The scenario of the matinee "New Year's carnival!". New Year's adventures of fairy-tale heroes. The scenario of the New Year's holiday for the senior group "New Year's Adventure of Fairytale Heroes

(Baba Yaga comes out with a button accordion, sings, accompanying herself, a song):

In the dark forest there is a hut -

Standing backwards!

And in the hut of that old woman,

Grandmother Yaga lives.

Crochet nose, eyes... big! -

Like fires burning!

Fu you, angry ... you yourself are evil!

... hair sticking out on end ...

(looks at himself in the mirror)

Che immediately "on end" something? Not! This song is not about me! .. Baba Yaga is not so terrible as her rumor paints ...

But actually ... I'm tired of being Baba Yaga! How can?! Everyone strives to offend: either the oven is not in size for them, or the shovel ...

I'll be better ... Snow Maiden!

(changes clothes)

So. Well, here's another thing. To do just that? Except how to show off? Would like to remember...

Guys, help me! What is this Snow Maiden doing on the Christmas tree?

(children prompt)

So-so ... Sings ... Well, this is nonsense! Dancing? Hmm, hmm... The leg is still bone, but I think I can handle it - they say that the dancer always gets in the way of the legs... What else? Aha! Riddles to guess, poetry to read ... It's time for me to spit!

Santa Claus to call in chorus?! Yes, a hundred years would not see him! ..

Give gifts? Well, it’s completely useless - I didn’t collapse from an oak tree! From the fir ... Ah, yes! Ate all the gifts!! They ate it themselves, and you also demand from me! Look, they are all plump! Well-fed, but uneducated! Get over it!

And here is some correct peanut, something about “set fire to the Christmas tree” ... Yes, that’s for me!

(pulls out matches)

Razzudy, shoulder, swing, hand! .. Why roar? Santa Claus should Should I call him? So, I don't mind. Right now ... How, I mean, they call him out? BUT! Here! I remembered:

Santa Claus, red nose,

I have a question for you!

(children shout protesting)

What is "wrong", what is "wrong"? I personally have a couple of questions for him! Why does he ride around in a troika, but I don’t have a scooter in the garage ?! Mortar and broom! Last century!

... But I can do it in another way:

Santa Claus, run

And now we're all leaving!

(children make noise)

Why are you re-reading this to your elders, huh? Did you learn at school? Well, nothing, nothing! Although we have a police state - there is a lyceum for each - but Baba USE also knows his business! Well, repeat after me:

Santa Claus, run

And now we're all leaving!

(children repeat; Cat Basilio appears):

What was the name of Santa Claus? Did not come? I'm for him! Come on, children, light the Christmas tree!

And here are the matches!

Why else?

Duc ... But how to set it on fire?

Here is the darkness of the forest, dense! Don't "set fire", but "ignite"! You need to know the magic words.

And do you know?

Ha. Look.

(approaches the tree)

Christmas tree! What are you standing?

Are you standing and not burning?

(waiting for effect)

Christmas tree, don't stop!

Burn with blue fire!

(another pause, during which B.Ya. fussily rubs his hands in anticipation, giggles ...)

Tree sticks! Don't be afraid!

Light up and spin!!

(the tree does not light up; then Basilio for some reason begins to rummage through the branches at the base of the tree; B. I watches in bewilderment; finally, Basilio takes out some kind of piece of iron with a triumphant look ...)

Do you hear? All clear. She can't burn. She is broken. Electronics flew. Motherboard!

I mean, were they selling cheap tickets for the matinee? Fu-you, unlucky what! Well, you asked me a riddle, Basilio ... Ah! Yes! Let's do riddles!

Let's. Who is like that - he does not sleep himself - does not give to others?

Street cleaner? Alarm? Fridge?

You yourself ... a freezer! Baby it!

What other child?

I don't know which one. Little, probably: he does not sleep himself - and does not give to others. Neighbors, for example.

BUT! (laughs B.Ya. - got it) And where is Alice?

What is this, a mystery?

No, that's what I'm asking...

Where where? How do I know? Prancing somewhere - I found out that the Year of the Horse, so ...

How about we call her then? Maybe for three we can better figure out about the Christmas tree?

Or maybe, well, her? Do not wake the dashing ... Calm somehow without her ...

(Fox Alice from afar, then closer):

Hey Basilio! Ba-zi-li-oh-oh-oh!! (runs in, assesses the situation) What are you dressed up for? Do-ah! Are you fooling the kids?!

- (B.Ya.) We are not fooling anything!

- (Basilio simultaneously with B.Ya.) Don't fool around! We are celebrating the New Year...

- (Alice cunningly) Fool-fool! (unexpectedly) …And you are right!!

- (Basilio) We make riddles! Green, does not jump anywhere, and everyone rejoices! What's happened?

- (Alice) DOLLAR!

- (B.Ya.) Why is the dollar right away? Somehow this is very adult ...

- (Alice) Yes, not childish! Dollar! Green? Green. Doesn't jump anywhere? Doesn't jump! Well, almost ... Everyone who has, are happy? Fact!

- (B.Ya.) I’ll clarify: it starts with “la”, ends with “-gushka”! ..

- (Basilio vividly) TANK!!!

- (B.Ya.) Ah, you knew, you knew! It's not fair!!!

- (Alice) Have you lost your mind? How is it a frog - and does not jump?

- (Basilio) Maybe it's made of stone. At the fountain.

- (Alice) That's why you are gushing ... Who made a riddle?

- (Basilio, coming to his senses) I. It was you who just knocked us off course! Dollar. Christmas tree is.

- (B.Ya and Alice) FIR-TREE??

- (Basilio) Christmas tree. Green, stands still, and everyone around is jumping. Christmas tree.

And you say, do not fool anyone's head! The kids are crazy! Even though I don't feel sorry for them...

- (Basilio readily supports his girlfriend) Children today are simply a shame!

They hurt dads and moms!

Teachers as one! -

Everyone is in quarantine

To take a break from the kids

And then neither gasp nor breathe!

- (Alice sarcastically) We were at the teachers' council!

Yes, bad kids these days!

Little do they know...

- (Basilio) They sit at the computers!

- (Alice) They don't even play games!

- (B.Ya. was confused) Why did you attack here with rhymes? Maybe these children are just what they will fit ... They just need to be shown how to use a shovel correctly ...

- (Alice) Here, at least on a holiday, let me take a break from evil? But it would be necessary to check the kids ... Only here, as the psychopaths say, motivation is important ...

(B.Ya., grabbing the button accordion) To the music, perhaps, on a shovel? ..

- (Alice) Something like that ... (addressing the children) Are there any risks? Lucky?

New year and new games!

Not virtual shooters

And real catch-ups!

Bold and greedy, come forward!

You will receive a prize - no one will take it away!

(several mass games; winners sing, losers dance)

- (Alice) Ha. Weird. Insanely weird! Basilio, what do you say? Do you think these are normal children?

