Wedding tradition and customs. Wedding journey - the period of knowledge of each other. Classic wedding traditions

The wedding is one of the main events in the life of every person. Over time, wedding traditions have changed, and the roots of certain rituals were lost. However, some modern wedding rituals carry in themselves the power of a truly connecting two people in a happy family.

Since ancient times, wedding signs and traditions were attached great importance: the wedding was considered and still considered an event connecting the hearts and the souls of two people for the rest of his life. Different countries have absolutely dissimilar traditions that still have one goal: to emphasize the moment of reuniting two loving people and leave memories for life.

Wedding rites of the world

In each country, there are their own customs that have been forming for several centuries and turning out of generation to generation. And although modern weddings differ significantly from ancient traditions, the roots of wedding rituals remain unchanged.

For example, young people in India still do not play the wedding until they make sure that their horoscopes are compatible. Checking the personal horoscopes of the bride and groom - a whole ritual: a family astrologer coarses the natal cards, starting from the earliest years of future spouses. If the horoscope is young suitable for each other, permission is given for marriage. If not, the desire to create a family can be met with disapproval.

The wedding rite itself in India has the highest sacral meaning: the Hindus believe that marriage binds two beloved not one, but for as many lives. Is it worth saying that the selection of a spouse or spouse in this country is suitable incredibly serious?

This attitude gives its fruits: the Institute of Marriage in India is extremely strong. Divorces - a phenomenon from a series of outgoing and happens only in families of the so-called "lower" layers of society.

In the same way, marriage in China: the groom makes a proposal, but it does not go further until the horoscopes of young people check for love compatibility. If the horoscope is suitable for each other, the engagement is considered a prisoner, and a fortune teller comes into the house of the bride to learn the favorable date of the future celebration. The wedding itself takes three or more of a day, and the bride must change at least three different dresses, reincarnated from the unmarried girl in a family woman.

Wedding rites in Russia

The wedding in our homeland also implies a large number of traditions and ritual actions coming from the old days. For example, a tradition to sprinkle newlyweds with a fast and throw them under the feet small coins "For Happiness" there is no longer one century. Wedding loaf turned into a large cake that cuts young so that the overall farming is strong.

The tradition to arrange a bachelorette party and a bachelor party exists in many countries, but it is in Russia that it is paid so much attention. Farewell to idle - an important attribute of any wedding: we believe that only sorting goodbye to your idle status in a circle of friends or girlfriends, we will be able to start a new, happy family life.

The color of the bride dress, her veil and the suit of the groom underwent significant changes: the modern tradition to marry in a white dress exists only since Catherine II, which for the first time in history put such a divergent outfit. Before that, the bride dresses were red: it was the blood color that symbolized the transition of a girl into a married woman's status.

The clothes of the groom also changed to unrecognizable: a strict black or white costume entered the fashion not so long ago. In Russia, a man, handling a wedding, traditionally dressed in richly embanking a shirt, ports and caftan. Over time, the costume was modified and gradually came to the modern version of the festive dress.

Another excellent modern tradition unites all countries and times. When registering a marriage, the groom is consistently kisses his bride, thereby stating its rights to it and showing others that from now on his heart, body and soul belong to only one woman - his young wife. Answering a kiss, the bride speaks about the same, confirming and bonding the verbal oath.

The tradition of throwing a bouquet of the bride during a festive banquet at a modern wedding is borrowed from European countries and completely new. Throwing a bouquet, the bride passes its status with another girl with a random lot. It is believed that the girlfriend caught a bouquet does not have the right to refuse if she will soon make a sentence: rejecting him, she rejects his fate itself.

Beat the dishes of newlyweds - a recent custom: it is believed that in this way the new family will embarrass himself from the evil eye and curse, and also decisively shows that it is ready for a new life together. On the shards from the plates are guessing how the floor will be a child: large fragments point to the boy, and small ones on the girl.

Although the modern wedding in Russia is very different from the wedding rites of Slavs, the marriage has retained the main meaning: the relationship of two people who loving each other for life and responsibility for the decision. We wish you a happy family life, love and joy. Be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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Modern wedding customs and traditions in Russia

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Wedding traditions ................................................................4

Wedding Signs ............................................................... ..8

What month to marry ..........................................................12

Sources .............................................................................13

Wedding traditions

The tradition of "issuing" the daughter of marrying together with dowry was born in Holland. So consider German ethnographers historians. There is a legend that one girl from a rich family fell in love with a simple miller. Of course, parents were against such a marriage, persuaded, convinced that she would not last long on bread and water. However, the girl was unshakable, and left, what was to her beloved.

Lovers decided to modestly celebrate this celebration, invited close friends and relatives. At the wedding, all invited came not with empty hands, but with gifts. All carried what could be useful to young in the farm. Who is aware, who are bedding, who is money. All wanted that the life of the young began happily and lasted for a long time. Since then, they say, it is not customary to come to the wedding.

