Romantic stories about how the stars found their love. Stories of romantic dating from our readers stories about unusual dating men and women

Almost each of us has similar experience of communication and acquaintance, and we are also no exception. Therefore, today our girls decided to talk about their experience in dating online. Of course, each of them could have been somewhat, but we tried to remember or the funny, or the most unsuccessful, or the most first acquaintance. After all, it was so long ago, scary to remember, but the more interesting!

Well, ready to laugh, remember and surprise with us? Then, welcome, we start!

The Internet in my life appeared when I was about 15. For me, he then became a good assistant to communicate with people: I have always been very shy, hardly started new acquaintances, but there was no particular in the network with this problems. Of course, there were a lot of dating, everything and you can't remember, but I will definitely remember for all my life, the story of acquaintance with whom I will talk now :)

I used to like the actress Scarlett Johansson very much, I consisted in one of her fan groups of VC, and somehow saw that one girl (let's call it) wrote in the discussion that he created his group and invited people there. I entered, added pictures into albums, created several in order to make some kind of revival. Quickly quickly wrote to me, thanked for activity and offered to become the second editor of the group, for which I agreed.

Since we worked with the Light together, it seemed to me that it was worth a little talk, and not just to intersect in the group. And so gradually I realized that in addition to the hobbies of Scarlett, we have a lot of common interests with it, and from absolutely different regions. What is the probability of meeting a person who is interested in simultaneously the theory of strings and poetry of Mandelstam? So it seems to me that there is no, therefore, I read the familiarity with the light with something incredible, I saw a kindred soul in it, and I felt the same attitude towards myself.

Soon we began to send present letters and parcels to each other, in our time it is something incredible. In the age of virtual communication, get a live letter, and with him and a part of a person - invaluable. With each line of light, it became even closer to me, and I gladly decorated the room with her gifts.

We always dreamed of seeing me, but they lived not just in different cities, but also in different states, and a minor age did not allow unhindered to perform such trips. But nevertheless, after a few years of communication, our dream was realized, I came to the Svetin city. And you know, it would be better if it never happened.

In the life of the world, it turned out to be at all what I imagined her. She was very quiet and not surpassed, most conversations had to start me, although I was shy to horror ... an awkward silence drove me crazy, I wanted to finish our walk around the city rather. No, the light is not bad, but it turned out to be too similar to me, with such people it is hard for me to establish a living contact. For all my time staying in the spley city, we did not meet so more, I didn't want it, and the world itself was not very much eager to be desire. After that meeting, our communication sued no. We began to exchange exclusively congratulations on the holidays, and soon and they stopped doing it ...

I guess I will remember the light forever. She became my first virtual friend, a related soul in the network ... But after disappointment from a real meeting, I try not to start virtual dating ... or at least not to translate them off-line.

Dating in the network during my youth was almost the main occupation of young people. ICQ, quits, later VK and Male Ru, all sorts of different sites ... But the origins of all this entertainment have stood dating on the phone (each operator had such a function in the phone). I am no longer very well remember, as it was all arranged, but the fact is that there were no cameras on those phones, neither cameras would exchange photos, and it foreshadowed to get acquainted blindly.

The first of my attempts with someone called only to disappointment - someone Hamil, someone wrote the salinity, someone was 3 times older (and then I was studying at school). Gradually, I started thinking that it was time to tie and stop spending money with this idea. And once the boy from the city of Pushkino burst into my life.

I absolutely do not remember what we communicated there, how longly, you never know. I remember how after after a few days of communication, he offered to come to Moscow and see. His voice was normal, adequate behavior. By that time, Moscow went to Moscow, and this was not an obstacle for me for a long time. We agreed to meet the Leningrad Station, and then go to the zoo. We also agreed that if I like it, I will allow myself to kiss for goodbye. And it will be a kind of green light to further communicate. And if I do not like him, he will not kiss me. It seems like everything is understandable and transparent.

He was late for the meeting. I began to be angry, as in my plans it was not to stand on the stationary area among the homeless and beggars and wait for someone.

He called when he left the train, and walked to me, talking to me so that it was easier to be found. When I finally saw it from afar - I was covered by an animal horror. I was going to meet a person with incomprehensible huge eyes, his head was turned to the side, a little in the profile or something. He always kept her, I do not know, the disease is or what. His legs scarked on the ground, he did not raise them almost. One leg swallored forward, somehow unnaturally committing a semicircle in the air when he did a step. In general, this is how the Hollywood maniac looked out of the cinema looked like in my concept. STRANGE. Very strange guy.

I did not know what to do. I could not escape, as it would be completely kidding - we saw each other and spoke on the phone. Instead of immediately finding the pretext, I decided to behave adequately and not offend a person. Although I was naturally sulking even nearby.

As a result, I somehow suffered a trip to the zoo. You already, of course, guess that he did not understand that something was wrong with me, looking at me with his huge scratched eyes. The topics for the conversation were completely flat, I could not support any of them, something daily gone, nodded, more looking at animals in cells than on him. It was very painful - I wanted all this to end as soon as possible, but I could not say at once.

As a result, he spent me to the train and, yes, I climbed to kiss. And here it happened unexpected. I was so scary that I could not push him. You could not kiss in general, and I was not going. I just stood in a stupor cloudy and waited for the end of the execution. After that, I silently unfolded and the bullet rushed into the train, additionally passing several cars.

This story was in good condition was to teach me more often saying "no" and protect his borders, but I still can not say that this skill has mastered due. So there is just a tin in the blind way, I do not advise anyone :)

Positive dating experience in the network I have in bulk. Now it does not constitute any problem simply a man, whose thoughts or services are close or needed. Switch to a couple of words, etc. And how already there will go further, it only depends on you.

I do not consider dating sites with something really useful. Often, people come there "just to see" because they consider in the depths of the soul that everyone who is sitting on a dating site - assholes and losers, prostitutes and urba. And here comes a doubting man there, standing there is a beautiful in a white coat, looks around and wrinkles. It is not surprising that the arrogance of it is read and unattractive for others. Therefore, if you get acquainted in the network for the purpose of relationship, it is better to do this on the platform that does not cause internal rejection. For example, in the comments in VC or Facebook.

