Eyelash extension specialist: from home work to your own salon. How to start an eyelash extension business - work from home or open a studio

All the most relevant information in the article on the topic: "What is the name of the eyelash extension master?" We have collected a complete description of all your problems.

If earlier in beauty salons, or rather, hairdressing salons, there were only two types of specialists - a male and a female master, today it is a whole clan: a master of nail service, a colorist, a stylist. And what is the name of the master of eyelashes, eyelash extension? What is his job, how much does he get, and who goes into this business?

The profession of a person who is engaged in eyelash extension is called lashmaker... In some cases, in the direction of a specialist, the phrase is used - "fashion designer of the look."

Leshmaker got such an association due to the results of his work. By consistently gluing artificial eyelashes to natural eyelashes, an eyelash master is able to "model" the look, making it deeper and more expressive.

Due to the work of the lashmaker, various defects and structural features of the eyeball are visually eliminated. So, for example, with the help of eyelash extensions, you can hide asymmetry, visually enlarge your eyes or make your gaze more "open".

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Who works as a lashmaker

As a rule, young female students choose such work. Before "shaping the looks" of clients, training courses on eyelash extension precede. Their duration depends on the school program that the future lashmaker has chosen. The cost also varies - from 5.000-100.000 rubles. for the training course.
Some "specialists" are trained at home: they buy the necessary goods and "fill their hand" on their girlfriends. Knowledge is taken from the Internet. Such an education scheme is in great demand.

How much does a lashmaker get

Surprisingly, for the skill acquired in a couple of days (the average duration of eyelash extension courses), the master can earn on a par with the top specialist of a good company.
The cost of the service itself varies in the region of 1,000-2,000 rubles. So, a pretty portfolio and employment in a popular beauty salon will bring the lashmaker 50,000-60,000 rubles. per month.

Features of the work of an eyelash extension wizard

The main feature of the lashmaker's work is an unpleasant moment. Due to the requirements of eyelash extension technology, the master spends most of the day in a bent, twisted position. Of course, this negatively affects posture and health in general. In addition, “modeling the gaze” of clients requires increased concentration and focus. Daily examination of ultra small details (cilia) - spoils vision, causes chronic dizziness, migraines.

allseason.ru > All articles > New publications> Business School> How to become a lashmaker

Long, fluffy eyelashes are every girl's dream. A master who can make the look truly luxurious is worth its weight in gold. However, the profession of lashmaker itself will require investment. Season of Beauty found out how much time and money it takes to master the art of eyelash extension. And what to look for when looking for a school.

What are taught

Technically, the process can be summarized in a couple of sentences. First, the master selects the extension that suits the client. Then it degreases the eyelashes with a special compound. And then he is directly involved in building. However, if you are not a professional, you cannot, for example, correct the shape of the eyes and face. But the client is expecting not just a bunch of eyelashes, but a real transformation. A well-done extension will allow not only to visually change the shape of the eyes, but also to give the look a certain character: playful, cunning, naive, strict. Although the length and color of the eyelashes are selected at the request of the client, the master must definitely give a number of recommendations. However, you need to know what to recommend.

False eyelashes have long been out of fashion, nevertheless, they can be called to some extent the progenitors of extension. Speaking about the methods of building, there are two: beam and eyelash. In good schools, the latter is preferred. This is more painstaking and difficult work, but the result is also appropriate. Wide open, like a Hollywood diva, or illustrating the European approach of "makeup without makeup", eyelashes extended in this way last longer and look more natural and richer.

How to make perfect lashes

A good craftsman must learn the perfect balance of three things: length, thickness and curvature to create exactly the effect the client dreams of. And the one that fits the shape of her eyes. Painstaking work requires skill and professional knowledge. And first of all - the correct selection of artificial eyelashes.

All eyelashes used for extension are made of hypoallergenic monofilament. Its quality depends on the silicone content, which affects the elasticity of the eyelashes. Accordingly: the more elastic the eyelashes, the better they are, which means they are more expensive. A good school works with first-class manufacturers and is sure to teach students to choose the right quality materials and tools.

Briefly speaking about the "technical" constituent materials, they are as follows:

    The length of the eyelashes is usually between 8 and 18 millimeters. The choice depends on the wishes of the client.