When did you try to give each other rings? Ring - This is not prejudice, because by exchanging rings, young gives a vow of complete unity and loyalty to each other. Already in ancient Egypt, newlyweds exchanged rings. This meant that they conclude an alliance to death. The Egyptians firmly believed that if the ring was put on the middle finger of the left hand, then it is possible to keep love in the hearts of each other for a long time. So this tradition in the eastern peoples has survived until today.

Something old, new, brought, blue . There is an old English sign that at the wedding there must be something old, new, taken borrowed and blue. This started in Victorian times and since then many brides are trying to dress in accordance with the tradition. Something old symbolizes the connection with the family of the bride, the world and wisdom in marriage. Many brides are put on some old family jewelry. Something new symbolizes the luck and success of the new life of the bride. Something taken loan reminds the bride that her friends and family members will always be there if their help is needed, this thing can be taken from a married woman, happy in marriage with a blessing for a good family life. Something blue is (both the pagans and Christians) means love, modesty, loyalty. It is usually a garter.

Most consider the best custom bring the bride into the house . He appeared as a result of the faith in the fact that the bride is a lackless piece for evil forces, evil eye and damage. Once it does not go on the ground, it means that it is not here now.

Custom beat dishes on happiness during a wedding . It can be called international. On the second day of the wedding in Russian villages began to beat clay pots. In addition, the broken pot was considered proof of the chastity of the bride, but if the pot remained whole, there was a poor girl tightly. After all, to dissuade others that it is honest, it was very difficult. And in general, it was believed: the more fragments, the more happiness. Custom break dishes on happiness existed not only in Russia. So, in Yorkshire (England) still exists a tradition to break the dish. He is given to the bridegroom, there are pieces of wedding cakes. The groom should throw this dish through the head of the bride. And the kids must quickly snatch pieces of cake. The more broken pieces of dishes, the more happiness will be young.

Custom ribbon . He came to us from Europe. In fact: it is already echoing more ancient tradition. The fact is that there were so-called "bows". It was in the XVII-XIX centuries. The bride to the church was accompanied by several boys with rosemary (bride flower) and unbelled bows on the sleeves. It was believed that they were the guarantee of a happy marriage. You are not enough bows - these are narrow strips of tapes that were tied on the sleeves. Later, the bride ceased to adhere to this custom, but the value of the ribbons were still given. Began to hang ribbons on cars.

Abduction of the bride . This custom existed from Russian Slavs. For example, Vyatichi and Northerners had games of "Mezhie villages": during games, songs and dance men chose brides and taught to themselves. Expression itself Play Wedding Reminds Ancient Games, which began to purchase brides. This rite was not forgotten thanks to a serfal law rooted in Russia. As in Scotland, where the right of the first marriage night belonged to the British sovereign, we have the right to the first wedding night belonged to Barina (nobleman, Pan), sometimes (quite often) the grooms opposed this custom and the Barsky chops simply stole the bride right in the midst of the walk. If the groom was pretty worthwhile, the barin could offer a redemption for the bride. With the abolition of serfdom, it became a cheerful tradition.

The bride's bouquet . It is believed that throwing a wedding bouquet is a purely American custom, although some experts suggest that Americans spied this rite at Jewish weddings. At the end of the wedding evening by tradition, the bride throws his bouquet to the crowd of unmarried girls. That who will catch this bouquet next will marry.

Loaf . Always newlyweds met parents with carabic and salt. Why? This ritual his roots leads from the ancient civilization of Egypt. The ancient Egyptians are so extinguished by bread, which was indicated in the letter of its same hieroglyph as gold. And it is not by chance. After all, bread is a symbol of abundance and material well-being. Therefore, it is not by chance of newlyweds meet bread and salt. But in this case there are special bread! The loaf necessarily decorate wheat ears, personifying well-being and prosperity in the family. On Karava, the leaves of viburnum are always baked - a symbol of family knife. And it's not by chance that the loaf are decorated with two woven rings, as the symbols of loyalty to each other. Ring has no beginning, no end. This is a symbol of infinity, eternal love.

What is a rite when the groom removes garter with the legs of the bride ? Just as the bride throws his bouquet to unmarried friends, the groom throws the bride from the feet of the garter to his idle friends. Similarly, by challenging the first one who cares her.

Custom binding two bottles . In the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the wedding party, the witnesses tie two bottles of champagne in the middle or at the end of the wedding party, witnesses tie two champagne bottles. The first bottle is drunk on the first anniversary of the wedding, and the second is on the birthday of the firstborn.

Tradition sprinkle young Only came out of the registry office with grain, rose petals, money and sweets. This is done in order for the union to be durable, prolific, rich and sweet.

Newlywed Kiss This beautiful wedding custom has a sacramental meaning. The kiss unites the souls of the young into a single whole. And if the kiss takes pleasure, the bride and the bride "declare" to all those present about their unification in one family. The relationship of young people before the wedding was extremely chaste, so it is very important in this rite what it happens during parents and guests.

