Rules for choosing breast pumps, an overview of the best brands, instructions for use. In step with the times: electrical product types. Nuk Luna - the most comfortable breast pump

It is not uncommon for new moms to face challenges and a lot of questions when they are trying to figure out how to choose a breast pump. Some do not even understand what it can be used for, and in what cases it is better to refuse a functional device. There are many product options, and each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, you need to figure out which type of device in a particular case will be more useful - manual or electric. Well, then, taking into account the set of additional options, auxiliary characteristics and the size of the family budget, it will not be difficult to make a final decision.

When is a breast pump useful?

Before you think about purchasing a breast pump, you need to understand that pumping with it is not a must. Quite the contrary, with the proper organization of the process of breastfeeding, you can perfectly do without it. Experts insist that the use of the device is necessary only if there are appropriate indications, just “just in case” it is not necessary to use it!

According to doctors, a manual or electric breast pump is necessary in the following cases:

  1. Stimulation of lactation for the formation of the process. In order for the milk to begin to flow away, in the first days after the birth of the child, the mammary glands must be stimulated by applying the baby to them. In some cases, this is not possible, then you can resort to using the device (with a regularity of about once every 2 hours).
  2. Stimulation of lactation in milk deficiency. If you use a manual or electric breast pump, then the amount of milk produced can be significantly increased. The main thing here is to use the device after each feeding, then a positive result will be obvious with each subsequent meal.
  3. Ensuring quality priming. Some women are quite successful in using the manual pumping method, but this requires certain skills. In the absence of such, it is better to resort to the use of a breast pump in order to reduce the invasiveness of the impact.

In some cases, the use of a functional device can even harm:

  • Laktostasis. Some women mistakenly believe that the use of a breast pump allows them to better empty their breasts of milk and eliminate congestion. In fact, in this case, a properly performed massage will help more, and pumping can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation.
  • Breast stimulation at normal rates. The use of the device as a prophylaxis of problems only creates those same problems. If you express milk after feedings, despite the fact that the baby has eaten well, the volume of the product will increase, causing discomfort.

Practice shows that there is no need to use a breast pump if, in the first months of a baby’s life, it is fed on demand, and not on schedule. Regular stimulation of the mammary glands will ensure the normal course of all processes and it will not be necessary to provoke lactation in this way.

Types of mechanical models, their advantages and disadvantages

The simplest type of breast pumps is mechanical. The principle of its action is based on irritation of the area around the nipple by forcing pressure. Stimulation in this case will be manual. In total, there are two types of such structures:

  • Pump-action breast pump with pear. The simplest and cheapest option, which involves self-squeezing the pump to create a vacuum. Unfortunately, the manual version is characterized by a low degree of productivity, there are usually no containers for collecting milk, and hands get tired quickly from work.

  • piston model. An improved analogue of the simplest options, which works thanks to a syringe-type suction system. When the piston is pulled out, the pressure necessary to start the process of liquid discharge is created. If, before the manipulation, a thorough manual massage of the mammary glands is carried out, then the milk will drain even better. Modern products are equipped with silicone nozzles, which increase the degree of comfort during pumping.

Regardless of which types of mechanical type breast pumps are used in practice, they have the following advantages:

  • Simplicity of a design, low probability of its breakage. The product can be washed, cleaned and sterilized without any problems.

Tip: If the financial situation allows, then it is better to purchase an electronic breast pump. This is an innovative product that also runs on electricity, but at the same time it has improved characteristics and practically has no drawbacks. Powerful, safe and quiet, pumping makes pumping so much easier and you can get on with your day.

  • If desired, you can control the intensity of the device, you just need to increase or decrease the pressure, reduce or increase the frequency of movements.
  • Any mechanical type manual breast pump costs much less than its electric counterpart.

The only obvious drawback of such devices is the fact that a woman has to make a lot of effort in the process of work. If you have to express often and for a long time, this is accompanied by significant discomfort.

5 best mechanical breast pumps

When choosing a mechanical type manual breast pump, first of all, you should pay attention to the following models:

  • The kit includes all the elements and accessories necessary for pumping. There is a nozzle with which the baby's mouth is imitated, which stimulates the natural flow of milk. This model is convenient in operation, it can be used not only at home, but also if necessary to take on the road. There are no obvious downsides to the model.

  • A Swiss creation with a two-phase pumping system, i.e. it can set a fast or slow pace of work, adapting to the needs of a woman. The handle is very soft and works silently, the device is assembled and disassembled in seconds. The only negative is the lack of anatomical shape of the nipple cover.

  • The device consists of only three parts, and practice shows that this is quite enough. The soft massaging funnel is equipped with two rings for convenience. There is a container for sterilization and product transfer. But the milk container could be a little bigger.

  • Chicco. A very cheap but handy manual option for women who are not milk deficient. The operation of the device is regulated, the nipples are not delayed. The set includes a bottle and a convenient nipple.