- (Basilio) Children are not normal.

- (Alice) That's right, but in this case? They played, sang... They even danced! BUT?

- (Basilio) Normal?

- (Alice) And it's not normal.

- (B.Ya.) Maybe it's the parents?

- (Alice) Exactly! How did I not think of that! Basilio!

- (Basilio) Drive them out? Rob? Grab?!

- (Alice) Do not grab, but embrace ... (Bazilio, spreading his arms, takes a step towards the adult audience) ... attention! Attention, Basilio! Let's see who these kids are so clever at...

You are on holiday - not at work!

What do you need to prop up the walls in vain?

They can stand without you!

Since you came here with the kids,

Become children for a minute yourself!

(they play “Musical Carousel” with their parents: there are 6 chairs in a circle, 7 participants; you need to walk around the chairs while the music is playing and try to take one of the chairs when the music stops; the one who didn’t have time leaves, the chair is removed - and first, until the moment, when 1 winner remains; the winner is awarded the chance to read a nursery rhyme from a stool)

- (B.Ya.) And now what?

- (Alice) Yes... Somehow... Children are like children - smart, funny.

- (Basilio) And parents are like children. No sclerosis for you, no conscience - they jump around the Christmas tree like your horses.

- (Alice) Speaking of sclerosis! Santa Claus should appear soon, but our horse has not yet rolled!

- (B.Ya.) And I propose to return to the riddles! And then they thought to themselves, but the children mysteriously kept silent!

- (Alice) Only, mind you, guessing confusing riddles - should we outwit them?

- (B.Ya.) Zamorochnye - what are they?

- (Alice and Basilio for a couple) But learn from us! ..

He doesn't eat plums or cream!

Only hares eat cowardly.

Don't wear blue slippers

Bring on the Red Riding Hoods!

This will make sense!

This is a very kind ... / WOLF /

He loves bruises and bumps.

Everyone puts a thermometer under the armpits,

A bitter pill vanishes ...

The sick pass does not give!

Famous for his villainy


Bloodthirsty cannibal!

And looks like a cutie! Homebody!

Dodger! Scammer! Upstart and dandy!

He walks in a hat, a bow on a camisole ...

Artful thief: from someone else's feet

Stebril impudently boots!!

And important - ah, ah, ah!

Who is that? /PUSS IN BOOTS/

He accidentally found this lamp -

Turned up just like that, under the paw ...

It can be seen, indeed, fools are lucky!

But smart - to us - on the contrary ...

Well, I didn't get this genie!..

It's not me on the Forbes list, but ... /ALLADIN/

Bearded cutie!

Altruist, good man! Don't be a curmudgeon!

Pinocchio, insolent, gave 5 coins! - father!

And what is cool - not without a reason:

Needed! whip! for evil! Malvinas!

What an artist! Played - and in the box!

He is a real hard worker!

In general, the guy is first class ... / KARABAS-BARABAS /

He has a mind!

Even three chambers!

He doesn't need a salary

He is so rich!

He doesn't ask you to eat

Not even in the social:

He will throw the knight off the horse,

Eat - "thank you" will say!

Not a state employee Pal Ivanovich

And not the homeless Kalinich!

Not a pensioner Stepanych -

Dushka ... / ZMEI GORYNYCH /

(the whole trinity hugs happily - they managed to confuse the children)

- (Alice) Confuse, confuse!

- (B.Ya.) Well, okay! The last riddle! Good! Real! About the Snow Maiden!

- (Alice) Come on, come on! Think, and we will prompt, help ... Yes, Basilio?

- (Basilio) Fact!

- (B.Ya.) Once a year he comes to people ...

- (Alice) And it will break out!

- (Basilio) Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu, kids!

Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu, bunnies!

- (B.Ya.) Already blush, black-browed, like ...

- (Alice) ... such a vile one!

- (B.Ya.) White face!

- (Basilio) Beloruchka!

- (all together) Santa Claus ... / GRANDDUCH /

(Snow Maiden with her retinue comes out to the "fabulous" music):

- (looking around the costumed company) Who are they? What is what? I won't take anything for granted! Come on, don't muddy the water, quickly explain everything to me! Who defames the Snow Maiden?! Who doesn't want to be friends with me?

(“heroes” are in disarray: they hide behind each other, they point at one another with their fingers - it’s not me, they say ... The Snow Maiden asks the children to explain what is happening here)

Ah, that's it! You, Baba Yaga, are also the Snow Maiden?! It doesn't happen! It's not fairy tale. Let's compete then! Who will outweigh whom? Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost is a noble dancer!

This is what I will prove!

I will turn you over!

Guys, help

Join the dance together with dreams!

And if someone cannot dance,

Let him clap his hands!

(dance; Baba Yaga, of course, loses and - in the end - falls down; the Snow Maiden laughs good-naturedly, merrily)

Well, Baba Yaga, made me laugh! Children, let's forgive her, let's not drive her away? (children, of course, forgive) On you, Baba Yaga, a prize - "For the will to win"! (something sporty) We will also make up with the Fox and the Cat - a holiday is a holiday! (recollecting himself) Oh, children, why isn’t our Christmas tree on fire?!

- (Basilio and B.Ya.) She is broken! She's wrong!

Where did you get it from? First of all, she needs to be praised. Come on, kids, what kind of Christmas tree do we have? (children talk, praise the Christmas tree) Here! And you are "broken"! Ignorant and ignorant!

At the Christmas tree

Dressy hairstyle.

Winter did my hair

Magic comb.

Decorated with snowflakes

Pendants gave

And visit the kids

Invited to the party!

Make us happy, Christmas tree, with cheerful lights!

Come on, kids, repeat with us:

One-two-three, our Christmas tree, burn!

(children repeat; the tree lights up, everyone applauds)

And now you can call Grandfather Frost - look how beautiful it is with us, look how friendly and cheerful we are!

Santa Claus, come to our house,

We are waiting for you at the tree!

(repeat three times; Santa Claus appears):

Here I am again, in this room!

I know, I know in advance

That you were waiting for me -

Like every new year!

Last time, after parting with you,

I flew to the North

And hiding behind the snow

Summer spent there;

The year has passed; sister blizzards

That's some snow covered!

Kilometers, miles, versts

I walked around the earth -

Here I am again with you!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Children, join hands!

Dads, moms smile!

Adult, small people,

All under the tree, in a round dance!

(round dance around the Christmas tree; parade of costumes; concert for Santa Claus; games ... and, finally, the final riddles of Santa Claus)

Here are needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.

They look at me, they want milk!

Who does the portrait look like? Guessed: this is ... / hedgehog /

For five brothers we will knit five houses!

What is it guys? Warm ... / gloves /

Not a beast, not a bird, the nose is like a knitting needle!

It flies - it squeaks, it sits down - it is silent.

Biting is a nightmare! What kind of instance? ... / mosquito /

The giant stands in the port, disperses the darkness.

And he signals to the ships: “Come visit us!”