Wedding cake - A symbol of abundance, good luck in marriage. The form most often round, like the sun - a symbol of light, joy, happy life.

Honeymoon. In ancient times, the groom, who stood out of her parents, tried, for quite understandable reasons, to take her away ... It was the first honeymoon. The name itself came up with Teutons, an ancient German tribe. After the wedding ceremony, the guests drank a honey drink until the moon began to decrease.

Wedding signs

If one witness married on the other, then the marriage of witnesses will fall apart.

If the wedding witnesses are divorced, it is to divorce a couple of marriage.

Wedding rings to measure anyone do neither before nor after the wedding.

And the bride and the bride must be consolidated on the clothes the English pin head down from the evil eye. Bride on the hem of dresses, the groom where the boutonniere, but so that the pin was not visible.

The bride bouquet of the bride should not let out of the hands throughout the day. In an emergency, you can hold a bouquet of a bridegroom or mother. Only on the wedding banquet can be put on the table in front of him.

When leaving the house to the wedding / registration, it is desirable to be a veil from the evil eye. When she enters the house of celebrations or to church, if desired, the veil can be folded.

After the bridegroom put on the bride, the wedding ring, nor her, neither he can take a blank box from under the rings or a plate on which she was lying. Box is better to take a unmarried friend or friend.

Loving do not give each other their photos - otherwise they will break out, disperse.

To associate itself with a legitimate marriage and celebrate this event with a wedding, young people take responsibility for their nascent family not only in front of each other, but also in front of their relatives. And the whole ritual of the wedding ceremony, even regardless of the desire of newlyweds, as if confirmed and enshrines not only their mutual love, but also mutual responsibility.

Whatever the wedding is new-fashioned and modern, she does not avoid wedding customs and traditions, compliance with some of them, comes from the depths of centuries. We observe them, sometimes without thinking that they mean and for what existed. Of course, some customs are quite modern, but they also have ancient roots.

Wedding customs related to deliverance from unclean power

Witnesses of the bride and groom

Wedding custom - the presence of witnesses at the wedding, has ancient Slavic roots. In Russia, next to the bride and groom, during the wedding, all the time the bride and a friend of the groom should be located, dressed almost as well as young. It was done in order to confuse evil spirits that could harm young.

On her husband's hands - in the house

Make a young wife in the house on hand, this wedding custom is also an old. Slavs believed that the pure and immaterial bride is of great interest for the unclean strength that can spoil the young. To deceive the evil force, the young husband suffered a spouse through the threshold of the house on her hands, that is, it was, as it were, one. For the threshold of the sanctified hut, the unclean power went no longer.

The most generally accepted wedding customs

Bed party for wedding

Wedding custom - a trip to the registry office and brides on different machines

This wedding custom is also an old. When there were no cars, the bride and groom traveled to the wedding spot in different means of movement - carriages, wheelchairs, wagons. The meaning of this custom was that while the marriage was not consecrated by the church of the bride and the bride - other people, and they should not be together.

Wedding Custom - Machine Decoration with Flowers, Ribbons, Bows

This is an old custom, but who came to us not from ancient Russia, and from Western Europe. Before the wedding of the bride, going to the church, was accompanied by children who carried the branches in the hands of rosemary flowers (bride flower), and bows of colored, narrow ribbons were tied (the so-called "bride gates").

Such decorated with the symbols of the bride accompaniment, was considered a pledge of a happy further life. Gradually, this wedding custom was modified, adapted to local realities. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the bells, ribbons and flowers were decorated with a break of horses, jugging young. Nowadays, wedding machines are decorated in various ways.

Wedding custom associated with a bouquet of the bride and a boutonniere groom

Many believe that the custom, throw a bouquet of the bride, moved to Russia from America. But he is much older. Many Slavic peoples have existed a wedding custom, the transfer of the bride of a wedding wreath of his closest girlfriend with a fence, after it married. Now this modified custom - throwing a wedding bouquet into a crowd of girlfriends.

Custom, decorate the jacket of the groom Boutonnier, goes back to its roots in the ancient Roman empire. There, the girl jumped to the clothes of the groom flowers out of her bouquet in the sign of faithful and unrealistic love. The Slavs, the girls were decorated with naked floral wreaths woven with their own hands. In later times, the English Prince Albert attacked the Boutonniere for the first time.

Wedding custom - the abduction of the bride

The history of this wedding custom is also old. The ancient Slavic peoples had a custom during the festive games, choose their bride, catch up with her, "abduct" and pass into his home. Custom, has undergone significant changes, moved these days.

Wedding Custom - Newlywed Shopping Care

Bread and salt have long been considered to be a symbol of wealth and well-being. Therefore, parents, meeting young bread karable and salt, as if bless them for a prosperous and rich life. And the question of the primacy in the family (one who spits a larger piece, his and the right to lead) was considered so important that he was worth clarifying right on the threshold of the house.

