Horrors are dreamed every day. Why do we have bad dreams

During sleep, the body should receive adequate rest. But sometimes nightmares haunt the whole night, from which a person wakes up in sticky sweat. The next day, he feels overwhelmed and tired. Why do many have nightmares, why sometimes the child cannot sleep?

Causes of occurrence

Both adults and children, especially young children, have nightmares. Their plots can be very diverse, but usually the sleeping person experiences a feeling of anxiety, fear and despair. Scientists believe that terrible dreams arise as a result of brain activity, and their reasons may be as follows.

  • A nightmare may occur after a holiday party, when, due to an overloaded stomach, a person experiences discomfort and pain. Alcohol can also be a cause.
  • Stuffiness in the house, uncomfortable bed, bright lights or loud music, physical exhaustion - all these factors can be a source of nightmares.
  • Terrible dreams can be triggered by strong nervous tension caused by a personal tragedy, an extreme situation.
  • Smoking also affects dreams. The human nervous system is very subtle and such a substance as nicotine, which in its essence is a poisonous stimulant, destroys the nervous system. And the quality of sleep directly depends on the state of our nervous system.
  • A high temperature during a cold is also the cause of such a dream.
  • Some professions are associated with the need to face blood, death, violent scenes that can lead to nightmares. For example, doctors and the military suffer from this.
  • Representatives have a rich imagination, for them nightmarish visions at night are not uncommon.
  • A nightmare may be evidence of a problem that needs to be solved, but a person is not yet able to make a choice.
  • A terrible dream can haunt if some kind of hurt or injury was inflicted in childhood. It seems to a person that she has long been forgotten, but at a subconscious level she worries him.
  • Scientists have shown that electromagnetic pulses from numerous household appliances can have a negative effect on the brain of a sleeping person and provoke terrible dreams.

Babies are vulnerable and impressionable, so nightmares are common in childhood. Scary dreams can be a manifestation of stress caused by:

  • family scandal;
  • punishment for misconduct;
  • accidental fright;
  • frequent viewing of horror films.

What to do if you have nightmares every day

To get rid of regular nightmares, you need to eliminate those factors that interfere with restful sound sleep:

  • do not eat heavy food at night, but be content with a light dinner 3 hours before bedtime;
  • in the evening before going to bed, a calm walk in the fresh air is useful - it should become a daily habit, a necessity;
  • a pleasant relaxing bath before bed will ensure a good rest;
  • if you smoke, then try not to smoke at least a couple of hours before bedtime, but it is better to completely abandon this harmful activity. In the 21st century, there are quick and highly effective ways to quit smoking. Learn more about this;
  • a cup of herbal tea will calm the nervous system;
  • good music is soothing;
  • from the bedroom you need to remove all objects that annoy or distract attention;
  • Before going to bed, you should regularly ventilate the bedroom;
  • silence is an important condition for good sleep, so you need to turn off the TV;
  • you need to give up watching scary films: even if you like them, fear and a sense of danger are still deposited in the brain.

What if a comfortable sleeping environment is created but it is still disturbing? Why do I have nightmares every night, despite the creation of favorable conditions for relaxation? In this case, it is worth checking your health.

Nightmares can warn of the onset of a serious illness that does not yet show obvious symptoms. Recurring sleep sometimes even suggests where exactly the pathology develops. It is necessary to be examined to find out the presence or absence of the problem and the methods of treatment.

It happens that frequent nightmares can be a manifestation of side effects of drugs or bad habits. You need to get rid of them, change drugs or stop taking them.

What does all this mean?

Dreams have always been a mystery. Until now, psychoanalysts, starting with Freud, put forward various hypotheses to explain their mechanism. Many of them believe that nightmares contribute to the regulation of internal conflicts of consciousness. However, their mechanism is not fully understood. Modern researchers distinguish two types of dreams that arise at different stages of rest.

  • The first type is characterized by the richness of the plot, such a dream begins to dream a few hours after a person falls asleep. Upon waking up, he immediately realizes that he saw an illusion.
  • Another type of dreams develops in the first hour or two and is characterized by involuntary screams and human movements. After a sudden awakening, he does not immediately understand where he is.

In any case, dreams have some kind of secret meaning, which a person cannot yet figure out. Nightmares warn of some upcoming events, the hardly noticeable signs of which the consciousness does not see, but the subconscious mind of a person notes.

