Stylish hairstyles on September 1 forefront. Fashionable hairstyles to school. Fashionable hairstyles for schoolgirls

The first school day at school is approaching - September 1, and, of course, with joyful excitement, children and parents have already begun preparation for classes. Especially important this day for first grades. Textbooks, notebooks, backpacks, pencils, rules, handles - students must collect a lot of necessary things to school, regardless of what year of their learning is the first, or the schoolboy has long entered the world of knowledge.

Each little girl wants to look beautiful on the first day of the new school year. Your little princess, of course, will also ask mammy to make her the most pretty hairstyle. Well, today we will help you in this difficult missions, we will show several ideas of simple and interesting hairstyles suitable for September 1. All these types of hair styling are suitable not only on September 1, but also for the entire academic year.

In our gallery you will also see how to make the best hairstyle step by step!


Solemn bows on September 1 have already become a kind of symbol of this holiday. White or bright, large or small, today they can be seen almost on every Russian schoolboy.

For those schoolgirls who want to stand out on a solemn ruler, we offer more complex hairstyles with bows. Let's start with hairstyles that are popular continuously more than one season. Bows can be not only in the form of real bows, but also created from hair decorated with white ribbons.

📌Openwork bows of hair

If you change the white ribbon to the ribbon of another color - we get a hairstyle that is suitable for everyday socks to school and for holidays. The most important thing is that weaving is not very complex, any mommy will win him. Hairstyle long-playing, withstand all festive shocks.

Work wizard

This is a hairstyle based on weaving skat. Such beams you can learn to do, looking at this video. To view a video lesson hairstyles in a large window, click on the YouTube icon in the lower right corner 👇

📌 Hairstyle "Bells"

Work wizard

Also, if you change the color of the ribbons, the hairstyle will suit any celebration.

Work wizard

📌 Hairstyle "HAT"

A wonderful option is hairstyles both at a solemn event, a photo session and to school, on September 1. The hat is a combination of hairstyles - a bunch of ballerina and openwork weaving skat.

Work wizard

By the way, if you do not decorate the hairstyle with a bow, but a decorative hairpin in the form of flowers, the hairstyle will look very summer.

Work wizard

Run the hairstyle is quite easy, see the lesson below.

Video how to make a hairstyle

📌 Hair Bow in Weaving Technique

Each petal flutter separately and wrap the hair balance around the tail (the remaining tips from the previous petal use when the next). Through the edge there are 4 strands with a ribbon. Video of this technique for creating a flower is lower. The technique of weaving 4-strand braids can be found in the next hairstyle.

Work wizard

📌 Spit with decorative ribbon

Mombs and masters take note. The decorative ribbon transformed the usual 4 strands into an unusual braid. A wonderful idea of \u200b\u200bhairstyles on September 1. The tape can be purchased in the departments for the sale of sewing accessories, in the departments on needlework (for creativity).

📌 Spit Christmas tree for long hair

The ideal option hairstyles on September 1. Tape take better average 1 or 1.5 cm. Ribbons goes exactly four times more than the length of the braid

Work wizard

Work wizard

Work wizard

Another great hairstyle for first grader and not only. Flower - 4-strand braid. Spit - Fish-Christmas Fish.

Video lessons: Spit-Christmas tree and 4-strand braid to the last hairstyle

📌 Tails

Simple hairstyles never lose their popularity, because they are accessible to everyone due to the ease and speed of their creation. The simplest solution is to collect your hair into one or two tails and decorate it with a beautiful white bow, it can also be kanzashi bow. Tails can be both tall and low, it all depends on your imagination.

📌 Hairstyle tail with rose

Beautiful idea hairstyles: tail on side on September 1 with flower and curls. Rosette can be decorated with white stiletto beads.

Work wizard

📌 Hairstyle on rubbers

Excellent work and the idea of \u200b\u200bvolumetric weaving, for beginner masters is just a masterpiece.

Work wizard

Weaving technique is shown in this video, we hope it will help you figure out.

Video lesson

📌 Beautiful hairstyle with weaving

Work wizard

Hairstyle from pigtails in the form of two flowers is a wonderful idea on September 1. It remains only to decorate the hairstyle with a white ribbon or bows.

