A dog that can't bark. What are the breeds of dogs that do not bark

Any dog ​​owner knows that constantly barking pet is not good, or rather, even very bad. Today, the Internet is replete with forums that tell you how to wean your beloved animal from this addiction. Here you will find tips from experts knowledgeable in this area, working methods, tons of flooding, and, of course, links to mysterious devices (sensors, electronic collars, etc.). After reading at least some of them, you can understand what to do in such a situation, but what to do if the dog does not bark? This question will surely remain unanswered.

If your dog does not belong to the very rare African Basenji breed (an African hunting dog that does not bark), then it's time to sound the alarm! Basia (the dog's name has been changed) has always been a large, but very mobile puppy. Still - after all, this is a kitten of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog from titled parents. Today his mistress reluctantly remembers whether Basya ever barked at all, but the fact that he is silent now is quite obvious. Often strangers enter the courtyard, and then run away, trying to close the door faster. "In fact, he is harmless" - says the hostess, but, alas, nature played a cruel joke with him. Even the most courageous person, seeing a large dog walking to a meeting (without a leash and muzzle), will inevitably be frightened. Especially if the dog walks in silence.

Basia barked only once - at the birds, after which there was silence. Of course, they tried to teach the dog with a stick and a carrot, but the carrots ran out quickly, and the stick had no effect. Frankly speaking, in the form of a whip, they used not a broom, a stick or grandfathers boots, but the deprivation of food. We survived - for a day, he looked at us painfully piteously. And without waiting for any barking, or even a miserable whine, the dog was fed, and after that it was taken to various veterinary clinics for a long time ...

From a medical point of view, it is very difficult to determine the cause of such a disease. For this it is necessary to carry out an interesting procedure: to examine the vocal cords. Theoretically it is possible, but practically ... But, considering the fact that the dog still barked, most likely the cause of the disease is a mental illness. Who Said Big Dogs Are Afraid of Nothing? No, in fact they are afraid, sometimes even stronger than their small brothers. A thunderstorm, a shot, a shout, a clap ... The list goes on for a very, very long time. There are many such factors. And which of them played a fatal role with our favorite, it's hard to say.

This story does not end with a happy solution to this problem. It does not end at all - Basya continues to stubbornly remain silent, and his owners found a positive side in this, because given the size of the dog, if it barks, it will not seem a little ...

Kirill Ledyaev

Are you tired of waking up at 6 in the morning from your ward barking? The tailed beast starts a plaintive song every time you leave the apartment, and the neighbors are already making insidious plans against you? Perhaps your pet often wakes up a child resting during the day? Do you have other reasons to stop your dog from barking at home? You have come to the right place anyway. Unfortunately, our four-legged friends do not always have the innate skills of social etiquette, but everything can be fixed.

That's how they talk, you say. There is some truth in this, the canines do exchange information through guttural sounds, but most often it is a roar or whine. Barking is a demonstration of an excited state and has several reasons:

  • Fear- the pet barks, showing a passive-defensive reaction. Instinctively, the tailed beast believes that the best defense is an attack, so he barks warning everyone that he is not such an easy prey. Most often, a dog barks out of fear when alone in a house or closed in a confined space.
  • Excitation- general anxiety when the doorbell rings, security of the territory, fear against the background of panic or a violent manifestation of joy, all these circumstances cause emotions in the dog. The degree of manifestation of these emotions depends on the balance of the psyche and upbringing of the animal.
  • Boredom- barking with howling, in the absence of owners can be called a direct consequence of boredom. Your ward needs to provide leisure activities when he is alone, such as buying toys. The second option is to walk the tailed beast qualitatively before leaving, so that it gets tired. Boredom occurs against the background of unused energy, when the pet has the strength to do something, but there is no opportunity.
  • The game- the most harmless type of barking, is considered as a manifestation of emotion, when the pet is allowed to "come off to the fullest."

Note! Dogs do not bark out of harm, but may howl and bark to attract attention, for example, if they are not given attention.

Behavior correction techniques

Before starting corrective work, it is advisable to identify the reasons for the excessive emotionality of the ward. If the dog barks for absolutely no reason, while eating, immediately after waking up, at night, it is worth contacting the veterinarian and examining the caudate for inflammation, painful areas, and neurological disorders.