    The thickness of the eyelashes (from 0.1 to 0.25 millimeters) is also selected depending on the image you want to create. The minimum thickness is chosen when you want to achieve a natural effect. If you are aiming to create an extension with the effect of colored eyelashes, you will need a thickness of 0.15 millimeters. Hard and elastic lashes with a thickness of 0.2 millimeters are suitable for clients who have their own thick lashes, but want to achieve the so-called theatrical effect. The thickest and most inelastic lashes (0.25 millimeters) are chosen when you need an impressive extension for a short time, for example, for a photo shoot or a competition.

    The curl of the eyelashes is an equally important component of the look. Most schools give four types of bends, with the right selection of which the master can correct the shape of the eyes:

    J - weak curl;
    B - curl with a more open effect;
    C - medium curl, which gives expressiveness;
    D is the strongest curve used to create the most striking looks.
    However, a number of specialists add two more categories:
    L ("royal") - a strong bend that helps to embody the creative ideas of the master and the client;
    Q is a very unusual curve: it is an almost straight eyelash with a curl at the end, usually used for competition entries.

Time is money

Several factors affect the cost of the extension procedure. But first of all, it is the cost of materials and the level of skill of the lashmaker.

Depending on them, the cost of training a profession is also formed. The amount can range from 1,900 to 68,500 rubles. On average, the basic course costs about 12 thousand rubles. In the same range and refresher courses for already experienced craftsmen. The qualifications of the teacher are of great importance. A course from a famous coach or the founder of a particular school (direction) is more expensive.

Training can take place on several brands of cosmetics, and on one. For example, at the Eyelash Extension Institute they work with brands such as Vivienne, Adele Sutton, Dollys Lash, LVL, WowBrow. And in the VipLashes Training Center, preference is given to Glams cosmetics.

Quality cosmetics are the key to loyal customers. Those who say that extensions cause their own eyelashes to fall out are victims of cheap and not-so-good materials that really have a negative impact. Therefore, a competent client will never entrust such a delicate work to an amateur and will probably ask for your portfolio, diploma and product certificates.

Profitable business

However, if you honestly master all the subtleties and will not save on the quality of materials, all your costs will pay off pretty quickly. According to Lesya Zakharova, director of the Eyelash Extension Institute, the training pays off in just a few (within five) procedures.

Experts advise:
Lesya Zakharova, founder and leading lecturer of the Institute of Eyelash Extension, director of the Lash Boutique studio, author of the innovative training program for masters "Perfect Technique", author of the technology "European Extension - Makeup Without Makeup"; studied in the best schools in Russia, Ukraine and Europe; holder of an international trainer certificate.

Masters who undergo high-quality training save years and a lot of effort aimed at mastering the exact technique, they immediately work correctly. For example, students in our basic course show amazing results in a month and quickly build up a client base. Today, the competition in this environment is rather big, and this is the reason that the most in demand are those masters who provide the highest quality service. The cost of eyelash extension is formed by 90 percent due to the skill level of the specialist (the cost of materials is minimal), because the higher the skill, the more you earn. The immense popularity among clients of all ages, the high cost of the procedure, the strongest training centers, professional magazines and shops - everything indicates that this area is developing. Many masters of related areas - beauticians, make-up artists, nail masters, stylists and even hairdressers - receive additional education from us. Mastering a new direction allows you to expand your client base and significantly increase your income.


The choice of a teacher must be taken very carefully. Be sure to check out his work and read reviews about them. Check out what cosmetics it works on. A good craftsman prefers certified goods of well-known brands, the quality of which is beyond doubt. In addition to the qualifications of the teacher, it is important to become familiar with the curriculum and student work.

Experts advise:
Lesya Zakharova

The “Perfect Technique” curriculum contains unique teaching aids: 3D animation, live video, individual methodological space - Lashbook. The combination of these manuals allows you to get the most complete and accurate information in the shortest possible time. Today, about half of the winners of specialized championships are graduates of the Eyelash Extension Institute, which indicates the highest level of professional education. Champions and curriculum authors teach here. The principle of our institute is an individual approach to each student: it is not the number of hours that matters, but the quality of education; we work with each student based on his personal mistakes, developments and questions.