Any sailor is friends with him, because he ... / lighthouse /

Not a shirt, although it is sewn.

And not the door, although it is open.

Even though he is silent, yes he speaks!

Everyone thanks her.

Both the girl and the boy,

Because this is ... / book /

You won’t catch up, you won’t return, you won’t buy, you won’t borrow ...

Answer, young tribe, what kind of thing is this? .. / time /

Time to part with you

Pack up on the road!

Congratulations to everyone again

Happy New Year! And wish

Do not mope and do not get sick,

And dance and sing songs!

Skiing all winter!

Get an A in school!

Don't offend kids

Well, respect the elders!

Let the house be a full bowl!

All the more beautiful - your mothers!

Your dads are the strongest of all!

Children - smart smarter!

Appreciate the work and the dream!

Believe in your height!

Everything will be done - up your nose!

I command you, Santa Claus!

- (Snow Maiden) Goodbye, Sasha, Tanya,

Sveta, Zhenya, Yuli, Vanya!

Roma, Dima, Vera, Petit, -

Everything! Both adults and children!

Look forward to next year

I will visit you again!

new year adventure
"Visiting Winter"

The music sounds, the lights go out, the Host appears on the stage.

You entered the realm of winter today
On a beautiful holiday and New Year's
Attention! Quiet! A fairy tale is coming to you
In this wonderful New Year for all.

The music is playing "By the forest at the edge." (Winter appears)

I am very glad to see you
On this day and at this hour
How many happy smiles
I notice you have me.
Today you are expected
Fun and jokes
You won't be bored here
Not a minute.
I ask all my friends here and now to sing for me,
Please us.

(Performance of the song "Under the New Year")

Come to us for the New Year's holiday
The main guest is in a hurry today.
He should come soon
Bring gifts.
He will make you all laugh
Who is this?
Children: (Santa Claus)

Guys, let's all together loudly and amicably call Santa Claus

(Children scream)

(Music sounds. Exit of Baba Yaga and Leshy.)

Baba Yaga:

No, no to the left.

Baba Yaga:
Well, where are you, straight, straight!
Oh, oh, oh, tree. Come! (stop)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
For Grandmother Yaga

Baba Yaga:
And with Leshy we go to that Christmas tree
They came to that Christmas tree.
We are with you Goblin seems to Winter
Visited for a holiday.

Hello dear guests,
And who are you?

We are fabulous people
Joke lovers. I am Leshy.

Baba Yaga:
Oh, I'm Baba Yaga. Very nice.
Oh, kids: girls and boys.
Gathered for the holiday
And you won't have a holiday.
Pack up and go home quickly

And why is that?

Baba Yaga:
Yes, because. Who are you looking forward to for your holiday?

We are waiting for Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga: Santa Claus! You won't get your grandfather.
Santa Claus does not know how to get to your holiday, I have a map, here it is.
(Hides card behind back)

What have you done?
How now Santa Claus will get to us for the holiday!

And you buy a card from us, but not for money, but for fun, dancing and laughter.

Baba Yaga:
Sing to us, right? Yes, dance.

(Children sing and dance)

Well, what did the guys sing and dance for you. Give me the card.

Baba Yaga:
Well, here's another card for you.
Would you like to see Santa Claus?
Now we will deliver it to you.
(Baba Yaga turns to Leshem and they whisper magic words).
Shirley - myrli, crabs - Booms!

(Comes out to the music of Barmaley) Rumble, crackle.

I am Santa Claus
Funny to tears
Cool, all of me
Look at me
Let's remember with a fairy tale
We will finish the holiday, we will close the door
Me boy, no need to ship
I came to receive my gifts!
(approaches winter and asks)
I don't understand, where are my gifts?

Which presents? And who are you exactly?

Santa Claus

Guys, is this Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
Santa Claus, Santa Claus, do you recognize him? (children answer) remove

How is that not Santa Claus?
Do I also have a snowman?

(Atamansha runs out with a whistle to the music.)

They say that I am today
I will receive all gifts.
Eating sweets and chocolates
As much as I want
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
I want to be a Snow Maiden
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
I am Snow Maiden

Guys, is it Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? Do you recognize them?

Baba Yaga:
Of course they are! Don't you recognize Frost and Snegurka? put away

When Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come, they play various games with the children.

Now we will play with the kids. put away

(Play the game: .)

And when Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come, they give gifts to children

How they give, but I thought they receive ?!

We didn't agree! We want gifts!

Baba Yaga:
Just a minute, it'll be over!
So let's call Santa Claus. One two Three.

(Vodyanoy appears to the music).

I am Santa Claus, I am Santa Claus
Who wants to freeze his nose?
Spin to the music
Have fun with me
And where is my girlfriend
Snow Maiden frog?
Fu, what a mess

Baba Yaga:
Oh, grandfather, are you already here? So, you are there, I am too, so everything is assembled, it's time to start the holiday!

But without the main characters, the holiday will not begin.

Baba Yaga:
Without any, is it? put away

Guys, who is the main character of this holiday?
(Children answer)

Baba Yaga:
Oh, why are you yelling Santa Claus has been here for a long time


Baba Yaga:
Yes, here he is
(Pointing to Vodyanoy) remove

Guys, is this Santa Claus?
(Children answer)

Our Santa Claus is different

Baba Yaga:
Why are you messing with my head? Did you call Santa Claus? Called or not?

Baba Yaga:
So here he comes

But this is not the one we called to remove

Baba Yaga:
That one, not that one. Does he have a beard?
Does he have a hat?

It's not a beard.
Well, it's not a hat.

And what do you think it is? Helmet or what?

Baba Yaga:
And there is a coat.
(takes out an old, wrinkled fur coat from the bag)
On, grandfather, dress up!

Is it a fur coat?

And what is your sundress?

Baba Yaga:
What kind of children are these, what are they teaching you? You don’t know what a hat is, you haven’t seen a fur coat at all.

Our children are the most wonderful, aren't they guys? And here you are impostors. We recognize Santa Claus right away.
Our guys are the most mischievous and funny.
Let's dance a dance and show how we can have fun.

(Performance of the dance "Letka - Yenka"

The king and princess come out

Daughter, what is this ball?
And where did I get to?
Where did you come from?
And what are they here for?
Come on, quickly march from here,
Otherwise, it will be bad for you!
Guard! Listen to the command:
Now, clear the room!

A princess:
Daddy, don't boil
Yes, take a closer look.
You guess where you got.
Where is the guard? And where is your room?

What is it?
Did you fall asleep on the throne or not?
But there is no throne.
What about in the yard? The month of May?
What year do you answer?

Baba Yaga:
Well guys this guest
The whole program will be the nail.
They were invited for a reason.
Will you sing for them, friends?

(Performance of the song "Russian Winter")

A princess:
Thank you for making us happy. Now follow my instructions.
I want you to solve my riddles.

