List of food products for 5 month old babies. What does the diet of a five-month-old baby consist of when breastfed, bottle-fed or mixed-fed? Rules for feeding a child of this age. Features of supplementary feeding of breastfed and bottle-fed children

Proper nutrition is the most important component of the normal development of a baby. In the first months of his life, breast milk is sufficient for the baby. However, time passes, the baby grows up, and mother’s milk can no longer provide him with all the necessary substances. If your baby is already 5 months old, it’s time to give him complementary foods.

A child's menu at 5 months should consist of products containing micronutrients: fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. If complementary foods are not introduced before 6 months of age, the baby will have many nutritional deficiencies, poor eating habits, and lack of chewing skills for thick foods.

It is at five months of age that children respond best to new foods in their diet. Allergic reactions are possible, but when complementary foods are introduced at 6 months of age, they will appear much more often. At the age of 4 months, complementary foods are introduced to children with digestive disorders, low weight and anemia due to iron deficiency. In other cases, you need to consult a pediatrician.

During the first months, the baby’s body is completely dependent on mother’s milk. During this period, the young mother should be completely healthy. The nutrition of a nursing woman should be complete and enriched with vitamins and microelements. At 5 months it is recommended to introduce complementary foods. Your baby's diet should include the following foods:

  • vegetable This dish is suitable for children who gain weight very quickly or have problems with bowel movements;
  • children's with a large number of micronutrients. You should start with such dishes if the baby has a slight weight gain, unstable stool, or is at risk of developing anemia. It is recommended to introduce gluten-free porridges as complementary foods - such as buckwheat, rice, corn. Industrial cereals contain more microelements, so it is recommended to give them to your child;
  • meat puree. This product is rich in iron, which is quite easily absorbed by the child. If you add a little meat puree to the vegetable mixture, the iron in both products will be absorbed even more easily. Usually this product is introduced into the complementary foods of 6-month-old children, but in some cases it is possible to introduce meat into the diet at 5 months. Give preference to rabbit and turkey meat. To make a final decision, consult your pediatrician;
  • fruit puree. This product is best given after the introduction of vegetables and cereals. If fruit puree is introduced first, other foods will subsequently be difficult to digest. In addition, children will simply refuse porridge after sweet purees.

18:00 – feeding with mother’s milk, 6 tablespoons of juice;

22:00 – breastfeeding.

Products included in the diet can be alternated. For example, feed your baby zucchini mixture and banana puree one day, and apple puree and shredded turkey on another day. If the baby is bottle-fed, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following menu:

6:00 – 200 grams of kefir or mixture;

10.00 – 150 grams of porridge with milk, 3 teaspoons of cottage cheese;

14.00 – 100 grams of kefir, 50 grams of fruit puree;

18:00 – 100 grams of vegetable puree, 3 tablespoons of fruit puree;

22:00 – 200 grams of kefir or mixture.

When the child gets used to complementary feeding, gradually introduce new dishes into his diet. Combine cereals with fruits and meat, but introduce this method of eating gradually. If your baby shows signs of diathesis, immediately show him to your pediatrician.

A child's daily routine at 5 months is almost identical to that to which all routine moments of his life were subordinated in the previous month. The duration of periods of sleep and wakefulness, the number of feedings remain the same, only the baby himself changes: day by day he becomes more active, stronger and more inquisitive.

Table with an approximate daily routine

  • 6:00-8:00 Waking up the baby, morning feeding followed by mandatory hygiene procedures, air baths, light massage, communication with the mother;
  • 8:00-10:00 First sleep combined with a walk in the fresh air;
  • 10:00-12:30 Second feeding, doing gymnastics, massage, active wakefulness.
  • 12:30-14:30 Daytime sleep.
  • 14:30-17:00 Third meal, active leisure time filled with educational games and physical exercises.
  • 17:00-19:00 Sleeping in the fresh air.
  • 19:00-21:30 Fourth feeding, developing leisure time, communication with family members, bathing the baby.
  • 22:30 Last meal.
  • 23:00-6:00 Sleep until morning.