  • The world of childhood. The best option if the breast pump does not have to be used very often. The device can be attached to any bottle with a standard neck. Unfortunately, there is no silicone insert in this case, and if used too often, the product may break.

New options for mechanical breast pumps appear on the children's goods market every day, so any woman can choose the best product.

Features and characteristics of electrical models

An electric breast pump is a handy, battery-powered or wall-operated device that makes expressing milk effortless. In addition, such devices have the following advantages:

  • The process of pumping is simplified as much as possible. It is necessary to literally adapt the product and start the process. Thanks to this, the device can be used for those cases when you need to empty the chest regularly.
  • There is a sucking simulation function. The electrical device builds pressure on a pulse basis, therefore, it imitates natural breast sucking better than other devices.
  • The mode can be adjusted as desired. There is nothing easier than to strengthen or weaken the process of air injection.
  • There are models that have two nozzles, which allows you to treat both breasts at the same time.

But these models also have their drawbacks. These are the presence of sound accompaniment, the high cost of products and the inability to carry out complete sterilization (due to the presence of an electrical unit).

5 best electric breast pumps

To understand which electric breast pump is better, you need to compare the characteristics and equipment of several models. In practice, the following functional devices have proven themselves well:

  • The model allows you to simultaneously work out both mammary glands and is equipped with two modes. The vacuum level can be adjusted in different ways. It is noteworthy that this device is characterized by almost silent operation. The product operates from the mains or batteries, while the electric unit can be fixed on the belt and carried with you. The only negative of the product is the very high cost.

  • Avent Philips SCF 332/01. A unique device, during which a woman does not need to lean forward. She can lean back in a chair or chair and relax completely. The task assigned to the device is performed very efficiently due to the presence of three options for settings. The product is equipped with a massage nozzle. Stimulation is carried out very delicately. The set includes a bottle and a pacifier. But at the same time, the device makes a rather noticeable noise, and it is not cheap.

  • The main advantage of the option is its compactness. If desired, the pumping process can be carried out using only one hand. For occasional use, this is the ideal product. The vacuum level can be adjusted, the work is carried out both from the mains and from batteries. But this device also makes pronounced noises.

  • This is a rather expensive, but very convenient and advanced technical device from all points of view. We can say that this is a whole system for expressing milk. The process is fully controlled, setting up and using the device takes a few minutes. Two-phase decantation and the possibility of treating both mammary glands at once allow manipulations to be carried out regularly, without requiring significant time and energy costs. The kit includes a backlit display and a function for saving data on the parameters of the device.

  • An excellent budget model, which, despite the cost, clearly fulfills all the tasks. The device works in two-phase mode, it is compact and mobile, allows you to adjust the force of pumping. In addition, women are attracted by a convenient lever and the presence of a massage effect at the breast pad. True, in practice, the suction speed controller can cause some inconvenience.

It is clear that the final decision is sometimes difficult to make without trying the device in action. Therefore, often young mothers first rent the selected product in order to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the device.

Which breast pump is better - manual or electric?

Despite the fact that the electrical device is superior in many aspects to its mechanical counterpart, it is not entirely correct to unambiguously say that it will be better for all women. To choose the best option, you need to compare the selected degree of intensity with how often and how actively the item will be used. If we abstract from the specifics of all possible situations, then it is worth considering compact models of medium power machines.

In addition, the selection process should take into account the following points:

  1. Planned intensity of use of the device. If pumping will be carried out often, then it is better to choose from electric models. In cases where the instrument is needed only to stimulate the flow of milk in the first days after the birth of the baby, a simple mechanical device can be dispensed with.
  2. Design specifics. Much here depends on individual preferences, but models with a short neck are traditionally more convenient. When using them, there is no need to lean forward. But it is better to choose petal nozzles, they exactly repeat the shape of the breast.
  3. Availability of additional options and auxiliary features. Do not think that fully equipped products are just a marketing ploy. Most of the accessories offered with a breast pump are really necessary and make the process of expressing milk easier. In one case, the mother may need bottles, with which you can immediately feed the baby. In the other - special bags for storing the resulting product in the freezer. Sometimes massagers, additional nozzles, and containers for carrying devices can come in handy.

It turns out that it is not so important whether the model is electrical or mechanical. The main thing is that she responds to the requests put forward to her at a particular point in time. In addition, you need to understand that the convenience of using the item is guaranteed only if the rules for decanting are observed.

In the era of breastfeeding propaganda, almost every mother understands how valuable her milk is for a child. It has the necessary vitamins, nutrients, as well as antibodies that can protect the baby from viruses and bacteria. However, not all women manage to be with their baby around the clock to breastfeed him whenever he wants. In this case, a breast pump will come in handy.

A breast pump is a special device that is used to express milk in reserve. What models are there, how to use them correctly, which breast pump is better to buy?

Even if you are determined to breastfeed your baby, there may be circumstances in which this will not be possible. Then the best solution for you and the baby will be the option of expressing milk. In what cases is it reasonable?