Of course, in order to master the profession of lashmaker, it is necessary to study in person with a teacher. Eyelash extensions are a subtle art; contrary to popular belief, this is a very complex technological process that does not allow a slip, since the lashmaker works with a vital and very fragile organ. Masters who already have experience, but who periodically have questions or have a desire to improve their qualifications, can come to the courses. Reputable schools think about these questions too. The VipLashes Training Center, operating in Moscow, has representatives in different regions of Russia. And the Eyelash Extension Institute, together with the Vivienne company, has implemented a unique Internet project Lashexperts.com: this is the first educational portal for eyelash extension masters created by experts in this field.

Your documents

As we already said, your educational document will play an important role, as well as certificates and diplomas of competitions. After training at the Institute of Eyelash Extension, a certificate is issued in two languages, which allows you to get a job even abroad. After refresher courses, a category is assigned. A certificate and a diploma must be issued at the VipLashes Training Center. It is worth spending money on creating a portfolio. After all, the client must fall in love with your work. At first sight.

Eyelash extension specialist: what such a master should be able to do, where to start, what personal and professional qualities should be possessed to achieve success

The beauty industry is developing by leaps and bounds:

  • new technologies appear,
  • drugs,
  • and beauty treatments.

One of these procedures is eyelash extension. The artist who transforms the look, making it more expressive and beautiful with the help of artificial eyelashes is called lashmaker... This is a fairly new specialty on the labor market, which is gaining more and more popularity.

Many people wonder what it takes to become a good professional in eyelash extension? There are some simple tips and rules to help you succeed in mastering a new profession.

  1. Where to begin?
  2. Organize your workplace
  3. Quality materials
  4. Personal qualities

Where to begin?

First of all you need undergo training... Now many beauty studios have their own training base and offer courses in eyelash extension. They usually last 1 to 3 days. During this time, the teacher will show you how to master the extension technology, tell you about the sanitary standards at work. And also the final stage will be the study of the obtained theoretical skills on the models.

The choice of educational institution should be taken especially seriously. Check all the information, read the reviews. Search the internet and social media for other masters who have also studied there. This must be done, because your professionalism directly depends on the quality of training. Suppose you have already completed the necessary courses, are ready to transform the views of clients. What to do next?

Organize your workplace

  1. Regardless of where it is supposed to provide services (at home or in the salon), workplace must be properly equipped and fit all sanitary and hygienic standards.
  2. Profession eyelash extension specialist associated with a fairly strong load on the master's spine. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of chair and table... It is best to choose a table that is adjustable in height, which will help you find a more comfortable position for the duration of the procedure. It is also better to choose a chair with an adjustable back and seat.
  3. Lighting should be comfortable, pointed at the right angle. In arranging the workplace, it is best to use a lamp that can change position.

The safety and comfort of the client is of no less importance in the work of the master of transforming the look.

  • Before starting work, it is worth carrying out wet table disinfection.
  • The hair cap, sheet and eyelash brush must be disposable.
  • After each client, it is imperative to disinfect the instruments.

Quality materials

Don't skimp on purchases quality materials... There is a wide variety of choices in the beauty industry at the moment. materials for eyelash extension.

  • Use only proven brands.
  • Consult sellers and other professionals about the quality of eyelash extensions, glue and other compounds that are required for the job.

Remember that especially at first (during the period of building a client base), it is better to get less profit, but gain a good reputation.

Personal qualities

To become in demand expert in the eyelash industry it is not enough to get a certificate of completion and equip a place. You need to work hard on yourself. What professional and personal qualities should a specialist in eye transformation have:

  1. Great desire to work- this is required first of all. Then the procedures will be performed efficiently, accurately, and you will have fun.
  2. Patience and perseverance. The work of an eyelash extension specialist is quite time consuming and hard work. On average, the procedure lasts from 1 to 3-4 hours. Especially if the master is not very experienced yet. In order to prevent marriage at work, do not rush. Patience, accuracy and a calm state of mind are one of the main personal qualities of a good master.
  3. Sociability. The ability to find a common language with different people is an important quality of a specialist. Providing services for the transformation of the look, you will have to communicate with many clients. Everyone has their own requests, their own mood, their own character. The master must find an approach to everyone.
  4. Professional ethics. A good, self-respecting specialist will never criticize, let alone condemn, the work of another master. A professional in his field gains a client base at the expense of his own, high-quality work, and not trying to belittle the work of another master.
  5. Do not deviate from your professional principles. Never agree to perform a procedure incorrectly, even to please the client's request. For the client, this is just a whim, but for you it can be a damaged reputation. Listen to the wishes of the client and try to find the best option together.

