Self-hypnosis to fulfill your cherished desires. Self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires: the rules of immersion in a trance

Every psychologist can tell you how important self-hypnosis is in achieving your goals. With the help of self-hypnosis, a person can get rid of complexes, believe in his own strength and forget about prejudices.

Mastering the technique of self-hypnosis will help not only, but also expand the boundaries of your own capabilities. In reality, a person can achieve almost anything, and the only thing that is required of him is to sincerely believe and go towards the goal.

What are the benefits of self hypnosis

Is it really possible to use self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires - a completely logical question. A person always wants to know what benefits technology will bring, and whether it will positively affect his life. So, what results can be achieved using this technique?

The main advantage of this technique, perhaps, is that it can radically change a person’s life. Self-doubt leads to the fact that a person cannot take steps towards a dream, continues to be content with a modest salary and lack of personal life. Self-hypnosis eliminates those shortcomings that have always accompanied you, helping.

However, not everyone manages to achieve the goal. Here it is very important to believe in the effectiveness of the technique, practice it daily, and at the same time take other steps towards the desired. Only in this case, dreams will surely begin to come true.

Preparation for hypnosis

The essence of this technique is that a person helps himself, without resorting to someone else's help. However, this does not mean that one can engage in such practices anywhere, anytime. Here are the following rules:

External factors are of great importance here. If a person tries to use self-hypnosis in a place where there are a lot of people, music is blaring, or the TV is screaming, he is unlikely to succeed. You need to dive into the deepest corners of your own consciousness, and this requires peace.

It is very important that you yourself are attuned to the right wave. Hypnosis only works if the person is calm, focused, and goal-oriented. That is why the best period for this kind of meditation is the morning. At this time, you can set yourself up in the right way, besides, in the morning a person has not yet had time to face irritation against the background of external factors.

If you feel tired, irritable, or constantly distracted by business, it is better to postpone meditation. In this case, it will not bring much benefit.

Self-hypnosis: a brief guide

So, let's say the right time and place for the trance was chosen. Now a person can plunge into that very state and fulfill all his dreams with its help. But how to do that. What are the stages of self-hypnosis?

It is very important during self-hypnosis to speak and think only about what you want. Now a person is projecting himself onto a certain model of actions. If he thinks about the negative, then it is he who will come into life, eclipsing all joy and light.

You should refer to the procedure as often as possible. If one desire was fulfilled, it is necessary to move on to the next.

Reasons why the technique does not work

Many people complain that self-hypnosis does not help them in any way. Like, it's all nonsense, designed for fools. In fact, the effectiveness of this procedure has been proven by both psychologists and adherents of self-hypnosis.

There are many reasons why such a suggestion does not work, but here are just the most common ones:

The success of self-hypnosis is almost half dependent on the person himself. Is he focused enough? To what does he devote his thoughts during this period of immersion in himself?

Sometimes the problem lies in the elementary ignorance of oneself. A person inspires himself with the idea of ​​the need to develop a career, but in reality he dreams of children and a large family. As a result, the desired and the suggestible enter into dissonance with each other, and a person's dreams remain dreams.

If the procedure is performed frequently, the person is well aware of his needs, the result will certainly be noticeable.

It is important to understand that self-hypnosis will not start working immediately, on the very first day of acquaintance with it. As in any other business, practice is needed here to help you comprehend yourself and plunge into the depths of consciousness.

Acquaintance with self-hypnosis is unlikely to be simple and easy. Usually a person does not immediately begin to believe in the effectiveness of such a technique. When his desires abruptly begin to be fulfilled, the advantages of self-hypnosis become more and more obvious. It remains only to take the remaining steps on the way to the dream and fulfill it.

Tatiana, Velikie Luki

My colleague Mikhail is a person who is completely satisfied with his life, has a wonderful family, in which he is surrounded by a beloved wife and wonderful daughters, has achieved the desired results at work, moving up the career ladder and significantly increasing his income, easily finds a common language with people around him and easily establishes contacts with new acquaintances.

According to him, it's all about personal growth and self-development. In total, he was helped to achieve by faith in himself and the ability to listen to his own feelings and intuition prompts. And Misha began his personal growth with the necessary literature and the simplest method of self-hypnosis - reading affirmations.

