dreams.
Let everyone be involved
To have peace and happiness
To faith and love
They entered the house again and again.

May the sky be peaceful
Over our heads!
I wish you on Victory Day
So that life is colorful!
Let's fill the world
Kindness, love, light!
We proudly remember everything
After all, there is no more important date!

Happy Victory Day! Happy holiday.
Life - in peace, care, warmth.
May the desired and most victorious
Every day will be for everyone on Earth!

Touching short congratulations on the Great Victory on May 9 in prose

Short congratulations on the Great Victory on May 9, touching to tears, can also be in prose. Unlike similar options in poetry, such wishes are much easier to remember and reproduce from memory. In addition, they can always be supplemented with your own words, which will make short congratulations on the Great Victory on May 9 in prose even more touching and sincere. But even without additional phrases, ready-made short congratulations on the Victory from our next selection will be a great way to express gratitude and pride on this significant day.

Options for touching short congratulations in prose on the Great Victory on May 9, 2018

Congratulations on Victory Day! Remember our heroes, honor their memory and sacrifice. Live peacefully in the sunlight and breathe deeply.

On Victory Day over fascism, we wish you a peaceful sky, good health, and family joys. Sacredly keep in memory the feat of the people, pass on respect for veterans to your children and grandchildren.

I congratulate you on Victory Day and sincerely wish you to live happily and enjoy life, thank our grandfathers for peace and always be fit for the banner of the victorious cry “Hurrah!”.

Probably the most popular congratulations not only on the Victory on May 9, but also on other holidays, are short wishes that are suitable for SMS. Agree, it is very convenient to choose a beautiful poem with good wishes for May 9 and send it to recipients from your phone book. Moreover, this format is also convenient for congratulations on the Internet via e-mail or social networks. When choosing short congratulations for May 9, 2018, which are suitable for SMS, it is better to dwell on the universal options for peace and victory. You will find examples of such wishes in short verses in the following selection.

Short congratulations on the Victory on May 9, 2018, which are suitable for SMS format

Since May 9, Happy Victory Day!
Health to everyone without measure,
Good luck to all, love
And peace, happiness, warmth.

Happy Victory Day, spring day.
The day we got
Sun, air, sky, world.
Happy holiday! Good and strength!

Happy Victory Day! Happy Heroes Day
Our Motherland saint!
Happiness, I wish you the sun
In the heart - peace, love, peace.

May 9 Victory Day is a great day in the history of not only our people, but the whole world. One of the main traditions of this holiday was, is and will be beautiful and touching to tears congratulations and wishes in verse and prose. Particularly important are the kind words of recognition and gratitude addressed to veterans, of whom there are very few left. Waiting for warm congratulations and grandparents, who had the difficult fate of restoring the country after severe military trials. Yes, and relatives, friends, neighbors, friends from the team and just acquaintances will be happy to congratulate you on this day. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to prepare long official speeches - a short poem with touching wishes is quite enough, which will fit in the SMS format. The main thing is to pay attention and once again recall the events that have long gone, but are still important for each of us. We hope that congratulations on May 9, 2018 from our article will help you choose the best format for wishes for your loved ones, relatives and friends. With Victory!

Best congratulations from May 9, 2018 are on our website. For greater convenience, they are grouped into thematic sections. We bring to your attention respectful, official texts in prose, with which you can greet a team of colleagues at work, the management of the enterprise and business partners. To congratulate the veterans on Victory Day, there are beautiful, sincere and touching lines to tears, imbued with love and respect for the great feat accomplished many years ago by our grandfathers and grandmothers.

For a festive greeting to friends and acquaintances, short congratulations in verse have been collected. They can be recited aloud in a personal meeting or sent to the phone in the form of SMS. On a fine and warm May day, the addressee will be very pleased to receive a few optimistic, kind lines glorifying the victory over fascism and the valor of Russian weapons that rid the world of Nazism.

Beautiful short congratulations on May 9 Victory Day 2018 to veterans

Very beautiful short congratulations on May 9 to veterans are in this section. They can be said aloud in a personal meeting or written on bright themed postcards, and then passed on to older people you know who participated in the hostilities of 1941-1945. Such an ingenuous, sincere and tearfully touching surprise will be received with special enthusiasm and will create an upbeat, joyful mood among the elderly. They will be very pleased with the attention to themselves and once again realize that the huge sacrifice in the form of their lives and health was not in vain.

