Dog whims, or what should be on the New Year's table. Festive table setting. Symbol of the year: yellow dog

And even though it's an animal best friend man, he also needs to be appeased. We will do everything so that it does not happen that Yellow Earth Dog, just a minute ago, merrily wagging her tail, began baring her teeth at you. 🙂

“How to decorate the New Year's table 2018 in the Year of the Dog” is a question that almost all housewives are looking for the answer to on the eve of the New Year holidays. Let's take a look at the available simple ideas how to decorate the New Year's table for the year of the Dog with your own hands.

Of course, the main rule New Year's menu this time - abundance. And the more of them there are, the more favorably the hostess of the coming year will treat you. But it is necessary to ingratiate the favor of this animal not only with an abundance of dishes. It is also very important where the holiday will take place, and it is beautiful to set the New Year's table. Since this is the year of the Earth Dog, the table setting is New Year 2018 is preferred in brown-yellow-gold tones.

The must-have of the New Year's table 2018 is a new yellow tablecloth. It is also better to put a new service on the table. Counts the number of guests in advance and put wine glasses, glasses and glasses according to their number. At the same time, make sure that they are all from the same set.

On the table there should be a maximum of decor. The main rule for serving this year's New Year's table is that there is never too much decor. A playful dog loves everything shiny and beautiful. But at the same time, in order not to scare a dog that does not like changes, the decor should be simple and inexpensive.

A dog is a pet, therefore, she loves comfort and home silence. This feature becomes fundamental in choosing the theme of the celebration. That is why, the design of the table in eco-style or country will ideal solution. An obligatory element at the festive New Year's table there will be candles - after all, this is a symbol of home comfort.

The dog will be delighted with the gifts. Especially if it will small surprises for households. And covering children's table, you can put soft toys on the table.

You need to set the table in such a way that the dog will like it. For example, instead of glass transparent dishes for salads, use deep colored bowls, and cold cuts or lay out in the form of a dog's head.

If desired, the salad on a dish can be laid out even in the form of a whole puppy or dog.

The same can be done with, and even fruits. On the festive table, cookies in the form of dogs or their cute faces will look great.

Well, what could be better and tastier than a dessert in the form of a cake, decorated under the symbol of the coming year?

To completely please the Yellow Earth Dog coming to us, make dog figurines from your products. Both vegetables and fruits are perfect for this.

The dog will appreciate such a compliment.

So that the hostess of the year is present with you not only in new year's eve, but also remained supportive throughout the year in the center of the table, allocate a place under the bowl for her treat. Buy a decorative or bake a delicious bone and invite the Dog to the table. 🙂

On this, ideas, as with their own hands, are not exhausted at all. We just conclude our article on this. 🙂 And how did you decide to decorate the New Year's table 2018? What delicious food did you come up with to cook for the Dog, how to set and serve your holiday table, how to decorate and decorate it beautifully festive dishes on your table? Share your ideas for decorating the New Year's table in the comments.

Happy and delicious New Year everyone!

04/04/2018 71 Views

By Eastern calendar 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

New Year's mood entirely depends on the decoration of the house on the eve of the holidays. Choice various accessories becomes more and more impressive every year, with the desire and appropriate opportunities, it is not at all difficult to create a real Christmas card from home. Some decorations can be made with your own hands if you want to have a pleasant evening with needlework and recharge with the spirit of the upcoming holiday!

  • Ceiling, doors and stairs
  • Compositions
  • Yard area
  • creative holiday decor from improvised materials

    Trends for the upcoming 2018

    The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is wisdom and fidelity, calmness and prudence. This animal is especially close family values and comfort in the house, so excessive variegation and pretentiousness will remain for another year. And in the year of the Dog it is recommended to stop at natural colors and natural materials.

    Advice! Coniferous branches, clay vases, live plants and dried flowers are suitable for decorating a house, natural fabrics and fluffy rugs.

