Wishes for the last call to graduates should be beautiful and kind

[in prose]

Congratulations to the Last Bell in Prose

Graduates, like birds, leave the school, spreading their wings, and rush into free flight. We, parents and teachers, watch with delight and sadness how you rush out of the doors of your native school, and with it, partly, out of your parental home. From now on you have become adults. Now you can safely make independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And what your life will be like depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think over everything clearly and carefully, do not follow the lead of other people's desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will certainly be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it awaits you outside the school door!

So that bright hour has come, for which you have put a lot of effort and work. Now you are on the verge of a new life and even greater achievements. Primers, satchels, bows, the first letters written with your own hand and the first word you read on your own - all this is in the past. Now you are already quite mature and mature individuals who have chosen their own path in life.
Today everyone cordially congratulates you: teachers who have led for many years to this significant day; parents who supported in any endeavors and aspirations; schoolchildren who are looking at you now with great respect! We wish to achieve everything that we have outlined, easily go through the chosen paths and successfully pass the first serious exam in life - the Unified State Exam. Mutual understanding to you, happiness and good luck! We believe: everything will work out in your life!

Dear Guys! Your last call is ringing today. Everything will remain in its melodic overflows: the joy of the first victories, and hard work on oneself, and the sleepless nights of your parents, and the sincere love of your teachers. Let each of his trills remind you of the bright days you spent in the forever young temple of sciences, whose name is school. She, too, will not forget you, for over the years she has become accustomed to you, and her present day is full of inescapable sadness ... Well, nothing in this world is permanent. New achievements and new successes await you, and your favorite school - new students. We wish you the best of luck and bless you for your glorious deeds. Good luck, graduates!

We congratulate you, our dear teachers, who have endured and loved us for so many years, with the Last Call. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work you put into us. And although we sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word you uttered! Thank you for your love, support and important tips that we will remember for a lifetime! A new, bright future awaits us, but we will never forget you, our dear teachers! Thank you for telling us everything you knew yourself, putting a special meaning in each word, we really appreciate it! It was you who directed each of us in the right direction and thanks to you we now know which road we will go! With the Last Call you, our beloved teachers!

When the Last Bell rings, one usually recalls all the best that was experienced during the years of schooling.
Ahead - like the border separating childhood from adult life - is a difficult, but no less magical summer:
June is a month of examination tests and verification of not only knowledge, but also endurance, ingenuity, responsibility.
July is the month of making the first independent decisions.
August is the month of lucky starfalls.
I wish you, graduates, not only to have time to make your cherished wishes, but also to catch your star and hold it in your hands!
Remember: that exciting moment comes when your whole life is in your hands. Let the kind light of the star of your youth illuminate it!

Congratulations on your graduation from school. Today the school bell has rung for you for the last time. You were eager to become adults as soon as possible and say goodbye to school desks, you tried to quickly escape from school.
And today the school says goodbye to you. Parting for you will become a new stage in your life, a facet of change and a responsible choice. The very first independent choice in your young destinies.
Both your schoolteachers and your greatest allies in learning - your parents want the very best for you that you can wish for their children, happiness. Happiness such that there is enough for everyone and still remains for the world around you. May this world be kind to you, may only kind, sincere people meet on your roads. And, if you need advice or help, then you always know who to turn to. Good luck, dear graduates!

The last call comes only once in a lifetime. And how quickly it will ring out, how quickly you will plunge into the whirlpool of adult life, where there are so many new, interesting, but a lot of hassle and obstacles! Our dear children, our yesterday's students! We have tried our best to invest in you everything that the school and family can give. You grew up, matured, developed and, of course, also tried, even more than we did, to adequately approach the threshold of the last call. We are very pleased with the result, pleased with you, and we want you to continue to give us only joy, only pride for you, and you have already been given full gifts by life itself and luck itself. Let it work out with education, with work, with a career, with families. Let adult life be happy, youth long, and old age recede before your enthusiasm and enthusiasm!