Getting rid of obsessive dreams

Some techniques allow you to completely get rid of bad dreams. If a person often sees nightmares, he needs to try to reprogram his consciousness and predict a safe end to the vision.

The nightmare often accompanies critical periods of life, with which certain obstacles are associated. You can try to analyze the stages of your activity in order to find out why you have terrible dreams:

  • on a separate piece of paper you need to write out all the problems that cause anxiety;
  • it is necessary to analyze them and outline possible solutions;
  • you need to assure yourself that there are no problems that do not have a solution;
  • then you need to burn the piece of paper and begin specific actions to eliminate the indicated problem.

There is no need to be afraid to act. Fear will pass as it arises from uncertainty. Once the problem is resolved, the nightmares will disappear.

Psychologists advise to write down dreams, of course, if they are remembered. Then you need to carefully analyze all the details and images. You need to tell as many people as possible about what you saw. A dream spoken aloud will cease to scare, and someone close to you, perhaps, will notice a detail that will help clarify the problem.

Drawing gives good results. Creative people can easily depict the plot and details of a dream on paper. The drawing process itself also has a calming effect on the psyche.

Exercising regularly is a great way to balance your emotional state and get rid of bad dreams.

Nightmares are often beneficial, as they contribute to emotional relief, the release of negative feelings after severe stress. But if dreams do not stop and do not lead to balance, you need to contact a specialist.

If a child has nightmares, parents should keep a diary and track their frequency and possible connection to external events. It should be explained to the kid that he will definitely defeat all enemies in his nightmare, that mom and dad will definitely protect him. It is important to create an atmosphere of safety for him at home.

Whatever the nightmare, it is not a real event and should not complicate a person's life. And if the dream reveals still unresolved problems, you just need to fix them in time. And then the nightmares will be replaced by pleasant colored visions.

Dreams are beyond our control, and as much as we would like to control them, this is unlikely.

Often we do not remember them at all, sometimes we see strange, funny or ridiculous pictures in dreams, sometimes we plunge into pleasant and fabulous dreams, where everything is as we would like it in reality. But sometimes each of us has terrible nightmares - and this cannot be avoided.

Absolutely every person from childhood sees terrible dreams, for some it happens more often, for someone less often, but there is hardly anyone who never has terrible dreams and who has never had such a thing. What if, after waking up, you cannot come to your senses, why are you dreaming about terrible, terrible things and how to relate to them?

First of all, remember: if you had a bad dream, do not be afraid of anything at all. Do not rush to the dream book right there, do not wind yourself up, the first thing to do is to calm down.

A terrible dream does not threaten you with anything, and it is extremely rare that a nightmare portends something bad in reality! Moreover, there are no prophetic nightmares.

So wash yourself with cold water, get distracted, watch something positive or think about something enjoyable. And only then you will figure out what it is for. Because, of course, like all other dreams, nightmares don't just happen for no reason.

What to do?

To begin with, let's analyze where terrible dreams come from, what myths are associated with them and how to actually relate to such phenomena.

First of all, if you had a bad dream at night, this indicates your anxiety or stress. The first thing to do and undertake is to take care of yourself.

And believe me, it doesn't matter if you dream of every horror from Thursday to Friday, or is haunted by the same nightmare - a dream book, but you need to put yourself in order.

  • Start getting enough sleep, do not eat at night, stop watching the news, scary and negative films, protect yourself from negative energies and unpleasant communication.
  • Reduce factors of fear, anxiety, insecurity. Very often, horror is dreamed of precisely because of excessive stress when the brain is not resting. Anxiety in dreams is transformed into eerie pictures.

Analyze your dream

If the dream came from Thursday to Friday, or on some significant day, it is especially important. Remember one thing - his events will not be repeated in reality, this is just a metaphor, a symbol.

We are accustomed to being afraid of something, dividing phenomena into pleasant and unpleasant, and if we try to get away for a while from evaluative thinking and coldly, soberly analyze a terrible vision, a lot will become clear.

Scroll it through your mind, like a movie that has nothing to do with you personally:

  • What is he talking about?
  • What message is it carrying?
  • Who or what are you afraid of?