    Christmas toys made of fabric in the form of dogs

    original Christmas tree

    • The color scheme is based on yellow, so for interior design in holidays all its derivative shades will do: orange, brown, beige, golden and amber.
    • You can also add more to the main yellow complex colors such as mustard, woody, saffron and terracotta. Such a warm palette can and should be slightly diluted with other colors, for example, green or red. But it is best to use only muted shades so that they do not overlap the main color.

      Decorative fireplace decoration

      The actual solution for the design of the festive atmosphere will be the embodiment fairy forest With coniferous branches, trees and animals. If the house does not have a fireplace, it can be made from various materials, for example, drywall, foam, plywood and even from cardboard boxes. It will perfectly complement the decoration of the room in which the Christmas tree is installed, and will create a warm atmosphere.

      Christmas tree

      According to tradition, the Christmas tree remains the main decoration in the house; not a single holiday can do without it. It doesn’t matter which option you choose, putting a natural pine or an artificial spruce - in the year of the Dog, you should not pile up toys unnecessarily.

      Restraint and naturalness will help to adhere to the main style. When dressing up a beauty, stop at one of four ways:

      • Chaotic layout does not limit the imagination, all empty spaces are filled, but you need to make sure that there is no overload.
      • Harmonious combination of Christmas tree and living room interior

        AT New Year's decor in the year of the Dog there should be a minimum of luxury

        • Top down, starting from the crown, tinsel and rain are hung, then evenly distributed to the sides.
        • Spiral movement creates a European style: small toys are placed on top, and larger balls can be hung closer to the bottom.
        • Decor in a circle involves closing each level of toys into a ring. For naturalness, use jewelry of different sizes in one row.
        • 14

          Advice! Year of the Dog topical toys will be those that are made by hand. As source material any improvised means will do - fabric, paper, wood and even food. Which dog refuses treats?

          Bones can be added to popular sweets in the form of toys - such a Christmas tree will be remembered for a long time. The main thing is to keep your domestic dog away from the bait to keep the whole structure intact.

          Advice! Do not throw away spruce or pine branches, they can become an indispensable decoration in the house. In addition, unlike artificial ones, a real tree has a unique aroma, without which a New Year's holiday is impossible.

          Ceiling, doors and stairs

          When decorating a room, they often forget about the ceiling, but it is perfect for implementation. unusual ideas. Special LED strips will help create multi-colored lighting and will colorfully harmonize with the garlands on the Christmas tree. In addition, you can use the usual rain with toys attached to the fishing line. For the most determined owners of the house there is a special acrylic paint, which is easily washed off with a solution.

          Advice! Using a stencil, it will not be difficult to paint the ceiling, and both adults and children will like the result..

          Decorative lights above the dining table

          A garland of oranges and cinnamon will fill the house with a pleasant aroma.

        • Doors are usually decorated various tinsel or wreaths. Although this method is quite ordinary, it is quite possible to use it by adding a touch of your style. After all, all jewelry should be made in the same color scheme and designed in the same style.
        • You can make fluffy snowflakes from tinsel or hang satin ribbons.
        • For front door interesting solution there will be fortune cards, especially if guests are expected.
        • Idea! If the house has a staircase, then use its potential by making it in addition to the Christmas tree. main figure. Remembering to leave room for a safe passage, you can decorate the railing with garlands, balls and ribbons with bows..

          Do not ignore the steps: you can put boxes with gifts or lit candles on them. An elegant staircase will create a solemn look and will be an excellent decoration for the house.


          Advice! Garlands are a universal decoration for all holidays. They are easy to make yourself from any materials - paper, candy, fabric or plastic cups. They fit perfectly anywhere in the house.

          Beautiful decorative garland from paper

          Making an LED garland with your own hands


          AT last years frost rarely pleases us in new year holidays, which means that you will have to decorate the windows yourself. In addition to the common method of cutting snowflakes out of paper and using various colors there are more unusual options window decorations. Using ordinary toothpaste, you can create a real masterpiece on glass!

          Window decor with stickers

          A beautifully designed window will create a special atmosphere in the room.

          To do this, you need a stencil in the form of any figures that can be found on the Internet, the old Toothbrush, water, dishes, scissors and paper.