Video lesson

📌 Hairstyle in School "Snail"

Getting ready for school in advance. Hairstyle with weaving for a girl with a white ribbon. Another idea of \u200b\u200b"long-playing" hairstyles. Excellent * worries * night, i.e. you can braid from August 31 to September 1.

Video lesson

📌 Hairstyle with braids and flower

Hairstyle with French scythe is a traditional solution, such a weaving is fashionable at any time of the year for girls of all ages.

A very chic flower is obtained from the bulk French braid inside out. How to do? Two ordinary external three-road French braids. From one braid formed a flower. Spit is decorated with rhinestones on BF-6 glue. Rhinestones can be purchased at any fabric store of your city. Glue BF-6 does not harm child hair and is easily flushed when the head is first washed with shampoo.

Work wizard

Video lesson

📌 Hairstyle beam with weaving

Another hairstyle on September 1 - a cube (beam) with a weaving + hair rim in the technique of Hollywood wave. At first weave the wave, just not on a separate strand, but with one-sided pickup. Then hide the end under the bundle.

Work wizard

Video with Hollywood wave

Video with Kubashka

📌 Hairstyle with weaving "Eight"

The following idea is a hairstyle with a weaving in the technique of a four-roll braid with a ribbon.

Video lesson

📌 Crispy beams with ribbons

Very beautiful hairstyle with beams, be sure to brake. How to make bundles - from the tail separating thin strains, tighten into the harness and we are tightened to the base of the tail, fasten the hairpin or invisible. Ribbon flashing ready bundles in chaotic order.

Work wizard

Video lesson

📌 five per grain spit stitched with ribbon

These are conventional braids of five relochembers, only then flashing with a white ribbon. It looks very cute.

Work wizard

Video lesson weaving five per grains

The main principle when choosing hairstyles - do not overdo it. Too fantasy structures on September 1 are simply inappropriate. And do not forget that the hairstyle of the daughter should hold out without ignoring, at least 3-4 hours. In order not to spoil the holiday, do not tighten too tight pigs or child's tails.

The traditional hairstyle for first grader on September 1 are tails or pigtails with bakes woven in them. However, if you like originality and you do not want, in your first school day, the daughter looked like everything, you have to look for options alternative to traditional. Active mother created a selection of hairstyles on the first of September in grade 1 specifically for you.

Of course, to create any of the hairstyles proposed below, the mother must own the skills of weaving "basic" hairstyles for girls:, spikes (French spit), braids "Fish Tail", Gulki and. Based on these standard weaves, you can create really unusual and original hairstyles.

Simple hairstyles on September 1 for grade 1

The usual mesh decorated with snow-white robes will be charming hairdo for first grades.

Based on the traditional and - it would seem - absolutely unable to surprise something new pigtails, you can create original asymmetric (by the way that are currently at the fashion peak) hairstyles. You can decorate such a hairstyle as a traditional bow and more stylish small bows or cloth hairpins.

Gentle hairstyles are obtained using the French Spit "On the contrary", if not weave it tight and at the end to shake it on both sides. True, so that such a pigtail will be fixed in the right form and safely lived a ruler and first class hour, it will have to be generously handled with varnish.

Another simple hairstyle for first grades on September 1, for which you just need to be able to weave the spikelets and tails, as well as twist your hair in flagella. Just - but as sophisticated looks! Again, decorate such a hairstyle can be the same bows: lush or stylish-minimalistic.

And two are quite simple, but just as charming hairstyles: with pigtails and tails.

Sophisticated hairstyles for first-graders on September 1

Hairstyles more comprehensible - with the formation of a certain pattern on the head and with a combination of the tie of the ridge or a beam with weaving braids.

Popular among girls Hairstyles with heart pattern. They are based on the French braid and. Variations - the sea, for the holiday of the first September we seemed to us the most suitable:

Unusually look hairstyles with the interlacing of ordinary braids, originate from the tails.

Always relevant and wonderful looks on chubby girl leacions of bundles and ridges. You can refresh them with spills with flower, hairpins or unusual additional weaving. Remember that for fixing the beam, you must certainly use hair polish.