Baba Yaga:
Well done so well done! Yes, you will not wait for gifts.
I have the map, and Santa Claus has the gifts.
If I were asked nicely, politely.
I would probably give the card away!?

Granny- Yagulechka, dear, help us.
How are we new year
Will we meet without Santa Claus?
How will the guys be without gifts?

Baba Yaga:
Okay. Persuaded. I am not harmful. Then help me.
This card should be taken to Santa Claus.
Hey Goblin send E-mail to Santa Claus

(Performance of the song "White Snow")

We are in our hall today
They sang songs and danced.
But it hurts me to tears:
Where is Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
He should have come a long time ago
Yes, he can't find us.
Santa Claus Aw! Ay!
Hear me calling you.

No, you're screaming weakly!
Well, all right, guys.
Let's call him seriously
Let's shout: "Santa Claus!"

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.
Santa Claus:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all friends
All children and all guests!
Every New Year's holiday
I come to the kids.
He came to you today
All in frosty silver.
Through snowstorms and frost
I brought you gifts.

Snow Maiden:
The guys are nice for the holiday came to us
And they brought us wonderful congratulations.
Grandpa, where is your mitten?

Santa Claus:

Snow Maiden:
So here she is. (picks up from under the tree).
Grandpa, come on, catch up with your mitten.
Guys, don't give me your mittens
Play with your grandfather for a while.

(The game "Mitten" is being held)

Santa Claus:
Well, grandfather was killed. Somehow I returned the mitten.
Now is the time to rest. Yes, congratulations.

(Children read poetry.)

Snow Maiden:
Glorious people, stand in a round dance.
Soon the new year will come again.
- Grandfather, our Christmas tree is not burning.
The holiday doesn't work.

Santa Claus:
Don't worry Snow Maiden. We'll fix it now.
Focus I'll show you:
Light a fire on her.
Come on, tree, wake up!
Come on, tree, smile!
Come on, tree, one, two, three,
Burn with the light of joy!

Snow Maiden:
Is something not igniting, Grandpa?

Santa Claus:
Come on guys, I'll touch the Christmas tree with a magic staff.
And you will shout loudly: “One, two, three Christmas tree, burn!”

(Christmas tree lights up)

Guys, do you like the Christmas tree with magic lights? Let's dance around the Christmas tree with grandfather.

(Performance of a dance to the song “Stars of the New Year hung up.”)

Santa Claus:
Well, it's time for me to pack up.
On the road - the road to go
Only all the guys left
Give me gifts.
Well guys don't yawn
And sort out the gifts.

Santa Claus:
It's time, friends, you need to say goodbye!
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

Snow Maiden:
I wish you success in the New Year.
More cheerful, ringing laughter.
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
Excellent grades and knowledge chest!

Song (New Year. Wish)

Screenwriter and director - Kotsareva Tatyana Vasilievna Theme: New Year's adventures of fairy-tale heroes.

Holiday goals: 1. Preservation and support of the individuality of the child;

2. Development of the student's personality, his creative abilities.

3. Education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotionally - valuable positive attitude towards oneself and the world around.

4. Increasing the educational role of extracurricular work through the joint activities of the family and the school.

Roles played:


Santa Claus -…………………………………….

Snake ………………………………………………


Atamansha– ………………………………………………………

Baba Yaga– …………………….…………………………………
Koshcheikha (false Snow Maiden) ………………….. ………….…

Vasilisa the Beautiful – ………………..

Gnomes /two/ ………………………...

Winter - ………………………………………………………

AND van Durak – ………………………………………………...

Kikimora marsh - ………………………………… ..


Red Riding Hood – ……………………………………...


New Year -…………………………………………………..

Robbers - ………….

Snow Maiden - ………………………………………. ……...

Longing Green……………………

Queen - ……………………………………………………..

1st gnome:

Our young New Year's greetings

Everyone from zero to 80 years old!

Today you are waiting for both fun and jokes,

You will not be bored here for a minute.

Take your grandmother and mother with you,

Let them also look

Our program!

Let our Christmas tree be small

But there is no more beautiful class in the district!
\2 gnome:

Here on the Christmas tree

All are present today.

Friendly our first class

Very glad to see you!

Let the round dance spin

Let the people have fun!

Well, I'm like the main gnome

I will announce the order at the same time:

Sing a round dance song

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

    In the New Year sparkles silver on the roof
You and I have become a year taller today.

You and I are a year older today

Year after year marches on unceasingly.

Chorus: New Year! New Year!

Hello New Year!

New Year! New Year!

Hello New Year!

    In the New Year, of course, no one sleeps
We will have fun with friends for a long time

My friends and I, I believe, we will remember for a long time

And this holiday, and this Christmas tree.

    On New Year's Eve, candles will not go out on the Christmas tree
New Year's Eve will last until the morning.

Until the morning, music and songs will not stop

New Year's holiday, you are not more wonderful
(At this time, Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Longing Green and Leshy enter.)

\ dwarf:

And here the guests began to arrive at our ball. Meet the forest dwellers, kids! (Applause)

\ Baba Yaga:

Goblin, but the guys took us for their friends. Hee hee hee…

\ Goblin:

Silly, gullible, smiling, but they themselves do not know what a surprise we have prepared for them ...

ll : What are you whispering about?

\ Baba Yaga:

We agree on which of us to sing ditties first, to please the owners, and to show ourselves.

\ dwarf : Let's listen to what ditties you sing in your forest, start.

/ sing to the melody "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" /


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

For Grandmother Yaga.

And we are with Leshim for the New Year

They came to that tree.

Both: Wow! (circling.)
\ Baba Yaga:

I am called Yaga, I am Baba,

I don't cry about it

I have a mortar and a broom

And more Leshy!

Both: wow (circling ).
\ Leshy:

Tosca Green

Lives in our forest.

And I kindly

I carry her chest.

Both: wow (circling).
\ Longing Green:

With girlfriend Kikimora

We know how to joke:

Confuse the mushroom pickers in the forest

And release fear.

Both: wow (circling).
\ Kikimora:

Why are you sitting sour, as if your teacher had been on a lemon diet for a month, and fed you in deuces, and all together you are not celebrating the New Year, but seeing your fives off on their last journey. Ahh?
\ dwarf: Well, KIKIMORA, you said it. You won't understand without a translator. We are just waiting for someone very important to come to our matinee.

\ Kikimora:

Hey, Tosca, wise head, who are they waiting for here?
Kolycheva Bozena\ Longing Green:

No, I don't know who should come to them, I don't know...
\ dwarf:

He has a bright blush

Beard like white fur

Interesting gifts

He prepared for everyone!
\ Kikimora:

And I don’t know who is preparing gifts for them, I don’t know.
\ dwarf:

We will not meet him in the spring,

He won't come in the summer

But in winter to our children,

He comes every year!
\ Longing Green:

No, no, I don't know...

