Christmas evenings. A script for a Christmas holiday for a preschool educational institution. Scenario of the holiday “Children are walking on Christmastide

The purpose of the holiday for the teacher:

1. Development of the child's artistic and creative abilities.

2. Formation of an idea of ​​the culture of folk art and folk crafts.

The purpose of the holiday for schoolchildren:

1. Acquaintance with traditional customs and rituals of the Yule period.

2. Consolidation of knowledge about games, round dances, dances of the Christmastide period.

3. Teaching the basics of working with dough and making Christmas figurines from dough (roe).

4. Mastering traditional singing.

Location: large free class.

The event is attended by a teacher, two presenters, students (children). Introduce introductory remarks to the teacher.

Event progress

The teacher's story about the history of the craft of making Christmas gingerbread, which is closely related to the celebration of Christmastide in Russia.

From 7 to 19 January - the period of celebration of the winter Christmastide in the traditional folk and Orthodox calendar from Christmas to Epiphany. This time in Russia is noted as one of the most cheerful, joyful and noisy. In the villages, villages and cities, carollers walked around the courtyards with New Year's congratulatory carols songs, received treats for the song - pies, pancakes, gingerbread. To ensure prosperity and fertility in the coming year, according to tradition, the owners should arrange a joyful, welcoming meeting. All congratulated each other on the New Year in a special way - songs, wishes to everyone health and wellness. Neighbors, relatives, children went from house to house disguised as sowers, threw a handful of grain into the red corner and sang:

I sow, I sow,

Happy New Year,

With cattle, with a belly,

With little kids!

From the first day of Christmas, the "Christos" walked around the courtyards with an elegantly decorated star on a large pole and sang Christmas troparion or congratulatory songs, for which they also received gifts in the form of bread, which ensured fertility in the coming year.

For two weeks, Christmas games did not stop, where young people (children separately) arranged round dances, dances, games. People in masks, in special clothes, who were called "mummers", always appeared at Christmas evenings. The favorite characters of the mummers were a bear, a goat and a horse - symbols of fertility and prosperity. The mummers staged impromptu scenes from life, they made everyone laugh and hooligans. Wandering actors, puppeteers, also came to the houses and staged nativity scenes: "Adoration of Christ the Child", "Death of King Herod."

Girls during Christmas time, especially on the last evenings before Epiphany, made plans for grooms, for a wedding, sang sub-dish songs:

To whom we sing - to the one with good,

Who will come true - will not pass.

The traditional, integral part of the Christmastide period was ceremonial cuisine, making Christmas gingerbread, roe, and cows.

In the Arkhangelsk region, it was customary to bake gingerbread cookies, which were called "kozuli". The most ancient Kholmogory and Mezen roes are made of black dough, sometimes colored white.

The Kholmogorskys resemble a deer in appearance. A figurine of a deer is molded from the dough, on the head there is a bush of branched horns, on the horns there are apples, on the apples there are birds made of white dough. The size of such a deer could be from 5-6 vershoks (vershok - 4.4 cm). Smaller goats are made without apples on their horns, but only with birds. Roe deer and less are baked - in one inch, and they look like figurines of cows, horses (sometimes with a rider), almost like figurines from the Stone Age.

Mezen roe deer are flat. Roll out the dough with a long tape half a pencil thick and fold as intended.

Arkhangelsk goats are baked from gingerbread dough, cut with iron shapes (silhouettes) and decorated with colored glaze. Metallic forms were kept in families for a long time, passed from one generation to another. These gingerbread cookies are about 200 years old. The size of these roe was from 1.5 to 10-12 vershoks, and the cost - from one kopeck to a ruble, sometimes up to 10 rubles.

Roes filled the market before Christmas. A huge number of them were sent to Russia and abroad.

The most ancient forms of gingerbread are a star, an angel, a shepherd, a basket with gifts, birds, animals close to humans, a tree, a deer with a sleigh. Later - Amazons, a cab, a dog with a pipe, a cat, a steamboat, a steam locomotive, a cyclist.

Researchers of folk art find a connection between flour figurines and the New Year's cult sacrifice. The most ancient were the images of a horse, a bird, and a deer. The horse is a symbol of the sun, the heavenly deer is the personification of the emerging life, in this case the birth of the sun, which turns from winter to summer.

Now this craft exists as a homemade craft: they bake gingerbread according to custom on Christmas Eve as a gift and delicacy for loved ones.

Today you will learn only a part of the Christmas-tree action - the rite of caroling, the rite of the courtyards with "sowing". We will make Christmas goats from dough, we will start Christmas round dances, dances and games. So, let's start our holiday.

(Children, dressed in Russian folk costumes, sit down and get ready.)

Leading: Happy New Years!

(They perform a Christmas congratulatory song.)

As on a river, on the Jordan,

Generous evening, good evening,

Good people, for a holy evening,

To your health.

Mother Mary was wearing soap,

Generous evening, good evening,

Good people, for a holy evening,

To your health.

After washing, hung up the robe

On viburnum, on raspberries.

Yes, two angels flew

They took a robe on their wings,

They carried the robe to the skies,

All heaven has dissolved

All the saints bowed down.

Teacher: When are Christmastide in Russia celebrated?

Educator: What is Christmas?

Children: This is a big holiday dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ.

Educator: What events take place during Christmas weeks?

Children: Carollers walk around the courtyards with congratulatory New Year songs, carols, present carollers with bread (pies, pancakes, gingerbread).

Teacher: What else is significant at this time?

Children: In the New Year, according to the old calendar (from January 13 to January 14), the owners are "sown" with grain so that there is a harvest in the new year.

Educator: Who are the "Christos"?

Children: These are people who walk with a dressed-up star, chant the Christmas troparion and glorify Christmas.

Teacher: What is a nativity scene?

Children: This is a Christmas puppet show. The criminals act out different scenes from the story of the birth of Christ.

Educator: Who are the mummers?

Children: These are people in masks disguised as animals. Favorite characters of the mummers are a bear, a horse, a goat.

Educator: What are the big holidays for Christmastide?

Children: Christmas, New Year, Epiphany.

Educator: What happens at Holy Baptism?

