Scripts for Tatiana's Day. A festive program for Tatiana's day for students. Mystery Box game

Students' Day is a wonderful occasion to rest and escape from exams, and every university and even every faculty has its own traditions of holding it, which are passed down from generation to generation. Often this holiday is combined with the holiday of initiation into freshmen students, often this is the day when the laws of student equality and brotherhood reign everywhere.

In the game programs dedicated to this holiday, this is expressed in various team competitions and in which both students and teachers take part. We offer funny team games for the Day of Students.

1. Team competition for the Day of the Student - Rebuilding "Students"

Two teams are created, each with 8 people and two sets of large cards with the letters: "C", "T", "U", "D", "E", "N", "T", "Y" are prepared in advance. each participant receives one card and holds it in front of him. After the presenter asks the riddle, the team needs to quickly navigate and form an answer from the letters (participants with the necessary letters stand forward and write the answer from left to right). At the next riddle, they rebuild. From stage to stage, points are calculated, which are awarded to the team that gave the answer first. (Thanks to the author of this great idea)

1. Warm up at lectures, and at breaks

Educational institution relatives ... .(Walls)

2. For solidity and special beauty,

Curvy young students wear ... .(Mustache)

3. For clarity, your experiment,

Add a photo and put it on ... (Stand)

4. Frightens more than hunger and cold

Received by the student in the session .. (Fail)

5. You need to put a check mark or a cross,

If the teacher conducts ... (Test)

6. If you take a tarp for nature,

That will cover from the rain taut ... (Tent)

7. Remember only the best moments,

The real ones never lose heart ... (Students)

"January Star"

Youth competition program.

(slides about students are shown during the program)

VED: Good evening! We greet and congratulate all Tatyans present in this hall. Let's congratulate them with loud, thunderous applause.
VED. On Tatiana's day, we not only honor the holy Martyr Tatiana, but also celebrate Students' Day.

VED: We congratulate the youth of the city on this wonderful holiday and wish you all the best and brightest! I wish you happiness and love!

VED. So, dear present and future students, let's recall the words of the famous student song:

From session to session,
Students live cheerfully
And the session is only twice a year

VED: Student holidays begin with Tatiana's day, and it is these events that students celebrate noisily and cheerfully. And today, let's forget about the session, and let's just have fun and dance.

(dance block)

VED: Tatyana - what a wonderful name! I think Tatiana are present in our hall? Many Russian poets dedicated their poems to Tatyana. For example, Pushkin. Yesenin.
Theater competition
I invite 5 people to the stage. Those who wish are given cards with verses known from childhood, I suggest reading a children's verse as a love confession to Tatiana.
Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped a ball into the river.
Hush, Tanya don't cry,
The ball will not sink in the river.
VED: Happy holiday, dear, smart, energetic Tatyana! The following composition sounds for you.

(dance block)

VED: Friends, we invite 5 students to the stage. Let's test our students for their ability to write, not just teachers about the missed class, but try them as poets. While the track is playing, our participants will compose poems for ready-made rhymes. Well, friends, let's try ourselves in the role of Pushkin? And this must be done as quickly as possible.

1. Tatyana's Day! The student is walking.
2. Tatiana! Our favorite holiday.
3. Tatyana's day, the lilacs are not happy yet.
4. There is also a blizzard outside the windows, the student is always happy to have fun.
5. The student dances and sings sometimes until the morning.


Participants are preparing for the "Rhyming" competition.

VED: So, dear participants, The time has come for a poetic minute in our program. Please read your poems.

(dance break)

VED: Our next Guinness contest is a show
Now we will determine who is the best in our hall, for this I invite 6 students. Now we will determine who is the tallest among us.

And now we invite 5 girls to the stage. (came out) Now we will determine who has the thinnest waist.

And now we need help from the audience. Tell me who has the longest hair. Please come and get the prize.

Young people, which one of you has blue eyes? Please come to the stage. And now, with the help of a support group, we will determine who has the bluest eyes.

3 cheerful, positive young people are invited to the next competition. The essence of the competition is as follows - you need to smile, and we will determine who has the most charming smile.

VED: And now I propose to play all together. I will read poetry, you have to clap if these things can be worn, and stomp if they cannot be worn. Prepared.
Playing with the audience: Chant "Fashionista".

I met once
Super fashionista Tanyusha.
You won't see this
and never meet.

I saw a skirt on her
Not one, but two at once.
A fur coat on the shoulders of fish
And a pot on my head.