        • It is necessary to wet the template and stick it to the window, wiping off excess water.
        • Dilute the paste with water to the consistency of sour cream and spray the stencil with a brush.
        • After the stencil is completely covered with toothpaste, it can be removed, the image is ready.
        • You can decorate the window with stencils and toothpaste

          • No less interesting look compositions of candles and spruce branches. To install candles you will need paper cups without a picture, which you can paint at your discretion; fill the free space with crumpled paper, and decorate with artificial moss on top.
          • From spruce branches, you can build a wreath and hang it over candles with a red ribbon. As an additional decoration, you can use any materials: cones, toys or garlands.
          • Advice! If there is no time to create complex patterns, you can purchase pre-made stickers on the windows. They stick in a second, and look very bright and high quality. So, any characters can look into your windows.

            Garlands for window decor

            Christmas composition made of paper on the windowsill


            To create a harmonious decor, you need to use different compositions, combining several ideas in a single ensemble:

          • Bright lights. Garlands look great not only as decorations for the Christmas tree. They are appropriate on windows, arches and ceilings. Can do christmas box by filling it holiday accessories or gifts and decorating the whole composition with iridescent lights.

            Illuminated decorative balls

          • Romantic candles. For the table, they are simply irreplaceable in the evening. Gather more candles along with fake snow and cones to make your holiday table look festive.
          • Christmas scents. Main holiday year is impossible to imagine without the smell of tangerines, spruce branches and cinnamon. Such a composition is especially relevant if the Christmas tree is artificial. It can be placed both on the festive table and next to the Christmas tree.
          • Fairy story. Create a "live" composition that carries a certain meaning. For example, you can make a decorative sleigh by decorating it with garlands and tinsel.
          • Christmas wreath. You can build one of the symbols of Christmas with the help of fir branches. Cones, ribbon, beads and balls are used as its decoration. It looks great on doors, windows and above the fireplace.
          • 15

            Yard area

            Often, the decoration of the house does not go beyond its threshold, and all the fabulous scenery remains inside. But nature has already taken care of creating a mood, there is very little left - to add bright colors snow cover. The tradition of decorating the yard has been around for decades among Americans and is increasingly used in other countries. So why not borrow good ideas?

            Decoration mailbox with pine branches

            Wreaths with garlands will make the gate irresistible

            Creating an atmosphere on the street begins with the facade of the house and goes into the courtyard along the steps of the threshold. On the front door you can hang a wreath with cones and a bell with a red ribbon. And decorate the facade of the house with garlands of spruce branches or bright illumination.

            You can put flower pots with various paper figures on the steps, and distribute ice balls around the site. It is also easy to make an ice ball: pour water into an ordinary ball and add dye, then send it to frost. After the ice is ready, you need to remove the rubber - and you get a ball of ice.

            Advice! chief actors there may also be figures of deer, a sleigh with Santa Claus, snowmen. If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made installation in a store, anyone can make a snowman in the presence of snow, because a bucket of carrots can be found in any home.

            Beautiful flower composition on the porch of a private house

            Christmas decoration of the courtyard with dry branches

            If evergreens grow in front of the house, they can be decorated like a Christmas tree. Even small thuja bushes can pass for spruce if you dress them up with toys. For ordinary trees left without foliage for the winter, bright robes from any fabric are suitable instead of balls. You can simply wrap tree trunks with multi-colored pieces of fabric or old things, and appearance shabby trunks will be transformed.

            Advice! If you want something special, you can buy a climbing Santa figurine and hang it on your house or fence. It turns out great idea, which will appeal to everyone without exception - both your guests and ordinary passers-by.

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In 2018, the most just and devoted animal, the Dog, will ascend the throne. The ruling element will be the Earth, and the color of the year will be yellow and all its shades. Thus, it is necessary to decorate the interior of the apartment, taking into account that the Yellow Earth Dog will be the ruler of the year.

Interior style for the new year 2018

To avoid a chaotic pile of New Year's decorations in the premises of the apartment, it is necessary to maintain a single stylistic direction. Otherwise, the dwelling will resemble a space littered with toys, tinsel, confetti, etc. Awaken your imagination and act as a designer.