Another variant:

After familiarizing yourself with this routine, each mother can adjust it to the individual needs of her five-month-old baby.

Parents of a baby should prepare for the fact that at five months he may develop symptoms. This significant event can manifest itself in different ways: for some children it does not cause much suffering, while others react to it with an increase in temperature, constant whims, upset bowel movements and disruption of sleep patterns. For some time, this can cause unpredictable behavior in an unwell baby, which can lead to non-compliance with the usual daily routine.

Fortunately, such periods are quite short-lived. After teething, the mother should take care of returning the baby to her previous routine.


A five-month-old baby's night's sleep is usually sound: a well-fed baby is able to sleep for about ten hours without requiring feeding or disturbing sleeping parents. To achieve this result, the mother must properly organize her baby’s daytime rest, dividing it into three two-hour periods:

  1. The baby needs his first sleep after being awake for two hours in the morning. If the weather conditions are favorable, the mother can go for a walk with him, since it is in the morning hours that sleep in the fresh air will be most favorable for him.
  2. The baby's second nap occurs in the afternoon. In the warm season, it can be combined with a walk.
  3. The third time the child should be put to bed in the evening hours. At this moment, the father who has returned from work can go for a walk with the baby.

Pediatricians consider this type of daytime sleep to be optimal for a child. If the baby has fallen asleep, exceeding the allotted two-hour limit, you should carefully wake him up so as not to get out of the usual daily routine.

We feed

At 5 months, a child should eat at least a liter of breast milk per day. During feeding, he no longer dozes, but sucks very actively at the breast. It is at this age that the baby should be gradually weaned from the habit of falling asleep exclusively at his mother’s breast. Each period of daytime sleep should now begin not with feeding, but with rocking.

An exception should be made before putting the baby to bed for the night: at this moment, the mother’s breast will be not only a source of nutrition for him. Having quickly calmed down, the baby will sleep especially soundly.

Five-month-old breastfed babies still do not need complementary feeding: the nutrients contained in breast milk are sufficient for them. There are times when the baby does not get enough of his mother’s milk and therefore is often capricious and hardly gains weight. This situation is the basis for his transfer to mixed feeding using dairy-free cereals. After some time, the porridge can be made milky.

If complementary feeding was introduced into the diet of an artificially-fed child already at four months of age, his feeding schedule will look like this:

  • 6:00 Feeding with kefir or milk formula (200 ml).
  • 10:00 Complementary feeding: dairy-free porridge (150 ml), cottage cheese (40 g), vegetable juice (100 ml). Porridge can be rice, buckwheat or corn.
  • 14:00 Feeding with vegetable soup or mashed potatoes, zucchini or cauliflower, seasoned with a drop of vegetable oil (150 ml).
  • 19:00 Feeding with formula milk (200 ml).
  • 22:30 Feeding with kefir or mixture (200 ml).

When introducing new foods to your baby’s diet, you should monitor his stool and the condition of his skin: if rashes appear and the nature of bowel movements changes, they must be discarded immediately.

We're walking

The frequency and duration of walks mainly depend on weather conditions. On cold days, you can walk with your baby for no more than forty minutes, on warm days - up to several hours.

Under ideal circumstances, all periods of daytime rest can be combined with walks, since the active supply of oxygen improves the quality of sleep: it becomes longer and deeper.

Note to moms!

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During walks, it is necessary to introduce the baby to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, accompanying everything he sees with simple comments that are understandable to him.

