Welcome speech to the students on the oath. Congratulations on the oath: warm words from family and friends

Dear brothers! Today you have crossed an important milestone in your life. The time of carefree youth is left behind. Having taken an oath of allegiance to the Motherland, you became soldiers of Russia.

You often hear that defending the Fatherland is a soldier's “sacred” duty. These are not just nice words. Behind them is the history of our great power. Behind them lies the harsh reality of our days. And each of you in this reality is a soldier of Russia, whom thousands and millions of eyes are looking at with hope today.

And if quite recently there were those among young people who almost considered it a life success to be able to evade conscription into the army, now everything has changed. Scary pictures of a war blazing very close to our border - cities and villages destroyed by bombs, the corpses of women, old people and children - anyone who wants to "kill" from the army can convince that if something like this happened here with us, from which God save us, he will not succeed quietly sit out under the skirt of the mother, behind the backs of his comrades.

The time has come to shake off the carelessness of the characters of the famous parable, who, when they saw a village lit up next to their village, reassured themselves with the words “it’s still far from us, maybe it will carry”. No, it's too close. And, looking at the crowds of refugees from Novorossiya, today we are especially clearly aware of the virtuality of the border dividing us, and more than ever we feel our blood and spiritual kinship. That is why everything that happens there today, we perceive as our own misfortune.

You have been drafted into the army at a troubling but historically interesting time for our country. Just think: on the heroes of the militia of Novorossiya today, the words of the great commander of Holy Russia Alexander Nevsky, addressed to the heroes of the Battle of the Neva, are literally coming true: “Brothers, we are few, but the enemy is strong. But God is not in power, but in truth. Let us not be afraid of many enemies, because God is with us. We stood on that, we stand and we will stand, and so we will win. " Each of you - soldiers of Russia - must learn this wisdom that comes to us from the depths of centuries. Armed with it, we are doomed to victory.

There is probably no need to explain why my speech today is about Novorossiya. The pulse of Russian life is beating there now. As one well-known contemporary Russian thinker says: “Novorossia is our faith, this is our ideology, this is our worldview now ... [Her heroes and our Russian volunteers] do heroic deeds every day before our very eyes, every day they make history. And we cannot tear ourselves away from them ”(A. Dugin).

And who if not you, and on what other day and hour, if not on this solemn day for you and the hour of the oath to remember them? These are your real, living heroes - not from books, legends and films. And at the very thought of them, as an annoying obsession, all this dull criminal-sexual row of pseudo-idols and antiheroes - risky life-savers without a homeland and a flag - with which our liberal media have been feeding you for two decades now, dissipates as an annoying obsession.

Today, the heroes of the militia of Novorossia, and among them your peers are also fighting, they shield us with their backs so that the flames of war do not spread to Russia. Their deeds, better than any words, teach you to love and protect your Motherland, easily enduring all the hardships and hardships of soldier's service. With God and the memory of the Russian heroes-militias!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the Pozhelaika.ru website! Your visit is an honor for us and we do our best to ensure that you do not leave disappointed.

On the pages of our web portal, hundreds of congratulations in verses of a wide variety of genres are collected: there are cool, official, touching, funny, solemn ... There are wishes for relatives, friends, children, colleagues and bosses - in a word, for everyone you want to congratulate on holiday.

By the way, the website "Pozhelaika.ru" presents congratulations to almost all festive events. Here, of course, there are poems for a birthday or anniversary, wedding day or wedding anniversary, the birth of a child or a housewarming party. Here, without a doubt, there are wishes for the New Year and Christmas, May 1st and Victory Day, Last Call, Graduation and September 1st. In addition, on the pages of our web portal, there are poems dedicated to all professional holidays marked in the Russian calendar: this is the day of the miner, the day of the doctor, the day of the secretary, the day of the police, the day of the metallurgist, the day of the railway worker and many, many others.

The structure of the site "Pozhelaika.ru" is quite simple, however, let's dwell on it in more detail.

The first, as the most visited, deserves attention section "Congratulations in verses." In this section, visitors to the site will find many original poems. Here you can pick up a wish for a birthday, wedding, anniversary and other holidays. In addition, congratulations for relatives, friends, work colleagues, children are highlighted in separate subsections. The convenient menu structure makes it easy to find the right verses for the occasion.

The second we mention the section "Congratulations in prose". Often, a guest attending a celebration wants to express his feelings with warm and sincere words coming from the very heart. And I want to do this not in poetry, like most of the audience, but in prose. However, people often have difficulty finding the right, appropriate and at the same time beautiful and touching words. In this situation, we will come to the rescue. Our visitors just need to look at this section and choose the best prosaic wish for a birthday person, hero of the day, newlyweds or young parents.

Next I would like to introduce the section "". This is a unique service that allows you to send a congratulatory voice card or an incendiary song to a congratulated person's mobile phone. This section contains a huge number of postcards of various subjects: there are postcards with birthday, with all-Russian holidays, with special dates and just ... with Friday! Here visitors will find hundreds of original draws sent to their mobile phones. It is also very pleasant that the prices for voice cards are quite reasonable and do not bite at all.

The next section, "", is also very interesting. It allows you to send funny videos to any mobile phone: greeting, to cheer up, with apologies, invitations, and others. A video sent to your phone can be an original addition to a gift, a great way to ask for forgiveness, an unusual way to confess your love. Funny characters, funny texts and fiery melodies will undoubtedly delight and surprise the addressee of congratulations.

