Passionate kisses of adolescents.

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The first love is the cleanest and sincere feeling, this is a condition when you feel happy from one touch of hands with your loved one. It is she who brings a lot of grief of adolescents, who every day meet with a girl who loves, walk with her under handle and escape to the house, but they are not solved to kiss her for the first time.

It is believed that before the first kiss only timid and shy young men worried, who have knees and palm palm From one touch of hands with his beloved girl. In fact, every decent and educated guy experiences excitement and some fear of the first kiss. It is such love that leaves unforgettable pleasant memories for life and just such a guy, and not the one who is skillfully kiss a girl on the first date, remains in the memory of many women the most extraordinary, gentle and beautiful man in the world.

So do not hurry with the first kiss, wait, when the girl herself will ready to him. The greatest mistakes make those guys who want to seduce the girl on the first date and offer her to kiss or even to have sex. Such actions will not help you if your goal you like a young girl. They may even be the reason that your beloved will put the cross on the future perspective of your relationship.

To understand what time has come kiss A girl, be attentive. When you walk together with a girl under the hand, try while talking to look straight into her eyes. If she does not assign a look and with love I look at you, then this is a sign that she is ready for the first kiss. To begin with, come closer to her, hug it and try to tilt my head to her face so that she realize that you want to kiss her. If she does not take her head, the kiss first in his hair, neck, cheek, and only then gently touch his lips in her lips.

The first kiss is the first victory. After all, it is through her a real breakthrough in a relationship with a girl. If you managed to kiss the girl, then this means that you deserve her attention, sympathy and trust. The first kiss is a real breakthrough in a relationship, but it may be the last, if you do not know how to kiss the girl in the lips.

As the famous folk proverb says: "The first pancake is always com." No matter how bold and was not a guy, kiss the girl "like in the movie" for the first time he will not succeed. Kiss technician needs to learn and train. Nothing terrible if you kissed the girl from the first time only on the cheek, and you did not work in a passionate kiss my lips. Experience comes over the years, the main thing to make the first attempt and do not stop practicing, then the day will come that day when you can deliver fabulous pleasure Girl with a simple kiss.

Kiss is merger Two loving hearts. The main component of it is mutual desire. The kiss should be sincere, that is, expressing your true love for the girl. In addition, it is desirable, before the first time you kiss the girl, carefully prepare for this responsible moment.

Going on a date, do not forget to thoroughly clean your teeth and language to smell from the mouth It was pleasant, and the kiss is fresh. If you sing something acute, containing onion or garlic, then to a meeting with a girl a refreshing breath with chewing elastic or mint candy. But chewing a chewing boot during a date, it is, firstly, not culturally, secondly, chewing contributes to the excessive selection of saliva, which there should be a lot during a kiss.

During the first kiss you can not allow any free sexual movements, all touches and affection should be slow and careful. Only your lips are participating in the first kisses that gently touch the Gubam Girls, as if you try a very tasty dessert. Your lips are slightly disclosed, each movement is retracting and pleasant. At the first kisses, it is not necessary to hug a girl tightly and work with the language. Hands I. language Do not actively participate in the first kisses.

It is allowed to start your fingers in hair Girls touch their hands to her cheek and wrapping her waist. Move hands B. chest areas, hips and intimate places makes the girl to alert, and during the first kiss she should be relaxed and feeling sincere pleasure. Usually the first kiss lasts no more than one minute, at the end of it in no case are not shy and not red. Keep your girlfriend and chisper the tender words on her ear. Perceive a kiss as a convenient moment for recognizing in love, as a challenge.

Do not worry if your first kiss turned out awkward and uncertain. Continue to train and with the subsequent contacts of the lips with the girl, give them a more passionate shade. For example, in contact with the mouth of a girl's mouth or affectionately biting her lip. With such a kisses, "goosebumps" run through the body and a powerful appears sexy Energy Between lovers, which does not give them a long time to break away from each other.

No experience is not a drawback, it is an advantage!

If you are interested in this question, then you are most likely 12 years old or so. At such age, young people and girls begin to interest everything as concerning personal relationship. That is, it is interesting, of course, begins earlier, but purely theoretically. Now it comes time to conduct practical experiences. For all the approval of the elders that at this time it is too early to think about all nonsense, young people, to put it mildly, does not pay attention. She wants to learn, wants to know life from all sides, and the tips of old people to her completely nothing. However, to some tips, it would be necessary to listen to some tips, especially since the "old people" have great knowledge not only in the sciences and other boring things, but also in the "the most" issues.

Who will help?

So, if you really want to know how to kiss for 12 years, video and movies will not help you at all. There adult heroes play scenarios prescribed by adult uncles and aunts. Of course, they have long forgotten, which feels a teenager who is preparing for his first kiss. And this teenager feels, most likely, fear, indecision and insecurity. True, this uncertainty is most often covered by rude and brighted behavior, which turns the young man or a girl in a perfect child.

There would be a girl, and the teacher always exists

The lack of experience is not a flaw, it is an advantage. First of all, it concerns, of course, girls. In no case cannot be "adding" to yourself, remember: all adult women, on the contrary, are trying to pretend that they are familiar with the art of a kiss and other arts only at first. Men understand everything literally, and if you pretend that everyone knows, they will relate to you, respectively, and then do not wait for gentle confessions, romantic touchs and other attributes of beautiful love. When entering adult life, be very careful, especially if you deal with a partner who is older than you. Of course, he will tell how to learn to kiss for 12 years, however, think: will he want to stop at this? Are you ready for real feelings and relationships? If you have a drop of doubt, then do not hurry, wait at least two or three years.