With very many people with whom I communicate in real life - I met the network. These were online games, and public public interests and even LJ. Everywhere you can meet good people. True, the VK is great likely to run into trolling, and in the FB - on a bunch of pathoral conclusions. But this costs. Filter is not difficult if necessary.

Previously, I often got acquainted with the guys on the Internet, periodically walked on dates, tied friendly relations. I still communicate with someone, for more than five years, but all these stories of acquaintance are similar to each other, which is not particularly interesting to tell. However, there is one story I remember well. She looks more like a not very funny joke that occurred with me in reality.

Vkontakte met with a cute young man, we immediately found a common language with him. For days, they corresponded on the net, then began to communicate by phone. Like the first day of dating, he began to call me for a walk, but I refused. The guy was every day everything more insistent and it was somewhat scarecrow.

After a few weeks of communication, I agreed to take a walk with him. We met in the center of the city and went to walk along the embankment. There was a warm spring day, I had an excellent mood that was able to spoil only a few questions: "You're not working anywhere? Do you want to scream you to earn good money? Did you hear anything about * organization engaged in network marketing *? "

I was, to put it mildly, shocked by such a turn of events. That is, the guy "plunged" me a few weeks to offer to trade with cosmetics from the catalog?! I politely refused, but the young man continued to talk about the advantages of work and that he reached unprecedented success in this matter. In a couple of minutes, I "unexpectedly" called a friend and said that she urgently needs my help. I quickly said goodbye and never see each other with him again.

I often think that if I hadn't been invented by the Internet, I would have given one thing in my room all my life. I am a 100% introvert, all these dating in real life, any parties, any companies have dressed me too much and even a prospect of staying completely without friends scared me not as the prospect of communicating with a bunch of people.

And everything in the network was different. I might at any time convenient for me to initiate chat, could at any convenient time to stop it and the choice of suitable people was immeasurably more than in reality. I opened a whole world and you could not leaving him without leaving the room. Opportunity to be anyone? Choose yourself gender, age, name, legend? This is definitely interesting and beautiful warm-up for the mind, but I was enough for me. I just wanted conversations with loved ones in spirit, I wanted to "find my own and calm down."

The first acquaintance

"Oh, God, why did I agree!", "Sounded in my head when I went to this very first meeting. I was ready to turn back several times, and then squeeze something. And when it comes to the planning of the next meeting, to place again. Or merge quietly. Or scream in the sand and reset. This is an unfamiliar man !!! So what, that we have long been rewritten, but what if the real image will be so monstrous that you have to run away?! Strange, but I was always afraid more that a person would not like me than not to please himself. In general, it was easier for me to jump with a parachute than to draw in that cafes and it is easy to say: "Hello, I am Lisa."

Everything went very well :) The boy almost did not differ from the image that I imagined. Well, adjusted to the sound of voice, except. All my subsequent million developments did not change the trend - I still can't imagine how you can find a person who is 180 degrees differ from himself in virtual.

The most unsuccessful acquaintance

Since I am paranoid, it is impossible for me to pull me out in Real until I have a minimum of confidence in the adequacy of the interlocutor. It is not tired of repeating that the long correspondence is a good guarantee from the trash in the form of a different kind of psychos and other bright personalities. Not one hundred percent, but still. I do not take into account the calculation of all sorts of Friki, with whom I also managed to repel - "inadequate" in our heads was common.

The system has failed only once, but it was rather a ridiculous case than scary. One young man at the meeting confestedly told me that he was leading a diary and that I was recorded in this diary under the name "Luchy Light". Br-r-rr, what vulgarity! If he said that he was recorded the young brightness of them killed and buried in the forest, I would not be so shocked. While I came to my senses, he managed to find a tendency to diminishing suffixes in words. The fact is that from all these sun and Mimirmicks I want to play a rainbow, and the suggestion in communication, in my opinion, kills all the living in a kilometer radius around. Bell in my head beat Nabat - WTF! WTF! I still do not know, or it was the usual truthful "bright little man", or a psychopath (I later read that they love to look around), but the impression was more than repelled. And, most importantly, in the network communication, I did not notice anything like this. Riddle. I hope that then he renamed me to "Darkness" or something in this spirit.

Another thing that always discourages me and makes you consider meetings unsuccessful - when a person is silent. It does not try to support the conversation. The questions are responsible for the same one. Smiles, infection, and silent. And we both quietly fucking. Shortness? And it seems to me the opposite - arrogance. So I came to entertain me. Download around. Serve emotionally. I am not far from the genius of communication, but the upbringing of me never allowed to behave in a similar way, even if a person was not particularly interesting to me. I admit that I was not interested, but why then write in the Internet as everything was hurt and try to appoint a new meeting? Riddle. Do not do so never, in one word, otherwise I will come and hit you by a frying pan in Campol.

The most successful acquaintance

It will be the shortest point. I doubted for a long time to write here about the acquaintance, which ended with a marriage (wedding, glanity and all this) if this marriage is no longer. I was too young for a serious relationship, and he is too stupid for them. We played a little bit in the family, it was a good time. I got acquainted in ICQ on the basis of common musical tastes.

There was also one of my love, which is no longer. There is no love, man lives and live. But for some time I was actually happy only because he existed. And it is rather luck than not.

I didn't go too well to build any relationship through the Internet, but to start friends - yes. My smartest, the most talented, the most understanding, supporting friends in difficult moments - is the biggest luck. And not the scale of online dating, but the scale is already of all life.

In fact, online dating in my life was not very much. How many of them ended with a real meeting? Wait, let's think. One, two, maximum three. Yes, for sure, and the third was my girlfriend, but not a young man. I do not know why, but I never had a desire to pull into the real world of virtual acquaintances. Of course, I wanted to meet with someone, but it was prevented by various cities and countries, however, this is a completely different story. In the meantime, I will tell you about my very first, it is not a particularly successful acquaintance in the network.

