Correct arrows on the eyes: choose and draw (photo). How to Draw Perfect Eyes Arrows

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Eyes are the main weapon of any girl. But many sometimes forget that an individual approach is needed to different types of eyes - this is the only way to create a flawless look that will be remembered for a long time by all men on your way.

site prepared for you a small cheat sheet that will help you figure out which arrows to choose for you and how to draw them.

Almond eyes

How do you know if you have an almond-shaped eye? All corners of the eye, namely the inner and outer, are located at the same level, and the distance between the inner corners is equal to the length of the eye.

To draw attention to the beautiful curve of the eye shape, draw a thin line from the inner corner and extend it towards the outer, but don't go beyond it. So the eyes will visually expand and the look will become more expressive.

Drooping upper eyelid

In this type of eye, an extra layer of skin falls over the crease of the eyelid, making the eye appear smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to add as much volume as possible.

The ideal lids for these eyes are wide, covering the entire lower eyelid area to the lashes. And in this case, the darker the eyeliner, the better.

Wide-set eyes

If the distance between the eyes is more than the width of one eye, then it is a wide-set type.

To visually shorten the distance, you need to bring the upper eyelid and lower eyelid completely, starting from the middle of the eye. In this case, you do not need to bring the arrow out of the outer corner. Also, tint the upper and lower eyelashes, it is better to comb them towards the bridge of the nose.

Large eyes

Large (round) eyes are quite expressive, but they lack almond shape. The main task here is to lengthen them.

To do this, bring the upper eyelid, drawing (about a centimeter) the line of the arrow along the crease in the corner of the eye. By the way, eyes are perfect for this shape.

Oblong eyes

Oblong eyes are considered incredibly sexy, but the arrows for such eyes need to be drawn very carefully so as not to inadvertently make the eyes even narrower. To visually enlarge them, the arrow line must be applied at some distance from the growth of the eyelashes and gently shaded.

With a white pencil, trace a thin strip of skin between the eye and lashes. And with black, accentuate the upper eyelid, slightly thickening the line in the central part.

Close-set eyes

Close-set eyes are those, the distance between which is less than the width of one eye. The main function of makeup for this eye shape is to make the look visually more open.

To do this, you need to make a transition from light to dark shades at the outer corners. Begin to lead the arrow, slightly stepping back from the inner corner of the eye. The tail of the arrow must be brought out of the eyelids, slightly lifting it.

Correct eye makeup can solve many problems: visually correct the shape of the eyes, remove the accent from bags under the eyes and dark circles, give expressiveness and energy to the look.

Correct arrows on the eyes cope with this task as well as possible. Many Hollywood beauties of the 50s, such as Merlin Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, never appeared in public without arrows. The retro trick is also very popular with modern fashionistas.

In this article, we will consider all types of arrows and how to design them, depending on your eye shape. You will also find step by step tutorials on how to apply beautiful makeup with arrows yourself.

How to draw arrows in front of your eyes?

There are many options for how and which ones to draw arrows in front of your eyes. They can be black or colored, thin or wide. As they say, it's a matter of taste. But the shape of the eyes is still worth considering in the first place. With the help of pencil and eyeliner, you can correct the shape of your eyes, giving them a more attractive shape.

types of arrows

Correct arrows and eye shape

Round eyes

Round eyes can be visually lengthened with the eyeliner in the inner corner. The line should not be thin and can only be done with a pencil. It is recommended to slightly shade the arrows on the eyes so that they clearly fall on the lash line. Otherwise, you will get the effect of bulging eyes, which in itself is ugly, but for round eyes it is a complete disaster. It is not recommended to make eyeliner on the lower eyelid.

for round eyes

Narrow eyes

Wide arrows will help to visually expand the view. However, they should not be drawn outside the borders of the eye, otherwise you will only narrow the shape more. The lower eyelid should not be let down with bright colors, it is better if you leave 1/3 of the eye from the inner eyelid unsupported. An arrow that thickens only in the middle of the eye will help to achieve a special effect. On both edges, the line can be shaded.

for narrow eyes

Wide-set eyes

To narrow the distance between the eyes, the following trick will help: bring the eye along its entire length, extending the line of the arrow to the bridge of the nose. An intensive line should run clearly along the growth of the eyelashes. The lower eyelid can be brought up on the outside.

for wide-set eyes

Close-set eyes

Here you need to do the opposite. When drawing arrows, try to indent from the inner corner of the eyelid. If you also let the eyelid down, it will help to visually broaden the look. From the outside of the eye, the arrow can be rounded up.

for close-set eyes

Small eyes

Do not draw an arrow on the lower eyelid, you risk making the eyes even smaller. Black and dark eyeliners are also recommended to be avoided. Light arrows are what narrow eyes need. Light, light colors will open your eyes and make it wider. If your style is classic, grays or metallic shades will be just right for you.

for small eyes

Types of arrows for the eyes

The variety of arrows for the eyes should come as no surprise. The art of lidding is more than one thousand years old. Previously, not only women, but also men loved to focus on the eyes with makeup.