We are developing

At the age of five months, a child masters a whole range of skills. He can:

  • Recognize loved ones and your own reflection in the mirror;
  • React joyfully to the mother's voice;
  • Reach for an object you like, grab it and take it away;
  • Press the keys and buttons of musical instruments;
  • Play with a rattle and a squeaker;
  • Examine the shape and texture of objects, feeling them with your hands;
  • Pull his hands/legs and everything that comes to hand into his mouth;
  • Follow the object with your eyes, turning your head in any direction;
  • On one's own . Turning over in the opposite direction is also not difficult for him;
  • Lie on your tummy for a long time, looking at your surroundings;
  • Leaning on your head and knees, lift your pelvis and torso;
  • Make your first attempts at sitting independently ();
  • Firmly grasping the adult’s fingers, rise and take a vertical position.

You should not force the baby’s development by forcing him to perform actions that the child of a close friend has already mastered. Five-month-old babies develop completely individually: today he can do little, but a week later he can master several skills at once, leaving his “rival” far behind. The key to successful development of the baby is daily activities with the mother.

Games and activities

For the successful development of a baby at five months, you can purchase several bright toys equipped with a set of sound effects. The most useful for him will be:

  • Soft toys with sewn-in squeakers, hard balls, foil inserts;
  • Baby drums and multi-colored rattles;
  • Bright nesting dolls;
  • Puppets for finger theater;
  • Voiced soft animals performing songs and fairy tales;
  • Children's musical instruments (piano, metallophone). Spoons, a saucepan with a lid, etc. can be a complete replacement for such tools.

What should be the content of developmental classes?

A five-month-old baby is very smart and inquisitive. He already understands what it means and reacts correctly to the words: “give”, “on”, “go to mom.” The baby can understand different intonations: when treated kindly, he will smile, but in response to a grumpy remark he may cry.

  • You should continue reading books and looking at pictures. You can show your baby photographs of family members and talk about them;
  • When telling your baby poems and nursery rhymes, it is very useful to stroke, knead and rub his tiny fingers: such a massage will help improve blood circulation, activate speech centers and stimulate the functioning of internal organs. To perform the massage, the mother can use a walnut, a ball or a pencil, rolling them between the children's palms or along the outer surface of the hands;
  • If you want to amuse the baby, you can pick him up and let him fly like an airplane. No less delight will be caused by the opportunity to jump on the lap of someone at home;
  • When walking around the apartment with a baby in your arms, you need to continue to familiarize him with the names of the objects in it;
  • You can introduce the baby not only to the different textures of the material, but also to the difference in physical properties, by letting him touch a piece of ice or a mug of warm tea;
  • It is necessary to talk to the child as much as possible, trying to pronounce words clearly and correctly, remembering that they are stored in his memory, creating a passive vocabulary.

Gymnastics and physical development

A child’s leisure time should be active, so care must be taken in advance to provide him with a free and safe space to perform physical exercise ().

  • It is very important to teach your baby to crawl. Having laid the child on the floor and placing his palms under his small heels, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to push off and make his first attempts to move forward ();
  • Gymnastic exercises with a large ball are incredibly useful for a baby, improving stretching and strengthening the muscular-ligamentous system ();
  • A baby who has not yet learned to roll over on his own from his back to his tummy should be constantly encouraged to do this by placing a palm under his side or placing a favorite toy near him;
  • We can only welcome the desire of many parents to teach their kids to swim. Regular exercise in the pool helps expand the lungs and improve coordination of movements. Children who can swim begin to walk faster. The duration of swimming exercises should be no more than ten minutes. In order for your child to engage with pleasure, it is necessary to turn the process into an exciting game, using bright, voiced toys. After swimming, you need to give your baby a relaxing massage.

Reasons for disruption of daily routine and ways to overcome them

Most often, disruptions in the sleeping and eating patterns of a five-month-old baby are due to:

  1. eruption of the first teeth.
  2. overly active introduction of new complementary foods into the diet.

You can alleviate the condition of a baby who is capricious during the teething period with the help of products designed to massage swollen and itchy gums.