If the vision or creepy image is repeated, it should be taken seriously. Especially if you have nightmares regularly from Thursday to Friday - this night is marked by significant dreams that are worth paying attention to.

Think about this image or vision? Obviously, this is your fear, or what you are hiding from.

Try telling your dream to a friend or girlfriend - and you will see how insignificant and funny it becomes. Because what you are afraid of in panic is scary only for you!

Think about what you are afraid of in real life, from which you stubbornly hide. And open up to it! Nightmares will disappear, and with them most worries and problems in reality.

Technique for getting rid of nightmares

There is an interesting technique developed by psychoanalysts who work with dreams. Scientists do not care about the dream book, they do not attach importance to the fact that they had a dream on the night of Thursday to Friday, and so on. But they found a wise decision.

Often the nightmares repeat themselves, the same nightmare dreams over and over again, and there is no way out. And all because every time you wake up with fear, and the dream does not have time to end.

For example, you are being chased by a terrible beast and you wake up before it catches up with you. Try in reality, in your fantasies, to end this dream.

Let him catch up with you, let you fly to the ground, falling from the roof, let what you are afraid of will happen. It's just a dream! Connect your fantasy.

Fight with the pursuer, "paint" yourself a sword or friends-helpers. Let your parachute open in front of the ground. Change the outcome of a terrible dream, watch it in your imagination, and it will cease to exist!

Basic meanings

Nevertheless, every dream, nightmare or simple, from Thursday to Friday or another night, always matters. And you need to find out by looking at the dream book.

There are basic types of nightmares that are common and common. And it's very easy to interpret them!

1. Any persecution always means trying to avoid, to get away from something. Leaving is a protective mechanism of the psyche that does not lead to good.

What are you running from? From dangers, difficulties, from love, responsibility, some of your qualities If you stop hiding, not only dreams will pass, but your real life in reality will change significantly for the better.

2. Why dream of a threat to life? Each specific situation means something different, the dream book will say, but in general, the threat to life is dreamed of, as an indicator that in reality you strive to keep everything under control, do not intend to leave your comfort zone and are not ready to accept life as it is.

Understand that life is life, and it must be accepted, understood, realized and taken into your own hands. If you want to change something, change it, but do not try to convince yourself that everything is fine if there are problems!

3. Often nightmares dream of death. What is it for? It is especially scary if death is seen from Thursday to Friday, because this night is considered the night of prophetic dreams. Do not be afraid!

In fact, no matter how terrible the dream is, it only bodes well! Death in dreams always symbolizes renewal, a new stage in life, even healing.

Why are dreams with death so unpleasant and terrible? It's simple. Significant changes, even for the better, are always difficult, always stressful, and often we are afraid of them. Stop being afraid of the new - and not only will the nightmares end, but life will become much brighter and more joyful!

If you have nightmares from Thursday to Friday and the dream book warns of something, be aware, this is the main thing. The dream book can say many wise and useful things, but remember - only you control your own destiny, and decide what to fear and what to win. Author: Vasilina Serova

Today, more than 10% of adults around the planet have bad dreams all the time. Nightmares in children and adolescents are observed in 70% of cases.

A creepy dream never just happens. This phenomenon is always preceded by an event or is promoted by diseases associated with mental disorders. Various stressful and conflict situations almost always provoke nightmares. But the diseases that cause discomfort during sleep include:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Traumatic stress disorder;
  • Depression;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Substance abuse and drug addiction;
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Apnea;
  • Restless legs syndrome.

This is not a complete list; many diseases can provoke nightmares, which in one way or another can manifest their symptoms during sleep.

In order to understand why nightmares are constantly dreaming, it is necessary to determine what type of dream this or that dream belongs to. There are several types of sleep horrors, but the most common is nightmare, which arose on the basis of various stress disorders. This variety is manifested in 80% of the inhabitants of the earth. They are the most diagnosed, as stress is at their core. Therefore, if you had a nightmare for the first time in your life, then most likely stress was its trigger. In this case, going to a psychologist or various relaxation techniques will be very useful.

If we talk about recurring horrors in a dream, then most often they are based on real traumatic situations that took place in the past. Scientists have come to the unanimous conclusion that regularly duplicated sleep is embedded in a person's memory in the form of a fixed model. Stressful situations that are repeated in a dream, over and over again, are reproduced in the same initial volume, while each time a person experiences a feeling that haunts him in real life.