With M. I met in contact, he wrote to me the first one is rather funny, so I immediately wanted to answer, although I usually, I am omitting people unfamiliar to me. Correspondence quickly raided. M. was easy and cool in communication, we were as if on the same wave. He started the phrase, I finished. He joked, I joking in response. In general, we were quite interested with each other. And when in the next conversation, M. suggested drinking coffee together after studying, did not doubt a minute. In addition, I have long passed his page, I studied the photo and did not notice anything strange or terrible there.

Standing at the stop at the specified time, I looked at the eyes of passersby and looked out for him. M. Lailed for ten minutes and how he did not happen to me, smiled, asked duty questions. But from the first minutes, communication was not terribly challenged - there was no ease and in risen. M. did not let me insert into my monologue and the words, he told everything and told about his hobbies. And they have found themselves either - hiking, kayaks, field conditions. He with such enthusiasm broadcast about love for a hiking kitchen, about his friends-like-minded people in the swamps and sleeping in tents at night, which I was not in my own - I somehow did not like this kind of leisure. By the way, in the network he did not write anything to me about this his hobby, and here it was not stopped. It achieved me even more throughout the Walk. Where are the jokes who conquered me? Where are common interests? Ay? But besides all this, there was also a terrible feeling of discomfort - M. Found me below about his head and the loudness also two times. By the way, I prudently not put on the heels and at that time we had stuff 42 sizes. But next to him felt like a thick-fat, clumsy elephant. And it feeling me slowly and painfully killed. I do not know why not noticed by all the photos? Riddle! Fortunately, torture came to the end and, it seems, we were glad we were. M. also did not find himself from me delighted and despite the excessive talkativeness, a little confused.

Divided. Lightweight sighed. But ... M. called the next day again and offered to meet. What for? - I wanted to scream into the phone, but I kept restrained and politely refused. It seems the end of the story, but as if not like that! Living in one city and without seeing before that, we suddenly began to constantly intersect. Where I would not go - M. was also there. And what is the most terrible, he looked at me with such a look, as if, I, at least, broke his life. "What did you do to him?" - Constantly pushed friends. "Yes, it went down the street once and that's it!" - I answered angrily and every time it caused a wild attack of laughter. But not me.

Since I realized that the person is real and the person in the network is completely different people. They look differently, they say in different ways and behave in different ways. I did not have any more experiment.

When I was 16, I, thanks to friends, I learned about the existence of a chat "Galaxy dating". The Internet at that time was not yet ubiquitous, but already slowly gained momentum, especially on mobile devices, so youth appreciated such mobile applications like ICQ and chats.

Goals to meet and tie with someone I did not have a relationship, I just liked to communicate with absolutely unfamiliar people. I also liked you even more that people who communicate well in the chat met in real life.

So during communication with virtual friends, I met a guy-peer from my city. We had similar interests, and, of course, we immediately found a common language. At some point I caught myself on the fact that it was with this boy that I communicate most of all, I'm waiting for his appearance in the chat. In general, I was already almost in love, so I happily agreed to a meeting in Real.

But the real meeting disappointed me: From the first second, I realized that all his charm, mind and charisma attracted me in the chat, were intake, and that this guy is the usual "Ponnese". I just sat down silent and left. We did not cross in the chat - apparently, I didn't like it too :)

After this meeting, I still hung in the chat, because one failure does not mean anything yet. I started new friends, "pulled out" your real ... In general, the "galaxy" then occupied all my free time (and non-free, however, too). Once a large-scale meeting was collected in our city, and I could not miss her. At this meeting, we called them the rules - I lived lived with many pleasant people to me, one thing was worth it to come. There, I drew attention to the guy, which I was presented as Sergey and called him nickname. "And this ..." - I thought. Yes, I have repeatedly heard about him, exclusively from the girls to whom he really liked. Such popular personalities were somehow not for me, so I forgot about it.

But a week later, a new meeting was held for a very narrow circle of people. And so it turned out that Sergey was there again. Here I already looked at him attentively and turned out to be completely fascinated by him. Already leaving the "Realk", I told my friend: "Oh, Dashka, I'm fool! It seems I fell in love." But when to fall in love, if not at 16 years old? Maybe this story would be left simply another mumbling in love, but on the same evening Sergei wrote me. Next began communication, meetings, relationship ... But this is a completely different story :)

Now we are married, and our daughter will be cleaned. Several times we met familiar from the "galactic" past, and you can not imagine, with our eyes they looked at us. Well, it would still be: we were supposed to have a couple of-three months, and has passed for several years. In the "galaxy" we stopped sitting almost immediately, because most importantly - each other - she already presented us.

About 12-13 years ago, the Internet was not so developed and the first acquaintances on the network for me were SMS dating. True, the goal was somewhat different - entertainment. We have a legend with the best friend, that we are twin sisters. So, on behalf of the sisters, we acquainted, immediately denoting that we were two. The boy at that end of the wire was necessarily a friend and after some time communicating we were offered to meet. We agreed with Azart. I must say that I am a blonde 165 cm in growth (girlfriend gently calls me "my beloved gnome"), she is a state brunette 180 cm. We believed, opening our mouths listened to our pedigree and stories that I am in mom, and she in Pope. With the same, we met a couple of times, and finally spread the head, disappeared without a trace.

And then there were dating in ICQ, in chat rooms and on sites. Like 10 years ago, and now I have some inner denial of dating sites, barrier. Gradually, communication passed from the site to the phone, but as soon as I was offered a meeting, I found 1000 and 1 reason to refuse.

Let's come after you in the university, I'm there next?

Sorry, couples have already ended. I shouted with a lecture.

Hi, I'm on your metro station. Drink coffee?

Sorry, I can not, you need to spend a neighbor's hamster.

The exception happened only once. No longer a schoolgirl, but not yet a student I met on one SZ with a sophomore with my faculty. Communication began, and somehow during study, I complained about problems with the design geometry. We met, my drawings took me and after some time they returned in the finished form. Good friendship has developed at all union. And I think it happened because none of us initially claimed to each other.

I am not from those people whose history of online dating ranks happily ended with a wedding, however, and I have something to remember, and smile to these memories.