Why shout "bitter!" at the wedding

"Bitterly!" Scream at any wedding, whatever modern it is. This wedding custom also came from the old days. Its meaning was not at all traditional kisses of young.

During the wedding, the bride approached each guest, holding a tray of vodka or another alcoholic beverage in his hands and a glass. She treated every guest, and he in response, laid out money or a gift to a tray. Then the guest drank from a glass, and as a sign that he drank vodka, and not water, shouted "bitter!". Custom, newlyweds to kiss, arose later.

Sweet honeymoon

The first month of the marriage is called honey not by chance. This custom is also associated with ancient. In Russia for the young for the first month of their livelife, a low-alcoholic drink on honey - Medovukhu was specially made and allowed to drink, as a drink, only her.

Apparently, even in the old days they knew that in the first month, when the child's conception could occur, the young should not take strong alcoholic beverages so that the offspring was healthy. And the entire first month, young spouses could drink only Medovukhu, that's why this month was called honey.

Wedding journey - the period of knowledge of each other

This custom originated in Europe. Young spouses after the wedding came around their relatives to introduce them with their second half. Now the wedding journey has a different meaning: during his spouse, they know each other better and gradually get used to living together.

Vintage Slavic and Russian wedding customs, modified and adapted under the realities of modern life, still continue to live, as a symbol of the continuity of generations and as a good farewell of young, beginning a joint life, from our distant ancestors.

Folk signs, rituals and small everyday tricks for the wedding day, allowing to preserve family happiness for many years and protect your family life from ill-wishers.


Warn all relatives and future guests, so as not to give stuck and cutting items.
When you go to a future dream to wrap for my son, let the son first come first.
The cap does not remove the cap before the shuts until they are placed at the table. If someone from the woven will be able to carry the bride from the house a spoon, the son will be in the house the owner and his wife will never leave. After three months after their wedding, a spoon must be thrown into the house to the bride.
Wedding dress, ring and venge can not be measured to measure her friends or sisters, no one. Otherwise, a quarrel or marriage will not take place at all.
Do not buy shoe shoes. The bride should have to be shoes without laces.
You can not let guests before the wedding in the bedroom of the young, and even more so show their bed.
Wedding towel, candles in the church leave no. Shut up at home - be sure to come in handy.
The dress of the bride, the veils, the shoes and rings are wedding should be under a special supervision, as they can easily damage the damage and just spoil the accident. The damage that came from the wedding is heavy and removed hard. Therefore, you need to take careless dress until the year of their life together.
The bride can be white, beige, gold, golden, pink. The dress of the bride should not be black, blue, blue, red, green, gray. The lower liny is the same.
There should be no pearls on the bride and never give it. Moreover, for the wedding.
The groom should be dressed in a black suit. It is allowed gray, white, gold. The same applies to the shoes.


So that the mother-in-law did not get used
A young three evenings are wrapped in front of the registry office or wedding, wiping into a sprinkled towel. Which leaves the parents, he does not take with him a new family.
As I cute my mother and my father. As they kept me on the hands, the stuff was defeated by the way, no one was given to anyone, so I would love my mother-in-law. I would not torment, did not scold, I did not compete with the light, I would have frightened. My word is firmly, to my case tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Wedding blessing

So that young people do not quarrel, they speak their cutlery, before they are sitting at the table: as the church is unshakable and indestructible, faith strong, the honeycomb sweet, so would be the slave (name) with a slave (name) were indelible and unshakable. Without each other, they could not be, the spit could not live, no day, no one about the hour, from the wedding table, like me, a slave (name of the master), consummaged. Amen. Amen. Amen.
By buying a bride outfit, try to store the veil and dress to be bought on Wednesday, shoes on Friday. Read the exit from the house to the store read the conspira and come back, i.e. Back from the apartment: My Angel, Golden Crown. I don't care about the pure Fata, not for a year, how much slave will live. Amen. Amen. Amen.
So that the bride like the loaf
Sleep yourself with two hands in the face of cold water and say: I am the servant of the slave (name).
The sun is high, and I are higher.
My scraps scarves, my curries are gold, my eyes are clear, my lips are red.
Who will see me, he will not be offended by any word.
God help me! Virgin Mary, marriage blessing.

Marriage against the wills of parents

In difficult cases, if parents do not bless those who love to be married, there is a softening parent heart of prayer.
Buy two candles, put one from the icon "softening hearts", another lit down at home and read the conspiracy twelve times.
Heaven angels, sing "Hallelujah"! Nice, Holy Church, married! God created people, God baptized them, God forgive them, God for marriage blessed.
Roman, Lord, all the meekness of King David, so let the krochi be a relatives, brothers, the saint, the whole relatives, mother, father will give blessing marriage and the crown of the Rabs of God (names). Amen
Buying wedding rings
Without entering the house with rings, you need to say: for good life, on a true family. Amen.