If the girl traditions prescribe to be romantic and inexperienced, then from a young man, no matter how many years old, a girlfriend is waiting for decisive and skillful actions. That is why guys are so strive to learn how to kiss for 12 years. The video, of course, can teach how to properly approach the girl how to hug her how to behave during and after a kiss. However, no one will tell you what to tell the first touch on the ear, how gentle should be the first touch, how to convince the girl in what exactly she is the only one that you have been waiting for all my life. Girls, oddly enough, possess different characters. If the guy, thinking about how to do everything right, asked the Council from an experienced comrade, then the answer received would be very surprised. The fact is that there are no uniform rules, as there is no universal recipe in order to please. Love is not mathematics, it is a very difficult science, to comprehend that we are destined throughout your life. Therefore, dear guys, smaller think about how to do everything perfect, look for your recipes.

Love is not mathematics, it is a very difficult science, to comprehend that we are destined throughout your life.

Just kiss, live and enjoy communication with girlfriends. And for the girls to prefer you to others, try to see them, first of all people, try to find out what they wonder what they dream about.

A little physiology

Kiss is not only a movement of the soul, this is a physiological act, a kind of prelude to this love. It requires not only spiritual attitude, but also preparation. If you want to know everything about it, and you are going to start practical classes, do not forget to take care of hygiene. Ammbre, woven from the fume, the aroma of unclean teeth and the smell of garlic can destroy the most tender attachment. By the way, the smell of sweat also does not contribute to love. While kissing people exchange a huge number of bacteria, so take care that these bacteria are at least clean.

In the head of an inexperienced teenager, the thought is constantly sitting that nothing will happen, as well as the fear of doing something wrong and thereby scare up the beloved. The main thing is to discard all doubts and understand that the ability comes only with practice. Kiss - the process of physiological, this skill is not trained in school or courses. The main thing is to feel your partner, feel the warmth of his lips and try to delight yourself and him. The kiss should not be obsessive, rude. No need to make the lips like a sandwich.

Film training

You can learn how to correctly on the films, now such frank scenes are not uncommon and they are shown with all the details. You can reconsider the episode several times, and then proceed to training. A simple kiss looks like a short lip touch. You can start with this, and then gradually complicate, add new elements. Lips can be slightly unwound before the kiss, capture partner's lips between them. It is a kiss is a means of expressing gentle feelings between loving people. Kisses are different: friendly, farewell, passionate, cold.

If the young man or a girl does not have a person with whom it would be possible to practice, then you can use your hand. When it comes to a real kiss, you need to discard the excitement, because it can pass the girl like a chain reaction, and then the first attempt fails.

Of course, more pleasant to kiss soft, smooth lips, and not dry and with cracks. Therefore, it is important to monitor their condition, prevent youth. Use hygienic lipstick.

Kiss with tongue

You do not need to take on the role of a vacuum cleaner and suck the lips inside, it can scare and cause pain. You can put the language into the move, carefully penetrate them into the partner's mouth and a little "play" there. Such a kiss is called French. You can gently clam the partner's lips, thereby hinting on a kiss, if the hint was not understood, it means that an attempt is better to leave up to better times. During the kiss you can close your eyes to feel all the sweetness of the moment. There are both hands that help hold the partner at the desired distance. You can stroke your hair or gently touch the face.
To make a kiss, you need to take the right pose. Partners must be as close as possible. Head is better to stick on the side so as not to interfere with the nose.

The kiss is considered the most passionate. It is important not to replay, but to behave naturally. It is necessary to take a deep breath and literally to dock into the lips, get sick them and slightly sucking, as if you can't get enough.

How to kiss adolescents?

We are looking for information

The method is the first and, in all likelihood, the most effective is to see how teenagers kiss. Video on the Internet is available to everyone. To date, on the Internet, you can find a great many of all sorts of videos with the most detailed explanations, how to kiss to teenagers. We will dwell on some of the details of this intimate process.

  1. What to do and what is better not to try to do with tongue and lips while kissing
    • Many adolescents, in the hope of implementing a French kiss, very deeply shove the language to their partner in the mouth. So it is better not to do. At first, it is better to kiss without using the language, and the rest will come with experience.
  2. What to do and what not to do with hands while kissing
    • During the kissing hands is an auxiliary element. If you're a kiss when you meet, the strong embrace is well complemented by your intentions. And if for goodbye, it is better to stroke the neck or waist, so that the partner had a desire to meet more. If the relationship is not very close, then it's not worth dispersed.
  3. How to make your nose prevented you kissing
    • So that the nose neither interfere with kissing, slightly tilt the head with a kiss.
  4. Do I need to say something before, during and after a kiss
    • During the kiss, it is not possible to say, of course, only if you try, but it will look at least ridiculous. Before the kiss, you can say some pleasant thing that the partner subconsciously switches from his thoughts to a positive way. Then a smile and a happy person after such a kiss is provided.
  5. Do you need to publish any sounds while kissing
    • the kiss time is not necessary to publish some sounds. But after a kiss, you can publish a sweet moan, as if we tried, something is very tasty and say a compliment, with whom they were kissed.

You can also find a variety of text information on this topic in books, magazines, on the Internet. But this option has such a lack of a lack of clarity.

Learn in practice

Another way out of the situation is to ask the peers that you like, teach you the art of a kiss. Of course, it is necessary to decide. After all, it is not just not easy to confess to a person who you like that you do not know how to kiss. But, on the other hand, the person to whom you show sympathy and trust such a delicate thing will definitely please help you. And it will most likely decide that if you have turned to him for help, it will certainly mean that he (or she) is a professional and knows how to kiss it correctly. This (or her) is precisely pollen.

In any case, if you want to learn how to kiss, you will definitely learn! Nowhere to hurry, because there is still a whole life, complete new discoveries and great love. Good luck!