The problem called "New Year": I don't want to celebrate. "Olivier can always be eaten." Why does not everyone celebrate the New Year

Almost every day, communicating with friends and colleagues, I hear from them the following phrase: “There is no New Year's mood, I will not even decorate the tree this year”. It seems that no one around me wants to celebrate the New Year, and I perfectly understand these people. Is this such a magical holiday? GR has compiled the main reasons why Russians are not in the mood to celebrate 2018.

1. No money

Lack of money will overshadow any holiday, especially if it is New Year. After all, it implies much more spending than someone's birthday or Halloween. After all, you need to buy (or make) gifts to all your relatives, friends and colleagues (what if they give you something, and you did not take care of the present in advance) - once. Buy a tree, decor, garlands, tinsel and so on, decorate a tree, decorate a house - two. Buy a bunch of food, make a menu and cook so much so that the festive table burst, and then everyone came to visit you for a week to finish eating Olivier - three. To pick up (buy again) a New Year's bow, to do a manicure, pedicure, coloring, hairstyle, make-up on the New Year's Eve - four. The list is endless, in fact. And each of its points is very painful hits the pocket. And if one of these points is not met, consider that there is no festive mood - well, who would like to celebrate the holiday without its main symbols or in pajamas?

2. We need to work

Millions of people around the world work on New Year's Eve - waiters, bartenders, dancers, artists, presenters, cleaning ladies, taxi drivers, salespeople and others like them. They are not very fond of the New Year's bustle, because it always ends the same - on the tablecloth the hardened remnants of Olivier, the most persistent dance to Leps or Vaenga, the concentration of drunk people in the city goes through the roof, and you just do your job to get money.

3. Quarreled with family

When there is discord in the family, there is no time for the holidays. And if you have a strained relationship with your mother-in-law, and your husband wants to celebrate the New Year in his father's house, it is better to stay at home. After all, there is a saying: "As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." Sometimes, instead of a feast a la "in the Soviet Union," it is worth preparing light snacks and watching a new film than sitting at a lush table all night long and sadly watching "The Blue Light" or "Irony of Fate".

4. Sick

This problem is more serious than simply “lack of mood”. Nobody likes to be sick in the New Year - you can't ride a hill, you don't blind a snowman, you don't go to a skating rink. But after all, we have such a long New Year's weekend in Russia that you will definitely have enough time to catch up, even if you were lying with a temperature on New Year's Eve!

5. You don't know what to expect from the New Year

Each year brings with it both joys and sorrows. You can, of course, try to predict your luck for the coming year, but is it worth it? After all, our life depends only on ourselves, and our success too. Do not be afraid of shocks, elections, plane crashes and terrorist attacks that could potentially occur in 2018. The main thing is to look into the future with a positive, thereby attracting only good thoughts!

It is generally accepted that the New Year is a family holiday. And you should meet him, if not with your family, then at least in a cheerful company. But what about those who will celebrate the New Year alone? How to entertain yourself?

According to research conducted, 5% of Russians annually celebrate the New Year alone. There are several reasons for this - some on the eve of the holiday quarrel or part with their loved ones, others move to a new place of residence, others just have not yet found their loved one, and still others feel so tired that they don’t want to go anywhere and see anyone at all. How to celebrate the New Year in such situations?

If you chose the "society" option, ask yourself another question: "Am I really alone?" It is likely that you can only feel lonely, because you quarreled with a young man, and close friends went to celebrate abroad and you did not have time to join them.

Your sadness is understandable. But in your circle of communication there will always be people who will be glad to you. These can be parents, friends, neighbors, colleagues, virtual acquaintances, after all. And where there is society - there is fun, in which case all of the following methods will suit you.

All options are in no way ready-made recipes, but only serve as a starting point for your creativity.