If there is a participant in the war in the family, first of all it is worth congratulating him. A short holiday greeting can be made on behalf of all relatives, and then each of the relatives can be given the opportunity to say a few kind, good words to the elderly person personally. Template speeches are not needed here. It is enough just to say 2-3 simple sincere phrases and thank the veteran for the fact that today the country lives under a peaceful sky, admires the bright sun and flourishes, becoming more and more beautiful and strong.

Examples of short beautiful congratulations for veterans on Victory Day

Wish the veterans well

And of course, sincerely, health,

And in the soul - spring warmth,

To live happily, with love.

And let there be a little of you -

Your glory will be unforgettable.

You will always stay for us -

The best, most worthy people!

Our dear veterans, congratulations on the Great Victory Day! We will always remember the cost of this victory, so we will not tire of thanking you and wishing you joy, prosperity, and long life. Be healthy, strong, because you gave us the future on a free land!

Thank you for your courage and bravery

For the sky is peaceful overhead.

Without you, we would not have made a single step,

Today every veteran is a hero.

You fought so selflessly

They completely forgot about rest and sleep.

We have always needed such heroes.

Thank you! And low bow to you!

Our dear, dear, glorious veterans, we sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day. Thank you very much for your patriotism and heroic deeds, which gave us the opportunity to live happily and celebrate this wonderful holiday. We wish you the best health, honor and respect, joy of the heart and true pride of the soul, attention and care of loved ones, sincere gratitude and low bow from each of us.

May happiness smile on Victory Day,

Don't forget you're forties!

And let victory beat in your heart

And veterans will be forever young!

Best congratulations in verse since May 9, 2018 to colleagues and friends

The best congratulations in verse from May 9 to colleagues and friends should be sought in advance. If there is a large team at work, you can order a small print run of themed postcards with greeting poems from the printing house, and then on the eve of the celebration, give a present to each employee of the enterprise or organization. So that no one is offended, the appearance and content of the postcard should be the same for everyone. Neglecting this, one may be faced with a situation where someone considers that his gift is worse than that of a colleague. The festive mood will immediately deteriorate, and the atmosphere in the workplace will become tense and uncomfortable. It is better to avoid such moments and without an actual goal not to single out anyone in a special way.

With congratulations for friends, the situation is somewhat different. Here it is quite appropriate to confine ourselves to an oral poetic greeting or send rhymed lines to the phone. Additionally, you can post solemn quatrains on the personal pages of friends in social networks, in popular groups and publics, on a city forum where it is customary to communicate, or send it to an email box. For progressive people who live in step with the times, this style of congratulations will fit just perfectly and will be perceived correctly and with pleasure.

Options for the best congratulations in verse on Victory for friends and colleagues

Colleagues, Happy Victory Day,

Happy great day to all people!

Pain and troubles left in the past

And grief from cruel days.

I wish you all good and peace,

And solidarity in everything

So that the good sun shines

And warmed your house with warmth!

Once our grandfathers fought,

So that we honor Victory Day today,

So that the heavens are above our heads

Always filled with only blue!

Victory must be remembered and appreciated,

After all, we can live in peace in the world!

That's why I want to wish

Never know all the horrors of war!

Happy holiday to you, Happy Victory Day,

With the triumph of good over evil.

Peace, dear colleagues,

The sun is just outside the window.

Never let him wake up

Shot and sirens roar.

Let the song always sound

Trill of singing nightingales.

The sun, rejoicing in spring,

Looks with a wondrous light

Congratulations to all friends

Happy Victory Day!

Peace and beauty to you,

Tenderness to pain

To a lot of kindness

It was in every house!

Colleagues, happy Victory Day to you,

May peace reign with us

I wish us not to know the war,

So that happiness fills the days!

So that they do not know troubles and tears,

Do not know you everyday dreams,

Live in joy, love,

May happiness fill your days!

Official congratulations on May 9 (Victory Day) in prose to the team, managers and business partners

All official congratulations from May 9 in prose to the team, managers and business partners should sound weighty, solid and respectful. It is better to pronounce them at a solemn meeting, when the whole team, representatives of friendly companies and other invited persons are present in the conference room.