If the cause of children's whims is a violation of the rules for introducing complementary foods, the problematic product should be completely excluded from the baby's diet for a while. After several days, you can try to introduce it again, but in very small portions, carefully looking at the reaction of the child’s body.

Since the baby, who cannot yet speak, reports unmet needs exclusively by crying loudly (), a caring mother should establish and eliminate its cause as quickly as possible (crying can be caused by a lack of attention, a feeling of hunger, or severe overwork).

A well-structured daily routine for a 5-month-old baby guarantees the child’s excellent well-being, disciplines his behavior and stimulates successful physical and intellectual development.

Video guide: baby 5 months

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Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

What should a 5 month old baby's nutrition be like? Many parents are concerned about this issue today. In addition, experts and pediatricians confirm: this is exactly the age when it is already possible to give the child the first adult meals. Naturally, only those that include only the most necessary products for an actively developing organism. It is important to remember that you need to be extremely careful in establishing the diet for a 5-month-old child. If the slightest problems with the intestines, signs of allergic reactions or stomach upset occur, in this case the “adult” diet should be suspended and be sure to consult a pediatrician.

So, if we highlight some of the most useful tips regarding the proper diet of a 5-month-old child, we can say the following: a 5-month-old baby should eat about 1 kg of food per day. This is the total daily value, including feeding with breast milk (or formula) and additional complementary foods. However, it is important to observe not only the proper diet, but also the correct sequence of introducing foods into the feeding menu.

Diet for a 5 month old baby

The menu, as a rule, is made up of five meals a day. Initially, the child should eat formula and milk. The first feeding should be nutritious and light. At the beginning of the first complementary feeding, you can use vegetable or fruit puree. This complementary food should be introduced gradually, starting with the smallest portions - 0.5 teaspoon per day. Don't be alarmed if your baby spits - this is a completely normal reaction to new tastes. After a while, increase the amount of puree to five teaspoons per day. Give your baby puree or juice at the end of the main meal. During the second and third meals, you can eat an adult dish. In the diet of the following two methods, you can use milk, mixture, and egg yolk. During the week you need to give potatoes, vegetable oil and other vegetables. It is recommended to keep records that can record the amount of product and the time at which the last feeding was made. In the same notebook, you can write down whether any allergic reactions, loose stools, rashes, or changes in the color of urine have occurred.

If possible, it is advisable to prepare fruit and vegetable purees yourself from fresh ingredients. Of course, this is a tedious and responsible process, therefore, in order to facilitate their own “parental” regime, pediatricians advise introducing “semi-finished products” into the baby’s diet. For example, in winter you can buy ready-made puree in glass jars. Its production is strictly controlled, and modern technologies used allow us to achieve the most balanced composition. You should choose puree exclusively from trusted manufacturers and be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture. It is also advisable to choose a product that does not contain spices, starch and salt. With such nutrition, a 5-month-old child will receive everything for active growth and development - vitamins, fiber, minerals and carbohydrates, in other words, everything that stimulates the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Do not forget that complementary feeding is food that is unusual for your baby and has new taste sensations. How easy it is to wean and introduce complementary foods largely depends on you. Food should have a good appearance, a pleasant taste, be without lumps, and in a ground form, since at this age there are no teeth yet. Feeding should be done carefully and slowly; there is no need to force the child.

Approximate nutrition menu for a 5 month old baby:

  • 6:00 formula or breast milk 200 ml
  • 10:00 formula or breast milk 200 ml + half boiled egg yolk
  • 13:00 formula or breast milk in a volume of 50 ml + 150 g vegetable puree
  • 18:00 formula or breast milk 150 ml + 50 g fruit puree
  • 22:00 formula or breast milk 200 ml

It is also important to introduce water and juices into the child’s diet for 5 months between feedings. The amount of juice with or without pulp that the baby drinks per day can be safely increased to 50 ml. Juices stimulate digestion well. For children under one year of age, drinking grape juice is not advisable. This product may cause stomach problems and frequent allergic reactions. Also, with extreme caution, introduce allergenic foods such as raspberries, strawberries, and citrus fruits. If your baby experiences any manifestations of diathesis, immediately stop using complementary foods and consult your pediatrician.