A holiday according to its own rules for those who want to be alone

If you are alone on New Year's Day, this does not mean that you are a failure. Appreciate loneliness. Believe me, there are many people who would like to be alone with themselves for at least a few hours. Therefore, enjoy the opportunity, do whatever you want! We invite you to listen to some of our ideas:

  • Necessarily, yes, the way you always wanted! Don't skimp on yourself.
  • Prepare your favorite or unusual dishes, or order a meal at the restaurant. You can find out what you can cook for the New Year with your own hands.
  • Stock up and watch them on New Year's Eve. Yes, and do not forget about children's New Year's fairy tales: "Frost", "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti", "Three Nuts for Cinderella", "The Snow Queen", "Twelve Months", and you will remember a simple truth - good always triumphs over evil.
  • Make a wish when the clock strikes midnight. Write a letter with the best wishes to yourself, your beloved. Write about what you want to achieve in the new year, what to learn and what impressions to get, wish yourself everything that you really want for a long time, seal it and put it in a secret place, for example, in a box with the rest. And after a year, taking out toys, you will stumble upon a message from the past and check what your dreams have come true.
  • Take some goodies with you, a glass of champagne, turn on Skype and chat with your friends through the general chat. You can even celebrate the New Year on Skype, making toasts and raising glasses.
  • By the way, the New Year is a great opportunity to communicate with those with whom you are little familiar, or for some reason stopped contacting. Go to, and you will be surprised how many people celebrate the New Year the same way you do. Perhaps some of them are lonely now and are looking for communication on the Internet. Congratulate each other, find out who and how celebrates the main holiday of the year, talk about dreams and plans. You might want to meet.
  • Go to bed. Why not? It is not at all necessary to wait for the New Year, stay up late, heroically forcing yourself to watch New Year's programs. If you feel sleepy, go to bed and sleep as long as you like.

A holiday for those who need society

So, if you honestly admitted to yourself that you still want to spend a holiday in the company, but on New Year's Eve were left alone, we can recommend you the following ideas:

One for the New Year: how to meet?

  • You can get out into the light. If you feel good in the company of strangers, but find yourself alone, go to a restaurant, a nightclub, the main square, or attend another mass event. Naturally, you need to take care of all this in advance - find out about interesting places and their program for New Year's Eve, if necessary - buy tickets and choose an outfit. Do not be afraid to communicate with people, on such a holiday they are more good-natured and open. Feel free to ask for help you set fire to the sparklers, uncork the champagne, take a picture of you against the background of the sparkling Christmas tree, and so on. Have fun, dance, invite to dance - universal joy unites hearts!
  • Create a topic on the forum: "I celebrate the New Year alone, who will be the company?" The method is suitable for sociable, proactive, non-tedious, easy-going people, because you may have to come up with and implement a plan for the holiday or agree to the conditions of others.
  • Have a holiday of good deeds. Buy candy, cookies, chocolates, holiday favors and go out to congratulate. Give New Year's presents to everyone in a row - children, acquaintances and unfamiliar adults. We think no one will refuse them. By the way, this is a good way to meet your destiny. Have you noticed a handsome man? Approach him with an open box of chocolates and offer to treat yourself to it. Just let him try not to invite you out on a date!
  • On New Year's Eve, go to a grocery store - for example, the one you frequent - and congratulate all the staff. Present postcards and small gifts to employees. We guarantee that you will be remembered for a long time.
  • Prepare, sign, postcards and drop them in your neighbors' mailboxes. You can even give them in person.
  • If you have a dog, buy her a Santa Claus costume, dress up as a Snow Maiden and go for a walk in a good mood. The attention of passers-by is guaranteed to you. Grab more sweets, lollipops and small souvenirs - you will surely have to congratulate the audience.
  • Or change the dog to Santa Claus, and the cat to the Snow Maiden and arrange a photo session for them. Take care of the scenery and safety!

Party with parents

One for the New Year: how to meet?

Let's tell you a story on this topic:

20-year-old Tanya was firmly convinced that celebrating the New Year with her parents is childish. For several years now, she celebrated the holiday with her boyfriend and his friends. Despite the fact that her relationship with her partner was in distress, she insisted that she should celebrate the next New Year with him. The holiday did not bring anything good - they quarreled again.

When the next morning, offended, crying and hungry, Tanya returned home, she saw her parents snoring sweetly, a refrigerator full of New Year's dishes and gifts folded for her under the Christmas tree ... The girl realized that it was necessary to celebrate the holiday with those who really needed you.

Let's talk with psychologist Vlada Berezyanskaya about what to do if you celebrate the New Year alone.

New Year will come anyway

New Year is a holiday that cannot be canceled or rescheduled. It will still happen on the night of December 31 to January 1, and everyone will meet him at that time. Therefore, if you understand that you will spend the New Year without your half, take care to organize yourself a company in which you will spend the holiday.

Can you celebrate a holiday alone?

Sure! I will repeat again that the holiday will take place anyway. And if there is nothing you can do about the fact that you meet him alone, then relax and have fun. Think how you would like to celebrate the New Year. You want to visit friends, go with a big company to a restaurant or club. And if you really want to go to an event and can't find yourself a company, don't hesitate and go there yourself! New Year is one of the few holidays in which people are hyper-communicative, cheerful and inclined towards new acquaintances.

How to celebrate the New Year if you are left alone?

This is the most important question and the answer to it depends on the goals that you pursue. Answer a few questions:

1. What would you like to get from the New Years celebration? Do you just want to meet him with friends or do you want to find new acquaintances and relationships? If the former, then calmly join any group of friends who are celebrating the New Year at home, in a rented villa or in any other "closed" places where a wonderful stranger is unlikely to wander (although this can happen, this is New Year's!) ... If you do not mind or really want to make acquaintances in the New Year, then no family home parties! Go to a club or restaurant!

2. Are you ready to go to the New Year's party alone? This is a very important question! After all, you do not want to spend the New Year in a state of discomfort. It's up to you to choose. If you really want new acquaintances on New Year's, but you are very afraid and understand that you cannot overcome your fear, then think carefully about where it will be better for you - in a club among strangers or in a company of friends. Of course, I recommend that everyone not be afraid and move forward, make acquaintances and spend time as you want. But if you have doubts about your comfort at a New Year's event alone, then think very carefully about what you should do.

How to find a company?

If it suddenly happened that all the friends left and there is no one to celebrate the New Year with anyone, then read these few tips that will help you organize a holiday:

1. Parents. You are no longer a teenager, which means that you are not so bored with your parents. Remember, how long have you celebrated the New Year with them? How often do you spend time together at all? Maybe this year it happened for a reason that you were left alone and you should meet him with your family? Being with your family is much more fun and interesting than washing your face with tears in front of the TV, while watching a romantic melodrama. And nothing in this world can compare with mother's cooking.

2. Take your phone and scroll through the entire list of your contacts. Make a list of people with whom you would like to celebrate the New Year and call them or send messages. Do not be shy and think that someone will decide that you are a failure. There is nothing shameful in the fact that you are left alone on the New Year, such a situation can happen to absolutely everyone! Ask these people what their plans are and if you can join the celebration.

3. Organize the party yourself! Invite your friends to visit. Of course, this option takes your time, but you will become the hostess of the New Year's party, invite those you want to see and celebrate the New Year in a noisy and cheerful company!

Happy New year to you!

Vlada Berezyanskaya

MOSCOW, December 30- RIA Novosti, Anush Dolukhanyan. Chimes, Olivier, champagne, fireworks. But not for everyone. While most people are busy celebrating the New Year, some are working. And this is a deliberate choice. A student, a doctor and a waiter told RIA Novosti why a general holiday is an ordinary day for them.

Alena Makarenko, student

It seems to me that the New Year is a strange reason to arrange a celebration for yourself. Why on this particular day, regardless of your mood and life circumstances, are you obliged to have fun? Moreover, if you do not organize everything yourself, most likely you will feel abandoned and alone.

At the same time, the person must put in enough effort to make the fun. The end of the year is the end of the cycle, so usually everything "burns". And then you still need to think about how to celebrate well. It is easier on this day to occupy yourself with something - for example, to go abroad. When you leave, you do not have to report to anyone, and the holiday comes by itself.

I don’t remember the last time I celebrated the New Year. Probably in ninth grade when I left for America for a year. As a child, I, of course, celebrated with my family: we all got together, ate grandmother's "sandals". Together we watched the President's New Year's address, burned pieces of paper with wishes to the chimes. But everything has changed: now my family is not so close-knit, and there are no more traditions.

Celebrating with friends is nonsense. Everyone rushes around and two weeks before the New Year begins to go crazy about the celebration: they need to somehow take a cool walk.

The most memorable New Year's Eve I had in Zurich in 2015-2016, when I left for Europe with a one-way ticket. Before that trip, I associated this city with something boring. There I celebrated a holiday in an international student company: Chinese, Americans, Turks and young people from other countries who had not known each other before. It turned out spontaneously, and it was just a good day - no accent on December 31st.

I do my best to forget that there is some kind of holiday on the night of January 1. I don’t want to think this day is special. It annoys me when people on December 31st do the same thing. It is better to be with your loved one these days: after all, New Year's holidays exist in order for you to spend time with those for whom you most often do not have enough.

© Photo: From the personal archive of Alena Makarenko

© Photo: From the personal archive of Alena Makarenko

This New Year's Eve I work. Fortunately. At first I was supposed to help at the "Journey to Christmas" festival, but I realized that it would be a continuous intense holiday from 11 am to 3 am. And then the group, of which I am the manager, invited me to work at a corporate party in Yekaterinburg. There will be a soundcheck at 11 pm, and a concert will begin immediately after the chimes. My perfect celebration.

Andrey, traumatologist

I do not celebrate the New Year, because on this day others really need me. As a rule, on the night of January 1, I see more patients than sometimes in a month. Usually before the chimes I am at home with my family. I give presents, take a sip of champagne and go to work. The main flow of patients begins after two in the morning, when everyone is already pretty drunk.

I like the holiday itself, I have nothing against it, but it is at this time that people who are in trouble need me. I also worked on the first of January, but then I go on vacation with my children and my wife.

A lot of people are crippled on New Year's Eve: someone fell down the stairs drunk, someone got into a fight or accidentally burned themselves with a Bengal fire. On this day, I feel how much I love my job.

It seems that I can already write a whole book about what funny and strange stories happened in my department on New Year's Eve. For example, a group of men arrived a few years ago - everyone complained that they had been kicked out of their wife's house and now they had nowhere to go. I had to call the women to be accepted back.

There was another case: an acquaintance called me and said that the child had been burned by a Bengal fire and was crying, but did not want to go to the doctor. Then I put on a Santa Claus costume to provide the girl with medical care.

All the curiosities cannot be enumerated. Doctors are very much needed in the New Year, and the ambulance team is working with me. By the way, they do not drink this night. It's a shame when they are sometimes accused of this. In general, it is rare for doctors to drink in the workplace. We cannot risk human health. Usually all together after the shift we go somewhere and then we walk from the heart.

Sometimes I think that I might not work that day, but, like everyone else, celebrate with my family. But then I remember that I’m saving lives. It means that everything is correct.

Stepan, the waiter

I have not celebrated the New Year for five years now, I do not really like this holiday. As a child, he seemed somehow fabulous and amazing. They gave me gifts, and on the first of January there was a family tradition - to go to the rink.

As I grew up, the holiday began to lose its magic. And each New Year's Eve cost me a pretty penny: 15 thousand for gifts, the same for the New Year's table, another 15 thousand for other expenses. I tried to celebrate with friends - I thought it would be cheaper, but I couldn't save.

I changed jobs several times, but it was somehow connected with restaurants: manager, bartender, waiter. Five years ago, I was offered to work on New Year's at a double rate, that is, I received 45 thousand in one night. I thought, "Olivier can eat at home any day." I decided to try it. It felt like on New Year's Eve in the restaurant everything was the same as on a regular Friday or Saturday. The workload is the same. Perhaps the guests are a hundred times kinder and drunker. They easily left a big tip, which then lasted for three months.

Recently, I noticed that fewer people began to celebrate this holiday outside the home, in public places. We began to rent cottages more often, go abroad or just stay with our family. Although in our restaurant in the New Year there is always a full seating.

And also, working on New Year's Eve, you can stock up on a bunch of stories for your grandchildren. For example, once, under the chimes, a guy proposed to a girl in a restaurant. There was also a funny story about a woman who was very afraid of fireworks and spent the whole evening in the corner. I tried many times to distract her, but she said she was okay.

I am used to working on New Years. Now, for a shift from December 31 to January 1, I can earn up to one hundred thousand. However, I am not going to continue this tradition when I have my own family. I don’t understand how you can be at work when your children are at home? New Year is a very bright holiday. Happy faces, emotions overflow. People believe - and I am no exception - that the year will change, and then everything will change.

This year, New Year's holidays will last 11 days. Such long weekends cannot but rejoice, but there are always people who are somewhat puzzled by the prospect of celebrating the New Year. Someone wants to be in silence and really take a break from work problems, others find the New Year's feast a burden or are afraid of the need to violate the principles of proper nutrition, celebrating the New Year, and someone simply does not consider this holiday so magical. The author of this article decided to investigate the reasons for the desire not to celebrate and not to celebrate the New Year at all and to offer all those who "refuse" a relaxation program for the New Year holidays.

To celebrate or not to celebrate, that is the question!

New Year is a magical holiday or a tribute to an outdated tradition, you decide. The power of habit is stronger than any law. We prepare Olivier and herring under a fur coat for any feast, although we can buy any delicacies, we burn an effigy of Maslenitsa, as the pagan Slavs did, decorate the Christmas tree like German settlers in Tsarist St. Petersburg. Habit helps to feel the stability and inviolability of the surrounding world. However, is it always worth following the rituals of past centuries?

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree...

The celebration of the end of the annual cycle is among all the peoples of the world who came up with the calendar. As a rule, the celebration is associated with harvesting, spring sowing or flooding of a river that brings fertility. The Egyptians celebrated the resurrection of the eternally young god Osiris and the flood of the Nile, in ancient Greece the longest day of summer was considered New Year's, in Persia and many countries that borrowed Arab culture, the New Year was considered the day of the spring equinox, the holiday of Navruz.

In the 21st century in China, the New Year is celebrated on the first winter new moon after the December solstice, in Bangladesh and other Asian countries - on April 14, in Israel - on the new moon of the month of Tishrei, in Burma - in mid-February, in Iran - on March 21.

The tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 was introduced by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar. On this day, the noble Romans congratulated each other, arranged feasts, sent gifts and good wishes. The holiday was dedicated to the god of time, Janus (in Greek, Cronus or Chronos).

In the IV century AD, the Roman emperor Constantine, in order to combat paganism, ordered to celebrate the Nativity of Christ instead of the new year, and to postpone the calendar end of the year to September 1. From Byzantium, the tradition passed to Russia and lasted until the beginning of the 18th century. Then Peter I, changing the Russian way of life, reached out to the calendar, ordering on January 1 to decorate Christmas trees, have fun and arrange assemblies. Nevertheless, until the 30s of the XX century, the place of the New Year in both Russia and Europe was occupied by Christmas - festive festivities and gifts were timed to December 24.

The Soviet Union followed the example of Rome - preserving the attributes of the holiday, moved it to another day. The Christmas tree turned into a New Year's, the Star of Bethlehem became a red star, and soon the growing Soviet children no longer remembered the "priest's inventions." Nowadays, the opposite process is taking place - Christmas regains its rights, and New Year is losing ground. More and more people treat the celebration with coolness, if not with explicit condemnation. And they have their own arguments.

10 reasons not to celebrate the New Year

1. Christmas post. From November 28 to February 6, according to Orthodox canons, one of the four most important long-term fasts lasts. Believers are strictly prohibited from eating meat, dairy products, having fun, having fun and indulging in vanity. New Year's feast, dances, "speedy" holiday TV shows and daring festivities directly contradict fasting.