  • The famous Egyptian arrows, or Cleopatra's arrows, look most impressive in the evening performance.
  • The thick arrows on the upper eyelid should also be saved for events and parties.
  • Arrow wings are suitable for sophisticated and creative natures. If you look at such arrows from above, you get the impression that these are the open wings of a bird.
  • The thin line is perfect for daytime make-up, suitable for both office and school. However, drawing such arrows is a little more difficult; it takes a little practice to get a clear, straight line.

Famous designers are also not indifferent to the arrows for the eyes. Moreover, each of the couturiers has their own favorite. Marc Jacobs and Georgio Armani prefer a discreet style and thin eyelashes. D&G and Erdem add expressiveness to the look with wide eyeliner.

You can find more eye makeup ideas in the article.

offers from leading Fashion Houses

types of arrows

with lengthening

dilated at the edge of the eye

elongated slim version

classic version

from the middle of the century

colored eyeliner

classic version without shadows


framing only the eyelid

Arrow color for eyes

When choosing the color of the arrows for the eyes, we are guided, first of all, by the following considerations: this is our favorite color or this color perfectly matches the outfit. The blue, gray, gold and silver hands are as good as the classic black hands. These colored hands are good to wear in the daytime. They visually open up the look, which is very important for girls with narrow eyes. In addition, light shades refresh and rejuvenate well. If you draw the upper eyelid, for example, with a blue pencil, and the lower one is a few tones lighter, then you will get the effect of an "open" look. It is recommended to use gray eyeliner on both the outer and inner eyelids, so the color of the eyes will become brighter.

Black eyeliner, although considered a classic, still requires careful use. The black color narrows the eye. Therefore, the narrower your eye shape, the thinner the arrow should be.

colored arrows for summer makeup

Correct arrows on the eyes: application errors

  1. Never draw arrows only on the lower eyelid, it looks very ridiculous. In some cases, depending on the color of the eyeliner, the effect of "rolling" eyes may be created.
  2. Always draw the arrows as close to the lash line as possible. To make the arrow straight, you can slightly pull the eyelid to the side.
  3. Draw the arrows with your eyes half open to see how straight the line is.
  4. If you prefer thick arrows, then first draw its outline and then paint over the line.

Try to make the arrows symmetrical in front of your eyes as much as possible, otherwise you risk becoming a girl with different eyes.

How to draw the arrows yourself?

It is not a difficult task to draw arrows in front of your eyes on your own. Our selection of tutorials will help you get beautiful and eye-catching makeup.

lesson number 1

lesson number 2

lesson number 3

lesson number 4

lesson number 5

lesson number 6

lesson number 7

lesson number 8

The Down Arrow symbol is a special Windows symbol. It is not on the keyboard, but it can come in handy when typing exact science formulas. The current situation gives rise to a lot of trouble. Fortunately, users can put Up Arrow and Down Arrow in different ways. The main thing is to choose the most simple and convenient approach for yourself. Below we will consider all possible layouts. Even a teenager can remember them.

Symbol tables

The Down Arrow symbol is often inserted by insertion through the Symbol Table. It is a standard Windows service and is easy to work with.

To cope with the task at hand, the user is advised to:

  1. Go to the "Symbol table" of the operating system. To do this, you have to look in "Standard", and from there - in "Service".
  2. Find this or that arrow in the menu that appears. Most of the interpretations of the sign are in Windings 3. The Windings and Windings 2 sets are also suitable, but there are fewer variants of the mentioned element.
  3. Double click on the icon with the corresponding arrow.
  4. Click on the "Copy" button at the bottom of the window.
  5. Open a text editor and place the cursor at the place where the sign is printed.
  6. Press RMB + "Paste". You can just hold down Ctrl + M (Russian) on the keyboard.

This will insert the Up Arrow and Down Arrow characters into the text document. A distinctive feature of this technique is the ability to choose the type of execution of the sign.