Excitingly, loudly, alarmingly, the school bell sounded. For you, our dear, so imperceptibly matured children, he will become a signal, an appeal to boldly go towards a new, interesting, full of joy and success in life! Quite recently, just like that, with tears of joy in our eyes, we stood worried, handing you into the safe hands of the first teacher. And today you are worried with us, realizing that childhood is behind us - and funny changes, perky sports, joint excursions, trips, will remain only in memories and school albums. But there are still unconquered peaks, new discoveries ahead of you, and we believe that your life will be rich and interesting! May everything turn out well!

When it's time for graduation balls, many want to keep this piece of youth and carelessness as a souvenir, so that after many years the heart will be warmed by the warm smiles of classmates, and the kind congratulations and wishes of teachers and school friends will remain in memory.

All this can be combined in one place - the graduation album, which is awarded to all eleventh graders.

One of the types of such albums that you can order in any photo studio is a traditional photobook.

In it, photographs of the children are interspersed with congratulations and wishes from teachers and classmates, and poems about school.

With today's blogs, tweeters, contacts, and Facebooks, the Graduation Album doesn't lose its appeal because it's the perfect place to speak up about friendship between classmates sincerely.

What to write to classmates in the graduation album

Congratulations to the graduation album:

The solemn day has come
Your school is behind
You enter adulthood
Many roads ahead
The main thing in life is not to go astray
Go towards the dream.
Anything can happen
But don't give up in trouble.
Everything will work out, the main thing is to believe
Of course in yourself!

The hour has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some, probably, will glorify
To others, he will set up obstacles!
And it's very difficult to give advice
And sometimes you will not find the answer.
But you, playing with your destiny,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Take your time to retreat
It is only given to the strong to win!
May your life be full
The warmth of friends is surrounded
And warmed with personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

Adult life comes into its own
Saying goodbye to your home school forever today
All the paths of life are open before you,
You can find yourself in this life.
Congratulations, Happy Graduation, our hearts,
May your endless dreams come true
Recently your last lesson ended,
And the last bell rang for you.

Native school, we say goodbye to you
Today is the last graduation ball,
Childhood ran unnoticed
It rustled like a New Year's carnival.
You are a graduate today, congratulations
I wish you great success in life,
May your cherished dream come true.
May fate be favorable to you.

School lessons are over
The call rings for the last time
You're a graduate, it's great
You have to make an important choice yourself.
Today is your first prom
Dressed in a strict, festive suit,
We wish you happiness and great success,
Let luck accompany you for many years.

Wishes to classmates for the graduation album:

Today is graduation, goodbye evening
We graduated from school. Now what?
Now the doors to the grown-up world have opened
The world is full of new unknown things.
We want to wish you success, happiness,
Noble aspirations and ideas.
May good luck accompany us everywhere
And there will be many loyal and devoted friends!

All paths are open before you:
East and west, north, south, capital ..
But if you want to go far
You can stop in time.
A. Abramin

Every year you are. older,
The school is behind us.
Be wiser, be bolder
You are on the path of life.
Life is harsh. Temper yourself.
And keep up with learning.
Just don't get lost
And don't forget your friends.

The years passed unnoticed -
Goodbye school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into the big life!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
They are waiting for success and happiness ahead!

Eleven years passed like a moment
And hiding behind the clouds
Left behind your school diary
With "fives" and "triples".
Another distance has opened today
Spread over your head ...
But first, give yourself your word -
Remain yourself.

When you're only seventeen
After parting with the student's bench,
Sometimes it is difficult to understand:
Where to go, which road?
And let the first path along it be difficult,
So as not to turn to the side paths.
Let there be a conscience for you everywhere
Your advisor and compass.
But even though we are parting with the school,
There is no place for sadness and longing.
All the same, our hearts remain
Near the school desk and blackboard!

They call you a "graduate" now,
Various roads to the world are open.
On the street, even kids will find out
You are a real idol for them.

May all those years spent at school
Will leave a little melancholy in your heart
And so as not to get bored, like a mermaid about the sea -
Bring your kids here.

11 years ... Everything passed overnight,
Do not forget your school time.
But so that bad weather does not meet on the way -
You will assemble your class again in a year.

School greetings for the graduation album:

That's over, hurray,
Our school time!
Be as you are forever
My good man.
Remember our wonderful class
Even turned gray-haired.