2. Religious relatives. If someone in the family has become a churchgoer, observes Orthodox commandments and traditions, he will be unpleasantly indecent and inappropriate fun on a pagan, from his point of view, occasion. At best, a person will simply refuse to take part in a family holiday; at worst, it can lead to a conflict.

3. Heavy expenses. According to statistics? an adult Russian spends an average of 19,200 rubles on New Year's holidays. These are food and drinks for a feast, gifts to relatives and friends, a Christmas tree and decorations for it, new outfits and themed parties. The directors of shopping centers know that sales of alcohol, perfume and delicacies before the New Year are growing by 30%. But this money can be spent much more expediently!

4. Unhealthy food. A rare housewife will bother to make a New Year's table of dietary dishes - but what about a goose with apples, Olivier, smoked meats and caviar? It is not surprising that the guests then suffer from overeating, and the ladies feverishly lose those extra pounds that have grown over the week of the holidays.

5. Extra chores. Before the holidays, you have to run around the shops, look for the necessary delicacies, decorations and gifts, drag a heavy thorny tree from the bazaar and tinker with its installation. Not to mention the obligatory cleaning, calling friends and sending the inevitable congratulations.

6. Bad memories. If the holiday was once spoiled by a serious illness, a dangerous accident, an unfaithful spouse who decided to spend it with new love, or something equally painful, the chimes will only upset for a long time. Until the trauma is cured, it is better not to wait for miracles from Santa Claus.

7. Dangerous consequences. New Year is a time of increased injuries for celebrants, their children and pets. Burns from firecrackers, poisoning with stale food or low-quality alcohol, frostbite, injuries, few people please. Cats and dogs can swallow decorations made of foil or synthetic threads, and children can prick themselves on a Christmas tree or cut themselves from fragments of toys.

8. Unpleasant commitments. On a festive night, you have to have fun, smile and rejoice, regardless of whether you want to do it or not. Spouses and children dream of gifts that are not easy to get or simply impossible to buy. Elderly parents prepare sometimes a rather dull holiday with tasteless food and hackneyed jokes, but you still need to visit them.

9. High expectations. Some people retain faith in Santa Claus until old age. The more painful it is to be disappointed, once again realizing that no one will put the cherished gifts under the Christmas tree and will not bring the New Year's miracle on a sled.

10. Not in the mood. This also happens - a difficult year, a difficult month, accumulated fatigue, troubles at work, health problems. There is simply no strength to dress up, organize something and pretend to be fun.

What to do on New Year's if you don't want to celebrate it?

Let's say you decide not to celebrate the New Year. Rejection of tradition gives a very interesting psychological effect - you will feel that you went against the circumstances, made your own, unpopular, but necessary decision. This will help in the future to more confidently defend your opinion, say "no" and do as you please.

The decision not to celebrate the New Year will work well if you want to radically change your life - to move to the observance of religious traditions, move to another country, give up overeating, wastefulness, unsuccessful marriage, unloved work or boring duties.

In a state of depression, after experiencing crises, failures and hardships, the “missed” New Year can become that fulcrum from which you will begin to rise again, to restore life. Most importantly, do not try to feel sorry for yourself and savor the misfortunes, listening enviously as the neighbors behind the wall have fun and open champagne!

Make the most of your holidays. Warn your friends and acquaintances in advance that this year you are planning to abandon the usual ritual and therefore ask them to refrain from visits, congratulations and gifts. If possible, turn off the Internet and your mobile phone so that no one spoils your mood.

If you have definitely decided that you do not want to celebrate the New Year, decide ahead of time what exactly you will be doing on the long holiday weekend. You can use your free time to read a thick novel or even a whole saga without rushing to read your favorite TV series or go through a computer game to the last level.

You can clean up your storerooms, photos, mailboxes, or your garage - when else will you have some free time? You can do your favorite hobby - knit a scarf or sweater, make an embroidery or a casket, weave a bead jewelry or mold a clay figurine, draw or play music.

In short, the choice is yours! And a Happy New Year to you - anyway!