Children: In Baptism, water is blessed and all corners of the house are blessed with this water and all family members are sprinkled with blessed water. Christmas ends with baptism.

Teacher: What ritual food is there for Christmas?

Children: Christmas gingerbread.

(The first presenter puts the figures on the table.)

Lead 1: Now each of you will receive a piece of dough, and we will try to mold two gingerbread with you. The dough is the future bread, therefore it is necessary to treat it with respect and care.

Lead 2: We take a piece of dough in our hands and begin to roll it in our palms. Let us transfer the warmth of our hands to him. We roll the ball smooth, without wrinkles. We sculpt any pet: a cow, a horse, a bull, a pig, a deer, a bird - by choice.

Teacher: We start modeling from the legs. We make 4 tucks on the ball, pull out the neck. Each animal has its own differences. The horse has long legs, a mane; the deer has large branchy antlers; a pig has a patch; the goat has horns, a beard. The bird stands out especially. It is molded in the shape of a boat and always with chicks or eggs. To decorate these elements, we use a knife, sticks. The finished figures are placed on a baking sheet.

The second type of gingerbread - it is also ancient, is called "Mezen roe". They were made in villages located on the Mezen River in the Arkhangelsk region. The rolling operation is repeated. Then we put it on the table and roll out a long sausage with both hands. It must be of the same thickness. We begin to twist the figure from the middle on the table. The most common were a star, a house, a small church, an eight (as a symbol of infinity), a snail, a deer, a cow, and a cat. Put the gingerbread on another baking sheet.

(While the children's products are baked in the oven, the teacher sets the children up for the caroling ceremony.)

Teacher: We take baskets, bags with us, put on masks and set off singing congratulatory carols.


Kolyada, kolyada!

The carol came

Christmas Eve,

Carols, carols.

We walked, we searched

Holy carols.

We found a carriage

In Ivan's yard.

Ivanov yard - iron tyn.

Ivan has three towers in the yard.

That in one mansion there is a red sun,

In the second chamber - that the month is clear,

That in the third chamber there are frequent asterisks,

Asterisks are frequent - children are small.

Whoever gave bread - that rye is thick,

And the pricker and the pricker.

God give you twelve cows,

Thirteen bulls.

They go for watering - they push around.

They come with water - they play.

Even in the field, there are increments,

On the threshing floor - then the hammers,

Ergot on the table

Christmas is the gate.

Kolyada, kolyada!

(For the song, the children are presented with sweets and gifts. They put everything they have got into baskets and bags for the common ceremonial table. The guys take out grain (or cereal) from their pockets and bags and begin to "sow" the owners, they condemn.)


I sow, I sow,

Happy New Year!

With good, with a belly,

With wealth!

(Having thus bypassed all the classrooms and classrooms, the children return to their classroom, and here at the tables covered with tablecloths, at the samovar, a feast will take place - a very important part of the ritual Christmastide action.)

Lead 1: The more abundant the treats on the table, the richer the harvest of bread - rye, wheat, will be in the new year, the livestock will be healthier, cows and goats will have offspring, there will be happiness in the new year.

Lead 2: Gingerbread gingerbreads are baked in the oven, lie on the table and smell fragrant. We all need to sit down and eat these gingerbread cookies. Previously, the hostess always leaves one or two baked figurines in the red corner under the icons, where they lay before the first pasture of cattle in the field. The dried gingerbread was soaked in water and fed to cattle. The rest of the gingerbread were given away to relatives and guests.

After the refreshments, the children go to the hall for the next Christmas event - a holiday that includes games, round dances, and dances of the Christmas cycle. Here is some of them.

1. Round dance of the Vologda region.

Like ours, ours, our gates,

Oh, lali, at the gate, oh, lali, at the gate,

There were girls, girls, girls, a round dance.

We were in a round dance, in a round dance,

We saw, we saw, we saw a couple.

Get up a couple, a couple, a couple, clean up

At least a little, a little, a little, dance,

Whom do you love, whom do you love, whom do you love with a kiss.

A guy walks in a round dance, chooses a girl according to the text, they dance. At the end of the song, the guy kisses her 3 times, then another couple comes out and the round dance starts all over again.

2. Christmas game of the Vologda region "Buried gold".

Buried gold

Buried clean,

I buried, I buried,

I covered with gunpowder,

Dare swept over

It has turned into a crisp

It was frosty.

Guess, guess, girl,

Walking across the field

Weave a braid to Russ,

Eve up, gobble up.

Fallen, fell the ring

In viburnum - raspberries,

Into black currant.

On which handle is the ring?

On the right handle,

On the left little finger.

The driver walks with a ring in his hand, the rest of the game participants sit with folded hands. The driver hides a ring from one of the players unnoticed by everyone. The second driver must guess who has the ring.

3. Dancing game of the Vologda region "Rustyapa".

Children become pairs in a line on the "extra third" type. There must be one extra player in the game. When the dance tune on the balalaika or accordion sounds, first those who are in front and the extra will go to dance. The second ones are called "houses". They can raise their arms like a roof and must stand still. Suddenly the tune breaks off, and then the dancers must occupy a "house". Whoever is left without a house, he will be a "bungler".

For the first time like this: "One, two, three - you muddler!"

The second time it was like this: "One, two, three, four, five - you're a muddler again!"

Scenario of the holiday "Children are walking on Christmastide"

To music, children of the middle, senior and preparatory group. enter the hall.

Leading: All on Christmastide, all on Christmastide, come on, guys!

Both the oats and the carol will be with us. Yes?

Children: Yes!

Child: What is this - Christmastide?

Vedas: Didn't you guys hear? Well, I have to tell and, of course, show.

Coldness has come, brought winter into the house.

The horses were harnessed to the sleigh, and the path led out.

It's good that winter comes to us every year.

She sings resounding songs, starts a round dance. Kolyada had a twin brother Ovsen (Avsen), who was born a little later and therefore was considered the second, youngest. He also got the role in practice to implement the divine knowledge that Kolyada taught the people.

In the "Book of Kolyada" it is written:

Like two falcons flew - Oat and Kolyada!

It's summer there - it's winter here!

As they flew - all the people looked.

How they sat down - all the people were amazed.

As they fluttered - all the people sighed ...