When choosing a profession in the field of the beauty industry, remember that only high-quality work brings pleasure to the master and joy to the client. Love your profession, and it will reciprocate you!

Where should you start? Of course, with training. And here we are faced with a huge selection of different ways of teaching. Where to stop? What should be guided by? What should you pay attention to? Today we will tell you exactly about this.

So, you have decided to become a lashmaker.
How to choose the right eyelash extension school?
There are several options: learn from a familiar master, take quick and inexpensive courses, take full-fledged leshmaking training courses. Where to stop?
One should proceed from the goals set for oneself.

If you want to have a stable part-time job in your free time from your main job, then you can limit yourself to an express course, and then train “on cats”. To work out the knowledge gained on friends, colleagues, slowly study magazines, the Internet, visit exhibitions, read forums. In the future, if you like the job, you can go through advanced training, find out your mistakes, learn something new.

If you want to work in a salon as an eyelash extension master, rent an office, or fully work from home - then you need to learn all aspects of the profession. As in any other business - if you position yourself as a specialist - you must understand all the theoretical aspects of the business, as well as have perfect practical skills. You must have an official document confirming your qualifications.

What you should look for when choosing courses:

Learning eyelash extension quickly is not possible. Analyze - what can you learn in one day? In the best case, you will get an overview of the theoretical part and understand the basics of the technology. Further depends on your abilities.

Ask how the training is going - on models or on dummies. There are moments that cannot be shown on artificial eyelashes. Training must necessarily include the development of skills on the model.

Find out how much practice you are offered. Extend half of the eyelashes on one eye, make a full extension in two eyes in one model, or fully work out the principle of extension in front of different types of eyes, with a different eyelid structure - on different models.

Specify what materials are used for training, whether you need to buy something for training, or materials during training are included in the price.

Study the curriculum carefully so that you know exactly what you will learn at the end of the courses.

Look at the photographs of the work of the teachers of the school - it often happens that schools do not show the work of their teachers at all, or they post a few photos that are swarming with the Internet. There should be more than one or two photos, the work of the master should be clearly visible on them, and the authorship or the logo of the school should also be established - so that you are sure that the photos are not stolen from the Internet. Also study the students' work.

Find out what document you will receive at the end of the courses. It is best if it is a diploma with a seal, which will indicate which course you have taken. With him you can find a job in any salon, he will confirm your qualifications. The certificate of completion of the course does not say anything other than the fact that you have attended the course. In employment, you will have an advantage if you have a diploma.

When choosing a school, consider options not only in your city. If there are no good courses in your city, it may be worth going to study somewhere else. With a high-quality education and a diploma, it will be easy for you to find a job, this will be your competitive advantage over other craftsmen both in the eyes of clients and in the eyes of employers.

Remember that learning once and for all is impossible. After all, the beauty industry does not stand still - new trends, materials, technologies are constantly appearing, in order to be a competent specialist, you need to constantly visit exhibitions, follow new products, improve your qualifications, and participate in seminars.

What NOT to do:

Learn from a familiar master who does not practice training or independently study eyelash extension through forums and videos.

Due to the huge number of self-taught masters, as well as masters who received a poor-quality education from extended eyelashes, such a notoriety. There is an opinion that your eyelashes deteriorate, become shorter, fall out, weaken, that extended eyelashes get in the way, prickly, that your eyes turn red, that your eyelids itch, that you can't wash with them, that they don't look natural, like false ones, etc.
Subject to the observance of the technology, high-quality work of the lashmaker, as well as when working on high-quality materials, eyelash extension is absolutely harmless to your eyelashes and eyes.
To become a good specialist, you need to go through good training and work hard. After watching a couple of videos and listening to the advice of pseudo-masters, reading false information on the forum, you can greatly harm the client and forever discourage him from extending eyelashes.
Would you go to see a doctor who studied medicine from reference books and from a surgeon friend? Would you board an airplane operated by a pilot who trained on video? Would you entrust apartment renovation to a person who learned how to make repairs under the "housing issue" program?
Eyelash extension is a serious and responsible job that cannot be done well and without harm to the client, without having special knowledge.
Appreciate your work, invest in yourself, because the knowledge acquired in the courses will remain with you forever.