Our school years flew away.
We are joyful, cheerful, but something is a pity ...
It's a pity that we won't meet again
On the first autumn day.

How strange - we part forever
And maybe in life we ​​will not meet ...
So let, like a guiding star,
Our school house glows with the shining of windows.

Graduation wishes for classmates:

May the day that opened the door to your adult life be remembered forever! We wish you to confidently walk along new stages of development, reach the desired heights with ease and fight for your happiness until your last breath!

How friendly we were!
What a wonderful class we had!
I believe: a fairy tale will come true -
And we will all meet more than once.

Flowers and spring, high school graduation
The roads are open and a shadow is hidden.
Let it be beautiful, let it be fun
All year, every month, week and day!

I wish you health and happiness,
So that there are no storms or bad weather in life,
So that the sun and stars shine on the way -
After all, we still have a long way to go through life!

Walk proudly, boldly through life
Do not be afraid of distant heights.
Achieve them firmly and skillfully.
May you be constantly lucky.

A wonderful beginning in an adult's life -
I want the songs to sound.
Smile (NAME) soon:
You have so many good friends!

And it rains and life goes on -
Who knows what awaits us tomorrow?
But the one who is faithful to friendship will
He will never forget all of us.

Studying at school made us friends
You grew up with me.
I put my whole soul into the signature,
So that you don’t forget me!

Wishes for the girl at the prom:

Prom night
So he came to you.
You made a wish -
"Let everythnig will be alright".
May you really succeed
And you will pass the tests of life firmly at "five".
And those who are still studying at this school,
They will take a worthy example from you.

A completely new road opens before you. What it will be: winding or straight, thorny or strewn with flowers depends almost entirely on you. And a little luck. I wish you only the right steps and confident decisions. And may good luck be with you!

And in the rain, and on the day when the blizzard is bubbling -
Your friend is always with you.

I wanted in your notebook
Write the lines to memory,
So that both in the dark and in the middle of the day
You did not forget me.

Wishes for the graduation album in prose:

The graduation album is like an island in memory of the past childhood. It contains frozen moments of joyful events and meetings. Time will pass, and yesterday's classmates may get lost in a huge world, but they will be together on the pages of the album, and maybe, once looking into it, old friends will feel that it's time to meet those with whom the years of their youth passed together. Or maybe the photo will help you remember the moments that will make your heart warmer. So let the graduation album be a treasure trove of best memories for years to come!

My dear classmate! I am writing to you so that you, looking through this graduation album, remember me, remember my face, remember how fun we had with you. Let us see each other now only at alumni meetings, but we will never forget our home class. The class in which we studied for 11 years and became a school family. I wish you happiness, success and may your life turn out the way you want it.

What to write you goodbye, my dear classmate? Probably, so that you do not forget our class, do not forget school friends, come to all meetings of classmates. Perhaps we will not see you again in life, we will not intersect by chance, but we will always remember each other. Because eleven years spent in one class at one desk cannot be forgotten.

What can you wish for a person with whom you have spent eleven years side by side? Only the warmest words of happiness and love. My dear classmate! Now we are graduates and very soon we will leave school and say goodbye to each other, perhaps forever. But we can never forget each other. We will not be able to forget the happy days that we spent together at desks in the same class. I wish you happiness and all the best.

Great mood, sea of ​​sun, love, luck and understanding. Always be as cheerful and cheerful as at school. I will never forget you, I will never forget your smile and your friendship. Thank you for being my classmate all these years. Let everything turn out for you the way you deserve it.

Well, that day has come, which you all have been waiting for so long, our dear graduates! On such a wonderful sunny day, today you are celebrating your Last Bell - the first stage on the path to adulthood. I would like to congratulate each of you and say that you are all just great, because you have withstood these long eleven years of study. I know that at times you wanted to give up everything, but you still reached the end. You are in a rush to grow up, but trust me that in adulthood you will have worse problems than a chemistry test. But in any case, I do not want to scare you, but simply warn you that sometimes it will be very difficult, but you will survive, because you have withstood the school. Happy holiday, guys. May this day give you a lot of positive emotions, joy and happiness. You don't have much time left to spend together, so you better have fun and relax together while you have time.


I would like to congratulate our future graduates from the bottom of my heart, who are only a few steps away from adulthood. Today is an important day for any of you, although it is possible that you do not even fully understand what is happening. You already had similar last calls in the fourth grade and in the ninth grade, but this is completely different. Just imagine that on the first of September this year you will no longer come to school, but to your new educational institutions. This news will obviously delight someone, but, on the contrary, it will upset someone. But believe that after a while you will all feel a little sad because you want to return your school years. So while you have a few more days, enjoy them. And don't worry about exams, because you can do anything. You will pass everything and get the highest scores, my dear graduates! Good luck to you!


Until recently, you just came to school for the first time, you had your first ruler, and you also had your first lesson. Remember how joyful but also excited you were at that moment? You bought the most beautiful briefcases, pencil cases and notebooks that you were so proud of. You felt like adults and even a little independent, but today you are already quite adults - the most real graduates. I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful event in your life - on the Last Call. I know how long you have been preparing for this day, so I have no doubt that you will succeed. Happy holiday, my dear graduates! I would like to see you always as happy as you are now. May all your dreams and desires come true, and ideas and plans come true. You guys can always count on our support.


I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, my dearest guys, my graduates. You and I have come a long way, which was not always easy, but you survived. I want to congratulate you and say that you are great fellows. You are not just graduates, you are already quite adults who have gone through one important stage in your life. I would like to wish each of you patience and perseverance, as well as endurance and a lot of strength, because not everything will be given to you with ease, but believe that you can cope with any problem, because you have already gone through one school of life. But today forget about everything, because on this wonderful holiday you should rest and be entertained. Today is just your day, and the exams will be tolerated a little. Happy holiday, my children! May this day give each of you a lot of positive emotions.


I would like to congratulate these wonderful guys who are standing in front of me now, on a holiday! Your last call today is the day you've been waiting for. Many of you have been looking forward to this day since entering school. Dear ones, you have withstood an incredible school of life, because here you not only studied, but also fell in love, made friends, swore and made peace. You have become real individuals with your own unique qualities. I want it to be so in the future, because you can really achieve unprecedented heights. I have known you for many years, so I am very attached to you. I want each of you to achieve what you have long dreamed of. May this holiday strengthen your friendship even more. I hope that you will continue to maintain good and close-knit relations with each other. Happy holiday to you!


The day that you have dreamed of for the past few years has come. In fact, this is normal, although a little wrong. You are all in a hurry to grow up and do not live in the present day. I don't want you to regret it later, so I want to warn you. I want to congratulate you, my dear guys, on the holiday, because today you have the last call. Now all of you are standing in front of me, such cheerful and happy guys in beautiful school uniforms, and yet not so long ago you just went to first grade. I would like to wish each of you the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires. All of you guys are capable and responsible, so I have no doubt that you will achieve all the most significant results. Let your every day be full of beautiful events, pleasant moments and all the most positive. Enjoy this day, because it will not happen again.


We have such wonderful sunny weather outside, and our graduates have a holiday today, so I want to congratulate you and wish you all the brightest and most interesting. Each of you is an independent person who will definitely achieve success in this or that activity. I look at you and understand that you are already quite adults. But not so long ago you crossed the threshold of the school for the first time. You were such shy, humble and young children who did not even understand what was in store for them. Do you remember your first grades? How happy you were when you got the first five, and how did you cry over the first two? All this was with you not so long ago, but it was. But only pleasant moments await you ahead, although problems will arise from time to time, but now you should not be afraid of anything, because you have gone through a real school of life.


Well, the day of your Last Call has come, my dear graduates. Over the past six months, you have spent the maximum amount of effort to organize an interesting event that will be remembered by everyone. I have no doubt that today you made an impression on everyone, because you are great fellows. I have known you for many years, so I managed to become incredibly deeply attached to you. I want all of you to be able to achieve success in the business that you consider to be the most pleasant for yourself. I would like to wish each of you only good luck, because you deserve it. You know how to achieve your own, but luck will definitely not hurt you. I want you to remember that the school taught you a lot. You not only studied mathematics and went through chemistry, but also learned to be friends and communicate with a wide variety of people. May all these skills help you in the future.


I remember the day when you first crossed the threshold of our school. I then looked at you and thought about how to make personalities out of you with your own principles, qualities and characteristics. However, you have created yourself, so to speak. You immediately found a common language with each other, became good friends who help out in certain situations. I want you to carry your friendship through many years, because you are the closest and dearest people to each other. After school, many run away, but you should not follow their example, because you are completely different. Dear ones, may this holiday help you to further strengthen your relationship, in order to help each other in the future and support, if necessary. And today you should forget about everything and just relax, because this day belongs only to you.


I’m looking at you guys and trying to understand how it happened that you matured so quickly? It seemed to me that quite recently we met for the first time, and now you are already real graduates. I want to say that you were a unique class, because I had never seen such cohesion between all members of the team. Dear ones, promise me only one thing, that you will certainly preserve this friendship and carry it through for many years. Be useful to each other, help out, help, but just have a good time. I know that you certainly know how to do all this. Well, don't forget about your school, because it gave you not only educational knowledge, but also helped you become sociable, active and creative guys. Happy holiday to you, my dearest and beloved graduates! I will miss our fun lessons.


It would seem that until recently you just crossed the threshold of our school, but today you are already standing in front of me so smart and beautiful - real graduates. I look at you and cannot get enough of it, but at the same time, sadness overcomes me, because you were my most beloved students, with whom it was always interesting, fun and informative to spend time. I want you not to lose the connection that has already been firmly established between you, dear graduates. I also want to wish each of you to achieve the most cherished ideas and implement each plan. You are all incredibly talented and creative guys, so I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years I find out that you have achieved the most significant results. Happy holiday to you, my dear and beloved graduates! Be the happiest.

A little more and in all the schools of our vast country the last school bell will ring. All schoolchildren are looking forward to it - a little more and the long-awaited summer holidays will come! But there are those for whom the ruler on the last call will become not just a signal of the end of the school year, but also a starting point for a new life. Of course, we are talking about a graduate of grades 9-11 who will forever say goodbye not only to teachers and class teachers, but also to classmates. This commemorative event is never complete without special wishes for the Last Call for Graduates in poetry and prose. Parents, teachers, and the graduates themselves, without fail make congratulatory speeches at the line. The best wishes for the final bell for school graduates can be found below.

Beautiful wishes for the Last Call of 2017 to graduates in prose and poetry

Graduates are the main characters of the festive line-up in honor of the last bell, and therefore, it is to them that beautiful wishes in prose and poetry are most often heard. Unlike usual congratulatory speeches, such wishes for graduates always contain special words with parting words and wise advice. Look for the most beautiful wishes to graduates for the Last Bell in poetry and prose in the next selection.

Beautiful poems and prose for wishes for the last call to graduates

Today is a warm spring day

You will remember him forever.

The last bell rings.

Goodbye school years.

And tomorrow to a wonderful new world

You will open the window wide open.

Color it with the flowers of happiness

Like a canvas painter.

I wish in an adult, new life,

I will choose the right path for you.

Let the path be exemplary

So that you don't have to turn off her.

Rang, flew by

Our school days.

Did not have time to look back -

We are already graduates.

The hour has struck, the time has come

Achieve big victories.

There are many roads ahead -

Let the green light be on.

Good luck and patience to everyone,

Highest points to all. Hooray!

Happiness awaits - down with doubts!

Not a feather to everyone!

Congratulations on your graduation from school! At this moment, it is a little sad, because you are saying goodbye to childhood, but joyful from the opportunities that open up. May all your wishes come true, may only bright and kind people meet on your way, may love illuminate your days with a bright flashlight. Go and conquer the world!

Wishes to graduates from the class teacher for the Last bell in verse

The class teacher, clearly realizing at the last call that the time has come to part with the graduates, is in a hurry to prepare special wishes in verse. Such congratulatory words necessarily contain both simple worldly wisdom and practical advice. Therefore, the wishes of the graduates for the Last Call in verse from the class teacher are often reminiscent of an attempt to convey to the new generation all the most important and valuable. This is a kind of friendly advice from a wise mentor who loves graduates like his own children. The best poems with good and wise wishes from a cool mother for graduates in the next selection.

Poems with wishes to graduates from the class teacher on the Last bell 2017

It's time to part

A sad custom in the country ...

Forget awards and titles -

Now we are on a par with you;

Wither now in the office

Flowers without your care ...

How fast you have grown, children!

What a pity you have to go! ..

Sad sob-alarm

Your last bell rings,

And you will no longer be there

And I deduce as a result,

That there is no better than you in the whole world,

And it was not - that's the whole point! ..

Good luck, grown-up children!

Happy and good journey to you!

The time has come for parting

And the classroom lesson ended

Rounded, as always, goodbye

An iridescent school bell.

I am grateful for your efforts

For teaching and for warmth,

I express my heartfelt desire

So that you will certainly be lucky!

To remember the former schoolchildren

Colleagues have always respected

There were many friends and supporters

Any trouble got around!

Today your last bell rings,

Painfully familiar, carried away to childhood,

And touching every corner of the soul,

He opens a new door for you!

You are my children, we have become like a family,

It's time for us to say goodbye, you are adults at all!

A new path awaits everyone,

But autumn will yearn for you even more!

You keep the memory of your school years,

May everyone find their own way in life,

Everything is now in your hands only,

And new goals are already waiting at the doorstep!

Touching wishes to graduates for the Last Call of 2017 from parents in verse

For parents of graduates Last bell is a touching holiday that requires special wishes in verse. For a long 11 years, together with their children, they "gnawed the granite of science" anew and passed through the thorny path of knowledge. And now, being at the festive assembly and watching the graduates, they understand that their kids are already quite adults. Touching wishes for the Last Call to graduates in verse from parents is an opportunity to express pride, love and joy to your children at the festive line.

Touching poems to graduates from parents on the Last bell

Here is the school diary,

And today is a farewell solo

The last call will ring back to you.

Goodbye, sweet school!

Walking this path in steps,

You grew and formed

Sometimes they stewed up in front of something,

Something you comprehend in jest.

Our lovely graduates,

An exciting, new world is waiting for you.

But, in a hurry to open hiding places,

Don't forget try the basics.

Our glorious teachers

Thank you for your work and patience.

You are on the school board of the ship

They brought up another generation.

And today, hoisting the sails,

Turning to your horizons,

Look each other in the eyes

Smile at each other while saying goodbye!

This holiday with a little sadness ...

On the big treading road

Graduate, never forget

Visit your teacher.

The last bell rang.

School, children, time to say goodbye.

How childhood passed unnoticed,

It's time for you to knock on the adult world.

Let the great ones await you,

May your wildest dreams come true

And do not let doubts hinder you.

Confidence, courage to dare!

After all, how wonderful is your upcoming stage.

Go guys! Never fold!

The difficult road can be mastered only by walking.

We are grateful to all teachers

Director - for your tireless work.

We hope graduates will glorify you

His talent, bright, versatile.

Cool wishes in verse for the Last call to classmates

A little more and their paths will diverge. It is quite possible that the next time after graduation in such a composition, they will meet only after tens of years. And the understanding of this fact makes the graduates especially sad. Therefore, cool wishes in verse to classmates on the Last Call can become that moment of light humor that will defuse the situation and will forever remain in your memory. Choose an original and cool wish for your classmates for The Last Call from the verses below.

Cool poems for wishes for the Last bell 2017 to classmates

The last call will call us there

Where we were only in the dreams of retreating.

We expect fruit in our life from knowledge.

We believe that we have created the path to our world.

And we will wish classmates

Good luck on the journey and in the family - understanding.

We will create destiny as before.

After all, we were here without delay.

We wish that all classmates

We managed to fulfill what they wanted.

And the days come like glare in the dew,

And may life give us patience in the future.

The final has come to the teaching.

We were really looking forward to it!

But the hour of farewell has come.

And we suddenly got bored.

Let the classmates find

Your place is everywhere.

It's not for nothing that we are here at the school

All of a sudden everyone gathered together.

Let everyone set a goal exactly

Walking towards her without a barrier.

Let's win our duel

For our glorious reward!

I have a school experience behind me.

There is a sea of ​​knowledge, an island of dreams.

And let the classmates be able

Everybody find your love!

May we all be lucky on the road

May we all be lucky as friends.

And it's too early to sum up

And we will step forward boldly.

And there is no reason to be tormented secretly,

And obviously - also to nothing.

May these days begin gloriously.

We will arrange everything according to the mind.

The last bell is perceived by the graduates differently from the rest of the schoolchildren. For them, this is a sad farewell celebration that opens the door to a new adult life. It is not surprising that teachers, class teachers and parents strive to support graduates by preparing beautiful and touching wishes for the last bell for them. In turn, the graduates themselves teach funny poems and humorous prose for classmates on the Last Bell. We hope that the wishes that you found in our article will be able to make your Last Call memorable and bright!

Last call! Such a sonorous, pure, calling ... But .. Alas and ah! It's too late for us to rush to him! However, there will be more exams ... But you have nothing to worry about, you will definitely pass them easily! And then - there will be graduation ... and hello, adult life! I recommend starting it so that by the next alumni meeting you will be one of the youngest millionaires in the world! Now you are listening to the last school bell ringing. And for some it will sound for the first time in the fall ... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow! Accept our congratulations and wishes - successfully pass the exams, take a walk at the prom, like a fairytale, spend the summer unforgettably and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness! The school bell is sparkling with gold, the school bell is ringing in silver. Congratulations on the Last Call! Wasn't it possible, and imagine how good, sweet this long holiday of graduation from school would be? And even exams are not scary, right ?! So fly ahead, birdie! That is, yesterday's schoolboy! Believe in yourself and keep your nose proudly high! Today, not field bells are swaying, fluttering, but those that are called school bells ... On the Day of the Last Bell, accept my congratulations and wish to successfully demonstrate all your talents at the final exams! May they be given to you easier than anything ever taught! Today you hear the school bell for the last time, he sees you off ... But don't be sad! And all the more, do not think about the upcoming exams ... You know, in the Middle Ages they were a hundred times more difficult in schools, and even then they wrote with a goose quill! But, I'm digressing from the topic ... You are a graduate of the 21st century and the whole world is open to you! And if they conquer Mars ... then maybe the whole space! Yesterday it seemed so long-lasting to study! And today - look around, how quickly the school has flown by and very soon the last bell will ring! Congratulations! Don't you miss your school years now? Of course, it is better to adore them while you are studying ... But honey nostalgia is also not bad! On the day when the school bell rings for the last time, I want to tell you that I appreciate and adore you so much, that I could tell you on exams ... But first of all, this is dishonest, and secondly, you have a brilliant mind! So I just congratulate you and wish you luck! School adventures are over! The last bell rings! So many years - behind, and ahead ... a whole life ahead! Do not think strictly about everything now, just tune in to look for your own path and if it seems that it has been found ... do not stop there! After all, the world and human possibilities are truly endless! Congratulations on the Last Call! Last call! Today is a bright holiday, there are many hopes, like freshness on a summer morning! It's time to give parting words ... Always be an honest, courageous and dreamy person! Appreciate what you have and ardently desire more! Do not give up in difficult times and be able to consider for yourself the prospects and real chances of fulfilling your dreams even beyond the very horizon! Congratulations on the Last Call! But only yesterday it seems that it sounded for you for the first time! How many have been learned since then! It's time to brilliantly apply the knowledge gained and pass the final exams so that your results will stun everyone! From classmates to the director himself! At school, we all learn from textbooks, but we could hardly manage on our own, without teachers, and today, on the day of the Last Call, I want to thank them for their work, in which they, without exaggeration, put a lot of warmth and attention to all of us. ! I also want to wish them bright, warm happiness and many more years! Today, when the Last Bell rings, I want to say gratitude to the teachers ... Let the years pass, but I will not forget the school, my home class and their science, care and attention! I wish you good health, new grateful students and simple, lasting happiness!