The celebration of the two brothers fell on the same season - winter. First, they celebrated Kolyada, then the "sheep-raisers" went about the villages, glorifying Ovsen. "Summer" in the song symbolizes the eternal prosperity of life in heaven. "Winter" is the hardships of earthly life. Not so long ago, two brothers were taken to Belarusian villages on New Year's Eve. One, dressed richly and beautifully, was Kolyada, the other, in everything old and tattered, was Ovsen. They entered the house, covered the brothers with a curtain, and the owner of the house had to choose one of two "carols". If he guesses the first one, he will have good luck in everything, happiness in life and a rich harvest. Well, if he chooses the second, then everything is the other way around: continuous worries and labors, and the harvest will still be meager.

But it was not worth it to be very upset - it’s not for life, but only for a year. On the next carols, you should try your luck again, maybe it will smile at the unfortunate man. The main thing is that one should remember: the heavenly - Kolyada - is higher than the earthly - Ovsen, you need to choose him.

Oat is a bridge to the future, along which Kolyada's brother is the first to cross into the advancing New Year... He is the first to go into the unknown future, meets there with evil spirits, scatters it and thereby clears the way for people, as if saying: "Welcome to a new life!" After that, people began to bake special cookies - in the form of larks, which should have been treated not only to relatives and neighbors, children and travelers, but also the elements - fire and water, so that they would be obedient in the new year and would not cause trouble for people.

Round dances: "Do you hear someone coming .." (st. and prep. gr)

"What kind of people is this?" (average)

Baba Yaga with the devil comes into the hall to the music.

Baba Yaga: So, my dear! (Rubs her palm on her palm.) The carol has arrived! Open the gate! (Rejoices.) Now, let's make a plan for our dirty work for Christmas night. How can we please the carolers? (Thinks.)

Heck: O! Spoil the road! Sweep the road!

Baba Yaga: Well done, dark-haired! But this is not enough.

Heck: Penetrate the carols for a walk!

Bab Yaga: Oh, you, my clever girl! Praise, praise!

Heck: Oh, grandma! I propose to steal a month. Painfully, he is bright and beautiful today. So it shines on the road, guys, girls to help.

Baba Yaga: And where did you learn such tricks? And who are you so smart at?

Heck: All in you, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Good student! Take an example from him! Well, with me too. Now let's get to work. Only first you need to clean the house. Tea, Christmas in the yard. Sweep away the cobweb, so that the hut sparkles, so that the dear one can dance! Wow, darling!

Cheerful music sounds, Baba Yaga takes a broom and sweeps while dancing.

Baba Yaga: Now, get down to business! To make it dark in the village!

Fly away.

Vedas: Wow, evil spirits! Again flew mischief to create. But today with the guys, we will not let Baba Yaga with the devil roam with our fun. We will invite the guests, we will rejoice, have fun, play games and dance in circles.

Let the stars shine in the sky, and snowflakes sparkle on the ground.

Dance with the "sultans".

Enter the mummers.

1. A carriage came, open the gate!

Open the gates and receive guests!

2. Hello guys! Good afternoon, good afternoon!

We sow, we win, we sow, we congratulate everyone on Christmas!

(sprinkle grain)

3. Our carriage is neither small nor large.

She goes to your door, she sends bows to everyone!

Leading: Hello dear guests!

We invited you here to play, have fun,

To embark on a Russian dance with a soul.

Round dance "Four steps forward" general

Children sit on high chairs. Baba Yaga comes in.

Baba Yaga: Look how they are having fun! There will be enough treats for both neighbors and guests! And Baba - Yaga hasn't had a crumb in her mouth since last Christmas.

Vedas: Oh, you're lying, Baba Yaga. And who ate sour cream yesterday?

Baba Yaga: Not me! This is a cat ... he didn't finish, and I helped him.

Vedas: Okay, enough Baba Yaga to make excuses. So be it, we will help you and treat you with candy. Really guys?

Children: Yes!

Suddenly, a broom flies from behind the door into the hall.

Vedas: What kind of joke is this?

Heck: (From behind the door.) The stove is firing, you want a pie.

Vedas: I'll give you a pie! Wow! Devilry! (threatens him.)

A shoe flies out from behind the door.

Vedas: Oh you! Well, my patience has run out, isn't Devil buried there? Marveled at our treat? (Goes to the door and pulls the Devil by the ear from behind it.) Here's a good fellow with a tail and horns.

Heck: I ran and was out of breath, I breathed in the smoke from the stove,

I got to you with a rap.

How glad I am, how glad I saw you guys!

I love to have fun, everybody get up to the game,

Whoever gets into my clutches will go dancing with me!

Game "Cheerful sack"

Children sit on chairs. Cheerful music sounds. The devil with Baba Yaga take a bag without a bottom and try to put several children there. The child climbs into the bag on one side, jumps out on the other and runs into place.

Heck: Oh, what delicious, but appetizing, I'll take you to my place, maybe for lunch, or maybe for dinner.

Baba Yaga: Damn it, why is the bag empty? Escaped! Deceived!

Vedas: Shoot, shove, evil spirits, you don't want to live with us in friendship, go to your forest!

The devil and Baba Yaga run away. The devil leaves altogether, the B-I remains on the sidelines.


1. Hey, everyone hurry here! Kolyada came to visit.

We will joke, grimace, run, jump, amuse ourselves.

2. From pure, new snowflakes I blind the Snow Maiden.

And I won't throw it in the spring - I'll put it in the freezer!

3 ... Here Kolyada came to us on the eve of Christmas

Open wider doors. Congratulate everyone, congratulate!

Leading: Would you like to tell fortunes and find out your fate?

Well, let's tell fortunes, we will look under the pot.

Game with adults "Pottery Fortune Telling"

(There is a bench in the middle of the hall with 6 pots on it. The first guest comes out. Several children get up in a round dance and sing, after the song the guest chooses a pot.)

A pot with tops, tell us, my friend:

What will come true, will become? Let the bad stay.

The meaning of the contents of the pots:

1. Towel: Spreads far. A road, a journey awaits you.

2. Loaf: The mouse runs in the upper room, drags the loaf into the house. There will be prosperity and prosperity in the house.

