Congratulations on the day of special forces. Congratulations on the Day of the Special Forces of the Russian Federation (special forces)

Your work is both dangerous and difficult
You serve in a special unit,
I wish you always in good shape,
Your country really needs you!

Happy professional holiday,
Do not know, you are in trouble, I wish you peace, happiness,
I wish your health does not let you down,
And to get around you bad weather!

God gave you, like everyone else, from birth
Honor, reason, soul and freedom.
One thing I can only wish for -
Serve not the authorities, but the people!

In the first place is the honor of the uniform,
And not the orders of the commander.
And courage, love for the Fatherland
Not an empty sound - but a matter of life.

Spetsnaz day is an excuse
Give credit to the big guys.
Don't get tired every day
It is brave to risk life.

Let the danger on assignments
Bypasses you.
The confession will be correct
Your service is not easy.

Happiness to you guys, peace
And harmony in the family.
May health be strong
And victory on horseback.

Special subdivision
And all the bravest men
We congratulate you on special forces day,
We wish them a lot of happiness,
Good luck, strength, different successes,
Let the special forces go forward,
And so that the world does not happen,
Always protect us!

All special forces today
We will congratulate together
Your dangerous work guys
We all really need it.

I want to wish you health
Fortress and strength
So that dangerous tasks
Your spirit has not been broken.

May it always wait for you at home
Joy and care.
May it give you inspiration
Hard work.

Warriors for honor, for freedom - congratulations, your holiday,
How much power is hidden in this word - special forces,
Although it may be difficult in battle, it will be easy in life,
A lot of joy, health, happiness, let it flow like a river,
Let the loved ones be near, and support in difficult times,
All desires will come true, goals will come true for you,
Let your house not be disturbed by any problem or trouble,
And let your soul be cheerful and young!

Calm down to me for the world, always for us
Special forces will step in and join the battle,
He will not spare his heart,
He is not afraid of anything in life.

Guys who know a lot about their business,
Whose courage the wolf envies,
Whose grip the tiger always envies,
A lot of effort has been invested in them, labor.

What is hard in learning, about that
Suvorov, I remember, said more,
But only in training battle, the terrible hour
Let our desperate special forces meet.

No war is needed to experience
Your ability to know the price
Calm and peace - the merit is
May the world grow stronger every day.

Spetsnaz - how much is in this word!
They helped everyone out more than once.
It is impossible not to remind today
That the holiday has come with you.

Congratulations and success
We want to wish you
Be fairer than all of you,
Be a model for us!

The breath of the mortal battle is familiar ...
When orders are given
They walk heroically along the razor's edge
Brave special forces guys.

Time cannot erase your exploits,
And we wish you, believe me,
Victories in battles over enemies over all,
Keeping immortality with you!

October lit the skies with stars
And the stars are flying from the sky ...
They are on the holiday of special forces - to fall confidently
Handfuls for your shoulder straps!

He's on guard day and night
Protects us tightly
Our brave, by the way,
Great special forces.
Where others are not help,
There is a lot of sense from the special forces,
From enemies even in a clean field
He will protect us in an instant,
All terrorists will be caught
He will win everyone in the world!

[in prose]

Silent guys
Not like others:
Strength, conscience - all that is sacred -
Are inseparable from them;
The look is trained, the mind is clear
And skills to match;
In a dangerous situation
They are no stranger to:
Alien lofty phrases
To these nice guys!
Happy Special Forces Day!
You support us in everything!

For you, special forces, I will say a special congratulation,
Which is filled with courage and patience
Steel character, pressure and mind,
After all, you don't care about obstacles and hindrances!

And the Motherland can sleep peacefully with you,
You are ready to give your life for her!
You bring peace and quiet everywhere, always,
Thank you! The whole country is proud of you!

Special Forces soldier, I wish you
I am service light and simple,
So that you don't have to walk along the edge,
So that you do not risk yourself!

Although, to be honest,
Then this is superfluous at all,
Because you're taking risks everywhere
By myself, defending everyone,

Whom do you love and appreciate so much
Whom do you protect from troubles.
We believe in you very much!
Good luck our cool James Bond!

