Sexual hospitality as a tradition. Chukotsky - own pride

How important is the hospitality in the family? Why do you need to be welcoming and do you need to be like that? And also, should there be a measure in hospitality? These are the main questions of this article in which we will try to figure it out.

First, remember the term "hospitable" himself - this is primarily a warm, very caring owner who is not indifferent to the mood of his guests and who does everything possible so that his guests are satisfied with their visit to him. It would seem that it is wonderful that there are such people and they always want to visit. But, would you always want to take guests and always uninvited guests can cause the joy of the owners?

As you know, in any family there are your rules and foundations. And as a person was raised and how his family lived, what their customs were, in the end, he was gradually postponed to his new family. And here is the possible misconceptions of spouses, because of which disputes and conflicts appear.

For a better understanding, let's turn for help for example.

Take two families in one of whom the wife was brought up, and in the other, respectively, the husband. Wife's parents are modest, quiet and poor people. Almost never had anyone to themselves, since they didn't really have friends, and they themselves went very rarely, since they brought up three children. The relatives were a little and met with them quite rarely, maybe on holidays and that is not always.

The spouse was brought up absolutely in the opposite family. First, he was the only child. Secondly, his parents had a lot of relatives and friends with whom they constantly communicated. Well, both thirdly, his parents are accustomed to living, as they say, "on a broad leg", were rather secured people financially and very hospitable. They do not have guests to have all holidays and weekends, but also among the week often looked. Go to the first question.

How important is the hospitality in the family?

There are two halves, brought up in two different families. On the one hand, the husband naturally accustomed to noisy and cheerful weekends and holidays and on the other hand is a wife who prefers quiet and possibly a romantic weekend together with her husband.

The problem is obvious. But, let's say too many friends and he is accustomed to constant communication. Here somehow is a little simpler, all the same, friends are one, and the family is quite another. And meetings with friends, truth and untrue can be reduced to the minimum. Reception is also possible to cut, and what to do with the annoying relatives, which are also very much? And all of them are in turn of the guest, because they are so accepted. Neither the weekend to spend together, and then and all week you need to seven, suddenly someone gets out.

A frank conversation with her husband does not lead to anything, because by his, so let's say the main family, he considers not only his wife with a child, but also all his relatives. It is clear that this is also a family, but how it can explain that each family should have their own personal space and at least sometimes you need to spend time without relatives and friends. As you can see, different ideas about the hospitality of spouses can lead to very serious conflicts and misunderstanding.

So in whom really the problem? In the husband, who can not part with his relatives so much that he considers it right to spend all his free time with them, or in his wife who can not be so hospitable, as far as the husband wants?

We find out that psychologists think about this.

Should be a measure in hospitality?

The desire to have a personal space for his wife is completely clear, especially since it is familiar to it. But, in the family of the husband there is a very strong relationship between relatives, where the refusal to loved ones is just unacceptable. The spouse says that he is just so used to communicating with his relatives, but most likely he is afraid to stay alone and not cope with life difficulties. But of course there should be a measure everywhere. This does not mean that you will close at home and you will not communicate with anyone and do not go to visit at all. But the permanent influx of guests, be it even relatives - it is wrong.

It is necessary to allow your husband to feel that moderate communication with loved ones will not turn into a catastrophe. It is necessary to plan the output only by its small family so that no one makes you the company. Make everything possible so that such an outlet takes place at least once a month, for a start. The husband will begin to gradually get used to it and feel like a sole chapter of his family. The most important thing is that the wife will need to support this primary role. Go to the latter, inciting us a question in this article.

Why do you need to be welcoming and do you need to be like that?

Each family has the right to decide it is necessary to be hospitable or not. Someone in general does not invite anyone, and someone has a guest every day. The most important thing is to Opinions of spouses in these issues coincided.

It is clear that it's nice to visit the family, where you are sincerely glad, where the fun relaxed atmosphere. And it is unlikely that he wants to visit there again where the owners are on the face it is written: "When you already fall out of here" (I apologize for rudeness).