Don't Encourage Barking - Common Owner Mistakes

You can fight for silence in your home for years and be the cause of your pet's barking at the same time, without even realizing it. Absolutely all dogs have an innate instinct of human orientation, that is, if the owner encouraged an act in any way, it means that the four-legged behaved correctly.

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If you want to wean your dog from barking in an apartment, follow these guidelines:

  • Teach your pet the "Quiet" command, but this will not solve the problem of barking when you leave the house.
  • Do not react violently to barking, even negative. Any attention on your part is encouragement.
  • Spend more time with your pet - as a rule, yapping with or without reason indicates complexes associated with self-doubt.
  • If you want to wean your puppy from barking at home, then approach him only after he has stopped talking. If you bark, the person will learn and use this attention-grabbing method.
  • Do not use "Fu" or "No" commands to stop barking.
  • Always keep yourself in control, as your overexcited state or screaming only encourages the dog to show emotions.
  • Do not stop the dog's barking if it warns of an attack, for example, on the postman. Your ward behaves honestly, without a hint of pranks, he is ready to attack a stranger and warns about it in advance. The dog gives the "enemy" time to leave the territory untouched. Here we are talking about suppressing aggression and teaching the four-legged self-control.
  • Do not return home if your dog barks after you leave. Wait a minute and listen to how long your charge barks. If the dog does not calm down for more than 15 minutes, you will have to resort to one of the methods of stopping barking.

Use Behavior Correction Techniques

The annoying barking situation can be solved if you are ready to raise your pet. We note right away that adjusting the acquired skill requires a longer period of time than teaching a new team.

When performing adjustment techniques, you should always remain calm, not show unnecessary emotions either with your behavior or with your voice.

  • The dog barks hysterically and cannot calm down - there is one old and proven method to stop arousal - take the dog by the ears, rub or squeeze them slightly. Before using the method, check it in a calm state, if the dog reacted positively, it means that it will react in a state of excitement. The pet will be a little bewildered, but will stop barking. As soon as there is silence, encourage the ward and distract him from the object of the biting.
  • The pet does not respond to touching the ears, stand up to him and start barking, but louder and more expressively. This method does not work for long, but it will quickly confuse the tailed beast and switch to the game.
  • If your security guard barks at guests, the distraction method works great. Practice a few simple commands with your dog in front of strangers. Take multiple sets if necessary. Optimally, to start the complex with the command "Near" or "To me", this should focus the pet's attention on you. You praise the pet, and your friends admire the tailed one - the issue is resolved.
  • If your pet reacts violently to sounds outside the door, you should also use the third method. However, do not even think to scold the ward for the rule of protective qualities, the reaction to outsiders is normal, violent barking is not normal. Distraction for the game works great, the pet barked, peep with a ball in another room. The dog has come running and ready to play? Fine!

Read also: Why You Can't Kiss Dogs: Top Reasons and Logical Explanations

Important! Behavior corrections will not be successful if you do not practice work tactics on a regular basis. Today they brought up, tomorrow they forgot - this will not work. You must stop the pet's barking, distract it with a game or commands, whenever it barks in the room.

Take care of your pet while you are away

Most dog owners work or study, which means they cannot physically control their pet around the clock. What to do if the four-legged one behaves in an exemplary manner in your presence, but howls and barks in your absence? There are several options:

  • The above talked about active walks- having driven the pet with an aport and tired of it with games, you can be sure that the dog will eat, drink and fall asleep peacefully as soon as you go to work. If the pet starts barking when it sleeps, more drastic measures will be needed.
  • Sedatives- in veterinary pharmacies and pet shops, drops and tablets for animals with a sedative effect are sold. Drugs of this class relieve general anxiety and can cause drowsiness. Read the instructions carefully, especially the section on side effects. Many remedies cannot be used constantly (only in courses).
  • Food supplements with sedative effects- Usually, supplements contain herbs that calm the pet's nervous system.
  • Collars with herbs- soothing aromatherapy, a safe and effective method. An excellent alternative for naturally active dogs. Please note that after you remove the collar, the pet should be taken for a walk and allowed to frolic.
  • ESHO (electro-shock collar) with the Anti-Lai system- a tougher method that allows you to wean a dog from a bad habit through physical pressure. The accessory looks like a collar with a box and two rounded horns. Horns are electrodes that should touch your dog's skin. The Anti-Lai system reacts to the vibration of the larynx and automatically delivers a discharge to the electrodes, that is, the collar shocks the dog. Usually, ESHO is designed for low voltage, a person feels an electric shock, like an unpleasant itching or tickling.
  • Ultrasonic collar with anti-ling system- acts on the ESHO principle, but instead of an electric shock, the pet hears an ultrasound as soon as it barks. The sound stops when the dog stops growling and barking. Not a bad method, provided that the pet does not go into hysterics from ultrasound and does not continue to bark out of fear.
  • Spray collar with "Anti-Lay" system- the accessory is also equipped with a sensor that reacts to the vibration of the dog's larynx. As soon as the tailed barks, the collar releases a spray of lemon (or other citrus) scent. The animal becomes unpleasant and does not bark.
  • Vibrating collar with anti-ling system- the system, as in the first collar, but instead of an unpleasant smell, the dog feels a strong vibration. Quite an effective method of mechanical weaning from barking. The pet is distracted, trying to understand what is buzzing and where. There is also a minus, the tailed beast will sooner or later understand what the catch is and stop paying attention to vibration.

The African barking dog appeared more than five thousand years ago. Basenji possess feline independence and dog loyalty. These are excellent hunters, although they have recently established themselves as intelligent and sensitive companions.

Basenji is a dog that since ancient times attracted people of different social strata: their owners were simple peasants and rulers of states. At home, in Central Africa, it is believed that Basenji are cats that protect the owner and his home from dark forces. This was due to the soft and kind disposition of the animal and some unusual habits, which we will talk about later.

The peculiarity of these animals is that they do not bark. This does not mean at all that these sympathetic people are naturally deaf and dumb, the whole point is that the sounds they make at the moment of strong irritation can be called whatever you like: rumbling, gurgling, snorting, but just not barking. Today we will tell you about this wonderful animal, and perhaps someone will decide to get an adorable puppy who will become a kind, loyal and affectionate friend for the whole family.

A bit of history

The breed of dog that does not bark is one of the oldest on Earth. The first description of animals similar to modern Basenjs is found in the ancient annals of Egypt. On the walls of temples, caves, tombs, researchers found images of the ancestors of these dogs. Of course, the exact age of the rock is difficult to establish, but scientists believe that it ranges from five and a half to six thousand years.

Surprisingly, during the excavation of ancient tombs, as well as in the tomb of Tutankhamun, Basenji were discovered. The remains of the dogs were wrapped in expensive fabrics, embalmed and impregnated with incense. The collars of the favorites of the ruler of Egypt were adorned with precious stones. These dogs were believed to bring happiness. In addition, mystical properties were attributed to the representatives of this breed.

The breed of dogs, which does not bark, developed independently on the territory of Central Africa, without human intervention. Basenji was introduced to Europe in 1895. A dog of this breed was officially presented at the Kraft show in 1937. Then it was called the Congo dog. Since that time, the unusual breed began to rapidly spread throughout the world.

Basenji: breed description

They are very cute, light, compact animals with perfectly balanced proportions. According to experts, which is fully shared by the owners of these dogs, Basenji are naturally endowed with an aristocratic appearance. They are classified as shorthaired breeds. The cute and cheerful dog has a compact body with a short and wide back. Another feature of this breed is the tail, set high above the back and curled into a single and sometimes double ring.


Set on high, small folds of skin are clearly visible between the ears when the dog moves the ears. These wrinkles blend into the cheeks. Basenji puppies of brindle or black colors, as a rule, have more pronounced folds. The neck is strong and rather long, but in proportion to the body. At the base, it widens and merges smoothly into the withers.

The head is beautifully shaped, as if carved out of stone. The cheekbones are flat, the nose is narrow, the nose is black in any color. The African barking dog has very intelligent and expressive almond-shaped eyes. Erect ears, small, pointed upwards.


Feet strong and compact, well muscled. The forelimbs have a somewhat refined, but at the same time strong skeleton, the shoulder blades are oblique. The hind legs are also muscular and strong. The hocks are densely pubescent.

