The most powerful Slavic conspiracies and fortune-telling, which establish powerful protection. Conspiracy to increase sexual attention. Strong conspiracy for the love of a girl

Despite the fact that each person sees luck in his own way, everyone dreams of it. We are trying to attract her in many areas of our life: in love, in business, in health, etc. Attraction can be different: someone asks for their heavenly patrons, and someone buys amulets. Success conspiracies are a universal solution to many problems. They are harmless and simple, at the same time effective and beautiful.

How do rituals work to attract success?

The effect of rituals on success is largely dependent on faith. To attract good luck, you should change the deep structures of the subconscious. A person programmed to fail will not be lucky overnight. Changing the inner state, through magic and faith in yourself, will allow you to let luck and positive thinking in relation to any business into your life. In addition to faith, correctly chosen days, whose energy has been accumulating for centuries, help:, Red Hill Holiday,. The attributes, time and place of the rituals play an important role.

Magic for the success of the conceived

In order for your plan to come true, you can use light magic. A good luck conspiracy is carried out on the growing moon, for this you will need:

  • Red rope.
  • Candle.

Tie 33 knots on the rope, saying with each one: “A knot from the evil eye”, “a knot from a lie”, “… from bad people”, “… from poverty”, “from lack of money”, etc. Your desires will help you to achieve complete protection; you can think of what you want to protect yourself from. Tie a rope around your waist and keep it on for three days. Then put it away in personal belongings, wear it on hard days.

Strong prayer for success at work

It is sometimes difficult for those who work in an organization, in a firm, or whose career is related to service in the public sector, to please the boss and raise the level of career growth. Special prayers will help attract success. They will also help those who are looking for a job and those who have an unhappy streak. To regain success or gain, one should turn to Saint Tryphon. The Christian martyr helps employees and workers cope with problems.

Prayer from the evil boss St. Trifon

“Saint Tryphon! You suffered for our faith, helped and healed people, casting out demons from them, saved people from starvation. Help me, the servant of God, the honest servant (name), not to stay hungry in our difficult times. Cast out the devil from my boss (name) who worships the wrong one, who rejoices at the wrong one. Help your boss to believe in goodness and love his subordinates as himself! May he no longer torment us and harm us. May we find happiness in our place. It's a good deed, a good deed! Amen!".

Prayer for Saint Xenia of Petersburg to find a good job.

Conspiracy for success in business, business and trade

Conspiracies for success in trading are important in these difficult days of volatile financial conditions.

For a hex, you will need:

  • Wooden box.
  • The lock and key are all gold in color.
  • Money (coin).
  • Candles, green.

Buy a key and a lock, then, on the night of the growing moon, put a wooden box on the bottom and pronounce a conspiracy for luck in all commercial matters:

“Money goes to money, and my money goes into my pocket. So be it (we put it). I use the key to lock the lock, my wealth, I increase my money, I don’t trust anyone (we put it in a box, closing the lock) ”.

Place the box in a circle of burning candles and say:

“I keep it and hide it, may luck accompany me in business! Just as amulets will always be with me, so my wealth will always be with me, so success in business affairs will be with me, so the trust and respect of people will only be with me. My words are strong. "

The box should be hidden in the farthest corner, which is located on the left side of the front door. This place is responsible for money: wealth and financial stability of the family.

Other ways to help you trade and make money:

  • A good money talisman is goldfish, which should be in all rooms of your home and office. These can be live and inanimate (figurines) fish. Trade, like any other business, will definitely go well with such amulets.
  • You can also use prayers. Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of trade, to whom you can read them, light candles and order services.

Rite of passage for money and wealth

Runes are considered no less effective; they are drawn or embroidered for daily use at home and office to attract success.

Such a sign is a symbol of wealth, you can wear it around the neck, wear clothes as a talisman in the office.

This sign brings good luck because it symbolizes a lucky chance. It is good to take an amulet for various kinds of transactions related to money.

You will need:

  • Stone from the bottom of the reservoir.
  • Natural paint (for example, henna).

At the bottom of a stream, sea or river, find a small bare stone that will go into a wallet with money, rinse and prepare for a conspiracy. Before moving on to drawing runes, you should pray, drink a few sips of holy water, ask for forgiveness for what you did wrong. In a good mood and fully concentrating on yourself, start drawing the mark. There can be only one pattern per stone. At this moment, you need to think only about success in your business. How everything will turn out well for you, that you were born under a lucky star.

Monetary luck conspiracy:

“Stone, smooth, hard, washed with running water, bleached by the sun's rays, illuminated by the stars, you will give strength and firmness to my words! I trust you with this symbol of my wealth, keep it so that it multiplies in my life, so that there is never a need for it, money flowed to me like the river in which you were washed. Amen!". Always carry this stone with you. Especially when dealing with money.

Rite of passage for good luck in sports and studies

A conspiracy for luck, good luck in sports or study can be read by both the person himself and the mother to her child. Perhaps many will say that this is all superstition, the main thing is work and a serious attitude to what you do. But sometimes, both in sports and in studies, there is not enough luck and luck. A confluence of circumstances serves as a hindrance, or the stars in the sky are somehow not right, but everything is not going along the intended path. It is possible to achieve that prosperity in your favorite field was the norm with the help of light magic. But first of all, one must believe, then success in sports is guaranteed!

Rite of passage for athletes

In the church shop buy a belt "Living Aid". Light a candle to the patron saint of athletes, George and ask for protection. To Nicholas the Wonderworker, light a candle on the creation of a miracle if you have to go to the competition.

On the night when the moon has gained full strength, spread the belt so that it falls completely under its light and read:

“Lord Almighty, my daylight has protected me with power, let the nightlight do it in full measure. Help me and give me the power of the Altyr-Hero, George the Victorious and Ilya Muromets, so that I can be invincible and the strength is immeasurable in me. I am waiting for your blessing and your permission to be a winner for me! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For pupils and students

Thomas Aquinas is considered the patron saint of students, and St. Tatiana of students, it is to them that you should contact. Before performing the rite, it makes sense to order a prayer service in the church in honor of the saints who defend the study.

You will need:

  • Lock and key.
  • Red ribbon.
  • Handkerchief.
  • Candles 5 pieces.

Then purchase a key with a lock and illuminate the church. There, in the shop, buy a church scarf and 4 candles, take one in hand. On the night of the waxing moon, lay out a handkerchief, light candles in the corners, put a lock, key and ribbon in the middle. Read the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God, will go into a clear field, where an oak grows, which with its branches rests on the heavens. In that oak, a storehouse of knowledge is hidden under seven locks. I'll hang my shutter next to me so that my knowledge is always with me and easily given to me. I will tie the shutter with a red ribbon, which will take the bad away from me, and will bring what is necessary for understanding. " I will seal the tape with a wax seal so that no one can break it. My words are strong, true and gaining power like the moon in the sky. Amen!".

Remove the candles, they can be used when reading the daily prayer. You need to wipe yourself with a handkerchief in the morning before school, saying the following words: "God bless and give reason." The lock should be hooked inside the bag (briefcase), and the key should be hidden in a private space. Once every six months, wash the lock under running water and read the slander. In case of loss, thank for everything and purchase a new one.

A simple slander for good studies

A very small amount of salt should be heated in a pan on a full moon and read over it:

“As salt food is tasty, so knowledge is tasty for me! Just as I cannot taste food without salt, I cannot live without knowledge! Salt for food, and knowledge for study. Salt is calcined by fire, but knowledge is attached to me. "

The next morning, pour the salt into a bag and put it in your purse. Always carry with you. Change every quarter. Additionally, you can use stronger ones.

The methods and means for improving the financial situation, in which a person sincerely believes, are very effective and efficient. There are a lot of ways to attract and preserve wealth: these can be simple words spoken in a good hour, or there can be magic rituals with long texts and the use of additional items. However, it is important to consider that a person who reads a prayer or performs a ceremony should have bright thoughts.

Necessary conditions for the ceremony

Each person should remember about the great responsibility before the Lord for the provided prosperity in life. It is important to read thanksgiving prayers and help not only yourself, but also everyone around you.

Conditions that you need to think about for a person reading a prayer or conducting a ritual to gain wealth:

  • Good intentions. To receive help in finding wealth at home, you need to have an open heart. In no case should you bother the higher powers with the aim of revenge on someone, get someone else's or spend money on an illegal acquisition. To get what you want, it is recommended to mentally formulate your request, taking into account the specific goals of further spending. An example would be investing in housing, treatment, education, etc.
  • Spiritual cleansing. Before starting the ritual, one should be spiritually cleansed. Three days before him, it is advisable to get rid of negative thoughts and actions, make peace with everyone, endure a three-day fast, go to church and repent of sins. In this life, you have to pay for everything, so it is recommended to pay voluntarily, by correcting and realizing your actions. If you do not do this, gaining wealth, you can lose something more valuable.
  • Pure thoughts. To obtain money, it is recommended to apply only to ancient strong spells of white magic. Her magical power does not bring harm to other people, she is directed only to bright pure deeds that can improve people's lives. In this, white magic differs from black magic, which can quickly help in achieving one dream, but at the same time make the life of a person and his close relatives and friends almost unbearable. For example, if you resort to witchcraft of black magic to quickly get a large amount, health, happiness in your personal life, or possible subsequent poverty and complete bankruptcy will be the payback.
  • Consistent observance of the conditions of the ceremony. To attract good luck and get wealth, you need to choose the most effective method, which will be the most trusted. To determine it, you should listen to your intuition. It is recommended to perform the ritual accurately, strictly adhering to the given text, acquire the necessary attributes and carry out all the necessary manipulations with them. It is worth paying attention to the specific phase of the moon, day of the week, time of day and the execution system (if any are explained in the manual for the ceremony).
  • Strict secret. In order to properly carry out the ceremony to attract money and do everything possible to fulfill the desire, you must keep all your actions in complete secrecy. It cannot be opened even to the closest people. Magical manifestations operate according to the principle: the told secret is no longer a secret. That is why all actions and even incredible efforts will be useless if someone else finds out about them.
  • Execution speed. The most important aspect in trying to quickly change your financial situation is the desire to do it instantly. It is worth constantly remembering that this rite is only a request from the Lord for help in achieving the goal and in no case is it a guarantee of unquestioning fulfillment of desires. Therefore, you should not complain every day that everything was done correctly, and that nothing has changed. Even the fastest-acting conspiracy may be fulfilled later or not at all. In this case, there are no definite guarantees, but it is recommended not to lose hope and, if desired, try the actions of other rituals.