These are the cilia you can learn to do with the will and work!

With love,

Association of Leshmakers of Russia DeaBeauty.

We live in a rather surprising and unpredictable time that does not give any certainty about the future and the present. For example, obtaining a specialty in demand, lasting for years, can leave a person with an unnecessary diploma, even if it is red. But after completing a two-day course in microblading or eyelash extension, you can quite count on a stable income that is not inferior in size to the profit of a middle manager.

It is about eyelash extensions that we will talk about in this article. In another way, this profession is called "lashmaker". This word is of English origin, means a combination of the words "eyelashes" and "doing".

How long to study as a lashmaker?

What's funny is that you can master the initial level of this skill not even in a day, but in 3-4 hours. During this time, the wizard will show you on the model how it happens. Since the procedure is quite simple and requires a minimum amount of auxiliary materials, then you can understand what exactly you can do. As a rule, the wizard shows you what needs to be done within two hours, and then invites you to try.

What personal qualities are needed in order to master the skills of a lashmaker?

This is, first of all, developed petty and perseverance. After all, what does a leshmaker do? Regardless of the technique in which he works, you need to glue artificial eyelashes to the client's own eyelashes with thin tweezers. If you don't see well, then this can be corrected with glasses, but if your hands are not adapted to such painstaking work, then nothing will work out in the beginning. On the other hand, science is simple and practice will help you get your hands on it.

Lashmaker courses cost

So, let's develop a business plan and calculate how much you need to invest to become a ready-made lashmaker with a full set of tools.

Courses in major cities of Russia cost from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, after which you will receive a certificate. In fact, if you have eyelash extensions or you were present during this process, then consider yourself a trained extension master, just without a certificate. You will not take anything grandiose new from the courses.

The courses, as mentioned above, last no more than one day, however, some salons in the obligatory case impose working off on their masters. This means that you will practice for free, and the salon where the courses are held will receive a little money from your models for this. On the other hand, if you have no one to train on, then practicing is necessary. A professional lashmaker is not one with more dexterous fingers, but one who has sufficient experience in this matter. If you have a lot of girlfriends and relatives, then choose those courses that do not require training to obtain a certificate.

What tools do you need to purchase?

The fashionable profession lashmaker also obliges you to have a small "chest" with consumables. So, we continue our calculations. First of all, these are the eyelashes themselves. They are quite inexpensive, but you will need to purchase several types of different lengths and colors. Initially, purchase necessarily brown and black eyelashes with lengths of 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm. Artificial eyelashes are best suited for extensions, as they do not cause allergies, unlike eyelashes, for example, from mink wool.

A box of eyelashes costs from 100 to 500 rubles in a specialized store. You will also need: thin tweezers, a special degreaser, glue, primer, eye patches. On average, get ready to spend from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles for consumables.

How much can you earn?

A question from the series: "How much do lashmakers earn" can be classified as philosophical, since everything will depend on your persistence and desire. Eyelash extensions cost from 600 to 1,500 rubles, correction from 400 to 800 rubles. Imagine that you are constantly expanding your own sales market, advertising services on a social network, and exhibiting your successful photographs of your work. In this case, the clientele will grow and you will definitely not find yourself out of work. Many lashmakers successfully master this profession, then study the art of eyebrow shaping, tattooing and expand the range of services offered.

However, the profession of "lashmaker" is not necessarily a continuous income. If you, after completing the courses, do not train, then it is unlikely that you will have at least one client after the first model in the course. As a result, your certificate will gather dust somewhere deep in the table (perhaps next to a red diploma), and you admit that the fashionable profession of lashmaker is not for you.

Leshmaker is a master stylist specializing in eyelash extensions. In her work, she uses different techniques and materials, making the eyes of clients very attractive.

The beauty market is actively developing and improving. The industry's need for good craftsmen is also growing. One of the actively developing professions today is a lashmaker.

What types of eyelash extensions are the most popular now?