3. Ring: Sow flour, bake pies! Guests are coming to you, grooms are coming to me.

4. Ribbon: Walking across the field, weaving a Russian braid. Ribbon - to wealth, profit.

5. Button: Oh, the bug walked along the rubble, threw out the good on the sponge. Live a happy life in a big family.

Baba Yaga runs to the sixth pot.

Baba Yaga: And tell me fortunes! I want happiness too!

Takes a twig from a tree from the sixth pot.

What is it? Explain?

Vedas: Apparently - to a new broom!

Baba Yaga: (He looks into the pot, distressed.) Isn't there a ring?

Vedas: So who will marry you? How old are you?

Baba Yaga: Oh, not that much. I am still very young. I'll prove it now.

Tay, tay, fly in, play a game with me!

I am Grandma Hedgehog, Bone Leg!

I will entertain you, I will play with you!

(Teasing children) Girls with mustaches! Boys with braids!

Well, get up in the circle as soon as possible! Grandma will play!

Game "Grandma Hedgehog - bone leg"

Baba Yaga stands in the center of the circle, holding a broom in her hands. To the song, children walk around Baba Yaga, tease her, then run away. Baba Yaga, with a broomstick, tries to touch the children - to "enchant", as she touches the child - he freezes in any position.

Baba Yozhka - a bone leg, fell from the stove, broke the leg,

And then he says: "My leg hurts."

I went to the market and crushed the samovar. I went to the lawn and scared the bunny!

Vedas: Well, guys, our holiday has come to an end.

Let's make all the wishes to make it easier to say goodbye!

For happiness and fun all year round, so that there are a lot of guests!

Baba Yaga: Oh, I also made a wish. I want to be a clever beauty by next Christmas. And a fashion model. Passion how to be photographed. Guys, let's take a photo with you goodbye.

Children are photographed with the characters and go into groups.

Tamara Kozhemyakina

Leisure on the topic: « Christmas time» .

for senior and preparatory groups.

Targets and goals:

Maintain children's interest in the origins of Russian national culture;

Continue to acquaint children with ceremonial holidays;

Learn musical folklore material, use it in everyday life;

Instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of your country, foster a sense of patriotism.

Material: Russian folk costumes, goat costume, musical instruments: rattles, wooden spoons, tambourines, bells, caroling bag, artificial "Snowballs", two trays, roe gingerbread, christmas star made of cardboard, a wooden house, two candles, two pairs of felt boots, a painted chest, toys for home animals: cow, sheep, pig, horse, goat, dog, two baskets for "Snowballs".

Musical accompaniment: Russian folk songs "Oh, you, canopy, my canopy!", "Like ours at the gates", "Peddlers", song "Popcorn",song "Snow-white winter", band song "Ivanushki" "Winter-cold".

To a Russian folk song "Peddlers" educators come out.


Has come Christmas

We have been waiting for him for a long time,

Christmastide is celebrated by the people,

Has fun and sings.

This holiday is the longest.

He's funny and old-fashioned.

Our ancestors drank ate,

We had fun for two weeks.

From Christmas and before Epiphany,

Having prepared a treat.

January 7 - a bright holiday Christmas... From 7 to 19 January we celebrated Christmastide... For 12 days, according to the number of months in a year, the youth were caroling. Carols are songs in which they glorify Christ, wish good and health to the owners. Girls and guys dressed up in costumes animals: goat, fox, rooster, bear.


Today is not an easy day -

The holiday has come to us Saint!

It has come Christmas,

Let's start the celebration!


Hey, everyone hurry here!

Kolyada has come to visit!

We will joke, laugh,

Let's jump, have fun!

"Like ours at the gates"... Costumed with musical instruments: wooden spoons, bells enter the hall and go to the house.

Leading: - Look, the house is standing,

Someone is looking out of the window.

Carollers (children of the preparatory group):

Hello hostess!

The hostess comes out.


Hello dear guests!


Open the gate

A carriage has come to you!

Master and mistress, be healthy,

Live without troubles for many, many years!

God grant that

Who is in this house

Good in the house,

Grain in the field!

Give us a kilo of candy

You will live a whole year without troubles!

Who treats the kids

God helps that!

Kolyada, Kolyada!

Once upon a time there were three cats

Three cats and a cat,

Give me a cake urgently!

May you live well

yes everything is working out!

We glorify, we glorify, we glorify.

WITH Merry Christmas everyone!


This is what kind of people

Carols and sings?


We are the boyars!

The host and hostess are playing a game "Boyars" with a preparatory group.

Children are divided into two teams. They take turns to meet each other with words.

Boyars, and we have come to you.

Young, and we have come to you.

Boyars, why did they come.

Young, why did they come?

Boyars, we need a bride,

Young, we need a bride.

Boyars, and what is dear to you,

Young, and what is sweet to you?

Boyars, this is sweet to us.

Young to us this is sweet.


Stand in a circle, people,

Let's have a round dance.

The host conducts the game "Golden Gate" with the children of the preparatory group.

Golden Gate

Not always skipped.

First time - says goodbye

The second time is allowed,

Well, and for the third time we will not let you in!

Two people make the gate, and the rest, forming a chain, go through them. On the last words, the gate closes Child. caught in them, becomes in a circle.)

Leading: "There is a favorite game called "Candle"».

The host conducts the game "Candle" with children of the preparatory group.

Candle, candle, candle

How hot you are!

(Boys and girls form two circles. They say words and pass candles. Those who have candles left go to the middle and dance. The game is repeated several times.)

Russian folk song sounds "Oh, you canopy, my canopy".The girls of the older group enter the hall with noise instruments: tambourines, rattles. They sing carols.

1st girlfriend:

Oh guys, now Christmastide,

Shouldn't we go to Christmas carols?

There are pancakes, goats

And jelly in the pan!

2nd girlfriend:

Oh, carol, carol.

Golden head!

A carriage came

She brought us all good.

3rd girlfriend:

We have come to glorify you

Yes to dignify the owners.

Oh, carol, carol,

She brought everyone health.

4th girlfriend:

Oh carol, carol,

Golden beard!

Gilded truss,

Cut a hair!

5th girlfriend:

Give me auntie

Come on, mother!

On a platter

Yes, on a silver platter!