On the wedding day signs

Mom of the bride should not be present at wedding.
A wreath with Fata is put on his head. No flowers, separately inserted into the hair, the hats and the diadem should not be.
Wear the bride's dress should first of all, encouraging his head through the neck. Does not dress a girlfriend with the same name.
There should be an even number of buttons on the dress if they are at all. The underwear of the bride should only be white.
If the bride during the wedding broke off the hem, the bride itself does not hesitate.
The young at the table is sitting on the shaggy fur coat or Tulup, turned out to be frowning. To live richly.
A spoon, which ate the groom behind the wedding table, is closed to the fortieth day. In a fortieth, they give her husband again to eat it. To live well and long together.
On the day of the wedding, it is good to plant a tree to the bride and groom. To put so that they began. In the church after the wedding, the bride gives a trifle, in order to remove the extra trouble in his family life.
During the wedding, when the crowns on the head or above their heads, you can not look at each other in your eyes: there will be treason. Do not look at your candles. Look at the father.
During the wedding, try to get out of those doors in which they entered.
If all the pins from the bride's outfit took out one woman, then each girl who received such a pin for one year will marry. If the pin bent, will remain an old virgin.
The girl, who received a piece of cheese, cut from the bride, sliced \u200b\u200bbefore leaving the table, will be the next bride among the girlfriends.
Watching: 3, 5, 7 and 9 numbers - successful days. The wardrobe ring is not put on the glove. The wedding day on the wedding in the bride - to the divorce.
To the son-in-law offended the daughter, the mother-in-law should (while they go to the wedding) to pin on the bra on the right breast pin, and on the way back to break it on the left chest. Upon arrival from the church, this pin mother pins on the hem of daughter. Do not remove the pin before the first washing.
It does not occupy salts - the children will not live them, will disperse.
If the wife's ring fell during the wedding, she will die first if the husband fell, he is short-lived tenants.
If, with the wedding, some of the youngsters first step to the altar, he will be all head.
If someone throws into the nude of salt shoes, first in the right, and then in the left, the young whole century will cry with her husband. By custom on the wedding shoes steal, be careful.
If the wedding machine will meet a funeral procession, you should think: wreath wreath Return. Amen.
If the candles are overtaken with weddings, it should be swapped with the candles of the bride and groom, otherwise there will be no living.
Warning of their children, look so that they do not have three same-sex with the back, that is, three men or women.
If a wedding tablecloth should be treated for three years in a row in the anniversary of the marriage, then the young will live to deep old age.
If, during the wedding, the bride or groom drops something, lift this thing (flowers, glove, etc.) can not be lifted.
Try to do not have scandals during the wedding so that you do not cause anyone evil so that your car does not hit a dog or a cat and, naturally, the dead do not commemorate behind the wedding table.
Caparava, who are encountered newlyweds, guests do not eat. If he is very big and it is impossible to eat him immediately, the crackers are sickling and eat it with the soup. The loaf eating only the bride and groom.


Very often, at the expense of your happiness, many seek to fix their unhappy family life. On the wedding day and during the wedding, such people change their happiness and their grief. To prevent this, it is necessary to push in unallow places of the pins of the bride and groom, saying on them the following: It is worth the throne, before it is a wedding table, you sit at the table, do not drink, do not eat, but they look at the icon. Mother of God, save, Virgin, are charging from any things and any trouble. Bless and save. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the day of marriage with the bride and the bridegroom in the morning, everyone should say hello, since the mother. If there is no one except her, then the mother follows three times (but not at a time) to say to her child: "Hello, (name)!". At the same time, the bride or the bride should be silent. Then you give to eat damn, conspired by damage: Mother of God, all mothers mother, do not let people take from slaves (name) happiness and share. In the name of the Father and Son, Javi their will. Key of the bits and take away. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Neighborhoods on the bride

The bride should wash the sprinkled beer.
"As you, purely malicious - silver, pure and decently; Like you, Zlato - Silver. He will dare, looks, old and young, married and idle, old old women and young men, beautiful girls and young wellms, so on you, the servant of God (name), got lost and looked around. Would you seem to be with a silver - silver, looked and watched. And the eyes did not descend with you. " After the wedding, entering the house of her husband, young says: "The first, the other, I am going third, but not the last! All won, I am one house. "To be the most beloved Snowy.
If the young goes to live in the house of the bride, he, entering the hut after the wedding, says: "I am going - the beast of Lapist and proud, a gorust, wolf toothy, I am a wolf, and you have my sheep."