Black magic can lead to unpredictable consequences for a person and his loved ones. In order not to mistakenly use the black conspiracy, you should pay attention to the text of the prayer or spell. In the white version, the appeal will be directed to the Lord, the Saints, as well as to nature, but with a positive connotation. It is strongly not recommended to appeal to the dark forces, to use the blood, dead creatures, earth from the graves during the ceremony. You should also avoid graveyards.

Effective ways to attract money

Ancient conspiracies, prayers, effective rituals and ceremonies will help improve your financial situation. The most effective ones will be those that will make the most powerful impression.

Money can be attracted in simple words, spoken from the heart and with a cherished desire to receive it. For example, following a flock of migratory birds, you can say "How many feathers are born on them, so much money in my wallet is not transferred." The words spoken when looking at heavy rain will be effective: "As you sow richly, so I will be rich." You can pronounce similar words coming from the heart, looking at a large number of leaves on a tree, needles on a pine tree, sand in the sea, etc. - that is, at objects that allow you to associate them with the amount of money.

Orthodox prayers addressed to Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, John of Sochavsky wholeheartedly with the performance of obligatory preparation for 3 days have tremendous power in attracting wealth and good luck. If there is absolutely not enough time for a three-day fast, repentance and truce, and money is urgently needed, you can proceed to the ceremony, bypassing this preparation. Such an action will be perceived by higher powers as a loan. To pay for it, you need to read the prayers "Our Father", "Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice" and other favorite prayers to choose from. Then fast not for 3 days, but more, be sure to visit the church, give alms and ask all the offended for forgiveness.

Conspiracy texts can be aimed at attracting material wealth with the help of amulets and charms. Objects are spoken in certain words, after which they are constantly worn by the owner or folded in certain places. A coin, pebble, small souvenir or other small object can be used as an amulet or amulet. There can also be a ceremony with a bay leaf. Amulets are carried in a bag, wallet, placed in the workplace and serve to attract money. Amulets can be located in the same places, but their function is not so much to attract money as protection from external encroachments. They protect existing income from envy, evil eye and damage.

Rites for solid enrichment

There are situations that require a certain amount almost without delay. These include sudden illness, debt resolution, and other emergency situations where the loss of time threatens with negative consequences. For this situation, a ritual is required that works in a day, after the words spoken, actions immediately follow, entailing money. It is necessary to make every effort to make the desired come true.

This ritual is one of the least difficult, but at the same time it allows you to get a pretty decent amount in monetary terms. It will require three green candles and an icon of Jesus Christ or the Holy Trinity. At noon of any day, you need to cover the table with a tablecloth, put candles and an icon. Light the candles, read a prayer three times in front of the icon and wait for the candles to burn out until small stubs. Wax from them can be carried in a wallet, bag, money storage, desktop, etc.

Prayer text:

To become the happy owner of a large amount of money, it is recommended to use the ancient proven Romanian magic ritual. This ceremony has helped several generations and has proven itself from the best side.

To carry out this ceremony, you will need a small clay pot and three coins of any denomination. During the new moon period, it is necessary to put coins in a pot, placed in a place of honor, and say a simple prayer three times:

For nine days, the pot should be replenished daily with three coins, while reading the same words. Then it is enough to replenish it once a week until the wish comes true.

Bulgarian monetary rite from Vanga

In the event that money is not urgently needed, but for the implementation of global plans (for example, for the purchase of real estate in the future, for study, travel, the acquisition of cherished vehicles, clothes, jewelry, furniture, etc.), it is recommended to spend a Bulgarian money rite of passage.

The famous Bulgarian healer Vanga is known for her predictions all over the world. Her conspiracy to gain money is very popular and has miraculous powers. To carry it out, you need to take a piece of sheep's fur or wool, read a prayer over it three times and hide it in a secluded place. Money will be found throughout the year, then it is recommended to repeat the conspiracy.

The conspiracy text is as follows:

Powerful conspiracies

In the case of general material disorder, you should pay attention to the rituals of a periodic nature, which should be carried out constantly throughout life. These include prayers on the new moon, on the growing moon, on the full moon.

This magic ritual is performed on odd days of the waxing moon from midnight to 3 am. A banknote or gold coin is said in prayer three times, hidden in the southeast corner of the house for 12 days. At the end of this period, the money must be spent.

Prayer text:

The full moon spell is also effective. Magical actions should be carried out on a moonlit night, when the sky is not covered with clouds, and the moon illuminates the earth like a huge lantern. It is to this moonlight that you need to show twelve coins, say a prayer seven times and put the spell objects in your wallet. After the ceremony, the coins can be spent along with the rest of the money.

The text of the prayer to be said seven times:

Another way to bring prosperity to life is to hold a ceremony on the new moon. In the first days of the young month, it is necessary to take spring water (if there is none, you can use the water poured from the tap), say a prayer over it three times and sprinkle this water on a wallet, piggy bank or other place to store money. This is a very powerful Slavic spell that is many years old.

Money conspiracies and magic rituals will surely help people who really need money or are pursuing good goals for which the required amount is not enough. In order for the actions to be effective, you must sincerely believe in your dream, try to mentally imagine its complete fulfillment and make every effort to concentrate your attention while performing the ceremony. Then the angels will pick up the application, convey it to the higher powers, and material well-being will come much faster than expected.

The money magic of money keeps very strong conspiracies to attract money into your life, which until recently were available only to the most elite, but with the advent of the Internet, everyone can now independently conduct a ritual to raise money at home and do it completely free of charge. If a need has come and your financial capabilities are very poor, read one of the presented conspiracies to attract money to your home and your life, having received big money, will quickly change for the better. The oldest and most powerful conspiracy to attract money... To conduct a ritual at home to raise money, you will need two glasses of wheat, a glass of holy water and a church candle of yellow wax. On the growing moon, as soon as vespers in the church ends, go to the window holding a glass of holy water in your left hand and a lighted candle in your right and say conspiracy words to attract money:

Trade conspiracies: for business luck to be read on your own.

All the most powerful and proven conspiracies for trade and good luck in business will help to successfully establish trade relations. Ordinary people from mouth to mouth passed on the words of conspiracies and prayers for trade, which miraculously helped merchants in their affairs. Now almost a quarter of the population is employed in the trade business, which means that successful trade and the ability to profitably sell any product will bring maximum income. Magic helped many in any life situation with the help of conspiracies. Businessmen have long turned to magicians and psychics for help, it was so before, and even under the rulers there were court magicians, but why unnecessary spending? Read the oldest trade conspiracies on your own and see how your business goes up the hill.

The strongest prayer for trading

Merchants and merchants at all times appealed to the help of the world of spirits and gods, wishing to improve trade relations and the circulation of money. In our world of machines and technology, people are increasingly returning to the ancient origins of magic. So today, for good luck in business, it is worth starting your day by reading the strongest prayer for trade to the Guardian Angel, which was read by successful merchants in ancient Russia and the text of which has come down to our days from one remote Siberian village called Kolyvan.

The magic of attracting money and good luck, money will always be found

With the help of magic, you can become much richer and there are a great many ways to get rich, you can win the lottery, find a large sum of money or receive an inheritance from a distant relative unknown to you ... The magic of attracting money will make sure that you will always have money! In all the peoples of the World there are secret magical rites and traditions that attract money: the gypsy magic of money and the magic of other cultures used secret ancient rituals and rituals on amulets, which made their owners fabulously rich and influential people.

Prayer for trade

This the strongest prayer for trade which was passed by word of mouth and is able to sell any product very quickly with the greatest profit for you. Do not be afraid to resort to reading this conspiracy - a prayer and if you are a salesman by profession, a conspiracy prayer for trade can be read as many times as necessary (at least every day).

If you need to sell something quickly, and even profitable, go to church, light a candle to any Saint who is closer to your heart and pray.After reading the following prayer for trade:

The works of the Lord, His pure lips will pray for me. My Lord, Lord, with the faith of my soul help, multiply all my deeds for trade: In the money changer and purchase, and in all that

Existing trade conspiracies

For trade workers who want to increase the number of sales and faster turnover, there is a love spell acting on successful trade, so that money turns around and multiplies faster. To carry out a magical ceremony, we need coarse salt. This conspiracy to trade is immensely powerful and works with lightning speed. Memorize it and every morning, going to trade, read the conspiracy 12 times for a handful of salt that you need to hold in your hand.

