With a light steam, or a woman and a bath sheet. Erotic stories - Banaka stories Banya in women's monasteries

Served faith in the bath. Sold in the window pink tickets and, who needed, soap, wash, broom.
And the mother of faith, Nastasya, also once served in the bath. They had a family. Vera lived with her mother on the main street of the district center. The house of them naively stared at the roadway and passing part three small windows forced by geraniums. It seemed to many that men were more likely than others, looked at these windows. Well, yes it is inevitable with a single woman live. Nobody remembered where the faith appeared from Nastasya at one time, no one noticed how she became an adult. And now everyone who passed by the man who passed by the man Molva began to go to her. It is not known how much in this Molve was the truth, how much fiction, born Babiye Jealistic, from which, like fear, the eyes are great.
There were mother with daughter like two drops. And, looking at faith, it was possible to imagine what Nastasya was twenty-five years ago. And as the Nastasyny fellows rolled to the sunset, faith also included in the time of the Baby Summer, gradually ceasing to be a matter of male interest, and therefore female female. In the village they raised new objects of Babahi Obides - this place, as you know, is not empty.
In Ban, Vera was a good mistress. He was overlooked late at night, after a long wailing day, two common departments are male and female, two wage, and two "numbers" are separate booths with baths. Cabins, to the word, were cold and uncomfortable, but in them, oddly enough, they still walked, especially those who came across the distribution of specialists. They were wild with all honest people, with potential clients and patients, to take off and roll in galvanized basin, in which anyone else washed. In Numer, in the bath, however, too, but still not so much.
They did not understand all the delights of general seitus, this impatience and joy, with which all the village rushed into a bath on Saturdays.
Large gray stone bath stood on the outskirts, at the forest itself. The road to her ran through a low-spirited molding, so wooden sidewalks had to raise on piles. And this path in the morning on Saturday, the farther in the evening, the point, the human flow was moving. With kids. With bags and baskets, where pure underwear is laid on the whole family, the river is a polished, in the wind dried - freshness itself.
No, not to understand was all this to fly urban specialists. For us, it was a ritual, a sacred, higher enjoyment.
Here you are all sleeved in your house, I also spent a ruber. The last look glares the cleanliness of the room and made sure that the only unwashed subject in it is you yourself. And walked - on semi-bent, on the ladders on the piles, it may be, and in the rain, and in the Purga - it doesn't matter, walked into the bath, every cell feeling the only desire - it is more likely to plunge into white couples, smelling and birch sheet, and a fir pair, and Shampoo, and a little vinegar ...
And grab a free basic, and attach somewhere on a wide wooden bench, smooth and was so necessary, if lucky - in the corner, and not lucky - and so good, there is a lot of naked person, in warm, couple, among those slow moving same naked, pink, swelling bodies. This basking, a small span of a bench, to decompose soap-washing soap, - that's all you need for complete happiness, wash yourself, shoulder water, how much do you want to go to the well, not to go to the well.
Racing the first water, taking it to the heat, attending, you begin to distinguish those who are near. Sunshit washed the wash of the one who is closer - Clea, they say. Without sound, they immediately suck the substituted back - you do not feel it, as if washed away with foam. Then the same silence would notify the neighboring washcloth and try in response to someone else's back. In the bath all are equal. Ripovsky loader could well lose the back of the first secretary, nothing terrible. And then he, secretary, a loader. Bath is a bath. There is nowhere to put a certificate.
Crave the first layer, you can look into the steam room. If you do not have a broom, nothing, someone will decide to the face.
At that time, somehow were not afraid of infection. From the bath there was a feeling of such purity and freshness that no one came to disgust to a stranger in a foreign broom.
The steam room was even more confidential. There, while it is tightened from the crane to you in the basin, someone whispered in the ear under the noise of water: "Looking for a zin, all in the bruises, again, you can see, the holder is Khazil ..."
According to other famous signs, all the noise branch deliberately did, for example, and such a conclusion: went, goal, "on the second floor", so we called the female hospital department. In the bath you are a goal, open, defenseless ... But that is why you have nothing to be afraid here, you will only regret you. Nowhere, nor with what other accumulation of such people does not have so much kindness and participation of people to each other, as in the bath. And wrap, and the broom is fun, and the child will hold down while the water in the basin is changing. Heat because, probably. And runs, running warm water. Soap flows rushed into a cerebral hole in the floor and disappear there, together with the stimples accumulated in the week, pain and insults.
Actually, I was too early covered right in the wax office, because it is so soon, right from the ladder on the piles, it is not always possible to get there, except for early in the morning, and in the evening, after you have been postponed, cleaned, wrapped out and Washed, besides himself, there are just the most people. He, the people, too, for this time everything washed and washed. And therefore in the pre-batch bitch. All benches are busy, people stand and along the walls, and the door itself is a queue.
But who said it is very bad. The club and the bath are, perhaps, two places where people were going together in the village. Back in a birch park at the "holiday of flowers" in the summer, once a year. Well, still queues in the store sometimes collected half a village. But was it possible to compare these two queues - in the bath and shop. That, the second, noisy, irritated, hurrying - but suddenly not enough, and the cattle at home is not yet killed, and the potatoes are not surrounded, and the children are unknown, where ... And this, the first, is spoiled in warm, not running anywhere - where Running something, everything is washed, postulated, the kids confused to the side, it was harvested, tomorrow is a day off. And only Zhu-zhu-zhu, buzzes in the cramped yes, but no disadvantage of a short conversation - all the news in the bathroom agreed, everyone now at the same time and stamps.
The door so and the matter is replete, together with the clubs there are still someone's figure, Zhu-Zhu-Zhu is a minute, then it starts again.
The revival causes any couple of young professionals, which is not included in the gatherings, and is sent straight to Numer. Numer is a separate cabin with a bath, shower and toilet. The ceilings in the bath itself and, therefore, in the pre-tribades are high, and the cabin is bewildered off from the pre-banker to the boarding wall, which is not almost dodged to the ceiling. Young it seems that by closing the door to the schingalet, they burned out from all over the world, from this uneducated village public, which loves to swim with a herd in one basin.
The public is heard absolutely everything. How does the pants belt rolish, how the coins rolled out of the pocket, as they click all sorts of fasteners there, as a rustle of a dumb on the edge of the bath, which young diligently rubs, before pouring water, not trusting the chippetness of the attachment, which in the evening everything washed here.
As he warmed in a close warm bath, the young and at all begin to forget. And the critical queue listens with attention, how they are there, they giggle and are racing. At this time, even about the news somehow forget. But - the hour of the HTY is laid in fifty kokes expires quickly.
The bathhouse is coming to the door and quietly knocks: "Finish, time left! .."
Returned from the heights of a secluded bliss in the harsh rural reality in the face of the pre-banker, full patients and customers, they overlook, hiding their eyes, and hastily hid behind the door. The queue escorts their views not without regret. But - again some topic pops up, and again the flow of the conversation.
Is it worth saying how her job liked her faith. Here it is sitting in her fence with a window, she is ready for tickets. And everyone goes to her. Chiefs, subordinates, poor, rich, evil, kind, chatty, silent, married, divorced - everyone needs to be in a bath. And two days - on Saturday and Sunday - the Vera is a holiday of the soul. And she wonders all, and all about all she recognizes, and pay, and he herself. And everything is needed. Who will warm the lemonade asking for someone who is scared, sprawled and scratch to hold the baby, while the mother dress, sledges, put the mattress. Again, time to move to the intelligentsia to notify what time they have already passed. And all the faith knows, it knows even when someone comes to the bath. "Nikolaev today was not yet, and I would have to," she will say, looking at the clock, when a pause happens in a conversation suddenly. And everyone will remember about Nikolayev, and the conversation again littered. Okay...
So from Saturday to Saturday proceeded by Verin life. On the people, she somehow did not feel her loneliness. Although by the side looking, faith was sorry. At the old Nastasya on the slope of the years there is someone a glass of water to file, and the faith - the Babi of the century short - the baby did not happen, with whom it will remain when Nastasya ...
And then an event occurred, which turned Belin life in a different way.
A new specialist appeared in the village. Not young, however, it can be seen that not after the institute, and after which, and why, it was in our village, he appeared, no one really knew. He settled in a local edition, and soon his intelligent articles have already notifies the local readers. He lived two weeks in the house of visitors, and then his head led to the house to Nastasya and asked to take to the tenants - Nastasya, it happened, and before the guests lived.
Month passed, the other. And here the village ashuno: faith with the guest filed an application to the registry office. In all queues, they shook, discussed the news.
But - gossip sent, sent, and they dried up, and at the wedding of the faith walked the entire editors of the "bright source." Vera was in a blue dress and a white bow in her hair.
And she became from that day the husband's wife, Vera Ignatievna.
The first month the people on the weekend shaft were in a bath, to look at the new faith Ignatievna. And after a couple of months, she did not work as a glitter. In her place put Ira Tarasihih, the red thin girl - a grandmother, her tearfully asked to attach somewhere, so as not to get off the way.