Wool and color

Outwardly, Basenji are very attractive. The description of the breed would not be complete if we do not tell about the beautiful glossy coat of these animals. It is short and close to the body. The following colors are allowed by the standard:

  • red and white;
  • black and white;
  • brindle;
  • red & white;
  • brown-white.

There are white spots on the tip of the tail, legs, chest.

The breed of dog that does not bark is divided into two types: plain and forest. More graceful and smaller dogs of the forest type. They have more expressive, dark eyes and a bright saturated color. The average growth of males does not exceed 43 cm, bitches are slightly smaller - up to 40 cm. These dogs weigh up to 11 kg (males) and up to 8 kg (females).


The breed of dogs that does not bark is distinguished by a kind and peaceful disposition. These animals are always balanced and attentive. Basenji, whose character allows even a novice dog breeder to have such a pet, is loyal to the owner, but at the same time he is always alert and very alert.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their amazing cleanliness. It is interesting to observe how this dog washes: it lowers its paw into a cup of water placed in front of it and, like a cat, washes its face. A Basenji stranger does not allow himself to be stroked. However, she will not growl and grin like most dogs. If such a pet does not like something, he will simply avoid contact and leave. But this behavior is not associated with fear, on the contrary, this dog is fearless and inquisitive, it just does not like conflicts.

Basenji looks at the new person for a long time and carefully before trusting him completely. The advantage of such a pet is the complete absence of aggression towards humans. In a dog society, Basenji will strive for leadership.

Grooming for this dog is not difficult, but you shouldn't forget that it should be regular. Basenji shed little, so grooming the coat involves brushing the pet regularly (no more than twice a week) and bathing twice a year. If the dog gets dirty while walking, its fur can simply be cleaned with a damp cloth. For bathing, it is better to use special shampoos for short-haired breeds. But remember, these dogs are terrified of water, so every bath can be stressful for them.

For walks in frosty or damp weather, your pet will need warm clothes - after all, the coat of these dogs is very short, which is not able to protect from the cold and piercing wind. The Basenji are travel enthusiasts and can easily tolerate car trips. But remember that their natural instinct to chase can provoke an increased interest in cyclists, so it is best to keep your dog on the leash while walking.

Basenji training

By their nature, these dogs are quite capricious, with improper upbringing from puppyhood, they can show stubbornness and disobedience. Therefore, from the first days of the appearance of a charming baby in your home, it is necessary to develop a system of upbringing.

You should be patient and teach your pet the right manners. If you are new to dog breeding, entrust the education and training of your Bassendji to a professional. But the basic commands of the animal can also be taught by a novice owner, if he is affectionate and patient with his four-legged friend. Any physical violence, shouting, rudeness is excluded.

How to choose a puppy?

A purebred representative of this breed cannot be purchased on the poultry market. All puppies are adorable at the age of two months. Basenji is a unique breed and not too widespread in our country, therefore, on the market you can be offered a baby of a completely different breed, moreover, not too healthy.

For such a pet, it is better to contact a specialized nursery or a well-established breeder. Puppies of this breed should be taken from their mother at the age of 8-10 weeks, when they will already feed on their own. Even before an adorable Basenji baby appears in your house, you need to prepare a place for the puppy, buy a leash, collar, muzzle, bowls for food and water, a variety of toys, hygiene and care products.

When choosing a baby, pay attention to his behavior. At two months old, puppies should be active, inquisitive and cheerful. The physical form of the puppy is of great importance. He should have a well-groomed shiny coat, clean eyes, ears, nose. Puppies at this age are moderately well-fed, confidently stand on their paws. For beginners in dog breeding, it is better to pay attention to the calmest puppy.

When buying a baby, check all accompanying documents: pedigree, passport, vaccination certificate. And one more important point - cattery employees and conscientious breeders will always be happy to answer all the questions the owners have. Therefore, in any emergency situations, especially in the first three months, call the breeders, consult with them, they will always be happy to help you.

A dog is a favorite pet not only of children, but also of adults. Many in childhood, and even in adulthood, dream of having such an animal. A dog is considered to be a man's best friend. A loyal, active and affectionate dog will make him make long promenades through the streets several times a day, because they are so fond of walking and frolicking on the grass. This has a beneficial effect on the health of the host.