It should be remembered that the more and higher the stress level, the more nightmare and more realistic the night dream will be. And rash and unprofessional attempts to neutralize the nightmare will lead to disruption of the rapid phase of sleep, and, accordingly, to a depleted sense of the body throughout the day.

Quite often, terrible dreams are dreamed in the event of exposure to various psychoactive substances and components. They negatively affect the brain and central nervous system, as a result of which the functional systems of the body are disrupted. Keep in mind that they can include various medications, in particular antidepressants.

Symptoms that will make you go to the doctor

The worst thing about nightmares is how people treat them. Most of them do not understand that if they had a bad dream, then it might be worth seeing a doctor. Here is a basic list of symptoms that signal the need to see a certified professional:

  • You cannot sleep for a long time;
  • Sleep that lasts no more than half an hour;
  • Very often you wake up at night, while you cannot sleep for a long time;
  • The awakening process is accompanied by various unpleasant feelings that manifest themselves in the form of anger, anxiety, sadness, irritability, etc.;
  • Awakening constantly occurs with a sense of confusion of emotions and thoughts. Having immediately opened his eyes, a person can fully tell about what he dreamed about;
  • There is an event that recurs regularly in the form of horror dreams.

Getting rid of nightmares

To date, there are a fairly large number of methods for treating nightmares.
Therefore, if you have nightmares, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Pay attention to your, as a rule, it is not recommended to go to bed later than 23 hours;
  2. Medication in the form of sedatives and hypnotics can only be prescribed by a doctor, while he independently determines the type and dose of the drug. Remember, in no case should you take sleeping pills for more than four months. It can be addictive to the body;
  3. Herbal medicine is the most gentle method of treatment, although you should also be careful with it. Lavender petals can be thrown into the bathroom with warm water, which is recommended before bed. It has a calming and relaxing effect. Lemon balm herb is a great way to heal sleep disorders. Has a sedative effect on the human body. Most often prescribed to elderly people. Valerian root can help you calm down and sleep.
  4. Psychotherapy is an effective way to combat insomnia and nightmares. There are many CBT techniques. It is she who allows you to reduce the frequency of nightmares. One of the methods of therapy goes something like this: the patient plays back in his head a dream he dreamed, gradually modernizing its content to a more positive one. This method is called the "mental image rehearsal method" and works especially well with children.

Preventing nightmares in your sleep

Turn off all household appliances before going to bed. The electromagnetic waves emitted by the equipment negatively affect the brain, thereby provoking terrible dreams. Make sure to turn off any sources of noise that interfere with your positive "dreams" while you sleep. Make sure that in the room where the night rest is taking place, there was pitch darkness, because the streaming rays of light can disrupt the calm and dimensional sleep process.

Remember that fresh and clean air helps you fall asleep, so ventilate the room before bed. At this time, you can go for a walk, which will bring a light and pleasant fatigue. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages in the afternoon, or alcoholic beverages after 7 p.m. (which induces deep but intermittent sleep).

Tormented by nightmares? In order for your sleep to be sound, healthy and positive, you need to adhere to some recommendations. But if you had a bad dream, despite the implementation of the recommendations, then you should seek help from a highly qualified specialist who will definitely help neutralize unpleasant dreams.

List of used literature:

  • Caruth C. Unclaimed experience: trauma, narrative, and history. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
  • Felman Sh. The juridical unconscious: trials and traumas in the twentieth century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002.
  • Luckhurst R. The trauma question. London; New York: Routledge, 2008.

If a person constantly has nightmares, then this is a weighty argument for reconsidering your lifestyle and personal attitude towards it. Dreams have long been the subject of interest in the scientific sphere, but there is incomplete information about them, which allows some to attach a mystical meaning to dreams. In this article, we will look at both sides of this issue and find out why you have nightmares and how to avoid it.

Why Nightmares Dream: Event Factors

Sleep is a psychophysical product of human activity. Therefore, it cannot be denied that the external environment and internal emotional state affect the quality and nature of dreams.

If a person has experienced a great loss or stress, then, of course, this is reflected in his psyche, and the subconscious mind “keeps” this event until the person mentally destroys him, changing his attitude or overlapping it with another more significant event.