  1. Due to complex financial difficulties, you may need to go to work while the baby is still tiny. You may also need to leave home - for example, to a clinic or other business.
  2. The little man has no way of getting milk from your breasts. This happens if a woman has a so-called tight chest. It needs to be developed, and the milk will flow as it should.
  3. Too much milk in a woman's breasts can cause mastitis, a painful condition in which the breasts become full, red, and sore. This condition is often accompanied by fever and fever.
  4. It happens that the mother urgently needs treatment with drugs that are contraindicated during lactation. You can use the services of a breast pump so as not to disrupt milk production during this period. Of course, it is impossible to feed them to a baby, but milk will not disappear in the breast, and it will be possible to return to breastfeeding after completion of treatment.

In all these situations, a breast pump is a real salvation. With the help of a miracle device, you can leave the baby with milk in your absence, develop tight breasts to eliminate the problem of lack of milk, and also express excess to avoid stagnation. Milk expressed during its excessive production can be frozen and used during periods of lactation crises.

If you have to refuse Manyun in breast milk because of the medications you are taking, do not rush to finally turn off the breastfeeding. The kid remembers how good he was when he sucked the tit, and will gladly resume this pleasant process.

Models of breast pumps

There are two types of devices for artificially extracting milk from the breast: mechanical and electrical.

  1. Mechanical (manual) models. We will not talk about the very ancient manual breast pumps, which consisted of a funnel and a rubber pear. Such devices were inconvenient and were used only for expressing milk, which then could not be used to feed the child. Modern manual devices are quite convenient and effectively suck out milk. Usually they consist of a bottle, on which the body of the breast pump with a piston mini-pump is put on. A special handle is attached to the piston and actuated by your hand. The funnel into which the breast is inserted is equipped with a silicone overlay, which ensures a high-quality fit to the skin. Due to the suction of air from the breast, milk is drawn out of the milk ducts and enters the bottle. After pumping, the bottle can be capped with a nipple to feed your baby right away, or simply capped to freeze or refrigerate. The advantage of a manual piston breast pump is that you control the pumping rhythm yourself, that is, it is more familiar and gentle on the breast.
  2. Electrical apparatus. The principle of operation is similar to manual: creating a vacuum to stimulate milk production. Only as a pump it is not your hand that drives the piston, but a special separate engine powered by a network or battery. Some models of electric breast pumps have the ability to adjust the speed and strength of the suction, which helps to bring the pumping process closer to the rhythm of natural sucking.

Which breast pump is better to choose: manual or electronic? It depends on how often you plan to use it.

If the need for pumping occurs occasionally, a mechanical device will do its job. If you need to constantly collect milk, then the electric model will save you a lot of time and effort.

The issue of price must also be taken into account. Manual models are 4-5 times cheaper than electric ones.

Terms of use

Any device must be used correctly so that the device serves for a long time and effectively copes with its function. In the case of a breast pump, it is important to know how to apply it to the breast so that it does not harm her, as well as how to care for its components. How to properly use a breast pump.

  • Please read the instructions carefully at the beginning of operation. Different models have their own characteristics that determine the rules of use.
  • Before each pumping, you need to rinse the parts of the device, including bottles, in boiled water or sterilize and dry.
  • Assemble the device according to the diagram given in the instruction manual.
  • Sit comfortably in a chair, put a diaper under one (unused) breast, and attach a breast pump funnel to the other so that the nipple is exactly in the middle of the hole. When using a manual device, start pumping the piston a little until the funnel sticks to the chest. If everything worked out and you feel comfortable, you can increase the swing rhythm. If you have an electric breast pump, set the suction rate to the lowest setting, then add when your breasts get used to it.
  • Take breaks in pumping, let your breasts rest and fill up. At this time, gently massage the mammary glands.
  • Pump your breasts only if they are really ready for it. Check readiness with your hands by pressing on the nipple. If you see that a stream of milk has splashed, feel free to apply the breast pump. If only a few drops stand out, wait until the flush is full.
  • If it hurts, then you connected the device incorrectly. Try to change the position of both the breast pump and the body until you find the most comfortable and painless.
  • Pump both breasts until comfortable.
  • After use, immediately blot your breasts with a diaper, twist the bottle, and disassemble the breast pump itself in detail, wash it under running water with soap, and preferably with baby dishwashing liquid, dry it on a towel and put it away until the next use.

These rules may be extended depending on the model of your device. Both manual and electric breast pumps should be checked for ease of disassembly and washing at the purchase stage.

Advantages of different brands of breast pumps

A breast pump is not something you can buy without thinking. How to choose a breast pump? It is best to go through reviews on the Internet before buying or listen to the advice of experienced friends.

Among the mothers in the network, there are only two most popular manufacturers - Avent (Avent) made in England and Medela (Medela) made in Switzerland.

Both Avent and Medela are subject to both criticism and praise. Let's make a small review of manual and electric models of these brands.