Traditional (in bunches). With such an extension, artificial ones are attached to the base of natural eyelashes in bundles (3-5 pieces in each). The bundles can be of different length and density. To maintain the effect, you will need to return to the master for correction after about half a month;

Japanese (eyelash). The extension scheme is the same as with the traditional method, but instead of bundles, separate cilia are used. This extension method, although somewhat difficult, requires a visit to the salon only once a month. These eyelashes will last for three months.
The disadvantage of the traditional extension is that when your "native" eyelashes fall out, 3-5 artificial ones fall out after it, and this becomes very noticeable. The masters advise using the "bundle" technology of building up for special occasions: at a wedding, at a banquet, a private party or similar events.

The color spectrum of artificial eyelashes is very diverse: from banal black and brown to exotic - silver, azure, chocolate, caramel shades.

The length of these eyelashes is combined. Short to medium cilia are usually glued to the middle of the eyelid. They look more natural that way. But long eyelashes are already glued to the outer corners of the eyes to achieve more volume. The larger the volume, the deeper the look. However, with long eyelashes, don't overdo it!

The following materials are used for building up:

Silk. These cilia look more natural;

Mink. Eyelashes look painted due to the rich color of the material, as well as voluminous due to the large diameter of the fibers;

Sable. The most "heavy" material, so it is rarely used.

Make no mistake !!! Silk, sable and mink are conventional names used to divide eyelashes into different categories, in particular, according to the thickness of the hair.
In order for artificial eyelashes to last for a long time, the masters advise to exclude waterproof mascara, makeup removers and oily creams from everyday use. If you wear contact lenses, then in this case not highly recommended to extend eyelashes.
Owners of light eyelashes are advised to paint their eyelashes with black paint before the procedure itself. Do not wet your eyelashes for two hours after the extension.

Your Lashmaker

Lashmaker's car :-)

And in conclusion, a few videos about lashmakers.

Future lashmaker))))

The beauty industry is a lucrative business. Women of all ages invest an impressive amount of money in their appearance. So it was yesterday, today and it will be tomorrow ...

In recent years, the eyelash extension service has been popular: the master sticks elongated synthetic fibers on natural eyelashes, a volumetric elongated effect is created, the eye "opens", the look becomes more seductive. After 21-30 days, the result requires correction.

The advantages of the service can hardly be overestimated:

  • refusal to use mascara;
  • reduction in makeup time;
  • correction of the shape of the eye;
  • beautiful well maintained view 24/7!

Competition in the provision of similar services is growing daily. The priority is for experienced skilled craftsmen who hear the client and guarantee a high-quality result. It is known that it is difficult to find a professional in any field, be it a hairdresser, a manicurist or lashmaker(eyelash extension stylist). Having found "our" specialist, we are ready to pay for quality, travel to the other end of the city and make an appointment in advance. Thinking about starting your own business? So why not become a master that your clients will appreciate?

For inexperienced businesswoman, below are recommendations on how to open an eyelash extension salon from scratch.

Our business valuation:

Initial investment - 300,000 rubles.

Market saturation is medium.

The complexity of starting a business is 4/10.

general information

It is based on the average city in terms of population. To provide lashmaker services, it is planned to rent premises in one of the central districts with an area of ​​20-25 sq.m.

Requirements are minimal: you need space to accommodate a couch, a master's desk, a utility room for storing personal clothes, consumables, etc.

At the initial stages of activity, the work schedule should be busy - from 9:00 to 20:00, day off - Monday.

It is planned to provide the following services (with generalized prices):

  1. Eyelash extension - 2500 rubles
  2. Correction - 1500 rubles
  3. Withdrawal - 500 rubles.

To assess the effectiveness and profitability of an idea, a business plan for an eyelash extension studio is needed, which will describe in detail the main and variable costs, monthly investments, and calculate the profitability and payback period.


The office building is located in the central part of the city. The demand is high (near business centers, boutiques, entertainment complexes), there are also many competitors. Within a radius of several kilometers, 5-7 master lashmakers offer services. To attract clients, it is important to obtain high professional qualifications and provide the maximum range of services.

It is necessary to analyze the pricing policy of competitors in order to form an adequate offer in your own salon. The cost of building up should not be higher than that of competitors, especially at the stage of strengthening its position in the market, but it should not fall below the full cost in order not to incur losses.