6th girlfriend:

Do not give back the pie-

We are a cow by the horn,

Pig by the bristle,

Bull for the backbone!

7th girlfriend:

We sang songs for a long time,

Now we say goodbye

If you are tired of us,

We promise to be silent!

To the song "Oh, you canopy, my canopy" girlfriends leave the hall.


Do you guys and girls know how to guess riddles? I have a wonderful chest. I will guess riddles for you, and we will find the answers in it.

1. Hungry, mooing,

Satisfied - waiting

Small guys

It gives milk. (cow)

2. Who is not in the heat,

Not in the cold

Doesn't he take off his fur coat? (sheep, ram)

3. In front of the heels,

Behind - a hook

In the middle is the back,

On the back there is a bristle. (pig)

4. A house is built in the yard.

The master is on the chain. (dog)

5. Four legs,

Fifth tail,

Sixth head. (horse)

6. Goes, goes,

Shakes his beard

Requests for herbs: "Me-me-me,

Give it to me delicious. " (goat)

The hostess takes out the clues - toys from the chest


Where the goat passes, there wheat will give birth.

Where the goat flaps its tail

There is also a bush of bread.

And where it hits with a horn,

There the bread will be whipped up in a haystack.

Children clap their hands and read proverb:

There is a horned goat, there is a rich goat!

Goat enters in felt boots and with a sack, bows, then dances to the song "Popcorn" .

Goat offers to play a game "The goat went through the woods".

Children of the older group stand in a circle, and the goat is in the middle. Everybody is dancing and they say:

The goat went through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

Found myself a princess, princess, princess.

Let's goat jump, jump, jump

And we kick up, kick up, kick up our legs

And clap, clap, clap with the handles

And we will sink with our feet, we will sink, we will sink.

The goat chooses one person and performs all the movements. Two children remain in the circle, four, etc. All children from the outer circle gradually move on to the goat. At the end, everyone stands in pairs and dances.


Carols, carols, carols

Good with honey pancakes!

And without honey - not like that,

Give me some pies, aunt!


Yes, the cake is ripe! Help yourself!

The hostess leads the boy out by the hand.

The host conducts the game "Pie" with a preparatory group.

Children stand in two lines.

Sits in the middle "pie".

Everybody says:

How tall he is! (raise your hands up)

What a wide-eyed he is! (hands spread apart)

How soft he is! (pat yourself on the belly)

Cut it and eat it!

(To "Pie" run by 1 person from the team and salute him. The one who is the first to attack takes away "pie" to your team. The loser becomes "Pie".)


Tell us, goat, what did you bring in the sack?


Has brought you snow. It's winter outside.

Children of the senior and preparatory groups perform a song "Snow-white winter".

Leading: goat, goat, show me what kind of snow you brought?

The goat gets "Snowballs".

Competition is being held "Get into the basket".

The facilitator invites ten people from one group to split into two teams. The goat gives to each child "Snowball"... There are two baskets in front of the guys. Task: get "Snowball" Add to cart. The game is repeated with the children of the other group.


Koza-Dereza, what is it on your feet?


These are boots, friends,

I would like to tell fortunes.

Here I will take a felt boot, and I will throw it outside the outskirts.

Whoever finds my boots will call you in marriage.

The goat is calling the girls. They take boots, stand with their backs to the boys and throw them away. Everyone finds their own pair. Children of both groups take turns guessing.


Well done boys! Well done girls! Hold hands, and hold on tightly.

To the band's song "Ivanushki" "Winter-cold" the dance is performed by children of both groups. The children are then asked to take their seats.


You all sang and played gingerbread, then kept up.

Accept, good people, my treat!

Here are the goats, in honor of the goat they are so called.

(The hostess on a tray gives the caroling roe gingerbread.)


Snowflakes whirl softly.

A fairy tale comes to our house!

Christmas trees, gifts, pictures!

We call it all- Merry christmas!

(Bells are ringing)


Bells are ringing all around

On a happy holiday Christmas.

The stars are dancing

All peoples are having fun.

Christmas you praise, people!

May you only be happy!

(Carollers go off to the music "Oh you, canopy, my canopy")


1.I.I. Pankeev "From christening to commemoration" Customs, rituals, traditions of the Russian people

2. "Russian folk art and ceremonial holidays in kindergartens"

Edited by O. V. Orlova 1995 G. Vladimir

3. Naumenko G. M. "1,2,3,4,5 we are going to play with you" Russian children's play folklore Moscow 1995.

4. Grigoriev V. M. "Folk Games and Traditions in Russia" Moscow 1994

5. Anikin V.P. "Step to wisdom" Moscow 1988

6. Petrov V. M. "Winter Holidays, Games and Fun for Children" Moscow 1999

7. GA Antonova "Education of spirituality through the introduction of preschoolers to the traditional festive culture of the Russian people" Childhood-Press 2012.

8. Anikin V.P. "Living water": (Introductory article)// Collection of Russian folk songs, fairy tales, proverbs, riddles. M., 1987.

9. Larks: Russian songs, tongue twisters, rhymes, fairy tales, games: In 5th issue. / Recording, notation, compilation by G. Naumenko. M., 1977 - 1988

10. Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational - methodical manual. -

2nd ed., Rev. T add. - SPb .: Childhood - Press, 2002.

11. Karpenko MT Collection of riddles. M .: Education, 2006.

1st presenter

Oh, how many guests! Hello, girls are red! (Bows). Hello, good fellows! (Bows). Are you waiting for the holiday? (Children answer). I would like to know from you what holiday is coming?

Children answer.

Christmas! (Old New Year.)

1st presenter.

The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest and happiest day for many people. It was on this day that the son of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary. Christmas is celebrated exactly 9 months after another church holiday - the Annunciation (April 7), when an angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced the good news that she would give birth to the Son of God.

2nd leader.

The first time Christmas was celebrated in Russia in 988. It is on this holiday that a strange combination of Christian and pagan rites is observed. And to this day, at Christmas and on the Old New Year, we have fortune-telling, carols, fancy dress and masks. It is almost impossible to list all the customs and rituals.

1st presenter.