Conspiracy to trade

When luck in trade has turned away, you need to read a conspiracy for good trade, which will have a strong effect and very quickly the trade will improve and the business will go up again. The white magic of Vanga recommends reading this strong conspiracy for trade and conducting a special ceremony after which the goods will sell well and luck in trade will never leave you and you should not be afraid to use witchcraft on trade for its prosperity. You must perform the magic rite on your own for good trade and read the conspiracy for trade from Vanga's book on a handkerchief, sugar and salt, which, after reading, need to be thrown into the water, after which your trade will go very well and good luck in business will always accompany you!

Black magic ritual - a conspiracy to trade and a quick profit from the money invested

The ritual for a successful business investment should be performed strictly on the full moon. Light a green church candle on the table. Rub the black candle from the wick to the base with lamp oil. Then rub oil on a white candle and scribble your initials on the bottom of the candle.

CONSPIRACY WANG MONEY. The Vanga conspiracy money will always be

Today we will once again touch upon the magic of money, namely, Vanga's advice and conspiracies for money. If you perform this magical ritual of attracting money, then you will always have finances. The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer Vanga will help you solve the problem of how to attract money every day, following her advice, you will live in prosperity and wealth. Today we will once again touch upon the magic of money, namely Vanga's conspiracies for money. If you perform this magical ritual of attracting money, then you will always have finances.

The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer Vanga will help you solve such a problem as to attract money. To perform the ritual, pour water into glassware and Speak a conspiracy on water aloud a conspiracy for money online:

There are many effective and most powerful conspiracies for money and wealth, today We will tell you how to properly conduct a conspiracy for money that will help you get rich and make sure that money in your wallet is always found and never ends. Money conspiracies are very popular and have helped people for centuries. Having performed this magic ritual and having read the money conspiracy, wealth and big money will come from the most unexpected places: finds, bonuses, successful deals in business, etc. Before reading a conspiracy for money, know and follow these rules. Before reading the conspiracy for money for the moon, know and follow the following rules. The conspiracy to the moon, which is spoken during the day, should be directed towards the sun; in the evening - to the west towards the setting sun. The full moon money conspiracy must be pronounced loudly (if you are alone) or quietly


Today we will teach you how to do the strongest correctly conspiracy for money and wealth. This magic ritual can be performed only on weekdays, that is, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and leave Saturday and Sunday for prayer in the church. You should know that the conspiracy for money is strong and you need to read it with full concentration and in complete solitude and in no case tell ANYONE that you performed a ritual to attract money and wealth. As mentioned earlier, a strong and fast conspiracy for money and wealth is read on any weekday of the week, you just need to insert this day of the week into a money conspiracy. This is what a conspiracy for money and wealth sounds like:

A conspiracy for a loan to be approved will help you immediately get a consumer loan and take cash from a bank under the most favorable conditions - a low interest rate (favorable interest rate on a loan). The conspiracy for good luck to give a loan or borrow money is so strong that even a bad credit history "CI" will not prevent you from getting credit money from any bank that gives consumer loans to the population and approval without a CI check will be accepted immediately after you read this strong conspiracy. You urgently need money and you don’t know which banks give urgent loans, don’t waste your time, start reading the loan approval conspiracy and without leaving your computer you can apply online to several banks and you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly the conspiracy for obtaining a loan without verification will work credit history.

A conspiracy to receive money and a loan will help people who, for various reasons, cannot get it, constantly bumping into a bank refusal. What to do if you need cash, of course, turn to the magic of money for help and attract good luck in all financial matters.

Conspiracies and prayers for headaches

Overcome headaches, and the government has also banned the sale of strong headache drugs without a doctor's prescription ... a prayer for a headache will help to speak the pain - these are time-tested ways to quickly get rid of a headache and sharp pain of varying severity... We will not discuss the causes of headaches and give lectures, so as not to provoke another headache attack, but we will immediately move on to proven and helpful miraculous magical methods and tell you about conspiracies and prayers that will help to speak independently and quickly the pain and relieve the spasm from the head.

How to forget a loved one conspiracy

A conspiracy to forget the person you still love is safe and quite suitable for independent reading. Previously, when people parted on the initiative of one person, the second was not easy sadness longing tormented the wounded heart, and in order to somehow alleviate this suffering, people turned to magic and read strong conspiracies to forget and stop loving a loved one with whom they need to quickly part. Whoever disagreed with loved ones at least once knows that the hardest thing after parting is to forget the one with whom nothing already connects and to erase from memory those wonderful minutes that you were together, it is best to cope with this task the next conspiracy - the cold that has been kept for many centuries and read for just such an occasion. This conspiracy is read in a chant before washing and after washing for three days in a row, conspiracy words to forget a loved one and no longer miss him and miss such

Conspiracy to get a profitable loan

The conspiracy to get a profitable loan according to the stories of people has helped many, perhaps it will help you too. The magical assistance in obtaining a loan with a bad credit history is becoming a very popular rite of passage among those who cannot get a loan. For a long time mankind communicated with usurers (people who gave a loan against a receipt from private individuals), it was then that conspiracies for obtaining a loan appeared. Our time has come, and the magic of money is also in demand and helps to get money in debt. Mages are increasingly offering help: I ​​will help you get a loan using a magical rite, but before spending money for this service, look at this conspiracy to get a loan:

Garlic conspiracy

Try to carry out an old rite by reading the strongest conspiracy for garlic. Many books have been written about the magical properties of garlic and quite a few films have been filmed, garlic is actively used by folk medicine for a variety of purposes, and it is also included in the list of fat burners. Next, you will find out the conspiracy for garlic for weight loss. Go to the bazaar and buy one of the largest heads of garlic. Arriving home, you need to clean each lobule and take an odd number of lobules (if there is an odd number of lobules in the head, take everything, if even, do not use one, throw it out the window). Peeled cloves of garlic must be finely chopped with a knife (do not crush them in a garlic press).
While cutting the cloves, read the garlic conspiracy to lose weight:

Reconciliation conspiracy

A quarrel with a person always causes regret and a desire to return relations to their former course, but a feeling of pride ... Magicians have been appreciated at all times, even in the modern world, people turn to magical help: conspiracies, love spells ... We have already told how with the help of magic and conspiracy of reconciliation would not be complete if it were not for teaching you how to end a quarrel and forcing any person to take the first step towards restoring a relationship, even if you were wrong.

Conspiracies to attract money

Earlier, only a select few could read the conspiracies that attract money on their own, time is money and now you can become richer and attract big money into your life if you independently read the conspiracy to attract money into your life. The magic of money reveals the secrets of getting rich quick only for a select few, but you can also try your hand. We will tell you the ancient conspiracies that attract money, after performing a magical ritual, the cash flow will flow to you as an endless river. We have already published magical ways for you how to become rich and quickly get a lot of money... Today you will learn one of the most ancient magical rituals for attracting money wealth and are sure that if you do everything correctly, a conspiracy that attracts money will make you rich.

Slavic magic

The secret magic of the Slavic peoples brought to us the strongest magic rituals. Slavic magic and ancient conspiracies helping from troubles and ailments helped our ancestors and now you have the opportunity to comprehend this secret of the Slavic family. Below we will introduce you to the conspiracies of the ancient rebellious peoples who proudly call themselves the Slavs and who venerated the Gods and Spirits, bringing them gifts and receiving in return help and protection from the Higher powers of the Earth.

Slavic magic conspiracies for all occasions

Simoron wish fulfillment

Today you will learn how to fulfill your most varied desires with the help of Simoron's methodology based on psycho-training. Each of you knows that the power of words and the power of thought have tremendous power and carry information through space and time. Simoron is a separate branch of the magic of ancient Europe, but it received this name already in our time. Since its inception, the "simorona" technique has been used as a psychological training, one might even say a pendulum, after the launch of which, it attracts the energy of other people

Practical magic of love

What tricks the girls did not go to in order to get married and bewitch their betrothed. Since ancient times, practical magic has contained the largest section after healing conspiracies, this is the magic of love. Secret ancient love spells of a loved one have survived to this day and today the love magic of ancient magicians will open for you and you will comprehend the ancient power of a love conspiracy that can bewitch any young man you like and marry him to yourself. If you need to bind a guy to yourself forever, it is best to use a love spell for menstruation, blood magic is the strongest and this is not accidental.

Gypsy money magic

Gypsies strongly worship magic talismans and amulets and firmly believe in their power. Their goal is very different: some attract money, others - the strongest , the third - protect from troubles, etc.
Ancient gypsy money magic uses the following magic rituals and ceremonies to attract money.If you are in need of money, use the ancient magical way to attract money and wealth.:

Black magic conspiracies

People come to black magic when all the possibilities have been tested and there is no other solution to the situation that has arisen. We have collected secret conspiracies of black magic of ancient sorcerers and witches that will help you solve any case in your favor. The ancients rarely used conspiracies of black magic, so before you start this or that practical black ritual, think if you can solve the problem in another way. The first magic ritual of the ancient magicians that we will tell is plots of black magic:

Vanga conspiracy for good luck

Wanga revealed to people good conspiracies for good luck in all matters, they are really working and tested by many people who independently happened to read this strong conspiracy for good luck in life told by Wanga. A good luck conspiracy, according to Vanga, makes a person who has performed a magical rite a real lucky and very lucky person. Immediately after performing a magical rite, luck goes hand in hand with the conspiratorial person, and former failures will sink into the past. Today you will learn how to do a magic ritual and learn how to perform Vanga conspiracy for good luck.