In a decorated apartment, a certain artistic design must be traced and taste must be guessed. After you manage to generate a concept New Year's interior, introduce big picture it will be much easier. Preliminary planning will allow you to determine exactly what decorations you will need and in what quantity.

Color scheme in the interior

The fashion trend that came to us from Europe is the use of Christmas decorations made in one, two or maximum three colors and their various shades. The interior, decorated in this way, is really distinguished by its exquisite beauty, it looks elegant and stylish. Make sure that the primary colors that you plan to use when decorating the interior of the apartment do not compete with other colors and shades, as well as with each other.

Given the ruling element, choose new Year decoration made mainly from natural materials. Minerals, stones, paper, wood, metal, clay are perfect. Do not forget about the color of the year, according to which decorations can be:

  • yellow;
  • cream;
  • brown;
  • ocher colors;
  • lemon;
  • beige;
  • sand;
  • golden;
  • olive;
  • coffee.

Concerning white color, it is also suitable for use, but only in order to accentuate or dilute an overly saturated palette. The colors listed above should be the main ones.

The dog calls to honor traditions, including family ones, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a mix of styles in which New Year's decorations are made. Surely, your family has memorabilia (relics) that are dear to the heart, as they remind of certain periods the lives of your relatives. It is from such gizmos that decorations for the New Year 2018 should consist. These can be:

  • photographs;
  • letters in envelopes;
  • any household items;
  • paintings;
  • bijouterie;
  • jewelry;
  • portraits;
  • collections, such as stamps, coins, postcards.

Place memorable household items on open shelves, window sills, tables. It is advisable to place jewelry and costume jewelry in beautiful caskets and also place them in prominent places. Postcards, envelopes with letters, collections can be placed on a small stand near the decorated Christmas tree. An ottoman, a box turned upside down, an ordinary stool can serve as a stand.

Also, as decorations for the New Year of the Dog 2018, rare gizmos, antique products, household items that were used during the existence of the USSR are perfect. In any case, every family has similar items stored in the dacha, balcony, dusty shelves of the pantry or attic. Be sure to take them out, put them in proper shape, cleaning them of dust and other contaminants. Decorations can be, for example, such items:

  • teapots, cans, various cutlery, kitchen utensils;
  • curtains, curtains, fabric cuts;
  • banners, pioneer horns and ties, Komsomol and Octobrist badges;
  • beautiful bottles of colognes, perfumes;
  • mesh string bags (wicker bags);
  • radio receivers, gramophones, gramophones, records, tape cassettes;
  • table lamps, alarm clocks;
  • books, notebooks, inkwells, fountain pens;
  • clothes and shoes.

Of paramount importance for the Dog are not classic New Year decorations, but family heirlooms, as well as any items that keep the history of the city, region, country and even an entire era. This is one of characteristic features 2018. But, you must admit that without auxiliary New Year's paraphernalia, the interior will be a little boring. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to use a small amount traditional jewelry. Suitable universal attributes:

  • fairy lights;
  • paper snowflakes;
  • confetti;
  • tinsel;
  • serpentine;
  • toys, beads;
  • artificial snow;
  • flashlights.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year 2018

Installation artificial spruce for the New Year 2018 - not the best solution. Due to the fact that the ruling element will be the Earth, as many decorations as possible, especially such basic ones as a Christmas tree, one way or another must be the personification of nature. It is a living green spruce with fluffy branches that will become good option. In addition, a real tree is able to spread a pleasant coniferous aroma around the room, which purifies the air, uplifts and tones.

Now for the Christmas tree decorations. It will be appropriate not only universal toys corresponding colors, consistent with the main color of the year and the ruling element. Thematic decorations that will symbolize 2018 will help to appease the mistress of the year and bring unprecedented good luck.

Symbol of 2018

You can hang figurines of dogs and puppies on the branches of spruce. And you don't have to buy finished goods, figurines made of paper and painted with felt-tip pens on their own are quite suitable.

cereal crops

Earth is a symbol of fertility, abundance, generosity and wealth, therefore, in the form Christmas decorations dried spikelets of wheat are suitable. Tie them into small bundles and hang them on branches. If it is not possible to get wheat spikelets, you can make small linen bags into which to pour wheat grain and / or other cereals: rice, oats, buckwheat, pearl barley. Tie the bags with string, leaving a long piece of thread for hanging.