Boots on her feet
High heels
And there are earrings in my ears
And tights on the arm. ...

The scarf dangles around the neck
Glasses on the nose, like a shadow.
A fan is tangled in my hair
And on the belt there is a belt.

She also has a blouse.
Umbrella-cane in hand.
A jellyfish hangs on his shoulder
And a briefcase on a leash.

There is a ring on the finger
And on the neck a bowler hat
And also a pendant-heart
And a cambric shawl.

If you meet that girl
Remember this tale.
But I want to wish you
You cannot meet such women of fashion!

(dance break)

VED: Our participants - students showed that they are real students - cheerful, cheerful, cheerful. And future students have proved that they can be safely enrolled in the ranks of freshmen in the summer. Thank you for being with us on this frosty January evening!

VED: Once again, we congratulate the participants of our program on Students' Day and wish Saint Tatiana to patronize you from the first year to the last. The disco continues, and we say goodbye to you!

A minute of screaming

Some students are in the habit of leaving the university after the session.
DJ in the middle of the disco:
- Today with us there are no such and such. Do you know them? Remember? A minute is announced in their memory ...(dramatic pause) No, not a minute of silence, because they are alive and well and can still be with us - but a minute of screaming! Three four!
Everybody screams.


The DJ forms several teams of three people and represents the jury.
- Dance, try, and the jury will evaluate you!
Fast music, dance.
Several different short dances are possible.
The jury proceeds to the assessment and ... counts the buttons on the outerwear of the participants.
It turns out that the competition was assessed precisely by this criterion!
The team with the most (or least) buttons wins.

The cleverest

DJ invites some of the "smartest" students.
Gives everyone a balloon.
- Inflate! Who blew it up, raise the balloon above your head!
When everyone has raised the balls:
- And now let's define the smartest. Let everyone hit the ball on their head. Stronger! Even stronger!
The one whose balloon burst first is hailed as the smartest. He is awarded a prize.
People from the audience always ask:
- Why is he the smartest?
- Because his balloon burst first. This means that the head is smart, square, the corners are sharp.

To bang a ball on the head of a neighbor. The winner is the one on whose head the ball burst.

Full bank

The DJ takes a three-liter jar and fills it with stones.
Asks the dance floor:
- Is the bank full?
- Yes, full.
The DJ pours the peas into the jar.
Shakes the jar, and the polka dots take the free space between the stones.
- Is the can full now?
- Yes, full.
DJ pours sand into the jar.
The sand takes up the remaining space and covers everything.
- So is the can full?
- Now it is definitely full.
Finally, the DJ takes out two cans of beer and pours them into a glass jar.
- Understand, the bank is your life. Stones are the most important things in your life: family, health, friends, children. Polka dots are things that have become important for you personally: work, home, car. Sand is everything else, little things. If you first fill the jar with sand, there will be no room left for the peas and stones. When you spend all your time and all your energy on little things, there is no room left for the most important. Do what makes you happy: play with your children, make time for your wives and husbands, and meet friends. You will have more time to do a hobby or wash your car. Deal with stones first of all, the rest is only sand.
Question from the dance floor:
- What is the meaning of beer?
- I'm glad you asked about it. No matter how filled your life is, there is always a place for a couple of cans of beer!

Video wherever you look

An obvious and, at the same time, holiday-generating thing: To project videos and static slides not only on a stationary screen, but also on the ceiling, walls, decorations and draperies, including swaying ones ...
Collect many projectors - let them work at the same time.

Foreign Songs Auction

The DJ invites anyone to come up to the microphone and sing a few lines or at least words in any foreign language.
You cannot sing again in an already "used" language.
As a rule, English (Yesterday ...), German (Mutter ...), Ukrainian (Why can't I? ..) languages ​​come first.
Then they sing in Italian, in Spanish, in French.
There are often “experts” in Georgian, Uzbek, Finnish, etc. languages.
Finally, comes the turn of the supposedly Chukchi language, "machine language", sign language and other flight of fantasy.
The DJ is very loyal to the choice of "languages" and the format of singing - one or two words are enough to set off - but does not make attempts to sing in the already spoken language, otherwise the auction loses its meaning.
Closer to the finale, the DJ, like the auctioneer, keeps score: “Such and such a language - once! Such-and-such language - two! Such-and-such language - three !!! Sung! "
A good prize is awarded to the winner.