Let the service not be honey or butter,
Let the service call for heroism,
According to the charter and heart,
Special forces will bring order!
May it be joyful in victory
You will be glad to your family and children
And more stars on the shoulder straps,
And alive, and happy and rich!

You serve the Fatherland faithfully,
We are ready to carry out the order.
We are immensely grateful to you,
Reliable Russian special forces!
Terrorists will not leave you,
You are the pride of Russia, special forces!
So that the sky is always clear
You gave your life more than once ...
Let there be less anxiety
And more - happy roads ...
So let's drink, guys, for you -
Reliable Russian special forces!

You are where it is difficult, where it is scary,
Where moans, tears, pain and blood,
Always honest, always brave
Rush to help again and again!
May God give you vigor and faith,
Give me health for many years!
Hurray for soldiers, officers!
We wish you happiness and victories!

Always in excellent physical shape,
Beautiful, fearless, strong and slender,
Danger and risk is the norm for you,
You are an example for everyone.
There are no unsolvable tasks for you,
You are the best in everything, and we respect you for that.
We wish you health, new titles,
And we sincerely congratulate you on the Special Forces Day!

For us, you are protection, a diamond for Russia,
Stern, brave, honorable special forces.
Always on the alert, and at any moment,
You are ready to help you come to someone.
We wish you courage, victories in life,
So that the sun shines and there are no troubles.
A reliable comrade was always there,
About honesty and friendship so that he does not forget


Happy Special Forces Day! Anyone can envy your strength, will and valor. For good people, you are a great example of valor and true masculinity. I want love and joy not to stop walking along the right path next to you! Let everything be perfect, let special people always wait at home! You send every day to a feat. As calm as others go to the store. You are a special forces soldier, and for you the daily risk of your life is an ordinary job. You are considered a hero, an example to follow - the way it is! I sincerely congratulate you on Special Forces Day, and wish you every success, wealth and great luck: at work, in the service and life in general! I will absolutely not twist my heart if they claim that you are the strongest, most courageous and most courageous person! Always stay that way for me. Let your health never fail you. Let the comrades do not leave in difficult times. Let fate itself support in all matters. Happiness, commitment, love! Happy professional holiday, special forces! What can you wish for someone who regularly performs dangerous, almost impossible tasks? Someone whose job is to risk his life for the peace and security of the country? You chose this path yourself. You are a commando. I want to wish you only one thing: to always return home safe and sound, to where they are always waiting and praying for you! Happy Special Forces Day, friend! On this significant day, I would like to congratulate the brave and valiant defenders of the Motherland on their professional holiday. We have all heard about the incredible courage, strength and bravery of special forces soldiers. You are not just defenders, you are the people behind whose backs we feel safe! I wish you good health, personal happiness and long life! Happy Special Forces Day! Today Russia celebrates Supermen Day - Special Forces Day! And you are one of them! Please accept my congratulations and wishes of success in your difficult and dangerous work. May the guardian angel take care of you, may there be fewer war worries! I wish you excellent health, real male friendship, family warmth and happiness, and as much money as you need to live in your own pleasure! It is difficult to imagine a service that requires more courage than special forces. Therefore, on the day of special forces, I would like to wish you that your hand never trembles and your heart does not tremble with fear, and that only happy events make you cry. May the guardian angel protect you from dangers, and human respect and love will accompany you everywhere for many years. Health, strength, well-being and a lot of light in life. Happy Holidays! To you, laconic, but sincere, calm in appearance, but collected and ready to instantly give a worthy rebuff, - my sincere congratulations and best wishes! There are special forces in many states, but only ours are distinguished by the highest combat and moral qualities, real patriotism and dedication to a difficult cause. Let there be as many combat alarms in your life as possible, and your skills will not be useful to you in everyday life. Happy holiday, friends! Happy Special Forces Day! I'd like to wish the special forces on their professional holiday nerves of steel, strong muscles, endurance and constant good luck. Let each task be on your shoulder, and the guardian angel and the shoulder of a friend will protect you from troubles and mistakes. May all the good that you do in the service be doubly returned to you at home. There are various special-purpose units and service in them is honorable, so we congratulate everyone related to them and wish you always be proud of your work. Let what you do not be in vain. On this significant day, we congratulate you, brave and valiant defenders of Russia.
There is not a single person who has not heard about the courage, courage and strength of the special forces soldiers.
You have a strong grip, instant reaction, a keen eye - all that is needed for a steel will. Homeland can feel secure when you are on a mission.
We wish you many years of life, may God protect you and your families. Your tasks sound simple, but practically impossible. You are risking your life because you yourself have chosen this path. You are unusual guys, you are the elite of the country, you are our protection. We feel safe behind your back because you are special forces. And today we wish you a lot of health, strength, long life.
May your service pass without loss, may your mothers wait and believe in you, may your wives be proud and pray for you.
You are our pride