Employees may be greeted by someone from senior management, such as the director, his deputy, or the owner of the enterprise. These same people should address congratulations to business partners. Too long speeches are not needed here. It is better to speak briefly, congratulating those present on the great holiday and add a few traditional wishes for health, happiness, a peaceful sky and success in work.

It is appropriate for employees to dedicate the same official words to their superiors. It can be a general collective or individual congratulation. The main thing is to pronounce it sincerely and from a pure heart.

Texts for official congratulations on the Victory on May 9 of work teams, managers and business partners

Victory Day is celebrated by each of us, so on this day I would like to wish everything only good, and that the memory of our eternal heroes will forever remain in our hearts! After all, it is to them that we owe the peaceful days present today. On this day, I want to talk only about the good and joyful, because the terrible days of that time will never be forgotten. Therefore, we say "Thank you" to our ancestors who gave their lives for our well-being. Happy holiday and eternal memory to our heroes!

On this day, I want to congratulate absolutely all people. After all, thanks to the feat that our ancestors accomplished, we can live in this country today. No matter how much time passes, the Great Victory will remain a symbol of our unity and the valor of the Russian people. Probably the best tribute to the Victory will be caring for veterans. But do not forget that our task is to tell children and grandchildren about that war so that they are proud of the winners and, in turn, pass the information on to their children. Let's appreciate the peaceful skies and believe that such events will never happen again.

The ninth of May holiday cannot be called cheerful, but it can be called joyful and very important. On this day, I would like to congratulate all the inhabitants of Russia. May the sky above your head always remain peaceful, and may everyone be happy and healthy!

Dear friends! On this day, May 9, I want to say a lot in memory of the fallen heroes. After all, this day is the most significant day for each of us. Our country has found peace thanks to our ancestors. We will never forget those terrible and harsh days. Therefore, I would like to wish only peace and goodness to everyone, may peace and prosperity reign everywhere. Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day!

Dear colleagues and business partners! This day will always be important for us! After all, our relatives and friends shed blood and did not spare their lives so that we can now live in peace. Let us honor their memory with a moment of silence, and may each of us keep in our hearts the eternal memory of the fallen heroes! Happy Great Victory Day to you!

Short sincere congratulations on the Victory Day on May 9 in prose to friends and family

On Victory Day, it is customary to greet not only valiant veterans, courageous participants in the war and diligent home front workers. It is permissible to devote short sincere congratulations on May 9 in prose to friends, relatives and acquaintances. This is the easiest way to once again remind each other of the terrible period in the life of the Motherland and honor the memory of those who selflessly sacrificed themselves for the sake of the peaceful existence of future generations.

Congratulatory phrases should sound optimistic and contain words of respect for the feat accomplished by veterans. You can include traditional wishes for happiness, love and prosperity in the text. Dry formality is not needed here. It is better to speak simply, but sincerely and frankly. Then the solemn speech will cause a lot of positive emotions, and even make the most sensitive and impressionable people shed tears.

A collection of sincere short congratulations in prose on the occasion of May 9 for friends and family

Happy Victory Day! May the clear sky of dreams stretch over you, may a happy and kind life await you ahead, may your heart remember and be proud of the great deeds of our grandfathers.

On May 9, I hasten to congratulate you on Victory Day and wish you to live in peace and always, always remember the feat of your ancestors!

Congratulations on Victory Day! Remember our heroes, honor their memory and sacrifice. Live peacefully in the sunlight and breathe deeply.

May 9 holiday! No matter how many years have passed since Victory Day, it will always be important and dear to us! Congratulations!

Cool short congratulations in verse from May 9, 2018

Funny, optimistic and funny short congratulations in verse since May 9 are more than appropriate in youth companies, at school, college or university. The guys recite them aloud to each other or post them on personal pages on social networks, publics or groups, leave them on their favorite forums or post them on school and student websites. In such a modern and comfortable way, the young generation honors the memory of veterans who gave their lives for the bright future of the country, and remembers significant milestones in the history of the state.

In addition, students and schoolchildren place short funny congratulations in thematic wall newspapers or write on posters designed to decorate classrooms, auditoriums and assembly halls where festive events are planned. Such decorative elements create a truly joyful atmosphere around and fill hearts and souls with positive and faith in the best.

Short funny poems for congratulating friends on May 9

Happy Victory Day!