But what inspires doubts and does not allow you to follow the lead of your dreams and get yourself such a wonderful friend? The response of most dog lovers will be a loud bark. Indeed, not everyone is good at loud sounds; many people love peace and quiet. And if you live in an apartment building, then the neighbors are unlikely to be delighted with the occasional barking of the dog.

The way out is found! All lovers of dogs and silence simply need to turn their eyes to Basenji - a dog that does not bark. As they call it, it is a dumb dog, an African dog that does not swoon. Basenji simply does not know how to make sounds inherent in other representatives of tailed guards. The conclusion suggests itself - Basenji will become exactly that favorite who will not disturb your peace and quiet of your neighbors with useless unreasonable barking.

The origin of the non-barking African dog

Cynologists believe that Basenji is one of the most ancient breeds in the world. Of course, some scientists still disagree with this opinion, but still classify these dogs among the fourteen oldest recorded breeds. After all, the Basenji are not far from wild wolves in their physical development, their genetic codes hardly differ from each other.

Where exactly this breed originated has not yet been accurately established. Some scholars believe that the continent of Africa is the birthplace of Basenji. Other researchers provide evidence that the ancestors of these dogs were brought to Africa from the eastern lands of Asia. Breeders and simply connoisseurs of the breed are sure that Basenji are carriers of the genes of Chinese wolves or their fellow tribesmen living in the south of East Asia.

One thing is known - in the African lands of Basenji for a very long time go hand in hand with man. In the burial places of the ancient pharaohs, drawings were found depicting dogs very similar to the representatives of this breed. Also, Basenji mummies were found there, buried according to all the burial rules of those centuries. From which we can conclude that these dogs were very close to people and had a high status among them.

The ancient Egyptians preferred dogs of this particular breed as hunting partners, they were considered excellent beaters of their prey and unsurpassed hunters.

Europeans were lucky enough to encounter Basenji only in 1895. They found these dogs in the Congo, so for a long time the representatives of this breed were called the Congolese bush dogs.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Basenji dogs were introduced to the Berlin Zoo as an exotic breed of animals. For a long time they were considered as such, until in 1943 the researchers still achieved the official recognition of this breed from the Kennel Association.

Description of the Basenji breed

Basenji are not very large, cute dogs. Their color is dominated by bright colors and clear transitions between them. The main distinguishing features of Basenji dogs:

  • Height at withers from thirty-seven to forty-three centimeters. The length of the body is from thirty-eight to forty-three centimeters. Females are almost always smaller than males. The optimal weight with such characteristics is from eight to twelve kilograms.
  • Skin color can be brindle, red, black or black with red markings. The chest and tip of the tail are always white. The paws can also be white, but this color is never the main color in the dog's color.
  • Basenji refers to medium-sized breeds. It has a strong bone and a well-built, rather graceful body.
  • Ears stand, the tail is twisted into a small spiral, the eyes are dark.
  • main feature breeds - does not know how to bark.

Basenji dog temperament

Basenji are very independent and proud animals. It is not enough for them just to have a master who will feed and drink, and also take them for a walk. These dogs need to feel like a part of the "pack", a member of your family. In such cases, the dog will give you all his love and devotion.

Basenji have a highly developed hunting instinct. Therefore, letting the dog go for a walk in the yard or while walking without a leash, you should closely monitor him. A cat, small dog or bird can get into the field of view of a dog and it will rush in pursuit of prey. So you can lose sight of your pet and spend a lot of time looking for him, it is not known how far the instincts of this unsurpassed hunter can lead.

If you are ready to respect your pet and are looking for a companion and partner, and not a slavishly devoted dog, then Basenji will become your real, devoted friend. Dogs of this breed are very playful and energetic animals, therefore they very suitable for children and active people. Basenji are sociable creatures, it is important for them to spend a lot of time with their master. But in no case should you offend these proud dogs! They will not tolerate yelling, slapping, or tail-dragging by your child. Basenji will definitely answer the offender and harbor resentment, this will forever ruin your relationship with the pet.