Adding porridge to your baby's diet

It is also recommended to include various cereals, dairy and non-dairy, in a child’s diet at 5 months. Gradually, you will be able to replace formula or breast milk with them in the evening feeding (before the baby goes to bed at night). Porridges have a thicker consistency than formula/milk, so the baby eats better and sleeps longer.

Dairy-free porridge is a product that does not contain milk. They can be diluted with formula, milk or simply boiled water. Pediatricians do not recommend using pearl barley and millet porridge (they are coarse in consistency and are poorly digestible by a child), as well as semolina, because it contains gluten, a component that can cause gastrointestinal disorders and allergic reactions. Therefore, it is recommended to offer a child cereals containing gluten no earlier than 9 months, and sometimes no earlier than 1 year (if the child is allergic). For a child's first introduction to porridge, rice, buckwheat or corn cereals are ideal.

Some experts argue that the quality of feeding a baby in the first year of life determines its future health and development as a whole. Today we will discuss the diet of a 5-month-old breastfed baby, since this topic is quite serious - many parents begin to feed their babies at this age.

In this article we will look at the pros and cons of complementary feeding during this period of a baby’s life, and also draw up a sample menu for the day.

Features of nutrition of a five-month-old baby on breastfeeding

With each month of life, the baby's need for calories increases more and more. This is due to the fact that his body is developing, his body is becoming larger, and the little one himself is beginning to show unprecedented activity.

At first, breast milk can replace the missing energy and supply the child’s body with the necessary beneficial vitamins and minerals. Over time, the baby's appetite increases, he eats more and more milk, but sooner or later there comes a time when it ceases to provide the necessary saturation.

This usually happens at the turn of 4-5 months of age, which is why many mothers begin to feed their child when he reaches 4 months. Many nutritionists agree with this decision. The digestive system of a four-month-old toddler is already quite developed and it contains all the enzymes necessary for digesting simple vegetable or fruit purees.

Also, the baby undergoes a reflexive expulsion of foreign objects from the oral cavity - up to 4 months it is impossible for a baby to give food from a spoon, he will automatically stick out his tongue and all of it will be outside, this feature does not allow a small child to choke on anything.

However, despite such a favorable situation for the introduction of complementary foods, 4 months of age, as already mentioned, is a kind of boundary. During this period, it is necessary to introduce new products, but this is more likely just tasting the food with the baby and working on it for the future.

The full introduction of complementary foods occurs when the baby reaches 5 months of age. During this period, the toddler requires such a large amount of energy that extraneous products in his menu are simply vital.

Of course, this does not mean that the baby should be isolated from mother’s milk - no. The child continues to eat as usual, it’s just that some meals are replaced by eating complementary foods rather than mother’s milk. Typically, the amount of milk consumed at this age is slightly reduced - about 700 ml per day, instead of 900 at four months of age.

How to introduce new foods into the diet of a 5-month-old baby

At this age, the baby’s menu is almost identical to the menu of a four-month-old baby, but with only one condition - the volume of complementary foods increases and becomes varied.

When drawing up a baby’s nutritional plan, you should remember that for every kilogram of his weight there should be about 100 calories. They can be obtained from vegetable and fruit purees, one-ingredient cereals, special cottage cheese for infants, as well as juices.

It should be remembered that 5 month should consume 800-1000 ml of food per day, about 700 of which is mother’s breast milk, and the remainder is evenly distributed between juices, vegetable and fruit purees.

If you decide to introduce a new product into your baby’s diet, then you should first let him try only half a teaspoon of this product, ground into puree. After this, you should wait one or two days and monitor the baby’s reaction to the new food.