It seems that the first "experience" of dating in virtual reality fell on my 14-15 years old: it is terrible to think about how young I was. At that time, even ICQ was not yet popular, but various forums where it was possible to "taste" - very much. Of course, all this was for the sake of entertainment, and not for real dating - an extra reason to waketed with a girlfriend we did not miss. I remember, I quickly stumbled upon a man with unequivocal interests, and "fun" for this reason quickly ended - I was not ready for all the dangers that the huge world of the Internet.)))

But in the most flourishing of "Asknaya" dating, it was drawn up in full - I, as an introvert and a great modest, was much easier to get acquainted on the net, and then continue to communicate in reality. I would like to say that I found real friends there, with whom I communicate still, but, unfortunately, it is not. Dating with truly good and interesting people was quite a lot, however it happened that life was divorced by various shores.

It was not without love stories: after a long communication with one young man, we finally decided to exchange photos and phones. I sent a photo of the first, after which I immediately wanted to continue closer communication, but after I saw the "groom" I ... instantly disappeared from all the radars.))) But only the phone number that remained from him did not give I just "go to the sunset": he called me with whole days, not giving the phone to the breather, and I, Durek,, of course, did not answer. Nothing, if his attempts did not continue all six months - over time, everything is less likely, but at least once a week, he necessarily called (maybe he had such a ritual?) Now and remember funny, and then it seemed a real problem. .

Now I want to say that it was still a specially wonderful time when it was easy, it was easy to get acquainted with an interesting person without unnecessary problems, but now I would not have been able to do so.

From Editor (Fleur):there are actually similar dating, much more. Despite the fact that many people do not believe in virtual love and friendship, just like that. Stories are different - funny, stupid and sad, romantic and ridiculous. But all of them combines the virtual space. It's easier than in life - there is time to think about the answer, embellish, to lie, ignore the message when the mood is zero. And disappear without explanation is also easier. Many say that virtual networks were flooded with everything and therefore where it is not there to look for a soul mate and even friends. Many agree with the first part, but the conclusion is doing another - sincerity remained only in the real world. You can argue indefinitely. With one I agree, if you ask for the goal to meet you, you will meet. True, then it will be necessary to deal with all this, but this is the second case. Secondary.

Today we shared with you the stories of our dating, and you, in turn, tell us examples of our dating online. What was remembered, what was surprised? And do you believe in the fact that the relationship in the network can be quite real and real?

Just let's be honest in relation to each other. No need to smear - here today all your own.

Dating is romantic and unexpected, terrible and saving. But it happens that love comes in a completely ordinary way ...

Here are three stories of dating happy girls

Young dad

My mother works in kindergarten as an educator. I often go to her to work when all the children have already taken away. We close together a group and go home. I come once, and one boy - Serezhu was not taken yet! Mom said he always comes dad, but today something was delayed. I saw that my mother was very tired, and I say: you go, pliura, sleep in the group at least a little bit, and I sit here with Sergey, play and wait for his dad! "Mom left, and I stayed with a boy to play. Through Some time runs up a young man and says: "I am for the servers". And the boy himself runs to him, rejoices. "Wow, - I think - what a father is young! Yes, what beautiful! "

My mother came out to the noise. "A," she was delighted, "Dima! And where?" And then I understand from their conversation that a young man is not a dad of Sereza at all, and his older brother! How I was delighted! While Seryozha dressed, we chatted about this about this. Then they went home all together, because we were on the road. Here I have got acquainted! I do not know if something is serious, but the story, but interesting. After all, I really thought that Dima is a young father, and almost disappeared from the fact that such a handsome man is busy and even married!

Cattle Sharikov

This story happened to me and my best girlfriend this summer. We had a city day. The Palace of Culture was decorated with large garlands from multicolored balloons. When the holiday ended, the leading programs allowed all participants of the holiday and guests to take the balls home. My girlfriend and we took a piece of ball ribbons. There were twenty balls in it, associated with a rope. We decided that the next day we divide this miracle in half and hang in our rooms. But the balls were against! In them, helium was, and they stored to escape and fly somewhere into space.

And here I snapped the wind from my hands garland, and she rapidly flew up. I raised my head, thinking that nothing could not be done and we would never see our balls. I look, and our festive garland caught someone standing on the balcony of the last floor of the sixteen-storey tower! Some kind of guy! He shouted to us: "Rise! I'm still delayed here! Help me drag them inside!" - And then he said in which apartment to look for him. My girlfriend and we laughed and ran to the elevator, rose upstairs and called the right door. We were opened by aunt, who was very surprised when I learned that her son Pasha holds some balls on the balcony. And even at first we did not believe! But then I saw everything with my own eyes, admired Pascolina dexterity and invited everyone to drink a seagull with an apple pie, which was just overlooked in the oven. That's how we met this beautiful savior of the balls!

Lives such a guy

Someone brought a wonderful case, someone won reciprocity for a long time and very, very tried to get his chosen one. It's all great, but what to do to us - ordinary girls who truly love and loved? Especially if we with our cute guys are ordinary, not a fabulous way? I know, like me, most! I somehow went to the disco. And when a slow dance began, he just invited me - my Vasya. Honestly, I wouldn't even pay attention to him. Because he is not from those guys who forever climb all things and try to seem better than they really are. And Vasya is so cool! We chatted a little, then he spent me home. It seems to be the point when we broke up at the door of my apartment, I was already crazy about him. Already in love with his voice, hands, eyes. That evening made me the happiest girl in the world! We have already found six months. I even strange to think that there was no Vasi in my life. It's great when the prince falls from the sky to your legs on a parachute or crepts you with flowers. But I have my simple happiness. And it is so great. True, Girls?

Do you know how you met, for example, your grandfather and grandmother? Surely not in the app for dates! But everything changes, and today it is easier to meet their destiny in social networks than in the nearest cafe. And how do romantic dating now look like? Here are some genuine stories.

"We worked with him in adjacent industries and were familiar in absentia, because it might have done to work together. When I started twitter, he began writing me personal messages to different topics, and I began to go there, just to chat with him. A few weeks (and hundreds of messages) later, he invited me to the bar. And for three years we have together, "- Daria, 27 years old.