August 29 - Day of the Special Forces of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It was on this date in 1977 that a special-purpose training company (URSN) was organized in the USSR. Its original goal was to protect citizens during the 1980 Olympics from terrorist attacks and other emergencies. The maroon beret became the symbol of the company’s courageous and strong fighters. Their tasks included the detention of especially dangerous criminals, the release of hostages.

Later, other special forces of the Interior Ministry of the USSR were organized. On their account there are many military operations, in which the soldiers showed true heroism. After the collapse of the USSR, special forces units appeared in Russia: "Vityaz", "Rosich", "Rusich", "Skif" and others. Structurally, they entered the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 2006, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", the date of the Day of Special Forces of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was chosen - August 29.

On the day of special forces, wishes are simple -
Continue to be brave and reliable
May all tasks be solved correctly,
And let everything that is possible come true.

May service always bring you -
Joy, inspiration, courage,
Be and stay honest, needed
And go to meet your fears.

Happy holiday, significant and very serious,
Happy special forces day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, glorious, grandiose.
I wish you strength, courage and courage,
Let the team be strong, very friendly.

Let the tasks be coordinated, soon managed,
Ill-wishers are quickly eliminated.
Happiness and health, mutual understanding,
Respect, joy, best wishes.

Happy special forces day,
I wish you great wisdom
Life is easy and interesting
And serve with dignity, honestly.

Every person in Russia
I heard exactly about special forces,
These brave men
Save us from trouble
We congratulate today
All the special forces in the country
Let their life be long
Happiness, joy will be in her!

Congratulations on your holiday,
Dear Special Forces, I want
"Keep it up, our guys" -
I'll shout to you today.

Strength to you, valor, courage,
Let your enemy tremble
The country is not afraid of anything,
Cool because we have special forces.

Be happy, healthy,
May you be lucky in everything
Let the danger on the mission
Bypassed by the side.

Congratulations on the Day of Internal Troops!
We are proud! We wish you good luck!
You are the pride of the country and people,
You - to get stronger, to grow from year to year!

Russian support, hope,
You are confident, as before,
We are irreconcilable to our enemies,
Beautiful and irresistible!

Happy Holidays
Our valiant special forces,
In the internal troops
There are no fighters cooler than you.

You are on operations -
Power support,
Special forces to the object,
How the shadows penetrate.

Clear commands
Perfected movements
Time countdown
Lead for a moment.

May good luck pamper you
Let the bullets fly by
Meets after service
May your beloved home.

With their special forces, we are used to
In life, it's difficult to call
We are these beautiful guys
We will congratulate you today.

We wish them health
Nerves strong as a rope
Of steel muscle and faith,
A hundred to break the barriers.

Let's say thanks to them
For courage, kindness,
May you be lucky, fighters, in life,
Let the world give warmth.

These guys are our strength
Our valor, our strength
We glorify our beautiful Special Forces,
Their enemy cannot be overcome.

Happiness and kindness, guys,
I wish you in the family
And in work without fail
Stay on top.

May all tasks be successful
Come to an end with you,
May health be strong
The mood is just class.