Paste into Word

But this is only one of several options for the development of events. There is a different way to find the Down Arrow symbol. For example, through the built-in options "Word".

In this case, it is best to proceed like this:

  1. Look into the "Word". It is advisable to immediately open the edited document.
  2. Select the "Insert" tab on the toolbar.
  3. Go to "Symbol" / "Special symbol".
  4. Open the Windinds set (1-3).
  5. Double-click LMB on the selected character in the menu that opens.

That's all. This method is more common in practice. It's easy to use. It can be used to insert the up arrow symbol and more. Other Windows special characters can also be easily printed in your document.

Alt codes to help

The Down Arrow character is often printed using ASCII codes. They are usually called Alt codes. This is a keyboard shortcut that, when processed, converts numbers to characters. Thus, the user is able to insert any special character into a text document. The main thing is to know the "Alt" -code ".

To put the usual (the most popular among typing) down arrow, you will need:

  1. Press the Num Lock button. If the corresponding mode is enabled, you can skip the step.
  2. Place the cursor at the expected place of the character appearance.
  3. Click on "Alt".
  4. Dial 25 on the numeric panel on the right side of the keyboard.

This will print the "↓" character (without quotes). For the "Up Arrow" character, you will have to use the ASCII code - 24. The result will be the "" icon.

Important: using the "Symbols table" you can see the full list of Alt-codes for different arrows.

Hexadecimal codes

But this is not the end. Some people use Unicode to put the Down Arrow character on their keyboard. The hexadecimal code is processed by a text editor, after which one or another character appears in the place of the corresponding entry.

In our case, you can act like this:

  1. Dial U + 2191 or U + 2193. The first combination is responsible for, and the second for ↓.
  2. Click on Alt + X (English).

Any Windows characters will be printed in the same way. And the arrows are no exception.

They remain relevant at all times and, most likely, will never go out of style. Without such a detail, you will not be able to make a sensual look. However, not everyone succeeds in drawing even and symmetrical arrows. First you need to figure out what cosmetics to use for this, and choose the ideal arrow shape in accordance with the shape of your eyes.

How can I draw arrows

Today, the cosmetics market presents a large selection of cosmetics for drawing straight arrows. The best product for yourself should be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the skin and personal preferences.

Optionally, you can purchase:

  • liquid gel eyeliner or in the form of a felt-tip pen;
  • regular or waterproof pencil;
  • shadows.

The main thing is to choose and use the right product that will lie flat throughout the entire eyelid. The base must first be applied to the surface. It should be noted that for everyday make-up it is better to use shadows in pastel shades, and for evening make-up - at your discretion and in accordance with the chosen image.

What brushes are needed to draw arrows

For liquid textures, a comfortable synthetic brush is ideal. Its shape is chosen in accordance with your preferences: elongated or thin. For beginners, a beveled brush is most convenient. Once you get the hang of it, the perfect arrows can be drawn with any tool.

How to draw perfect arrows with a pencil

If you don't have too much experience in doing makeup, make-up artists advise you to first master the technique of drawing arrows with a soft pencil. Its main advantage is that you can achieve fine lines with ease. Moreover, it is the soft pencil that is easiest to shade.

The arrow is led from the middle of the eyelids towards the outer corners of the eyes. Depending on the purpose, it can be painted light or dark. However, a rich black color is considered a classic, which suits any makeup.

How to draw perfect eyeliner arrows

Arrows are the hardest to draw with liquid eyeliner. It takes a lot of time to master this technique. The color scheme of such products is not as saturated as that of pencils. To get the arrow perfectly straight, first you need to clean the brush from excess dye and lumps.

When thinking about how to draw perfect arrows with liquid eyeliner, you can use one trick. First, you should draw a thin line with a pencil, and then draw a second one on top of it with an eyeliner. You need to paint over along the ciliary row and slightly raise it at the outer corners of the eyes.

Apply dry eyeliner using an applicator or brush. Experts recommend using baked eyeshadow. To get a rich arrow, you just need to wet the brush, and only then lower it into the composition. The felt-tip pen is quite comfortable and dries quickly. Thanks to this tool, the paint does not need to be dispensed. This will save time when doing makeup.