A conspiracy that awakens fortune - good luck is read early in the morning, before the morning service in the church, after having washed with running water. No wonder they say: Whoever gets up early - God gives him. To independently read Vanga's strong good luck conspiracy, which is done at home, take a wide ceramic vessel and pour water at room temperature into it, then say the words of the good luck conspiracy over the vessel:

High pressure conspiracies

If you have hypertension and headache has become almost daily, be aware that conspiracies from high blood pressure will help lower blood pressure without pills and quickly restore health without pills. Healing with conspiracies and prayers was practiced at all times, herbalists, healers and sorcerers at all times helped people and prepared infusions and decoctions on herbs, some witches read conspiracies for water after which the headache and weakness quickly went away and never returned. Modern people have forgotten these methods, and today healing magic will help you with the help of a quick and effective conspiracy to get rid of such problems as hypertension and regular high blood pressure. The prayers below will help you lower your blood pressure and you will surely feel relief after reading them.

Prayer for high pressure addressed to Saint Alexander

Conspiracy to win the lottery

If you read the conspiracy to win the lottery, you can very quickly win the biggest prize. Not for nothing in money magic, until recently, this fastest way to become richer and get a lot of money was kept under great secret. Luck will help us to win the lottery, which we will magically call upon by making the next plot to win the lottery, but you need to spend a little money and buy a winning lottery ticket, which will make you richer. A conspiracy to win the lottery will help win money or another prize. The winning conspiracy given in this article does not help everyone and not everyone, but if you try to fulfill all the conditions of the magical ritual, you may be lucky because such strong conspiracies to win big in the lottery or lotto can bring you quick money and good luck in the game.

Conspiracy to dream of a guy

The desire to dream of a beloved guy who pleases arises in many, but not many people know that this can be done with the help of magic if you read a simple conspiracy before going to bed. If you want to remind your beloved about yourself and come to him in a dream, a strong and very old one will help you. a conspiracy to dream of a guy... This magic ritual was used by girls who wanted to see their lover as soon as possible, who for a number of reasons did not see you for a long time. After reading the next conspiracy, the beloved man, seeing you in a dream, wants to see you in reality sooner. Managing other people's dreams is a witchcraft based mostly on visualization.

Conspiracy to dream of a guy you need to do the following magic ritual.

Conspiracy how to remove the belly

Many do not know how to quickly remove fat from the abdomen and problem areas using magic, and this is not difficult to do if you read a conspiracy for losing weight and getting rid of fat and you do not need to go anywhere, you need to read the conspiracy at home! Fat on the sides and abdomen are the most problematic areas and if you do not know how to restore them, a conspiracy that can remove the belly and excess fat will help you. Our ancestors used the magic of beauty and these secrets have come down to us. If you need to quickly remove the belly, magic will help. This is the simplest ceremony for those who do not know how to lose weight and how to remove the belly. To do this, you need every time you wash your hands, speak a strong conspiracy how to remove the belly

Conspiracy to win a case in court

In modern society, litigation has become commonplace. Here are regular readers asked for a strong conspiracy to win cases in court. Many people know the situation when neighbors go to court for any reason - a flooded ceiling or a rudely spoken phrase. A spousal or business relationship may end in court proceedings, i.e. everyone can become both defendants and accused. We have selected the most powerful and at the same time simple conspiracies and rituals to win a case in court.

If you are summoned to court and charged... In order to ruin the case of the enemy, do the following magic rite, after which any case will be a winning one.

Conspiracies for children

We have selected a collection of magic conspiracies for children. In it you will find conspiracies for sleep, from fear, from diseases of children. I am sure that you will use these conspiracies for children more than once. Children are very mobile and it is not uncommon for them to bleed from overwork. These magical rituals will help not only a child, but also an adult. You can stop the bleeding from the nose with a simple magical action that does not require any conspiracies. To do this, take the most ordinary scissors into the hand from the nostril with which blood flows, and raise your hand above your head (behind your head), throwing your head back or lie down. For insect bites children most often brush themselves until they bleed. This is a conspiracy for children and adults to bite

Conspiracies for the birth of a child

My husband and I decided to give birth to a child, but it does not work to get pregnant. Before running to the doctors, perform a magic rite and read the old conspiracy to have a child... After carrying out this ritual, it turned out to become pregnant even for those to whom modern medicine prophesied hopelessness.

If you want to safely get pregnant and have a baby, take a long rope made of natural material (cotton, hemp, etc.) and tie a knot on it for forty days at midnight, each time reading from memory conspiracy to have a child.

Queues of people lined up for Vanga, each of whom strove to get an appointment with the seer with his own personal misfortune. To help, Wanga not only read prayers and conspiracies herself, but also taught people to carry out rituals on their own.

The seer devoted her whole life to helping people, specially chose the strongest prayers and effective conspiracies in order to convey their words to the suffering. With the help of the cherished words, many who were converted were healed, while others acquired what they desired.

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    Conspiracies from Vanga for all occasions

    There are daily prayers to help maintain the existing well-being, but if trouble comes, special words need to be used. The same applies to individual life situations. In order to have a beneficial effect on the development of events, it is necessary to read conspiracies or prayers, drawn up specifically for a particular case.

    In her parting words, Wanga always pointed out that the words of the prayers should be pronounced with sincere faith, and not only in difficult situations, but also in everyday life. If the conspiracy required a special ritual, she taught the correct actions.

    The most powerful prayers and conspiracies for every day

    To attract good luck and financial well-being, Vanga advised to pray to the Bright Angel daily. The words of the prayer are as follows:

    “A Light Angel looking at us from above. Before you I will bow, I will turn to you with a request. Help me find good luck and get rich, I'm not looking for wealth for the sake of evil, but to live a calm and secure life. Bright angel, my fate depends on your help, as the sun is important for the light, so your help is important to me. Give me luck, for the sake of everything, please, bring it, amen. " You can read the prayer at any time of the day.

    So that diseases and ailments bypass the house, Vanga conveyed a powerful prayer conspiracy to appeal to the Mother of God:

    “Most Holy Theotokos, glory. May joy and happiness fill my house. Let illness and misfortune pass me by. Hide me from sorrows and sorrows, and grant me love and tranquility. May your name and kindness be glorified. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Reading a prayer helps to believe in healing to those in need, and removes illness from healthy people. You can pray both daily and during certain periods of exacerbation of diseases.

    In order for luck to accompany all endeavors, Vanga advised turning to all the saints with the words of the following prayer:

    “God's saints, patron saints! I humbly ask you for protection and help. Bring your holy prayers to Jesus Christ for me, a sinful servant (called your name). Beg him for repentance for my sins, for a good share and earthly happiness. Through your prayers, I will receive the lot of my share, protection from sorrows and diseases. Let my heart be filled with heavenly love, and my soul - with joy. My feet will walk the path of the righteous, and will lead to the heavenly abode of my heavenly father. Do not reject my humble request in the name of our Lord and Savior. Amen".

    This prayer is suitable for all occasions.

    Special cases

    If a person turned to Vanga with a special situation when it was necessary to attract love or money, get married, find a good job or help develop a business, the seer told how this could be done.

    If conspiracies require not only reading, but also the observance of a special ritual, all the necessary actions must be strictly performed, otherwise the fulfillment of the desired one may not wait. To solve a personal problem, you can conduct a separate ceremony, which is aimed precisely at fulfilling a cherished desire.

    Conspiracy to attract money

    The ritual is performed on an empty stomach at sunrise. To attract money, you need to put a glass of consecrated water in front of you, a plate with pieces of black bread and read the plot three times:

    “If the Lord was able to feed all the hungry with bread, then he will help my family as well. I wish you not need anything, and that there is always food and prosperity in the house. Show me the path to wealth and I promise that I will spend my money wisely. "

    After reading, you need to drink water, and serve bread for breakfast to family members. In order for the conspiracy to work, you cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed.

    For a good job

    To find a pay job or get a promotion, you need to take a loose, dry piece of bark of any tree on Wednesday and bring it home. The place where the tree grows should be remembered. At home, put a handful of ripe raspberries on a plate. Take a few berries and rub into the bark until it turns red. After dyeing, you need to write the name of the employing company and your own name on the bark, and then take the bark back to the tree and bury it under it.

    Back home, you need to eat the leftover raspberries, thinking about your new position and reading the following words: "May my career ripen like raspberries."

    It is especially good to perform such a ceremony before the interview. If the day of the ritual is Wednesday, and the day of the interview coincides, then the success from conspiracy words increases many times over.

    For love

    To return love to the house or to attract the attention of a loved one, you need to pray to Saint Matrona. Vanga advised reading the words of a prayer to the growing moon, if love was there, but faded away. If you need to find or attract feelings, reading is carried out during the new moon:

    “Matrona, Mother, hear my prayer for love and happiness. I, the Servant of God (called my name), trust in you with all my soul. Send me true and mutual love, so that I rejoice on Earth, as you do in Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

    To get married

    Lonely girls, women and widows who want to get married, Vanga advised keeping rounded stones and shells in the house. It doesn't matter if it is a gemstone or an ordinary one, the main thing is that it is smooth. As the seer said, admiring and stroking rounded objects not only attracts grooms, but also promotes early marriage and pregnancy.