  1. Manual breast pump Avent. The most popular model is Philips Avent Natural. Its advantage is in the massage silicone overlay on the funnel, in which there are 5 air petals. Thanks to this pad, the process of expressing milk with an Avent breast pump is similar to natural sucking. The device has a handle adapted for easy grip. Another advantage of this model is that during its operation you do not have to sit in an uncomfortable crooked position so that milk enters the container. You can get comfortable and relax. The Avent breast pump comes with a bottle and a wide nipple, as well as a lid and a container for storing nipples. The model is assembled very simply. Since there are few parts, washing does not take much time and labor. The breast pump is compatible with other Avent brand products - nipples and bottles.
  2. Manual breast pump Medela. Cheap and simple, the Medela Base has the advantage of being very easy to learn to use. However, many reviews are not in favor of this model. Mothers complain that pumping with this device is strained and requires a lot of effort. You also need to purchase separate nozzles for different breast sizes. The plus is that this model can be turned into an electric breast pump by buying a special motor in the company store. Users found the manual device Medela Harmony to be more convenient. This device is more complete: in addition, there are absorbent pads for the breast, as well as the Kalma miracle nipple, with which the baby will perceive the bottle as his mother's breast. It has two pumping phases: fast and slow.
  3. Electric Avent differs from manual only in the presence of an engine. Among the positive moments, mothers name the fact that the electric Avent expresses milk better, to the drop. Of the minuses is that when pumping, you have to help with your hands, massage your chest, despite the petal pad. Otherwise, Avent receives only laudatory words.
  4. Electric Medela, the Swing model is a popular option at about the same cost as the same Avent breast pump. Most buyers unequivocally vote for this electric device. He works quietly, pumping his chest, though not to the drop, but without the help of hands. Small, easy to use, has the ability to control power. Of the minuses is that for large breasts you will have to take another funnel in the store, since the kit comes with a standard one.

In general, after studying the characteristics and reviews on the forums, you can choose the option that is best for you. Let breastfeeding be long and successful, and the purchase will please you.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

It is difficult to dispute the value of breast milk for infants in their first year of life. Many mothers need to express during lactation. Since her body has not yet adapted to the needs of the crumbs, it “gives out” not only an excess of a valuable product, but also reacts with the formation of dense and painful areas in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, which can provoke lactostasis.

Experienced mothers often practice manual pumping, but this technique requires certain skills from the young mother and adherence to the technique. Because of its violation, it can be quite painful to express breast milk, and injury to the glands is possible. Whether it is possible to use a breast pump at the same time or give preference to manual pumping - the young mother decides based on individual circumstances. When choosing the first option, it is important for a woman to understand which breast pump is better and how to choose a useful, high-quality and safe device.

Before we get a cheap device that makes pumping easier, let's find out why you need to express breast milk? It would seem that feeding "", i.e. when the baby gets hungry, solves all problems. The mother does not have to wait with full breasts, you can immediately feed the baby. Indeed, over time, a balance is established between the amount of milk and the needs of the crumbs. However, in the first days and weeks, alas, one cannot do without forced emptying of the breast. In addition, pumping is recommended in the following cases:

  • with low sucking activity of the child, the absence of a sucking reflex (low weight and weakened children);
  • if a young mother is the owner of inverted nipples;
  • in violation of the coordination of sucking in a child;
  • with blockage of the milk duct (stagnation, lactostasis);
  • in certain situations, when it is difficult for the baby to attach to the breast due to its strong breast filling;
  • when processing the nipple and areola with late milk;
  • in cases of separation of mother and baby to stimulate lactation.

    There are times when a mother is separated from the baby for health reasons. This raises a logical question, how to maintain lactation in separation from the baby? In the absence of stimulation of the nipple and areola (expressing, sucking), milk disappears from a nursing woman. To maintain these processes, it is necessary to establish pumping every 2-3 hours, devoting 15-20 minutes to each gland.

It is clear that manual pumping does not require any material costs, and this is its significant advantage. However, even a conventional manual breast pump makes pumping much easier and faster.

When you need a breast pump

Before choosing a manual or electric breast pump, you need to understand when and in what situations you need to express breast milk with a breast pump. After all, how often you use it depends on what kind of breast pump you need. At the same time, the whole list of options when you are going to use a breast pump and express milk mechanically comes down to two cases:

  • You have some, completely removable, breast problems (for example, it hurts to express breast milk), solving which, in the future, you intend to establish a normal, natural breastfeeding process. If the task of collecting and breast pumping is not relevant, simple manual models are usually chosen.
  • You often need to feed your baby with expressed milk. An example is a situation where a mother cannot stay at home and has to go to work, but she certainly wants to maintain lactation. In this case, it makes sense to choose an electric breast pump, which will help you save a lot of energy and achieve a better result.