It is noticed that the competition is more interesting among students, in general, in an audience with a high educational qualification. But this condition is not critical. The "Foreign Songs Auction" was a success among teenagers, at an ordinary city disco, and at a wedding.
The auction can last for a long time - 10-20 minutes, this is a whole episode in the program.

Whose shoe?

For a small company where people know each other.

All tusa takes off their shoes and puts them in one pile.
Everyone is blindfolded.
DJ shuffles shoes.
At the signal, the people start looking for their shoes by touch.
Who put on his shoes first is a champion.


A 2.5 x 2.5 m square is drawn.
It is divided into 16 cells.
Cells are numbered.
Two go into the square.
The DJ names each body part, usually from the following set:

  • head
  • right hand
  • left hand
  • right leg
  • left leg…
... and also the cell number.
The player must place the named body part in the assigned cell.
The one who fails the next pose loses.

Striptease with a chair

Ten chairs are placed in a circle.
Ten people stand around the chairs.
The facilitator turns on music and the participants begin to move around the chairs.
The music stopped - each participant takes off one thing and puts it on the chair near which he stopped.
The music started playing - they walk in a circle on, and so on several times.
As soon as they have undressed (the boundary is determined by the warmth of the company), they begin to dress in the same way, that is, one thing is put on from the chair at which the participant stopped.
Note that this will not necessarily be the participant's own thing, it is more likely that the things on the chair will be strangers ...

The stage is decorated with playful drawings-portraits of school Tatyans, in the middle is a poster with the words of A.S. Pushkin: "So, she was called Tatiana ..."

1st presenter... Good evening, dear friends! We are gathered here to celebrate the traditional Russian holiday - Tatiana's Day!

The name of a person distinguishes him from those around him and confirms his uniqueness and originality. In Russia, a tradition has developed to give a child the name of a saint, who thus becomes his heavenly patron.

The name Tatiana in the calendar is interpreted as a great martyr. It is derived from the Latin Tatus - the name of the Sabine king. The Sabines are Italian tribes, some of whom lived in the hills of Rome. Another version, the name Tatiana of Old Russian origin, "tatto" means to establish, to determine. The meaning of the name is organizer, founder, lady.

Tatiana's day began to be celebrated in Russia since January 25, 1755, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, by her decree, established Moscow University. According to the Orthodox calendar, this is the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana. It became a holiday for University students, later for all students, and now it is a holiday for all young people.

2nd presenter... Do you know how fortune-telling is on Tatiana's day? On the night before Tatyana's day, they turn to the name of the saint, ask how the student's winter session will go (they say their name). Tatiana Can tell a student about this in a dream.

1st presenter... At all times, Tatyana's Day is a merry holiday, with songs, feasts, and amusements.

Here you can cite an excerpt from V. Gilyarovsky's book "Moscow and Muscovites", chapter "Students".

2nd presenter... We are also gathered here today to have fun and have fun. The Tatyan team of our school is invited to the stage!

Task for Tatyan.

2nd presenter... How do you imagine, ideally, a girl named Tatiana? We draw a portrait of Tatiana.

To the portable board, to the sound of music, they take turns coming out of Tatyana and with closed eyes draw the details of the portrait: one is the oval of the face, the other is the nose, the third is the mouth, etc.

1st presenter. Now let's play the game that Lewis Carroll invented. Write on a piece of paper, one under the other, two different names with the same number of letters. Now try changing the upper name to the lower one, changing one letter each time and getting a chain of new words. To facilitate the task, you can agree to change two letters. Thus, you can turn Lena into Kolya, Natasha into Alexei, etc.

Tanya - Vanya - Varya - Vera - Hera - Gena - Lena;

Tanya - Vanya - Valya - Galya.

2nd leader. And now for Tatiana, a test of ingenuity. So - a blitz tournament!

Seven candles were burning in the room. A man passed by, put out two candles. How much is left?

Answer. Two, the rest burned down.

Born twice, dies once.

Answer. Hen.

Who can't be lifted off the floor by the tail?

Answer. A ball of thread.

Two abdomens, four ears. Who is this?

Answer. Pillow.

There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them between three babies so that one apple remains in the basket?

Answer. Give one together with the basket.

Which month is the shortest?

Answer. May.

What year is there only one day?

Answer. New Year.

Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot?

Answer. At the mushroom.

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

Answer. One, the second is no longer on an empty stomach.

What kind of dishes cannot be eaten from?

Answer. From empty.