    To enhance the effect of stones and shells, Vanga recommended praying to Nicholas the Wonderworker. The words of the prayer are as follows:

    “Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most splendid Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, sinful and sad, in this present life, pray to the Lord God for granting me the forgiveness of all my sins that have greatly sinned from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings, and in the exodus of my soul with help , accursed, pray to the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, to save me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, but I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

    If it was not the girl herself who addressed, but her mother, desperate to marry her daughter, the seer told her the following words for prayer:

    “Oh, all-holy Nicholas, most splendid saint of the Lord. During your lifetime, you never refused anyone's requests, but do not refuse the servant of God (the name of your daughter is called). Send down your mercy and ask the Lord for her early marriage. I surrender myself to the will of the Lord and trust in his mercy. Amen. "

    In such matters, Wanga always gave good advice, argued that the prayers of parents for the well-being of children are of great power. When a lonely girl turned for help, the seer advised not only to read prayers herself, but also to ask her parents to pray for her happy marriage.

    For a successful trade

    They turned to Vanga not only with troubles and illnesses, very often entrepreneurs also visited her, who could not get things right:

    • If a person informed the seer that his goods were good and that the place for trade was promising, but sales were not going, Vanga advised to carry an acorn plucked from an oak tree, speaking with the following words: “As an oak grows from an acorn, so my profit grows ... As the oak is covered with leaves, so my profit is multiplied. As the oak is powerful, strong and durable, so my work is powerful, strong and durable. Leaves rustle, all the people make people happy, and money rustles in my wallet, they make me happy. " Such an acorn will quickly help in business, attract reliable partners and generous buyers.
    • Another effective way is to speak a coin with the number 5: “Money, you are smooth, round, there is no end to my money, so there is no end to buyers for my goods - everyone goes and goes, they don’t know how to rest, they don’t let me get bored, they force me to sell, all they carry money, they take my goods and take them. " The charmed coin must be carried in the wallet for a month, then spend and carry out the ceremony with a new coin until the trade picks up the necessary momentum.
    • If the business previously brought good profit, and then fell into decay, the seer recommended praying to Jesus Christ: “Lord Jesus Christ, hallowed be Thy name! Help me, a sinner, in my deeds. Help the sale and purchase to be established honestly and profitably. In the holy name of the Archangel Michael, I exhibit my goods, offer them to merchants. May my work be holy and pure. Save, save and bless, Lord, I ask that all Your saints, all angels and archangels pray for me so that I can conduct a happy and prosperous trade for the good of people and for the glory of the Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen. " This prayer is very helpful if you read it before entering the door of the enterprise, store or office in which the business is conducted.

    The seer advised to use conspiracies and prayers only for good purposes, and share the increased profits with the poor.


    Wanga healed many patients, but she could not help everyone personally, therefore she conveyed very strong conspiracies and prayers to people that help heal diseases. For healing, as well as to maintain existing health, the healer advised using a prayer that can be read at any time of the day:

    “I wake up, crossing myself, washing myself with holy water, rubbing my garment-shroud, I will pray to the Lord God. I will go out from door to door, from gate to gate under the morning dawn of Mary, to the ocean to the sea. On the okey-sea, the golden stone does not sink and does not whine, the servant of God (the name is called) did not have a rear, did not ache, the tumor did not raise upward, it would survive from under the nails, from under the elbows, from under the ribs, from under the shuttered vein, from under the inverted vein, there would not have been all the tracts, all the pristolischev, there would not have been all twelve birthplaces, it would have dried up, so it would have disappeared from the servant of God (the name is called), there would be neither in the bones nor in the joints, neither in a violent head, nor in a ruddy face, nor in clear eyes, nor in black eyebrows, and from all over his body, and from all over his penis. Morning dawn Mary, evening dawn of Maremyan, as you soon calmed down, calmed down, so the servant of God (the name is called) calmed down, all sorrows and pains calmed down, birthplaces, tracts dry up, disappear all twelve birthplaces. And be my words strong and molding, stronger than a stone, faster than a violent wind. Till the end of time. Amen. "

    The period for reading prayers for health should be chosen depending on the state of the person. If words are pronounced to heal a sick person, they must be read on the waning moon. When the prayer is said to maintain and strengthen health - for the growing month. You can say prayers for health both for yourself and for another person. Wanga always advised to pray for your loved ones, even if they are unbelievers. The words of prayers spoken sincerely will always be heard from above, regardless of the religion of the person asking and those for whom they are asking.

    For medicines

    When making infusions and decoctions from medicinal herbs, as well as during the preparation of medicines, the healer advised to pronounce the following words:

    “I will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the east. In the eastern side there is a golden stone, on a golden stone stands God's Apostolic Cathedral Church, and in this God's Apostolic Cathedral Church sits Father Michael the Archangel with the Mother of the Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos, with Catherine the Martyr and with all the power of heaven. And I, the servant of God (the name is called), will come closer, bow lower, pray, ask and repent: - Father Michael the Archangel with the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, with Catherine the Martyr and with your heavenly power, let me down with thunder and prayers; beat off and shoot from the servant of God (the name is called) lessons and ghosts, pinches and aches, strains and yawns, and a wind-carrying ulcer, where a winged bird does not fly, and a daring fellow on a horse does not drive, counter and transverse, stam and lomovo, internally, spicy, skinny and skinny. As a dead dead man's arms and legs, teeth and lips, a fluttering body prickle, so would (the name is called) lessons and ghosts and tides, pinches and aches, strains and yawns, and a wind-carrying ulcer, counter and transverse, stam and lomovo, inwardly, spontaneously, skin-tightly and veinly. "

    On the water

    To wash the patient, you need to speak clean spring water and leave it overnight next to the icons:

    “Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Resurrect, Lord, with your resurrection! From the scary, cross, from the dashing have mercy, Lord, the servant of God (pronounced the name), whether from the inflow, from the inflow mother, the servant of God (pronounced the name) became. The servant of God (the name is pronounced) got up, blessed, went, crossing himself, out of the hut with doors, out of the courtyard with the gates, and went out into the open field. In an open field there is a blue sea, on that blue sea there is a quiet backwater, on that on a quiet one at a factory a gray gogol floats, on that one on a gray gogol does not hold water or dew. Also, on the servant of God (the name is pronounced) neither lessons, nor ghosts, nor dashing slanders, nor windy shots and nocturnal commotions would be held. Go all into the dark forests, dry trees, de people do not walk, de livestock do not wander, de birds do not fly, de beasts do not go. Forever and ever, amen. "

    Vanga advised to wash the patient with such water every morning, pour out the remains on the street, and start talking a new portion of water at night.


    It should be noted that the seer did not practice black magic. All conspiracies and prayers from Vanga to magic have nothing to do with it. Wanga based her help only on appeals to God and the saints. During the rituals, the seer recommended fasting, read any prayers and conspiracies only with bright thoughts and the belief that they will be heard.

Conspiracies have been known for a very long time and are often used in a variety of situations. One of the most popular is a conspiracy for the love of a man. After all, such a ritual really works and often in ancient times both wise and rich men were seduced. After all, the victim herself cannot understand what is happening to him. With the help of a love spell, you can evoke both light sympathy and crazy love, it all depends on the correctness of the conspiracy. Over the years, this secret knowledge has already been well studied and now every girl can apply it, regardless of her gift and abilities. It is enough to follow all the rules described below.

Attention! When making a conspiracy on a man, be sure that you are ready to connect life with him. After all, if you stop loving him, then he can spend his life trying to achieve you. Also, at first, under the influence of a conspiracy, a man becomes quite aggressive, because strong feelings are found on him that he cannot explain.

There are hundreds of conspiracy on a loved one, some are strong, others do not work at all. In this material, we have cited all the strongest and most effective conspiracies for a man.

Where did it come from

Various conspiracies have come to us from forgotten ancient times. Then, when the people for the most part believed in various miracles. Among the common people there were those who, in the opinion of others, possessed magical knowledge of abilities. They were mostly elderly women.

They turned to them in order to return or bewitch the groom and even asked for a cure for ailments. The main instrument of labor of such witches was a conspiracy, which they began to read whenever it was necessary to save someone from a problem. Maybe something coincided or really conspiracies acted and could awaken love in a man, but people believed and resorted to this method again and again.

Below is a conspiracy to use when you want to re-ignite the fire of passion and love in the heart of a lost man. It is advisable to read it on someone with whom you already had some kind of relationship.

On the image of the desired object

Reading these words, you need to imagine as realistically as possible the face of a loved one.

“I call on love in my heart (name), I kindle the fire of passion in his soul! Go love in the heart of (name) and stay there, forever and ever! Let his feelings for me (name) flare up with a hot flame, let him reach out to me and strive, let him wish to unite with me for the rest of his life! To all their

Conspiracy for the girl

"As a person cannot live without water and food, so God's servant (name) cannot live and be neither day nor night, without God's slave (name) of his half."

The following example is suitable for mature women, or at least for those who have reached the age of majority. With the help of this love spell in a man, you can kindle lust and passion of such strength that he will not be able to calm these feelings.

Conspiracy to increase sexual attention

“All women are fools. Their manners are bad. All dresses are scarce. I entered, a peacock, a red maiden. She took her eyes - she gathered all the men. Wherever I go, they follow me. And my beloved (name) is more than anyone else! "

Attention! Such a love spell is very powerful, so you should very carefully choose the object whose you need to turn in your direction.

Strong, sturdy conspiracy

“You are one bed. There are two of us with the servant of God (name), and with you - three! As God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit are inseparable and one, so may we all three be one! Bed, you are soft and even, bring peace to our life, take away treason! May it be so. May it be so! May it be so!"

These words allow you to bewitch the heart of a man firmly and forever. They should be read early in the morning at dawn.

The power of a word

It is not by chance that it is believed that it is always worth thinking before you say something. After all, words undoubtedly have an effect on what is happening around. Words create certain sound vibrations in the atmosphere. And it can't go to waste.