But this is only the beginning! All the most interesting things are waiting for you…

From a certain point of view, self-hypnosis is all that happens to us. We are constantly hypnotized by the greatest hypnotist - reality, and its main agent - the human environment. Everything that happens inspires us. If only we accept it. Vladimir Levy.

Hypnosis as a method of influencing the subconscious, the possibilities of hypnosis

Hypnosis is the suggestion to a person of any attitudes, while the person himself is in a trance. At the same time, trance is a thin line between wakefulness and sleep, in which a person loses awareness of his own actions, and the subconscious of a person controls the body and consciousness.

It is in this state that the subconscious mind is most receptive. And after leaving the state of trance, a person perceives the suggested thought as his own.

Based on the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself that the technique of hypnosis allows you to intervene in the subconscious of a person in order to change the quality of his life, create new attitudes for self-development that will become guides in life, and even cure mental illness, looking for the root of the problem in the depths of the unconscious.

self-hypnosis technique

It is often very difficult for us to trust another person, so only a few people are ready to put themselves into the hands of an experienced hypnotist. But what about the rest? Give up the dream of getting rich, being successful? In this case, the opportunity to learn self-hypnosis comes to the rescue of a person.

To enter a trance state, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Find a place that's convenient for you. It should be a place where you feel comfortable, but its main feature is that no one will disturb you here. For classes, you can choose a bedroom, personal office, car or a quiet corner of your favorite garden.
  2. The point is time. For classes, determine the time of day when you can escape from routine affairs and take time for self-hypnosis. Any time can be chosen.
  3. Musical accompaniment. To tune in to the right wave and calm down, turn on soft music for relaxation.
  4. Relax. Choose a position that is comfortable for you. You can sit or lie down, the main thing is that in this position you feel comfortable and can relax.
  5. Breathe. Close your eyes and control your breathing. Breathing should be sedate, measured and unhurried. Let all thoughts leave you, but only the one that is the goal of self-hypnosis remains.
  6. The light of a burning candle can help to relax. Watch him until you go into a trance.

The first session of self-hypnosis will take you a lot of time, as the process of relaxation and entering into a trance takes a long time. Over time, this stage will be reduced, but the main part of the session is self-suggestion and presentation.

Home self-hypnosis is the safest, as it is not capable of harming you, but only tunes your subconscious mind to favorable, positive settings.

Any session of self-hypnosis takes place in several stages:

  1. Training. Make sure no one disturbs you, create a relaxing environment and take a comfortable posture.
  2. Entering a trance state. Release your thoughts and close your eyes. Focus on your desires to have money, be successful and rich.
  3. Setting for wealth and success. Repeat the programming phrase until all your attention is on it. During a trance, you can only think about the installation that you give yourself.
  4. Getting out of a trance state. As soon as attention begins to weaken, open your eyes. This will end the hypnotic state.
  5. Motivation. Set yourself goals that you need to overcome in order to fulfill your plan.

Hypnosis Rules

Immersion in a trance and work with the subconscious can not only heal, but also cripple. So that the desire to change your life does not become a fatal mistake, self-hypnosis bears fruit, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Don't use negative ratings. The subconscious accepts the installation that it hears and does not process it in any way.
  2. Define a goal. It is not necessary to spread thought along the tree. Your settings should be concise, but contain all the necessary information.
  3. Visualization. Learn to imagine yourself at the pinnacle of success. Draw in your subconscious the desired result.
  4. Patience. Don't expect instant results. Any work with the subconscious mind takes quite a long time.
  5. Believe in what you say. Any work with influence on the subconscious is based on the belief in what a person does or says.
  6. Manage your mood. A self-hypnosis session should be started only in a good mood. A bad mood and the negative emotions caused by it are not able to make positive attitudes. In addition, after the session, all negative feelings and experiences can become aggravated, which will translate a bad mood into hysterical states, attacks of uncontrollable panic or inexplicable fear.
  7. negative associations. If self-hypnosis classes cause you unconscious unrest, fear or any other negative emotions, then the classes should be temporarily stopped.
  8. Control your condition. Do not strive from the first lessons to enter a full-fledged state of hypnosis. At the initial stages, it is enough to learn to abstract from thoughts, to concentrate on a specific goal. Do not seek to immediately enter into a dialogue with the subconscious, since the images that it can show you can take you away from the goal for a long time.
  9. paradoxical reactions. When immersed in hypnosis, strange sensations may accompany you - a feeling of falling or losing balance, an increase in the length or volume of the body, a feeling of flight or a sharp jerk. Do not be afraid of such conditions, this is a normal reaction of the human body in a relaxed state.