Happy new year congratulations,

Will light a magnificent Christmas tree,

Kids amusing

Get up with us in a round dance!
\ Baba Yaga (almost crying): Well, n we know...

dwarf: (referring to the guys):

Do you guys know who this is?
Children (in chorus): Santa Claus!
\ dwarf:

For a sick grandmother

I've been taking care of it for a year.

Your life will be sweet.


Something, somewhere is not right

I'm not that stupid.

If there is money in the treasury,

There will be a service in the palace

Without the Little Red Riding Hood of the girl.

Well, grandma is sick

I need it like a toothache.

To take care of her

Look for someone stupid.

Red Riding Hood:

Do you need a grandma?

Well, then I'll dance for you.

Vasilisa, help

Let's entertain Vanyusha.

Queen of Shemakhan

daring girl

Let's get dressed up with you -

Will our fool - bad.

/ Throw off their outfits. Dance "oriental" /

Hey queen, look

I saw them in Lily.

They often light up

The people in the "cafe" are entertained.

No, friends, I'm sorry

Here Yaga giggled:

Baba Yaga:

Speech to me this road.

Hey fool! Hey, well done!

You've finally wised up!

What is beauty to you?

The main thing is not to work.

It's me, dear friend

God knows, I'll arrange for you.

So, are you marrying me?

Everything you need, I conjure

Wherever you need it, I'll take it.

Whoever you want - I will punish

Whoever you want, I'll entertain.

Choose me, Vanyusha.

It's hard to make a decision

What should I do, who knows???

Angelica\Winter: Stop, stop. We don't seem to have made it there. We don't need love stories right now. We would like to find Santa Claus.
: Look, queen, again in your mirror.


My light, mirror, tell me

Yes, tell me the whole truth.

Where has Santa Claus gone?

Maybe he got in trouble?

Mirror, well, be wiser

Show it faster.
/ Koshcheikh:

Let me help you, I'll conjure

I'll twist it. I'll call my grandfather here. ( takes a mirror, whispers something.)
The bandit song is playing. The robbers come out, the Atamansha is with them, they dance "The Nightingale the Robber"
Ivachevsky Kirill \1 robber: Hey brother! Where has it taken us? Look! Some tree! What is this tree?
Shirinsky Maxim\2 robber: What are you doing! Quite already? This tree is called a palm tree, isho nuts grow on it, round ones, in, look! Say it's called Hohos.
Letunov Andrey \3rd robber: X ooh! Hohos! You yourself are a hohos! Not hohos, but co-co-s! Ha! Brothers, look, and near the tree some princesses-marevnas are hung with beads, just like this tree.

Rogues tease

Ivachevsky Kirill \\1 robber: tu-tu-tu, chicks-cutes!
Shirinsky Maxim \2 robber: ah-ah-ah, patchwork rags!
Letunov Andrey\robber: uh-uh-uh, little piggies!
Mishenina Katya\Atamansha:

Hush! Behave yourself properly! Well? Missed? Viewed? This is all my merit and my forest gang. Do you like them? (no) I like it. Brazen, brave, afraid of me. Wu! Well, they do not have a soul. I only managed to whistle - and there is no Santa Claus! My boys are gone!
Anzhelika Zharikova\Winter: Why do you need Santa Claus? He is not suitable for robbers, and he will not agree to be an ataman.
Vasilyeva Xenia\Snow Maiden: Give us Santa Claus.
Mishenina Katya\Atamansha: Didn't want a bump under the sock?

Perehvatova Katya \Kashcheikh:

Well, haired witch, give us back our grandfather! It won't be that bad.

Robbers block the Atamansha

Mishenina Katya\Atamansha: Well, they scared me straight, I died of fear.

Perehvatova Katya \Kashcheikh:

Oh, are you like that?! I'll call all the guys for help now, we'll beat up your whole gang.

Anzhelika Zharikova\Winter:

Stop, stop! I know what terrorist bandits like. Yes, they will tell you about it. Your conditions, robbers?
Rogues: You are a coup! You are a coup! You are a coupe
Mishenina Katya\Atamansha:

Hush! Insatiable. Everything is not enough for you! Do you have any wishes? But I have and so in bulk. But I wish you to fulfill my two wishes. Do it - I'll let my grandfather go.
Perehvatova KatyaKashcheikh:

What are you, ataman? Crazy? Are we the golden fish to fulfill your desires?
Anzhelika Zharikova\Winter:

Calm down, Kascheiha. Okay, chieftain, speak your desires .
Mishenina Katya\Atamansha:

Well, here's another thing. The holiday is here, or not? I want to dance! Come up with a dance for us and for you!
Vasilyeva Xenia\Snow Maiden:

Dancing is a glorious undertaking, dancing amuses the soul. So let's dance boogie-woogie as soon as possible. And ok!
Everyone do the boogie woogie dance

Mishenina Katya\Atamansha:

Good dance! It just became fun! Now I want to sing. Yes, not a simple song, but some mysterious one.
Anzhelika Zharikova\Winter:

We know, we know this song. Let's sing a song guys "POLE".

    In a spacious bright room,
We decorated the tree.

Welcoming and bright

The lights on it are on.

And Santa Claus for the holiday

Brought different gifts

And jokes and songs

He makes the guys happy.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes,

He makes the guys happy.

    Flying, flying snowflakes
And spin around merrily

And fall on everyone

We are celebrating the New Year

We dance and play

At the Christmas tree is elegant

It sounds like a cheerful laugh.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes,

It sounds like a cheerful laugh.

    Snow Maiden, chanterelles,
squirrels and titmouse,

Bunnies, bear cubs,

Both the cockerel and the cat -

On a wonderful holiday
Mishenina Katya\Atamansha:

Okay, bring the old one over here.
The robbers bring Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Today is New Year's Eve

I congratulate you guys

I wish you a good rest

Laugh, sing and dance

So that after the Christmas trees

Willingly sit at the desks in schools.

And I'll throw snow at you

To sing sonorous skates,

Snowballs flew merrily

I will be with you all winter.

Happy holidays, friends!
Santa Claus:

And now we all want to dance, sing songs, play games, we will celebrate the New Year.
Melnikov Alyosha \ New Year:

And I'm already here!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Congratulations friends!

Lots of happiness and fun

I want to wish you!

Be strong and healthy

Cheerful, upbeat,

Be polite and nice

Not rude and funny.

And then you New Year

Everyone, everyone will bring happiness !!!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!

Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids!

I wish you success in the New Year.

More cheerful, sonorous laughter.

More good friends and girlfriends

Excellent grades and knowledge chest!
Santa Claus:

Do you understand this, forest robbers? More good friends and girlfriends, and you are malicious hooligans.

Come on, get out of here, you hooligan! If not, I'll freeze it right away!

Mishenina Katya\Atamansha to her robbers in a whisper:

Something must be done. And now they will have fun here, receive gifts, and again we will have to cuckoo around the fire in the forest: in hunger, cold. Lively repeat after me.
(fall to their knees )

Ivachevsky K.\ robber:

Forgive us, grandfather. And you guys, I'm sorry. This is how stupid we are. And they even learned the New Year's song themselves. Honestly. They listened to how he rehearsed and learned. Honestly.