It's just that not everyone is given to understand these subtlest matters, which make it possible, with the help of verbal plexuses, to program certain course of certain events. It is on this principle that the conspiracy is based. Having learned to pronounce words in a certain way, you can perform the love spell ritual yourself.

But for words to work, they don't always have to be read aloud. It is worth remembering at least the prayers. Many believers repeat them to themselves. And - it works. You always need to correctly form your thoughts. No wonder they say that they are material. In a way, we can assume that the most correctly formed mental algorithm is a kind of conspiracy. Whether for love, for good luck or for the accomplishment of some events, it all depends on the desires and needs of each individual individual.

It is worth remembering that at the time of casting spells, you need to especially closely monitor your thoughts. When pronouncing magic words aimed at a love spell, at this moment you need to think only about "Him" and about the love that is required to receive from him.

Reading rules

Falling in love with a man with the help of conspiracies or prayers is a very real thing. The main thing is to take a responsible attitude to the choice of the ritual. "Black" conspiracies for love, directed to dark forces, help to achieve a more noticeable effect in a relatively short time, but they are dangerous in that they subordinate the conspiracy to the will of the performer and he, subconsciously feeling this, will show aggression, not fully understanding what is wrong with him going on.

A man attracted by such a conspiracy may behave inappropriately, start drinking and using drugs, express suicidal thoughts and, in the end, end up in a psychiatric clinic. Usually black magicians, in order to avoid consequences, offer customers to indicate the price they are willing to pay for a positive result of the conspiracy, at the initial stage, when they just take a photo of a potential victim in their hands.

Performing the black ritual at home, on your own, you can also try to negotiate with the dark force, but the chances of the newcomer performer are small. White or gray (neutral) conspiracies are read on the growing moon, black - on the full moon or on 19, 29 lunar days, when the dark forces are most active. When pronouncing the text, it is necessary to visualize the desired man as a lover, reaching out to a woman. This requires practice - you can practice for several days before the date of the ritual, which is appointed in advance using a photo of your beloved.

Will it work?

Today, some women still continue to use conspiracies to achieve loving harmony with the chosen one. In order for this to work, you need to concentrate, be sure to believe in the success of the upcoming action and imagine an object on which a conspiracy rhyme will be read.

To better remember the image of a loved one, you can first look at his photo. After that, you need to start reading. This should be done with all your heart and with all your heart and try so that not a single extraneous thought flashes at this moment.

The next example is suitable for young girls who have not yet experienced the joys of motherhood and marriage. With the help of this conspiracy, a young lady can bewitch her groom once and for all.

When you can and when you shouldn't

Before we study the methods of influencing the descendant of Adam, let's look at goal-setting.

The introduction was not in vain about happiness and procreation. The fact is that a conspiracy affecting the worldview aspects of another person can be both a good and a sin. The difference lies in your attitude towards the ritual. Why did you decide to hold it, what do you want to achieve?

If you wish happiness for yourself, your man and your future family, it is clear that you can be understood. And when a woman proceeds from purely selfish interests, believing that this "subject" will provide her well, then there is little good. This attitude does not include love (even for oneself), pure consumerism.

The conspiracy should be used for creation, in the deepest sense of the word. That is, to create universal harmony and happiness. Although the information is open, the result does not strongly depend on goal-setting, only karma enriches in different ways.

Rite of passage with three candles

A conspiracy for three church candles is read if a relationship with a man has just begun and there are suspicions that they are not entirely satisfied with him and he is looking for other options. It is also suitable for those women who want to strengthen a long-term relationship, to fall in love with a man completely. For the ceremony you will need: a new white tablecloth, red natural thread, three separate candlesticks and matches. You also need to buy three church candles, you can small, the main thing is that they are of good quality, that is, they burn out completely, without residue.

At sunset, on an empty clean table, you need to spread a new white tablecloth made of natural cotton or linen. The candles are lit in turn, using a separate match for each one. The conspiracy, which can be attributed to prayers, is read three times, each time covering the fire with one of the candles with a wooden object to extinguish it:

Creator Almighty, I ask for your help,
Rise as a high wall, a deep pit,
Deaf gates, impassable forests,
Longing of the heart, agonizing torment
Turn into the heart of the Servant of God (the name of the man you want to fall in love with)
Lock and lock so that the Servant of God (name) does not leave me,
Turn seven times with the key and take it with you,
So that he does not open the castle,
Yes, you cannot stop loving me, the Servant of God (name).
May it be so!

After reading the conspiracy for the third time, the candles are tied together with a red thread and lit again from one match. Now you need to let them burn out completely, and release the smoke into an open window.

Magic in the morning dawn

To carry out this conspiracy for the love of a man, you will need a smooth gold ring, the simplest one that can be found in a jewelry store. In the morning, waking up about ten minutes before dawn, you need to pick up a small mirror and go to the window if it faces east, or go outside. It is desirable that the morning be cloudless and the sun is clearly visible. Putting the mirror so that the sun is reflected in it, you need to pronounce the following text, referring to the luminary:

Clear, red and beautiful!
You dry the trees with dryness
You scorch the leaves green with fire.
So you would dry the heart of the Servant of God (name of the man),
Yes, hot fire scorched him.
So that he can neither live without me, nor eat, nor sleep, sleep,
And only to burn and burn.
How do you warm with warm rays
Yes, you illuminate with a gentle light,
So I would have warmed the Servant of God (name),
Yes, with her love she illuminated the path for him.
So that he called me after him,
I pressed it to my heart
I didn’t forget.
My word is honest, my word is strong.

Having finished the conspiracy, you need to bow to the Sun three times, and you need to look in a mirror charged with sunlight for the next forty days immediately after waking up.

Conspiracy on a photograph

When using a photo during conspiracies for love, you must choose the image that meets certain requirements: the man in the photo should be alone and in a good mood, in any case, not look dejected or upset. It is better to choose a full-length photo. The eyes and gaze should be clearly visible.

In addition to a photograph of a man, to perform the ritual, you will need your own photo that meets the same requirement, two wax candles, a skein of white thread and a large red apple. Photos will need to be cropped so that they are the same size and smaller than the apple. Candles are lit, between them an image of a man who needs to be made to fall in love is placed. Looking into the eyes of the person shown in the photo, they read the conspiracy:

An apple tree stood in an open field,
With branches it reached the ground,
I, the Servant of God (name), walked in the field at dawn,
I took a red apple from a branch,
Yes, from morning till evening she played with him.
So I would play with your heart, the Servant of God (name),
From dawn to dawn, she did not stop.
She didn't give you sleep, food or drink.
Your age is all for you to love me,
Neither forget nor change.
Like a worm wears away an apple in the ground,
So sadness grief sharpened your heart,
Eaten away and did not give rest.
How will we live with you,
So the longing will pass!
Key, lock, tongue,

The photographs are folded together facing each other and placed inside an apple, cut into halves. The apple is wrapped with white thread an odd number of times and buried in the ground in a secret place deeper. This conspiracy is considered one of the most powerful conspiracies to make a man fall in love with himself: the result can appear already on the second day - usually the man on whose love it was made makes itself felt in one way or another.

Collection of love conspiracies

These love conspiracies are very effective, since the slander goes to smoke, ash or a needle - which contributes to a faster transfer of information to the object of your love. Also, these conspiracies are absolutely universal - they can be used for both men and women - only you should change the words corresponding to your gender in the conspiracy. However, the desired conspiracy will have to be learned by heart - the result is worth it.

Love conspiracy on smoke

Write on a blank sheet of paper with your hand the words of a love conspiracy:

“I will get up early, wash my white face, go out the door and into the clear field, and turn my gaze to the east. And there are three ovens: copper, iron and brick. And as those furnaces flare up and burst with heat from heaven to earth, so the heart, soul and body of the servant of God (the name of the beloved) about me, the servant of God (his name) would have flared up. And my words are strong - stronger than iron, denser than copper and harder than brick. "

Then roll the paper into a tube and place a dry wormwood sprig in it. Next, set fire to one end and whisper the plot written on it into the smoke.

Love conspiracy to ashes

Write the following words on a blank piece of paper:

“I will get up before sunrise, leave the house and go into the dark forests and rotten swamps. And in those swamps there is a black bathhouse, but the grandmother-pimp lives in it. And she has a stone stove, and in that stove there is a copper bowl, and in the bowl everything boils and burns, burns and dries up. So the servant of God (the name of the beloved) about me with heart, soul and body boiled, burned, and dried up. My word is strong and firm. Amen".

Light a church candle. Then set fire to a conspiracy note from her and throw it into some container (bowl, bowl). When the paper completely burns out, move the bowl towards you and rub the ashes between your palms, while whispering the words of the conspiracy previously written on paper.

Love conspiracy on the needle

Speak the words of a love conspiracy on a new purchased needle:

“I will get up at dawn and go out into the clear field and look into the clear sky - and a sharp arrow flies across the sky. So fly you a sharp arrow into a zealous heart, into hot blood, into the eyes of the clear servants of God (name of the beloved). So that she dries up for me as a servant of God (her name) and yearns always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will be fulfilled. "

Hide this needle discreetly in the house or in the things of your beloved.

Strong conspiracy to love her husband

Conspiracies for the husband's love are used if it seems to you that your husband has lost interest in you. Such conspiracies work especially well if the couple is married in a church. A strong conspiracy for the love of your husband will work even if you are not married!