Bright, elegant and stylish decoration by the year of the Dog 2018 will be sunflower inflorescences. They can be made from paper, clay, plasticine or fabric. The sunflower has yellow foliage and dark brown seeds - this perfectly reflects not only the elements of the year, but also its color scheme.

Locks with keys

A tribute to traditions will help to give jewelry in the form of small locks and keys. These attributes are perfect for the character of the patroness of the year, who is distinguished by loyalty, justice, and a heightened sense of duty. You can purchase ready-made locks with keys or make these products yourself. For this, any improvised materials are suitable.


The dog is chaste and far-sighted, therefore it is an ardent opponent of divorces and family scandals. So that couples in love never quarrel, and an atmosphere of love and understanding always reigned in the family, several pairs of doves can be made as New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree. The heads of the birds must be facing each other. Ideally, if the doves are yellow or brown.

The Yellow Earth Dog will become even more favorable to you if, in the process of decorating the interior of your home for the New Year, you take into account some of the recommendations of experts.

Border is locked tight!

The dog is the protector of its territory. Make small barn locks out of paper or plasticine and hang them on the handles of windows and doors (interior, entrance). You can also use decorative locks, which are sold in almost all gift shops. By using such decorations, you will not only create the “right” New Year’s atmosphere, but also make it clear to the hostess of the year that the doors and windows are locked and ill-wishers will not be able to get into the territory.

Let me spend the night

From improvised means (cardboard, paper, polystyrene), build a place for the Dog to sleep - a small booth. Try to make it look like a real doghouse as much as possible. Place the product in the hallway or living room. Next to the booth, you can put a treat for the Dog: a plate with pieces of meat and a fragrant sugar bone.

Tonight, tell the cats "Get out!"

To decorate an apartment by 2018, it is not recommended to use drawings, figurines, figurines and any other images of cats and kittens. As you know, dogs do not welcome these cute representatives of the fauna and often conflict with them. The Yellow Earth Dog can be very offended, and then luck is unlikely to accompany you in the coming year.

DIY stained glass windows

Do not forget to decorate the windows of your apartment for the New Year. Draw images of dogs on the glasses, coloring them in the colors of the year. If you are not good at art, print beautiful pictures dogs / puppies on the printer, cut and paste on window panes.

dog garlands

The four-legged patroness will protect you throughout the year if you pull the ropes or threads along the perimeter of the living room (under the ceiling), on which you hang spruce twigs with cones. But first they must be painted in golden or yellow. To do this, use ordinary watercolor, gouache or a special spray for graffiti. Such a decoration will not only delight the eye, but also give the decorated interior a creative touch, as well as emphasize the sophistication of style.

Living symbol of the year

If one of your household has been dreaming of a puppy for a long time, buy a “fluffy” in advance and present it as new year gift. This will a pleasant surprise! Not only that, you will radically please the patroness of the year, who will generously endow you and your entire family in the coming year. Do not forget to first find out the coat color and breed of the puppy.

What to put the spruce in?

Everyone is used to using the traditional sacrum stand. But in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, all decorations, especially the main beautiful Christmas tree, must correspond to the elements and colors of the year. Take an ordinary bucket or basin. If the color of the container does not match the colors of the year, wrap it in colored paper. Very convenient to use corrugated paper which is inexpensive and looks great. Pour sand or earth inside the bucket or basin.

Decorating the interior of the apartment for the New Year 2018, show your imagination and do not be afraid to experiment. The hostess of the year welcomes ingenuity and creativity. The Yellow Earth Dog will thank you for your attention to yourself, will become your reliable protector and generous patron. Happy New Year!

Since ancient times obligatory element Christmas decor was a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. It's hard to imagine without her this holiday, therefore, as it approaches, many begin to think about how to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, taking into account the wishes of the symbol of 2019 - the pig, what style to choose and what color scheme to base on.