Spit, imitating the rim or tape and beautifully framing baby lyrco, is hit hairstyle for girls on September 1 for grade 1. If the hair is short, with her tip nothing will have to do if long - you can braid them in the original rose. The rest of the hair can be left loose, twisting the tips of the curl for the formation of curls.

The hairstyle-crown is also very popular, chic and festive, especially if you decorate it with small hairpins-flower on the entire perimeter.

But I won the sympathy of our entire edition the version of the Gulki-Crown:

And - the same beam in a more complex version:

Summer holidays almost on the outcome and the new academic year is no longer around the corner. It is nearing September 1 - the most solemn day for all students. On this day, all schoolchildren and students expect a festive ruler, and every girl dreams to hit her classmates unusual and stylish. While during the summer holidays, the girls think about how they will look like this day and carefully select the details of their outfit. But do not forget about the hairstyle, sometimes it plays the first role in the image and asks the style! Overview of simple, but at the same time beautiful hairstyles on September 1 in our article.

Bows still in fashion?

Bates are rightfully considered to be an integral symbol of the day of knowledge. A couple of decades ago it was impossible to meet on September 1, a schoolgirl whose hairstyle would not be decorated with a pair of snow-white bows. It was a whole epoch! The classic hairstyle on September 1 in the early 2000s is two tails decorated with white bows. Girls who prefer white other colors, otherwise they did not want to decorate their hairstyle to decorate their hairstyle, they necessarily failed at their address.

But times have changed, and the image of modern schoolgirls is significantly different from the earlier. Today, bows, as a tribute tradition, can more often be seen on the heads of first-graders, and older students usually prefer neat, but interesting and beautiful hairstyles without catchy decorations.

But at the same time it is impossible to say that the bows are no longer in fashion! Now the young fashionista prefer the bows of all sorts of coloring and decorate the trendy braids and beams.

Fashionable braids and unusual weavings for September 1

Neat, interesting braided braid decorates any schoolgirl. Hairstyle with braids highly emphasizes youth and looks restrained in class.

  • Option 1 - Spit-waterfall

Such a hairstyle looks very gently, while being one of the simplest varieties of weaving for hair from medium length to long. Spit-waterfall combines well with the romantic style of clothing and suits the owners of both straight and wavy hair.

There are many options for weaving this braid: you can start weaving from two sides from the sample and combine on the back of the head with a small barn, and you can braid "waterfall" only one way.

  • Option 2 - Hairstyle with French braids

First on the Makushka, it is necessary to separate the middle strand of the hair and start tackling from it the usual loose braid. Next, when several links are made, you need to take on a small strand on each side and start them to climb into the braid.

After a few weaves, it is first to repeat everything - again start wearing a simple braid, and then "French". At the end of weaving, the hair is fixed with a transparent elastic, and then a little ripple and carefully pull out strands, giving a fashionable "natural-negligent" view. So that such a weaving lasted as long as possible, it is necessary to take advantage of the varnish of strong fixation.

  • Option 3 - Hairstyles with braid "Fish Tail"

Spit "Fish Tail" or "Spikelets" is considered one of the most unusual and beautiful types of braids. This type of weaving is well suited for thin and non-needed hair, as the braid looks more voluminous than the classic one.

Welcome "Fish Tail" is quite easy - the hair needs to be divided into two parts, from which smaller strands are separated on the sides and alternately intertwined. The varieties of hairstyles with such a weaving are a set - braid can be braid on the side, and you can simply decorate your hairstyle with a small element with such a weaving.

Wreath Hair for Knowledge Day

For young schoolgirls, a good alternative to bans will be such an interesting and unusual hairstyle. This laying is even suitable for short curls and looks very cute!

  1. Comb hair on the side sample;
  2. In the circumference of the head from left to right you need to make small tails and secure them with subtle rubber bands. Tails on the temples need to be arranged higher, and the nape is on the contrary, forming the position of the wreath on the head.
  3. Next, you need to wrap the two fingers with a tail, carefully remove the resulting ring and consolidate it on your head with the help of invisible with floral decor.
  4. Next, repeat this action with all the tails.

It is not necessary to braid such a "wreath" throughout the head, "Flowers" can be made only on the sides, and the rest of the curls twist and assemble in the tail at the nape.