How does day and night end?

Answer. A soft sign.

What tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

Answer. Wet.

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house?

Answer. When the door is open.

Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day?

Answer. Those that are.

What is not found in cabbage, beets, or radishes, but what is there in tomatoes?

Answer. The letter O.

1st presenter... And now a competition for moms. Here's the task: you need to recognize your daughter by her hair. When doing this, your eyes should be closed.

Tatyans quickly change their hairstyles behind the scenes. Mothers walk along the Tatyans lined up on the stage, run their hand through the girls' hair and look for their daughters.

2nd leader. And now the same competition, but now for our Tatyans - they must take their mothers by the hand with their eyes closed, and guess their own among them.

After the competition, there is a musical pause.

1st presenter... Let's talk about ethics. All Tatyana know which side of the man the woman should go from? Where did this rule come from?

Answer. On the left. The custom comes from the times of chivalry and is based on the fact that a man's right hand should be free for weapons in order to protect himself and his companion when meeting an enemy.

Who can, without breaking the rules of good manners, be the first to submit his Hand when meeting?

Answer. Another lady or man is much older.

Do I need to greet people when I meet if I have already seen them on this Day?

Answer. Should be welcomed every time you meet. For example, in the morning you can wish a good morning, in the afternoon - a good day.

2nd presenter... Our Tatyana show an enviable erudition in a wide variety of fields of knowledge. Let's try them again, but on a very pleasant topic. A competition for connoisseurs and connoisseurs of flowers is announced!

In the headlines of which novels by famous French writers, father and son, the name of the flowers is mentioned?

Answer. "Black Tulip" - Dumas the father and "Lady with the Camellias" - Dumas the son.

In a number of Western countries, the shamrock clover has long been considered a talisman; it is still willingly depicted on greeting cards, souvenirs, key chains as a symbol of happiness. Name a popular Western firm that includes a shamrock in its logo.

Answer. Adidas.

What famous war is named after flowers and even indicated their color? In what century and in what country did it take place?

Answer. War of the Scarlet and White Rose, XV century, England.

Let me remind you of an ancient myth. The young man was predicted at birth that he would live until he saw himself. He spent all his time in the woods. Once, bending over the lake, he saw a beautiful face in the mirror of the water and fell in love with him. Forgetting food and sleep, he remained on the shore days and nights, admiring himself, and died of melancholy. The gods turned him into a flower. What was the name of this young man?

Answer. Narcissus.

Let's remember songs about flowers. Who is bigger?

Answer. "Kalina red", "Bird cherry", "Lilies of the valley", "Yellow tulips", "A million scarlet roses", "Lavender", etc.

1st presenter. I will now utter 15 words in a row, which are not related to each other either in form or in content. After listening, the players must write down all the words that they remember. The winner is the one who memorizes more words: road, potatoes, light bulb, holidays, noodles, chairs, intermission, discussion, cabbage, creativity, invitation, household, option, square, dignity.

2nd leader. Now a competition for mom and daughter. Mom will answer my questions, and Tatiana, if she does not agree with her, can correct her.

One of the Tatyans with her mother approaches the microphone.

Do you believe that the deepest of the Pacific oceans?

Answer. Yes.

That Ilya-Muromets freed Smolensk from Nightingale the robber? (Chernigov)

Do you believe that sunlight penetrates the ocean 800 meters?

Answer. Even at 1000 m.

Do you believe that there is a stuffed Kamchadal in the zoological museum?

Answer. No, this is a resident of Kamchatka.

Do you believe that the chocolate tree grows in India?

Answer. No, in South America.

Did you believe that the paintings "Heroes", "Ivan Tsarevich on the wolf" were painted by the artist Serov?

Answer. No, Vasnetsov.

Do you believe that the dollar is the currency of Liberia, Ethiopia, Singapore? Answer. Yes.

Do you believe that a spider has twelve legs?

Answer. Eight.

Do you believe that hedgehog fish has delicious and nutritious meat?

Answer. No.

Do you believe that the city of Cognac exists?

Answer. Yes, in France.

Do you believe that the peony belongs to the predatory flowers?

Answer. Yes, he loves protein foods.

1st presenter... Dear Tatyana! We were glad to communicate with you, see your clear smiles, enjoy your charm and erudition. But our evening is drawing to a close. To all of you

We wish you happiness and good

So that life is as bright as day,

So that only joy without anxiety

I crossed your threshold!

2nd leader.