When wondering what color is better to decorate a Christmas tree in 2019, remember that the Earth Pig prefers bright and fiery shades. These include red, orange, yellow, gold, pink, purple, etc. These cheerful colors can be combined with calmer tones: white, silver, light blue, green, lemon, brown. The combination of colors on the Christmas tree should not be too clumsy and tasteless. It is advisable to use a scheme of 2-3 color solutions so as not to overload the composition. In this case Christmas tree harmoniously fit into the festive interior.

Fashion trends and decorating ideas

To beautifully decorate the Christmas tree at home, study fashion trends new year season 2019. These include:

  • shiny balls different forms and sizes;
  • one-color garlands and a large fluffy rain;
  • handmade toys (carved snowflakes, paper lanterns, jewelry made of beads, felt, wire or thread, etc.);
  • glazed cookies and gingerbread;
  • soft pompoms;
  • large fabric bows.

The design of the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 should be thought out to the smallest detail, because the Yellow Pig is demanding on exquisite details. Therefore, replace the fastening systems of toys made of threads with special green fasteners that will be almost invisible on the branches of a festive tree. Also, holders can be made from bright ribbons and ropes that are in harmony in color with the main decor.

Among fashion trends season, a special place is occupied original jewelry for the top of the spruce. Big red stars remain in trend. In addition, the crown can be decorated with an angel figurine, a large golden bow, a toy pig.

If you can't decide how to properly place toys on a coniferous tree, use the following ideas:

  • the arrangement of jewelry in a spiral;
  • scattering of toys and circular placement of garlands and rain;
  • distribution of decorations in the vertical direction;
  • circular hanging toys.

Symbols for good luck

If you want to put Christmas tree according to Feng Shui, first decide what goals and desires are priority and in what direction you need to direct positive energy. According to this teaching, each side of the world is responsible for various benefits:

  • southeast: material well-being, prosperity, monetary profit;
  • east: harmony in the family, mutual understanding, home comfort;
  • south: public recognition, glory;
  • west: replenishment in the family, the birth of children;
  • north: professional achievements, career advancement, success in work;
  • northeast: new knowledge, wisdom;
  • northwest: interesting travels, adventures, meetings with like-minded people;
  • southwest: harmonious personal relationships, happy marriage, good luck in the realm of love.

If you place a decorated Christmas tree in 2019 in the center of the room, it will become a symbol good health and vitality, because positive home energy is concentrated in this place.

According to Chinese teachings, red lanterns with tassels, coins with a hole, balls with hieroglyphs are considered symbols of good luck. You can hang banknotes, toys in the form of lotus flowers, cranes and walnuts. To bring prosperity and happiness into the house, place figures of pigs and piglets under the Christmas tree.

7 options for decorating the Christmas tree beautifully and inexpensively

You can decorate the Christmas tree with balls and other New Year's attributes in various styles. The most popular in 2019 will be the following options for inexpensive holiday decor:

  1. Classical. To elegantly decorate the Christmas tree in 2019 of the Pig, use balls of 2-3 shades of the same size. It is advisable to take the golden color as a basis, because it goes well with others. bright colors. AT classic version decorations are placed on a coniferous tree in a circle, garlands with small light elements and a plain rain are used.
  2. Retro. For this style characterized by the use of old Soviet toys, round candies in bright wrappers, glass and plastic balls. Decor can be added paper snowflakes and stars, and put the figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree.
  3. Eco. To decorate a Christmas tree in this style, use natural materials: cones, acorns and chestnuts, branches, dried fruits and flowers, cinnamon sticks, cookies and gingerbread. Christmas balls and decorations can be made from wood or paper.

  4. Country. Rustic motifs should prevail in this style: toys made of thread and fabric, knitted boots and mittens, figurines decorated with lace, matte plain balls, felt decorations. A Christmas tree decorated in this style should embody home comfort, warmth and harmony.