Santa Claus: Forgive them guys? (Yes!)

Angelica \Winter:

And now let's all get up to the Christmas tree,

We form a round dance

And skipping with a dance

Let's welcome the New Year together.
The song "All the forest people gathered under the Christmas tree"

    Gathered under the tree
All forest people

saw off the Christmas tree

To us for the New Year.

Chorus: Christmas tree, Christmas tree!

Our dear friend!

Christmas tree collects

All children in a circle.

    Christmas tree put on
Festive outfit.

Christmas tree came

Come to us for a masquerade.


  1. Like under our Christmas tree
Happy to dance.

Sing funny songs in chorus.

Song in December

1. White, white in December, in December

Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard
Chorus: Spinning, spinning and singing and singing

Festive, festive round dance, round dance.
2. Slippery, slippery in December, in December

Hills, hills in the yard, in the yard
3. Voiced, voiced in December, in December

Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.

Santa Claus: The old year is gone forever

He brought us a lot of new things.

Run away to the past

To make the future closer.

New Year is coming to a close

With great new things.

The old year is leaving just in time,

Finally saying goodbye to us.

Time is running at full speed

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

We talk to each other!
Adele: Everyone who hears us, who knows us,
We congratulate you on the New Year!
We wish you happiness and good luck!
Good health in addition!
Holidays joyful, cheerful!
But, mind you, don't forget about school.
Study for "4", "5".
Help mom around the house.

Kseniya FROM maiden:

May the coming year be happy and kind for you.
Teacher: J live, not knowing grief,

Knowing neither troubles nor hardships.

Dear people, Happy New Year!

May it bring you only happiness.

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Winter sing a song - a wish, children sing a chorus.
1. A new year is coming - it will bring you happiness,

Peace and magic, new wonders.

There will be gifts, games and laughter to tears,

There will be a happy year, a new round dance.

You will be charming, dexterous and observant,

Very smart, resourceful

    Set a goal for yourself, go for it persistently.
For those who do not like laziness, every day is successful!

You take knowledge, give loyalty to friends,

Help grandmothers, respect parents.



    Song in December

    Song "Yolochka"

    The song "What is hidden under the tree"


    The robbers, the Bull and the New Year sing a song (to the melody "I'm lying in the sun")

    Baba Yaga sings (to the tune of the song "33 cows")

    Chastushki to the melody "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

    New year is coming...



    Boogie Woogie.



    "Chic ladies"

    Dance of the Robbers

    Enchanted dance of the forest evil spirits

The song "New Year has come to us"

1. Green fluffy, in a snow coat

The Christmas tree came to the holiday in a frosty winter.
Chorus: That's how everyone is good, good,

New Year has come to us, New, New Year.
2. Silvery snowflakes on the branches shine,

And the pieces of ice, like bells, quietly ring.

3 We drive a cheerful round dance near the Christmas tree

And with us, the Christmas tree celebrates the New Year.

I heard there's a competition coming up here? Come on, while Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will divide us into teams, we will warm up. Finish my New Year's ditties.

New Year. It's snowing outside

Holiday coming soon...

Everything. (New Year). Oooh

New Year. The needles glow softly.

Pine spirit comes from ...

Everything. (trees). Oooh

New Year. The branches gently rustle

Beads are bright ...

Everything. (shine). Oooh

New Year. And swing toys, flags,


Everything. (crackers)..Oooh

New Year. And decorating the top

There it shines, as always,

Very bright, big, five-winged...

Everything. (star). Oooh
New Year. The sky was covered with silk

Shines, sparkling, our .. .

Everything. (Christmas tree). Oooh
New Year. And the tree invites you

Now start the fun..

Everything. .(dance). Oooh
Teacher: And now I invite you all to the New Year's Snegurion.

1 task

In order for the main Santa Claus - the director of all Santa Clauses to send us gifts, we

must fill in the text of the telegram with words that answer the questions which?

Two representatives from each team will go and write down 13 words, which we then

insert into telegrams.

2 task

Running on small skis around the Christmas tree

3 task

"Who is the last" (3 people from the team) Dance around the chairs: 5,4,3,2,1

4 task

A circle is drawn. Children (couple) on skis stand opposite each other across the circle. By

team, they begin to wind the rope, trying to pull the opponent into the circle.

5 task

Read the text of telegrams.

"… Santa Claus! All ... the children are looking forward to your ... arrival. New Year

- this is the most ... holiday of the year. We will sing for you ... songs, dance ... dances

Finally, the New Year will come. How do not want to talk about ... study. We promise that

we will receive only ... grades. So open your ... bag as soon as possible and hand it over

us ... gifts. With respect to you ... boys and ... girls.

The broom is decorated instead of a Christmas tree, marsh kikimoras and goblin dance around the broom, sing ditties

Goblin: Chorus: Stretch, harmonica soul,

Eh, play-play,

Sing kikimora ditties,

Sing, talk about them.

1. We have Roman and Lesha

Rogue talkers.

Now let's say to them sternly:

Must be excellent.

They are good too.

Answer in class:

Here are the boys!

3. And here is Nastya with Yulia

All exemplary and modest,

But they also want to

Jump, run faster.

4. Well, Dasha at least chats,

But he answers well

And dancing and singing

And it doesn't let us get bored.
5. But Vika will draw -

The drawing will charm everyone.

They will sing ditties with him,

And Valera and Nikita

They will give us a smart answer.

7. And we have Yurochka,

This boy is great too!

He is not greedy, interesting,

He also learns from us.

8. What about us? And what about us?

Why are you singing about us?

Just "super" we girls

It has been known to everyone for a long time.

Stop for a moment...

/ holiday moments /

Scenario "New Year's adventures of fairy-tale heroes."

Target: Congratulations to the guys on the successful completion of the first semester;

Organize a matinee for class children and their parents;

Involve parents in the event (costumes for children, gifts, music);

Show the creative success of each child and the whole class as a whole.

Set up children and parents for active recreation during the holidays.

Program tasks:

To form a comprehensively developed, holistic personality;

Develop an aesthetic perception of reality;

To educate the creative abilities of children, moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life and theatrics.

Event progress

Signboard office "Yolki-Palki". Santa Claus is sitting at the table (in a red tracksuit, with a chain, telephones, etc.). A call rings out.

Santa Claus. The phone is Red Grandfather,

There are no corporate applications.

I only take orders

Send in emergency SWAT.

Included in the winter order:

Snegurka-dvoechnitsa and Grandfather-Contagion.

Payment may not be made

But be sure to feed the lazy ones.

Knock on the door. Bolt. Ded-Infection enters, a hat with earflaps on one side, felt boots and a quilted jacket. Snegurka-dvoechnitsa, in an extra-avant-garde outfit, with a backpack, and overhead braids.