"We met at school when both were 14 years old. Common friends called us to a party. He took my hand while we listened to the Pink Floyd, and we did not part more. I had a guy at that moment, but I took the Mark's email address and the same evening added it to MSN (yes, there was such a messenger). The next day the company met again, and we spent all day together. I admitted that I meet with a guy, but I do not feel happy. He replied that she would take care of me much better, and then kissed. I broke up on the same day with the first guy, and we first went on a date. Together for 15 years, "Zhenya, 29 years old.

"In the apartment, which was removed from the girlfriend, the room surrendered. He called and asked if it was possible to watch it, and we immediately approved it as a tenant. Soon he came to take the keys, and we talked for several hours in a row. When he left, I called my friend and said that was now on an excellent date. Soon we drank them together and began kissing right in the bar. He admitted that after leaving the keys called his father and said that he fell in love with a neighbor and cannot now take this room. I answered that I gave me so many times that now I am ready for everything, just to see him next. And he found himself in the Western. Forever (or until our feelings go). So the way worked, "- Alena, 24 years old.

"I met her husband literally on the road when another crashed into my car. I slowed down in front of the red light - and fell into an accident. My husband was the first policeman who came to the place. When I saw it for the first time, I thought that he would look great. After delivery to the hospital, I thought, we would no longer meet, but he came the next day and began to ask about the details of the accident. After a couple of days I received a letter from the insurance company. There was his email address, I started thinking, whether to write a letter to him with gratitude (and suggest to meet). After many meetings with friends and relatives, I finally decided. It was a very funny letter, but after endless weekend he answered, and we met. The date was fine, and we have been married and grow daughter for several years. I realized that sometimes so that everything was fine, you need to go through bad, "Catherine, 30 years old.

"We met in the social network to find a job. I wanted to find a psychotherapist into my new project, he turned out to be a suitable candidate, and we phoned in a video chat. I quickly realized that the relationship went beyond the workers. After a couple of weeks, a conference was held in his city, and he offered to take a neighboring room. It turned out that we are perfectly placed in one! We have been together for five years, "- Julia, 35 years old.

"We met on vacation, but almost did not communicate all week. Waiting for departure home with a difference of 20 minutes, we started the conversation and did not have time to finish. Then he added me as a friend in social networks, and we began to communicate every day. The first telephone conversation lasted three hours, and we both noted that they lost a whole week! The next day they met and almost three years old for almost three years, "Alice, 28 years old.

"We met four years ago when I studied in France. I just broke up with a guy and felt terrible. I did not want to make a new relationship, but we needed familiar in someone else's country. At first we communicated in Tinder, in a week met. At first they just were friends and talked, I taught him Russian, he helped with French. Honestly, I immediately liked it, but I was afraid to start a love relationship again. So we began to meet when I left home - to work. For several years, they supported relations at a distance, and two months ago I were offered a job in Paris, and I moved to him. Soon we will play the wedding! " - Diana, 26 years old.

Love all places are submissive

One my girlfriend worried a divorce. I invented us entertainment, as I could. There was an ordinary Friday evening. We were going to the nightclub. Girlfriend did not want to go - the mood was not that, but I agreed to take a walk. Reached to an entertainment establishment. By the way, in student years we often visited him, but at that time were not there are five years old, including a friend. We decided to go. And on the first slow The dance of my girlfriend invited a young man whom she got even at a bar counter.

The next day they met again. Already at the invitation of a young man. And then the next one. And after the next too. And so four years have found. The last two solely on legal grounds, as evidenced by stamps in passports. By the way, then Alexey is a girlfriend's husband - told that that evening he was not going to the club either. I went for a company with a friend who had a birthday, but the festive mood was not observed. He decided to dispel, called Alexey - the same as he himself, a bachelor in the company. But fate presented a gift not to the birthday girl. (On how to improve the mood, you can read on the site "Solar hands" in the article "How to raise the mood and return energy?")

By the way, my friend's husband's friend also found his happiness. And otherwise, as a wonderful story of dating on the Internet, you won't call this meeting. On his page in one of the social networks gave a girl. The young man did not pay attention to guests, and then I decided to look at the girl's page - I really liked her eyes. After watching photos, I could not resist and wrote a short message: "You are very beautiful." When the answer came - "Thank you" - began to scold myself, which got involved in the Internet correspondence. But the eyes of the girl rest did not give. Posted by something else, wonderful stranger answered. Two weeks, active correspondence was decided to meet. The girl, by the way, lived for 300 km. But drove. Since then, they do not part. Recently celebrated the first anniversary of the marriage. And they put the tradition - to meet this day in another country every year. With the first family anniversary congratulated each other in Prague. On the second anniversary of the marriage plan to go to the sea. Here is such a wonderful study history on the Internet.

My brother met his wife on a business trip. And she was on the official task. The guys worked in different cities managers in one large cellular company and arrived in one day on a business trip. Faced at the corporate apartment. The head of the direction collected everyone at one address for subsequent settlement (the travel was designed for three months). Long-haired mixing girl immediately liked my brother. Settled them on the same floor. At first, they communicated exclusively at work, and Yana (so the name of the daughter-in-law) worried unhappy love, therefore it was only as a friend. But once the heart said: "This is he!" And by the end of the business trip to them two and they were offered to stay in this southern city. Indefinitely, and in fact for five years. The guys managed to get married and acquire an apartment with windows at sea. Plan a child.

Love is a dangerous thing. This was convinced of another my personal example friend.

Here is her story of dating. Satellite of life She met in a cafe. When a friend passed by a table, where he was sitting with friends, a young man accidentally touched a cush with a hot chocolate. The contents were beautifully imprinted on my girlfriend skirt. The guy began to apologize and invited girls (a friend was with his sister) to join them. Everything happened, by the way, in Valentines day. Now this is their main holiday.

I can not not tell the story of the dating my parents. It happened in the distant 1978. Walked at the wedding - Mom witnessed from the bride, dad - groom. Both were free, but sparks between them did not flashed. On the contrary, did not like each other. A year later, they are also found at the wedding witness. Both were surprised and here you already looked at one to another. A new family appeared in half a year.