But of course, no matter how much someone did not want to someone, in general, without guests it will not work, especially when children appear. No matter how you want, but the communication of grandparents with a child is just necessary. But what about the godfather, and birthdays? And when the child is growing, friends or girlfriends. But in the end we live in society and communication is sometimes just necessary. Therefore, as was written above, you just need to observe the measure in everything and everywhere.

And how much are you hospitable and how often do you take guests and go to visit yourself?

Sexual hospitality as a tradition in most peoples of land, professing Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism and other monotheistic religions, married treason is considered a severe sin, which only can make a wife. At the same time, on the treason of her husband, most of the representatives of believers look through the fingers. Such perception of female infidelity was just a consequence of the laws of inheritance existing many centuries. A man wants to guarantee the transfer of his property inherited only genetically native children, categorically, under the fear of divorce, punishment, and sometimes death (as in Islam) forbade a woman to even think about treason. But these laws are dictated by only economic necessity and are historically determined. On Earth there are many peoples living in a completely different rules. They have a marital treason of women - the only opportunity to maintain a genetic diversity in the tribe and guarantee the health of the future offspring. The peoples of Kamchatka in the north-east of Russia there are several peoples who have marital treason is the usual act of hospitality. Seaside cory, being very closed and small ethnic, are forced to resort to this to the means to "dilute" their genes fresh. Any guest of the Koryak settlement will be encountered in these people very welcome, fed and overwhelmed in the literal sense of the word. In the evening, a married housing housing, in which he will stay for the night, will be molded with the aliel in order to maximize him as much as possible. At night, she with a 100% guarantee will lay down to him in bed with quite specific intentions. The guest should not be afraid of the throat of her husband, since he knows about everything and absolutely not against. It also makes no sense to think and means of contraception, after all, the owner's wife did not come with the aim of making lust. Superbate of such hospitality is the conception of the child. If a woman can become pregnant from the new man, this event will be widely and fun to celebrate all the selection. The task was completed: the browning genes were connected to the genes of the representative of another people, and therefore the child will be born viable, strong and without genetic deviations. In the Russian Empire, according to the historian, Bezlenet V. B., such a phenomenon existed in the Russian Empire. In some villages, the country existed the so-called hospitable prostitution. According to the observations of the publicist Seraphim Shashkov, "In the north of Russia, the owner, giving up in the apartment apartment, offers the tenant his spouse or daughter, increasing, of course, with the apartment fee." In a number of villages of Bolkhovsky County of the Oryol province, there was a custom of Honorary Guests (senior, a volit painter, judges, to merchants), to offer their wives or daughters for the carnical jepers if the son was in bend. At the same time, pragmatic peasants did not forget to take a fee for the services rendered. In the villages of the bag and horseradish the same county, the poor peasants were sent without embarrassment of their wives to Claw, or to any sustained person for money on tobacco or bread, forcing them to pay their body. Residents of Alaska problems with the birth of healthy kids were observed in closed ethnic groups of mainland Alaska. Cleansing-reindeer herds and Eskimos live quite apart from the rest of the world. Marriages inside one settlement often happen between more or less long-range relatives. This leads to the birth of thrill kids endowed with a whole bouquet of diseases. So that such sad events occur as less often, Chukchi and Eskimos also practice treason "in the name of hospitality" and even convey their wives to men from other settlements. If a strong representative of someone else's clan is going to hunt, he always has a huge selection of the ladies of any neighboring tribe. Husbands themselves will offer their wives for the role of a temporary mistress. During the hunt, a woman must constantly be cleaned by "Mr." so that there is more chances to get pregnant. Australia's aborigines Sexual hospitality is accepted by a small nationality of Australian Aboriginal Arunda. Each genus lives very closed. Genes of centuries are mixed inside the tribe, so they are simply necessary to dilute them. Arunta is extremely hospitable and ready to "lend" their women to everyone. Any guest from the outside can calmly count on the night with the first black beauty you like, even if she is a married matron. His Arunta wives willingly share not only with the arrivals ingenians, but also with each other. This is a kind of gesture of respect and sympathy. If someone decides to refuse such a living "gift", the woman's husband considers themselves fatally offended. In Tibet Mountains, there are also many nations living on similar laws. My husband will gladly give his wife to temporary use of the arrival guest, if a woman liked. The emergence of sympathy and sexual attraction in this case is considered the highest will of the gods. Tibetans are generally inclined to appreciate in-demand women. If the lady likes many men, it means that she really is worth something. Hence the custom did not take virgins in my wife. Before the marriage, the girl is obliged not only to lose virginity, but also know many men. Only in this case, the bride can be recognized as suitable for family life.