Very useful for our guests is "". It contains and conveniently grouped by month all the holidays of the year: world holidays, national, professional. With the help of this calendar, our visitors can get information about the upcoming holidays or holidays of any month. It is extremely convenient that for each date in the calendar beautiful poems of congratulations are selected, which saves our guests from long wanderings around the site in search of the desired work.

The last to tell about the most interesting service of the project - the section "Poems to order". With its help, everyone can order a unique congratulation in verse for a loved one, work colleague, close friend ... For each order, young poets cooperating with us create an original poem that reflects the personality traits of the person being congratulated: character traits, facts from biography, information about hobbies and hobbies. Greeting poems written to order are unique! They will undoubtedly become a real highlight of the celebration, and will be remembered by the hero of the holiday forever!

Finally, I would like to say that we are glad to every visitor and are doubly glad if we could be useful to you. Trying to bring joy to people, every day we strive to make our site better and regularly add new congratulations in poetry and prose! And every day we wish you and your loved ones all the best and best!

On Saturday, November 28, 2015, a military ritual took place in one of the parts of the Kirov garrison - the swearing-in of a new replenishment.

Early morning. It is slightly freezing, light snow is falling. An hour before the start of the oath, the personnel are already on the parade ground and are training in the implementation of individual elements: rebuilding and giving a military salute.

The relatives of the soldiers came to take the oath, as well as students from nearby educational institutions, veterans of the unit and invited guests.

Everything is going well, in a military fashion. Commands and orders sound, a military brass band plays. Soldiers go out of action and read the text of the military oath in front of their comrades. After a short meeting.

On behalf of the Vyatka Diocese, the head of the Diocesan Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies Priest Alexander Kossov speaks with a greeting:

Dear ones, I am glad to welcome all of you! The main and inviolable law of military life is the military oath. It has the force of a state legal document and as a solemn oath coming from the heart of a warrior expresses his readiness to fulfill his duty to the Motherland.

Since high, noble ideals are concentrated in the oath - the ideals of defending the Fatherland, each warrior, accepting it, takes on high obligations. Their execution is the meaning of his military service. Love for the Fatherland, readiness for self-sacrifice, patriotic duty - have always been the moral principles on which the army was based, and which the Church invariably preached. On this solemn day, in front of your commanders, comrades, relatives and friends, you take an oath of allegiance to the Motherland. The oath should become for everyone a moral guideline in his service, in army life. It is necessary that the observance of the requirements of the oath becomes an inner need, the dictates of one's own heart and mind.

Only faith in God and love for the Motherland can be the source of true courage and unyielding steadfastness of soldiers. Faith gives birth to true patriotism. Military service in a sense is a series of extreme situations and endless preparation for them. For this, a soldier needs a huge supply of spiritual and physical strength. At all times, the soldiers turned with prayer to God for help in their difficult service. Therefore, our people are invincible. Understand this not only with your mind, but also with your heart. And at this moment, let us all together ask the all-merciful God for blessings for service and study, health and strength, strength and patience. Service in the army must be completed and passed with dignity in order to become real men. The blessing of God be with you! God bless you all!

Then, to the sounds of "Farewell to Slavyanka" and the Preobrazhensky regiment, the entire unit marched in solemn. There is no doubt that this day, the day of taking the military oath of allegiance to the defense of their homeland, will be remembered by the soldiers for the rest of their lives.

Deputy Head of the Diocesan Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies Vladimir Pomaskin

Congratulations on taking the oath


We all know that an agreement is more valuable than money, let alone a military oath, an oath of honor! Congratulations on this decisive, important step, soldier! From now on, be a worthy, faithful defender of your native Fatherland, and it, in the person of its citizens and us, in particular, will be grateful to you!

Today I congratulate you on joining the ranks of the defenders, having taken the oath to serve the motherland, protecting it with my chest and strong hand! I wish you every day of service to meet with vigor, to carry out all orders in the future, to deserve more awards!

An oath, not just a promise, but a word of honor and I congratulate you on becoming a real soldier! Now our whole Motherland is behind you, keep our peace and tranquility, and don't let your enemies even a mile away! And may you, a soldier, always and in everything smile luck in love!

Today you made a promise to the whole country, this is an important act, undoubtedly worthy of a real man! I wish you to serve in honor, may days and nights in the ranks of our armed forces remain in your memory only good memories! And most importantly, always remember that your family and friends believe in you, love and wait!

A soldier definitely needs courage, skills, a strong spirit and a strong body, a wise commander as mentors, as well as a military oath, after which you are not just a conscript, but a real defender of our great country! We congratulate you on your oath, wish you happiness and, of course, are very proud of you!

The oath is a solemn vow that crowns the beginning of military service, and now the day and the hour has come when I can congratulate you on it! You are a real man, you will certainly be happy, and I can only wish you good health, good luck and good mood!

Congratulations, soldier! Know, we believe in you, and now not only we - but the whole country! You took the oath and now - not a step back! Serve in such a way that strict commanders have something to say to you a kind word for, so that we can live in peace! And when it's time for you to go home, I promise we will have a feast for the whole world!

He gave his word - hold on, and even more so - the word of a soldier! We congratulate you on the oath and promise, every day of the service, to wish you good luck, strength and courage! We also wish you to be the first among the best in the exercises, do not doze at the post and never get sick, become famous as a real hero!

Along with taking the oath, you joined the army, but you are not just one of many, you are our best soldier, and we believe that the time of your glory is just around the corner! So accept our congratulations and wishes for the fulfillment of all desires, glorious health and great luck!

Congratulations on your oath! Know, we are with you with all our hearts! We wish you an easy, memorable service and fun hours of leisure! Be faithful to the oath, serve faithfully, and we will wait for you, write letters and wish to hear your stories of exploits!