If you believe in a miracle of love, it will definitely happen. It is only worth opening your heart. You, too, do not like to knock on the closed door? Therefore, help your fate find half. For this, quite sincere faith in what it will definitely be nearby. With flowers, hot chocolate, or even just can not find the desired address, and here you are turned up. Of course, in the evening, to answer the question of a stranger, how to go to the library still not worth it. Although…

Jacket of us tied

Meet real friends - the same big luck in life, how to find second half. And for this, no miracles are sorry. So, I have two girlfriends, both very beloved with whom we met in the train. The route was vacation direct - to the sea. Girls knew each other for a long time. I turned out to be the third in the coupe. The end point of the trip we had different, but we sat in the same city. For this watch, the train so shoved that by the time of farewell, it seemed to be familiar for many years. Exchanged phones and agreed to call home again. I scored one of the girls first. What was our surprise when it turned out that we live in one entrance (!), Only I am on the fifth floor, and she is on 11. Since then, we have been friends, although we live even in different cities. I moved. It is good that the distance between them is small and there is an opportunity to communicate not only with the help of telephone or social networks.

One friend found a good girlfriend in court. The case was considered on the flooding of my neighbor's friend from the bottom floor. The girl defended his rights independently, trying to prove that the cause of flooded was the untime response of the management company to its application. The interests of the HFA represented a lawyer. And although my acquaintance did not prove your right point, but it was tied with a good friendship with a good lawyer. They somehow came out of the court together, my friend was on the car, offered to pass. On the way, they talked, exchanged phones. After a while, when the page of life with flooding was already closed, my friend did not want to return money in the store for the refund of the defective thing. (On how to return to the store low-quality goods, read in the article "How to return the goods to the store?"). And then the girl remembered a familiar lawyer. I called it to clarify the legitimacy of sellers. She gave excellent advice and offered to meet. For several years now they are friends and even one was with another witness at the wedding.

I have two girlfriends. I first got acquainted with one, and then she already brought us threesome. Between themselves they are friends for a long time, from the same time as the jackets in the wardrobe of the night clubs confused. They were completely the same. The fact that it is someone else's thing, one of the girls understood in front of the entrance door to the apartment - the keys in his pocket were not her. I had to wake parents. But that's not the point. Together with other people's keys, the girl discovered a check on the payment of cellular services. In the morning I called at the specified number. At the other end of the wire about accidental exchange, they also already knew. Only the situation was harder there. The girl was shot apart. To get into it, I had to wait for the morning on the staircase and call the hostess with a request to issue other keys. For exchanging jackets, we agreed to meet in a cafe. Both have long laughed at the ridiculous situation. How it happened, not studied so far. But the beautiful culinary talents of one (and therefore the refrigerator is another "sign" only with low-fat yoghurts and green apples) and the other taste of another (so before the other young lady no longer stands up, what to wear - a girlfriend is always a wardrobe to pick up), the exchange of logs And there is an incentive for regular trips to the gym - Subscriptions

Bought both girls at once. And they know that you need to go, because the other is waiting.

Pay attention to the parties. There is a chance to meet a true friend who is in fire, and water, and in general for you. And you and you and in earrings, and Manna Heaven. On Tom real friendship and is built. Even started with an incredible acquaintance, a miracle.

I would go to waiters ...

Let me be thrown by tomatoes, but in miracles I will always believe. Even at first glance, insignificant influence the fate of people, our mood, faith in themselves. Being a student, I worked according to the program in the United States. In my first arrival, it was hard to get a job. There was not enough level of language, and a visa instead of half a year was given only for three months. During this time, I needed to work out the money spent on the program (decent amount) and sneak after all I also wanted something. This is me to the fact that who wants, he will always find. Work, for example.

For a start, I got a maid at the hotel. But the money on one work was clearly not to scor. I was looking for one more. The season was high - summer, American schoolchildren and students occupied all the places. I went to one hotel, wearing the name of the famous American singer, actresses, fashion model. Asked to give me a questionnaire to the post of waitress. I'm sitting writing. The woman passes by. As it turned out to be a restaurant manager. I don't know what kind of interested Russian girl interested, trying to fill out a beautiful writing questionnaire, only she came to me and began to ask something. From confusion, I was able to say that Russian and looking for a job.

A woman went away, and in five minutes a young girl came up to me and in the purest Russian asked what could help. Told. I told that I came on the summer holidays, work needed. The girl was only a year older than me, but he already held the position of Deputy Governor Restaurant at the hotel. In the US, she lived since childhood, her parents emigrated back in Soviet times. She helped me get a job in this hotel. So I was not only able to earn money, getting experience in conversational English and watch American life (we served mainly wedding and corporate banquets), but also to get acquainted with a wonderful person. In the US, I flew two more times, and both summer worked at this hotel. And with Irina (so call my American girlfriend) we communicate so far. Do not be called a miracle of our unexpected acquaintance?

Many years ago we rested with her on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. On the first evening I got acquainted with the guys. They graduated from the fifth year of the Military Institute and rested before the distribution. My girlfriend had a novel with one of the young people. Saying good, he took her phone number. I thought there was a romantic relationship and end. But literally a week after our return home in the apartment, a girlfriend was heard a long-awaited call. Lovers began to be convened every week. So continued throughout the year. And then he disappeared. He was nowhere to call - the guy served in the military unit, the rooms did not leave. For half a year she was every Friday (so it was between them aimed) sat near the phone. Then wait stopped.