I wish you good days.

The clear world is always around,

I wish to live under a peaceful sky,

Not to know all the horrors of war.

I congratulate you on Victory Day.

It's good that we are in the world!

I want to win and not give up

Like our grandfathers, accomplish feats,

Take care of your loved ones and do not part,

Heroes on Victory Day to remember.

On Victory Day, I wish you

Live without war and without sorrow!

So that neither children nor grandchildren

Do not take machine guns in your hands!

I wish you on Victory Day

Don't know what trouble is

Always live in peace and harmony,

Let happiness reign in life!

To tears, touching congratulations on May 9 to veterans from children

Very pleasant, to tears, touching congratulations on May 9 to veterans should be said by children. This can be done at home if there is an elderly war veteran in the family or in a kindergarten, school or any other youth educational institution. Greeting words in verse or prose must be pronounced clearly, loudly and with expression. Let veterans feel how they are valued and respected by boys and girls who were born in a peaceful country under a clear blue sky and who never saw the horrors of war only because many years ago grandparents boldly rose to defend their homeland and did not allow the enemy to raze it to the ground .

It is necessary to learn words with children in advance. It can be a short text in prose or a poem of 2-3 verses. It is desirable that they fully correspond to the theme of the holiday and contain congratulations, good wishes and great gratitude for the opportunity to live in a reliable, beautiful and strong country.

A selection of tearfully touching congratulations in honor of May 9, 2018 for veterans from children

On Victory Day I wish you

Sea of ​​victories

So that you live brightly, wonderfully,

Without longing, worries and troubles!

Peace in the sky and in the houses,

Happiness, joy in the hearts!

Happy Victory Day, veterans! The victory you have won is very honorable and respected. Health to you and your family, may the peaceful sky become forever a symbol for everyone.

For children to live in peace

You didn't feel sorry for yourself for a moment.

You looked death in the eyes every day,

For this we sincerely thank you!

Happy Victory Day! May the clear sky of dreams stretch over you, may a happy and kind life await you ahead. And we will always remember and be proud of your great feat.

Peace, warmth and a happy life.

Joy in the heart, and away so that troubles go.

Happy holiday, special, beautiful!

Glory to the heroes always! Happy Victory Day!

Lovely congratulations in verse and prose on May 9 Victory Day for grandfather

The most beautiful congratulations in verse and prose on May 9 Victory Day for grandfather are posted in this section. Both an adult and a child can memorize them without any difficulties, so that later, on the eve of a bright holiday, they can read beautiful texts aloud to an elderly person. The veteran will definitely like this way of congratulating, and he will certainly smile, furtively brushing away a mean tear from his eyes. After all, it was for the sake of the younger generation and such tremulous minutes in the middle of the last century that our respected old people risked themselves and went to certain death. Unfortunately, not everyone returned to their families, but those who were lucky enough to survive did everything so that the great feat was not forgotten and forever preserved in the hearts and memory of the entire population of the country.

The best poems and prose for congratulating grandfather on Victory 2018

Grandfather, I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day and I want to wish you all the best and feelings of happiness in life, good spirits and good health, a peaceful sky and a kind gleam in your eyes. May the horizon of the path be clear, may your every day be wonderful and joyful.

You shed blood, you fought

He bravely defended his homeland.

We love you, respect you

We wish you health and strength.

Don't let the years age you

Grandpa, I congratulate you on Victory Day. I wish you invincible heroism of the soul and true courage of the heart, sincere respect for comrades and colleagues, strong love of the family and loved ones. May the weather be good in your life, the world around you be kind and colorful.

Favorite grandfather! You are our hero!

Today is Victory Day, your holiday.

You shed blood, you fought

He bravely defended his homeland.

We love you, respect you

We wish you health and strength.

Don't let the years age you

After all, you are an example for us always!

Dear grandpa. I want to wish you, on this day, resilience to life's troubles, peace of mind and memory, strength of mind and health. May all hardships and black stripes be illuminated by the victory of the strength of our people! Let the sorrow of loss be filled with the happiness of gaining freedom of spirit and sunny peaceful days!

Short SMS congratulations on the Victory by May 9 for relatives, friends and colleagues

For SMS congratulations from May 9, 2018 to relatives, friends, work colleagues and just acquaintances, short texts in poetry and prose are perfect. They do not contain excessive formality, but there are a lot of warm, sincere respectful words, pleasant phrases and best wishes.