DZ. Well, what - hello! Why weren't they waiting for us?

But you were invited to visit.

SD: Oh, look, grandfather,

There are no more free places!

Are you the hostess here?

Tell me where can we sit?

You sit down in the hall

Although you seem to be joking.

SD No, you heard it grandfather

I don't even have words.

I got dressed for two hours

Three dug in their things,

Five I did the coloring

And four for painting

An hour of poring in the fitness room,

Did they invite me to joke?

I came to you to rest

The prince can be searched.

presenter. What if you're tired

I will give you time in our hall:

Relax, get some sleep

Well, we'll find someone

Who could cheer

Holiday noisy twist.

Malvina and the Nesmeyana Princess enter. They cry.

Leading. No, it won't work like that.

Now around the river will pass.

Why are the girls crying?

After all, we have a holiday, laughter, light.

Malvina. I was in such a hurry to the holiday,

What wishes on the way missed.

They all mixed up in the snow

And I can't get them all back.

Leading. Guys, let's save Malvina,

And we will collect all the wishes together.

Competition "Funny nonsense"

Malvina. Thank you dear guys

But it's too late for me.

Yes, and Pierrot is following me,

Ask him better.

What does the New Year bring to all of us,

Where will the holiday take us?

Pierrot. The heavenly office reported to me,

That she more than borrowed snow.

Don't forget about the sleigh guys.

Give your friends a ride at least once.

Nesmeyana. What about me, I've been forgotten

You haven't made me laugh yet.

I love holidays too

And I want to play with you.

Leading. Of course, don't roar Nesmeyana,

Better yet, help the kids.

The animals played the game

And all their mottos have been lost

Competition "Animal motto"

Silent Film Competition

Nesmeyana. Thank you very much for the laugh

I invite everyone to visit.

When you pass by the kingdom

Welcome to my state.

They leave, the Eastern Princess and the Gypsy appear.

Leading. Look, we have guests again

And they brought their wishes.

Alina wants to contact you,

Eastern fairy tale she is a ballerina.

Eastern pr-sa. I am the princess of the Eastern world,

I jumped in on you for a minute.

Send New Year's greetings

And wish not to rest against the horn.

And if your business is not going well,

Try not to make an elephant out of a fly.

East Dance.

Gypsy. I didn't come empty handed either.

I will distribute the wishing deck among you.

The cards will reveal the whole truth to you instantly,

Keep them at home, it is not harmful to health.

Distributes a deck of cards with wishes.

There is a roar. Baba Yaga enters.

BYA. Well hello here I am

Ate class I found yours.

Wandered around for a whole hour

Am I too late?

SD. Who called you? Why did they come?

BYA. Hush girl don't crack

Judging by the simple language,

You yourself at this meeting

Turned out to be by accident.

Who are you? What is your name?

You can tell me.

And who is with you on the chair,

took a nap. He's on the loose.

DZ. Who's on the run? I am not sleeping.

I guard the onuchka.

And they brought gifts.

BYA. Oh, I love gifts.

I'll take everyone for myself.

By the way, grandfather, I'm just in shock.

Are you at your desk in class?

Stop bringing school

Let's not disturb the kids.

(They take the bag with gifts and leave)

presenter. What to do? How to be?

We need to freshen up the holiday.

All gifts were taken

And they only brought one.

How to share it we need to decide as soon as possible.

To avoid problems

Superman came with me.

Superman. I came to take care of everything

Put things in order in the classroom

Who will not comply

Will clean up the classroom.

And now we'll play

Hint number will be "three"

Competition "Take a Prize""(chair, prize)

A package with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair - the contestants. The host reads the poem "One, two, three!". Those who tried to grab the prize out of time are eliminated from the competition.

I will tell you a story

Half a dozen times.

I'll just say the word "three" -

Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside

Small fish were counted -

And not one, but TWO.

Dreaming boy hardened

Become an Olympic champion

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, another, and better FIVE!

Newly train at the station

I had to wait THREE hours.

But why didn’t you take the prize, friends,

When was the opportunity to take?

The Bull enters (symbol of the New Year)

Bull. Hey hello honest people

Che for a holiday, New Year?

So I'm not lost

I asked to visit you.

On the way to you I met

Almost like “three heroes”.

One in earflaps and with a bag,

The second is stupid and with a backpack,

And the third woman in years -

The whole gang hid in the bushes.

I probably scared them

I took the bag with me.

I brought you gifts here,

And a whole bunch of wishes.

The gang breaks in.

1 bandit. Stand still, you're surrounded

Reason for taking: for a holiday

we were not invited.

You probably wanted to hold gifts.

Guys, we got there just in time.

Leading. No, it's some kind of obsession

We can't get any food.

Whole holiday someone bothers us.

Let's ask what the gang wants.

2 bandit. I want to get twelve

And the subject itself is not to be studied.

3 bandit. I want there to always be physical education,

And so my culture grew.

4 bandit. I don't want to learn, but to play

Why am I here at school for nothing to strain.

presenter. Guys, why do you indulge in idleness,

Ah, it would be better for you to change in the New Year

Study well, be friends with everyone,

And spend the year of the mouse.

1 bandit. The old year is leaving

His last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away

And the worst - can not be repeated.

2 bandit. May the New Year knock on you

And the house will be filled with happiness.

And everything you dreamed of

May this year be fulfilled!

3 bandit. We wish you love and affection,

We wish you a good fairy tale in life!

May the New Year bring you

Good luck for many years to come

Gifts prepared by the parent committee are distributed.

Self-analysis of the event "New Year's adventures of fairy-tale heroes"

1. The event was held in the 5th grade in the form of a New Year's fairy tale on the theme "New Year's adventures of fairy-tale heroes"

2. This event is dedicated to the celebration of the New Year, the structure of the event is designed in accordance with the age abilities of 5th grade students.

3. The event was held with the aim: to congratulate the children on the successful completion of the first semester; organize a matinee for class children and their parents; involve parents in the event; show the creative success of each child and the whole class as a whole; set up children and parents for active recreation during the holidays. The main objectives of this event were: the formation of a comprehensively developed, holistic personality; development of aesthetic perception of reality; education of children's creative abilities.

4. The event required careful preparation, as the whole class was involved in the event. The guys learned the words, rehearsed dances, held joint rehearsals using musical arrangements. They didn't always succeed, but they tried. This event greatly raised the morale of the class, they became a more cohesive team. The guys successfully coped with the main task during the event, they actively participated in competitions and played their roles.

5. I believe that the goals and objectives set at the event were practically achieved:

The guys finished the first semester in a good mood, which was facilitated by the festive atmosphere;

Students creatively approached the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them;

Many guys showed their talents and abilities, "revealed";

The students received teamwork skills, most importantly, all the guys were involved in the creative process;

At the same time, parents became direct participants in the class action, which made it possible for them to look at their children from the other side;

Many students have an incentive to self-improvement.