Wedding Obereg

So that a bad person is not an attack at the wedding, because of which the whole life of young people can be tasked, read from the morning:
"Lord, God, bless. I got up, bless, I see a clean field, where the Christian wedding is starting, where I called me to this wedding. Pray, I conquer himself, the most true Christ. Upon me, the staff is Ospen, the old ladian, I will have a clergy, drink holy water, saving the wedding of Christian, let go in the fun and joy. No one would be able to join my wedding, prank, no one would give it away. I'll close this wedding, no one would have seen her. Go clock, fly minutes, meet, Bogodata Parents, with happiness, with the joy of my wedding. Salt - evil, trouble - bad, and young - good luck and long century. Be, my words, strong and modeling. From now on, and forever. Amen."
This conspiracy reads the oldest in the family.
So that at the wedding did not spoil
Before the arrival of the guests, speak to the poppy and sprinkle it at the threshold. Then all thin wishes will be interrupted by your guard.
They read like this: which the man erases, who evil the count, which is thin thinks, my word interrupts.
As this Sermak does not count, so it wovers should not stop.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Whisper over bread and salt
Like bread and salt people love, so would love husband loved. As salt sugar can not be replaced, so the husband can not change his wife with a dark, nor with a light, nor with a silly, nor with any other slave.
Like bread Yes, salt people love, so the husband's husband loved. Like salt sugar can not be replaced, so my wife can not change her husband with a dark, nor with a light, nor with a lot with thin, nor with any other slave. Amen.
They inspire bread and salt and give the young during the wedding behind the wedding table, so that each other loved his friend and there was no betrayal in the house.

Conspiracy wedding

Read during the marriage so that the newlyweds never diverge and do not walk away from each other. All saints slave (male name) are taken by arms, lead to the altar. The crown of the slave (female name) is standing on the saints. Lord, the king of Heaven, the guy of the crown of the saint slave (name) with a slave (name) forever, not separated to death. Amen.

If the wedding candle burned

If one spouses have burned the candle during the wedding, it is necessary to give any life to God and abide by him. For example, you will help anyone all your life. You can sometimes buy toys to the orphanage or send to the nursing home at least some money.
Candle's grinding is put into the water, reading a plot, wash the face of this water. Then the candle is cleaned.
Read like this:
God help me! Any peopleotmer Lord in the century.
Lord, help, the century of the slave (name) has prolonged.
How you did not die Lazari.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wedding toasts that lead to divorce

"Love her, like your soul, and a shake, like a neighboring pear."
"Bay her more often, love will be sweeter."
If someone during the wedding without thinking, wished the young bad, it should be done like this:
First, immediately cut off a piece of bread, saying:
As I cut off this piece of bread, so yours (your name) caustiously clean.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Then, this piece of bread should be put near the one who wished the young bad.
But the simplest thing: you need to make a wedding charm in advance. Read about myself behind the wedding table: the table is my oak, the guests are tin, all the worst are angry glass.
Like a fragile glass goes, breaks down and not one word evil in the back does not come true.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wubble on the groom

Before young goes into the house of the bride to pick her up on a wedding, the mother of the groom should cross it and say:
Heavenly height do not get, heavenly beauty does not pick up.
And my son has no one to utter
And it will not add a lot.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Washer on the bride

My daughter goes from the yard to the courtyard, on her Poland God's shutter.
No one shutter hurts, no one will win my overama.
My leg left, her leg right.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
To read on the water and wash the bride, before getting out of the house to the wedding.

Words on church steps

Going to be married, step firmly on the all soles along the steps of the stairs and speak to yourself: I go to the first step - I set up with me.
On the second step, I set up a place with me.
On the third step, I go to-school with me.
On the fourth step, I stand up with me.
On the fifth step, step-off treated with me.
As on my hand, my five fingers and one fist, so I will rule everyone. Amen.

Love spell during wedding

When at the table for the third time, "bitterly" and young kiss, the bride should go out of the table, to hurt the first corner of the ring, put on the right hand, and say:
As you, the angle, inseparable from the wall, so inseparable, be a husband from your wife. Amen.
After the wedding, when leaving the church, tie on the nose handkerchief and immediately unleash the nodules with the words: as a nodule will easily unleash, so I easily face. Amen. If you do this, then how many times a woman give birth, all the birth will be light.
If the ring slipped out or fell during registration or in the church, it should be said about himself three times: "The ring on me, the trouble is not to me. Amen".

After wedding

Do not give wedding photos to all in a row. It is very easy to impact damage.
Ask someone from my parents to read at Easter during the breakfast plot: the Easter egg is calmly lies and the young people calmly live. The Easter egg is silent, and the young continually shout. Christ was risen, and they are peace and a way. Amen.
Conspiracy needs to be read before crossing. Eggs should be lit in the church. This is done so that you have no quarrel.

The wedding in the Slavic peoples was paid to special importance. It was a sign moment in the life of every bride, so the marriage was always associated with many customs, traditions and beliefs. Wedding rituals Never invented just like that, in the same place. Each of them was of particular importance and was aimed at achieving happiness and harmony in a young family.

Now, unfortunately, many customs are lost, and sometime important sacred actions have acquired a purely entertainment. And yet, it is a Russian story, even Slavic. After all, once the inhabitants of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were closely interrelated and represented branches of one people - Eastern Slavs. Therefore, the rituals are so similar.