It took a year and a half. I still studied, but regularly appeared in the corridor of one publishing house. Somehow sent an interview. The woman was wonderful, the winner in the nomination "Best Teacher of the Year" in my city. It is probably half a year. She calls me the editor and asks the phone of my friend, that very, who met with the fiance to the sea. It turns out that the teacher lives in our city recently - Military husband, transferred here. And she went to visit parents with this very newspaper, where the interview. At the same time, the brother of the titled teacher and the brother of the titled teacher. He saw a signature under the interview - my name and surname and began to ask my sister, as I look. Descriptions coincided. It turned out that my interviewee is my sister of the missing groom's groom. And two years ago he was stolen by a bag where there was a phone book, and in it Lenin (so called my girlfriend) number. Communication broke out. Social networks were not yet. He did not know the address of the girlfriend. And here I am with my interview ... This story is not over the wedding. But but my girlfriend and this young man are very good friends, his parents live on the Azov coast, where we once met, and my friend with a family and a family, every summer in the house of a failed groom. To whom we tell about this story, only the hands are bred: "This will never happen to us."

It will happen, and not even so! The main thing is to believe. Miracles occur in our life at every step. Just one thanks for them life, and she sends them miracles again. And others only sigh: "Such with us .." You know further. But I choose the first. And every day I am waiting for new wonders! Who is with us?

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

19 amazing dating stories, after which you believe in love

In the eyelid dates on the Internet, the history of the prominent meetings can be as diverse as instagram filters.

27-year-old Brooklyn Sherman has always been fascinated by dating stories, so she created an instagram project "How we met." It is documented by amazing stories of how different people fell in love with each other. Since June 2015, the number of posts reached 266, and subscribers - 280,000.

"I like good fabulous stories, but I think it is also important to talk about the struggle, because it gives the hope of people," Sherman says. Couples selected for the project are most different - from those who lived together for more than half a century to those who became acquainted with the application last year. "Love is possible more than one day in life, and I received many confirmations. You never too old. Now never too late. And there is always hope, "here is Sherman.

Here are 19 love stories from the project "How we met", which will remind you how different love is there and in what different places it can be found.

1. Independent careerist

I met my wife 35 years ago in Kabul, Afghanistan. I was a little thirty, she was almost thirty. Then it was a rarity so that people of this age have not yet brought families, especially in Afghanistan. I served in the army as a general, and she was a correspondent of the city newspaper. And it was a rarity in those days - a woman with a bachelor's degree and a successful career in journalism, but such was my wife. She was different from others, could not be a housewife. She loved books, learn, walk to the library and work somewhere outside the house. My brother worked in the same publisher and we were always very similar in the views, so he saw Messri perfectly suits me. One day he came home to me and said that the beautiful, intelligent and kind woman works with him ...

2. The guy who was not on its list

Seriously, in the face of Chia, I found the most stunning partner in the world. I was preparing for a wedding with a black guy who had been incense and listened to Lorin Hill and the Tweliest, like me. Instead of him in my life with all the greatness from me, Chia entered.

He did not have the slightest concept of half of my favorite artists, but was always open in order to learn a new one. I am from the poor dish, and he from the poor country. We are different so much that next seems to have nowhere, but our souls have always been connected and this is what our hearts say.

For the first time we met near the concert hall of the University of Ohio. We introduced us to general friends, we talked a little and then everything went by itself. Later we worked in the call center of one insurance company. In the next four years we are very sfed. Then I moved to New York for the sake of career growth in the ballet, and he called me every evening ...

3. Case in parking.

It was just another ordinary day, when three years ago I stopped near the supermarket to buy products along the way from work home. Having paid, I got out of the store and unlocked my white jeep Cherokee. While I went to the car, I noticed that the back door from the passenger side was open and some kind of guy stands near it. At first I thought he wanted to catch a car or rob me. But when I went closer, I discovered that he shifts there from the cart food.

I was scared, so it came across herself. I said: "E, hello," he replied: "Hi", looking at me as if she did not understand what I was doing here, and continued to lay out the products. Then I said: "Uh ... This is my car." He laughed like that, as if I was bullshit, and answered: "Yes No, mine." I clicked the button on the key chain from the car to demonstrate that the car is still mine. He pale and confusedly began to look around. Apologized ...

4. Love from the first Rumyanta

My best friend in high school played in the Girl's Basketball team. Once after training, she invited me to eat with their basketball team. And this is after I fell as a guide defender! The freckles on her cheeks touched the strings of my soul, and I wanted to know her better. In the car on the way to the restaurant, she chatted with everyone except me.

To somehow attract her attention, I asked: "Why does your chest sparkle so much?" She became Punchova and silence was installed in the car, until she answered: "My sister spent my lotion, and I tried her garbage garbage with glitter." It was 7 years ago, and I still can make her redden.


My boyfriend and I got acquainted through Tinder when they lived in Los Angeles. It turned out that both of us rose in Ohio 20 minutes away from each other. Today is our second anniversary.

6. Golden Para

We worked in the same company. She - in the Department of Perfocarts (there is no longer there), and I am in the Function Department, so our tracks should have been crossing. I invited her to dine in a cafe, and imagine, I didn't have money with me, so she had to pay! Well, and the rest is already history, since then I have always been happy and everywhere paid myself. We have been married for more than 58 years.

7. Let's move the body

I met my boyfriend on dancing - Salsa and Bachata. We still dance from time to time. Just noted the fourth anniversary.

8. Added to friends

Jake just once appeared on the list "People you may know" my father on a page, so we met. My dad assures that I clicked on the "Add as Friend" button completely accidentally and in all blame my thick fingers. Two days later I received a message from Super-Power Jake: "Hello! I do not think that we are familiar, but your dad added me as a friend. "

It strained me a little, but everything turned out perfectly. Soon, Jake invited me on a date and now we are in love and we have a wonderful red-haired son. Long and happily before the end of their days.

9. In happiness and sorrow

We met at work. We both just divorced and first just supported each other as friends, in a difficult moment. We began to meet about two and a half years ago, but we still develop slowly. I think we are both scary again with a broken heart. 8 weeks ago I found liver cancer.

During the survey, the operation and rehabilitation was all the time near. She hid her fear of all his might, but once I noticed a tear in her eyes. When I asked what happened, she looked at me and said: "Nothing will happen, I can't lose you." I never felt so much love in my life as at that moment.

While I restore after surgery and start my life without cancer, I do it with appreciation to a beautiful woman near me. The photo on the right is she squeezes my hand while I sleep on a hospital bed ...

10. Love and basketball

In 2009, I was a NBA fan, I had their logos by car and in general everywhere. That year in my state, the game was played by all stars and I saw an announcement of the set of volunteers on it. I called the best girlfriend and said: "We must sign up! We will be the only girls, and I find my husband there. "

Well, in short, it came out. I married the same volunteer, also a basketball fan, the third of August 2014. Such here we have a story about love and basketball.

11. Love at the cash register

I met my boyfriend in 2009, when I worked in the supermarket by the cashier on the half-bet. Once in the evening, before leaving, I suggested another cashier to work at her office until she would break for a break. The world was clearly on my side, because Calvin was one of the buyers serviced by me.

Six years, two dogs, a house and a million memories later, I'm still incredibly grateful to my own solution to "break through" Calvin, that evening at the checkout 29.

12. How to become a blonde in law in life

I wanted to be a lawyer all my life. But none of the guys with whom I met, I did not agree to endure how much time I expect study. They changed me while I studied at a lawyer, and I was constantly throwing me for busty waitresses, because I paid guys not enough time.

Then I met Louis, the secretaries of my teacher in civil law, the best in his class, but that seemed to be boring so hellish. We almost did not speak with each other until the lesson ended. I learned that he sees in me the embodiment of the cliché, the type of blonde in the law, and he discovered that I saw only a typical botan from Jurfak in it.

When he sent me sms after my first exams, to find out how I finished the semester, we talked and chatted up to three nights. A few days later we found something incredible. Since I met him, I began to manage more than ever could imagine or hoped. He never recognizes this, but he is the main reason ...

13. Intercontinental Roman

Our story with Alex is quite special. We met, living in different countries. I myself am from California, but was visiting Ukrainian relatives, and Alex lived in Washington. We met on the Internet, but I did not know one wonderful detail before some time.

When I first looked at his photo in Instagram, I thought that he was beautiful and not my level. I also admired his photographic talent - he did wonderful pictures of nature. So I was shocked when Alex sent me a message. I decided to play hard and forced several days to wait for an answer.

Finally, I answered, and we had a stunning conversation. We became more close friends, and our feelings were in each other intensified. A month later, we were still in different countries, but they chatted a lot on the phone and saw on Skype. One evening, Alex said that I should confess to me ...

14. Chemistry joke

She was the best friend of my younger brother. They had a constant joke, it seems like they are found. With her years, we were close to each other, but she always had a boyfriend (not my brother), and I have a girl. One day, when we were both free from the relationship, we went to walk together and embroidered us from the bar. We decided to take revenge by writing a negative feedback on the network, this is: "I ordered a beet salad, and he was without beet!"

After that, we began to exchange SMS and found that a ridiculous comment about the beet salad seemed only to us. Two and a half years later, she moved through the whole country to live with me, and we still laugh at that terrible joke. She is the only person in the world who thinks I am fun, and I like to mix it.

15. Lived nearby - live together

I met my husband after three unsuccessful attempts to live in the same apartment with neighbors and girls. I have three older brothers, so it's easier to get along with men than with women. So I decided to try to find a neighbor guy. When Matt appeared, I was frightened, because I felt as if I look into the future and there was an incredibly strong connection between us.

He drove away, and I stubbornly refused to go on a date with a neighbor in the apartment, so I met with someone else, and it was frustrated. My father once again told me that he did not like my current guy and I should start meeting with someone like Matt. When I graduated from learning, my Matt and I went to different cities, and he asked me why I never gave him a chance and agree to try now when we no longer live under one roof. It was the day we were waiting for so long.

16. Date blindly

My wife died on March 24, 2015, 3 months after our 53rd anniversary. We met on a movie blinded, arranged by my good friend, in 1958, when we studied in college. My wife saw me in the College's bookstore, where I worked, and told the girl of my friend, which is not going to go with me.

I made a double date, together with my friend and his girlfriend went to the basketball game in college. From the moment when I went to the bedroom to prepare for a date, everything went well until the complete and not very attractive girl did not go into the living room. A friend said: "Here it is," I replied: "Thank you" and went to say hello. He grabbed me behind the shirt and said: "Not that girl." At this moment, the girl with which I actually had a date went into the living room. It was my wife.

We met all the time of study and married a week after the release. We had three children and five grandchildren ...

17. You never dreamed

Gabe and I got acquainted when we went to senior classes. As soon as I saw him, I was 14 years old, I realized that he was "my man." And I did what any fourteen-year-old girl would have done: came up, pushed him to the locker, kissed, said goodbye and ran away. I was so scary to speak with him that I avoided it three months later. But in the end, we began to talk and a pair of months later, he called me to walk.

Now we are with Gabe together for almost six years. This year, our world turned over with Gabeon, when he had a third degree of brain cancer. As a result, we had to move from the apartment, live in hospitals and move to another city, where Gabe received chemo and radiotherapy. Despite difficult times, Gabe remains positive and his smile makes my heart stop ...

18. Croskultural Roman

In 2007, I felt that my life in Detroit came to a dead end. I realized that it was time to look for new adventures and moved to Britain to study on optics. Matthew and I got acquainted during my practice. I immediately allocated it from the crowd. I found it incredibly cheerful and we quickly became friends.

The surrounding faster we noticed that our feelings were stronger to each other. Friends tried to persuade us to meet, but we both denied our feelings until they realized that I had to go back to the USA. We are not only from distant countries, but also as far crops.

Once I jokingly told his friend that I need to find a way to take Matthew with me in the States. A friend, of course, ran to tell him, and it turned out to be all that Matthew had to hear. He came to me and kissed me.

19. Trusted fate

On August 21, 2006, I trusted fate and wrote my name and email on a confused business card extracted from the soldier's wallet. We were in the middle of the Dallaski airport, and if it is accurate, the terminal D. soldiers returned to Iraq, and I just came to see a friend.

On our happiness, his departure was postponed, so we spent three hours and talked. A pair of weeks later I discovered my favorite flowers on the porch and soon he called and asked me to wait for him. There is nothing to say that I agreed. I fell back of his return, and everything else is clear.

Nine years ago I met a soldier who was now seven years old as my husband, my best friend and my hero.