If you do not notice a rash on his skin, he does not behave restlessly, and his stool remains of normal consistency, then everything is fine with the new product and you can continue to feed your baby with it. Otherwise, this product will have to be put aside for a while.

Gradually increasing the amount of complementary foods, you will need to reach a certain volume, which is established for a given age:

  • Porridge – 50 grams;
  • Vegetable puree – 150 grams;
  • Fruit puree – 50 grams;
  • Juice – 50 grams.

Of course, if your baby loves porridge, then you can slightly increase the daily volume of this category of products consumed, but remember that some of them have unpleasant properties, for example, rice porridge strengthens.

When you reach the required volume for any of the products, you can begin to introduce something new into your diet. This process follows the same pattern, but now you can simply add a small amount of new puree to the one that has already been introduced. This will not only save your time, but will also allow your baby to quickly get used to the new taste.

Following the tips presented below will allow you to correctly introduce a new food into your baby’s diet, and will also protect his health.

  • One of the main requirements for complementary feeding food is that it should be as homogeneous as possible. Vegetable or fruit purees should be literally pureed. This state is quite difficult to achieve at home, so we recommend using ready-made baby food packaged in jars.
  • There should be no sugar or salt in a baby's dish.
  • If a child is sick, the introduction of a new product is postponed until he is completely recovered.
  • You should try new purees in the first half of the day, thanks to this it becomes possible to monitor the body’s reaction to any product.
  • If a child expresses in every possible way his reluctance to eat some kind of puree, do not force him, but rather wait two to three weeks and try again.

Daily meal plan for a breastfed baby

This diagram serves as an example, so you can easily replace or swap some meals. It should be noted that between doses the child should be given purified water to drink; this can be done with a teaspoon.

  • Breast milk.
  • Breast milk. One-component porridge (rice, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal), if desired, you can add a small amount of fruit puree to it.
  • Vegetable puree– it can be a single-component product, or a mixture of several vegetables, for example, potatoes, carrots and zucchini. If you make it yourself, you can use turkey, chicken or rabbit broth to make it.
  • Breast milk. Fruit puree(apple, pear), as well as juice or compote.
  • Breast milk. One-component porridge.
  • Breast milk.

So, the diet of a 5-month-old breastfed baby, although not very different from the menu for a 4-month-old baby, the key point here is completely different.

The main thing that parents should do during this period of the baby’s life is to introduce complete complementary foods, which will subsequently become the basis of his nutrition and replace mother’s milk.

Five months is a new stage in a child’s development. The baby’s behavior is modified, and changes occur in the internal organs.

Saliva began to be actively produced quite recently, but the baby does not yet know how to swallow it. The stomach of a five-month-old baby is not similar to that of an adult, but it stretches well, and by one year it will hold 200-250 g of food. Digestive enzymes are already maturing. The swallowing reflex gradually develops.

Do these changes in the physical development of a five-month-old baby mean a transition to a new menu? There is no clear answer. There are at least two opinions on this matter: official pediatrics (or the so-called old school) and the opinion of Dr. E. O. Komarovsky. Let's try to figure it out.

Official pediatrics believes that at the age of five months, more nutritious foods should be introduced into the child’s diet, including additional doses of vitamins and microelements. Proponents of this theory loudly declare:

The components of mother's milk cannot meet the growing needs of the baby. Therefore, complementary feeding should begin strictly at 5 months, possibly earlier, but not later than 6.

Traditional menu options

The diet of a baby at the age of five months has its own characteristics. The total volume of food is approximately 900 ml per day. Of them:

  • breast milk or formula – 700 ml;
  • juices and fruit purees - approximately 40 ml;
  • vegetable puree - from 10 g to 100 g on artificial nutrition and from 15 g to 150 g when breastfeeding;
  • cereal porridge – from 10 to 50 ml;
  • butter (added to purees and porridge) – from 1 to 4 g per day; just don’t forget: we are talking about a real, rustic product, and not about the surrogate that fills supermarket shelves.