The meaning and the sacrament of marriage in Slavyansky

The past, from which it follows and the present, we are based on the Slavic worldview. All modern customs, observed at the wedding, have historical roots., related to the peculiarities of attitudes towards the life of our ancestors and are based on logical and consistent actions. There was nothing superfluous in the Slavic wedding. Therefore, wanting to spend marriage, given all the ancient traditions, you must understand what the rationale for them is.

Wedding ritual - A special action aimed at achieving a certain positive result. Purpose of marriage - Create a strong and friendly family, in which the husband and wife would hold each other. No wonder because Russian words for them are spouses, i.e. People who are in a lifestyle and equal pulling all the joys and life of life.

All folk wedding rituals, as well as and tradition Go down to one: correctly give the daughter to marry and deceive the unclean power so that it is not an attack. Russian beliefs were very closely connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bevil spirits that hurt around in a huge quantity and so they seek to confuse the life of a person. Moreover, the person who is on the verge, i.e. Moves from one state to another.

This directly concerned the bride. At that time, she was considered exactly the border creature. After all, the girl left why at home and passed from an innocent girl's state in female, and later it was necessary to become a mother. Therefore, the main task was to cover it from the unclean, to protect, thereby defending both the future family. Hence this word - "Bride", unknown, hidden, secret.

Almost all customs were aimed at achieving 3 of the most important results:

  1. To protect the future spouse, do not give the unclean to break through to her, and, therefore, and plunge the newly-made family of blessing. At that time, it was considered a very serious task;
  2. Attract as much good spirits as possible so that they, on the contrary, accompany this family and strengthened it;
  3. Achieve the fecundity and growing of a new family hearth. Simply put, do everything possible so that young people not only had a large number of children (we all know how much the Slavic families were), but also grew material benefits: there was a rich house, a good crop, strong and prolific cattle. The peoples of Russia and Belarus were mostly farmers, and for them, the concept of family focus was also a prosperous, strong household. Without this, the normal and strong family could not exist, which is also reflected in many people's legends, songs and verses of Russia.

Understanding this feature of Slavic, and later the Russian worldview, we can see a special meaning that rituals for marriage carrying.

Main rituals, famous today

Modern worldview does not allow us to relate so seriously to all traditions, as our ancestors treated. We simply do not understand the meaning of many actions, but still try to observe. Wedding rituals though became now akin to entertainment, but did not die, which emphasizes their great importance to the people. Moreover, somewhere on the deep level, we still believe that the observance of certain measures, as well as the ancient rituals, will help preserve love and happiness in the new family.

Here let's talk about them and talk. Almost every wedding wishing to comply with all old traditions, the following rituals are held:

  1. Blessing of young;
  2. Redemption;
  3. Wedding;
  4. Arrival in the house of the groom;
  5. Wedding feast.

These are the main rituals. But they consist of smaller traditional actions., also closely related to the well-being of a new family. Nowadays, there are still a rite of breeding of families, the litigation of the family hearth, the blessing of the daughter, meetings of young. And although they are no longer respected in the right sacral order, but still have the meaning.

By the way, many of them can be found in Europe. This once again proves that the traditions of Russia and its Western neighbors still had one ground under them and were formed in one worldview.

Foreign rites

Coming from the state of a girl into a state of a woman, newlyweds goes under the guardianship of the man's man. Accordingly, there is a special connection between its parents and parents of the spouse, the magical is established. Families must need to breed, because children born from this marriage will belong to them.

Nowadays, this is rather a cheerful tradition than magical action. The ceremonic rite is now being carried out sometimes jokingly, sometimes even a separate ministenarium is written for it. Usually the Cup filled with any beverage (most often, wine). In order for the breeding to take place, both parents and newlyweds should start from this vessel, at least by a throat, but everyone is necessary.
As a rule, a witness makes a drink, he also says and parting words, and strictly monitors that all participants in the ritual are drinking a drink.

In the older times, the ceremonic rite passed somewhat differently. By the way, it is both the Ukrainian people, and Belorussky. Already after the wedding, the family had to commit him, otherwise the spirits would not accept a new person. To eliminate this danger and there was a ritual of the breeding, which was held with reading special conspiracies and also with unpiping a drink from a common bowl.

Without breeding, there will be no happy family life, it believed firmly. But there was another custom, without which it also did not seem to be a happy future family life.

Blessing daughter

Very close to the rite of breeding. After all, and there, and parents play a special role - the senior representatives of two merging births. It was important to bless the daughter, because she goes to another family. In general, in the Slavic worldview, the wedding was akin to death for the bride: she died like a girl and began to live like a woman and mother.

Currently, this rite is no longer as pretty. But parental blessing is the most important condition for family prosperity. And in Europe, it still exists.

So, before the bride goes under the crown, the father and mother should give her daughter their blessing. Thus, they approve this union, agree on it. And if we consider how large the Slavs had respect for their parents, then the meaning of this custom is clear. The blessing is not received, it means that the marriage will not be fruitful and happy. That is why the unions concluded in secret from the Father and Mother did not approve and were not supported at all.