In the north of Kamchatka, among the small nation of seaside koryakov, for many centuries, he was honored for the greatest honor that the guest enters into an intimate connection with the owner's wife. To this end, the spouse tried to look in front of the desired guest so seductive. Until now, there are nations on Earth for whom married treason of women is the only opportunity to maintain a genetic diversity in the tribe and guarantee the health of the future offspring.

Peoples Kamchatka

In the north-east of Russia there are several peoples who have marital treason is the usual act of hospitality. Seaside cory, being very closed and small ethnic, are forced to resort to this to the means to "dilute" their genes fresh. Any guest of the Koryak settlement will be encountered in these people very welcome, fed and overwhelmed in the literal sense of the word.

In the evening, a married housing housing, in which he will stay for the night, will be molded with the aliel in order to maximize him as much as possible. At night, she with a 100% guarantee will lay down to him in bed with quite specific intentions. The guest should not be afraid of the throat of her husband, since he knows about everything and absolutely not against.

It also makes no sense to think and means of contraception, after all, the owner's wife did not come with the aim of making lust. Superbate of such hospitality is the conception of the child. If a woman can become pregnant from the new man, this event will be widely and fun to celebrate all the selection. The task was completed: the browning genes were connected to the genes of the representative of another people, and therefore the child will be born viable, strong and without genetic deviations.

In the Russian Empire

According to the historian, Bezlenet V. B., such a phenomenon existed in the Russian Empire. In some villages, the country existed the so-called hospitable prostitution. According to the observations of the publicist Seraphim Shashkov, "In the north of Russia, the owner, giving up in the apartment apartment, offers the tenant his spouse or daughter, increasing, of course, with the apartment fee." In a number of villages of Bolkhovsky County of the Oryol province, there was a custom of Honorary Guests (senior, a volit painter, judges, to merchants), to offer their wives or daughters for the carnical jepers if the son was in bend. At the same time, pragmatic peasants did not forget to take a fee for the services rendered. In the villages of the bag and horseradish the same county, the poor peasants were sent without embarrassment of their wives to Claw, or to any sustained person for money on tobacco or bread, forcing them to pay their body.

Residents of Alaska

The problems with the birth of healthy kids were observed at the closed ethnic groups of mainland Alaska. Cleansing-reindeer herds and Eskimos live quite apart from the rest of the world. Marriages inside one settlement often happen between more or less long-range relatives. This leads to the birth of thrill kids endowed with a whole bouquet of diseases.

So that such sad events occur as less often, Chukchi and Eskimos also practice treason "in the name of hospitality" and even convey their wives to men from other settlements. If a strong representative of someone else's clan is going to hunt, he always has a huge selection of the ladies of any neighboring tribe. Husbands themselves will offer their wives for the role of a temporary mistress. During the hunt, a woman must constantly be cleaned by "Mr." so that there is more chances to get pregnant.

Aboriginal Australia

Sexual hospitality is accepted by the small nationality of the Australian Aborigines of Arunta. Each genus lives very closed. Genes of centuries are mixed inside the tribe, so they are simply necessary to dilute them. Arunta is extremely hospitable and ready to "lend" their women to everyone.

Any guest from the outside can calmly count on the night with the first black beauty you like, even if she is a married matron. His Arunta wives willingly share not only with the arrivals ingenians, but also with each other. This is a kind of gesture of respect and sympathy. If someone decides to refuse such a living "gift", the woman's husband considers themselves fatally offended.