Even if during wakefulness a person does not think about what happened, but remembers it as something terrible and gives it special meaning, the brain will reproduce this theme in dreams using real or associative images. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of the negative emotional ballast that can create regular nightmares in time.

Why do I have nightmares: disruption of the body

The development of diseases can also be accompanied by nightmares, even if tangible symptoms have not yet appeared. Any "malfunction" in the body is reflected in dreams, like any other condition, therefore, if a person is often accompanied by nightmares and at the same time emotional upheavals have not been experienced the day before, then this is a reason to go to the doctor and pay attention to your health.

Why Nightmares Dream: The Home Atmosphere

Poor sleeping conditions, dark rooms in which a person is often located, and a general depressing environment have a negative impact on the psyche. The subconscious registration of constant discomfort or even fear can cause nightmares. Consciously, a person, being at home, may not realize that it is uncomfortable at home, dark, cold, and everything is not conducive to emotional relaxation. But the subconscious mind "remembers" all sensations, and, of course, the most regular of them are realized in dreams. That is why dreams must be treated responsibly, because with the help of them, psychological or even physical destruction of the body can be prevented.

Why Nightmares Dream: Minor Psychological Factors

Even if a person has not experienced a serious emotional distress, they may have nightmares for psychological reasons. This is the situation where quantity develops into quality: a lot of small unpleasant events, minor irritants in the aggregate can lead to regular nightmares. This is obviously the most easily remedied reason: all that is needed is to remove irritants or calm down with exercise or medication. Some people noticed that when using psychic stabilizers, they were either not bothered by dreams, or they were neutral or even joyful in nature.

Why have nightmares: the mystical side of the issue

So, we've already covered the factors that scientifically can cause nightmares. Now let's find out if they predict upcoming events, being a signal from the brain that it is necessary to behave more carefully.

Since the subconscious processes have not been fully studied, and the theory of a single information field has not been confirmed, we cannot 100% assert whether dreams can "come from the future." However, the brain's unique and amazing ability to analyze and calculate is known. Based on this, it can be assumed that the subconscious mind, oriented towards the future, can “assume” some scenarios for the development of events and display them in a dream. If the calculation is correct, then the event occurs, and the person thinks that it was a prophetic dream. Nightmares are not the best prospect for the future, so we can console those who see them: quite often they are not harbingers of destruction, but just a desire for it. A negatively oriented person turns on the program of self-destruction and thus sees in dreams how he is attacked, he runs away, falls, and so on.

Thus, nightmares can be avoided if you pay special attention to your psycho-emotional state and solve internal problems. As we have found out, nightmares are not at all harbingers of fatal events, but, on the contrary, are most likely the fruit of a difficult past.

Why do I have nightmares?

Nightmares are dreams of a frightening nature. Many people experience the negative effects of nightmares. As a rule, after such dreams, a person develops a headache, lack of sleep, feelings of anxiety and fear. According to scientists, terrible dreams are a product of mental activity. Negative impressions and emotions received during the day, conflict situations and problems scrolling in the head are neutralized in a dream in the form of night terrors.

Why do nightmares dream - a dream book

Different dream books interpret dreams in different ways. In American dream books, they write that if you have nightmares, this means that in reality a person cannot solve the problem. Try to change the course of sleep, replay the situation again. Many images seen in a dream can carry important information about mental and physical health.

A hard nightmare in which one picture is replaced by another means that in real life there is a person who has a strong impact. With his stupid and careless behavior, he can seriously set you up.

For example, if you see a fire in a dream, this may mean that in reality a person is playing with fire, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The Apocalypse marks the impending threat and dangerous events.

The deceased denote health problems, as well as denial of reality by the dreamer. A person is unable to come to terms with the loss of a loved one.

Seeing a catastrophe in a dream and getting into trouble - in reality, a person cannot cope with the problem. It is best to seek help from others.

Nightmares in a dream are often seen before important events. For example, an important meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, and in a dream you are late for it. Most likely, in real life you lead a very active lifestyle, there are a lot of important things in your life. Constantly worry that you will not have time to do everything on time, will not finish the work and let others down. Perhaps it is worth considering whether you have not shouldered too many responsibilities and affairs?

Dream interpretation scary eyes

Why do scary Eyes dream in a dream from a dream book?