Choose a device

For almost a century and a half of the history of the use of a breast pump, a lot of the most diverse designs of this device have been developed, from the simplest mechanical devices to digital devices that can “remember” the most suitable operating mode for you. The operation of such a device is still based on the principle of operation, based on the creation of a low pressure area around the nipple. Thus, any of the devices, more or less reliably, imitates the process of sucking. There are many options offered: domestic and imported, compact and rather bulky, mechanical and electronic, cheap and expensive.

A young mother should choose a breast pump, focusing on her needs for the intensity of pumping processes. What is better to choose is also decided by a woman based on her own experience in order to ensure maximum comfort and efficiency at a minimum cost. No less important is also the device of which company she prefers. It is better to buy products of well-known brands in pharmacies, specialized children's stores with a good reputation.

All types of breast pumps, although very numerous, can be classified into one of two categories.

To understand what is better to choose, in which cases a manual device is preferable, and when an electric device, we will consider the variety of these devices in more detail.

Mechanical breast pumps

The mechanical ones include:

  • pumps with a pear or pump (with a lever), in which the low pressure area is reached by repeatedly pressing the lever (“swinging the pear”). Modern models are equipped with silicone pads for the nipple. If you express milk with a pump breast pump, you will most likely not achieve great efficiency. In addition, with such a device, you should not express milk with cracked nipples, since there is a chance of injuring them even more.
  • breast pumps with a piston (or syringe). In these varieties of devices, the same principle of operation is used as in a syringe when collecting liquid. A piston pump is said to be more efficient to operate, but you have to move the piston when pumping, which can be very tiring.

Manual breast pumps have a lot of useful features and properties:

  • the ability to use regardless of the presence of nearby sockets or batteries;
  • noiselessness;
  • the ability to thoroughly wash and sterilize the device;
  • the ability to adjust the intensity of the pumping process;
  • lower price compared to electrical counterparts.

Electrical and electronic devices

This category of breast pumps, as a rule, is chosen by nursing mothers who are forced to often resort to pumping. Many electric models can work not only from the network, but also from an autonomous power source. Deciding to choose an electric breast pump can provide:

  • higher productivity, which is important: after all, a nursing mother does not have much free time;
  • the ability to avoid the cost of physical effort when decanting;
  • comfort in use (no need to take an uncomfortable posture).

However, electrical devices also have negative sides:

  • high price;
  • characteristic buzz during operation;
  • dependence on the energy source (there must be a power outlet or batteries within reach);
  • Not all parts of the device can be sterilized before pumping.

But the electronic breast pump is used by mothers who are accustomed to keep up with the achievements of technological progress. This is a convenient option that does not require any effort from a woman and, in addition, usually has at least three modes of operation. The operation of such a device is regulated by a microprocessor, which fixes the given rhythm and intensity of influences on the chest.

Among the latest innovations in electronic devices, a breast pump occupies a worthy place, using which both mammary glands can be pumped simultaneously. Obviously, there is no need to explain in what cases such a device is needed. Most likely, this device will especially please the parents of twins, for whom every minute is worth its weight in gold and it is very important for them to express milk quickly.

Important little things

Once you get a general idea of ​​the types of pumping devices, it will be much easier for you to decide on the choice of this device. To understand how to choose a good quality breast pump, it is important to familiarize yourself with some of their features. Here is some more additional information based on the experience and feedback of mothers who have already used one or another device:

  • pay attention to the presence of a silicone petal massager, necessary to stimulate the nipple;
  • check how tightly the edges of the liner fit the edges of the bowl. If there is too much clearance, your acquisition will be of little use.
  • check the markings on the plastic parts (and pay attention to this item in the description): the parts must be made of polypropylene. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers use cheaper plastic, which is highly undesirable for contact with your baby's food.

It is the use of low-quality material that can explain why a device manufactured by an unknown company is so cheap. If a young mother is convinced of the need for a breast pump, it is important to understand which one is best suited in this individual case. It makes sense to focus on the products of large manufacturers who will not risk their reputation for the sake of price reduction. Among the most famous brands, mention should be made of various modifications of Avent from Phillips, Medela Mini Electric, Tommee Tippee and many other equally worthy options.

How to use correctly

In addition to information on what breast pumps are, it is also important for a young mother to know how to properly express breast milk with a breast pump. It would seem that any device, regardless of the degree of complexity of its use, is supplied with detailed instructions, supplied with diagrams and illustrations. However, it cannot be ruled out that mommy is going to use a device that has already been in use, the instructions for which have long been lost (for example, a device donated by friends whose children have already grown up). Then it will be useful for her to learn how to use a breast pump. We note right away that there is no fundamental difference between how to properly use a manual or electrical appliance. The following points must be taken into account:

  • Of course, all parts of the device that will come into contact with milk must be sterile, so everything that can be washed and sterilized. Usually the instructions indicate how long and how to do it correctly;
  • during further operation of the device, it will be enough to sterilize it once a day, and after each use, wash it with hot water, not forgetting to rinse it with boiling water;
  • naturally, hands and chest should also be absolutely clean;
  • before moving on to the pumping process, try to take a comfortable position, relax, you can massage your chest a little;
  • position the cup of the device in such a way that the position of the nipple coincides with its center, in addition, try to firmly press the cup of the device to the breast;
  • now you can turn on the device or start working with the handle (pump the pear, set the piston in motion). Start with the most gentle mode when using an electric breast pump. When using a manual model, start with a small amplitude and (or) pace of movements, trying to recreate the most gentle mode;
  • be prepared for the process to start with a few drops, then a trickle will appear;
  • over time, as you get used to it, you will be able to express milk more intensively.