In Tibet mountains

In Tibet, there are also many peoples living for similar laws. My husband will gladly give his wife to temporary use of the arrival guest, if a woman liked. The emergence of sympathy and sexual attraction in this case is considered the highest will of the gods.

Tibetans are generally inclined to appreciate in-demand women. If the lady likes many men, it means that she really is worth something. Hence the custom did not take virgins in my wife. Before the marriage, the girl is obliged not only to lose virginity, but also know many men. Only in this case, the bride can be recognized as suitable for family life.

Most peoples of land who profess Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism and other monotheistic religions, marital treason is considered a severe sin, which can only make a person.

Previously, they were especially carefully watched. Such perception of female infidelity has become a consequence of the existing laws of inheritance that appeared many centuries. A man wants to guarantee the transfer of his property inherited only genetically native children, categorically, under the fear of divorce, punishment, and sometimes death (as in Islam) forbade a woman to even think about treason.

But these laws are dictated by only economic necessity and are historically determined. On Earth there are many peoples living in a completely different rules. They have a marital treason of women - the only opportunity to maintain a genetic diversity in the tribe and guarantee the health of the future offspring.

Peoples Kamchatka

In the north-east of Russia there are several peoples who have marital treason is the usual act of hospitality. Seaside cory, being very closed and small ethnic, are forced to resort to this to the means to "dilute" their genes fresh. Any guest of the Koryak settlement will be encountered in these people very welcome, fed and overwhelmed in the literal sense of the word.

In the evening, a married housing housing, in which he will stay for the night, will be koking with the aliel, to maximize him as much as possible. At night, she with a 100% guarantee will lay down to him in bed with quite specific intentions. The guest should not be afraid of the throat of her husband, since he knows about everything and absolutely not against.

After all, the owner's wife did not come with the aim of making lust. Superbate of such hospitality is the conception of the child. If a woman can become pregnant from the new man, this event will be widely and fun to celebrate all the selection. Then the task was completed: the browning genes were connected to the genes of the representative of another people, and therefore the child will be born viable, strong and without genetic deviations.

Residents of Alaska

The problems with the birth of healthy kids were observed at the closed ethnic groups of mainland Alaska. Cleansing-reindeer herds and Eskimos live quite apart from the rest of the world. Marriages inside one settlement often happen between more or less long-range relatives. This leads to the birth of thrill kids endowed with a whole bouquet of diseases.

So that such sad events occur as less often, Chukchi and Eskimos also practice treason "in the name of hospitality" and even convey their wives to men from other settlements. If a strong representative of someone else's clan is going to hunt, he always has a huge selection of the ladies of any neighboring tribe. Husbands themselves will offer their wives for the role of a temporary mistress. During the hunt, a woman must constantly be cleaned by "Mr." so that there is more chances to get pregnant.

Aboriginal Australia

Sexual hospitality is accepted by the small nationality of the Australian Aborigines of Arunta. Each genus lives very closed. Genes of centuries are mixed inside the tribe, so they are simply necessary to dilute them. Arunta is extremely hospitable and ready to "lend" their women to everyone.

Any guest from the outside can calmly count on the night with the first black beauty you like, even if she is a married matron. His Arunta wives willingly share not only with the arrivals ingenians, but also with each other. This is a kind of gesture of respect and sympathy. If someone decides to refuse such a living "gift", the woman's husband considers themselves fatally offended.

In Tibet mountains

In Tibet, there are also many peoples living for similar laws. My husband will gladly give his wife to temporary use of the arrival guest, if a woman liked. The emergence of sympathy and sexual attraction in this case is considered the highest will of the gods.

Tibetans are generally inclined to appreciate in-demand women. If the lady likes many men, it means that she really is worth something. Hence the custom did not take virgins in my wife. Before the marriage, the girl is obliged not only to lose virginity, but also know many men. Only in this case, the bride can be recognized as suitable for family life.

Most peoples of the Earth who profess Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism and other monotheistic religions, marital treason is considered a severe sin, which can only make a wife. At the same time, on the treason of her husband, most of the representatives of believers look through the fingers.