Unusual beam with ribbons

A bundle with a special "bagel" inside has long won the hearts of schoolgirls! This stylish hairstyle looks quite modestly and restrained, suitable for business style and looks good on thin hair. You can diversify this bundle using decorative studs and hairpins, but this method is guaranteed to be in the spotlight!

  1. First you need to comb your hair, to separate a thin strand on the painter.
  2. Secure a strand of fine rubber band and then tie 6 satin ribbons to it.
  3. All hair carefully assemble in a high tail in such a way that the tapes are inside.
  4. Take the tail through the "Bublik" and distribute the hair with ribbons around it so that the tapes are on top of the strands. Fix the hairstyle with a fine rubber band.
  5. From the remaining ends of strands and ribbons, you can braid a thin pigtack, wrap it with a beam and secure invisible or studs.
  6. Finished beam decorate with rhinestones in the fastening of pigtails. Or brave the ends of the hair without ribbons, but to tie them in a beautiful bow.

Festive tail on September 1

Konsky tail - ordinary everyday hairstyle for many girls. But in honor of the Day of Knowledge, you can make this ordinary hairstyle quite suitable for the holiday. There are several ways to give the tail more solemn view. The simplest thing is to tie a high tail, sculpt the catch in beautiful curls of the hair ends, and to give the volume the strands need to be a little. In order for the high tail for a long time and not slipped, it is necessary to fix it at the desired height of invisible, as demonstrated in the photo below.

The final barcode is to sprinkle a brush for hair and, combing straight back, carefully smooth her hair for giving a festive gloss.

Unusual beams for school

  • Option 1 - Simple beam

A simple hairstyle that, however, looks very fashionable. For a beam, it is necessary to carefully comb your hair and apply a fixing gel or foam on them. Then you need to collect all your hair in a tall tail and put on it a special "bagel".

If there is no such, the bulk of hair is perfectly suitable. Distribute evenly all hair around the bagel, and make a pigtail from the remaining tips or just hide them under the bubble. Hairstyle is ready! To give a festive view, you can attach a bright flower or a beautiful bargain with rhinestones to the base.

  • Option 2 - a beam with curly hair

Another spectacular version of the festive laying, which looks good on the hair of medium length. This bundle is simply created for the owners of cute curls! But even if the hair is naturally straight and smooth, it is not a reason to deny yourself in such a romantic laying. Beautiful curls can be easily done, taking advantage of forceps. Then curled strands should be carefully rocked by their hands so that they look natural. Next on the back of the head collect the hair with a rubber band in a free tail.

It is not necessary to pull them hard, this laying must be air. Now you need to form a free bundle and fix it with a spree or one more elastic. To complete this hairstyle, you need to release a couple of thin strands from the face, it gives charm and looks very cute.

  • Option 3 - Elegant beam with pigtail

A simple beam can also be diversified by weaving. The photo presents a hairstyle with the inverse French scythe, but it will be good to look like a common weaving and a fishe tail.

You need to start weave the pigtail on one side of the selected way, at the end it must be fixed with a rubber band. The rest of the hair must be tied in the tail on the side and form a bunch using a bagel. Braided braid wrap at the base of the beam, the finished laying is fixed using invisible or barracks with rhinestones.

Bow of hair

This interesting and very elegant hairstyle will appeal both to high school students and very young student. So that such laying does not fall apart during the holiday, it is necessary to apply a large number of fixing foams on the hair.

Next, the hair needs to comb well a brush for smoothness and assemble in the tail on the top of the top. Hair does not need to pull out of the gum to the end, the loop should turn out. Separate the resulting loop into two equal parts, and the remaining tail close the gum in the middle. The ends of the hair gently hide inside the hairstyle and the bow is ready! The hairstyle looks completely complete, but if you really want to choose a pretty decoration to her too.

Leave your hair away on the day of knowledge is still not worth it. It is not welcome in many educational institutions and, in general, does not correspond to school style. But in honor of the holiday, students are allowed a more elegant image. And if you really want to show long hair in all its glory, then it is better to put them in neat curls and fasten the hairpin. Easy carelessness in the hairstyle emphasizes the naturalness and delicate taste of young fashionable, especially if it is harmoniously combined with the overall style of the image.