Methods of working with the subconscious mind using self-hypnosis

As we have said, hypnosis is the process of persuading your inner self. You can convince your unconscious mind using the following methods:

  1. Reading affirmations. Read affirmations to attract wealth and success. Prepare a few affirmations that will express your main desires. Try to keep the goals close to reality, that is, do not make sky-high plans.
  2. Reading prayers. Prayers are a kind of affirmations, in the power of which God-fearing people believe. You should not resort to this method if you are an inveterate atheist.
  3. Hypnosis through movies and books. Watch movies and read books that tell you how to program yourself for success. The most successful film adaptation is the film "The Secret" ("The Secret", 2006). If you prefer books, then pay attention to the works of Joe Vitale "The Secret of Attraction", "Life without limits" and "The Awakening of Consciousness", Wayne Walter Dyer's conclusions in his books "Change your thoughts - change your life", "Enough Reservations!" . These materials will help you program yourself for success, and will not tell you another story about a lucky guy.
  4. No related posts.


Self-hypnosis: a technique for fulfilling desires

We tend to think that hypnosis is the work of scammers and charlatans or just part of the show. Hypnosis is often compared to psychic abilities. In fact, everything is not so.

Surprisingly, hypnotists do not have supernatural powers. They simply use the necessary knowledge and skills to help people relax and fall into a trance state.

You can try hypnosis for yourself.

And in this article, I will tell you that self-hypnosis is a technique that will help you fulfill your desires and achieve the happy life that you dream of.

What are you dreaming about?

About a new car, an increase in income, a happy marriage, a trip, meeting new friends? You have the right to wish for anything.

Moreover, you can get everything you dream of. And you can do it with the help of self-hypnosis.

Important! I myself have been using self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of desires for a long time: one lesson of my master class is devoted to this technique.

As a rule, I give students a script, reading which they very easily plunge into self-hypnosis with their eyes open. I learned this technique from an American psychotherapist.

In this article, you will read another, classic self-hypnosis technique.

Self-hypnosis: what is the use of it?

Self-hypnosis is an absolutely safe technique for health and is effective for self-influence and mental self-regulation.

Immersion in your own inner world makes it possible to know yourself and fulfill any of your desires. After all, no one knows a person better than he himself, and by the nature of all this knowledge is deeply hidden from us.

self hypnosis- this is a conscious, controlled ability of a person to immerse himself in a hypnotic state, as well as the ability to realize various phenomena inherent in a hypnotic state. In the technique of self-hypnosis, there must be a component called self-hypnosis.

self-hypnosis- this is the introduction into the brain of figuratively imagined commands or installations against the background of a hypnotic state of consciousness.

Read more about self-hypnosis in my article.

As a self-hypnosis, we can also use affirmations, which I wrote about in my articles:

Self-hypnosis is a whole mechanism that helps to independently manage physiological and mental processes, and do it consciously and for the benefit of oneself.

Practicing self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis, a person gets a unique opportunity to program his own reality, fulfill desires, heal the body, attract the right people and things.

This can be done correctly only by working with the subconscious, which is why the ability to introduce yourself into a trance state is desirable and useful.

Being in the moment between wakefulness and sleep, a person is freed from the factors that bind him, the controlling function of consciousness is turned off, which will make it possible to focus on his desire and turn it into life.

Self-hypnosis: a technique for fulfilling desires

Using self-hypnosis you go into a trance.

In a state of trance, new commands and affirmations are remembered and perceived as one's own much easier. A person changes and changes his life at his own discretion.

By practicing self-hypnosis regularly, you can achieve success in completely different areas of life:

  • get a certain thing;
  • v find the right person;
  • increase income;
  • be happy in a relationship;
  • achieve perfect health
  • achieve concrete changes in your life.

Next stage is the implementation of the program. This is where the work with attitudes and affirmations begins. Here you can imagine a pre-thought-out scenario. You mentally repeat to yourself the program you need. It can do anything, any of your desires:

  • I have a new, good car.
  • I love and I am loved.
  • I am happy in an ideal relationship.
  • I am in perfect health.
  • Money comes easily.
  • I have the perfect job.
  • I am relaxing on the beach in an expensive hotel.
  • I am a charismatic man.
  • I am feminine and sweet.

