Scenario of the competition-game program “Tsvetik - seven-flower. "The program of psychological and pedagogical classes with children of preschool age" Flower-seven-flower "" (complex program) Collective work "Flower meadow"


(Kurazheva N.Yu., Varaeva N.V., Tuzaeva A.S., Kozlova I.A.)
It is obvious that a child's development needs to start at an early age. The preschool period is sensitive to the development of many mental processes. Elementary moral ideas and feelings, the simplest behavioral skills acquired by a child during this period, from the "natural", according to L.S. Vygotsky, must become "cultural", i.e. turn into higher psychological functions and become the foundation for the development of new forms of behavior, rules and norms.

Today there is a large amount of theoretical and methodological literature on child development, but there is no single psychological program for preschool children. Notebooks are published on a printed basis for preschoolers, in which the pedagogical and psychological material is not structured, there is no clear division of pedagogical and psychological tasks. At the same time, most preschool educational institutions have a psychologist in the staffing table and psychological classes with children are highlighted as a special form of work. In this regard, contradictions arise in the work of teachers and psychologists, which hinder the establishment of continuity. We have made an attempt to generalize and structure various approaches related to the mental development of a preschool child, taking into account age and individual characteristics. This will lead to more effective interaction between the teacher and the psychologist.

The novelty of this program lies in the fact that it provides for continuous psychological support and development of the child throughout preschool age, taking into account the dynamics of the development of each mental process and each sphere of the psyche for months during each year. The main idea of ​​our work is the integration and systematization of psychological material, which involves the combination of various areas of activity of a psychologist of a preschool educational institution.
Goals and objectives of the program "Seven-color flower"


Creation of conditions for the natural psychological development of the child.

1. Development of the emotional sphere. Introducing the child into the world of the child into the world of human emotions.

2. Development of communication skills necessary for the successful development of the communication process.

3. Development of the volitional sphere - arbitrariness and mental processes, self-regulation, necessary for successful schooling.

4. Development of the personal sphere - the formation of adequate self-esteem, increasing self-confidence.

5. Development of the intellectual sphere - the development of thinking skills, visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical, creative and critical thinking.

6. Formation of positive motivation for learning.

7. Development of cognitive and mental processes - perception, memory, attention, imagination.
Conceptual framework of the "Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik" program
The content of the program is based on the ideas of developing education by D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov, taking into account age characteristics and zones of proximal development (L.S.Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin).

The reflexive - activity approach allows solving the problems of the development of mental functions through the use of various types of activity inherent in a given age.

In our work, we adhered to the idea of ​​an uncritical humane attitude to the inner world of each child (K. Rogers).

The principle of a personality-oriented approach (G.A. Tsukerman, Sh.A. Amonashvili) offers the choice and construction of material based on the individuality of each child, focusing on his needs and potentialities.

Increasing efficiency is based on the ideas of the phased formation of actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina).
Forms of work with children within the framework of the "Flower-seven-flower" program
This program is designed to work with children from 3 to 7 years old in the framework of preschool educational institutions.

Group lessons:

The complete set of groups and the duration of classes depends on the age category.

The sequence of presentation of topics and the number of hours on each topic may vary depending on the interest of the children and the results of the psychologist's observations.

The design of the program for each age period is focused on meeting the leading needs and is based on the development of the leading mental process or the sphere of the psyche.

In particular:

3-4 years - perception;

4 - 5 years - perception, emotional sphere;

5 - 6 years old - emotional sphere, communicative sphere;

6 - 7 years - personal sphere, volitional sphere.

Tasks for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, imagination, thinking), as well as for the development of the volitional and psychophysiological sphere are selected in accordance with the topics of the classes.

Classes are held in premises in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules.
Equipment for classes
- Audio - video library;

Music and film library;

Desktop - printed games;

Object toys;

Colored crayons;


Paints, pencils, markers;

Writing and colored paper;

Construction material;

Principles of conducting classes
- Systematic presentation of material

Visibility of teaching;

The cyclical nature of the structure of the lesson;



Developing and educational nature of the educational material.
Each lesson contains the following steps.


1. Organizational stage- creating an emotional mood in the group;

exercises and games to attract the attention of children;

2. Motivational stage- finding out the initial level of knowledge of children on this topic; message of the topic of the lesson; the appearance of the character;

3. Practical stage- submission of new information based on available data;

tasks for the development of cognitive processes (perception, memory,

thinking, imagination) and creativity;

practicing the acquired skills in practice;

4. Reflexive stage- generalization of new material; summing up the results of the lesson.
Individual work:
Includes entrance (at the beginning of the year), intermediate (in the middle of the academic year) and control (at the end of the year) diagnostics of cognitive processes; emotional, personal and volitional sphere. Its results can be used in an individual approach to a child in the classroom, in drawing up a correctional program and in consulting parents and teachers.
Working with parents of children- program participants:
Provides for the involvement of parents in creating conditions in the family, contributing to the fullest assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in the classroom and their implementation in everyday life; educational work with parents in the form of lectures, workshops and round tables.
Psychological course

"Seven-color flower" for children 5-6 years old
By the age of five, all mental processes in children are actively developing and begin to acquire an arbitrary character. The rudiments of responsibility for the assigned work appear. Therefore, the duration of the lesson is increased by 10 minutes.

When communicating, the child pays attention to the moral qualities and character traits of his peers, the emotional and personal sphere is improved. In this regard, each lesson begins with an exchange of news, in addition to this, such a beginning of classes develops the ability to speak in public. Games conducted during dynamic pauses become more difficult compared to activities for an earlier age, tasks are saturated with verbal and non-verbal communication. Many lessons in this part of the program are devoted to self-awareness and the identity of others, as well as communication.

However, the leading type of activity at this age is play, therefore all activities are saturated with games, there are characters and the game plot and motivation are observed.

At this age, the child can already subordinate his desires to the requirements of the team, therefore several lessons in this program are devoted to etiquette.

Comprehensive psychology classes take into account the active development of all mental processes, properties and states (perception, attention, thinking, memory, imagination, speech, emotions). In developmental games, tasks are given for the development of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking (cut pictures, plot pictures), the emotional sphere (expansion of ideas about emotions: joy, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, calmness), memory, attention, imagination, spatial orientation (graphic dictations, cell drawings) and self-regulation.
The objectives of the psychological course for children 5-6 years old

    To create conditions for the formation of elements of arbitrary mental processes in children in all types of activities.

    Promote the child's self-knowledge.

    Develop self-regulation of emotional responses.

    Improve the communication skills of preschoolers, develop joint activities of children.

    Organize joint activities to develop cooperation skills.

Age features of children 5-6 years old
Leading need- the need for communication; creative activity.

Leading activity- a role-playing game.

Leading function- imagination.

Age features:

  1. The manifestation of elements of arbitrariness in all mental processes.

    Communication with an adult is extra-situational and personal.

    In communication with a peer, there is a transition from a situational-business form to an extra-situational business one.

    The manifestation of creative activity in all types of activities. Development of fantasy.

    Gender identification.

Goals and objectives for adults:

1. To form elements of arbitrariness of mental processes in children in all types of activity.

  1. Support and create conditions for the development of the child's creative potential.

    Promote the development of empathic manifestations.

    Encourage children to show initiative and independent thinking in all types of activities.

    Organize joint activities in order to develop elements of cooperation.

    Teach children the ability to plan future activities. Use imagination as a prerequisite for the development of an internal plan of action in children and exercise external control through speech.


  1. Anticipation of the result of activity.

    Active planning speech function.

    A non-situational business form of communication with a peer.

Age norms of the child's mental development

by the age of 6 (performance criteria)
Perception shades of the studied emotional states.

Visual figurative: volume - 6 items.

Auditory figurative: volume - 6 sounds.

Auditory verbal: volume - 6 words.

Tactile: volume - 6 items.

Volume - 6 items.

Stability - 20-25 minutes.

Concentration: finding a well-known image in a drawing with up to 10 small details, with an average shading density; selection in Figure 7-8 of the contours of objects superimposed completely.

Reproductive with elements of creative (drawing your mood, changing a fairy tale through the introduction of additional characters invented by the child himself, etc.)
Development of the intellectual sphere


Ability to analyze the character traits of the heroes of a fairy tale.

Completion of tasks: "find the ninth" and "logical chains" on two grounds.

Exception n but the basis of all studied generalizations.

Visual synthesis from 6 parts without a sample and from 7-8 parts - with visual support on the sample.

Comparison objects based on ideas and visual perception. The child must independently identify 7 similarities and seven differences.


The child should be able to perform generalizations of the first and second order:

wild and domestic animals;

plants (trees, flowers, mushrooms, berries);

things (hats, clothes, shoes);

fish, sports equipment, birds, insects.

Specification based on all studied generalizations.


by color - 5 shades;

in size - 7 items;

emotional state (transition from one emotional state to another) - 5 degrees of severity;

by age - 4 age groups;

according to the severity of the properties of objects - 5 degrees;

a series of 5 consecutive pictures.

Classification on two grounds based on available generalizations without the help of an adult.
Emotional sphere

The child should be able to recognize by the pictogram and name emotional states: joy - delight, sadness, anger - rage, surprise, fear, confusion, calmness.

Ability to communicate your mood.

Knowledge of at least three ways of expressing and changing these emotional states.
Communication sphere

Ability to pair up to work together.

The ability, with the help of an adult, to distribute roles in the game and come up with additional roles.

Knowledge of the main ways of non-verbal communication
Volitional sphere

Accept and hold the 3 rules in a game situation and a study situation.

Ability to act according to verbal and visual instructions.
Personal sphere

Formation of ideas about such personal qualities of people as kindness and anger, greed and generosity, laziness, capriciousness.

The ability to evaluate yourself, highlighting these qualities in your behavior.

The manifestation of the elements of reflection.


Topic of the lesson

Number of hours




Our group. What we can do.

Rules of conduct in the classroom.





Joy, sadness.







Dictionary of emotions.

Autumn Festival.

Land of Imagination




Visiting a fairy tale



New Year's celebration.




Etiquette. Appearance.

Etiquette. Rules of conduct in public places.

Table etiquette.




Gift etiquette.

Guest etiquette.

Magic means of understanding.

Defenders of the Fatherland.




Mom's helpers.

I and my family.

Me and my friends.

Me and my name.




Country "I". Personality traits (good-evil, lazy-hardworking, generous-greedy, etc.)

I am special.

Final diagnostics

Final diagnostics



Sections: Working with preschoolers

A pronounced trend in the development of modern society is its informatization, accompanied by an ever wider and more intensive introduction of information technologies in various spheres of human activity.
Just three decades ago, it seemed that the computer is a complex and mysterious device of the distant future, which is accessible only to a select few. And today, thanks to its versatility, it is useful to a person of any profession. It is the versatility of computer tools that determines their developmental effect in education. The computer can be used not only as a practical aid in informatics lessons, but also as a means of expanding the possibilities of the educational process in all educational institutions from kindergarten to school.
The interest of children in the computer is enormous, and it is up to adults to create conditions for its maintenance and expansion in order to develop and improve the cognitive abilities of the child.
In this regard, there is a need to "familiarize" children with the computer world, as early as possible, already at preschool age, so that this world becomes familiar and natural for the child. L.S. Vygotsky wrote that a child's play is born of a contradiction: a child wants to act like an adult, but cannot, because he is still small, and then, instead of riding a horse or driving a real car, he sits astride a stick or even just hums himself like a car or a train, i.e. plays, replaces reality in the game. In the case of a computer, a child's dream comes true easily, but only thanks to special computer game programs. This is how the motivational readiness to enter the computer world is born, there is a desire to master computer wisdom and start a game.
With an appropriate approach, many directions, tasks, as well as the content of educational work with children can be provided with developing computer games.
An analysis of the results of the implementation of the "Rainbow" program in a preschool institution showed that despite the fairly high indicators of the level of upbringing, training and development of preschoolers, teachers are constantly faced with the problems of prompt updating of educational and methodological support of the educational process, as well as the lack of adequate control and measuring materials analysis of the success of the assimilation of the program by preschoolers and modern technologies for consolidating the knowledge gained by children in practical activities. All this set for the kindergarten teachers the task of expanding the possibilities of using computer technologies in the educational process and practical activity, creating computer programs in order to improve the quality of the success of solving the above issues.
The creation of a computer program, which is based on the possibility of expanding the social experience of children, as well as assessing the level of assimilation of the material of the implemented program "Rainbow" and its active introduction into the practice of a preschool institution, makes it possible to qualitatively implement the main goal of upbringing - the use of life experience as the basis of socialization.
Based on the foregoing, we can say that the use of computer technologies is a way to improve the entire pedagogical process, increase the education of the child, help in diagnosing development, developing children's initiative and curiosity, expanding the possibilities of creating elements of a developing environment, expanding the possibility of realizing an individually differentiated approach to the child and create a positive emotional background. The use of a computer is possible and necessary. It helps to increase interest in learning, its effectiveness, and comprehensively develops the child.

The name of the program: author's project of a computer program for the development of older preschool children "Flower - seven-flower"
The purpose of this program is to expand the possibilities of using modern information computer technologies in the practice of preschool educational institutions, contributing to improving the quality of preparation of senior preschool children for school, promoting the development of elementary computer literacy by preschool children, creating conditions for the successful socialization of children in society, and the formation of independence among preschoolers , dedication, the ability to set a task for oneself and achieve its solution, normalize the emotional-volitional and personal sphere of preschoolers.

The program is built on the following principles:
1. The principle of developmental learning.
2. The principle of upbringing education.
3. The principle of systematic and consistent training.
4. The principle of accessibility.
5. The principle of individual personal control.
6. The principle of the consciousness and activity of children in the assimilation of knowledge and their

Program description:
The author's computer program "Seven-color flower" is designed to work with older preschool children.
The program "Flower-seven-color" is based on the materials recommended by the authors of the complex program for children of senior preschool age "Rainbow" (T.N. Doronova, T.I. Grizik, V.V. Gerbova, E.V. Solovieva, S. G. Jacobson and others). It is addressed primarily to preschool educators, but can be used for independent study at home by parents interested in the development of their children.
Work with the use of the program is carried out under the supervision of a teacher who draws up an individual plan, chooses a task in accordance with the studied topic, monitors the correctness of the child's tasks and doses the necessary load.
Within the framework of the systematic approach, the computer program "Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik" offers more than 60 tasks with three levels of difficulty, combined into four thematic sections:
"Cognitive development" - 12 lessons;
"Mathematics and Logic" - 9 lessons;
"Artistic and aesthetic development" - 18 lessons;
"Personal safety rules" - 9 lessons.
Each section of the "Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik" computer program consists of several blocks with sound instructions and animation. In this case, the tasks that make up the blocks are aimed at consolidating and testing knowledge of the section of the program.
The color scheme of each section is saved in all exercises in the form of colored backgrounds and psychologically contributes to the creation of a single associative line within each section.
Each section is supposed to have its own animation character, which accompanies all the exercises of the block ("Cognitive development" - Baba - Yaga, "Mathematics and logic" - Mary Poppins, "Artistic and aesthetic" - Magic brush and Merry note, "Rules of personal safety" - uncle Styopa).
Work with all exercises of the program is carried out based on visual control. Their visualization takes place on the monitor screen in the form of cartoon images and symbols. In case of incorrect execution of the task, it is possible to go back and achieve the correct result. If the task is completed correctly, bonuses or surprises are assumed.
The computer program "Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik" provides for the possibility of individual adjustment of the parameters corresponding to the present level and the zone of proximal development of the child.
Colorful drawings, animation of objects, sound and music make the program attractive for children.
All tasks of the program are built in a playful way, while a problem situation is created, the solution of which is made by means available to the child. On the computer side, it is not an impersonal program that comes out, but a funny and funny computer hero Tsvetik-seven-flower, who explains to the child the purpose and rules for completing the proposed task, helps to complete it, and gives a final or intermediate assessment of the performed action. This creates positive motivation when working with the program, since the child is interested in communicating with the computer hero.
In addition, with the traditional teaching system, the child is not always able to apply the acquired knowledge in a communication situation, but in the process of working on a computer he has such an opportunity. Communication with the computer hero of the program, the Seven-Flower Flower, contributes to the development of communication skills in children due to the fact that specially constructed and selected tasks encourage the child to enter into communication with him.
The computer program Tsvetik-seven-color is easy to use. It has an accessible interface, is intuitive for a child, and has navigation keys. Thus, no special training is required to work with the program, and user skills are acquired directly in the process of its application. Ease of use of the program is a prerequisite when working with preschool children, since the computer should not become a subject of study for a preschooler.

The structure of the lesson.
Each lesson is complex. It includes stage III.
Stage I - preparatory.
The child is immersed in the plot of the lesson, the period of preparation for a computer game through educational games, conversations, contests, competitions that will help him cope with the task. Gymnastics for the eyes, finger exercises for preparing the visual, motor apparatus for work are included.
Stage II is the main one.
It includes mastering the way of managing the program to achieve a result and independent play of the child at the computer.
Stage III is the final one.
It is necessary to relieve visual (gymnastics for the eyes), muscle and nervous tension (physical minutes, acupressure, a set of physical exercises, relaxation to music).
Classes are held in subgroups of 8-10 people 2 times a week in the morning or in the afternoon, depending on the topics of the blocks.

The duration of each stage of the lesson:
Stage 1 - 10 minutes,
Stage 2 - 10 minutes,
Stage 3 - 5 minutes.

Expected results:
As a result of using the computer program for the development of senior preschool children "Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik", we will obtain the following results:
Formation of ideas of older preschool children about the capabilities of a computer as a modern tool for receiving and processing information.
Formation of initial computer skills.
Overcoming the psychological barrier when working on a computer.
Formation of skills in educational activities: the ability to accept and set an educational and cognitive task, the ability to hear and follow instructions, the ability to plan their own activities and work according to algorithms, the ability to control the progress of activities and evaluate the results of their own activities.
Formation of ideas and knowledge in various educational areas of the "Rainbow" program: mathematics and logic, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic activities of children, personal safety rules.
Development of the child's sensory capabilities. Preschoolers will acquire independence, composure, concentration, perseverance; will be introduced to empathy, cooperation, co-creation.
Development of basic mental processes: memory, attention, imagination, thinking.

Ikryanova Svetlana Evgenievna
Scenario of the competition-game program "Tsvetik - seven-flower"

The course of the event.

Leading: Today is a special day,

How many smiles he has

And we are pleased with that.

Leading: Hello guys! Today we will play an interesting « Seven-flowered flower» .

Leading: We prepared, tried,

They tried to learn the songs,

And we have a surprise

You will see now!

But so that our contests took place, We need your help. Before you - flower - seven-flower it's not easy flower rather magical. As soon as one participant tears off the petal, the game will be played immediately.

(tears off the petal)

Leading - We tear off the first sheet,

AND We are starting our competition,

See how for you,

We will dance now.

Dancing- contests

(tears off another petal)

Leading - We tear off the second sheet,

And our we continue the program,

We will entertain you

We invite you to play.

The game is called "Draw" you need to draw with any object those that are on your table, the most unusual and beautiful drawing. (game is being played)

Contest"For the best smile"

Exercise: Children are offered different situations, and they should smile according to the situation.

Your parents gave you for your birthday something that you have dreamed of for a long time.

You have met a person for the first time and you want to please him.

Mom bought you delicious ice cream. You are delighted, but just did not have time to taste it and dropped it to the ground.

They wanted to give you a kitten, but your parents did not allow you to take it home, you resigned yourself, but somehow you come home with walks, and you have this kitten in your house.

Lead - Tear off the third leaf,

We reveal our secret to you,

We dance and sing

And now let's read the poems.

And now reading poems, who will read it more expressively

Comic questions

What animal does not bite, does not rush at anyone and lives above everyone else? (Big Dipper.)

What needs to be done so that 4 boys are in one boot? (Remove one boot from each.)

What kind of comb can you comb your head? (Petushin.)

What does the train ride on? (On the rails.)

What are we eating for? (At the table.)

Which bell doesn't ring? (Flower.)

Leading - Tear off the fourth sheet,

AND we continue the program.

The game "Collect" need to collect flower and you should have a word.

(peony, rose)

The game "Rhymes-Deception"

Exercise: the task of children is to listen carefully to poetry and suggest words by meaning, and not rhyme. Those children who independently worked on the assignments read the resulting verses aloud.

Three Christmas trees have grown as a wall -

In a birch grove.

All needles to one

They have flower ...(green).

The tomato is large and ripe.

Look how he is ... (Red).

The elephant seen by Violetta

It was not pink, but ... (Gray).

Found five berries in the grass

And ate one. Left … (four).

The mouse counts holes in cheese:

Three plus two - just ... (five).

Even a foreigner knows:

Everyone in the forest is more cunning ... (Fox). (M. Lukashkina)

Leading - The fifth leaf flew,

Through west to east

Come on, together, come on, together,

Let's play more fun!

Summer riddles

Artist competition"We read and draw"

Exercise: the presenter reads a poem, and those wishing to participate in competition young artists paint what they hear. The winner is the one whose drawing is more in line with the poem.

How to draw a little man

I draw two circles for the eyes.

The nose is a straight line.

The mouth is a semicircle.

Two curls -

And the ears stood on top of the head.

This is how a face is made.

The oval is bigger - like an egg.

The buttons are like dots.

And hooks stick out on both sides,

No, not hooks -

Two arms:

They are long and tall

They opened their arms to everyone!

I could draw a little leg. (M. Karem)

Leading: Seven-flower, small flower,

Here's another piece of paper

We'll pick another piece of paper now,

Let's play and sing!

The game "Collect balls" my knitting threads have unraveled and they need to be rolled into a ball. I need 2 volunteers.

The game "Magic items"

Exercise: the leader stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball, and the player must catch the ball and name what magic item this hero has. For example: Vasilisa the Wise - ... (magic ball).

Aladdin - ... (magic lamp, flying carpet)

Fairy - … (Magic wand)

Father Frost - … (staff)

Cinderella - ... (glass slipper)

Hottabych - ... (beard)

Baba Yaga - ... (Stupa and broom)

Leading - Here is one sheet left,

We will give you a leaf,

Answer me, can you

Curvy knit bows?

The game "Tie the bows" I propose to tie bows: on the head, on a tie.

Contest"Guess the Hero"

The facilitator asks questions. Children answer each one separately. Questions will refer to fairy tale characters. Children must continue the name hero:

“Red ... (Cap)"," Snowy ... (Queen)", "Crocodile … (Gena)"," Baba ... (Yaga)"," Koschey ... (Immortal)”,“ The cat in ... (boots)", "Cat (Basilio)", "Fox … (Alice)"," Chicken ... (Ryaba)"," Mouse ... (Norushka)"," Karabas ... (Barabass)", "Frog … (Wah)».

Leading - The middle remains,

This mommy is bloody.

Children in the whole world know

There is no better mother in the world!

Leading - that's the middle left, and of course, we will give the centerpiece to our favorite counselors. Let's make a gift with our own hands.

Flower - seven-flower symbolizes hope for the fulfillment of desires, gives light, warmth and goodness. Therefore, we are presenting this poster to you.

Leading - The holiday has come to an end,

What else can we say?

Allow goodbye

To wish everyone good health!

Don't get sick, don't get old

Never get angry

So young

Stay forever!

Host - it's a little sad that our holiday is over, but you must remember that flower - seven-flower is not a simple flower rather magical. Make wishes and everything will come true. Goodbye!

Nature in the summer in verses by S. A. Yesenin

Golden stars fell asleep,

The backwater mirror trembled,

The light dawns on the river backwaters

And blush the grid of the sky.

Sleepy birches smiled

Silk braids were tousled.

Rustling green earrings

And silver dew burns.

The wattle fence has overgrown nettles

Dressed in bright mother-of-pearl

And, rocking, whispers playfully:

"Good morning!"

Summer nature in poetry by I. A. Bunin

The hotter the day, the sweeter it is in the forest

Breathe in the dry resinous scent

And I had fun in the morning

Wander through these solar chambers!

Everywhere shine, everywhere bright light,

Sand is like silk. I'll cling to the gnarled pine

And feel: I am only ten years old,

And the trunk is a giant, heavy, stately.

The bark is rough, wrinkled, red,

But as warm as the whole sun warmed up!

And it seems that pine does not smell,

And the heat and dryness of a sunny summer.

Nature in the summer in verses by A.S. Pushkin

The last cloud of the scattered storm!

Alone you rush across the clear azure,

You alone cast a dull shadow

You alone sadden a joyous day.

You recently wrapped around the sky,

And the lightning wrapped menacingly around you;

And you made a mysterious thunder

And the greedy land watered with rain.

Enough, hide! The time has passed

The ground refreshed and the storm swept by

And the wind, caressing the leaves of the wood,

Heaven drives you from the reassured.

Nature in the summer in the verses of A. N. Maikov

"Gold, gold falls from the sky!" -

Children scream and run after the rain.

Fullness, children, we will save it,

Let's only save with golden grain

In barns full of fragrant bread! (1856)

1. "Dance for the Hands" tennis rackets go and fill the ball.

2. "Dance for the feet" like a snake.

3. "Dance for the back" carry the book on your head.

4. "Belly dance" twist wrap.

5. "Dance for the whole body" jump rope.

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 6 pages)




(Kurazheva N.Yu., Varaeva N.V., Tuzaeva A.S., Kozlova I.A.)

It is obvious that a child's development needs to start at an early age. The preschool period is sensitive to the development of many mental processes. Elementary moral ideas and feelings, the simplest behavioral skills acquired by a child during this period, from the "natural", according to L.S. Vygotsky, must become "cultural", i.e. turn into higher psychological functions and become the foundation for the development of new forms of behavior, rules and norms.

Today there is a large amount of theoretical and methodological literature on child development, but there is no single psychological program for preschool children. Notebooks are published on a printed basis for preschoolers, in which the pedagogical and psychological material is not structured, there is no clear division of pedagogical and psychological tasks. At the same time, most preschool educational institutions have a psychologist in the staffing table and psychological classes with children are highlighted as a special form of work. In this regard, contradictions arise in the work of teachers and psychologists, which hinder the establishment of continuity. We have made an attempt to generalize and structure various approaches related to the mental development of a preschool child, taking into account age and individual characteristics. This will lead to more effective interaction between the teacher and the psychologist.

The novelty of this program lies in the fact that it provides for continuous psychological support and development of the child throughout preschool age, taking into account the dynamics of the development of each mental process and each sphere of the psyche for months during each year. The main idea of ​​our work is the integration and systematization of psychological material, which involves the combination of various areas of activity of a psychologist of a preschool educational institution.

Goals and objectives of the program "Seven-color flower"


Creation of conditions for the natural psychological development of the child.


1. Development of the emotional sphere. Introducing the child into the world of the child into the world of human emotions.

2. Development of communication skills necessary for the successful development of the communication process.

3. Development of the volitional sphere - arbitrariness and mental processes, self-regulation, necessary for successful schooling.

4. Development of the personal sphere - the formation of adequate self-esteem, increasing self-confidence.

5. Development of the intellectual sphere - the development of thinking skills, visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical, creative and critical thinking.

6. Formation of positive motivation for learning.

7. Development of cognitive and mental processes - perception, memory, attention, imagination.

Conceptual framework of the "Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik" program

The reflexive - activity approach allows solving the problems of the development of mental functions through the use of various types of activity inherent in a given age.

In our work, we adhered to the idea of ​​an uncritical humane attitude to the inner world of each child (K. Rogers).

The principle of a personality-oriented approach (G.A. Tsukerman, Sh.A. Amonashvili) offers the choice and construction of material based on the individuality of each child, focusing on his needs and potentialities.

Increasing efficiency is based on the ideas of the phased formation of actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina).

Forms of work with children within the program "Seven-flower flower"

This program is designed to work with children from 3 to 7 years old in the framework of preschool educational institutions.

Group lessons:

The complete set of groups and the duration of classes depends on the age category.

Number of children in the group

Lesson time

5-6 people

6-7 people

7-8 people

8-10 people

The sequence of presentation of topics and the number of hours on each topic may vary depending on the interest of the children and the results of the psychologist's observations.

The design of the program for each age period is focused on meeting the leading needs and is based on the development of the leading mental process or the sphere of the psyche.

In particular:

3-4 years - perception;

4 - 5 years - perception, emotional sphere;

5 - 6 years old - emotional sphere, communicative sphere;

6 - 7 years - personal sphere, volitional sphere.

Tasks for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, imagination, thinking), as well as for the development of the volitional and psychophysiological sphere are selected in accordance with the topics of the classes.

Classes are held in premises in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules.

Equipment for classes

- Audio - video library;

- music library and film library;

- board - printed games;

- object toys;

- colored crayons;

- plasticine;

- paints, pencils, markers;

- writing and colored paper;

- construction material;

Principles of conducting classes

- Systematic presentation of material

- clarity of training;

- cyclical structure of the lesson;

- availability;

- problematic;

- the developing and educational nature of the educational material.

Each lesson contains the following steps.


1. Organizational stage- creating an emotional mood in the group;

exercises and games to attract the attention of children;

2. Motivational stage- finding out the initial level of knowledge of children on this topic; message of the topic of the lesson; the appearance of the character;

3. Practical stage- submission of new information based on available data;

tasks for the development of cognitive processes (perception, memory,

thinking, imagination) and creativity;

practicing the acquired skills in practice;

4. Reflexive stage- generalization of new material; summing up the results of the lesson.

Individual work:

Includes entrance (at the beginning of the year), intermediate (in the middle of the academic year) and control (at the end of the year) diagnostics of cognitive processes; emotional, personal and volitional sphere. Its results can be used in an individual approach to a child in the classroom, in drawing up a correctional program and in consulting parents and teachers.

Working with parents of childrenprogram participants:

Provides for the involvement of parents in creating conditions in the family, contributing to the fullest assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in the classroom and their implementation in everyday life; educational work with parents in the form of lectures, workshops and round tables.

Psychological well

"Seven-flower flower" for children 3-4 years old

At the age of three, a child is going through an age crisis that is significant for his development and socialization. A small preschooler for the first time begins to realize his autonomy and individuality, strives for independence, understands that he can do a lot on his own, without the help of an adult. Striking manifestations of the "crisis of three years" are: negativism, stubbornness, obstinacy.

At the age of three, children develop an interest in joint play activities, and there is a transition from “playing alongside” to “playing together”. The emotional and sensory-perceptual sphere of the child is actively developing.

The main activity of three-year-olds is the game.

Psycho tasks ological course for children 3-4 years

Create conditions for the manifestation of all types of child activity.

Create conditions for the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

Facilitate the development of different ways of interacting with adults and peers in play and everyday communication.

Develop the ability to obey the rules.

Promote the expression of emotional responsiveness. Susceptibility.

Develop the first "moral emotions": good _ bad.

Contribute to the formation of positive self-esteem.

Age characteristics of children 3-4 years old

Leading need- in communication, in respect; in recognizing the independence of the child.

Leading activity- playroom.

The transition from manipulative play to role-playing.

Leading function- perception.

Age features:

Crisis 3 years. Formation of the "I system".

Development of imagination through the development of the function of replacing one object with another.

The emergence of the semantic structure of consciousness.

The child achieves a new status, as a result of which he shows stubbornness and negativism.

Development takes place through communication. Communication with an adult becomes extra-situational and cognitive.

Keeps attention for 7–8 minutes.

Can perform mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.

With a new activity, a step-by-step explanation is necessary (do as I do).

Goals and objectives for adults:

To help master different ways of interacting with an adult and a peer in play and in everyday communication.

Promote the manifestation of all types of child activity.

To form the first "moral emotions": good or bad.

To form the ability to act according to the rules.

To form the ability to empathize, sympathize. Build emotional responsiveness.

6. Contribute to the formation of a child's positive self-esteem in the process of communication with an adult.


Assimilation of primary moral norms.


The emergence of elements of partnership communication.

Age norms for the mental development of a child by 4 years

(performance criteria)


Red, blue, green, yellow, brown, black, white

Ball - circle, cube - square, triangle

Recognition, naming, correlation

The quantities

Large - small, long - short, tall - low, wide - narrow, thick - thin

Recognition, naming, correlation


Far - close, high - low

Recognition, naming, correlation

Emotional state

Joy, sadness, anger

Recognition, naming, correlation


Visual figurative: volume - 4–5 items.

Auditory figurative: volume - 3-4 sounds.

Auditory verbal: volume - 4 words.

Tactile: volume - 3-4 objects.


Volume - 4 items.

Stability - 10-12 minutes.

Concentration: finding the contour of a known object in the drawing with high shading density, the contour of an unknown object with weak shading.



Coloring or drawing by imagination (for example, draw a sun, paint a Christmas tree), modeling by assignment (for example, roll a ball, - an adult does not show)

With elements of creative

Finishing, making appliqués, drawing up a pattern or an object from small parts without a sample (for example, think of who lives in the land of circles), sculpting objects or living beings with visual instructions.

Use of substitute items in the game

Development of the intellectual sphere


Description of an item based on known characteristics.

Completion of tasks: "find the sixth" and "logical chains" (by one or two signs).

Eliminate based on all generalizations learned.

Visual synthesis from 3 parts without support on the sample and from 4 parts - with visual support or overlapping on the sample.

Comparison objects by color, shape, size, location in space, emotional state based on visual perception.

When comparing, the child should be able to independently identify 3 similarities and 3 differences.


by color, shape, size, emotional state;

animals, toys, fruits, vegetables, clothes, shoes.

Execution of an instantiation operation based on existing generics.

To the question: what animals do you know? (toys, fruits, etc.), the child should be able to name 4-5 objects independently (for example, animals: cat, dog, tiger, giraffe, wolf).


by color - 3 shades;

in size - 5 items;

by location in space - 3 positions;

a series of consecutive pictures for a famous fairy tale - 4 pictures.


On the basis of the available generalizations on one basis - independently.

Emotional sphere

Name, recognition by the pictogram of emotional states - joy, sadness, anger.

Knowledge of some ways of expressing these emotional states (through drawing, vocalization, using facial expressions, gestures and expressive movements).

Communication sphere

Ability to refer to a peer and an adult by name, to accept different roles in a game invented by an adult.

Volitional sphere

Accept and keep 2 rules in a game situation.

Psychophysiological sphere

Ability to paint over objects inside the outline.

The ability to string small objects (beads) in the forest.

Ability to sculpt small and large objects from plasticine or clay.

Ability to depict various emotional states using facial expressions and gestures.

Thematic planning of psychological studies

for children from 3 to 4 years old

(1 lesson per week for 20 minutes, 31 lessons in total)


Topic of the lesson

Number of hours



Let's be friends

Rules of conduct in the classroom

Me and my group

Emotion vocabulary

Autumn holiday

Perception of color. Generalization: vegetables, fruits

Perception of form

Perception of magnitude (large - small)

Hello Winter



New Year's celebration

Perception of magnitude (wide-narrow)

Perception of magnitude (long-short)

The tale "Runaway toys". Summarizing: toys

Tale "Teremok". Generalization: animals

KI Chukovsky "Fedorin's grief". Generalization: cookware

LF Voronkova "Masha is Confused". Generalization: clothes, shoes

Dandelion boys

Chorus girls

Fairy tale "Three Bears". Summarize: furniture

Tale "Turnip". Friendship, mutual assistance

Land of Imagination

April Fool's Day

Hello Spring. Generalization: insects

Final diagnostics

Final diagnostics




Lesson 1

Theme: Acquaintance

Intact and:

introduce children to each other;

create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom.

Materials (edit): toy Bunny (bibabo doll), hoop, umbrella, musical accompaniment, ball, flower meadow, paper flowers, glue stick, green marker, soap bubbles.


I stage. Organizational

1 ... Greetings

Bunny meets the children in the lobby and invites them to the lesson.

Hello guys! Let's get acquainted. My name is (Acting psychologist). And what is your name? ( the psychologist meets each child) From this day on, we will meet, play together, draw, talk. Today my old friend Ushastik will help me.

II stage. Motivational

1. The appearance of the character

The eagle greets each child by the hand, makes his acquaintance, offers his help in playing games.

Carousel game

Eeyore puts the hoop in the middle of the carpet, and invites the guys to stand around it .

Barely, barely, Spun roundabout.

And then, then, then Everything is running, running, running. Run, run

They ran, they ran.

Hush, hush, take your time Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te.

One - two, one - two, So the game is over.

Moving slowly

Rate of speech and movement

are accelerating

Slowing down the pace

Everybody stopped

Bowed to each other

III stage. Practical

1. Dynamic pause "Bunnies» (on the carpet)

Girls and boys,

Imagine that you are bunnies.

One, two, three, four, five,

The zainka began to ride.

The bunny was jumping all day

The zainke is not too lazy to jump.

The game "Sun and Rain"

Eeyore finds an umbrella and asks the children to say what it is for.

Psychologist: Come on, Ushastik, hide under the umbrella, and you guys, also hide, and the rain will not be scary for us!

Eared: Guys, when I open the umbrella, we will all hide under it. And as soon as the umbrella closes, we will again run and jump across the clearing. Clear?

Psychologist: The cloud covered the sun,

I got our kids wet!

Well, everyone is running here,

I'll cover you with an umbrella!

Eeyore: We hide everything under an umbrella.

Psychologist: A cloud hid behind the forest,

The sun is watching from heaven.

And so clean, warm, radiant.

Eared: The rain has passed, you can go for a walk!

Exercise "Let's get acquainted"

Eeyore: You ran, tired:

They galloped like bunnies

We played with the umbrella….

Let's sit together in a circle.

What's my friend here? ( Eeyore pulls out the ball)

We will roll the ball to each other. To whom he rolls, he will say loudly his name. He will tell you what his name is at home, affectionately, what he loves.

The psychologist or bunny shows a sample of the answer.

Eeyore: My name is Ushastik, my mother calls me Zainka, I like to walk, jump, gnaw carrots. Catch the ball, Misha!

Game "Bunny"

The gray hare sits and wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this, he wiggles his ears.

The bunny is cold to sit, it is necessary to warm the paws,

Like this, like this, you need to warm the paws.

The bunny is cold to stand, the bunny must jump.

Like this, like this, the bunny must jump.

The wolf scared the bunny, the gray bunny galloped away!

Music plays loudly, we will run, jump dexterously.

Eeyore: How are we going to jump? Here's how!

Psychologist: And as soon as he stops, Bunny will sit down and sit.

Eeyore: Everyone crouched down? Well done!

5. Collective work "Flower meadow"

A blank glade hangs on the board, over which butterflies fly, the sun is shining, but there are no flowers. Blanks of flowers are laid out nearby.

Guys, can you help us plant beautiful flowers in the meadow? See what flowers we have.

Eeyore: Choose the one you like best. Let's take turns. Dasha, take a flower, glue it, and draw a stem for it, please. This is the kind of flower Dasha has planted! Who, Dasha, will you give the felt-tip pen? (the guys take turns gluing flowers.)

Psychologist: Great, we got a very beautiful clearing!

Game "Blow Up, Bubble!"

Guys, want to know Eeyore's favorite activity? He will tell you by ear (take turns in a circle, the children speak to each other by ear), and then we will all tell you in unison what kind of activity it is. ("blow bubbles")

Let's blow bubbles too. (children catch)

And I know another very interesting game: Joining hands, standing in a circle, let's make the circle small, small. Now we say the words and "blow the bubble"

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay that way

Don't burst!

IV stage. Reflective

Dynamic pause

Eared invites the guys to do exercises - a rest:

Repeat all movements behind me.

We raise our hands up, and then we lower them,

And then we will separate them, and we will quickly press to ourselves.

And then faster - faster, clap, clap more fun.

2. Summing up, reflection, farewell ritual

Eeyore is interested in children, what did they like the most? Then he says goodbye to everyone. ("Ball Assistant")

The psychologist and the children sing a song saying goodbye with a ball to each child in a circle : (the psychologist mints a real ball, and the children are imaginary)

The ball rolled along the path,

Jump-jump, jump-jump into Katina's (child's name) palms.

Goodbye, Katya! (the psychologist says)

Goodbye, I.O. psychologist! (child says)

Say goodbye to Bunny, a psychologist.

Session 2

Theme: Let's be friends

Intact and:

1. to continue acquaintance of children with each other;

2. to unite the group;

3. to form a positive attitude towards the content of the lesson.

Materials (edit): toy Hare, ball, colored pencils, forms with tasks, hoop


I stage. Organizational


II stage. Motivational

1. An outdoor game "The Train of Friendship"

The psychologist invites the children to visit their friend Ushastik on the train of friendship. The psychologist, paying attention to the distinctive external features of children, invites everyone to take their place.

"The pea, which came in a green blouse, will enter the first trailer," and so on.

The movement of the locomotive can be accompanied by the following song:

The train rushes and rumbles

Knock knock knock knock knock

The machinist is busy

Chug-chuh-chug, chug-chuh-chug ..

The train rushes under the mountain

Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock

Second carriage for children

Chug-chuh-chug, chug-chuh-chug.

The train rushes along the fields

Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock

Hey flowers in the water of the fields

Chug-chuh-chug, chug-chuh-chug.

2. The appearance of the Eeyore character.

Eeyore greets children and gives them hearts, which differ in size and color, as a sign of friendship. Children need to find the same one among those who remained at Eeyore and glue them together.

Then he offers to meet and play with his friends.

III stage. Practical

Dynamic pause "Animal charge"

One - squat, two - jump,

And squatting again, and then jumping again.

This is a bunny exercise.

The birds are jumping as if they are dancing

Birds flap their wings

And take off without looking back.

This is a birdie exercise.

And the cubs, as they wake up,

They like to stretch for a long time.

Be sure to yawn

Well, wag your tail.

And bend the cubs back

And easy to jump.

Well, the bear is clubfoot,

With paws spread wide,

Now one, then both together

Treading water for a long time.

And for whom charging is not enough,

We start all over again.

2. Finger gymnastics "Friendship", explanation of the rules of sitting at the table

Fingers are doing exercises

To get tired less.

And then they are in the albums

They will paint again.

clenching and unclenching the cams

shake hands in the air

clap our hands

Repeat the exercise several times.

Quest "Hide and Seek"(on forms)

Look closely at the picture, find and circle those animals with which you did exercises.

4. Task "Labyrinth"(on forms)

Take Eeyore to your friends.

5. Carousel game

Eeyore: Guys, did you like my friends and our friendly games? What games do you play?

See lesson 1

6. Blow Up Bubble Game

See lesson 1

IV stage. Reflective

Summing up, reflection, farewell ritual

See lesson 1

Session 3

Theme: Rules of conduct in the classroom


continue acquaintance of children with each other;

development of communication skills necessary for communication;

development of cultural communication skills;

the development of arbitrariness (the ability to listen to the instructions of an adult, follow the rules of the game).

Materials (edit): toy Pig (bibabo doll), the game "Let's say hello!" (how animals greet: you can use paired animal toys or paired cards with animals), the game "what's good, what's bad", musical accompaniment, sports bridge

Plan :

I stage. Organizational


The psychologist invites the children to greet each other with the help of the “helper ball”. Everyone stands in a circle, hands the ball to a neighbor, greeting and calling him by name.

II stage. Motivational

The appearance of the Pig character.

Today we got to school with Aunt Pig.

Pig: Hello! Guys, I want to teach you politeness, accuracy and good manners. After all, although they often say that we pigs are dirty, this is far from the case. We are very clean, courteous and courteous. We have a lot to learn. Today I want to introduce you to the rules of conduct in the classroom. Although they are performed both at home and on the street, and at a party and wherever you are.

III stage. Practical

1. Game "Let's say hello"

Now we said hello. This is the first rule:

You come to class

You will study, on the way!

Say hello to everyone

Don't forget first!

What does it mean: that always, when you come somewhere, or meet someone, you need to….? (Greet)

Well done. But people greet with words, and animals? Animals also greet, only in their own way.

Let's remember how animals greet.

I will give you pictures of animals, they greet in their own way. We remember how.

Now the animals will meet and greet each other. The same animals will be encountered: a horse with a horse, a cow with a cow, a mouse with a mouse. For example, a mouse will meet another mouse and say to her: "Pee-pee-pee-pee."

2. Dynamic pause "Dance in a circle"

Don't offend your friends

Don't fight or push.

Let's see how you memorize this rule. Repeat after me! Don't forget the rule.

We'll go right now

And then let's go left.

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to the place.

We'll sit down quietly

And we'll lie down a little.

We'll rise quietly

And let's jump lightly.

Let our feet dance

And clap their palms.

We will turn to the right

Shouldn't we start all over again?

Repeat the exercise several times.

Game "Who Called?"

Don't be rude to anyone

Call everyone by name.

What does this mean? It is not nice and not culturally to call names, everyone should be called by name.

Pig: And in order to check how well you have learned this and remembered each other's names, we will play an interesting game.

Dasha stands in the center of the circle. Everyone else is around him. Then we go in circles, chanting.

Here we played, we played,

And now they stood in a circle.

Dasha close your eyes

Who called you - find out!

One of the players says: “Hello, Dasha!” In response, the driver calls his name. If he guessed right, then they change places with the one shouting: if not, the game continues.

4. An outdoor game "Please"

Pig: Here's another rule:

We will learn to listen

When someone speaks.

You will only speak

When your friend is silent.

Listen, you adult very carefully,

And everything will turn out just fine for you.

What does it mean? The teacher needs to listen carefully, not to interrupt, then you will do everything right. When a friend or other adult speaks. Interrupting him is ugly, you have to wait until he finishes speaking and then speak.

You know, Pig, our guys are very well-mannered and know the Magic Words. Guys, let's remember the magic polite words. (remember and call) Well done!

Pig: Guys, I will give you various tasks, and you will have to complete them, but only if I say "please." If I don't say this magic word, you will just stand still and have nothing to do.)

Raise your right hand, please, etc.

Sit down

Stand up



Whirl around

Clap your hands

Raise your left hand

Stand on 1 leg

Spread your arms out to the sides

5. Finger gymnastics "Friendship", explanation of the rules of sitting at the table

Fingers are doing exercises

To get tired less.

And then they are in the albums

They will paint again.

four rhythmic claps

clenching and unclenching the cams

shake hands in the air

clap our hands

6 . Exercise“What's good, what's bad" (on the form)

Pig: Guys, I have one more task for you: now we are going to carry out an interesting task.

Help Pinocchio to improve. Look and tell me whether he is doing good or bad. Cross out the pictures he does wrong.

(The guys take turns telling the situation depicted in the picture, and reasoning is good or bad.)

7. Quest "Riddles"(on the form)

Guess the riddles of Pinocchio. Find the shadow of each item.

8. Game "Polite Bridge"

Wonderful! Now imagine that we have a river in front of us. Do we need to cross to the other side? How? (on the bridge)

Okay, but our bridge is unusual. To pass through it, you must name the magic word. Clear? Now you will take turns calling the magic word and crossing to the other side.

Pig: Don't forget about the rules:

We don't argue, we take turns

We listen to a friend, do not interrupt him

We do not offend each other, we do not push

IV stage. Reflective

1. Summing up, reflection, farewell ritual

Pig: This concludes our lesson, I have one more rule to tell you. I think you can guess what this rule is.

Now the lesson is over

See you soon.

Let's say to all friends and adults

Amicably: "Goodbye!"

Goodbye, guys! Come back to my school, we will definitely learn something very interesting and useful.

Psychologist: Goodbye, Aunt Pig! It's time for us guys to go on to study. Well done! I really hope that you will use all the rules that Aunt Pig introduced you to. Introduce your parents to them. Goodbye!

Session 4

Theme: Me and my group

Intact and:

1. to introduce children to each other, to unite the group;

2. to include children in situations of interaction for solving problematic practical tasks;

3. create conditions for the active perception of emotionally rich material by children.

Materials (edit): toy Hare (doll Bibabo), toy hares by the number of children, "magic wand", forms with assignments, colored pencils


I stage. Organizational


The psychologist invites the children to greet each other with the help of the “helper ball”. Everyone stands in a circle, hands the ball to a neighbor, greeting and calling him by name.

II stage. Motivational

Character Appearance - Eeyore

Eeyore turns to children for help: to find his friends - bunnies, who scattered throughout the office.

III stage. Practical

1. The game "Hide and Seek"

Toy hares are placed in various places in the room: on the floor, on shelves, on windowsills, etc. Some toys can be easily picked up by children, while others cannot be reached on their own. It is important to pay attention to the actions of children when they are trying to get a toy inaccessible to them, to provide them with assistance in a timely manner..

(children take turns looking for hares)

2. Tour of the office.

Eared: You are so skillful, independent, you can do everything!

Psychologist: Ushastik, everything turns out because our group is very friendly. Do you want us to show you our group, tell you what we like to do, how we play.

Eeyore: Of course, that's interesting.

The psychologist, together with the children, organizes a mini-tour of the office. They tell the Hare what types of activities they are engaged in in a certain area: board, table, carpet, etc.

Game "If you likee, then do so» (on the carpet)

Each one in turn shows the movement, the rest repeat it. The game is accompanied by a song.

If you like it, then do it. (2 times)

If you like it, then show it to another

If you like it, then do it.

Finger gymnastics "Friendship"

See lesson 2

Task "Artists" (on the form)

Color only the items you need to draw.

Find the Difference(on the form)

Drawing items will help you complete the next task.

Find the differences between the pictures, color the one you like the most.

Game "Magic Wand"

Guys, I have a magic wand that can work miracles on your body.

The psychologist touches the child's hand with a stick. The child shows which movements can be performed by his hand, for example, waving, grabbing, twisting, opening, playing the piano, etc. The psychologist touches other parts of the body: shoulders, head, feet, torso, etc.

The course program takes into account all the main features of development inherent in a given age.

1. Increased cognitive activity. The lesson includes topics on the properties of objects and research activities of children.

2. Improving sensory function. By this age, the child:

Differentiates colors and shades correctly

Provides the names of the six primary colors

Distinguishes and names basic geometric shapes, including rectangle and oval

Distinguishes between spatial relationships: about, near, between, before

· Knows how to correlate objects in length, width and height

Recognizes household items by touch

Improves auditory attention and perception

Therefore, in the classroom, children get to know the "helpers": the eyes. With a nose, mouth, ears, legs and arms.

3. Active development of all spheres of the child's psyche (perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, communication, emotions). In developmental games, tasks are given for the development of visual-figurative thinking (absurd pictures), the emotional sphere (familiarity with the emotions of fear and surprise is added), imagination (finish drawing, come up with a name).

4. The emergence of a role-playing game. The lesson is complemented by active joint games, dynamic pauses, during which children learn to accept the plot and rules of the game.

The objectives of the psychological course for children 4-5 years old:

1. Create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity.

2. To promote self-knowledge of the child.

3. Improve communication skills.

4. Promote the manifestations of emotional sensitivity, responsiveness.

5. continue to form the ability to subordinate their actions to the rules, complicating the activity through the enthusiasm for the number of rules.

6. create conditions for the further development of memory, perception, thinking, attention, imagination.

7. To form the ability to subordinate your behavior to moral norms.

Age features of children 4-5 years old:

Indicators Standards
Leading need The need for communication, cognitive activity
Leading function Visual-figurative thinking
Play activity Collective with peers, role dialogue, game situation
Relationship with adults Extra-situational-business: an adult is a source of information
Peer relationships Situational-business: a peer is interesting as a partner in a story game
Emotions Smoother trying to control, elements of emotional responsiveness are manifested.
Way of knowing Questions, adult stories, experimentation.
Object of cognition Objects and phenomena not directly perceived
Perception Perception of sensory standards, properties of objects.
Attention Attention depends on the child's interest, stability and the possibility of voluntary switching develop. Holds attention 10-15 minutes Attention volume 4-5 objects
Memory Short-term, episodic memorization depends on the type of activity. Memory capacity 4-5 items out of 5, 2-3 actions.
Thinking Visual-figurative
Imagination Reproductive, the emergence of creative imagination
Conditions for success Adult outlook and well-developed speech
Age neoplasm 1. Controlling function of speech: speech contributes to the organization of their own activities. 2. development of the ability to build elementary inferences.

Thematic planning of correctional and developmental classes under the "Flower-seven-color" program for children 4 - 5 years old.

A week Theme Targets and goals Name of forms of work and exercises
Week 1 Acquaintance 1. Introduce children to each other. 2. Create a favorable classroom atmosphere. - greetings; - outdoor game: Friendship Engine; - dynamic pause"The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing"; - games: "Collect a flower", "Let's get acquainted", "Who came to us", "Blow up, bubble!"; - teamwork"Flower Glade"; - farewell ritual.
2 week Let's be friends 1. Continue introducing children to each other. 2. Build the group together. 3. Form a positive attitude towards the content of the lesson. - greetings; - games:"Dunno", "Freeze", "Blow up, bubble"; - dynamic pause"Continue the answer" - tasks:"Hide and Seek", "Labyrinth"; - finger gymnastics"Friendship"; - farewell ritual.
3 week Magic words 1. Continue introducing children to each other. 2. Development of cultural communication skills. 3. To create conditions for the active perception of emotionally rich material by children. - greetings; - conversation"Why be polite?" - games:"Theater", "Please", "Polite-impolite", "Polite Ball"; - finger gymnastics"Orange"; - tasks:"Help the squirrel", "Find the excess"; - farewell ritual.
4 week Rules of conduct in the classroom 1. Continue introducing children to each other. 2. Development of communicative - greetings; - games:"Meditate", "Let's say hello", "Who
skills required for communication. 3. Development of cultural communication skills. 4. Development of arbitrariness (the ability to listen to the instructions of an adult, follow the rules of the game.) called? "," The ball rules "; - dynamic pause"Dance in a circle"; - outdoor game"Please"; - finger gymnastics"Orange"; - tasks:"What is good, what is bad", "Finish"; - farewell ritual.
Week 1 Joy. Sadness 1. Creation of a favorable atmosphere in the lesson. 2. Development of communication skills and abilities, the ability to work in a group. 3. To draw the attention of children to the emotional world of a person. 4. To teach the expression of joy, sadness and their recognition. - greetings"Cloud"; - dynamic pause"Merry Monkeys"; - s adaniya:"I am glad when ...", "Pretender", "Joy and sadness", "Joyful and sad cloud"; - finger gymnastics"Cloud"; - the game“How to bring joy?”, “Find”; - musical task; - farewell ritual"Cloud".
2 week Anger 1. Development of communication skills and abilities. 2. Acquaintance with the emotion "anger". 3. Drawing attention to the emotional world of a person. - greetings; - fairy tale; - tasks:“I'm angry when ...”, “Pretender”, “Divide into groups”, “I'm not angry anymore”, “Angry Cloud”, “Angry Wolf”; - outdoor game"Volcano"; - finger gymnastics"King Borovik", "Cloud"; - musical task; - farewell ritual"Cloud".
3 week Astonishment 1. Development of communication skills, overcoming tactile barriers. 2. Drawing attention to the emotional world of a person. 3. Learning to recognize and express emotions: joy, sadness, anger, surprise. - greetings"Cloud"; - tasks:"I wonder when ...", "Pretender", "Surprised Cloud", "Amazing Pictures"; - outdoor game Amazing Newspaper; - finger gymnastics
"Clouds"; - musical task; - farewell ritual"Clouds".
4 week The fright 1. Development of communication skills, observation. 2. Teaching to recognize and express fear, fear, joy, sadness, surprise. 3. Prevention and correction of fears in children: animals, fairy-tale characters. - greetings; - tasks:“I'm afraid (I'm afraid) when ...”, “Pretender”, “Frightened Cloud”, “Frightened Tree”; - outdoor game"Owl-owl"; - finger gymnastics"Clouds"; - musical task"Scared Bunny"; - contest"Boysek"; - farewell ritual"Cloud".
Week 1 Calmness 1. Development of communication skills, overcoming tactile barriers. 2. Drawing attention to the emotional world of a person. - greetings; - conversation; - tasks:"I am calm when ...", "Pretender", "Logical square", "Calm cloud", "Field of emotions" - calm play; - finger gymnastics"Clouds"; - musical task"Calm hedgehog"; - farewell ritual"Cloud".
2 week Emotion vocabulary 1. Drawing attention to the emotional world of a person. 2. Learning to recognize and express emotions: joy, sadness, anger, surprise, fear. - greetings - psycho-gymnastics"Cloud"; - tasks:“Find a friend”, “Collect the cloud”, “Fairy tale characters”, “Bring the cloud to life”, “My mood”; - finger gymnastics"Clouds"; - outdoor game"Freeze"; - musical task; - farewell ritual"Clouds".
3 week Perception of sensory standards of objects (color, shape, size) 1. Development of perception of sensory signs of objects. 2. Development of thought processes. -greetings"Dunno" ; - the game"Dwarfs are giants"; - tasks:"Be attentive", "Signs", "Riddles-schemes", "Find the extra one", "Field of miracles", "Dorisuy-ka" ; - dynamic pause; - farewell ritual.
4 week Perception of the properties of objects (heavy - light, transparent - opaque, dry - wet, hot - cold) 1. Development of perception of properties of objects. 2. Development of thinking (comparison, exclusion, analysis). 3. Development of attention (visual, auditory). 4. Development of imagination and logical thinking. -greetings; - tasks:"Describe the toy", "Light - heavy", "Color an extra object", "Find an extra one"; - games:"Name", "Say the opposite"; - dynamic pause; - farewell ritual.
2 week My assistants are eyes 1. Improving perception. 2. Strengthening the skills of studying objects with the help of the corresponding senses. 3. Training of visual sensations. 4. Development of visual attention. 5. Development of visual memory. 6. Activation of creative activity. - greetings"Our assistants"; - gymnastics for the eyes; - exercises:"Remember Your Friends", "Walk"; - tasks: Confusion, Rug, Find a Shadow; - games:"Hide and Seek", "Prohibited Movement"; - the ritual of farewell.
3 week My assistant spout 1. Improving perception. 2. Strengthening the skills of studying objects with the help of the corresponding senses. 3. Training the sense of smell. 4. Activation of creative activity. - greetings"Our assistants"; - gymnastics for the nose; - exercises:"Smells" - games:"Pleasant - unpleasant"; - tasks:"Attentive nose", "Labyrinth"; - finger gymnastics"Lock"; - relaxation exercise; - the ritual of farewell.
4 week My helper mouth 1. Improving perception. 2. Consolidation of skills -greetings"Our assistants";
sense organs. examination of objects with the help of appropriate 3. Training of taste sensations. 4. Activation of creative activity. - gymnastics for the tongue; - exercises:"Tastes" ; - tasks:"Labyrinth", "Treats"; - finger gymnastics"Plums"; - the game"Treats"; - farewell ritual.
Week 1 My helpers ears 1. Improving perception. 2. Strengthening the skills of studying objects with the help of the corresponding senses. 3. Training of auditory sensations. 4. Development of auditory attention. 5. Development of auditory memory. 6. Activation of creative activity. -greetings"Our assistants"; - games: Forest Sounds, Silence and Noise, Whose Voice, Musical Basket, Loud and Quiet Sounds; - fairy tale"The Story of the Little Wolf"; - tasks:"Village", "Attentive ears"; - finger gymnastics"Fingers in the Forest"; - farewell ritual.
2 week My assistants pens 1. Improving perception. 2. Strengthening the skills of studying objects with the help of the organs of touch. 3. Training of tactile sensations. 4. Formation of positive motivation for communication. -greetings"Our assistants"; - the game"Magic Plates", "Looking for treasure", "Magic bag", "Where we were, we will not tell, but what we did, we will show"; - tasks:"Find a pair of mittens", "Attentive hands" - finger gymnastics"Friendly fingers"; - farewell ritual.
3 week My assistants legs 1. Improving perception. 2. Development of physical activity. 3. Formation of positive motivation for communication. -greetings"Our assistants"; - games:“Where we were, we will not tell, but what we did, we will show”, “A Merry Round Dance”; - finger gymnastics"Fingers in the Forest"; - tasks:"Find a pair of boots", "Put things in order"; - farewell ritual.
4 week What are our boys made of? 1. Development of communication skills. 2. Consolidation of knowledge about the behavior of boys. 3. Work to develop self-control. -greetings"Handshake"; - conversation"February 23"; - games:"Imagine"; - finger gymnastics"Ship"; - tasks:"Athletes", "Transport", "Find unnecessary", "Real master"; - physical education; - farewell ritual.
Week 1 What are our girls made of? 1. Development of communication skills. 2.Fixing about the behavior of girls. 3. To contribute to the formation of a benevolent attitude towards mom, grandmother, sister, aunt. -greetings"Flower"; - games:"Flower bed" - relaxation:"Flower of Friendship"; - finger gymnastics"Flower"; - tasks:"Dolls", "Beads", "Help Grandma"; - dynamic pause"Cleaning"; - riddles - farewell ritual.
2 week Hello Spring! 1. Develop imagination. 2. On the basis of children's knowledge about spring phenomena in nature, develop cognitive mental processes. 3. To develop the ability to expressively convey the diversity of spring nature in the plasticity of movements and words. -greetings"Sun"; - conversation"Seasons?"; - games:"Go away, Winter!", "Spring Birch", "Stream", "Snowdrops", "Hide and Seek with Birds"; - finger gymnastics:"Drop", "Ship"; - exercise:"Ship"; - farewell ritual.
3 week Visiting a fairy tale 1. To develop imagination, memory, pantomimic and speech expressiveness. 2. To consolidate knowledge of the content of fairy tales. 3. Develop creative thinking. -greetings Fabulous; - conversation; - games:"Magic Chest", "Friendly Objects", "Collect the Picture"; - tasks:"Labyrinth", "Fairy Tale Heroes", "Hide and Seek"; - outdoor game " Pinocchio »; - finger gymnastics:"Frog"; - farewell ritual.
4 week April Fool's Day 1. Develop imagination. 2. Develop creative thinking. -greetings(with the help of laughter and fun); - conversation April 1; - games:"Tram", "Applause", "Jugglers"; - the exercise"Tickets"; - dynamic pause; - tasks: Clowns, Trained Giraffes; - farewell ritual.
Week 1 Land of Imagination 1. Develop imagination. 2. Continue to form verbal communication; listening skills. 3. To develop perception, attention, memory, brazen-figurative thinking. 4. To develop fine and general motor skills. 5. Develop self-awareness. -greetings(using a bell); - fairy tale"Confusion" ; - motor exercise"Motor ship"; - tasks:"Mysterious Animals", "Labyrinth", "Waves"; - finger gymnastics"Mate"; - outdoor game"Ocean is shaking"; - farewell ritual.
2 week Walk around the city. Generalizations 1. Development of a mental operation generalization, classification, reasoning. 2. Development of the communicative, emotional sphere. -greetings(using sounds) ; - tasks:"Spectators", "In the store", "Help-collect-ka"; - finger gymnastics"An invitation to the theater"; - games:"Served to eat", "Zoo", "Let's go home", "Wishes"; - farewell ritual.