Preparing for the holiday thoroughly, a few days before Christmas all work was stopped: it was believed that otherwise the year would pass in hard work, without rest. Strict fasting begins 6 weeks before the start of the holiday. People with wealth were revered as a duty these days to help the poor. They set up almshouses and prisons and gave alms.

2nd leader.

On Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - food was not allowed until the appearance of the first star, which marks the birth of the Savior of the world. When this Christmas star rose in the sky, everyone was in a hurry for festive table

1st presenter.

On the eve of Christmas and on the day of the holiday, they dressed in everything new, and even changed several times so that they would be renewed throughout the year. Christmastide begins on January 8 and lasts 12 days until Epiphany. According to ancient belief, on Christmastide, the newborn God wanders the earth and sends out generous gifts; what you ask for in prayer, you will receive. It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires... Christmastide was accompanied by its own customs and rituals - Christmastide festivities, Christmas carols, generosity, fortune-telling at Christmas, Old New Year and Epiphany. Christmastide was a time of rest, games, entertainment, festivities.

Grade 11 performance

2nd leader.

It is believed that the tree is an integral part of the New Year. This is not entirely true. Setting up a tree is a Christmas custom. Since ancient times, a tree has been a symbol of peace among all peoples. The symbol of paradise is the evergreen spruce, which is customary to dress up on Christmas night and leave it during all Christmas time. By the way, the Christmas tree differs from the New Year tree in that it was decorated exclusively with white and blue balls.

1st presenter.

And, of course, what is Christmas without gifts? The custom of giving presents at Christmas. The main thing is that the gift should be made from the heart. Most often, at Christmas, they give figurines of angels, beautiful postcards, books.

2nd leader.

Since ancient times, people have seen off the old year with a kind word, trying to forget about all their failures and troubles. All the bad things were left in the old year, and, meeting the new year, they expected that it would bring them prosperity, fulfillment of desires, wealth, good friends.

Before the New Year holidays, young men and women gathered for games and gatherings: they sang songs, danced, played. Let's take a look at such a party too.

In the open field "Teremok".
Master Raven ...
Crow (person of Caucasian nationality):
That is my cafe, my friend
I rent it
For a reasonable price
It is a holiday today,
Old New Year,
All the beasts will go to me
Night, frost they have a hunt
The rest is my concern.
Raven sly announcement
Stuck on each barrel
So that it’s true to him in the cafe
At least someone came in.

(A mouse appears and goes to the cafe, holds an ad in his hands)

Mouse: Knock knock.
Raven: Who's there?
Who, who surrenders the little tower,
Who, who is not taking dear here?
I am a raven black wing,
I'll take one grain from you
What to take from the poor mouse,
You can drink wine all night
And celebrate the New Year!
Oh, thanks, I'm humble ...
The music is heard there
I'll go to celebrate the New Year,
To dance near the tree.
Crow: Somehow the guests are not coming ...
Leading: Look, they're right there ...

(Grade 7 enters to music with jokes)

Crow: Somehow the guests are not coming ...
Leading: Look, they're right there ...

Frog: Knock knock
Raven: Who's there?
Someone who is handing over the little tower?
Someone who is not expensive here?
I am a Raven with a wise mind and honor,
Well, show what you have
I carry water for you
From the swamp to get drunk
And here's the midge soup
And a handful of dried flea beetles.
Okay, damn it, come in
Spend the night under the roof.
What are you going to take away the presents?
You will devour yourself from hunger ...
(Included in "Teremok")
Where are the normal clients
Businessmen, intellectuals ...

(Grade 8 enters to music with jokes)

Hare (New Russian): Hi bro! What is your hut?
Raven: Mine, mine.
Hare: What is the fee?
For you dear
We will agree on a price
One piece of green
And walk until the morning
Okay, here's the loot
Crow: As you command, over there is your table
Hare: Okay, perish.
Raven: All I am gone
Hare (enters the cafe, sees a mouse and a frog):Hi girls! What are we missing?
Mouse: No, we just celebrate a holiday here
Hare: What's so boring? Where is the wine?
Frog: So there is no money anyway.
I treat you, waiter
You are treated to a new Russian ...
Praise be to Allah, there is cabbage,
But where is my friend
Take the hare,
Kohl pays such money
I need to please him ...
(Fox appears, an elite lady)
Fox: Knock
Who came to us
What a lovely
The girl came in!
Fox: Are you the master here?
Raven: I am a beauty.
Fox: Who is there, what client?
Crow: Yes, there is one rich Kent
Well good
Then I'll come
Bay! What's the beautiful, -
This is not your limit!
(Turns to Lisa)
Oh madam, what eyes
Can't even be described in a fairy tale
Bright fur blinds my eyes
Shall we dance tonight?
Dancing dear dove
Dear buddy
What do you want my life
You will immediately have
Gold, silver, cars
And overseas paintings ...
Okay, okay, don't be silly
Give me a Mercedes.
If only someone else would come
I got it wrong 6 ...

(Grade 9 enters to music with jokes)

Wolf: Cho a haza?
That's my cafe dude
Who is resting here today
And what is your brandy for?
Crow: I'm treating today
I see the right one, kid
Know Soon Your Cafe
Will turn into a restaurant.
Come on in, come on in
Take any table for you
Everything today is just for you!
Wolf: I will rest here now.
(The wolf goes to the cafe and sees a fox with a hare)
What are you sitting here
Listen, who are you scaring
Don't you know your brothers?
Wolf: Come on, let's go out lousy Kent ...
Stop! Atas! A cop is coming to us!
All sit down and make no noise ...
(The Bear policeman enters the cafe)
Uncle Misha, come in
Would you like something to drink?
Two hundred for me and a cucumber
I will celebrate my dear
That the people are not funny?
A holiday like New Year!
Drink, eat, Uncle Misha
And the people will sing for you!
No, why for me
I'm not a big bird
Let's dance together
Meet the New Year amicably.
After all, today everyone is equal
Not rich, not poor.
Both the frog and the mouse
Both the fox and the wolf cub
Bird Raven and Bear
We are celebrating the New Year!
Got it, since such a thing
Let's have fun boldly
Well guys don't yawn
Sing the song together!
(Sing a song)

New year song

(To the tune of the song "We wish you happiness")

New Year is coming to us again
Everyone expects something from him
Joy, good luck, happiness and love
We wish each of you
So that the very finest hour has come
Raise your glass of champagne today!