Repeat the settings multiple times. Connect the possibilities of imagination: while pronouncing the program, imagine the image of the goal in detail and vividly. A figurative representation can greatly enhance the effect of suggestion, since the image itself is a suggestion. You can imagine pictures, sounds, tactile sensations, smells, tastes.

After you have mentally repeated your program several times in a state of trance slowly and carefully, stay in a state of relaxation a little more.

Then you need to get out of the trance state.

Not everyone can get out of it quickly. You may be overcome by drowsiness. It's not worth rushing. Gradually normal sensations of body and mind will return. You need to get out of this state as much as you need. Even if you fell asleep, there is no reason to worry. Often, self-hypnosis turns into a normal dream, after which you wake up rested.

Trying to get out of the state of hypnosis, say the following phrases in your head:

The next time I want to do self-hypnosis again, I will reach a state of calm and relaxation faster, and I will fall into a trance even deeper than now. Now I'm starting to wake up. Breathing quickens, eyelids begin to tremble, my whole body wakes up. The head is rested, and new bright thoughts are in it. Everyone, I open my eyes.

Important points for best results

If you find it difficult to relax

Try to remember those moments when you were very good.

This may be some day from your vacation at the sea, and then you can imagine everything that was there and how it was - to see the sea and yourself relaxed, hear the sounds, feel the light fresh breeze, etc.

Try to remember and recreate in your imagination all the details, and your body and mind will obediently enter the state that you imagine.

Formulation for self-hypnosis

Should be positive and assertive.

Eliminate such words and particles as “not”, “no”, “without”, “get rid of”, “quit”. Replace them with positive wording, for example, instead of “do not be late” - “arrive on time, be on time”, instead of “do not get sick” - “be healthy”, etc. If you want to quit smoking, the suggestion may sound like this: “I am healthy Lifestyle".

If the goal is big

If the goal is bigimplement it step by step.

When you want long-term change, it's helpful to suggest a process rather than a specific outcome. For example, if you are telling yourself to feel good, instead of suggesting "I feel good," it's better to say, "My health is getting better, it's getting better and better every day, every hour."

Alignment with values

The goals that you strive to achieve must be consistent with your values, beliefs, your lifestyle.

For example, if you set yourself the goal of earning a lot of money, but are internally convinced that “money is bad”, “money spoils people”, “big money only causes problems”, then the subconscious mind simply “will not miss” your suggestion and you will not see the result. receive.

In order for the suggestions you made in the session to continue to work in a dream, it is useful to give yourself the following installation: “ I fall asleep quickly, easily, sleep is deep, strong, healing. All the necessary processes automatically start in a dream».

By practicing self-hypnosis regularly, you can learn to fully relax, relax deeply and improve your sleep, improve your health, and fulfill any of your desires.

It is important to understand that self-hypnosis is a clear and scientifically based technique to work on themselves and on their own specific tasks. It is not some sort of "magic" or magic pill.

Self-hypnosis is a skill, it is a natural and normal state of consciousness that can be used to influence your own subconscious and body.

Self-hypnosis is the controlled ability of a person to enter a hypnotic state. This is one form of therapeutic self-hypnosis. It occurs with the participation of one person, without the help of a hypnotist.

As a result of long training, you can independently learn to manage your dreams. If you want to learn self-hypnosis, this book will certainly help you with this. Hypnosis is based on such principles as: relaxation, the ability to manage your desires, feelings and even pain. Thanks to this, a person comes to unity with his soul, and learns to control his emotions and mind. Self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of their desires is used very often. It does not harm human health, but rather has a positive effect on the mental state.

The use of self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is increasingly being used to treat various diseases and to improve one's health. In almost 100 percent of cases, it helps to cope with insomnia, which has plagued people for years. Wish fulfillment technology is available to everyone. If you want to get rid of complexes, fear, normalize weight, improve intimate relationships, then resort to self-hypnosis without hesitation. It will also help:

  • solve health problems;
  • cope with stressful situations;
  • normalize sleep;
  • learn how to rest properly so as not to feel tired;
  • get rid of fears;
  • eliminate addiction to drugs and alcohol;
  • quit smoking;
  • normalize weight;
  • become self-confident;
  • improve family relationships;
  • acquire the meaning of life;
  • much easier to endure life's difficulties;
  • and intuition;
  • gain creativity.