A dream in which you see scary eyes - your negative thoughts are reflected on reality, making it gloomy and gray. Drive away such thoughts, think about a pleasant and bright future.

Why do I have nightmares?



Nightmares, one way or another, are associated with problems with the mental and physical health of a person.
Therefore, it does not hurt to analyze your dreams, which can explain and suggest how to change your life for the better.


It is your inner fears that manifest themselves in the form of nightmares.

Galina Pervunina

It just means you were either worried, afraid of something. Or you were thinking about horror. (it's okay if you dreamed about 2-3 nights, but more, you should already worry and go to church)

☜ ♡ ☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

Nightmare in a dream To see in a dream that disgusting nightmares are pressing on you means disputes and failures in business. For a young woman, this dream prophesies disappointment and undeserved neglect. It may also be a warning to the woman who has this dream: to be careful with your health and food.

Nightmare: the message of a lot of useful information about the mental and physical state of the dreamer. You cannot succumb to fear, you need to figure it out (see the article "Why do I have terrible dreams and how to get rid of them?") And thank your subconscious (higher "I") for the help.

Anastasia Vaitkevich

Dream Interpretation Nightmare, why dreaming of a Nightmare in a dream to see a PSYCHOANALYTIC DREAM Interpretation: A nightmare to see in a dream Nightmare - A nightmare expresses an intense psychic conflict, which is most likely concentrated on some forms of repressed sexual desires. These desires are practically not realized, accompanied by fear, which turns erotic dreams into a nightmare. Fear, which is the basis of the nightmare experience, is associated with an internal guilt complex, often emanating from the inhibition and suppression of desire. Pressure on the chest, chest, resulting in heavy breathing or limited movement. Submission in the act of sexual intercourse in which the individual plays a passive role. Sadism and aggression. A combination of love with guilt and fear. If the desire is incestuous, then a strong sense of internal guilt may be associated with punishment, expressed in impotence. In a certain area, the incubation of a dream is successful, reflecting and alleviating guilt if it is atoned for with the help of religious rituals that contribute to the transfer of sin to a particular demon. Moreover, the process itself does not change, only the words change: the libido is a dissolute demon, before which the individual does not feel responsibility. It is not necessary to find the source of an insoluble conflict, as all objects are known and presented in symbolic or real form. Just like the fear of the dark, fear can be dispelled by working out the symbolic essence of the figures and the emotions of dreams. Early childhood nightmares occurring or recurring in middle age are traumatic birth experiences, as reported by the fortuneteller. DREAM OF THE XXI CENTURY What is the dream of a Nightmare: Nightmare - Nightmares are seen before adverse events, followed by failures in business and quarrels with loved ones. For a young woman, this dream prophesies disappointment. If in a dream she was tormented by nightmares, it means that she should be engaged in strengthening her health and be picky about food. THE DREAM OF PSYCHOLOGIST G. MILLER What is the dream of the Nightmare: Nightmare - To see in a dream that disgusting nightmares are pressing on you means disputes and failures in business. For a young woman, this dream prophesies disappointment and undeserved neglect. It may also be a warning to the woman who has this dream: to be careful with your health and food. VEDIC DREAM Interpretation: To see a nightmare in a dream Nightmare - This dream suggests that you are being manipulated by stupid people. Be careful and attentive with them. Copied from the site: http://www.astromeridian.ru/sonnik/


This means that your subconscious mind wants to convey something to you, to tell you something, but you do not want to perceive this message “in a good way”, because the subconscious mind shows you a nightmare in order to somehow draw your attention to the problem area.


Anxiety, fear

Why do I have very bad dreams ????



Don't worry, this is just a dream. Dreams are not embodied in a picture, a dream is a metaphor.


On the contrary, you should be glad that this is a dream) it's just from the tension)

Tatiana S-na

Terrible dreams, if they are not every night, then it's not scary. Thus, our brain simulates various situations, so that later something like this happens, it will be ready. Well, for example, a fire is dreaming and you are on fire, in a dream you are looking for a way to get rid of this situation. So. arr. our brain already knows how to get out of this in real life. Therefore, terrible dreams are often dreamed in childhood. Well, you can also have a bad dream so that you remember it, pay attention, wake up and analyze, that is, take some information seriously, but it is not literal, so do not be afraid.