Easier to use, it combines the properties of liquid formulations and a pencil. This cosmetic product is applied with a beveled brush.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing perfect arrows

After reading this instruction, you will learn how to draw perfect arrows without any problems (however, this requires practice and skill):

  • The first step is to lower your gaze down in order to see well where you need to lead the future arrow. They begin to draw it from the outer corner of the eyelashes and lead towards the temple (a thin line should look up).
  • Almost from the middle of the eye, a second thin line is drawn and connected to the first.
  • Thus, the outline of the arrow has turned out, now you need to fill in the empty space.
  • It remains to draw thin arrows from the inner corners of the eyes and connect them with the existing ones.

Finding the perfect arrows to match the shape of your eyes

  • For those with almond-shaped eyes, you just need to trace the arrow along the natural curve. In the first third of the line, they begin to thicken and bring it in this form to the end.
  • Eyes with a narrowed shape (Asian type) have wide arrows, it is best to use a liquid waterproof agent for this.
  • It is best to draw an arrow on the overhanging eyelid with an open eye, so its entire residual area will be visible. Another way out in this case can be an elongated letter V, which lies "on its side", it should outline the outer corner of the eye.

  • If you don't know how to draw perfect arrows on the eyes with the corners down, then focus on lifting them. Keep the inner corners open and draw two identical arrows, bringing them up.
  • Round eyes are best lengthened. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to draw an arrow, thickening it in the center, while at the edges it should remain less thick.
  • Owners of wide-set eyes should visually reduce the distance between them. In this case, it is necessary to slightly extend the arrow to the bridge of the nose and draw so that it does not leave the border of the outer corner.
  • You need to do the opposite. When drawing an arrow, it is necessary to indent from the inner corner of the eye, and from the outer corner the arrow is slightly lengthened and directed upward.

Common mistakes

Many girls fail to paint perfectly straight arrows, since they constantly make the same mistakes. In the training videos, few people voice those aspects that may interfere with drawing a beautiful arrow.

Therefore, this issue needs to be dealt with once and for all:

  • Starting to draw arrows, many people look in the mirror not directly in front of them, but from the side, thinking that this is much more convenient. But in the end, the arrows are not as smooth as they seem from the side. Therefore, when performing makeup, it is best to look straight ahead.
  • There are many rules for how to draw perfectly straight arrows. However, it is best to start the line from the lash line, so it will turn out to be more accurate.
  • Many people try to pull the tail of the arrow out of the outer corner. However, it is best for a beginner to lead it along the mucous membrane - so it will lie in the shape of the eye and visually raise it.
  • When the arrow is ready, you can see the gaps between the cilia. To prevent this from happening, you can pre-fill dark shadows in the eyelash row.
  • For eyes with a drooping eyelid, you need to draw very thin and neat arrows. Wide lines will make the look even heavier.
  • Summing up the arrow, the skin of the eyelid should be lifted up with the fingers, while the eyes should be slightly opened.
  • First you need to draw a thin line, if you want, you can always expand it.
  • The arrow should be drawn so that the area between it and the lash line is thoroughly painted over.
  • Most girls have arrows, the tips of which are directed upward in the outer corners of the eyes.
  • If you find it difficult to draw a solid arrow, then apply it in parts, starting from the inner corner of the eye.
  • Professional makeup artists recommend not using a liquid texture to draw a line on the lower eyelid - it looks vulgar. At the bottom, it should be thin, barely noticeable and shaded.
  • If you want to add depth and expression to the look, then use a white pencil to highlight the lower eyelid.

Now, knowing how to draw the perfect arrows, you can safely experiment and look for a suitable day and evening makeup. To make the look brighter and more beautiful, you can use eyeliners of various colors or sparkles.

Double arrows on the eyes are a very expressive tool of seduction, which must be used wisely. It is not difficult to draw two arrows on your own on your own; the main thing is that such a make-up is appropriate and does not look cheap or vulgar.

At one time, the gorgeous and incomparable Liz Taylor “dabbled” with arrows - and now we can admire their black and white photos. Hollywood, new look and modern everyday make-up - it would seem that there may be something in common between them. However, women of fashion continue to draw double arrows for more than one year to stand out from the crowd and emphasize their individuality.

In our article, we will consider step by step simple eye makeup schemes with two arrows, we will give the most successful photos of the process and result, and then we will try to create bifurcated arrows at home.