The beginning of the school year is a heavy transition from a wonderful rest to the labor weekdays. French representatives, regardless of age and class, in which they transfers, want to look good. Fashionable hairstyles on September 1, dresses and other attributes of clothing are considered in advance.

How to choose a hairstyle

An elegant dress, beautiful shoes not yet, which will help to highlight the young person from the crowd. A large role in this is designated beautiful, neat and at the same time an elegant hairstyle. To the selection of hairstyles on September 1, it is necessary to approach extremely scrupulous, as it should not only harmoniously fit into the image that has chosen fashionable, but also emit an extreme restraint, emphasize that she decorates the children's holiday. Of course, too screaming, catchy hairstyles on September 1 for girls under the ban.

In order to make beautiful hairstyles on September 1, very by the way will be the use of all kinds of white, cream, dairy bows, ribbons, studs and clips, which will not leave the shadow of doubt that this is a grand festive event. Important when stopping their choice on a certain hairstyle will be the age category of the girl and, in fact, the longitude of the hair. Consider some of the ideas of hairstyles on September 1st.

Short haircuts

At the moment, short-sided hair is very popular. The only minus short haircut is a small number of options for their decoration to the holiday. To make at least some kind of diversity will help using hairstyles on September 1 to short hair of a variety of hoars, clips, bows and other accessories.

Different haircut variations can be obtained by using the use of hairs to fit: mousses, gels, foam, products using varnish, wax and other. In addition, you can take advantage of the catch, bigwoods, hairdryer. Make such a hairstyle more festive will help lightly nobody or charming jug.

Middle Length Hair Laying

Much freely flight of fantasy when working with medium length hair. From such hair you can build a bundle, stick in the form of a shell, combed one side or up. And how beautiful hair looks beautifully, pre-curled with a curl, beautifully straightened either decorated with a decorative surge. Beautifully and at the same time stylishly, they look hairstyles on September 1 to medium hair, decorated with all sorts of weaves and pigtails, which currently have a lot of varieties.

Weaving hair

To create this hairstyle, it is necessary to stock up with thin rubber bands, hairpins and everything that can decorate the hair, which will make a wrath into hairstyle. First you need to portray the sample from any side, as a carved. Safety of the frontal area with the right side shall be divided into three equal parts and make one link of weaving a simple moster option, then the strand on the left is set from under the extreme over the middle and put in front of the right from the edge, which forms two pairs of strands. Then the temporal strand of the hair is raised under the right of the edge, before the secondary and combined with the one that is at the left edge. Next again take strand on the left and so to the end continue in the same spirit.

An important nuance is the ability to make subsequent weaving wider. In the center of the head of the head of the head, they fit strands to recreate a convex design, followed by weaving on the opposite side and also fit strands, fixing it with rubber band.

Similar actions are repeated from the opposite side, producing consolidation by invisibility. In conclusion, gum removes, fixing weaving, smoothed the released ends and placed decorations.

Hairstyle on September 1 in the first class

A hairstyle will look very cute on September 1, made in a romantic style. For its design it is necessary to purchase invisible, studs and different decorations.

So, strands of the hair are well combed and stirred on both sides of the head, forming a sample in the center. Further from strands near the forehead and the temporal part are harvested. The bottom is also selected, connecting from the first and twisting a couple of times to the center, then one more, periodically it is necessary to fix them with spills. The same work is carried out from the opposite side of the head. The hairs that got out at the same time, heal the hairpin. In addition, the resulting basket is decorated with rim, ribbon and other.

Hairstyles for long-haired

There is a mass of hairstyles that can be made of long hair. So, now very attractive began to look hairstyles on September 1 for long hair thanks to the pissing pigs in them in different levels and symmetry.

Perfectly suitable for the solemn line beautiful hairstyle on September 1 for girls 5, 6, 7, grade 8 represented by beams, interestingly decorated tails and others.


In order to make a neat beam behind, you need to select a certain amount of hair from the central part of the pattern and make a tail from them. The remaining hair is divided into strands so that in the end, they form the vertices of the triangular shape, they attach them to rubber bands. Next, each vertex is divided into two components.