How long does the procedure take

How many minutes it takes to complete the procedure depends on the technique used, the state of tension of the young mother, her practical skills, and the purpose of pumping. For example, to alleviate the condition with lactostasis, milk is expressed until the painful areas are soft. If the mother is expressing for subsequent feeding, it is necessary to express all the milk. The process usually takes no more than 10-30 minutes.

Why milk is not expressed

Sometimes the mother is upset and does not know what to do if the milk is not expressed. At the same time, the breasts feel full, the woman is worried about discomfort, and milk is not released during the procedure. If the device is working properly, then mom needs to adhere to some pumping rules that are relevant both for the manual version of the procedure and for pumping with a breast pump:

  • relax, concentrate positive emotions about the baby, create a calm environment;
  • before expressing breast milk, take a warm shower or apply a compress (put a towel moistened with warm water on your chest);
  • if you need milk to feed your baby in your absence, drink tea (preferably with milk), this stimulates the separation of milk;
  • lightly massage the chest using gentle circular motions from top to bottom;
  • lean forward slightly so that the milk can sink under gravity;
  • Now you can start expressing milk. When decanting, we act not on the nipple, but on the areola.

Try to use alternately all the lobes of the mammary gland, this will avoid blockage of the ducts.

First of all, do not be nervous, calm down, check the correct assembly of the device and the fit of the bowl and try to start over. In case of discomfort or pain, you should stop pumping or do it without using a breast pump, consult a doctor, a breastfeeding consultant.

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother, in preparation for caring for a child, acquires all the things necessary for this, including a breast pump. This is a device that allows you to express breast milk very quickly and without discomfort. It is better to buy a breast pump in advance in order to study all the offers on the market in a relaxed atmosphere and choose the most suitable model.

If the expectant mother does not want to make purchases before the birth of the baby, you can simply make a choice and ask relatives to buy the device while the mother and child are in the hospital. After giving birth, a woman will have much less free time, and it is not recommended to buy the first one that comes across.

What is the best breast pump to buy? Naturally, one that will fully perform its function with easy care and use, and good value for money. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the equipment of the device. When trying to decide which breast pump is right for you, you need to consider the following:

  • Breast pumps are manual and electric;
  • Models differ significantly in design and assembly method;
  • The process of work can be regulated by a special knob for smooth switching of speeds or several modes of operation;
  • The best breast pumps come with a full range of accessories: bottle stands and bottles, nipples, a storage bag or case, breast pads, and containers to store collected milk.

Difference between manual and electric breast pump

Manual breast pump is also called mechanical. Such a device is more suitable for women who do not express regularly. Mechanical breast pumps are divided into two types:

  • Manual, equipped with a pear or pump are considered the cheapest, but they are also inefficient;
  • Piston breast pumps (sometimes also called syringe pumps) are much more expensive, but the pumping process is gentler and more efficient.

Advantages and disadvantages of such devices:

An electric breast pump is necessary for women who, for one reason or another, cannot breastfeed their baby (for example, the baby cannot breastfeed on its own, the mother continues to go to work, or she has to temporarily stop feeding to further maintain milk production).

  • The advantages of an electric breast pump are that it expresses milk twice as fast, and the mother does not need to make any physical effort.
  • The disadvantages of the device are that they buzz monotonously during use, are quite expensive and difficult to sterilize.

The electronic breast pump is an improved modification of the electric one. The devices have a display and built-in memory that remembers the optimal pumping mode. Such devices are very expensive and are often bought by medical institutions that require large volumes of milk to be expressed quickly. If a woman wants to use just such a device, it is better to rent it.

First of all, you need to decide how often you will use the device. If rare, a manual one is also suitable, and if often, then it is better to purchase an electric one. Since the cost of electronic devices is quite high, it is better to rent them or buy them from other people. But regardless of the novelty of the device, it must be thoroughly washed and sterilized before use.

Depending on the type of breast pump you choose, certain recommendations must be followed.

For manual breast pumps:

  • It is better to buy a piston rather than a pump, since the latter does not give enough milk and can lead to stagnation;
  • Choose a device with a two-phase pumping system;
  • Choose a breast pump with an anatomical silicone breast pad, since the plastic one does not provide the proper level of comfort during pumping;
  • It is more convenient if the breast pump comes with a bottle and a nipple that can be used for feeding, and there will be no need to pour milk into another container.

Electric breast pumps are selected taking into account the following requirements:

  • It is better to buy a device with a silicone nozzle with petals of the appropriate size. In some trim levels there are several nozzles, but most often they need to be purchased additionally;
  • Choose a breast pump with at least two pumping modes. The first prepares the breasts, making a light massage, and the second expresses milk quickly.
  • It is better to buy a breast pump with batteries, because mom will not always be able to connect to the network. Please note that batteries are not included with the instrument.
  • Pay attention to the material of the breast pump. The most optimal is polypropylene without Bisphenol A.
  • There are models of breast pumps that can work both in manual and electric mode. To do this, they additionally buy a motor in addition to the manual one.
  • To save pumping time, you can purchase an optional breast pad that will help you express two breasts at once.
  • If the mother plans to pump frequently outside the home, it is better to purchase compact devices complete with a bag or case.

Overview of the best breast pumps

The most popular breast pumps at the moment include:

  • Philips Avent is the most popular brand of breast pumps. There are both manual and electric, but all models are of very high quality, so even a used breast pump of this brand will successfully cope with the task.
  • The Swiss company Medela produces only high-quality electric breast pumps.
  • The third most popular breast pumps are Nuk, Chicco and Canpol, but they are not as comfortable to use as the first two brands.
  • Breast pumps from Russian manufacturers Kurnosiki and Mir Detstva are only manual, but they are also inexpensive.
The main characteristics of manual breast pumps:
Piston pump action In the form of a syringe
What is included?
  • small bottle
  • Expression lever
  • Silicone breast pad
  • Nozzle
  • Pear or pump
  • Some models have feeding bottles
  • Inner cylinder for breastfeeding
  • outer cylinder
  • Bottle
purpose For pumping no more than twice a day For those who do not plan to pump but decide to buy a breast pump for contingencies Those who rarely pump and do not want to buy an expensive breast pump
Working mechanism The piston creates a vacuum which draws out the milk. Pressing the pump or pear creates a vacuum, with the help of which milk is expressed. The piston creates a vacuum to suck out the milk
Terms of use The silicone nozzle is applied to the areola of the nipple, the breast is held with one hand, and the lever is rhythmically pressed with the other. The funnel of the device is applied to the areola, the pad is fixed on the chest and the pump is often pressed. The funnel must be attached to the areola, fixed on the chest and move back and forth with the piston
  • Provides fast pumping
  • Inexpensive
  • Easy to disassemble, wash and sterilize
  • Includes feeding bottles
  • Doesn't make noise
  • cheap
  • Silent
  • Low noise
  • low price
  • Pumping requires physical effort
  • Parts wear out quickly
  • Not very comfortable
  • No milk container
  • Can injure the nipple
  • Not very effective
  • Expressing little milk
  • Hands get tired quickly
  • All components cannot be sterilized with high quality
  • Pumping takes a long time
  • The breast pump is not effective enough
  • Mom gets tired quickly
  • The device breaks down quickly.

If you decide to purchase a manual breast pump model, be guided not only by your financial capabilities, but also by the expected pumping frequency. In any case, all hand-held appliances are low-priced, and even if a breast pump is not useful, the family budget will not suffer significant damage.

Distinctive features of electric breast pumps:
Main types
  • Electric powered by mains or batteries, there is a power adjustment
  • Electronic (microprocessor control)
  • Most devices can operate both from the mains and on batteries.
purpose Women for regular pumping.
  • chest attachment
  • Appliance with motor
  • Connector with valve
  • Power Supply
  • Membrane
  • Milk collection container
  • Stand

Some models also include a bag or case for storing the device, several types of nozzles depending on the size, nipples, bottles and containers for further sterilization.

Working mechanism The motor creates a vacuum around the nipple, which expresses the milk.
Recommendations for use The nozzle of the device is applied to the areola so that the nipple is in the middle, then the button is pressed, which starts the motor of the device
  • Expression with a breast pump is very fast;
  • The process is not accompanied by nipple injuries;
  • Mom saves physical strength and time;
  • Some models allow you to express both breasts at the same time;
  • There is a power adjustment function;
  • All parts are easily sterilized (except for the engine).
  • Noisy
  • Expensive

The choice of an electric breast pump also depends on the cost and the expected frequency of its use.

The most common manual breast pumps

This section includes information on the most common models of manual breast pumps, after reading which, it will be much easier for expectant mothers to make a choice of device. All of them are made of polypropylene, and the nozzles are made of silicone. Estimated pumping time is about half an hour. Other characteristics depend on the model.

Philips AVENT SCF330/20 manual breast pump

This model is considered the most durable and reliable. The device is very easy to assemble and wash. The nipple shield has petals and the funnel provides maximum comfort during pumping. All components are thought out, and for proper pumping, no additional spare parts are required. This is one of the most expensive models, the cost of which is fully justified by the ease of use.