Beautiful works on Victory Day can be dedicated to friends and the team of your enterprise. To do this, you will have to create a general list of recipients on your phone, and then put the text on the mailing list. This will not take much time, but it will give the opportunity to congratulate the largest possible number of people on the victory.

Grandfather, a participant in hostilities, should not be sent SMS. It is better to greet him personally and recite aloud to tears a touching, sincere and kind congratulation. It will be very flattering for an elderly person to be in the center of attention and once again be convinced of the love and respect from close relatives.

A list of short SMS congratulations on Victory Day to colleagues, friends and relatives

Happy Victory Day!

I wish you good days.

The clear world is always around,

Good news, health and warmth.

On this wonderful and great Victory Day, I want to wish with all my heart to be proud of the exploits of our heroes and with all my heart to believe in a wonderful, happy and peaceful life.

Happy Victory Day, warm May

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

We wish everyone to live in peace,

We clean the sky to cherish!

On Victory Day over fascism, we wish you a peaceful sky, good health, and family joys. Sacredly keep in memory the feat of the people, pass on respect for veterans to your children and grandchildren.

On Victory Day I wish you

Sea of ​​victories

So that you live brightly, wonderfully,

Without longing, worries and troubles!

Peace in the sky and in the houses,

Happiness, joy in the hearts!

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[in prose 2]

Dear ours! Perhaps, there are no words in any language of the world to put into them all the gratitude from children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for your immortal feat on the fronts and in the rear. Therefore, we will not say much - we will kneel before you, ordinary heroes, whose deeds will live for centuries! I wish you good health, unquenchable optimism and positive emotions! Congratulations, veterans! Happy Victory Day!

Dear veterans, you brought us victory by sacrificing yourself, your youth, health and life! Huge thanks to you for this! For happiness to see the smiling sun, to feel the warm wind, to look at the bright sky. Our gratitude is simply boundless, because there is no measure that could measure the fullness of the happiness you have given! Live long, look cheerfully, rejoice with your heart! Avoid sadness, avoid sadness, because you gave Victory! Great and glorious!

Dear, beloved and respected veterans! This holiday has caused great joy and great pain for all people in the country. On this day, we sincerely want to thank you for the peace and tranquility that you gave us! Thanks to you, a clear sky is spreading over us today and every day brings peace and order! Thank you and kudos! Be always healthy and happy!

Dear veterans! It was your honor and courage that more than half a century ago gave the right to life to subsequent generations, thanks to you we have a Motherland - a country that you defended with blood. I wish you health, warmth and peace, because it was for peace - in the camp and in every family - that you sacrificed your lives almost three generations ago. Sunshine, love and good health!

Above us is a peaceful, bright sky, we breathe air without the admixture of gunpowder, we walk along safe roads and know about the war only from books and films thanks to you, our dear veterans. With all our hearts, we wish you health, long life, many reasons for joy, as well as love and respect from everyone. We are proud of you and immensely grateful to you not only today, but every day. Happy Victory Day, dear veterans!

Dear veteran defenders! That's right - the defenders of our homeland! A huge holiday is approaching, perhaps the most significant in our history - Victory Day. The holiday of victory over evil - fascism. Celebrations to you, fortitude and stamina. This is your holiday, your victory in the name of our future. Low bow to you from us, those whose future you defended, health to you, longevity and optimism!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on Victory Day! I want to sincerely wish you good health, peace and prosperity! Live long, happily, joyfully, surrounded by loving caring relatives! Thank you so much for the world, for the fact that we live in a free, happy country! Thank you for your courage, hard work and will to win!

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on the long-awaited Victory Day! Every year, the horrors of the Great Patriotic War go further and further, but our gratitude becomes stronger! Thank you for your courage, for your courage, for your care, for giving us this peaceful life! Please accept our low bow and wishes to feel the care and love of loved ones every day!

Here comes another anniversary of the Great Victory! This triumphant and great day is an eternal reminder of the strength and courage, heroism and unshakable will of our grandparents. Thank you, our dear veterans, for the fact that once you risked your life, your happiness, your destiny for the future of the whole country, for the future of your descendants, for all of us. We remember those who never returned from that terrible war, those who never knew that the Great Victory had come. Eternal memory to the heroes! The pain of loss and the fire of memories will forever remain with us. But to those veterans whose warm hearts are still beating, I would like to wish only a clear clear sky, good health and not lonely old age. May your grandchildren and great-grandchildren be a worthy continuation of your glorious family!