Complementary foods are introduced into the diet gradually, starting with a couple of drops for juices and teaspoons for cereals and purees.

Do not mix cereals. The mass should be homogeneous and liquid. There is no need to sweeten anything. Some experts recommend adding mother's milk or an adapted formula, which cannot be pre-boiled.

Artificial feeding is advised to be introduced with even greater caution, since they are prone to allergies to new components of the diet.

A child of 5 months should not be given new foods too often. First, monitor the reaction of the child’s body for 3-7 days. If your baby doesn't like a new food, delay introducing it to it for a week or two.

When artificially feeding, complementary foods are recommended to be introduced earlier than when breastfeeding. But the roots of this recommendation go back to the distant past, when there were no fortified adapted mixtures with which the child today receives the necessary elements for development and growth.

Doctor Komarovsky: opinion

A competent doctor, whose opinion is listened to by many, recommends not starting complementary feeding before 6 months. Until the child reaches this age, the family must feed the mother healthy, tasty and varied food. If the baby is bottle-fed, parents try to buy him the highest quality adapted formula.

The main functions of the liver are neutralization and removal of undigested food debris from the body. If this organ fails to cope with the tasks assigned to it, allergies and other negative reactions appear. Children's livers are very weak and are only fully formed by the age of 12. It is important to remember this when creating a menu for a child at 5 months.

If there is no single point of view regarding the age of complementary feeding, then regarding the products with which it is advisable to start, experts are unanimous. These are porridges, fermented milk products and vegetable purees.

For a child’s first acquaintance with new food, Komarovsky recommends fermented milk products, because in composition they are closest to the usual dairy diet. In addition, kefir reduces the load on the liver and improves digestion, fights harmful microbes.

After 4-5 days, you can gradually add cottage cheese to the kefir. After about 10 days, one feeding will be completely replaced by complementary foods. The rest of the food is still milk or formula.

They are fed this way for about another month, after which the last feeding begins to be replaced with porridge. They are prepared not with cow's milk, but with formulas for children from 6 months.

Recipes for kids

The most suitable foods for feeding a child aged 5 months are:

  • oatmeal;
  • broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • apple;
  • pear;
  • plum.

Porridge based on a mixture

For baby food, porridge is cooked from buckwheat or oatmeal in water. When the dish has cooled, add the mixture, but only half of the proportion recommended on the box.

You can buy special flour or ready-to-eat baby cereals for the appropriate age, or you can grind the cereals in a home coffee grinder. At the same time, Komarovsky advises including sugar.

Rice porrige

  1. Wash the rice, dry it, grind it to flour. Instead of rice, you can use buckwheat or oatmeal.
  2. Boil 100 ml of water.
  3. Add half a tablespoon of rice flour, stirring.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  5. Once cooled slightly, stir in mixture or breast milk, about a quarter cup.
  6. Offer it to your child only warm.

Fruit puree


  1. Cut the apple into slices, cutting out the core.
  2. Place the slices in a saucepan and add enough water to cover the apples.
  3. Boil it.
  4. Blend the fruit with a blender.
  5. Cool. You can also add formula or mother's milk.


  1. Wash a banana with small brown spots on the skin (a sign of ripeness).
  2. Peel and pass through a blender or food processor.
  3. Enter the milk component.


  1. Cut the pears in half and remove the core.
  2. Place in a steamer for 10 minutes.
  3. Pass through a blender.
  4. Let cool slightly, pour in the mixture or breast milk.

You can cook peaches and plums, broccoli and young zucchini in the same way.

These homemade recipes are suitable for children from 5 months, but they can remain in your baby's diet for quite a long time, regardless of whether he is breastfed, bottle-fed or mixed-fed.

Mom and dad must choose the right tactics for feeding their five-month-old baby and decide which theory of introducing complementary foods to believe and follow.