The advantages of the device include a complete set of spare parts, a reliable design and simplicity of the mechanism, as well as a unique design of the pad, which makes pumping very comfortable.

Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump

The device is the most careful and delicate. It has two modes of operation for more gentle or intensive pumping. The advantages of the device include softness and quietness of operation, ease of assembly and washing, and a replaceable membrane. However, the device does not have an anatomical breast pad, and you have to buy a nipple for feeding separately.

Chicco pump pump

This model is designed for women who have a lot of milk, since its design does not provide for stimulation of the mammary glands. These are inexpensive devices that are presented on the market in several versions.

The breast pump is an ideal value for money device, and it comes with a nipple and a bottle. However, it can only be used by women with normal milk production.

Tommee Tippee CloserToNature Manual Breast Pump

This breast pump is ideal for women who often have to pump outside the home. The breast pump has a soft silicone pad that provides a quick and efficient pumping process. The breast pump consists of only three parts, so it can be assembled and disassembled very quickly. The kit also includes a special container for sterilization in the microwave and a container.

The advantages of the breast pump of this brand can be considered compactness, complete set, comfortable silicone pad with massaging function, and the special design of the funnel prevents splashing of milk. The only drawback is that the milk storage container has a small volume (only 50 ml).

Piston breast pump "World of Childhood"

The advantages of the World of Childhood breast pump include an affordable price and a standard thread that fits all bottles. However, it does not have a silicone insert, is not intended for long-term use, and is not designed to be sterilized.

Overview of the best electric breast pumps

Most models are made of polypropylene, they have silicone nozzles, and the pumping time is about 10-20 minutes. However, before use, you need to carefully read the instructions in order to know how to clean and whether the breast pump can be sterilized.

Here is an overview of the most popular models of breast electric breast pumps.

Medela Swing Maxi

This breast pump can be called professional, although it is not too expensive. It allows you to express milk from two breasts at the same time. The design prevents the penetration of milk into the motor. In addition, the device can be carried with you by attaching special belts to your belt.

The advantages of a breast pump are silent operation, fast pumping of two breasts at once, the ability to connect the device to both the mains and batteries, as well as the choice of pumping modes. The only downside is the high cost.

Medela Mini Electric

A very simple and compact device that has a smooth adjustment of pumping, has a simple design, it is easy to disassemble for washing, but it makes a lot of noise during operation.

Philips AVENT SCF332/01

It is considered one of the most comfortable, since a woman can express herself in absolutely any position. The device has a special mode for breast massage to stimulate the arrival of milk. The kit includes many additional accessories, so you do not need to buy something extra.

However, this device is quite noisy and expensive compared to other analogues.

Medela Freestyle

This breast pump is considered the most efficient among appliances designed for domestic use. This is a fairly expensive device that has a huge number of advantages: it has a backlit display for pumping at night, allows you to pump two breasts at the same time in a few minutes, there are two modes and five pumping rhythms, and an extensive set of additional accessories eliminates the need to buy additional things. The only drawback of the breast pump can be considered a high cost.


Smooth regulation of work and two phases of pumping allow you to bring the process of pumping as close as possible to the natural sucking of the breast by the baby. The device comes in a wide range of configurations, very light and compact, quiet operation, but has an inconvenient speed control.

Rules for using manual breast pumps

These breast pumps are the most popular because of their low cost. But how to use such a breast pump correctly? To understand how to properly express a breast with a breast pump and not injure it, you must follow some recommendations:

  • After purchase, all parts of the device are washed and sterilized;
  • Before the procedure, the chest should be washed with clean water, and hands with soap and water;
  • To make milk flow better, and mom has free time, you need to apply a warm compress to your chest;
  • The nipple shield is applied to the areola so that the nipple is in the center. If possible, you need to adjust the pressing force for maximum comfort;
  • You should prepare a container for milk in advance if the bottle is not provided with the device;
  • If you do not yet know how to use a manual breast pump, you should know that you first need to express some milk with your hands so that more is produced (see );
  • A woman should take a comfortable position, leaning on the back of a chair or chair, attach the nozzle to her chest and start rhythmically pressing the handle or lever of the device;
  • At first, milk will be released in drops, and after that - in streams;
  • If everything is done correctly, the pumping process is not accompanied by pain. But if discomfort still arises, try changing the position of the funnel, after rubbing your chest with your hands;
  • Breasts need to be alternated;
  • When pumping is over, the chest should be wiped with a damp towel, and the device should be washed, sterilized and dried.
Sterilization rules

If you already know how to properly express milk with a breast pump, you are probably wondering how to properly sterilize a breast pump. This procedure is necessary because the device comes into contact with sterile breast milk.

Wash and sterilize the device immediately after use, so that everything is prepared for the next pumping. Before that, all parts of the device must be thoroughly washed and the breast pump placed in a sterilizer or an ordinary pan with hot water. The parts of the device should be in hot water for about 10 minutes, after which they are removed and dried.