Such perception of female infidelity was just a consequence of the laws of inheritance existing many centuries. A man wants to guarantee the transfer of his property inherited only genetically native children, categorically, under the fear of divorce, punishment, and sometimes death (as in Islam) forbade a woman to even think about treason.

But these laws are dictated by only economic necessity and are historically determined. On Earth there are many peoples living in a completely different rules. They have a marital treason of women - the only opportunity to maintain a genetic diversity in the tribe and guarantee the health of the future offspring.

Peoples Kamchatka

In the north-east of Russia there are several peoples who have marital treason is the usual act of hospitality. Seaside cory, being very closed and small ethnic, are forced to resort to this to the means to "dilute" their genes fresh. Any guest of the Koryak settlement will be encountered in these people very welcome, fed and overwhelmed in the literal sense of the word.

In the evening, a married housing housing, in which he will stay for the night, will be molded with the aliel in order to maximize him as much as possible. At night, she with a 100% guarantee will lay down to him in bed with quite specific intentions. The guest should not be afraid of the throat of her husband, since he knows about everything and absolutely not against.

It also makes no sense to think and means of contraception, after all, the owner's wife did not come with the aim of making lust. Superbate of such hospitality is the conception of the child. If a woman can become pregnant from the new man, this event will be widely and fun to celebrate all the selection. The task was completed: the browning genes were connected to the genes of the representative of another people, and therefore the child will be born viable, strong and without genetic deviations.

In the Russian Empire

According to the historian, Bezlenet V. B., such a phenomenon existed in the Russian Empire. In some villages, the country existed the so-called hospitable prostitution. According to the observations of the publicist Seraphim Shashkov, "In the north of Russia, the owner, giving up in the apartment apartment, offers the tenant his spouse or daughter, increasing, of course, with the apartment fee." In a number of villages of Bolkhovsky County of the Oryol province, there was a custom of Honorary Guests (senior, a volit painter, judges, to merchants), to offer their wives or daughters for the carnical jepers if the son was in bend. At the same time, pragmatic peasants did not forget to take a fee for the services rendered. In the villages of the bag and horseradish the same county, the poor peasants were sent without embarrassment of their wives to Claw, or to any sustained person for money on tobacco or bread, forcing them to pay their body.

Residents of Alaska

The problems with the birth of healthy kids were observed at the closed ethnic groups of mainland Alaska. Cleansing-reindeer herds and Eskimos live quite apart from the rest of the world. Marriages inside one settlement often happen between more or less long-range relatives. This leads to the birth of thrill kids endowed with a whole bouquet of diseases.

So that such sad events occur as less often, Chukchi and Eskimos also practice treason "in the name of hospitality" and even convey their wives to men from other settlements. If a strong representative of someone else's clan is going to hunt, he always has a huge selection of the ladies of any neighboring tribe. Husbands themselves will offer their wives for the role of a temporary mistress. During the hunt, a woman must constantly be cleaned by "Mr." so that there is more chances to get pregnant.

Aboriginal Australia

Sexual hospitality is accepted by the small nationality of the Australian Aborigines of Arunta. Each genus lives very closed. Genes of centuries are mixed inside the tribe, so they are simply necessary to dilute them. Arunta is extremely hospitable and ready to "lend" their women to everyone.

Any guest from the outside can calmly count on the night with the first black beauty you like, even if she is a married matron. His Arunta wives willingly share not only with the arrivals ingenians, but also with each other. This is a kind of gesture of respect and sympathy. If someone decides to refuse such a living "gift", the woman's husband considers themselves fatally offended.

In Tibet mountains

In Tibet, there are also many peoples living for similar laws. My husband will gladly give his wife to temporary use of the arrival guest, if a woman liked. The emergence of sympathy and sexual attraction in this case is considered the highest will of the gods.

Tibetans are generally inclined to appreciate in-demand women. If the lady likes many men, it means that she really is worth something. Hence the custom did not take virgins in my wife. Before the marriage, the girl is obliged not only to lose virginity, but also know many men. Only in this case, the bride can be recognized as suitable for family life.