It's time for perky songs to pour,

Smiles of joy without restraint sparkle.

We invite you to have some fun,

We invite everyone to dance!

A festive disco begins.

Script for Tatiana's Day at School... If your school has thematic discos, then you probably also celebrate Tatiana's day - this is the scenario for you. The scenario with the Tatiana-2010 competition, in which not only Tatiana, but also their friends take part, thus, many viewers are involved. Tatiana is not prepared for the competition in advance.
Lead1:- Today is January 25th on the calendar.
Host2 (interrupts):- And this day in 1832 the great Russian landscape painter Ivan Shishkin was born!
Lead1: Yes, it’s true, but we didn’t meet on this occasion, but because ...
Lead2:- Today is Students' Day! It was on this day in the 18th century that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University.
Lead1:- And this is true. But you haven't said the most important thing yet. Today is Tatiana's Day! A holiday for all lovely girls, girls and women, whose name is Tatiana.
Wonderful name Tatiana -
The strength is in it,
Beauty that is flawless
Tanya has been given wisdom.
Nice name Tanyusha
Let it sound always, everywhere:
Warms the soul with a caress
In happiness, in sorrow and in distress.
(T. Ovsienko's song "Tatiana's Day" is played, a group of girls is performing a dance)
Lead2: -
Today we glorify Tatiana,
They are ready to award laurels of championship to her,
We wish you good luck, happiness, joy,
Go forward, "be friends" with fives.
I ask all Tatyans in this hall to rise! Let's welcome our charming heroes of the occasion.
(Tatians are given symbolic gifts or flowers)
Lead1:- And now we would like to find out which Tatiana we have is the most daring, intelligent, talented and resourceful. I ask our dear teachers to be on the jury today.
Lead2:- So, the competition for the title of Tatiana-2010! (Tanya volunteers are called or if there are few girls with that name, they all participate.)
Lead1:- The first task "Tatiana the sculptor".
Each participant in the allotted time (1 min) summons friends to the stage in any number. The task of each Tatiana is to "mold" a sculpture of the invited friends, arranging them in the right order and in the appropriate poses. The completed sculpture should not move. Themes of the compositions can be as follows: "Basketball game", "Dog training", "School lesson", "Deuce again", etc.
The jury evaluates the participants.
The second task is “Tatiana-fashion designer”.
Each participant receives a set of wardrobe items - a chiffon scarf, stole, costume jewelry, gloves, artificial flowers. Tatyan's task in 3-4 minutes is to complement his unique image as original as possible with the help of these things.
While the participants are preparing for the defile - a dance number, "Tanya + Volodya", Evgeny Osin sounds.
The defile of the participants is held to the accompaniment of the song "Tatiana's Dreams" (Alexey Rybnikov, film "A dog was walking on the piano"). The jury will give marks.
Lead1:- On Tatyana's Day there is a folk omen: if the sun is shining - by the early arrival of birds, it is snowing - in summer there will be a lot of rain.
Lead2:- But we are sure that our Tatyana will not be afraid of any weather conditions!
The third task of the competition - "Tatiana has no bad weather"
Tatyana move in a circle, the host tells them the conditions in which they are (blizzard, rain, hurricane, desert, swamp, summer meadow with tall grass). Competitors must demonstrate movement under these conditions. Artistry and humor are assessed.
Host2(going on stage sings a song from the movie "Carnival Night"):
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka, the case with her was like this:
Our Tanechka served in the canteen of the factory.
A food worker assigned to borscht ...
Host1 (interrupting): - Do you really want to force our Tanechek to cook on such a day? No, I won't let that happen. And although the next competition is culinary, friends of our Tatyans will take part in it.
Each of the participants invites one young man to the stage, whose task is to "cook" the soup. Cards with the names of products are issued - potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions, pasta, chicken, beef, stew, whiskas, cottage cheese, cucumber, banana, dill ... The winner is awarded to the author of the most original, but at the same time, edible soup.
Lead1:- Tatiana - in Greek means organizer, founder. Tatiana is practical, principled, knows how to insist on her own. Tatiana has leadership qualities and knows how to achieve success.
Lead2:- And how many diminutive names exist for Tatiana - Tanya, Tanechka ... all of them probably know the friends of our participants.
Task 4. Tatian's best friends are participating. Their task is to call Tatyana's diminutive names - whoever calls more will win.
The jury determines and awards the winner Tatiana-2010 by the sum of points.