And soon, again, the village splashed together together: Beliefs lying on the preservation.
She became completely different.
Since she woke up with his wife's curtain, woke up before him and watched him for a long time, as he sleeps - a round-blooded, with chubby lips, soft all, with a bald on Temke - during the day he covered her straight from somewhere Ear, and now the strand leaned back on the pillow and everything became visible, with that very morning, she rose completely different from his bed.
She did not believe his happiness when she sat opposite the table and looked, as he eats when he accounted for him early in the morning on a business trip to the collective farm - for her it sounded anyway as "into space"; She squeezed in the kitchen when he, at a round table, a vase with an artificial bouquet, sat down to write - this occupation was for her and at all from the field of fiction.
He spoke little with her about his affairs, came most often late, read the newspaper, wrote. Herillion were, while he ate is what she has shown. Well, in the end, it still walked to her for a colorful curtain - not the whole night to write.
In fact, he was not very jump behind the curtain. Faith was saddened, to tell the truth. And before everything happened, he did not show a decent time initiatives, unlike others, which no, was not so much in her life. How many faith tried to catch his glance, at least a slightly swallowed when she was inadvertently faced with him in the doorway or took a cup with the highest shelves in the desire. Not. He was polite, conscious, but no more. Faith, however, because there was no predator, too, to track the man, and then launch claws into it on the most ridge. If so - someone would have won somehow. Tricks in it was not on a gram. But she attracted her, the truth. It seemed to her that he was a snapless, lonely, chopped. Vera wanted to warm him. Not a young already, but one. What he had - before he came to them to the district center, she did not know, and he did not want to know.
She wanted him to come to her in the bath, looked like she needed everything there, what her own in all the order. He would like. But he did not go to the bathroom, but washed on Saturdays from his colleague, who lived in the "urban" apartment with amenities. Such houses in the district center were already built four - with amenities, but tenants, despite the availability of the bathroom, they still went to the bath. And the guest did not go.
And she once invited him herself.
"I don't like, when a lot of people ..." he refused first.
"And you come later, when there is no one," she said timidly.
"There will be no one - and the bath will be closed," he objected.
- do not climb. Who closes something? I'll close when I want ... Come on, come on Sunday, I will warm all over again. At eleven hours come. There will be no one.
He went. He walked along the ladders to the bath against the stream of sparkling people. And some politely warned:
- Hear, man, do not go, already closed, today closed early ...
Looking around, he hesitantly opened a heavy door and entered.
It smelled by wet warm and smell of birch broom. No one really was. He stepped toward the door with a sign "Male Branch" and entered the pre-banker. In the depths of him in the turbid double air, another door was seen, and it was heard as someone threatened with iron pelvis.
The door swung open, and in the clubs a couple in a milky white doorway appeared faith - prolonged, in a thin-sided dress and rubber slippers on a boss foot. The dress was wet from the couple and stuck a skinny belief figure.
- Came? - smiling happily, she said. - Well, undress yes, do not be afraid.
She was already laughed in the male branch, basins with a sparkling slide stood in the corner on the bench, and only in one filled with a birch broom with a summer ...
What wanted most to her guests faith, felt in the same word - warm. And the bath for this came best. Banya, where she was the hostess, where he felt confident.
Washing district center slept with a disobedient sleep, and no one could prevent the action that took place in the night on the outskirts of the village, at the forest itself, in an empty hot bath.
All his rich experience of the Methyrates is from the babies to the youngsters, which are all a little, how much do not care the broom on the back, "the belief applied to Guest to his way, so the road, what she was expected in his bath.
Oh, she attacked him! A man evared. I did not overeat and for a long road in the frosty night deserted streets.
And she met, as nice, for the curtain ... Nastasya slept, did not hear anything. And when in the morning I got up, I saw. Nothing said.
Well, yes this is the whole point of the past. Now the faith has a husband's wife.
She now went to quite differently, and did not laugh loudly, throwing his head. As if I was afraid of something splash, digest, upset. Pacific dignity now sounded in her voice, restraint glowing in his eyes, while taking the fact that there would be frantically glittered and splashed in all directions if it were not to turn themselves all the time. So thin curtains on the window hide what inside the house. There, inside the house is light, and you will not see anything outside, and do not look. This restraint now has now become her new feature. It seemed to her that if she, as before, would like a sorry with someone, - although now it's already with her where there was a lot of hunters, I wonder how it was a correspondent for himself, and even, looked , Buse himself borrowed in forty-one with superfluous, so, it seemed to her that if she had something to do something, then tomorrow I would wake up one behind my scente curtain.
In the meantime, it was suitable for a term. And once at night, waking up from some inner push, she felt that it began. While it was crushed by his man, while he was asked to ask, what's the matter while they kindly desire a flattery, then stopping the hospital, she had no longer seen the light of God from pain and horror.
The midwife rank rang, thais and buckets risked, Sanitarka, they looked out of the chambers frightened moms ... Something she did not work out there. And the pains of pain, the pains did not allow her fraction from the burden.
Of course, they will then scold doctors: it was necessary to immediately do Cesarean, which is where to wait for the Baba for forty, and the first birth. And they said that she has a narrow pelvis. And the bones of ordinary, unless you can ...
While run away for the surgeon, while he came, then yes ... a girl, white, chubby, pretty, got insensitive.
He brought a photo card to the editor. Like a pupa, all in the bows, lace and flowers, lay a baby in a tiny grudge. All sorry her and mother. He, too, was visible, sorry, strongly.
Vera immediately, as they said about the girl, I realized that everything was over. She also did not wake up one behind the curtain, he was also sitting next to her bed in the hospital and clumsily stroked through the blanket her on his shoulder, and the tears glittered in his eyes, she still knew that everything was over. And it was submissive - when. Because vinyl in everything. Could not give birth. A peasant to fifty, nor a family, no children never had. He married her, she gave her belly. And she could not give birth. It would be better if she fell in the city to the hospital until time. I did not want to leave him one. Now I left - and his one, and one of themselves.
He left the district center as unnoticed, as appeared two years ago. Not immediately left. While Vera recovered, while the yellowish pallor was reached on her face.
All her very much regretted. Still, no matter, the girl would be alive, everything was easier for her, although without a man. For some reason, it was confident that the correspondent would still quit her sooner or later.
No one thought about the correspondent that this little girl was for him, too, perhaps, was hope, the last straw, that with her birth he was very hoping to change his life. No one knew nothing about him. Vera, and that really did not know. So he fell to her curtain, and from where - what's the difference, probably from the sky ...
The editor knew where. After all, he took him to work. Only to talk about it in no case could not be. Firstly, ashamed, and secondly, they didn't hear about this in the district center, they would not understand anything, too long would have to explain. What for? Yes, and a person sorry. He is still suffering all his life. And the worker is good.
This is now they have their own "feature" at the bottom of the appearance, and at that time it was ashamed about it. Well, in general, a man was sitting. In bad article. When I went out, I decided to go away from the previous places, I decided to try like everything - family, wife, child. Did not work out.
On the eve of the departure, he bought a bottle and went to the editor. After some kind of glass, a man knocked a man - wept and everything repeated: there would be a girl alive, would live for her, not young. And so - no. Vera has nothing to do with the woman, even though you do.
So and sorrified the boss. It was also whether it was also like this: he could not with a woman. Well, according to youth, in stupidity - what does not happen. Now you can forget, not a boy. Bald won already.
Yes, it can be seen, not everything can be erased from life. As they say, I will be happy to paradise, and sins are not allowed ...
Well, and left. The editor dismissed his day a day, did not work for the month. This is what ...
Poor, poor faith went to work in the laundry - it was just recently rebuilt next to the bath, a log hut. Put cars big. Vera even went to the city to study for two weeks.
But did not have time to learn to learn your lingerie in the laundry, as it burned out once at night with the machines.
Faith suspected in this event some kind of not good for himself. But the sign was - not to say that very kind, but not quite evil.
Irka, the one, which was put by the deputy, while faith walked married, threw and left for someone in the city. After all, too - redhead, all in freckles, worse, like a board, with an ever wet laughing mouth, but all this does not prevent her walk to her - now the women are scratching about it. Here, on you, set in the city, there is no one to take off the bath. Yes, and when it was, it doesn't matter what was not. Some complaints - and dirty, and rude, and is late for work. In general, the bath is not at all.
And I called the head of the communion communion: I go, Vera Ignatievna, again in the bath, we have a drup without you here.
And she went to the bath. And again everything became like it was. She will remove everything, sculpts, basins with soda will pull, thrust boiling and sits in his fence with a window, she is ready for tickets. And everyone goes to her ...
Did this ever married this, or did it all dream? And this hotel, and a white girl, all in flower and circle?
She would have agreed that all this was a dream.
Only here is the scar ... you will see and remember - no, not sleep ...

"In the bath" (based on Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy)

The story is the first, erotic, in which we learn

As it happened in previous years
Kada was not freedom

Erotic story

Tanka quietly entered the bath and stopped in indecision.

Bold as Borov and a completely naked Barin lay on the bench, on the stomach, and two women - Ryaka and Lubash - also naked, stood with sides and in turns fiercely whipped his brooms on the hot-and-pink back, glistened from sweat and white, like milk , Babiy I'll go. Barin blissfully burst, approvingly riveted with a particularly strong impact. Finally, he filed them to stop and hanging out loudly, sat down, lowering wide legs on the floor.

- "kvass, women!" - he shouted hoarsely.

Quickly sweeping into the angle, Raisa filed a bucket kvaas. Having drunk, Barin noticed quietly standing at the door of the tank and enaning her with his finger.

Slowly crossing the bare feet on the wet floor, shyly covering the nakedness with his hands, the girl approached and became in front of him, lowering his eyes. She was ashamed to look at the bare Barin, ashamed to stand bare in front of him. She was ashamed that her without the shadow of embarrassment look at, standing next to two young women who are not embarrassed by their nudity.

Lovely! - exclaimed Barin, - Good, girl, do not say anything! The name of? - He threw the patter, greedily feeling her belly, legs and ass.

Tatiana, she answered quietly and suddenly screamed from surprise and pain: Barin tightly slammed his left chest with his fingers. Enjoying her lively elasticity, he moved his hand up and down, sorting into his fingers swollen between them the surface of the chest, tightly covered with gentle and smooth skin. Tanka rugged, bounced back, rubbing the haired chest.

Barin laughed loudly and shook her finger. The second to him, was flooded with a raise laugh and a luban.

Well, nothing, you will get used to, - Lyubasha said, - and it will still be, - and honored with mischievous eyes on the Barin.

And he, quite smirking, launched his hand between his legs, scratching all his male accessories, having a rather impressive look.

Your girls, the task, - he turned to Raisa and Lyubash, - to teach her, - he nodded on the tank, - all of your wisdom, - he shiftedly smiled, having wrapped off the head of the scicycle member.

In the meantime, he continued, "let him look like a mind." A, well, Rake, rack! - Suddenly the barin shouted loudly and with a crunch stretched out with his high-body body.

Raisa came out to the middle of the room free from the shops and, bent, rested himself to his knees and froze, looking at the floor.

Anatoly Alexandrovich approached the young man from behind and with all his strength, knew, slapped her wet on the wet, Her back, cast white elastic white skin and, rushing like - Jerebiny, sat down and began to poke her, sticking out as count, dick under the steep buttocks of the district, which here I grabbed him with my hand, first habitually remembered his fingers, filling my boys, trunk, and then inserted his thick head into his gap. The fat man took her hands for his stomach and began to quickly push her with his big, like a pregnant woman, belly, trying to stick his fleshy lamp on, in a slippery flesh of the female genital organ. From the face embraced, his face was bloody, the mouth twisted, the breath became loud and intermittent, and semi-baked knees trembled. Finally, the elastic head of his dick spread out the wet, but tight Zev vagina Molotyki, and the huge belly of the barina tightly pressed against the rounded Raisa. He again called, but already victorious and, fiercely moving the bottom of the body, became enjoyed to indulge in a sexual act. Young laundry, see, also disassembled great. She began to safely moan with each immersion in her launo of the male genital organ and, while helping Barina, was moving on his own milk, as a milk, assigning his body to towards the movements.

Lyubasha looked at this picture, entirely captured by what was happening. Her big eyes expanded even more, the mouth was revealed, and the trembling body involuntarily twisted in the tact of the movements of Barin and Raisa. She, as it were, perceived the barin instead of girlfriend.

And Tanka, at the beginning stunned, gradually began to really perceive the surrounding, although it was very embarrassed by the shamelessness of bare bin and girls. She knew what it was, but so close and frankly saw the sexual intercourse of a man and women for the first time.

When the barin sticks to the whale of Rayka, Tanka from embarrassment turned away, but curiosity rearranged, and she, I poured a glance and seeing that no one was looking at her, Osseliyev, began to look at them in all her eyes. Without having experienced the completeness of the male caress, she perceived everything at first calmly, but then began to feel some sweet tomression, and the blood was hot jets around her body, the heart beat, like after running, breathing became intermittent. For all, the time has ceased to exist and the surrounding, everything, except for a hostile act who captured attention and feelings.

Suddenly, the barin jerked convulsively, his eyes rolled out and he looked out of the chest. "Everything" - he sighed heavily and relaxed gait went to the bench, then heavily sank to her.

Raisa straightened, blissfully reached out and sat on another shop.
- Labor, vodka! - ordered a barin.

That, whining to the pre-banner, carried a bottle of vodka and a bowl with cucumbers on a tray. Barin poured himself a glass, he drank a volley and crouched the cucumber. Then he poured him again and adorished Raisa's finger. She approached and also habitually dragged him. For her, the same portion took Lyuba.

Come here! - ordered Barin Tanka, pouring her vodka.
She took him and, making the first sip, coughed, strait almost all the liquid.
"Nothing," said Barin with a laugh, "learn!"
And poured himself another half a cup. Girls pleased with him, chewing cucumbers.
"Well, Lyubasha, tear off a lady," Barin filed and hoarsely soldered, hitting his palm.

Raisa began to restore him, and a lubokoy, guessing with one hand, and throwing over his head to another, slowly went in a circle, wagging strong hips and pouring bare feet into the beat. Gradually, the pace of singing began to grow, and at the same time the girls were faster. Her slender body with a flexible waist silent in obscene movements with which she is given to a man. Hands, she seemed to hugged an imaginary partner, and the bottom of the belly was picked up his member.

Distribute! - Barin shouted, - tits, tits still cuts!
And faster led the song. Lyubasha began to bounce in place, reeling with white shoulders. Her full of elastic cups slightly born breasts were swollen from side to the side, teases with tight peas of pink nipples.
- Give the heat! - Barin could not stand and started to dance himself.
The pace of dances became mad. Now they danced for one voice of the district. Clapping is on the bottom, then at the top of the abdomen, Lyubasha, who swallows, suddenly grabbed a male member at the very foundation and pressed to Barina, clasping him behind the neck with the other hand. A member of the Barin suddenly found himself between her legs, and she began to drive his head on the wet lips of her puberty. For more expanse of movements and convenience, throwing one leg aside, she grabbed her legs Barin, and he, having a girl with both hands for a strong ass and pressing her to himself, dug off a scary kiss her neck and suddenly grabbing her Bench and throwing back on her back at her. Their intercourse was stormy and passionate. Lyuban surrendered skillfully, selflessly. She threw her legs behind his back and, deftly waving his back, caught his member of the vagina to the base. At the same time, she slightly swayed his hips, creating additional sensations of the live body.

Tanka and Raisa again at all eyes watched the picture of the most frank intercourse between a man and a woman, usually hidden from a prying look, and here with such a frankness of what happened to them. Tanka also wanted to touch the member of the Barin and felt him in his lap.

And Raisa approached them on the side and, becoming knees near their legs, began to look at the way, as a male member dives into the vagina. Highly raised and widely placed in the knees of Natask legs, put Barina on the lower back, allowed to completely see the process of copulation, and Raisa used it in his pleasure.

Posted by an insurmountable desire, tank joined it. She was trembling with excitement, she watched a male member moistened with slippery liquid easily and moved back and forth in the rings of Lyubashi's big hazel lips, which as a mouth would like him to be sucking him and immediately thrown back, and the small lips, split a wrencher The upper part of the member was pulled out when it was immersed and sucked after his reverse movement.

Soft leather, a tight member, when immersed in the vagina, folded the harmonica, the scrotum, in which large eggs were outlined, swinging from the movement of the male body, gently hit the girl's buttocks.

Tanka, designed by an unprecedented spectacle, could not overcome the desire to feel a member of the Barin. At the moment when the stomachs coguing spread, she took his fingers for a member of a man, feeling his humidity, hardness and elasticity. At the same time, it was struck by the mobility and softness of the cover, under which he moved tight pulp.

At that moment, when the stomachs tightly pressed each other, the tank fingers turned out to be lined into the wet and hot flesh of the female genital organ. Barin angrily buried and pushed a curious girl in moderation, a curious girl, with his hand that was invading in their actions at the moment when he began to disassemble the seed emission. Their movements were faster, the shocks are stronger, the seizures passed along the bodies of both and they ended at the same time.

Barin with difficulty broke away from the roasting body of Lyubashi and, continuing to breathe hard, sat down on the shop. Lyuba sat down next to Barin, straightening his head to his shoulder. Raek managed to bounce aside, and Tanya was standing on his knees between the Barin's feet. She waited with fear of punishment for his audacity, and he was not in a hurry with the decision.

Relaxed two just perfect acts of sexual intercourse with hot girls, he experienced the horsepha and was complacent.

Well, here, - he ordered, - warm water and soap. Raisa ran with the ears, warm water and a piece of fragrant soap.

Passion, beauty, my sufferer. You see, he is quite a stench, hardening - he told himself hard in a smile, he tangle and holding his free hand for a member, jokingly poked his head on the nose of confused girl. Everyone laughed, and Tanka frightened with his eyes. Barin put her soap into his hands, and Raisa from the ears was poured on a male member. Tanka began to wash him carefully.
- Breshing, bold, - pounded her barin, spreading his legs wide. Tanya postponed soap and two hands began to wash off the soap foam under the jet of water, polivated by Rasa. A member of the barrina slid and fought as alive, and his head of his dick with a children's fist pinkished with a skin jumped right on the lips of the girl. Tanka was accustomed, but Barin again pulled the head of the tank.

Then he ordered her:
- Kiss, yes pouch! - and pressed her lips to the elastic head of his member. Tanka pounded with her lips, and Barin repeated this movement several times.

And now - suck! He filed the team, again moved the face of frosses to his belly.

How sucks? "She looked confused and misunderstandingly and looked at the face of Barin and fright.
- Labor, show! - poked the shoulder Barin Girl, and she leaning around and pushing the tank, jumped into his wide open mouth the head of the barin member and, closer around the circumference of the lip, made several sucking movements of the jaw and the language.

Tanka in indecision took her hand for a member and also open his mouth turned his head and neck, and began to suck. The head was soft and elastic, and below it was felt tongue and lips harmed as a bone of the body, and it was felt that it was alive and trembling.

A strange thing, Tanka again felt arousal and quickly joined the male member with the language.

Pretty! - said Barin, not wanting to bring the case before eruption of the seed. He removed the girl.
- Now let's do loving girl tank! - He said and rose from the shop, - Rake, show the goods!

Raisa took the tank and put in front of Barin. He began to paw her behind his chest, belly, hips. And Lyubasha said:
- Here you are boobs, here is the stomach, and under him the scribe lives! - Showing a finger on the called part of the body.

Barin ran his hand on the belly of the girl and launched her fingers between the legs.
"Yes, the scribe here is nothing, to look at him," he picked up the singement, continuing to sort out the female sexual female fingers.

Tanka, who has just experienced sexual excitement, the touch of the Barin was pleasant and taper. She involuntarily granted him to her caress and spread his feet. But Barin moved, showing the gesture on the bench. Lyubasha leaned tank to the bench and forced her to lie down, saying:
- show yourself we are glad, we have no obstacles for you!

Raisa and Lyubasha became from one, and on the other hand, and, holding one for the left, the other for the right legs, Put:
- Here is the cherished beast scribe, who cares, well done! - They raised her legs at once and spread them on the sides. An open place appeared before gaze, always hidden from other people's eyes, and even male. Hooked, Tanka was covered with one hand with one hand, and the other - his eyes and droopped her legs, trying to pull them out, but the girls were kept firmly, and she had to leave her attempts. Apparently, all this was provided for by the ritual, as the Barin, removing the girl's hand resisting the girl from the bottom of the belly, dragged:
- You do not hide your beauty, I'll bring her a friend! - Rake and Lyubashka dragged the torso tanks along the bench, moved her towards the edge of which the barin stood. He fell on his knees and his member was on the same level with the genital body of the girl.

Hey, a friend, well done, Sun Beautiful End, - Seveled the girls, and Barin slowly spread the sexy lips of the tankin organ and began to drive a head of a member in all parts of Niza to the top and back. Tanka was no longer ashamed of his nudity, but on the contrary, a desire arose to feel a male member in his womb. She jested the bottom of his abdomen and ask, catching the head of the Elda Barina Vagina, who became impatient from the wet tank.

Finally, the Barin himself could not stand this voluptuous torture and drowned his neuta of his fleshy organ at the mouth of the vagina, and then with force you drove it into a tightly distributed virgin depth. Acute instantaneous pain suddenly pierced the girl, forcing it to unwittingly shrink, and then the inexplicable bliss differed around the body, and she lost his feeling of perception of time ...

Later it became known that my father refused to mention me in his will, which made something about eighty thousand rubles, not counting real estate. It seems I guess what is the case here.
Sometimes I think, and if he made me then checking, to find out how I react to this. Alas, I could not check this then, to my great regret ...

Good hot bathhouse

Good hot bathhouse


Good hot bathhouse

Meet this interesting family pair I told in the story "On the banks of the reservoir". In the past weekend, I was invited to our old familiar to the cottage. On Friday, I worked on the night, so both weekends were my completely. Nastya On Friday evening, my Alenka left her grandmother and, having sms to me, so that I would not sleep after the shift, but I went right away to the country right away, I rode myself with Alexander on the phasenda to parents Irinka.

By ten in the evening, a change film was declared to work in upset feelings and said that he had a "war" at home about the wedding anniversary forgotten by him, etc. I left him to doubt for myself, and I myself went after my wife. I arrived at the date of the hour to eleven, in the house found an Irinka, stacked to sleep well who accepted Alexander on the chest.

Irinka asked me to take me in the cellar on Kvass Street and bring to the bath of my Alenka, where he was picked off, and she would be followed. Uncle Fedor, stepfather Irinka, a big fan of the bath, more precisely, it is sick, in his youth, he even worked somewhere in a bath complex. He was already steaming of our girls with the mother's mater in a bath with a massage and foam wash. From delight, my wife was just on the tenth heaven. He himself, he himself in his fifty, was high and tighten, slightly thin, but the housing, a sports past was affected.

Going in the dark to the bath, I involuntarily looked into the window of the defendant, but there was no one there. I entered the defendant, turned left to the left and froze. Further to the left opened in my side the car wash and I stayed standing in the shade behind the door. Irinkin's mother entered the pre-tribbon, went to the table at the opposite wall and poured himself kvass.

I just melted as a confession. As still look like daughters on their mothers. Aunt Natasha stood, turning to me with her elegant white booty, and I could not take a look from her. The chest also had a snow-white, but unlike irinics nipples were not such large and gentle pink. Previously, I did not see her without clothes, more precisely did not see so open and accessible, I saw her glimpse when someone came or came out of the sink. While I looked at the delights of an adult female body, Irinka entered the pre-tribbon and in bewilderment stared at me and his mother.

Only here I was noticed by Aunt Natasha and threw a robe in a hurry. Then everyone was lucked together. I began to slowly undress, Irinka to pick up some things, said that I went to bed and that she was born to us with Alenka on the second floor. Aunt Natasha, looking into the double room, said something to her husband and, having gone with a smile, proceeded to the house. I threw a firewood into the stove and under their crash began to listen to the sounds in the steam room, the open door to the washing. Cotton broom soon ended, and water joked in washing. Fyodor Ivanovich watered the alak with cool water.

I waited a little, but no one came out. I looked into the sink into the open door and saw my beauty lying naked up the ass on the bench. From the side of my back to me was our buncher, wrapped as usual on the waist in a towel and rubbed some oils into the steplay body of Alenka. Only now I realized that my wife and Uncle Fedor still do not know about my presence in the bath. Within five minutes, nothing interesting happened, and I was already going to enter inside and warm up, as my wife turned over to the back. The process of rubbing her breasts was more interesting. The massage of the back, buttocks and legs did not pass the gift and in the manner of feline movements was noticeably alenkino excitement. The body of Alenka slightly shudder and slowly wriggled under strong skillful hands.
Good hot bathhouse
Next, these arms descended below on the stomach, smoothly on the thighs to the footsteps, then again crawled up. Alenka herself had already mowed her chest and simply gave a passion to her. When the hands of Fyodor Ivanovich reached his knee beloved, she spontaneously lowered his feet on both sides of the bench. Men's hands brought to Alenka until the frenzard stroking the inside of the hip, slightly touching the shaved pussy.

She raised her pelvis, taking off his ass from the bench and tried to bring these gentle and strong fingers to her pussy, but Uncle Fedor did not allow her to do it. I could see how much the sexy sponges of my beloved strongly swatched and how much they glistened with juices, the clitoris Nabuch and, thoroughly, just stuck up. Alenka muttered something intense. My member stood with a cooke, and I got it, slowly massaged. At this time, Fyodor Ivanovich turned the stomach to the stomach, bringing her legs again together. Alenka lay with her eyes closed and caressed herself herself, leaking his hands between the legs. Her body was shaking, male hands again lay on her buttocks and began to skillfully stretch the halves to the sides.

Then the uncle Fedor stepped over, through the bench and slightly sat on the spouses caviar, while he was no longer a meal of the buttocks, but simply they shake their palms on both sides. The tempo increased. The towel slipped down and hung on the ankles of my beauty behind Uncle Fedor's back. My gaze introduced a semi-excited member who reminded the rocker and disappeared between the legs of Alena near her knee. Fyodor Ivanovich highlighted and advanced closer to the ass of my wife, let go of the buttocks and inserted the fingers of the left hand in both her thirsty holes, and the right hand began to massage his swelling dick. Alenka began to cover the strongest orgasm, from the side it was similar to the attack of epilepsy. Member of Fyodor Ivanovich took full combat readiness and rushed to replace the fingers. I closed in my eyes and I finished myself with several long jets.

Having come to my senses, I saw already as uncle Fedya pours his sperm on the back and the ass of my beauty. Alenka was already without feelings, dropping both hands to the floor. I went to the door to the pre-banner and, slamming it, went slowly to the door of the washing, and then looked inside. I calmly quietly welcomed the banker, dressed in his towel and said that he graduated from the massage of my beauty and waiting for me in a steam room. Alenka only was able to lift his head and smack into my side, while Uncle Fedor watered her on a bench with warm water. Soon, my beloved and, smoking me, reported that today's massage session brought her crazy.

I agreed with her, and confirmed that what I saw really was not bad. What did you get a smile and slap on the ass: "You spy the unsuitable boy"? I refused to steam and went just to drag on the shelf, Fedor Ivanovich with my beloved stayed kvass. When I got out of the steam room to rinse, I found for the wash of female pussy our escaped iringe: "Hello again." Irinka only worked quietly in response, from which I could only disassemble that the men had a bad nature to have sex in a drunken form when they could no longer cum. Racing cool water.

I drank still grumble and jumped into a pre-banker. My little beloved lay on the back and purr covered with a towel on the ottoman, and the banner gently massaged her fingers on the legs and some points on the feet. Everyone who finally drank the Mother skins and Uncle Fedor left us. After the fifth glass, Irinka had fun, threw off his T-shirt and pulled the alak in the sink, allegedly on the women's secrets. I stayed to watch them into the opening door of the washing, where two nymphs were poured with water and they whisper about something conspirators.
Soon Irinka returned and wet with a playful smile sat down to my knees. I leaned a little back and her awesome breasts just pressed me. This festing dug into me a passionate kiss and did not let go. I felt like my member fell into a strong captivity of my Alenka's mouth and, enthusiastically, was immediately sent to Irinina pussy. Through the septum, I felt like in the Irinka ass the fingers of my feud. Irinka poured on me with such savings and insatiability as if it was the last sex in her life.

Then I froze for a few seconds at the top point, only the bottom of her abdomen and the pussy itself, pulsed, and sank with a deep exhale. My Alenka freed me from a pleasant captivity and took her place, but soon turned back to me and sent my dick into my cool ass. I barely restrained not to strengthen my wife before her sweet cramps. Soon, Alenka was hammered in ecstasy and slipped from my member to the floor. I was pulling my hand while lying on my back with high legs and stroking my wet pussy Irinka.

I just left me to choose the hole that I did with the pretty pleasure in favor of the ass and almost immediately finished, so so that everything sailed before my eyes. A little more sideways and doping my moonshine, we riched together and went to sleep and went to sleep.

Since ancient times, people believed in signs about the bath and tried to comply with certain rules.

The bath in Russia was a special place. It took that the bath is an unclean place in all respects: there is a unclean force in it, in it, people wash away all their sins and dirt. Therefore, there is a lot of believes with her and will take a lot about the bath.

Signals for the construction of a bath

During the construction of a bath in ancient, a certain obligance was followed in order to draw an evil spirit that dwells in the bath:

      • under the threshold, it was necessary to bury the black chicken
      • with the first furnace stove-heater throw a pinch of salt there
      • after the first pair jannik, it is necessary to leave bread with salt so that in the future it will live with him in the world

On the site of the burnt bath it is impossible to build anything

Once the bath burned down, it means that the unclean power wanted so much. It is not to build on this place a new bath, nor the more house. Be sure to be a new fire, do not give God, with human victims. Only in extreme cases, when there was a hopeless situation, there was no other place or for what reason, the decision was made to build a bunch again. It was necessary to have a rite of cleansing the place from the unclean strength, protection from fire was established.

The bath should be built on the backyards, away from home

Perhaps people were afraid of the unclean strength, because they came to wash in a bath without a native cross, defenseless.

In addition, the bath is a washout of dirt, sins, diseases where "unclean" women gave birth to children, so it should be isolated from housing.

Previously, people went to bed with the sunset. So it was laid, because in the dark, the life of other creatures began. And so that they do not intersect with them, running at night in need, the baths were built on the backyards.

Bathwits all sins and illness

In Russia it was believed that the bath washes not only the dirt, but also all sins. Therefore, people walked there regularly. Not to wash in the bath was a sin.

It was believed that the diseases arise from sins. The person hurts what he sin. For example, the throat hurts from blasphemy and foul language. And problems with the stomach from the gluttony.

The church considered a very strong sin to pride, because it happens arrogance, contempt of others, a high opinion of themselves, extreme egoism. Pride leads directly to the disease. Rev. Nile Sinai (15th century) said this:

"Pride is a tumor of the soul, filled with spoiled blood, if it matures, breaks through and causing great trouble."

To cure a person's disease at first, he had definitely led him to the bath. The bath washes off dirt, sins and gives power for recovery.

There, and we began to talk from diseases, such as a plot of burning coals:

"The father you, the king fire, all you king the king, all of you fire fire. Whether you are meek, whether you are merciful! How are you hot-ditch, burn, fall in a clean field of grass and ants, thickets and slums, in raw oak dungeon root ... So I pray and fed to you, Batyushko, Tsar Fire, - Luggages and slept with the servant of God ( Name) all sorrow and illness, fears and passions ... "

Woman should not wash first in the bath

The church considers a woman not clean. Even with baptism, the turn is built as follows: first the men, then children, and women should be baptized only last.

Also also in the bath: first, men are soared and wash, then children, and then women. Only so in any way.

Perhaps the reason for the occurrence of such a rule comes from St. Gospel from Mark, Chapter 5, 25-34:

"One woman who suffered to bleeding twelve years, a lot suffered from many doctors, exhausted everything that was in her, and did not receive any benefit, but came to the worst condition, - having served about Jesus, came back in the people and touched clothes For him, because he said: if he touched his clothes, he recovered. And immediately dried in her blood source, and she felt in the body that he was healed from the disease. The same time Jesus, feeling himself in himself, , addressed the people and said: Who touched my clothes? The disciples said to him: You see that people will close you, and say: who touched me? But he looked around to see the one that did it. Head in fear and You tremble, knowing that it happened to her, came up, fell before him and told him all the truth. He told her: Dzcher! Your faith saved you; Go in the world and be healthy from your disease. "

Type, if a woman is waved in the bath first, then all her sins (illness) can go to those who will be in the bath after it.

After 12 nights in the bath you can not walk

In the bath, the owner of the banner. At night, any evil comes to visit him, therefore it is impossible. If you did not sit down the guests after midnight, would you be happy? So the banner believes that those who do not have confused guests need to teach the mind of the mind, so "joking." He helps him in this. Depending on their mood, "jokes" can end very bad for humans.

In any case, this rule adhered to Rus. The exceptions were fortune-telling, which just had to be held at night, because the banner and other dark forces were to participate in the fortune telling. This proves that any fortune-telling is from unclean.

Ban and New Year

This is not Eldar Ryazanov invented in the film "With a light steam", which you need to go to the bath on December 31, and it is an old sign about the bath: a person must enter the new year not only with a clean body, but also to be cleaned in the Ban from Diseases (sins) .

Before going to the bath, you need to get into the house, clean it from the old energy, accumulated in the year, free the space for the new positive energy of the house and man. The renewed man from the bath must come to a clean house, in clean clothing so that the new year began for him positive, clean energy for further success in life and gaining good health.
Although in our time, many consider all the beliefs and signs about the bath prejudice, but they still take place now.

P.S. The answer to the question on the erudition specified in the Interior in Ban article:

The play was called "Irony of Fate." And the phrase was with such words: "You're guys, in banchu. never go and beer Do not drink? ".

For a unrecorded citizen, the process of visiting the bath looks like this: I went, it was cut, I washed, I sat in the steam room, I drank a kvass in a rest room, I washed again, I washed, dressed, left. For those who know the same people, walking in the steam room is a real sacrament, preparation and directly carrying out the holding of a multitude of important nuances and trifles. At the same time, the order of visiting the Russian bath, the Finnish sauna, Turkish Hamam and the Japanese Offer (the most popular views of the bath) will be somewhat, and in some cases it is very significant to vary. With information about all the features of the event under consideration, you are invited to read further.

To begin the study of the sacrament of the bunny procedures should be considered about the possibility of visiting the steam room and the lack of representatives of certain categories of citizens. Everything comes down to the peculiarities of temperature-vicious conditions in the steam room, which in normal conditions give a person only the benefit of a comprehensive positive impact, but in the presence of certain ailments they can provoke serious complications.

Surprisingly, the steam room is not forbidden to walk even to people suffering from organic heart diseases under the condition of the lack of an active inflammatory phase. Along with this, patients with heart failure from visiting a bath should be refracted. As for other common cardiovascular diseases, ischemic patients, subject to the absence of angina attacks, it is possible to go to the bath (if the doctor is allowed). It is not forgotten to do it to persons who have suffered a myocardial infarction. In this case, the main thing is that after a heart attack passed by at least 6 months, and there were no direct contraindications, about the presence / absence of which only the attending physician may judge.

A visit to the bath will benefit people with allergies and patients with diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, laryngitis, etc.). To go to the bath should also persons with chronic diseases of the lungs and patients who suffered inflammation of the lungs, again, in the absence of medical contraindications.

It is not forbidden to go to the steam room and those who have certain diseases of the nervous system. Doctors often recommend good pairs to patients with painful sensations in vertebrates, unfinished paralymps, hypertonus muscles, neurosis, etc.

It has been established that the bath effectively helps to fight sleep impairment and children's enuresis, it allows you to quickly recover after surgical treatment, various injuries, improve the condition in the presence of joint diseases, it is easier to transfer complications caused by problems with the digestive system.

The alternate effect on the body of hot steam and cold water contributes to improved blood circulation, which is very useful in the presence of chronic diseases. In addition, in the conditions of a bath from the body, various kinds of inflammatory components are actively displayed. There is a revitalization and normalization of the work of almost all the main organs and systems. It is for this reason that the bathing is often advised to women who suffer from various kinds of dysfunctions, as well as patients during menopause and after such.

Important remark! Citizens with chronic inflammations of the urogenital system and hormonal failure doctors recommend to give a greater preference to a dry pair, i.e. Sauna, not traditional Russian steam room or other varieties of bath.

Even pregnant women, if there are no complications and individual contraindications, it is not forbidden to steam. It is worth only to recall the story: a woman traditionally gave birth to a woven steam room. First, our ancestors sally believed in the miraculous healing effect of steam, secondly, the bathing was then the "black" and in those days this premises were one of the most sterile among all the plain simple. Today, of course, almost no one is solved on such extreme labor.

It is said that the bath and pregnancy are incompatible? On the contrary, the bath during pregnancy is useful

Now that who should temporarily refrain from hiking to the bath.

Do you have an increased temperature? Some chronic disease moved to the active acute phase? Do not go to the steam room until the state of your health normalizes.

Forget about the bath In general, in most cases, you have to people suffering from thrombophlebitis, permanent migraines, various kinds of cancer and other severe illness:

  • hypertensive disease at stage III;
  • acute myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis with venous insufficiency, as well as any kind of acute inflammatory diseases of cardiovascular of the system;
  • common atherosclerosis;
  • anorexia (requires separate clarification);
  • acute inflammation, infectious diseases;
  • epilepsy in any stage and form;
  • parkinson's disease;
  • other individual contraindications.

In general, the contraindication of M to the hike in the steam room is any kind of aggravation of one or another disease.

Careful when visiting the baths should be citizens prone to bleeding, suffering from hypertensive disease at the I and II stages or heart failure having unstable angina. For such patients, a sharp change in the temperature regime is contraindicated, i.e., even if the doctor allowed to go to the steam room, jump after it in a cold pool or a snowdrift is definitely not worth it.

Thus, if you are not fully confident in the state of your health, before going to a steam room or even Turkish Hamam with comparatively gentle conditions, be sure to talk with the doctor. Qualified Specialist will comprehensively appreciate your condition and will give the most delight recommendations.

Helpful advice! If you stepped over a valid age mark of 60 years and have never been in a bath before that, do not start. An exception is only citizens with excellent health who received the "Green Light" doctor to go to the bath.

It is impossible to bathe after the abundant use of alcohol and dense meals. Although many citizens do not represent their hike in a bath without cold vodka or at least light beer, the use of such products is contraindicated M - load on the cardiovascular system will be abnormally high.

From Russia to Finland, Turkey and Japan: features of existing varieties of bath

For a Russian man, a bath is a room with a high temperature and a wet ferry, for a resident of Finland - the same, but without the last. Turks love to relax, lying on the heated "benches", and the Japanese are sitting in a barrel with warm water (after that they usually fall into a container with warm bulk materials). In the following table, you can familiarize yourself with the key features of each of the mentioned varieties of Parims.

Table. Features of the bathhouse

Bath varietyDescription
In the Russian bath it is hot (but not as in the Finnish sauna) and wet. On average, the temperature in the steam room is kept at the level of 55-60 ° C, sometimes up to 70 ° C. Humidity reaches 55-60%.
Here a person comes to get into the key, therefore, the key component of the bath procedures is a pair that is formed by sacrifice water, kvass, herbal sizes and other suitable liquids on hot stones included in the furnace.
Couples can be heavy (extremely undesirable) and easy (optimal option). Heavy steam is formed in the case of sacrifice of water on not too good (up to 200 degrees) Preheated stones. Water evaporates with large particles, inhalation of which leads to the occurrence of shortness of breath and other unpleasant sensations. That is why for a comfortable pastime in the bath it is very important to be able to prepare precisely easy pairs. For this, water in small portions is amenable to well-hot stones (from 400 degrees, better - about 600 degrees, i.e. brass).
Bath visitors spend time, sitting or lying in the gaps. Installation of shelves is carried out in 1-3 tiers. Hot air, in accordance with the laws of physics, rushes up. Therefore, on the lower shelf in the steam room will be the least hot (there are usually children, people with weakened health and inexperienced baths), on top - hot all.
On average, knowledgeable people recommend not to spend in a steam longer than 5-10 minutes. Otherwise, everyone is recommended to focus on their own sensations and a state, but too overdo it is also not worth it - you can get a heat blow with all the resulting.
Traditionally, Russian baths were completed with brick furnaces of a special design. Today, they are often replaced by metal units or even electric heater. At this point, the owner will decide on its own.
After the parley, the baths are traditionally plunge into the pool / barrel / font with cold water, and those who are particularly honored traditions come out and "dive" in the snow. A sharp change of temperature in the absence of health problems delivers pleasant sensations comparable from a kind of euphoria, and in general is useful for the human body.
Between the windows in the steam room, it is recommended to withstand an average 20-minute break. Do more 2-3 goals are not recommended.
In the Finnish sauna, in contrast to the Russian bath, very hot and dry. Come here to warm up. The air temperature in the pair room of the Finnish sauna can reach up to 90-120 ° C. Humidity rarely exceeds 15%, it often keeps at an even lower level (3-10%). Under low humidity conditions, such extreme temperatures are transferred to a majority of visitors quite well.
Beginner sauna lovers are advised to get acquainted with the "Finnish Pearl", sitting on the lower shelves, gradually moved up with such desire and the absence of adverse reactions from the body.
In the pair room of the Finnish sauna, it is not recommended to spend more than 15-20 minutes (beginners - less, up to 5-10 minutes). Recommendations regarding the number of occasions and the duration of breaks between them are similar to the Russian bath. A special hat should be put on the head, which reduces the likelihood of obtaining a thermal impact to a minimum.
For the distant ancestors of modern inhabitants of Turkey (and for many of them at present), the bath is not so much a hygienic procedure as a real religious ritual.
In general, this kind of baths are not exclusively Turkish property - in the Arab Emirates, Syria, Tajikistan and the many other Eastern countries, steaming are built by a similar principle.
One of the main raisins of Eastern Hamam, who distinguishes him from the Russian bath and Finnish sauna, is a unique inner finish. Wood here is practically not used: surfaces, layers and elements of the interior are made / decorated with marble and decorated with mosaic. The ceiling traditionally has a dome form, due to which the condensed moisture does not eat on bath visitors, and flows through the walls.
Depending on the particular room (in the modern oriental bath, 3), the temperature in Hamam may vary from 30 to 100 degrees. These aspects will be discussed in more detail in the relevant section on the rules for visiting the Turkish bath.
Offero is a traditional Japanese bath, which is a uncommonished person who is accustomed to the steamers with the furnaces, shelves and brooms, can and can not consider the bath. The main element of Officon is a barrel with water. Rather, even 2 barrels: in the first temperature of the water, it keeps at 35 degrees, in the second - 40-50 degrees. Heating is carried out by a special oven, most often built in the bottom of the tank. For a comfortable stay in Offer, its internal space is equipped with special seats. The visitor is strongly not recommended to be immersed in water deeper than the level of the heart - it can become bad.
The time of staying in water containers is recommended to withstand within 7-15 minutes.
After a barrel, the visitor is invited to spend 15-20 minutes in a container filled with hot sawing up to 50-60 degrees cedar sawdust, foliage and various healing herbs. At the end of the procedure, the visitor is immersed in the second bath filled with sea pebbles. Here the temperature is maintained at 45-50 degrees. More detailed nuances of the pasting in the Japanese bath will be consecrated in the relevant section.

In modern bath complexes, you can purchase / take a rental absolutely everything you need for comfortable pastime. If you do not want to spend extra money or simply be forbidden to use the proposed complex of things, take everything you need with you.

The list includes the following accessories:

  • rubber slippers - Bosia on slipchaicing wet floor it is better not to walk, because You can fall. By the way, in East Hamam, do not traditionally wear rubber slippers, and shoes with wooden soles that protect the skin from high temperatures;
  • - takes at will;
  • bath cap - protects against thermal impact and as a whole adds colors. Suitable hats made of cotton, flax and natural wool. Synthetic products should be avoided;
  • mittens. You will need if the "work of the broom" is planned. Fit products from natural wool and tarpaulin;
  • bathrobe or sheet. In general, if you feel free to walk naked and all your own, you can not take them;
  • littered. You will spread it on a shop in the steam room - often the shelves are warmed up to such a state that it is very uncomfortable to sit on them. Can be replaced with sheets or towel;
  • tools for skin care and hair, washcloth, etc.;
  • clean underwear / clothing;
  • aromamasla (if you want). Use only the means and compositions designed specifically for use in baths and saunas.

Additionally, you can capture a comb, peptem for heels, hairdryer, etc.

Safety, or what to do in the bath is not recommended

So you arrived in the bath. It does not matter which the provisions of the safe visiting techniques remain the same for any kind of wage and therefore are given before information on the rules of visiting a bath. Violation of the recommendations will play against you, and instead of benefit, pleasure and relaxation will be one harm, discomfort or, more worse, health problems.

Regulations on this account are shown in the table.

Table. Precautions in the bath

Stay in the temperature conditions of the Parling So creates a load on the heart. The use of alcoholic beverages will increase these loads several times. The consequences can be the most unfavorable, up to a heart attack.
In the heat there is an outflow of blood from the internal organs to the skin. Normal digestion of food in such conditions becomes impossible. The result is the severity in the stomach.
Before visiting the bath, as well as directly in the bath, you can eat only natural food that does not contain flavors, dyes and various kinds of preservatives.
Gases provoke the occurrence of harmful processes in the digestive system. Under normal conditions, the body of a healthy person usually copes with them. In the bath, as noted, the internal organs work differently, and the use of soda can provoke a discomfort of stomach or even more serious problems.
The use of such contributes to the slowdation of sweating. In the bath safely drink warm tea or at least the drinks of room temperature.
The recommendation is relevant for very tired citizens. In particular, the bath visit is contraindicated if there is ailments present in the complex with an increased body temperature.
Many love combining bath procedures and sex contacts. Pleasure can result in an excessive increase in loads on the cardiovascular system with all the resulting. You can do this in the rest room, in the steam room - no.
Participation in competitions from the discharge "Who longer will seek on the upper shelf" are relevant, firstly, if you are a bathtop with experience, secondly, if you have "iron" health. You are in the steam room exactly as much as you can and at this temperature that you carry out normally. It is more expensive to arrange various performance activities in such conditions.
Surride with sacrifices of water - get a heavy pairs, which will make it impossible to stay in the steam room. At a time, it is recommended to submit no more than 100-250 ml of necessarily warm water.
Long-term contact of a flow with boiling water will lead to the fact that the leaves will appear and the product will fall apart.
Sit on the highest shelf, while holding the head under the ceiling and the fading legs can not be down. The difference in temperatures at the location of the mentioned parts of the body can reach 30 degrees and more, despite the fact that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs it will be colder, and they need it in a larger heat. On the upper bath shelf, if possible, it should be solely to lie.
Gels for the soul and any other representatives of this "family" also under the ban. The use of those during washing leads to degreasing skin coverings, which in this state it is extremely negatively tolerated with hot air and become more susceptible to burns.
Wet hair is worse protected from overheating.
We sat for 5-10 minutes in the steam room (over time it can be increased to 15-20 minutes, if it does not worsen well-being) and went to relax in the cool Comntau. At the same time, the duration of rest should be a couple of times to exceed the duration of stay in the steam room.
Cold (Ice - optional) can be, because Contrast procedures bring the greatest benefit. Combine a visit to the steam room with a dilapidation of warm water meaninglessly.
Cut in the steam so much time as your excerpt and well-being allowed. Do not attempt to keep up with the former fibers with many years of experience.

Before studying the features of visiting existing varieties of baths, it will not be superfluous to find out what to do if the steambird suddenly became bad. The most common problem of well-being in the bath is overheating. It is possible to understand that a person has overheated, it is possible by the following signs:

  • strong student of heartbeat;
  • difficult breathing;
  • painful sensations, a sense of pressure in temples;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of a stall in the ears, characteristic of "flies" before the eyes;
  • nausea.

In the event of any of the above mentioned, you need to get out of the wage and try to come into your home or any other cool room.. If within a few minutes it does not get better or well-being will deteriorate rapidly, you should contact the administrator of the complex (he probably knows what to do and has the required medicines and means to provide first aid) or cause a doctor on their own, if it becomes clear that you can cope with the problem does not seem possible.

How to go to the bath: Process Description and Important Notes

You are invited to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of visiting different baths of the world.

Correctly go to the Russian bath

We go to the bath right to strengthen health

For a uncommonished person, the bath is just a room with high temperatures. The procedure for her visits for such citizens looks approximately as follows: came, undressed, washed, shaved, plunged into the pool, the Oil and left. Of course, you can and so. But much more enjoyable and most useful for the body, the procedure for visiting a polarmy will be, if approaching it with the mind. We regularly go to the bath and doing everything right, you will begin to notice that the skin is smoothed, overweight leaves, and chronic diseases are worried much less often.

So, you came to the bath, undressed, took a shower (I don't wash your head, my body without using soap, gel, etc.), laid out with a towel and went to the steam room.

Shower in the bath We take without soap

The first approach will be prepared, i.e. Your body will rebuild new conditions for themselves. Under the influence of heat, skin pores will reveal, the tide of blood will increase to it. Recommended duration of the first navigation - up to 10 minutes. It is better that the temperature in the steam room during the first right is relatively low - up to 50-55 degrees.

After the last 10 minutes (if you are hard, go out before) leave the room of the steam and relax. If you wish, you can plunge into the pool. It is necessary to rest at least 15-20 minutes.

The second approach in the steam room is more serious. If desired, the temperature can be increased. Specify the duration by own sensations. In general, even if you feel perfectly, it is urgently not recommended in a steam room longer than 20 minutes.

For maximum benefit, combine finding in a steam room with cosmetic and wellness procedures. The most ancient and traditional of them is a whip of a broom.

Unprepared from a person, in particular, never seeing a classic Russian bath before, whipping a broom may seem like something from the category of sadomasochism. Along with this, this procedure has a well-founded medical attack. First of all, the whipping by a broom in its mechanism of action is an intense massage to improve blood circulation in the muscles and organs. A similar procedure is carried out in the Eastern Massage Cabinets, only bamboo sticks are used instead of brooms.

Benik from Bamboo - Exotic or useful bath accessory

In addition, when weaning the broken skin with a broken skin, it actively absorbs the useful substances contained in the leaves. That is why it is recommended to use natural healing plants for the manufacture of brooms.

No less useful bath procedure is applied to the skin of a natural scrub. For a long time, women use honey for this. The sticky and thick mass penetrates the opened skin, ensuring its effective purification from various harmful substances. You can simply cover the problem areas of the body and make a massage, as if sticking your hand to honey and pulling it away from the sticky mass. After massage honey should be washed away.

At the end of the bath procedures, you can take a cool shower and drink warm tea. With recommendations for staying in the room as a whole, sacrifice of water on stones, safety and other points you have already become familiarized.

Important! Before entering the steam room, be sure to remove any decorations, especially metallic - warming up, they burn your skin. Before sitting on the shelf, cover it with a towel or folded several times a sheet.

Video - how to go to the bath

Preparation (dressing, reception of the shower, etc.) is carried out in the same way as before visiting the Russian bath. Then there are a number of differences.

Sit on the shelf (in particular, if it is the topmost), swelling legs, not recommended - can become bad. It is better to unwell a sheet on the bench and take a lying position. The legs themselves, at the same time, if possible, keep a little higher than the head - the heart will be easier to work. To ensure the required "Delta" one can use a special footboard - such are present in almost all saunas.

Being in the sauna, breathe mouth and try not to talk.

Important! You can not use a broom in the Finnish sauna - it is much hotter here than in the Russian bath, and the humidity is practically absent. In such conditions, the whipping by a broom instead of benefit for the body will bring only burns.

After leaving the paril, it is necessary to cool. Optimal way choose yourself, taking into account your own well-being, body condition and experience. There are quite a lot of options: from pouring water, adopting a cold shower and dip in the pool to "diving" into a snowdrift and dive into a hole.

During the rest between the starts to the steam room (and the duration of the break, as noted, should be at least 2 times the time of staying in the parley room) Restore the water and salt balance state. To do this, drink mineral water (non-carbonated), kvass, decoction of herbs or warm green tea. If you love black tea, prepare it with a mint or chamomile, melissa and currants are also suitable - the presence of such a drink will level the excitatory effect of such tea. Alcohol, coffee and energy drinks to drink in the sauna can not.

Rye Bread Russian Kvass - Perfect Drink After Sauna and Bath

Recommendations for the second and further arrivals in the steam room are similar. The number of goals can choose themselves, focusing on their own feelings. The main thing is that the total you spent in a steam room for no more than 40 minutes. The duration of the bath procedure is generally advisable to withstand at 2-3 hours, more - it does not make sense, perhaps you want to have fun in the room of relaxation with a pleasant company.

During the last approach, the steam room should not climb on the upper shelf. Your goal is to prepare your body to gradual and smooth cooling. Consistent temperature differences at this stage. Get out of the steam room, take a cool shower (you can already use soap and gels and wash your head), wait, cool a little and go walk to the street. The recommended duration of the walk - until half an hour.

Good to know! An excellent completion of bath procedures in the Finnish sauna will be a relaxing massage.

If you have an increased temperature, there are skin infections, malignant neoplasms, disorders of internal metabolic processes, vascular failure, problems with blood circulation, or you are prone to bleeding and you have a bad blood, you should refrain from the campaign to the Finnish sauna. In any case, before exposing your body to such temperature effects, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.

Doctor decides - you can or not

Video - How to bathe in the Finnish sauna

Correctly go to Eastern Hamam

The Turkish bath in its modern form consists of 3 main rooms traditionally running in the form of a circle. Each room has its own destiny. With information on this occasion you can find in the following table.

Table. What to do in the premises of the Turkish bath

This room combines the functions of the locker room and the oil. Here the visitor gets rid of clothes, wash his body (soap, gels, etc. is still not used, and the head does not urinate) and turns into a towel.
Helpful advice! In accordance with the eastern traditions, it is impossible to stay in Hamam in nude. Otherwise you can focus on personal preferences and principles.
To shift in Hamama, as noted, best in wooden shoes - it will protect the skin of the feet of burns, because In Turkish baths, the floors are usually heated.
The average air temperature in Jamekyan is at the level of 30-35 degrees. That is, here a person can not only undress and wash, but also prepare his body to faster "tests".
Intermediate room, so-called "Warm room." Here is a little warmer than in the locker room-waters, but not so hot, as basically, "hot" room. Traditionally, the lyklyk is used as a rest room. Here you can cool after visiting the last room, drink herbal tea and chat with friends.
The hottest room of the Turkish bath. The air here is rarely heated stronger than 50-60 degrees, but it is possible to raise the temperature to 100 degrees. Often, the pool is equipped in Hararete, the purpose of which, above all, is reduced to maintaining the required level of humidity. Almost 100% air humidity in the steam room is one of the key differences in Turkish Hamam from other varieties of bath. The body of visitors here warms not at the expense of heat of air, but by exposure to a wet steam.
For the supply of hot air into the room, the Turkish bath is equipped with a system of pipes and nozzles. It is often additionally fed aromatic essences that contribute to better relaxation and greater pleasure.

Ideally, the correct procedure in Hararete has the following form. The visitor gets used to the surrounding conditions for a couple of minutes, after which the massage session begins. For several minutes, a specially trained person, putting hard gloves from natural materials in his hands, tries the body of the visitor. During such a massage, skin pores are revealed, which contributes to the elimination of harmful slags and toxins from the body.

After massage, body injection occurs. This is done by special technology. In the center of the "hot" premises of any present Hamam, GEBEC-Tashi is installed, which is a kind of marble table. The visitor lying on this table is subjected to a foam massage session, during which the body is covered with a foam cloud, after which the bathhouse or his comrade replacing it thoroughly cleans the body of the steamber, armed with a rigid washway. During such a procedure, not only the cleaning of the skin, but also the activation of blood and lymphatic appeals, the metabolic processes are improved, eliminated leather particles.

Here is just an incomplete list of positive impacts that the visitor can count on this bath:

  • normalization of metabolic functions and work of cardiovascular system of the body;
  • elimination or at least substantial relief of rheumatic pains;
  • cleansing, and sometimes even noticeable skin rejuvenation;
  • elimination of excess weight;
  • improving well-being, getting rid of depression, stressful states and experiences;
  • prevention of colds and exacerbations of various chronic ailments.