Basenji of different genders get along well in the same house. Relationship with dogs of other breeds directly depends on the nature of both animals. Friendship with animals of other species, for example, with cats or parrots, can be hindered by the highly developed hunting instinct of Basenji.

For protective purposes, the Basenji breed is not suitable. What kind of guard can be obtained from a dog that does not know how to bark?

Basenji are very active animals. If they have nowhere to spend their energy, the dog will begin to destroy the house. Torn wallpaper, broken furniture and chewed-up items are not the worst thing in store for you. That's why such pets it is best to keep in a spacious country house, where the Basenji will have the opportunity to run and play as much as they like. This does not mean that dogs of this breed will not take root in a city apartment, they can be kept there quite calmly. But the owners will often have to walk with their pet, at least in the morning and in the evening for one hour.

Kennels and breeders recommend feeding Basenji premium dry dog ​​food, matched to the needs of the animal. Also, to diversify the pet's diet, dry food can be given alternating with wet food in a three-to-one ratio.

Raising a dog

Training of this breed will be within the power of only a person who has experience in raising dogs. Basenji are stubborn, so they may not respond to commands. They do this not because they do not understand them, but out of a desire to see the owner's reaction.

Training these dogs requires a lot of self-control. You need to be able to properly respond to the refusal of the dog to follow the commands, not to raise your voice at him and always be friendly. In order for the dog to stop testing you for strength, you will have to prove that you are the leader of the article, not her. Therefore, it is important to start training while the dog is still a puppy. In a playful way, they remember commands well and learn more easily.

It should be borne in mind that even a perfectly trained and obedient dog will periodically pretend that he does not hear commands and does not understand what you need. The dog does this in order to make sure that the owner has not yet lost his leadership and is still the leader of the pack.

Conclusion, successful education and training requires:

  • An experience.
  • Knowledge of the basics of dog training.
  • Ability to calmly respond to unwillingness to obey.

Life span and health

Basenji dogs remain active and playful animals until the end of their lives. They live on average from ten to fifteen years. Such pets have a good immune system and a strong body, but they are still susceptible to some diseases.

Buying Basenji

The breed is quite common among breeders. At the moment, a fairly large number of professional kennels are operating in Russia, engaged in breeding and selling Basenji puppies.

Before purchasing a puppy, find out if dogs from previous litters of parents have had any serious illnesses. Puppy in no case should not be skinny and passive. The eyes and ears should be clean and free of any discharge.

If there is an opportunity to see the parents of the puppies, use it. Look at the dogs' physical appearance and activity.

The cost of Basenji dogs varies from twenty thousand to sixty thousand rubles per individual. For the purchase, contact only well-known nurseries that have already recommended themselves. They must have all the necessary documentation confirming the legality of the breeder and the health of all dogs.

It's time to take stock. If you need a good friend and a faithful companion, but to settle in your house a idle dog into your plans is not included, then a Basenji puppy will be an excellent choice for you. Such a dog, with proper care and attitude, will not be an easy pet, but a real family member.

Dogs That Don't Bark September 22nd, 2015

We have already studied such a question as. Let's plunge into history once again.

The Basenji or African barking dog is one of the oldest dog breeds. The uniqueness of the breed is that its representatives do not bark, but they emit special sounds characteristic only of Basenji, similar to rumbling, but they can be heard only when the dog is agitated.

The first traces of dogs, like Basenji, were found in Egyptian burials, which are more than six thousand years old, wall images, figurines, boxes and other household and cult items made in the form of a dog (Basenji). During the excavation of the tombs of the fifth dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, the Basenji were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun - embalmed, wrapped in fine fabrics impregnated with incense, these dogs had collars made of precious stones.

Let's take a closer look at their history ...

Supposedly, for the Egyptian pharaohs, Basenji were more than dogs for hunting, they were living amulets that protected their rulers from black magic and witchcraft. And now the aborigines in Central Africa believe that their "M`bwa m`kubwa M`bwa" (jumping up and down) - the native name of the breed - can protect their master, take away negative energy and restore the destroyed aura ... such as Basenji were brought from the sources of the Nile as a gift to the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Later, when the civilization of Egypt fell into decay and ceased to exist, the Basenji were consigned to oblivion. However, in the homeland of this breed, in Central Africa, it continued to be appreciated for its intelligence, speed, magical properties, hunting abilities and ... silence. The natives widely use all these abilities when hunting small animals: for corraling game in a net, pursuing a wounded animal, and also for hunting reed rats - evil creatures with long teeth, which weigh about the same as Basenji, moreover, "silence" dogs play a huge role in such a hunt. In addition, Basenji is used to accompany a hunter through the jungle and to warn them about the approach of dangerous animals.