Based on this, when planning a business on eyelash extension, it is recommended to include a reserve amount for professional development and advertising in the cost item.

Business registration

The vast majority of craftsmen start a business as a hobby. Eyelash extensions for relatives and friends will help fill their hands and earn minimal money. Providing services for the first 2-3 months without official registration, you should think about legalizing your activities. Otherwise, an unexpected visit by tax officials will entail fines and administrative liability.

It is better to go through the registration procedure right away and work calmly. It is necessary to contact the tax office and draw up an application for the issuance of a certificate of an individual entrepreneur. The taxation method is simplified, 6% of income.

Obtaining qualifications

The main trump card of the lashmaker is professional eyelash extension. Finding a good teacher is important. You should not be guided by prestige and a big name in search of a training center. Choose an active foreman with a large client base, or better, evaluate the quality of his work on yourself. You can go to your local beauty salons and get two or three of the recommended eyelash extensions. Agree with the author of the best work about individual lessons.

The first stage should be basic courses, where the teacher will talk about the basic tools and materials used by the lashmaker, and teach the classic building. The duration of the classes is 5-7 days.

When the technology of eyelash extension is clear, you need to move on to practice - train and fill your hand. In order not to search for the first customers, you can offer your services to friends and acquaintances for free. A good option is to advertise the extension with pay only for the material. As a rule, many girls respond to such an offer. Try to get the job done as well as possible, word of mouth is one of the best ways to make yourself known.

Where to start conquering the market for beauty services? With systematic advanced training. After the basic courses, it is worth signing up for volumetric extensions - 2D, 3D, decorating with rhinestones, using colored eyelashes, etc. To keep abreast of new products, become an active participant in thematic forums, discuss innovations in the field with colleagues, test new materials. This will be a key moment in the struggle for a place in this niche.

Course completion certificates should take pride of place on one of the walls of your salon.

Training costs will be included in the starting cost estimate. The amount ranges from 25 thousand rubles.

Arrangement of premises, preparation of a workplace

Stylish interiors, a sense of comfort and convenience are important components of a competitive advantage. Eyelash extensions at home are not aesthetically pleasing. It is more pleasant for the client to come to a neat, clean, light office, where everything "works" for a high-quality result.

Laconic cosmetic repairs, bright directional lighting, a comfortable couch for eyelash extensions, auxiliary furniture, decor items are needed.

120 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for the arrangement of the office. The monthly expenses will be the rent of the premises - 20 thousand rubles.

Tools and materials

In addition to specialization and arrangement of the premises, it is necessary to buy equipment for eyelash extension. Quality material: eyelashes, glue, tweezers, combs, etc. - 30% of business success.

Tools for the work of a lashmaker will cost the following amount:

  • synthetic eyelashes (single, beam, colored) - 10 thousand rubles;
  • assorted glue - 2 thousand rubles;
  • decor - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • scissors, combs for distributing eyelashes - 3 thousand rubles;
  • a brush for applying glue, a blowing bulb - 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • ribbons and tweezers for eyelash extension - 4 thousand rubles;
  • degreasing agents, debonders - 2 thousand rubles;
  • napkins, cotton swabs, other hygiene products - 1,000 rubles;
  • eyelash extension lamp - 7 thousand rubles;
  • additional expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

In total, 47 thousand rubles will have to be spent on the purchase of tools and materials. The list of monthly expenses should include the purchase of eyelashes, glue, hygiene products, decorative elements, etc.

Marketing plan

At the stage of entering the market, you need to declare yourself loudly and brightly. We'll have to come up with a spectacular name for the salon, order a bright sign. Advertising on the Internet, using discounted flyers, and posting ads on city boards are effective methods of dealing with competitors.

Social media activity should be maximized. The age of 90% of potential clients is between 20-40 years old - these are active young girls who use VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, etc. daily. An advertising account should be created on each resource.

  • creation of a bright luminous sign - 15,000 rubles;
  • design and color printing of flyers - 5,000 rubles;
  • paid advertisements on boards - 2,000 rubles;
  • advertising and promotion in social networks - 10,000 rubles.