This strong conspiracy for her husband's love is read three times, looking at the growing moon:

“I will stand on the threshold of the church and create a talisman for my family. My dear husband (husband's name), give me your peace. I stand in front of you, and behind my back is a holy protective icon. I will bow to her and stand at the altar. I gave the slave (husband's name) my heart, my soul. So now he would be jealous of me, he would not let go of me anywhere. Would love me, shore and caress. As a mother suffers for her children, so you will suffer for me, love and wait for me, and never change. My word is strong, true. Amen."

Another strong conspiracy for the love of a husband should be done like this. In the morning, when you wash, look in the mirror and slander into a bar of soap:

"As people look in the mirror, so the husband would look at his wife but not see how quickly the soap will wash off, so quickly the husband will love his wife, what is the shirt on his body is white, so the husband would be clean and bright."

Next, you need to take your husband's shirt (you can use unnecessary, old, but always the one that he wore at least several times) and completely burn the shirt collar. While you are burning, say three times: "As was the shirt on the body, so was the husband to his wife." Thus, the husband's dislike and indifference to his wife should go along with the old garment. The shirt should then be discarded.

Conspiracy to love a guy yourself

This very simple and effective conspiracy for the love of a guy can be done on your own! It is recommended to use it for young girls in the following cases: 1. To attract a guy they like, if he does not pay attention to you at all; 2. If you think that your relationship is on the verge of breaking up; 3. If your loved one began to pay attention to another girl. Just first think about whether you need it - after all, sometimes it is better to end a complicated, tangled relationship than to suffer further. Have you decided? Still need it? Then read on!

Performing this conspiracy for the love of a guy on her own, the girl should bite her tongue slightly and then, looking at the growing moon, say the following words:

“I bite myself on the tongue, I attach the slave (name of my beloved) to myself, bite, fasten. So that the slave (name of the beloved) was bored, from the melancholy of love rest, he did not know either on a bright day or on a black night. All to think only of me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In this case, you should mentally keep the image of a loved one in your head.

You can also pronounce this conspiracy to yourself, looking the guy in the eyes, or simply by looking at the object of your desire. Of course, you will get the greatest effect from this conspiracy if you pronounce it yourself at the growing moon for the first time, the second time - looking from the side, and the third - looking into his eyes (while you can talk any nonsense, the main thing is to mentally scroll the necessary words in your head) ...

Strong conspiracy to love a guy

A strong conspiracy for the love of a guy, a man is recommended to be used only if other conspiracies for love have not helped you, that is, only as a last resort! A strong conspiracy for love must be taken extremely responsibly - it is advisable to seek help from a professional, but if this is not possible, try to carry out the conspiracy yourself.


To carry out this strong conspiracy for the love of a guy, you will need to get three hairs from the head of a loved one. Then it is done like this: put together three hairs of a loved one and five hairs from your head. It is necessary to sharply throw your hair into the fire (it can be diluted at home in some old dish), while you need to say three times:

“Lord, burn our hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

After that, relations with a loved one should normalize - their former passion will return to them.

A strong conspiracy for the blind love of a man

There is another strong conspiracy for a man's love that you can do yourself. To complete it, you need to get a white tablecloth and lay it on the table. Then you will need three thin church candles. They should be placed on the table, for this, melt the bottom of each candle and secure them with three small saucers or candlesticks. Then light the candles. You will need to read the conspiracy for the love of a man three times - after each reading, put out one candle. When all the candles are extinguished, twist them together and set them in a saucer. Then light it up again and wait until they burn completely, to the very end. Burned smoke should be released through the window and the room should be thoroughly ventilated.

Conspiracy Words:

“O Almighty Lord, I pray to You for a deep request. Create a high wall, create a deep pit and a thorny fence, create a melancholy mortal. Close there, Lord, the slave (name of the beloved), so that he does not leave me and does not find another woman for himself. Close it with the key, but take that key for yourself. Help me Lord, God's faithful servant (your name). And until that lock is opened, the slave (name of the beloved) will not stop loving me. Amen!"

Strong conspiracy for the love of a girl

This strong conspiracy for the love of a girl is quite effective! It is recommended to be used by guys to attract a girl they like, or if the relationship with a girl is not going well.

A strong conspiracy for the love of a girl is pronounced at midnight on the waning moon. You need to turn your face in the direction where your beloved is (lives) and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“The evening dawn was coming through the dark gates, and brought me to the bank of a deep and wide river. In the middle of that river there is a white stone, a faithful servant of God (the name of the beloved) sits on it and sheds tears. Father is walking along the river bank - but he does not see his own daughter. Mother is walking along the shore, but she does not see the lovely child. As the moon-moon decreases, so may the love of the faithful servant of God (the name of the beloved) for the parents decrease, and for me, the servant of God (your name), may her love come and grow. As I take the girl off the stone and caress and comfort her, so let her heart turn to me. Amen."

There is another good conspiracy for the love of a woman. It is pronounced on the growing moon: “On the sea in okiyan, on the island of Buyan, longing lies. Melancholy beats, anguish suffers and is killed and shouts: “Pavushka dear, run faster, blow God's servant (the name of your beloved) on the lips and teeth, into her white body, in her zealous heart. So that the slave (name of the beloved) yearns for me every hour and every minute, so that I am better for her than another fellow, better than her own father and mother. My word is true, I close the conspiracy. Amen."

Conspiracy for a man's love on his own

This effective conspiracy for the love of a man is recommended for women and girls in order to maintain a relationship with a beloved man. If it seems to you that your man has begun to pay less attention to you, or, God forbid, you have a rival, try the following two conspiracies for a man's love!

To carry out this conspiracy, you need to get a photograph of your loved one and put it on the floor. Next, stand with the heel of your right foot directly on the photo and say three times:

“As my body presses on you, so your love for me presses. As your body is heavy from my heel, so is your heart heavy without me. "

There is another good way to plot the love of a man. This is done during intercourse. You need to whisper to yourself three times whisper the following words:

“I am the most beautiful woman in the world. You love me and melt from my caresses. Other women are nothing compared to me and fade in your eyes. Love me more than yourself. Amen".

The fact is that when making love, not only bodies, but also thoughts merge together - a man will count your words as his own.

Remember that these conspiracies apply if you are already in some kind of relationship with a man, for example, you are dating him, or you are married to him. That is, they are great for improving a cold relationship with your husband.

Arouse feelings by photo

A love conspiracy based on a photo works better than without a photo, since a photo is a visual image of a loved one, through which it is much easier to convey information, that is, the words of the conspiracy, to the object of your love. If your loved one is not alone in the photo, cut it out. And if you are pictured together, together - nothing needs to be cut off - such a photo is quite suitable for a conspiracy of love from a photo!

A love plot from a photo is read in a whisper, early in the morning - at sunrise. It is advisable to write the words of the conspiracy by hand on the back of the photo, but at the same time learn them by heart (although you can just read them out):

“As the sun rises in the morning, so love in the heart of the servant of God (the name of the beloved) flares up. As the sun shines, so may your love for me (your name) shine brighter than it in your heart. As the sun dries the earth, so you dry up without me, yes you yearn. As people are drawn to the red sun, so you reach for me, and you will not have life without me, just as people have no life without the sun. My word is firm and strong. Amen."

Then, in the evening before sunset, the photo should be wrapped in a black cloth, and hidden under a mattress or under a bed - there it should lie until the plot takes effect.

Love magic - conspiracies free

The rituals and conspiracies of love magic presented below are not common, and therefore are very valuable! However, we decided to give our readers the opportunity to use love magic for free! A big plus of this method is the absence of the need to memorize long texts of conspiracies - in these rituals of love magic, the main role is assigned to your actions, concentration, psychoenergetic background, that is, it is even somewhat similar to meditation. When performing these rituals, a person relaxes, calms the nerves - and this is in addition to a good practical result!

Love magic - a conspiracy on three nodes

To carry out this free conspiracy of love magic, you will need a thick red woolen thread (or rope), a red candle, and aromatic oils of rose, lavender and jasmine. If you cannot find oils, use your best perfume for this purpose, but then the result will be less powerful.

Z light a candle, relax. Then take a rope and tie an ordinary knot on it. As you do this, imagine that you are concentrating your desires and will at the point of tying. At this moment, say the words of the magic conspiracy: "This knot will be filled with the power of my desire!" Dip your fingertips in rose oil and soak the knot you have tied. At this moment, you should imagine how a small flame of your desires and hopes flashed in its place.

"The light of my love will illuminate the secret union!"

This time, imagine that you are squeezing all your senses into a knot. Moisten it with a few drops of lavender oil.

The third knot will embody all your secret dreams. Say a love spell: "As strong are these knots, so our love will be strong!" Saturate it with jasmine oil. After completing the conspiracy of love magic, hide the rope with a triple knot tied on it near your beloved's dwelling, or bury it in the place where your chosen one usually passes. You need to do this on the night from Thursday to Friday - and soon all your love wishes will come true.

Love magic - candle ritual

To perform this ritual of love magic, you need to purchase two thin church wax candles on Friday morning for free. The ritual must be performed on the same day, before the beginning of Saturday. Take a needle and scribble your name on one candle and the name of your loved one on the other. Then twist them together, light both wicks and let the candles burn to the very end.

While the candles are burning, look at them and imagine how your feelings, hearts and bodies unite and intertwine into a single whole. Imagine that you see and feel all this not with your own eyes and heart, but with the eyes and soul of your beloved.

When the candles go out, collect the remaining wax and mold a heart out of it - this will be your personal love talisman.