Spetsnaz is power, spetsnaz is power
Who else, if not you, can help?
You will play it all out clearly according to the notes,
You can be entrusted with any work!

I wish you courage, strength and patience
May all your decisions be correct,
Let you succeed in everything without difficulty,
So that the service always gives you success!

Congratulations: 28 in verse, 7 in prose.

What's a day on the calendar?
What a holiday in the yard?
October 24 -
Special Forces Day, they say!

More precisely, divisions
Special purpose!
Congratulations from us!
Words full of admiration for you!

Brave, smart, strong warriors,
You only deserve honor and glory!
Excellent preparation, clarity, dexterity!
You work harmoniously, amicably and dexterously!

Fine and careful maneuvers,
Everything is available to you and nothing is impossible!

Happy Spesnaz Day,
Admiring you again.
Your agility, your strength,
Best of all spoken words!

And you are stubborn in your work,
And good dexterity.
We will sleep well with you,
Know that there is not a soul nearby.

You are with a criminal gang,
Straighten easily.
Knowing the technique of techniques,
Don't drop your face.

I congratulate you on the Day of Special Forces Units and I want to wish you not only in my activities - gallant service, but also in life in general to always have a special status, a special purpose - the purpose of being a brave, proud, brave, strong, intelligent, beautiful and happy person!

You desperate guys
Kings of special forces
Congratulations on this day,
And we wish you right away
You will never see a military man,
Peaceful sky above you,
The honor of the motherland to defend
Jacket with a medal.
May your rear be reliable,
Happiness to all relatives and friends.
The fallen ones, believe, we will not forget,
Our low bow at your feet.

Aiming beam from a sniper rifle,
And battle grenades, fragments flying upwards -
You have gone through all this more than once.
You know how a land mine suddenly explodes under your feet.
Did you know: fire, the whistle of bullets - all the "delights" of hot spots,
And also the muzzle of machine guns, the coldness of the "sharpening" blades -
At a sign - you are going to capture, to storm or attack,
Himself, demonstrating reliability and courage.
Admirable! You are a lesson of valor and courage!
And as a token of gratitude, we give you congratulations!

You are the best among equals,
Who put shoulder straps on their shoulders,
To you - to all glorious heroes
Significant battles and defense,
You - ready to follow orders
Give your life on a swearing field,
To you - to all Russian special forces
On a holiday, we only talk about the main thing:
What kind of peace, reliable protection,
Children laugh under the blue sky
Today we are the army of the elite,
Our special forces, thank you for everything!

Fighters of the invisible front
Your merits are countless.
From here to the horizon
Merit, courage and honor!

Any difficulties within the forces,
You are always in the heat of events.
You value our life
Accept verses on this day.

We wish you less work,
So that it becomes day after day.
And on the holiday of your most important troops
Let the whole Earth sleep peacefully!

You are the elite, our pride,
Strength, agility - everything is with you.
Mother Russia, like a bowl
Will get stronger without embellishment.

Do everything in an instant
Impossible deeds.
Like ghosts, visions
So that luck leads you!

Impossible tasks
Executable without difficulty.
Destroy like a sensor
Rebellious enemy!

Sleep well, people, because the special forces are on guard!
With you guys, any enemy is not terrible.
Happy defenders! Happiness and smiles!
May God save you from all mistakes!

Good luck, health, strong nerves in the service!
And of course, sincere, real friendship!
We are proud of you! Glory to you special forces!
The special forces are protecting us from enemies!

I'd like to wish the special forces on their professional holiday nerves of steel, strong muscles, endurance and constant good luck. Let each task be on your shoulder, and the guardian angel and the shoulder of a friend will protect you from troubles and mistakes. May all the good that you do in the service be doubly returned to you at home.

They are afraid of you, it's true.
And we give you a reward.
Special Forces Day is strength.
You are forever loved by us.
And we could be proud.
These are our men!
Brave, strong and reasonable.
Do not rush mindlessly.
We appreciate you, adore you,
Also highly respected.
We kiss you tightly.
And, of course, very apt.