Dear veterans! Today is the most important holiday for the whole country - Victory Day! Today's generation owes you and only you for the peace that you defended in bloody battles. When you were very young, you went to the front, went through pain, experienced losses. You have suffered your and our common victory! We will never forget ourselves and will tell our children about your courage and self-sacrifice. Health to you, peace and tranquility!

[in prose] [in prose 2]

More on Victory Day on our website:

Victory Day is a holiday that fills our hearts with pride and gratitude. This is a holiday - courage, heroism, courage and kindness. This is a holiday that gave the future to us, our children and grandchildren! With all my heart I wish good health, happiness, a peaceful sky over your head to you and your family!

Victory Day is the day of soldiers who fell on the battlefield and mothers, wives and children who did not spare themselves in the rear! This is the Day when we sing of courage, heroism and bravery. We sincerely wish you, your loved ones and colleagues good health, success in work, well-being, peace and happiness.

A terrible word is war, and a beautiful word is Victory! It's so hard to realize that every year there are fewer of them! Our veterans... They survived, didn't break down and didn't give up! They did not see a rich and well-fed life and knew how to be content with little, but they were happy when they learned about the Great Victory over fascism on May 9! A deep bow to you, dear veterans, and good memory to all the heroes who did not live to see this bright day! Good health and long life to you

This holiday is special for every person in our country. The greatness of the Victory and the bitterness of loss in our country touched every family. Combat red banners, St. George ribbons and carnations have become the invariable symbols of Victory Day. But these are not just symbols, this is a tribute to those who are not with us, but those who remain in the memory of the people and in the heart of everyone who is not indifferent to the history and fate of the Motherland. I sincerely wish you great joy, kindness, health, happiness, love and success in all your endeavors!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the Great Victory Day! Victory Day is a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery of people who defended their Motherland. This is a call to persistently fight for increasing the glory of our ancestors, for great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness to your family and friends, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

I heartily congratulate you on Victory Day! Truly, it is a great holiday! This is the Day when the word Victory was of great importance not only for our people, but for the whole world for millions of people who uttered this word with tears in their eyes. They were tears of joy and happiness. Simple human happiness, the right of every person to a calm, peaceful life! I wish you good health, good spirits, family well-being and all the best!

This truly national holiday unites all people regardless of their nationality and religion, age and political beliefs, because, celebrating Victory Day, we remember the invincible strength of spirit, courage and great sacrifices of our people. Happy Great Holidays.

On this day, I would like to congratulate not only those who gave their lives in the struggle for the cause of peace, in the fight against fascism, not only those who went through the entire war and carried the victory on their shoulders, not only those who worked in the rear, tirelessly , worked to win. I would like to congratulate everyone. All without exception. This victory is common, it is one for all, as one for all this fragile world, as one for all we have a home - our blue planet. Happy holiday to all of us! May there be peace throughout the world!

Dear our veterans. The home front workers are worthy of sincere gratitude and gratitude. At plants and factories, on collective farm fields, they did everything to bring the moment of the long-awaited Victory closer. Thanks to the selfless work of the older generation, our Motherland has become one of the leading powers in the world.

It is easy and pleasant to congratulate on the holiday of the advent of peace on the whole planet. There is so much kindness and bright, pure feeling in this holiday that it is a real joy to express it. Congratulations on the holiday of victory in the Great Patriotic War, a war that claimed the lives of so many millions of people, in a war that left its black mark, taking a human sacrifice, in almost every family. May the festive fireworks, thundering and coloring the sky with bright colors, forever teach children not to be afraid of explosions, may explosions be only a festive fireworks display for our children!

Dear friends! Today we are celebrating an important date for our entire country - Victory Day! Probably not a family that would not have been touched by the Great Patriotic War. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the future without sparing themselves. Future without violence and fascist yoke! Today we bow our heads before the memory of all front-line soldiers and home front workers who are no longer with us! Blessed memory to them! We wish you and your families never to know war, but to live in peace, happiness and prosperity!