Total: 32,000 rubles. The list of monthly expenses includes the costs of printing advertising posters, promotion in social networks, etc., totaling 10,000 rubles.

Business startup costs

To assess the prospects of a business, it is necessary to summarize the data presented above, correlate them with the expected revenue, calculate the level of profitability and the payback period of the initial investment.

Project start-up costs:

  1. Training courses - 25 thousand rubles.
  2. Cosmetic repairs of the premises - 120 thousand rubles.
  3. Tools and materials for eyelash extension - 47 thousand rubles.
  4. Marketing - 32 thousand rubles.

Total: 224 thousand rubles.

The amount received largely depends on the cost of repairing the premises, if it is possible to find a prepared office, the figure can be significantly reduced.

Monthly expenses

The described indicator is not constant, it will vary depending on the number of clients:

  1. Premises rental - 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Payment for utilities (average value) - 5 thousand rubles.
  3. Consumables (synthetic fibers, glue for eyelash extensions, etc.) - 15 thousand rubles.
  4. Advertising and promotion - 10 thousand rubles.

Total: 50 thousand rubles.


You should not expect a massive influx of customers in the first 2-3 months. The master should devote this time to advertising and work on satisfying the desires of individual clients who will advertise your salon to relatives and friends for free.

By the third month, it is planned to fill the work schedule by 30-45%.

Estimated revenue for 3-4 months of work:

Tax must be deducted from the amount received: 86,500 x 0.06 = 5,190 rubles

We calculate the income: 86,500 - 50,000 - 5,190 = 31,310 rubles

The level of profitability will be: (31 310/55 190) x 100% = 56%

The resulting figure is evidence that eyelash extension is a profitable highly profitable business.

It remains to calculate the return on investment for launching the project: 224,000 / 31,310 = 7 months.

The data is impressive even if the workday is 30-45% full. If the number of visitors doubles, the payback period will decrease and the profitability will increase even more. It is important to understand that the loading of the wizard will also increase.

An eyelash extension business is a profitable business that requires little physical and moderate financial costs. Over time, you can improve your skills, achieve the maximum number of satisfied clients, open your own beauty studio.

The business idea is promising, the market is not overcrowded, in the long term, the option with franchising is possible.

But how do you find a truly professional lashmaker? In social networks, we see a bunch of ads with offers to build eyelashes quickly, cheaply, and even with a visit to the house ... It’s clear that such "super actions" do not bode well. We talked with a professional and found out what to fear when extending eyelashes and what mistakes would-be lashmakers make most of all.

Head and top master of the FresiaLab glance laboratory


If the master puts you on the sofa in the living room, and instead of special patches glues tape under your eyes ... Definitely, you should run away from such a lashmaker! Cleanliness, fresh air in the room, sterility of instruments, use of disposable materials (sheets, patches, towels, eyelash brushes, etc.) are the minimum necessary for the procedure.


If you doubt the qualifications of the master, ask to show the diploma of graduation from the school of lashmakers. The master can say anything, but without documentary evidence, these are just words. However, many masters themselves willingly upload photos of certificates and diplomas, or even hang them on the walls of the office.



The average price for eyelash extensions from an experienced master usually ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. Don't chase cheapness! Rest assured, a craftsman who invests in education and quality materials will not work for 1000 rubles.

Works and reviews


Honesty and a sense of taste are essential qualities for everyone who works in the beauty industry. If the lashmaker agrees to make extensions "like Kim Kardashian's" or the length of the eyelashes is several times longer than your own - run away from such a master.

Duration of the procedure

Imagine how much patience it takes to grow 300-400 lashes perfectly. This is truly a piece of jewelry. A good master is never in a hurry and deals with each client on average for 2-2.5 hours, focusing as much as possible on the procedure. After all, everything must be flawless, every eyelash.

How to understand that a poor-quality extension was made to you

  • The eyelashes are rough to the touch, not soft or smooth, and have lumps on them.
  • Eyelashes look sloppy, "look" in different directions, have an unnatural bend.
  • The eyelashes are glued to the skin. Such a "build-up" will bring you a lot of inconvenience, and it won't last more than a couple of days. According to the rules, the distance between the eyelid skin and the artificial eyelash should be at least 0.5 mm.
  • The cilia are glued together. This is called gluing and damages the health of the "native" eyelashes.