Happy New Year to you friends!
With the New World and kindness,
Than quarrel for nothing
Better sing with us
We wish you happiness
Let it sparkle all around
Let the earth spin
Like a snowy New Year's ball.

Here is the end of the fairy tale,
Who watched -
That fellow!
We will continue the holiday
Well it's time to pour.

New Year's Eve flashed jokingly
We all waited for her not in vain,
And the moon in the clouds is already asleep like a child
Damn it, -
New Year is still wonderful!

The holiday is held with a souvenir fair, food in tents, a concert of amateur groups.

Competitions and fun alternate with concert numbers - ditties, dances, songs about winter, Christmas.
The basis of this script is folklore motives and folk customs. The presenter is dressed in a folk costume.
She greets the assembled audience and announces the opening of the holiday dedicated to Christmastide and the upcoming Epiphany.

Leading: The twelve days after the feast of the Nativity of Christ are called Christmastide. They continue until Epiphany - January 19. Christmas entertainment is round dances, dances, roller coasters, and abundant refreshments. During the day, at this time, they walked, played and had fun, and in the evenings they gathered for gatherings, read fortunes or walked around as mummers and caroling. It was considered undesirable to work during Christmas time, because according to the belief, the whole year then could pass in labor and trouble. Even the following proverbs have been preserved: "Summer is for effort, and winter is for walking!", "Winter is for frosts, and a man is for the holidays!" That is why we will forget for a while about all worries and have fun from the bottom of our hearts! No matter how many years have passed since then, the costumed people still go home, singing songs with wishes for good and health, and the owners treat them to them. In their songs, the mummers praise Kolyada. Our ancestors believed: it depends on how you praise Kolyada whether the year will be good. Do you know, friends, what this Kolyada is? Or who is she? It is unlikely, because even scientists still cannot accurately solve this riddle. But there is one old belief that we really like ... But what can I say, it's better to see once than hear a hundred times! ..

The mummers appear: Bear, Goat, Hen, Cow, Shepherd, Kolyada and Oats. Kolyada is dressed in a sundress and a kokoshnik in the form of the sun, Ovsen - in a Russian folk men's costume. The bear plays the button accordion or accordion, the Shepherd plays the pipe, the Goat carries a sheaf of hay, the Hen - the basket, the cow - the jug, the Oat tree scatters grain from the bag.

The mummers sing carol-song:

Carols-kolyada, Open the gates,
Open the door, bring some bread
Take out the cups, put the porridge
Sweet candy, Copper coins
Pretzel and bagel And iron ruble!
Treat with a roll, Do not get sick at all!
May God give joy to the One who is in the house-house!
Give thick rye to the field, Give the stew is not empty,
Yes, a white gingham, Yes, in a cattle shed!
Kolyada-kolyada, Your life will be full!

Leading(bows to the mummers): Welcome, dear guests! You sang well, get a reward for it! (The presenter gives Kolyada a loaf on a towel). Now tell us who you are?
Kolyada: I am Kolyada, the daughter of the Sun God himself! In other words, I am your new summer sun. I have three fast horses - gold, silver and diamond, and from this day I will send them on the summer road, to the new harvest!
Oat: And I am Oats, my brother Kolyada! I sprinkle the grains, sow, sow, I promise a rich harvest!
Goat: I am the Horned Goat, a symbol of fertility! I carry a sheaf of hay, I follow the seedlings!
Cow: I am a Cow-Burenka, a symbol of prosperity! They made me out of dough and baked me, put me on the window and treated the mummers! Shepherd: And I am the Shepherd, I feed the Burenka, I bring good luck to the house!
Bear: And everyone knows me! I am a clubfoot Bear, a merry fellow and a joker! I sing and walk, I am responsible for the fun!
Hen: And I am a Hen, and I also came for a reason. The people said that with the beginning of Christmas time, the short winter day was added "to the chicken step." And this already means that spring is just around the corner!
Leading: This is how the noble company gathered! What else can you do? Honest people gathered - asks for fun!
Kolyada: And we know how to make riddles! Yes, not simple, but with a quirk!

Christmas Riddles

At the nanny, at the nanny Forty-eight children, Mala were - they were all friends, Grown up - they crumbled. (spikelet)
Geese with goslings are swimming on the blue lake. (clouds)
The house is wooden, there is water in the house. (well)
Crying, crying roar, Poor little head. Cries in summer and spring, And sometimes in autumn So weeps, so weeps, That almost never dries up! (rain)
White lamb, Horns are gilded. She doesn't graze during the day, She can't sleep at night! (month)
Not ice, not snow, but melting. (candle)
Wonderful Sashka - Green shirt: I got dressed in the summer, I undressed for the winter! (wood)
The wooden giant Walked along the forest-fields. He stepped across the river Yes, he fell asleep over the river! (bridge)

Spectators guess, get small prizes.

Leading: Yes, you have tricky riddles! Can you dance?
Kolyada: But how! Come on, clubfoot Bear, unfold the fur, and we will dance - we will call the spring!

The bear plays funny music on the button accordion, the rest of the mummers are dancing (Kolyada with Ovsen, Cow with Shepherd, Goat with Chicken). The audience also joins in.

Round dance game

All comers (both adults and children) line up in a big round dance and slowly walk in a circle, the mummers are also in a round dance, except for the Bear, who plays the button accordion, and Kolyada, who "leads". In her hands is a bright handkerchief. While the Bear plays and sings. Kolyada walks in a circle in the opposite direction and chooses whom to give a handkerchief, i.e. whom to choose, and the chosen one becomes the driver.
The bear sings:“Walk, walk, round dance, Not back, but forward! I will go in a circle, Yes, I will find my destiny! Choose, choose, Look, make the right decision! "
The driver answers with the words:"All are good with themselves, I choose for the soul!" (speaks into the microphone and transmits it to the selected person).
Then everything is repeated from the beginning. The audience can sing along to the Bear.