In 1895, researchers brought a couple of dogs to England. But the attempt to acquaint the "outside" world with these amazing creatures, unfortunately, failed, because these little dogs did not endure the journey of many months, fell ill and soon died.

The breed's official debut took place in 1937 at the Kraft show, where the Basenji were held under exotic names: "Congo Terrier" and "Jungle Dog". In the same year America saw them. After the Second World War, the Basenji began their triumphal march through the countries of Europe and America. And first of all, this is due to their exhibition success: the rare "Best-in-show" finals do without Basenji, but it is difficult to list all the exhibitions at which these shining newcomers from Africa became the winners. Basenji not barking. This is how hunters carry their dogs for hunting, with a bell made of dried pumpkin. In 1942, James Street's story "Farewell, My Lady" was published, which was very much loved in America. In 1956, a film of the same name was directed with Brandon de Wild. He won the hearts of ordinary Americans, aroused a huge interest in the breed, which continues to this day. Hunter and companion. This is a small, smooth-haired, unusually graceful and quick-witted dog, similar to a graceful gazelle. One of the features of Basenji is the absence of barking, and this dog's vocal cords are all right, because she makes various sounds, corresponding not only to any situation, but also to her mood: growls and giggles, mutters and groans, snorts and a kind of Tyrolean howl - yodel, which is melodic enough not to irritate even the most sophisticated ear.

Another feature is its coat. Coming from countries with tropical climates, she has a silky coat that shines with copper in the sun. In countries with colder climates, the coat of dogs coarsens, but does not lose its shining shine; this coat has other advantages, for example, it practically does not cause allergies, it never smells, even if it becomes wet. The ears also give it attractiveness - high-set, pointed, slightly inclined forward, giving the impression of two graceful hoods, as well as a forehead covered with "wise" wrinkles. The tail is set high, pressed tightly to the thigh and rolled into one or two coquettish rings. She is docile, but not obsequious, she is mischievous and curious, infinitely loves children, and is unusually clean.

It is an adorable and lovable companion, very playful and at the same time affectionate like a kitten. They are attracted by the refinement and neatness of this dog, which licks itself like a cat. This is the only breed of dog that, after eating, will not wipe its soiled muzzle on the clothes, hands of the owners, or, even worse, on your favorite chair. All this makes Basenji ideal for those who value cleanliness in the house.

When communicating with these dogs, their look is striking, mysterious and mysterious. In this regard, there are many legends, according to one of them, once the Basenji knew how to talk, and once one of them learned a very important secret of his master, but, fearing it to someone, he fell silent forever and only his eyes spoke eloquently that the dog knows what is under the veil of secrecy. This breed has found many ardent admirers in many countries of the world. Some found in her a loving friend, others - a cheerful companion who saves from loneliness. Still others are a source of pride at exhibitions, but they all have one thing in common - a love for these dapperly beautiful dogs, which are imposing, like English lords dressed in tuxedos. And this dandy can easily outsmart you and get his way with the help of his natural charm, not stubbornness. Basenji are absolutely fearless and can repulse any of their relatives, and with a person they are gentle and affectionate, but at the same time they do not lose their self-esteem.

The lovers of this breed include representatives of the world elite. Among them: the previous queen of Holland, Juliana, to whom the people presented a portrait depicting Basenji Zara, the Queen's favorite sitting on her lap, for her silver anniversary; Egyptian king Farouk, who, even after abdicating the throne and leaving for Monaco, did not part with his favorites. Many royal houses of the world have kept dogs of this breed for decades, including Queen Helena, the Queen Mother of the Romanian Kingdom, King Michael of Romania and Queen Anne, Princess of the Kingdom of Monaco Antoinette, the former Crown Prince of Japan and many, many others.


M. Ermakova, President of the National Club "Basenji", expert cynologist -