Dream interpretation Nightmares dreamed why there are nightmares in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Nightmares by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Nightmares

They give a lot of useful information, and we should be grateful to them for the messages that they bring to us.

They allow us to deal with those unresolved problems that we are used to turning away from while awake and trying to keep them out of consciousness.

These unresolved issues affect all aspects of our lives, including harm to health and relationships.

If you have a recurring nightmare, try to remember it during the day, return to the nightmare, replaying it in your imagination several times, and find out all the information that it carries in itself.

Try to change its outcome and some details.

It will help you heal the areas of your soul that are causing this nightmare and its return.

Dream Interpretation - Nightmares

Dreams that cause strong negative emotions, after which you wake up in a cold sweat and with a happy feeling of relief realize that everything you saw and experienced is just that, unreal, that is, it did not happen to you in reality - such dreams, of course, do not portend nothing good, but at the same time they can serve as a warning if you perceive them in this way.

Dream interpretation - Nightmare

The nightmare expresses intense psychic conflict that is most likely centered on some form of repressed sexual desire.

These desires are practically not realized, accompanied by fear, which turns erotic dreams into a nightmare.

Fear, which is the basis of the nightmare experience, is associated with an internal guilt complex, often emanating from the inhibition and suppression of desire.

Dream interpretation - Nightmare

Any nightmare in a dream: always a consequence of nervous strain and.

A reflection of your negative emotions. it seems that in some matters you look at life too gloomily, and this negativity haunts you in your sleep. Try to look at things from the bright side and the nightmares will leave you.

Dream interpretation - Nightmare

To dream that disgusting nightmares are pressing on you means arguments and setbacks in business.

For a young woman, this dream prophesies disappointment and undeserved neglect. It may also be a warning to the woman who has this dream: to be careful with your health and food.

According to psychologists, nightmares are mainly the prerogative of suspicious and pessimistic people. Nightmares are frequent "guests" of those who constantly expect any dirty tricks from fate and those around them: these people look at many things in their lives with fear, unconsciously transferring their anxiety and anxiety to a future dream. It turns out a kind of projection of current alarming events on the subconscious, transforming at night into a variety of unpredictable dreams, called nightmares. No wonder the ancients said: "There is nothing more horrible than a reflection of real events."

Pessimism and negative attitude towards the world around us is the most common cause of nightmares! Psychologists recommend such people to change their attitude to life, replacing despondency and anxiety with joy and love of life.

Nightmares are often the product of a person's emotional experiences over the past day. Psychologists identify several topical reasons that are reflected in the subconscious of a person in the form of terrible dreams: constant worries about their financial and mental well-being; problems in the professional sphere (difficulties in communicating with bosses, with colleagues, with people); problems in personal and intimate life; unresolved conflicts, etc. All this is superimposed on a certain phantasmagoric context, resulting in nightmares. By the way, in this sense, nightmares are a protective reaction of the body and its kind of "relaxation".

Constant nightmares are a direct sign of severe overwork and exhaustion of the human nervous system. In this case, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor or psychologist before the nightmares turn into neurosis or depression.

The cause of nightmares can be the development of certain diseases. It is curious that a person may not experience any symptoms. Doctors and psychologists say that even a minor malfunction in the body can result in bad dreams. Therefore, if nightmares occur for no apparent reason, you need to seek the help of a specialist. Often, terrible dreams are seen by people experiencing this or that discomfort in everyday life. For example, a bad home environment is the reason! A dark room, a depressing atmosphere, constantly quarreling household members - all this can cause subconscious fear and, of course, nightmares.

“In the midst of reflections on night visions, when sleep finds people, terror and trembling seized me and shook all my bones.” Old Testament. Book of Job. Chapter IV.

According to psychologists, nightmares can be companions of some turning point in people's lives. For example, a person at the turn of his childhood and adolescence, adolescence and adolescence, adolescence and maturity can see impartial dreams, indicating his entry into a new stage of life. Psychologists say that often these people dream of a maze, from which they try to find a way out, but cannot do it. Sometimes you may dream of a chase from which the dreamer is hiding, or a battle with some predatory beast. It should be noted that the main reason for nightmares is still the symbiosis of a person's everyday life, reflecting in such an "exotic" form anxiety for the state of finances, for health, for the future of their children.