Conspiracy to attract love. Ritual to attract love

If you do not have love in your life at the moment, a special conspiracy to attract love will help you! It is used in the event that you have not had a man for a long time, and relations with the opposite sex have somehow not worked out recently - and it’s so nice to feel love, harmony and joy of relationship with a partner! And so, in order to attract this feeling into your life and start building new, wonderful relationships, there is a special ritual to attract love!

First you need to get a rose, preferably red or pink. For this ritual, a flower cut from the garden by you personally is best suited. As a last resort, you can buy it, but in this case, approach this very carefully: choose the most beautiful and freshest rose, and buy without bargaining.

Directly the conspiracy of love itself must be carried out completely alone, so that no one bothers you - turn off the phone ringer. Sit in front of a mirror, relax, think about love, about a wonderful feeling, inhale the scent of a rose, enjoy it. Run the flower through your hair, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, chin ... Say the words: "I feel love, I see love, I breathe love." At the same time, try to feel how the energy of love penetrates into you along with the scent of a flower. Then, looking into your eyes in the mirror, say three times:

“Love around me, inside me, comes from me. She walks towards me. I am loved!"

For the next three days after the ritual to attract love, carry the flower with you as a talisman.

Conspiracy of sympathy (strong)

It should be said right away that the ritual described below is based on forces that support only love. This is his strength and weakness at the same time.

As you speak the words, you appeal to free, dispassionate energies. To answer or not, they choose for themselves. It can be imagined this way: a child cries, begging for ice cream from mommy. He still cannot analyze the circumstances, he lacks experience. Only mom is able to decide whether a treat is possible for him, based on the state of his health, the weather outside and other circumstances.

This is roughly how a strong conspiracy works.

A woman, like a stupid child, cries out for the provision of happiness, not knowing whether it is due to her or not, whether it should turn into trouble after a certain time, and so on.

There is a hidden "mechanism" for protecting women in a powerful conspiracy. If a man does not suit her, then there will be no result. And when, according to the Higher Laws, they are able to create a strong family, it will not hesitate to manifest.

You should approach its implementation with full confidence in the one to whom you give the decision of your fate at this stage. " Let it be what should be ... "- this is the motto in this case.

“How not to live on earth without light, how not to wander in emptiness without legs, so that the Servant of God (name) without the Servant of God (name) could not! Just as a fish does not splash without water, as a bird does not fly without a wing, so the Fish of God (name) cannot live without (name) who loves me! Become me a half, look with your eyes with a teardrop, burn with your soul and bodies, together we will ascend above the heavens! Amen!"

Conspiracy-sucking on the love of a man

To make your man stop looking around, looking for a more beautiful and more perfect rival, you can use a conspiracy-sucker.

Its influence will erase bad thoughts from a frivolous head. A man will only think about the one who read the conspiracy. Without her, he will not imagine his existence. Will become faithful, only jealous (depending on character).

Another negative consequence of the impact of the conspiracy is the "lack of freedom" of women. The fact is that the ritual affects both. Once you decided to stick it to yourself, then you yourself will stop looking at the side. Nobody else will be interested.

Go outside, look at the moon.

It is recommended to pick up any wooden object with which the man will come into contact later. Someone carries a spoon with them, others - a rolling pin, for example. Or you can buy a wooden souvenir, and after the ritual present it to your beloved. Pronounce the conspiracy six times:

“Light and darkness will not converge, Slave (name) and Slave (name) will not disperse. I conjure with the moon, drive with darkness. Slave (name) catch up with fear. So that he dries up and suffers for Rab (name), so that he doesn’t know sleep, doesn’t take food in his mouth, let go of work, only dries up and suffers! Amen!"

Conspiracy on a married man

To turn to face a man with other obligations, you should think.

Let's not consider the moral side of the issue. Apparently, this is an individual matter and not always a bad thing. Just keep in mind that by contacting a married man, you are assuming part of his obligations on yourself. Can you do it? Then let's carry out a conspiracy.

“The clear falcon (name), flies around the world, he made a nest, but he did not find happiness! Fly the falcon, I will set the table, I will become a faithful friend, we will be joy for each other! I crown the Slave (name) Rabe (name) not for a day, but for a century! Black - to black, light - to me! Get the Slave (name) to me, not to my wife! Amen!"

How does this conspiracy work?

At all times, all peoples had many conspiracies for the love of a man, this is due to the constant desire to be close to the object of their adoration. Love is a wonderful disease of all ages and peoples, for the sake of which great follies have been committed.

This conspiracy is a set of certain combinations, sound vibrations skillfully selected over centuries of practice. They have come to you from time immemorial to give happiness to mutual love. As you know, the energy field of the earth interacts with various kinds of sound vibrations and changes under their influence. As a result, under the influence of the conspiracy read, that part of the earth's energy field changes which interacts directly with the object of your adoration. As a result, gradually the attitude of a loved one towards you will change to a positive one. He will be eager to see you, to talk to you. Only you will be in his thoughts. He can't even think of another girl. As a result, this person will be completely yours both body and soul.

This conspiracy is very good for those who want to build family relationships with the object of adoration in the future. Remember, the conspiracy is very strong, you should not wastefully play with the feelings of other people. After all, if you later realize that this is not your man and leave him, the man will suffer and try to achieve your love. If you have definitely decided to connect your life with this person, then reading the conspiracy is your sure way to achieve your goal.

Attention: Be sure to write down these conspiracies on a piece of paper, it is better if it is a blank sheet. Memorize conspiracies from the sight, and not from the monitor.

Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so God's servant (name) cannot live and be neither day nor night, without God's slave (name) of his half.

Women have thin manners, Humpbacks like a camel All have bad faces, And I am a red girl. I gathered the peasants, just looked away.

Chamomile happiness

Everyone knows the chamomile flower - garden and wild. This plant has a great effect on the most important thing in human relationships - love. I offer you a great way to restore relationships, find mutual love or arouse sympathy in a person. This rite is not a love spell: it works if a person experiences or once experienced any feelings for you. The lost will return - this, by the way, is the main purpose of the ceremony.
Pick an odd number of flowers (optimally five), tear off all the petals from them and put them in a natural fabric bag - linen or cotton. Then shake it and read this conspiracy nine times:

“Chamomile, chamomile, give me back my love (name). While the petals wither, (name) will dry for me, think about me, yearn, not sleep at night. Be, my words, strong and firm. As I said (s) (name), it will be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the case when you need to attract love into your life, which does not yet exist, then instead of the word "return" say "help to find". If you do not know the name of the person whom you would like to see next to you, then in those parts of the conspiracy where the name should be called, just do not name anyone. After that, put the bag under your pillow for ten days, take it out on the eleventh and keep it at home somewhere in a secluded place for a year. The ceremony can be performed three times during the month, but not more often, and only from June to August - this is a summer ritual!

How to attract love

If you are unrequitedly in love or want to love, find reciprocity, return a loved one to you, then this ceremony is just for you. With a red pen, write the name of your loved one on a small piece of paper, only backwards (for example, instead of "ALEXEI" "YESKELA"). Now look at the inscription and say the words of the special spell nineteen times in a row, while slowly drawing a circle around the name. They sound like this:
After that, tie the leaflet with the name with red woolen thread and always carry it with you. Within a maximum of a month, love will be revived even in the most difficult case.

Rite of love

This rite helps to find your soul mate, to reconcile in disagreements and betrayals. You need to take on the seventeenth of any month at five o'clock in the evening to take a white thread three cubits long (the length is measured from the fingertips to the elbow bend) and, slowly winding it around the index finger, seventeen times in a row read the following conspiracy:

“God bless you, put ki moshi in your right hand. Svarozhe colo louse, Svarozhe keeping a store. If you are our ancestor, your palace is the abode of truth, you are the bright sun, father, stretch your rule for days and nights. Kriety in divine truth, trislaven bude, goy. "

The thread must be burned in three steps in three days. The result of the ceremony will appear within nine days.

Quick marriage conspiracy

Buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday. When settling with the seller, do not take change.
Bring the broom home. On the way, think about what your new folding broom is and how great it will be for you to sweep the house with it, putting it in order. When the new moon comes, with this broom you need to sweep all the litter in the yard (or in the entrance), while all the dust must be collected in a yellow scoop. It can be plastic or yellow painted wood.
While you are taking revenge, sentence:

I'm chasing good fellows into my house. Not lazy, not curmudgeonly, not thieves. Come to me, suitors. From their own and other people's yards. Stone. Scissors. Paper. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This conspiracy must be pronounced an odd number of times. The cleaner you sweep the yard (entrance), the more suitors you will have. When you collect all the litter, take it to your home, carefully pour it into a small canvas bag, put it in the far corner and keep it there until the new moon. Be sure to read Our Father nine times over it. Soon, wait for the suitors, they will appear, and you will choose from them. And the litter, as possible, take it away from the house and bury it in a hole so that no one can see.

A conspiracy to find out whether this man is your betrothed or not

Wash hair in a basin. Leave the water outside overnight. In the morning, bend over this basin of water and say:

On the okiyane sea, on the Buyan island
There is a big oak
A small chest hangs on it, in zloty.
A book is hidden in the chest,
In it my fate is both written and read.
Book open
My heart, calm down.
Tell me, servant of God (your name),
Is it written for me to live forever
with the servant of God (name).

Pour water sharply from the basin.
At home, ask the first person you meet for something neutral. It doesn't matter what your question is about, the main thing is that the person you meet could answer this question either "yes" or "no".
If he answers in the affirmative - this is your person by fate, if he answers in the negative - it is better to forget about him.