Which painting is right for you

To determine whether a double arrow goes to your features in front of your eyes, let's take a quick look at the base. So, arrows are:

  • Classic - narrow or wide. As a rule, and have the same width. In this case, the upper one starts from the inner corner of the eye (lacrimal canal) and reaches the outer corner. The line on the lower eyelid originates from the outer edge and reaches a third (less often to the middle) of the length of the eye. The classic suits everyone, if only because the majority of girls and women want to "draw" an open look, have big eyes, naively wide open towards the world. The discreet concept of the classic eyeliner gives us all this. Moreover, it is appropriate in any situation.
  • Thick arrows - add a touch of exoticism and piquancy. Even the most ordinary face with unremarkable proportions with the help of thick arrows will become magnetic, chic and expressive. Only the line on the upper eyelid is made really wide: rapidly expanding from the lacrimal canal, a bold stroke beautifully flies up to the temples, going beyond the border of the eye by a good half a centimeter.
  • - an expressive technique, when a thick arrow from the upper eyelid goes far to the temple, beautifully and smoothly bending upwards. Confidence and slightly aggressive femininity - this is the message that this make-up carries.
  • Makeup with two arrows on the eyes is mainly an evening option that can give a stunning effect. The upper eyelid is brought up by a "cat" arrow of medium width, and the lower line duplicates it at a short distance. Double arrows on the eyes will give a more open look, add drama and sexuality to the image.

As for the shape of the eyes and its correction with paint, professionals advise the following:

  • The black color of the line and the complete underlining of the lower eyelid will make small eyes look very small. This should be avoided at all costs;
  • For round eyes, choose wide lines and a bright shade, possibly with gloss;
  • Narrow eyes will help expand the lines in the center of the eyelids, which do not close at the corners of the eye;
  • When the eyes are set wide, a thin line along the entire upper contour of eyelash growth will save;
  • If, on the other hand, you have narrow-set eyes, a correction is required with an eyeliner from the middle of the eyelids, which thickens towards the temples.

Makeup with two arrows on the eyes will suit any type of face and shape of the eyelids. After all, slanting eyes and a sly look attract men like a magnet.

To figure out how to draw double arrows in front of yourself, you should step by step list the means and tools for such a make-up.

  • Pencil. It would seem that nothing new can be learned about this tool. However, as practice shows, for the upper eyelid it is better to use a solid black or dark brown pencil. Whereas a soft pencil is useful for the lower "underline" - it can be successfully shaded.
  • If you're not a beginner, you can work with liquid or creamy eyeliner. It is applied with a thin brush, which is included in the kit. According to the instructions, the liquid must be applied immediately and accurately, avoiding streaks and blots. And then patiently wait for drying without opening your eyes - otherwise all beauty will be blurred.
  • Liners are a relative novelty in the world of eyelid makeup. They have a solid tip, therefore it is easier to work with them - the hand will not flinch, the strokes will turn out to be thin and even.
  • For those who do not like drastic changes and contrasts, you can start drawing double arrows using regular shadows and a beveled brush. The advantage of this "smokey eyes" option is that it is almost impossible to make a mistake. The borders are blurred, the lines are shaded, and no one doubts that your two arrows are flawless before our eyes.

Front of works: draw a double arrow

Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to make double arrows, thereby completing your make-up.

  1. To create a base, apply matte or pearlescent eyeshadows in a neutral shade to the eyelid. Together with foundation or BB-cream, they will make the skin smooth, and the double arrow on the eyes will not "roll off".
  2. From the very beginning of the upper eyelid (from the inner corner of the eye), draw a line with a brush. To the pupil, it becomes twice as thick, to the outer corner of the eye it narrows again. Without bringing it a little to the corner, you should take the stroke up, carefully reducing the line to nothing.
  3. As you know, you can paint the lower eyelid only towards the nose. This is how the massage lines go, because the skin around the eyes is very thin. First, the second arrow duplicates the first, and thickens as it approaches the pupil.

  • You cannot close the path unless your eyes are super large or bulging. Otherwise, if you completely circle your eyes with paint, you can get the undesirable effect of small, inexpressive "eyes" - it will look comical.
  • In addition to pencils and liners, there are markers for the eyelids, as well as gels - only professionals should deal with them. One wrong move and the makeup will have to start over.
  • Double Arrow Color: Choose a dramatic black for going out and a brown or gray for a more natural effect. If you want to visually increase the size of the eyes, then the lower eyelid can be brought in with a white liner - the image will turn out to be creative and original.

As we can see, the playful arrows are not just a tribute to the fashion of the 50s. Now this trend is found outside of retro parties as well. It is widely used to enhance the beauty that nature has endowed us with.

Video: Create Double Arrow Makeup to Enlarge Eyes