Neighboring strands twisted into the harness on the right side, make mergers and make another harness, twisting it into the left side. The hair decorated in the harness is done under a rubber tilt, located in the center part. Similarly come with the remaining strands. After the end of the process, strand of hair is distinguished from the tail and have it in the middle and index finger. The tip of the loop, which has been formed at the same time, are taught under the gum and align its longitude. The same thing in the circular is done with the remaining hair.


Pretty lugu can be done by starting with the formation of a smooth probor. Further, adhering to the rules of symmetry, with both sides from the temporal side towards ear sinks, are selected strands and divide each of them for another three strands. Starting from the first part, they carry out their gradual twisting, constantly introducing additional strands. The same is done with the remaining sideways. The hair, which remained on the back of the head, shall be divided into the tails with the addition of three previously twisted flagella, fixing them with rubber band. The resulting tail is tightened into the rut, fixing with thin rubber band and flowing down defective places. You can add hairstyle with bows, sparkling spiers or stick a beautiful hairpin.

For grade 11

Original hairstyles on September 1 for grade grade 11 can be represented by interesting beams or styling in the form of a slightly loose hair.

Elegant beam

For the hair of the middle length of the graduates, it is remarkably suitable for an elegantly laid beams, for incarnation in the reality of which there will be a gum, studs fixing the lacquer. First of all, large strands of hair curl round curls, then separated lateral hair, and those that remained - binding the tail, and form lateral hair from it, with the help of inverse French braids, fasten the beam above.


The hair presented in the form of a bow looks very cute. To create such a hairstyle, the upper part of the hair is collected in the tail, which is settled in two equal parts and is fixed with a rubberry. Separate and assemble the top of the hair. The resulting loop is divided equally, fixed and straightened. The edge of the hair remaining free, direct to the top, at the same time, at the same time, the hairs at the beginning of the gum and introduced into the resulting hole.


There is no mystery in what has long been among the students there is a tradition to make hairstyles with bows on September 1. Classic are side tails decorated with huge bows. In the modern world, fashionista strive to decorate with bows a variety of bundles.

To create such beauty, the tail is highly tied, from which the pigtail is formed, wrapped at the root of the tail, make the beams from it, fixing with the help of studs. Further, on the back of the head in the area, they take strand, go under her a joke with a ribbon to earn it and pull out that the tape remains in strands, then again take strand and do the same procedure. As a result, the ribbon is obscured the entire bundle, then take another ribbon and everything is repeated again. Under the base, the beam is attached to a beautiful bow.

To recreate another hairstyle, which is based on the beams, we form a tail again, creating a pigtail from it, drove by the root, climb the hairpins and decorate to your liking.
Of course, these are not all the options for hairstyles that can be applied to celebrate on September 1, these are only the main base of their varieties, further variations will be prompting fantasy and the preferences of young students.

Fashionable hairstyles for the first September for girls photo:

The first school line for students going to the first class is a special and festive event, therefore it is necessary to look appropriately. After all, on September 1, at school, this is not only the beginning of a new stage in the child's life, but also the day of knowledge, a day of acquaintance with the first teacher, with classmates. It is necessary to look with the needle, and the festive hairstyle plays a latter role. We offer the best ideas for hairstyles on September 1 for long hair in grade 1, as well as step-by-step photos of hairstyles and the description of the technology of their execution.

Probably, the tradition of doing hairstyles with white bows on the head has already been rooted in the world of first-graders just like to wear red tape graduates. After all, it is white lush bows that emphasize the solemnity of the moment and help to collect her hair tidy and beautiful.

A beautiful hairstyle can be sewn independently.

One of the most classic hairstyles on September 1 for long hair in grade 1 are two high tails, on top of which bows are attached or tied. Make such a hairstyle as simple as possible, and it will not leave for its creation more than 10 minutes. Despite the ease of execution of such hairstyles, several nuances should be taken into account:

1. The sample needs to be made as even as possible so that the tails looked harmoniously. And with one and on the other side, the probor should be about equal to the amount of hair so that one tail does not look thick of the other.

2. Best of all the high tails of weave those first-graders who have long and thick hair, because on such hair two tails hold best, and certainly will not be dissolved during the entire event. If the hair is not sufficient enough, then it is better to make tails down, otherwise during the ruler, one tail is simply "to move" to the bottom, and the hairstyle will lose not only its symmetry, but also a beautiful appearance.