Leading(after the game): Thank you, mummers, for the fun and entertainment! At all times, young people have had an interest in noisy games and fun. But winter holidays- it's not only fun and festivities. The most mysterious and mysterious side of Christmas time is, of course, fortune-telling. They wondered in the evenings, when they gathered for gatherings and gatherings after fun daytime games and fun in the fresh air. Now, however, a short winter day is in full swing, but let's tell fortunes together! How do you ask? In one old Russian folk way!

Christmas divination

They take out the props: a bowl of grain, a bucket of water (incomplete), a cup of coins, a basket of straw are placed in a circle at a sufficient distance from the center. The chicken also becomes in a circle. The presenter calls one man from the audience, asks him to play the main role in this fortune-telling and dresses up with a Cockerel (you need a hat with a red comb and beak). The cock should stand in the center of the resulting circle.
Leading: Do not be alarmed, dear Petya-Petushok, fortune-telling is very simple, although quite responsible. Now we will blindfold our Rooster, turn him around us several times to confuse him, and see which direction he will go? While they are blindfolded, the presenter explains that this is how they used to guess in Russia, bringing a real rooster into the hut. If "Petushok" approaches a bucket of water, then for all those present the year will be rich in new events and acquaintances, if to a bowl of grain - then nourishing and fruitful, if to coins - then profitable and successful, if to a basket, then - to addition to the family, and if for the Hen, then for everyone who dreams of getting married or getting married, this dream will soon come true. And "Cockerel" gets a prize for his work - a lollipop cockerel.
Leading: Fortune-telling, but our ancestors understood that if you sit at home and guess, then you can wait a long time for a dream to come true. And they went from words to deeds! Do you know, friends, that in Russia, during Christmastide, brides were arranged? Girls in their best outfits gathered at the church fences, and from their outfits the guys could draw conclusions about what kind of needlewomen they were. The presenter calls the ladies to participate in the needlewomen competition.

Needlewoman competition

Several brooms are required for the competition. Participants must "dress up" their brooms - for this they are given a box with props (various ribbons, hats, artificial flowers, etc.). Spectators choose three winners who will receive small prizes.

Presenter: Oh yes, beauties, oh yes, needlewomen! Thank you ladies for your participation. And that our guys are daring and brave? Are there any people who want to show their good fortune?

Baton fights

Men compete in pairs, each standing inside a small drawn circle. The task is to knock the opponent out of his circle, but at the same time not get out of his own.
Leading: Yes, ruddy heroes and clear-faced beauties have not yet died out in Russia! But to whom the fortune-telling, to whom the bride, and who already and the wedding is just around the corner, because Christmas time has traditionally been the time for preparing weddings. It has always been considered that the best days for weddings are the days from Christmas time to Maslenitsa. But even here you have to be on your guard: to get married - not to attack, but as if married not to perish! Our ancestors had a widely popular comic song-game that told about what awaited a young girl who was going to marry an old man ...

Joke number "No Moche"

Performed by a female group and a soloist disguised as an old man. Girls dance around an old man sitting on a chair, one of them sings. Music - any ditty motive.

Young woman: You tell me honey, what's so dull? Let's go to the forest for berries, gray-winged pigeon! Ripe raspberries, stuffing in pies!
Old man
Young woman: You tell me honey, what's so dull? Let's go watering the beds, Gray-winged pigeon! Lei water, water, There will be a bountiful harvest!
Old man(sighing): Oh, no hair!
Young woman: You tell me, honey, What's so dull? Sing us a song, Gray-winged Dove! Uncomplicated, non-convoluted!
Old man(sighing): Oh, no hair!
Young woman: You tell me, honey, What's so dull? Come dance with us, Gray-winged Dove! Make way, honest people, My husband is going to dance!
Old man(sighing): Oh, no hair!
Young woman: You tell me honey, what's so dull? At least play on spoons for us, Dove gray-winged! Spoons knock-knock, Come out rather in a circle!
Old man(sighing): Oh, no hair!
Young woman: You tell me honey, what's so dull? And let's go drink vodka, Gray-winged pigeon! Sweet vodka, smooth glass!
Old man(jumping up joyfully) Let's go, dear, Let's go, my dear! And let's go, dear, Let's go, my dear! (The old man is dancing.)

Leading: This is how it happens, family life! So, dear girls, think carefully before you take a rash step. But, of course, more often than not it happens quite the opposite ... And now, right here, I see so many happy families, with kids! Show yourself where you are, our guys? Are you cold? Now we will play with you, warm up a little!

Children's warm-up

Children repeat the movements behind the presenter. At first, everything goes at a slow pace, then it accelerates:

Our winter is winter, came straight from the north,
Blizzards swirling, Whirling by the winds!
We don’t want to freeze, We don’t stand still,
They clapped their hands: Clap-clap-clap!
Feet stomped: Top-top-top!
And now they squatted: Sit-stand, Sit-stand!
And then jumping in place: Together-together-Together-together!
Let's smile more fun And let's start even faster! .. (Repeat from the line "We don't want to freeze", at a faster pace, and so on several times).
The presenter invites adults to join the warm-up.

Leading: Well done! Now you definitely won't catch a cold. The frost is not great, but does not order to stand! But we will not stand still. Now I will need several parents with children to compete for strength and endurance!

Family relay "Frisky sleigh"

This relay is for parents with small children. Several skids are required. Dads (and maybe mothers) carry sleds with children at speed along a special "track" on which you need to bypass all obstacles (for example, tires from wheels). The fastest pair wins a prize.

Leading: Friends! So we remembered our traditions with you, our customs with you. Needless to say, the ancients understood a lot about fun! But we do not lag behind them, right? Such were the Christmastide in Russia - with dressing up, fortune-telling, festive festivities. And these merry days ended with the blessing of water for Epiphany. The custom of going to the ice hole at midnight to fetch water has been preserved to this day. People believe that if you add even a drop of Epiphany to plain water, it all becomes healing. Collecting holy water, you cannot quarrel, swear, allow dark thoughts: water loses its holiness. Swimming in an ice-hole is also a folk custom, which is not a church sacrament, but is very popular. But if among those present there are those who like to dive into icy water, then we ask them to be careful so as not to harm themselves ... Be healthy and happy, dear friends! May God give you all the brightest and most beautiful! Enjoy the holidays and take care of each other!