  5. European. When decorating a Christmas tree European style use balls of 2 shades. Traditional combinations: gold and red, silver and blue. You can also hang it on a tree. satin bows of the same flowers and a monophonic garland. The use of tinsel and rain is not welcome. A Christmas tree decorated in the European version should be stylish and neat.

  6. Scandinavian. This decor is dominated by light shades, moderation and simplicity. If you like this style, you can change the natural spruce for an artificial one or make an imitation of a Christmas tree from garlands, wire and other materials at hand.
  7. handmade. If you creative person, make Christmas decorations with your own hands. For Christmas decor decorated ceramic figurines, paper balls, clay toys, coffee bean beads, soft pompoms, etc. will do.

To decorate a Christmas tree, it is not necessary to purchase expensive designer toys. To obtain excellent result, it is enough to approach the decorating process creatively and not be afraid to bring bold ideas to life.

2018 a year will pass under the protection of a dog. So, the attribute of the coming year must be present in the apartment. How to decorate your apartment for the New Year 2018 will be discussed in this review.

The predominant hues in jewelry should be gold and yellow, because it will be a year yellow dog. Of course, when meeting the new year, you can’t do without a Christmas tree.

Try to install a live tree, not an artificial substitute. This will give the owner of the house prosperity along with good mood. Decorate the Christmas Tree bright toys gold, orange and yellow shades. Let it have a lot of lights and be sure to have a dog figurine.

How to decorate an apartment yourself?

Pay special attention to decorating windows. Designers recommend sticking not only standard white snowflakes on them, but diluting them with purple and gold.

There is non-standard way decorations for which you will need:

- toothpaste;

- New Year's stencils;

Dilute toothpaste with water and, using stencils, draw with the resulting mixture on the window. Connect children to the process, it will bring them unprecedented joy and pleasure. If you don’t want to spend time painting, buy ready-made window stickers by adding fake snow sprayed on the glass to the decoration.

See also:

How to decorate your office for the New Year 2018

Candles for the new year 2018

The use of designer candles creates a unique atmosphere in the house. From them emanates mystery and a fairy tale. Place the candles in the pine branches laid out on the shelves. You can make candlesticks yourself by decorating them in the colors of the coming year. However, using candles in a home with children is problematic from a safety standpoint.

How to decorate the kitchen for the new year 2018?

Each room needs to be dressed up for the main holiday of the year, and the kitchen is no exception. As a rule, in the kitchen, most people see off the outgoing year with a gala dinner and meet the coming one.

Walls, ceiling and windows need decoration. You can make a festive patch for chairs and tablecloths. You can use a red tablecloth with beige or gold trim.

Place a figurine with the symbol of the coming year and a composition of pine branches in the middle of the table. In general, you can decorate the whole room with branches with cones. Try not to overdo it with tinsel and interior items that can hamper movement.

Room decoration for the new year

AT self decoration apartments and houses for the celebration of the new year, the leading position is occupied by the Christmas tree. Each person associates this holiday with the smell of spruce and tangerines. If your room is not able to accommodate a Christmas tree, you can always replace it with branches, which can be easily purchased at coniferous sales points.

See also:

Do-it-yourself home decor for the New Year 2018: photo and video master class

Great help with creating new year atmosphere snowflakes, garlands and candles. You can make snowflakes with your own hands, or you can buy ready-made ones in stores. Garlands and candles before the holiday sold countless. Nowadays, the design of these jewelry does not stand still. Every year there are various option: garlands in the form of balls, angels and hearts.

Bedroom decoration

With the decoration of this room you need to be as delicate as possible in order to celebration atmosphere did not drown out the feeling of peace and tranquility. Do not use "flashy" and shiny elements. Try to exclude tinsel, rain. Use dim light bulbs, scented candles, decorative figurines and large Christmas balls. By the way, the balls can be hung directly on the chandelier, which will give it expressiveness.

Living room with a festive atmosphere

The days of living room decorating tips are long gone. Nowadays, everyone decorates in their own way. However, the attribute remains unchanged festive tree. Some prefer artificial Christmas trees, others get natural every year. The inclination towards artificial wood is explained by the fact that it does not crumble and does not smell (some simply cannot stand the smell of coniferous trees).