At the same time, the Japanese bath almost does not have contraindications to the visit. It is recommended to refrain from such procedures. Except for individuals with chronic ailments in the aggravation stage, as well as citizens with tuberculosis, epilepsy and other previously mentioned diseases, pregnant women and children under the age of three.

Washing out, the visitor processes the bath procedures. The room usually contains 2 pine barrels of pine or oak wood, also such containers can be made from larch and cedar.

In the first capacitance, water is heated on average up to 35 degrees, in the next little warmer - about 40-50 degrees. It is necessary to stay in the tank, as noted, it is necessary that the water level is slightly lower than the heart, otherwise the load on the cardiovascular system will be too strong.

To enhance the useful effect in water, various salts, herbal effects and other substances can be added.

Important remark! Often, to save space, the owners of the salon bath are installed in the room one barrel, making it a stove that allows you to gradually heat the water.

After spending time in a barrel, a person wipes dry and proceeds to the next stage of the procedure, involving pastime in wooden bathrooms with different contents. In the first bath, it is proposed to lie down for 15-20 minutes, immersed on the neck in a mixture of sawdust (usually cedar), crushed leaves, healing plants, etc., heated to about 50 degrees (sometimes more). During the procedure, sparkling skin is saturated with useful essential oils.

The second wooden bath is filled with sea pebbles. The average temperature is 40-50 degrees. During stay in the container, a massage effect is achieved, thanks to which the load from the visitor's spine is removed and the health effect on its body is generally exposed.

Note! The possibility of separate reception of the "dry" bath is not excluded - the effect will also be very pronounced and positive.

Traditionally, the procedure ends with a tea ceremony, during which the parquebler is finally relaxing, restores the forces and normalizes the water balance of its body. Drink green tea is recommended, you can with cinnamon or jasmine.

Have a good hike to the bath and be healthy!

Video - how to go to the bath

The grandmother leaped her back. She was treated peculiarly - she asked me to "sweat". Grandma was getting on all fours from the sofa, I climbed my feet on her back and stall. The old woman of the cruck and turned one, then the other side. For two or three days, pain was died, but the moment came when it was necessary to treat his back seriously. Then the grandmother went to the bath.

The sauna was old, there were still wells in it, which in the past century chased in Siberia through our city. Two black marchs were treated with coal. In winter, Banya Paris, like a potato bowler. Not only from the pipe, but also from under the roof, from the windows of a white couple. For a hundred years of bath works, bricks were dumbbed and keenly kept warm. Therefore, the bath began to drown back from the night.

Grandmother went to the discovery. Birch broom stuck out of her homemade bag. In the bath grandmother spent all day. And not even just in the bath, namely in the steam room. I still do not understand how it was withstanding her small, the dry body of many hours tortured with heat and rods ...

On this day, my duty was to bring a grandmother from a bath. Late in the evening I came to the already empty bath corridor, opened the door to the women's office and, overcoming the desire to look, shouted: "Auntka, call the grandmother Zverev!"

Laughter was heard behind the door, then the banner went out and said: "Sit, son, wait. Your grandmother is only from the steam room ..." After half an hour, the painted washing herded grandmother, and we walked home. After that, she did not finish it after this.


They say citizens, in America Baths are excellent. There, for example, a citizen will come, throw up the lingerie into a special box and goes to wash himself. It will not even be worried - they say, theft or loss, the number will not even take. Well, maybe another restless American and says the bathhouse:

Gut Bai, Say, look.

Only and everything. This American will come, it will come back, and he serves clean linen - washing and ironing. The ports cannot be white. Trets are sewn, shades. Living! And we have nothing bathrooms. But worse. Although it is also possible to wash. We only have trouble. By last Saturday, I went to the bath (not to go, I think, to America), - give two numbers. One for linen, the other for a coat with a cap. And a naked man where is the number of children? Reliable to say - nowhere. Pockets no. Circle - belly and legs. Sin is one with numbers. You do not get tied to the beard. Well, I tied to my legs on the number, so as not to lose the gaze. Entered the bath. Toperic numbers are clapped. Walk boring. And you need to walk. Because the whip is necessary. Without a whip what washing? Sin one. I am looking for a whip. I look, one citizen in three waters washes. One stands in one, in another ball soap, and the third left hand holds, so as not to surf. I pulled the third whip, I wanted, by the way, to take it yourself, and the citizen does not release.

What are you, - says, are you fighting stakes? Like Lyapna, "says, you don't get rid of the gang between the eyes.

I say:

Not royal, - I say, - Fly the regimen with gangs. Egoism, I say, what. We must, - I say, - and others wash. Not in the theater, I say.

And he turned back and washes. "Do not stand," I think, "over his soul. Terecherich, - I think - he will wash on purpose for three days. " I went further. An after an hour I look, some uncle was glanced, I released a whip from my hands. Behind the soap bent or noticed - I do not know. And only a shark I took myself. Terecherich and Shaka is, and there is no place to sit down. And standing - what washing? Sin one. Okay. Standing standing, I am holding a whip in my hand, wash. And the circle, the Batyushki-Svetts, washing itself. One pants washes, the other subtreaches rubbed, the third is still something else. Only, let's say, washed away - again dirty. Sprinkle, devils. And such a noise costs from washing - reluctance to wash. Do not hear where the soap is touring. Sin one. "Well, they," I think, in a swamp. Home home. " I go to the pre-banker. Give on the lingerie number. I look - everything is mine, my pants are not mine.

Citizens, I say. - There was a hole on my hole here. And on these Evon where.

And the bathman says:

We, say, are not attached behind holes. Not in the theater, "says.

Okay. I put on these pants, go over the tree. The coat is not issued - the numbers require. And the number on the leg is forgotten. It is necessary to undress. He took off his pants, looking for a number - there is no room. Rope here, on the leg, but there are no papers. Washed off a piece of paper. I give the buyer the rope - does not want.

According to the rope, - says, - I do not give out. It, "says," every citizen disrupts the rods - Poland does not fight. Further, "says, when the audience disperse - I will give out what will remain.

I say:

Brother, what if the rubbish will remain? Not in the theater, I say. - Issue, I say, by signs. One, - I say, - Rvanna's pocket, there is no other. As regards the buttons, then - I say - the top there is, the lower is not foreseen.

Still gave out. And the ropes did not take. I dressed, went outdoor. Suddenly remembered: I forgot soap. Returned again. The coat is not fit.

Understand, - they say.

I say:

I, citizens, can not be undressed for the third time. Not in the theater, I say. - issue then at least the cost of soap.

Do not give. Do not give - no need. Went without soap. Of course, the reader may be curious: what, they say, is it a bath? Where's she? Address? What is the bath? Ordinary. Which is in the grivennik.

1924. MM Zoshchenko. Blue book.

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"Neither the soul ...- Thought Sophia, wandering to the bath along the path, a little planted in the mob in the snow, and the spring does not smell ..."
Sound of a slowing running electric train reminded that the Yaroslavl road is not far. But the sovereign, where the week how the Sophia moved, leaving chronic homeless, stood a very mansion and good glory did not use. I lived in it for another ten years ago not to say that the durable family seemed to be friends, but it seemed. To the appearance of Sofia, almost all the inhabitants of the house were extinct - who is from old age who are from the disease. The house was emptying the year or another, with reluctance visited by the owners of the sisters, who found a modest inhabitant in the capital. Shot home they did not love and increasingly rumored to part with him forever.
Sophie their doubts were clear, but the best place when it was necessary to privacy, she could not imagine and imagine.
She entered the bathhouse just flooded with her and bent over the boiler smeared into the oven. And here, at her back, someone rushed the entrance door, and so vigorously, which flew carelessly thrown by Sofia hook. She shuddered, dropped a wooden circle to the furnace, covered the boiler.
- Drunk! - Syfya screamed, not referring to anyone. Nothing is terrible this second to her and did not come to mind.
- I would like to! Why, not up to good, - the youthful voice firmly responded.
For the next cry of Sophia:
- What do you want?
- A stranger in the tag replied evasively:
- This is the situation.
- Well then tell me who you are.
- Isn't it seen?
- I do not know how to guess, sorry ...
- What to guess? Who should be afraid of?
- I'm not afraid of you.
- And in vain. I ran away from prison.
- killed someone? Or...
- As I understand it, "or" is less acceptable for you ... no, and not "or", and did not kill. Yes, I do not touch you with your finger! Are you a teacher?
Sophia is offended:
- Not.
He realized that the question was for her, to put it mildly, Neule. Finally he pulled out of her that she was an artist.
- And we will stand here? Bath is about to be. She, God, I probably, not even enough for the bathhouse ... I fall from fatigue.
It was darkly, the stearic candle was burning on the window, the oven occasionally covered the pre-infinite dirty-pink light. Sofya sat her exhausted guest to the bench and went to recharge a couple in the steam room. She launched a couple and sat down, almost losing consciousness, among the Shakes and birch brooms.
The guest appeared, linked by the feet of a waffle towel. Sofia had and strengthened the thought that she saw him somewhere and more than once, but then he had a couple of such a couple that there was not a single thought left even in an embryo. She came to himself when he had it with cold water, but did not try to intervene in the course of events. He masterfully wrapped in the hayrs, brooms. For the last time, Sophia was only sluggish thought that it was left, it seems that the mother gave birth. Finally, she opened his eyes only when they were already sitting at the tea table, he was in her terry bathrobe, and she was in his bike, to his belch, a night shirt with a shopping handkerchief. She was not at all confident that she was dressed.
He asked:
- What kind of cup?
- Blue.