3. The base of the tail can be consolidated by a bow, it is best to choose such bows that are attached with the help of a hairpin. They do not lose their pomp, unlike bows that are tied, they do not need to constantly correct and keep them very firmly, hiding gum that hold tails.

Another variation of such a classic for the first September is two pigtails. And here bows can be changed on white ribbons, which are woven into the hair, in the end, not everyone likes the bows. You can weave both standard braids and French braids, or pigtails "Fish Tail."

This is what the scheme of creating a French spit looks like:

And this photo presents the technology of creating braids "Fish Tail":

And so these amazing hairstyles in reality look like:

An alternative to "trailed" bans can be a beautiful bow from their own hair. Hairstyle get beautiful and harmonious only if the girl has very thick hair. The fact is that from thin hair, the bow will be not lush and ultimately fall apart, whatever means for fastening the hair you would use.

In the photo you can see step-by-step instructions, how to make such a hairstyle on September 1 for long hair in grade 1:

In fact, the hairstyle is much easier than it seems in the photo, and it takes very little time, so to the beginning of the line you can definitely have time!

Hairstyles with weaving elements

The more interesting is the hairstyle - the more solemn it looks! Moreover, in order to create an unusual and amazing image with its first-grader, it is not necessary to apply to the services of a hairdresser. After all, in fact, most hairstyles can be made independently, it is very easy, just need to be asleep a little patience and show agility and ingenuity, but the rest will help fixing hair styling!

You can diversify a strict school hairstyle with various weaves. Here is a description of one of the weaving options:

1. All hair must be divided into two parts. From each part of the hair, on the sides, it is necessary to separate a thin strand of curls and weave the standard pigtail from it, the tail can be used as medium strands.
2. Those curls that were not involved in the weaving of the braids should be divided into two parts. The right side of the pigtails need to be overwhelmed with the right half of the hair. At the same time, the free part of the hair should be accurately stretching between weaving.
3. On the left side it is necessary to do a similar procedure.
4. All the tips that are formed after such a weaving should be collected together into a bundle and secure with fine silicone gum or studs.

Look at how unusual and diverse looks hairstyles with weaving elements!

One more weaving

On September 1, in grade 1, you can make a beautiful lulk or tail, decorate the bidding over the contour of the face to the top. The process of creating such a hairless, but not difficult, if you clearly follow the instructions:
1. The horizontal surgery should be divided by the whole mass of the hair into two equal parts.
2. Hair that go along the contour of the face should be carefully divided by a subtle tip of combs on the section, while fixing the silicone transparent rubber band. Here the main thing is to watch the strands that are divided into sections were symmetrical, otherwise the hairstyle will look ugly.
3. Each formed tail in the section should be divided into two equal parts and combine from a silicone rubber with two spars that are located on both sides of the tail.
4. Extreme strands of the section should not be divided into two equal parts, they are connected entirely with adjacent strands.
5. Next, it is necessary to continue to weave the grid of such a length that the hair allowed, not forgetting about the symmetry and the distance between the rubberbers.
6. When weaving is completed, you need to collect your hair into the tail and leave them with a leaning, or this tail is twisted, or tie into the bundle.

Also, a beautiful beam can be diversified by French scythe, which woves somewhat differently than the classic version of this hairstyle.

1. The baby's head should be tilted forward so that all hair hang over the face, and in such a form of curls should be carefully combed.
2. We must weave the French braid by the same scheme as in the classic version, but the weaving begins on the nape, on the ears line.
3. A wide strand should be divided into three small, start weave braid: side strands crossed over average, with each new binder you need to pick up new strands on both sides.
4. When the pigtail is ready, a horse tail should be made on the top. It is necessary to wear a special bagel for a beam, picking up an accessory on the color of the hair, the ends of the tail need to wrap around this bagel.
5. To decorate the hairstyle can be bunted, ribbons, studs with beautiful elements on the tip or even fresh flower.

So the French braid, on the contrary, it looks like a bunch of reality:

Bundle of hair with a bustard side

You can do not just make a bow of hair, but a beautiful tidy beam, from the side of which the bow, made from the hair, will be born.

The execution technique of this hairstyle can be seen on the video: