Baby cries when breastfeeding. High muscle tone. Why is the baby naughty

You can often hear from young parents that the baby arches and starts to cry during feeding. In this case, it is important to understand what causes a change in mood and how to behave in this situation.

The child is still too young to tell his mother about his discomfort. Therefore, she must keep in mind the possible reasons why the baby cries and arches during feeding in order to take the necessary measures.

Improper feeding or lack of milk

Often the child resists feeding due to improper technique. It is inconvenient for the baby to grab the breast and "extract" milk, and sometimes the flow is so strong that the child is unable to cope with it. If this is the case, try changing your feeding position - for example, hold your baby upright.

Many children really do not like it when their mothers hold their head with their hands during feeding. They do not understand why mothers do this all the time, but since babies have not yet learned to speak, they try to show their displeasure with their whole body. With age, children begin to twitch and arch more and more.

In addition, you may have very little breast milk, and this can also be the answer to the question “why does the baby arch during feeding?”

You can make sure that the child really does not eat up, or refute this theory in the following ways:

  • weigh the baby before and after feeding: the difference in weight will show how much food he received at a time;
  • observe during the day how often the baby urinates: their deviation from the norm to a smaller side also indicates a small amount of breast milk.
  • the first 5 days of life - 4-5 times;
  • from 6 days to 1 year - 15-20 times;
  • 1-3 years - 10 times.

With improper breastfeeding, babies can also cry and arch. Often this is due to too hot or too cold mixture temperatures. Sometimes it is inconvenient for a baby to eat if the diameter of the hole in the nipple is small or very large.


It happens that the baby cries and arches due to intestinal colic. Pain in the abdomen mainly affects infants aged 1 to 4 months. Colic can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • the baby constantly tries to press his legs closer to the tummy;
  • he has gas.

You can relieve the stabbing pains a little by using:

  • decoctions of fennel and dill;
  • prebiotics and probiotics;
  • bifido- and lactobacilli.

It is useful to do a light massage of the tummy.

To prevent colic from recurring, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Feed your baby only when he asks. This will positively affect the digestive and nervous system of the baby.
  2. Eliminate coffee drinks, cabbage dishes, and dairy products from your diet.
  3. If the time has come to transfer the baby to artificial feeding, give him food often and in small portions.
  4. Try to protect the baby during feeding from any noise.
  5. So that the child stops screaming and arching, bathe him in warm water.
  6. Help the baby provoke the release of gases, for which press his legs to the tummy (he will quickly understand why you are doing this, and in the future he will begin to do it himself if necessary).
  7. Seek advice from a pediatrician so that he teaches you how to properly massage the abdomen and prescribes medication.

Pain in the mouth and throat

The appearance of discomfort and pain in the throat and mouth can also cause children to cry during feeding. Unpleasant sensations can be symptoms of thrush and pharyngitis.

Pay attention to the condition of the baby's sinuses: if they are clogged, eating becomes difficult or even impossible.

Maternal malnutrition

Often spicy, fatty or too salty food eaten by the mother the day before can affect the taste of breast milk. In such cases, the child often reaches for the breast, but almost immediately drops it, begins to arch and cry, and so on all the time. That is why you should always try to control the quality of your food.

Eat only those foods that will not adversely affect the taste of breast milk.

High muscle tone

High muscle tone is another reason for crying and twitching in a child. It is easy to determine it - just gently pull the baby's chin to the chest as far as possible. If the child's head:

  • cannot reach the chest or reaches, but with a clear effort, then the muscle tone is increased;
  • easily connects to the chest - everything is in order with the muscles, but crying and arching occur for another reason.

Increased muscle tone is treated:

  • massage;
  • rubbing the cervical and lumbar zones using special gels;
  • herbal baths with a decoction of soothing herbs.

Any treatment of infants should be strictly under medical supervision.

Increased intracranial pressure

In addition to the fact that the child cries and arches, increased intracranial pressure is characterized by:

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • lethargy;
  • a small increase in weight;
  • enlarged fontanel;
  • strongly pronounced venous network on the head.

If at least half of these symptoms are found, you should consult a pediatric neurologist.


Not always the child arches during feeding if he is dissatisfied with something. It happens that kids are distracted due to banal curiosity: they are interested in what is happening behind them - for example, if loud music suddenly starts playing or other extraneous loud sounds appear.

How to deal with it? Just let the baby satisfy all curiosity, after which he will calm down and continue eating.

Often there is a situation in which the mother sees the discontent of the child when feeding, he cries and refuses to eat. In order to solve the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to understand the causes that cause it. If you can’t figure out the problem on your own, you need to get advice from a pediatrician.

There are many reasons why a baby cries during feeding:

  • pain in the stomach and intestines, in cases where the child's digestive system has not yet been able to adapt to independent existence;
  • the penetration of air bubbles into the baby's tummy when he swallows mother's milk;
  • the child may simply not like the taste of mother's milk if he throws the breast immediately after taking it;
  • an excessively strong milk stream, as a result of which the child simply cannot drink milk.

In addition, the crying of a child during feeding can be associated with problems in his digestive system, both congenital and acquired.

Baby crying while bottle feeding

A baby is bottle fed when the mother is unable to breastfeed naturally. It happens that breastfeeding alternates with bottle feeding, in other cases, the container completely replaces natural feeding. It is advisable to clearly imagine what exactly needs to be done if the baby cries while feeding from a bottle.

If you find in time the cause of the crying of the child when feeding him from a bottle and eliminate it, the situation resolves itself. From the mother in such a situation, a fair amount of patience is required. And the reasons for what is happening can be the following.

The temperature of the mixture should be checked as it can be very overheated. If the child is naughty, it is recommended to first simply cool the mixture.

A baby may cry when feeding from a bottle if it is uncomfortable for him to lie down. It is fashionable to try turning it on its side, holding it upright or planting it.

Baby crying while breastfeeding

The child may cry during feeding in cases where he does not like mother's milk. To prevent this from happening during lactation, the mother should adhere to dietary requirements, refrain from eating onions, spices, garlic and pepper.

The crying of a baby during breastfeeding can be explained by violations of the outflow of mother's milk. In such situations, it can be difficult for the baby to suckle the breast after he takes it into his mouth. This most often happens in the very first days after childbirth, when the child has not yet learned to suck well. In the breast, in case of violation of the outflow of milk, a special plug is formed, which can cause blockage of the mammary gland and the formation of mastitis. To prevent this from happening, special preventive measures should be observed.

Mother's milk may simply not be enough and the child in such cases remains hungry. In order for lactation to take place fully and without significant violations, the mother should drink warm teas every day. In such cases, you can feed the baby with additional milk formula.

The baby arches and cries during feeding

It often happens that the child begins to arch and cry during feeding. The reasons for this may be:

  • neurological problems that are not directly related to the feeding process;
  • colic in the stomach and intestines;
  • the child may be very dissatisfied with the volume and quality of the milk he drinks;
  • the baby can simply be capricious.

Some mothers believe that this behavior of the baby can only occur during breastfeeding and not be observed during bottle feeding. However, this can happen in all cases and be explained by the same reasons. You need to find them out in order to fix them.

The baby pushes and cries while feeding

When feeding, the child can not only cry, but also grunt and push. This behavior is explained by the fact that the baby simply cannot explain in words what worries him so much, therefore he is forced to react to what is happening in this way.

There may be several reasons why this is happening. First of all, this behavior is caused by colic in the intestines. Similar disorders are observed in almost all newborns and should not be afraid of this. Also, the child often strains and cries when feeding with increased formation of gases in the intestines, as well as with painful cramps in the abdomen. It is recommended to properly feed the child so that excess air does not get into his tummy. It's best to keep him in a crouched position, this helps prevent unwanted air from getting into his tummy. In addition, it is better for the mother to stop eating foods that can cause gas in the baby's tummy.

Baby cries while feeding, what to do?

In order to determine the course of action in the event of a crying baby during feeding, you should first of all understand the reasons for what is happening. There are a great many reasons for such behavior, in order to prevent their occurrence, the process of feeding the child should be properly organized.

How to properly feed a baby

Proper feeding of the child involves placing the baby and mother in the most comfortable position for them. Recommendations for doing this might be:

  • the baby and his mother should be placed in the most convenient position for both, for which it is recommended to lie on a sofa or soft bed, keep the child on its side, or press it to the body;
  • the baby's head should be in a position slightly higher than his buttocks, while his neck should not be bent;
  • you should not forcefully press the baby's head to the chest, you should only indicate the direction of rotation of the baby's head;
  • maximum contact should be ensured between the bodies of the nursing mother and the child, it is better to free the baby from clothes if possible.

If the process of feeding a child is organized correctly, he will always eat well, which will positively affect his development, growth and health.

How to prevent crying baby while feeding

In order to prevent the baby from crying during feeding, it is recommended first of all to establish a good psychological balance between him and his mother. To do this, you need to hold him in your arms as much as possible when feeding, sleep next to him more, feed him with appropriate requirements on his part. You can, if necessary, limit the baby from communicating with all his environment, except for his parents. You should talk more with him, the sounds of the parental voice in themselves have a calming effect on the baby. If the application of such recommendations does not help to correct the situation, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. This will help to accurately determine the cause of the baby's crying during feeding and assign the right recommendations to correct the situation. In particular, if colic is the cause of crying while breastfeeding, then the pediatrician may prescribe remedies such as Espumizan,

With the help of crying, babies not only report various inconveniences, but also communicate with the outside world. It is normal for a baby to cry, but if a baby cries while feeding, it may mean that he is suffering from various physical ailments.

The crying of a baby during feeding can signal the presence of inflammation in the mucous membrane of the larynx. In this case, swallowing causes pain in the child. If the baby has a temperature at the same time, it is necessary to inform the doctor immediately. Indeed, in this case, the development of various viral infections is likely.

If, when examining the child's larynx, the doctor did not reveal inflammatory processes, but the child continues to cry, and only during feeding, it is possible that inflammation is observed in his middle ear. With otitis, the child feels pain while swallowing food. If, after the first sip, he turns away from his chest or throws a bottle, then the reason for his crying lies precisely in otitis media.

In addition, crying while breastfeeding can signal a clogged nose. In this case, it is necessary to listen to the child's sleep. If the baby sniffles and snores, it means that it is difficult for him to breathe.

Also, the child screams during feeding, when he is abruptly transferred to artificial feeding. Due to the fact that it is difficult for a baby to get used to new food for him, he may develop dysbacteriosis. As a rule, this disease is easily diagnosed due to typical symptoms - constipation, diarrhea, lack of appetite, the presence of undigested food in the stool and bleeding gums.

Also, sometimes dysbacteriosis develops as a reaction to certain antibiotics. With this disease, in no case should you self-medicate.

Colic as the reason for the crying of the child during feeding

Very often, the crying of a child during feeding signals that he is worried about colic. In most cases, this trouble occurs due to improper eating, when the child swallows a lot of air along with milk.

The air that gets inside bursts the intestines, which leads to pain and constipation. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the baby grabs the breast or nipple with the whole mouth. Also, improper swallowing can be caused by the fact that the child's teeth are erupted, which prevent him from tightly grasping the nipple.

In addition, the child screams during feeding, when he is very hungry. Because of the desire to quickly get enough, the baby will swallow milk faster, which will lead to automatic swallowing of air.

Very often, young mothers feed their children in accordance with the schedule that they receive from the pediatrician. But, all children are arranged differently and everyone has a different appetite. In the first months of life, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast every one and a half hours. If the newborn is not hungry, he will refuse to feed.

Sometimes the baby may not eat enough if the mother's milk is not nutritious enough. Unfortunately, lactation is different for everyone. Sometimes babies have to introduce complementary foods or transfer them completely to artificial feeding. Only a pediatrician can determine whether a child has enough mother's milk.

Uncomfortable position of the baby when feeding

For successful feeding of the child, it is necessary that he be in a position that is comfortable for him. It is best when the baby is held upright or half-sitting, then the milk enters the esophagus faster. Mom, at the same time, should be in a half-sitting position. If the baby is not comfortable, you can try to feed him lying down.

If, despite a comfortable position, the baby cries during feeding, he may not like the taste of mother's milk. After all, milk strongly absorbs the taste of food that mother consumes. If garlic, onions or spices were present in the woman's diet, this will cause discomfort to the baby.

Why does the baby cry after feeding

If the baby screams and cries immediately after feeding, then in this case there may be two reasons - he did not eat enough or he is worried about burping.
After eating, the baby should not be immediately placed in the crib, it is necessary that he be in an upright position for at least 10-15 minutes, then the food will have time to get into the stomach and will not cause discomfort.

Causes of crying and mom's mistakes in organizing feeding

The crying of a baby is the only way for him to communicate with his mother and the outside world. However, sometimes parents are faced with the fact that the newborn shows anxiety during feeding. Why does a baby cry when a mother offers him breast milk or a bottle? When trying to find out the reason for this behavior, some women think that the baby does not have enough nutrition or does not like the taste of milk. However, is this the only thing?


Thinking that the baby cries only when hungry, mothers often switch to mixed or completely artificial feeding. Lactation experts point out many reasons why a newborn is restless when he eats. The crying of a baby at the mother's breast may indicate his physical or psychological discomfort. The child screams when eating if:

  • his tummy hurts: the baby twists its legs, pressing them to the body. This is due to an immature digestive system that has difficulty digesting food;
  • he swallowed air along with milk, because of which gases collect in the stomach and intestines, which cause very unpleasant sensations;
  • he does not like the taste of milk because, for example, that mother ate garlic or other spicy foods. In this case, the baby will take the breast, throw it, cry, take it again, etc .;
  • the jet hits too hard due to the excessive amount of milk from the mother, so the newborn does not have time to swallow and chokes;
  • not enough milk: this can be easily checked by the wet diaper method and weekly weight gain analysis.


A baby can cry not only near his mother's breast, but also when he eats formula from a bottle. In addition to colic, which occur both with natural and artificial feeding, anxiety and the cry of a child can:

  • ear pain is a fairly common problem among babies in the first year of life. If the crying of the baby during feeding is strong and sharp, it intensifies with slight squeezing of the tragus of the auricle - this gives reason to suspect otitis media. It should be noted that such a disease often occurs without fever and other characteristic symptoms;
  • inflammation in the mouth, which can be triggered by thrush or pharyngitis;
  • headache, which is the result of some neurological disorder, it often intensifies with swallowing movements, which causes severe crying;
  • the appearance of teeth, which leads to itching and irritation of the gums, and pain intensifies when the baby eats;
  • nasal congestion, which occurs as a result of SARS or allergies.


Incorrect behavior of the mother often leads to crying of the newborn during feeding and even to further complete rejection of the breast. Many parents adhere to a strict regimen, and if the baby asks for food "at the wrong time", they give him a dummy. However, this can lead to the fact that the baby will make the final choice in favor of a more comfortable nipple.

If the mother does not have enough milk in the breast, pediatricians advise supplementary feeding. But it is a mistake to do it from a bottle. The baby is happy to eat from a teaspoon, mom just needs to show a little more patience when feeding. Also, water (if necessary) and medicines should be given from a spoon.

Some, especially inexperienced mothers, do not know how to put the baby to the breast. If the nipple is not properly grasped, the baby experiences discomfort, which is signaled by strong crying. According to pediatricians, almost 100% of babies accustomed to a pacifier and a bottle do not know how to take the breast correctly.

The behavior of a newborn at the breast is also affected by how he is cared for during the day. Bathing, swaddling, gymnastics and massage, walking, other procedures should not cause discomfort to the child.


If you figured out why a baby is crying while eating, you need to understand how to help him. In the first place - the desire of the mother and her willingness to change the usual mode of relationship with the baby. Correct actions to establish psychological balance:

  • Carry the baby in your arms, in special devices (kangaroo, sling) as often as possible. Lie down for a day's rest next to him.
  1. Feed only on demand, even if the baby needs to breastfeed more than 20 hours a day.
  2. Ensure skin-to-skin contact: at the time when the baby eats, there should be a minimum of clothing on both the baby and the mother.
  3. Organize a night's sleep with your newborn.
  4. Temporarily limit the child's tactile communication with other relatives.
  5. Avoid visiting guests.
  6. Talk to the baby more often, sing songs to him, read books.

To cope with the physical ailments of the baby, do the following:

  1. After each feeding, lift the baby upright and wear it in this position for several minutes. This will allow excess air to escape, and will not allow gas to accumulate in the tummy.
  2. To get rid of colic, offer your child (from a spoon) dill water or preparations recommended by a pediatrician for newborns.
  3. Establish your own diet, exclude foods prohibited during feeding.
  4. In all difficult and strange situations, visit a pediatrician or a breastfeeding specialist.


It is important to know which behavior of the infant is not breastfeeding refusal. If a newborn has difficulty taking a nipple, often loses it, turns his head for a long time, grunts and groans when he eats, he is learning to suckle at the breast. In this case, the mother needs to help the baby, taking a comfortable position and correctly inserting the nipple into the baby's mouth.

Restless behavior during the feeding period is also typical for children 5-8 months old. At this time, the baby may be distracted when eating, resist feeding. Any sound or the presence of an outsider can distract a child. You need to wait a bit, and the usual feeding process will definitely return.

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Many mothers who are worried about their baby's restless behavior during breastfeeding feel helpless. Because of the inability to understand what worries the tiny capricious, they sometimes assume that the reason is in the quality or quantity of milk. And there are also mothers who immediately come up with the worst thing, for example, that the baby is seriously ill. What to do if the child is restless: run to the doctor or try to solve the problem on your own?

Causes of anxiety of the child on the chest /

Before panicking, the mother should calm down and observe: how often does the baby act up, does it happen only during sucking, or does crying repeat every now and then? Often, the explanation for the restless behavior of the child during breastfeeding is quite simple to find. Often the baby himself tells what the reason is. Anxiety of the baby on the chest can be caused by:

  • improper attachment of the crumbs, which makes sucking difficult.
  • uncomfortable posture when feeding.
  • anatomical features of the mother's breasts, for example, flat nipples - it is not easy for a small picky to adapt to them at first.
  • lack of milk
  • gas and colic in the baby's tummy.
  • the unwillingness of the baby to "work" if he managed to try milk from a bottle.

It is very important to attach the baby to the breast correctly! In this case, you should choose a position in which it will be convenient for both mother and baby. The ideal option is the “cradle” position, when the child is comfortably located in the mother’s arms, his head lies on the elbow bend, and the nose is opposite the nipple. When the nipple enters the child's mouth, it is necessary that the sponges cover the areola evenly from all sides. Even with flat nipples, proper breastfeeding will prevent your baby from being hungry - milk production does not depend on the shape of the nipple! However, other poses can be quite comfortable, here you will have to experiment to find the optimal one.

Indeed, one of the problems of breastfeeding is that it is difficult to keep track of how much milk is eaten by the crumbs. But you can understand whether the baby has enough nutrition by watching him:

  • weight - it should steadily go up, on average - about 150-200 g per week.
  • frequency of bowel movements: a baby receiving enough milk urinates at least 6 times a day, and he has a stool at least once a day.

All parents experience tummy troubles to some extent. The first three months, while the baby's intestinal flora is normalizing, are the most difficult in this regard. The fact that the problem is in colic is suggested by the behavior of the baby - crying, bending the legs to the stomach, twisting the limbs. Often, the tummy itself is swollen, rumbling is heard from it.

All these problems are not a reason to run for infant formula. By relieving, in my mother's opinion, the condition of the child, it will be possible to get a more serious problem - the complete refusal of the baby from the breast.

Adviсe. How to help your baby calm down while breastfeeding

Is it possible to avoid children's anxiety while eating? By following simple tips on how to help your baby calm down while breastfeeding, you can alleviate the condition of the crumbs and significantly reduce the excitement of the mother.

  1. Shortly before feeding, a mother should drink a glass of warm tea or just water - this will increase the amount of milk and improve its output from the breast.
  2. If the nipples are flat, a little massage will make them more comfortable to hold in your baby's mouth.
  3. Physical contact is an important condition for the calmness of the crumbs. There is the concept of "skin to skin" when a mother puts a naked (up to the waist) baby to her bare chest. This allows the child to relax and calm down.
  4. If the baby suffers from colic and gas, before feeding, he should be held for a short time lying on his tummy on a fairly hard surface (for example, on a table covered with a flannelette blanket), and after finishing the meal, hold him upright to drain the swallowed air from the stomach.
  5. Even if it seems to the mother that the baby does not understand anything, it is necessary to talk with him. Songs and fairy tales, of course, are not yet available in terms of content, but the intonation and timbre of the mother's voice are extremely important - they calm and positively affect the psycho-emotional development of the baby.

If whims are repeated often, crying cannot be stopped quickly, while the child does not eat, gains weight poorly, is restless and sleeps little - you should consult a pediatrician.