If the father and mother wish the happiness of the daughter and support her choice, they must give their blessing. A ritual before marriage is performed. Parents cross the daughter, pronounce parting words, express approval. At the long time there were also special conspiracies, but now they are already forgotten.

Burning new family

In addition to the rite of breeding and parent blessing, there was another one, now often forgetful. In Russia and other Slavic states, it is called the ritual of the litigation of the family hearth. In Europe, there is an analogue, which also has the same value, but somewhat different procedure for performing the action and their sequence.

Family focus is what the new family is based, what should always burn and warming each member of the marriage union. Symbolic importance here has a fire. The meaning of the ritual is that, chanting once, the flame of the family hearth should never go out. The task of each of the spouses is to maintain the fire of love and take care of the soul mate. Naturally, all these ideas poured into specific acts.

Every marriage is preceded by acquaintance. At first it happens between the guy and the girl, then between their parents. Gradually incites the flame of love and passion, which will then become the basis for the family hearth. By the way, the meeting of the young people also have tremendous symbolic importance in Slavic wedding culture. But we will talk about it just below.

After Love happened, the flame flashed, and the wedding took place, it is necessary to translate his spontaneous torment in the moderately radiance of a quiet focus. In other words, from mutual passion and love, create a strong family. To do this, the Slavs developed a whole range of special ritual actions. They were accompanied by reading certain conspiracies, they absorbed a significant part of ancient magic.

Now much is already lost and not respected, but the custom has kept the former name of the ritual of the litigation of the family hearth. Currently, it is held after the marriage in the registry office, and after the wedding, if it was. It is preceded by the rituals of the breeding of families and the blessing of the bride by her parents. If you want to comply with all folk traditions, follow the steps right.

The rite is performed quite simple. For ritual, 3 or 2 candles will be required. Participants of him are mother husband and wives and newlyweds. If someone from the mother's spouses is not, then only one takes over the holy duty to transfer the fire with a new family. Each mother has a candle in his hands. My husband and wife have one common that the groom keeps his right hand, and the bride is left.

Parental candle lights a father before holding a rite. Moms accept it and, with congratulatory or parting speeches, prepared in advance, transfer the flame to their children. Mothers connect the fire of two candles into one and they set fire to a candle of newlyweds. After that the parent flame is stealing, and the candle of the bride and groom should burn until the young will remove his veil.

In our country, the ceremony of the focus is popular so far. It is not only deeply symbolic, but also incredibly touching.

Rite meeting newlyweds

A meeting For the Slavs was of great importance. She united 2 loving hearts, fastened new feelings and was the basis for the formation of a new family.

Then there was a meeting of the parents of the bride and groom, and it was called walling. In Russia, this custom preceding the wedding is practically not survived, but in Europe Europe is still observed. In general, the West in this respect is more Patriarchaale.

After the match, the groom and the brides are already like almost spouses. A future husband first redeems his challenged, and then it gets the opportunity to see it. This is also a sign moment, and in Slavic tradition he was of great importance. After redemption, young must go to churchwhere the wedding occurs, and according to modern culture - in the registry office, where marriage will be recorded.

And only then the main meeting takes place. It is also surrounded by many beliefs and originates from very ancient ideas. The ritual is called the meeting of the young, and he passes on the threshold of the house of the newly made spouse.

Many ancient ideas are connected with him, now almost forgotten. After marriage, the husband and wife go to the new place of residence of the spouse - to the house of the spouse. On the threshold with bread-salt there are parents. The choice of attributes is also not accidental. In ancient times, the bread was a symbol of fertility and prosperity, and the salt, which was extremely difficult to get, is wealth.

The meeting of the young passed noisy, joyful. She was accompanied by a farence and congratulations. But the most important thing was to break down a piece from punishing. Who he gained more, he was considered, and will be the main one in the new family. Naturally, everyone was waiting for this from the groom. After all, a man should lead in the family.

The meeting of young is the wish of good and prosperity, and a joyful moment, and an invitation to the table. Then the wedding feast began, in which it also needed to observe a huge number of customs. But the most important thing was waiting for spouses in front: the first marriage night. Now the tradition is no longer relevant, but before she was of great importance. The next morning the husband was obliged to show the proof of the innocence of the spouse: Shell with blood. And if the wife turned out to be dishonest, it attracted a huge disgrace for all her genus.

For the Slavs, the meeting was sacred, very deep and important meaning. After all, according to believers, our ancestors did not happen in this world just like that. And once two meets, it means that the spirits wanted. And their decision must be read and respect.

Ritals and signs are of great importance and today. All modern life has flowed out of what was before. That is why all these acts: breeding, the date of the parent blessing, the meeting of young and many others are still so carefully saved and wound.

This is a story that is important to protect and remember. It is extensive, general, which is confirmed by the marriage rites of Europe, practically not distingurable from ours.