6. The value of this event is to improve the morale in the classroom, if earlier many of the children were not willing to take part in any events, then the New Year's performance for parents became a new incentive for them. The positive result made it possible to reorient the educational work in the classroom, and pay even more attention to the formation of a cohesive class team.

New Year's adventures of fairy-tale heroes.

Leading : Vanya is sitting at the table, has prepared paper, a pen and an envelope. He writes a letter to Santa Claus, which he wanted to send with the postman Pechkin, but falls asleep and has an unusual dream. His letter makes an amazing journey with the postman Pechkin.

Winter forest. Glade. Three stumps.

  1. Goblin. Woo! Bored in the forest!

Kikimora. Uh-uh-uh! Snow flies like fluff from a bird.

2-Goblin. Ah-ah-ah! No trail in the footprints!

Everything. Oh oh oh! Only an echo sigh is heard: Oh-oh-oh!

Kikimora. What to think, do? To scare someone in the forest.

They climbed into their lairs, became touchy children!

1-Goblin. They look at TVs, what do they want to see there?

2-Goblin. The same forest and the same field….

Kikimora. There would be no need to see everything in the wild ...

1-Goblin. The forest is full of wonders and fairy tales...

2-Goblin. And they only spoil the eyes!

1-Goblin. What do they know about fairy tales?

2-Goblin. Everyone plays computers! Sitting alone at the table

Past rush childhood days!

Kikimora. If the children came to the forest, we would find something for them to do!

1-Goblin. They would whirl between the fir-trees, and by the scruff of needles ...

2-Goblin. I would pretend to be a stump

Kikimora. It's fun to ride it!

1-Goblin. And then he started tickling...

2-Goblin. Why should we dream?!

Kikimora. Something must be done.

Baba Yaga. Why are you sitting and sighing?

1-Goblin. We all became bored in the forest.

2-Goblin. The New Year is just around the corner!

Baba Yaga. We are going to the Christmas tree to the kids. To run faster

You have to be smart.

Baba Yaga walks, waves her arms, mutters something.

The lights are on in the hall. The evil spirit sees Pechkin sitting under the Christmas tree.

Kikimora. Who do I see? I want to take him with me.

1-Goblin. Ugh! Who about what, you about yours.

Goblin and Kikimora want to go to the Christmas tree, but they cannot, because an invisible wall has appeared.

2-Goblin. What's happened? No pass!

Kikimora. It was as if a wall had grown out of transparent glass.

Pantomime "Invisible Wall".

Baba Yaga.

Ah, I am an unclean force! I forgot: we can't leave the property without Frost's permission. New Year is to blame This old grandfather is wonderful!

Our magical world closed, he left and the trace caught a cold.

Robbers run out of nowhere. They grab the postman Pechkin and hand him over to the evil spirits. All the heroes run away, and instead of them appears Puss in Boots.

Puss in Boots. Where am I? Why not in your own fairy tale? Who pulled me out

And why?

The leader comes out.

Leading. Baba Yaga conjured, wanted to get on the New Year tree, but

I mixed up something and pulled you out of your fairy tale, and also

Captured the postman Pechkin.

Puss in Boots. Mr. Host, help me return to my fairy tale.

Leading. I can’t, these are the tricks of Baba Yaga. Only she can help you.

But I can bring her back here.

The leader waves his hand and Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. What do you need? Why did you call?

Puss in Boots. Send me to my fairy tale, they are waiting for me there.

Baba Yaga. I can’t. It’s impossible to conjure scientifically, I studied little.

You must come with us to the Christmas tree.

Puss in Boots. Why with you, I don’t want to. My fairy tale is waiting for me.

Baba Yaga. Be silent, do not argue, if you want to get into your fairy tale, you must

Help us.Play with us.

Puss in Boots. Do not deceive me if I fulfill your order.

Baba Yaga. No, no, we'll help. (aside - Still how to deceive.)

The cat conducts the game "Cheerful snowman".

Baba Yaga walks, waves her arms, mumbles something, but the Cat does not disappear, but appears Pinocchio.

Pinocchio. Oh, how interesting! Just been with Papa Carlo, and now

Here. Won't you tell me where I'm at?

Baba Yaga and Puss in Boots (in chorus). In the fairy forest but we're going on

Christmas tree.

Pinocchio. Oh-oh, how fun, I want to be with you too. Where is it?

Puss in Boots. But I don't want to, I want to be in my fairy tale.

Baba Yaga. Well, in vain. The tree is more interesting. There Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, gifts.

Pinocchio. How amazing! Let's move faster. I want to go there.

Puss in Boots. Baba Yaga is a swindler, she knows nothing but to brag


Baba Yaga. I'm not a liar, I didn't learn much. Let Pinocchio play.

Pinocchio. I won't be alone, I want with Puss in Boots.

Puss in Boots. I will help Pinocchio, but send me to my fairy tale.

Baba Yaga. I will send, I will send.

Puss in Boots and Pinocchio with the guys are playing the game "I'm running, running ..."

Baba Yaga waves her arms, mutters something, they all disappear.

A bright light is lit, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear.

Santa Claus. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With a Christmas tree, a song, a round dance.

I congratulate all my friends

Inna holiday invite.

Leading. It is very good that you came to the holiday.

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus in a big park

Barely dragged gifts. He distributes to everyone.

Santa Claus. Tell me, Snow Maiden, what do you think, which of the guys is smarter-

Girls or boys?

Snow Maiden. Probably both.

Santa Claus. Let's find out.

Snow Maiden. But as?

Santa Claus. Let's arrange a competition for ingenuity, we will hold a competition

Riddles. Here's your first riddle.

A middle-aged man with an enormous beard

Brought with you by the hand

To our granddaughter for the holiday.

Answer quickly, who is this? (Santa Claus)

A middle-aged man, with such a beard! -

Offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina.

And in general for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Who is he? ... (Karabas).

A middle-aged man with a mustache and beard

He loves guys, treats animals,

Nice-looking, He is called .... (Aibolit).

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, your riddles are very easy. Well, let me guess.

Listen carefully.

My father had a strange boy

Unusual wooden.

His nose was very long, his name was .... (Pinocchio).

After guessing, Pinocchio appears and pulls Puss in Boots, the postman Pechkin and Baba Yaga with a gang.

Pinocchio. I came here not alone, but with different heroes. (names them)

Let us celebrate.

Santa Claus. Yes, Pinocchio, good company. Do you want a holiday

Should we spoil?

Baba Yaga and the gang. (in chorus). No, no, we wanted to see the Christmas tree and

New Year holiday.

Santa Claus. If you're lying, I'll freeze you.

Baba Yaga and the gang swear. We won't, we won't, we won't!

Santa Claus. Listen, the music is on. The holiday continues.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, you haven't forgotten about the prizes. Let's reward

Guys for preparing New Year's costumes.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden reward the children.

Santa Claus. Well, now it's time for us with the Snow Maiden, and you have fun and

Have a good rest. We'll meet again in a year.