You can get hypnosis lessons from a professional and learn on your own. Surprisingly, hypnotists do not have supernatural powers. They simply use the knowledge and skills necessary for this, thanks to which they help people relax and plunge into a state of trance. A person who is easily impressed with something can be quickly convinced of something, for example, to say that he is a great artist. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis is better known in the West. Many stars have resorted to this miracle technique. Drew Barrymore recovered from and Fergie from alcoholism. The result is visible.

Notable experience in hypnosis

There are a lot of people in the big hall. On stage, someone wets a piece of cotton wool with plain water and says that an unpleasant smell will now spread throughout the hall. Anyone who smells this should raise their hand. After a few minutes in the front rows, people begin to raise their hands. More and more people are experiencing bad breath. And here is the whole room with their hands up. But in fact, cotton wool does not have any smell, and everyone can be convinced of this. Hypnosis lessons will be useful for those who suffer from allergic reactions, since in a state of trance, allergies go away. Hypnosis was invented back in the 19th century by an English surgeon who used it as a method of pain relief. Without knowing it, we fall into a state of trance every day, it does not last very long, so we do not notice it. The psyche protects itself from stress in this way. By the way, the technology of wish fulfillment in Austria is taught as a course for employees of banks and jewelry stores. If a robber suddenly attacks them, they will be able to hypnotize him.

Funny story

A famous English hypnotist was sued by a man for doing anything for 120 minutes while under hypnosis - conducting a huge orchestra, dancing a ballet, rejoicing as if he had won a million dollars in the lottery. After that, in ordinary life, he began to behave strangely. 4 psychiatrists gave him the same diagnosis - acute schizophrenic syndrome. However, the court decided that the hypnotist was not guilty.

You will not believe!

Self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of one's desires can lower or increase body temperature, dilate blood vessels, relieve fatigue and pain, regulate blood sugar levels, as well as blood pressure.

The main stages of self-hypnosis

Getting out of hypnosis is not easy for everyone. You may be overcome by drowsiness. It's not worth rushing. Gradually normal sensations of body and mind will return. You need to get out of this state as much as you need. Even if you fell asleep, there is no reason to worry. Often, self-hypnosis turns into a normal dream, after which you wake up rested.

In order to achieve your goal, you should follow some tips.

  • The external conditions of the place where you are going to go into a trance should be as comfortable as possible (normal air temperature, no excessive humidity, etc.) and should not endanger you.
  • So that nothing distracts you from diving into a trance, you should satisfy everything immediately before self-hypnosis.
  • If you are very tired, you should not start self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires. It won't lead to anything good.
  • Try to relax every part of the body, starting from the top of your head and reaching to your toes.
  • Don't think too much, but focus on the important issue.

Common Techniques for Inducing Trance

  1. On the inhale, you rise a little, on the exhale, on the contrary, you lower. With each breath, dive deeper into self-awareness.
  2. Place your hand palm up and relax it completely. Then start slowly squeezing it in should take you at least 3 minutes. All attention should be focused on this hand, you should feel everything that happens to it.
  3. Imagine a long staircase in front of you that you have to go down. Start slowly descending it, first lower one leg, then the other. You should feel the downward movement. Imagine that you have a brick wall in front of you that moves with you. With each step, you are more thoroughly immersed in self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of your desires.
  4. Imagine that you are a bird that slowly flies down from a great height. Imagine that there are white cumulus clouds around you, and you are smoothly falling through them. The gentle sun warms you, from this you are more and more immersed in a hypnotic state.

How to write formulas for hypnosis

Here are some examples:

  • I can handle difficult situations quickly.
  • Each time I start to believe in myself more and more.
  • All alcohol is unpleasant to me, and the smell causes hostility.
  • I sleep peacefully and have only pleasant dreams.

A guide to self-hypnosis for dermatological diseases advises to imagine the affected areas of the skin, on which healing dressings are applied. Imagine that the itching or pain goes away and you feel good.

smoking and hypnosis

Hypnosis really helps to quit smoking, as American scientists have found out. True, you have to stick to a diet and do physical exercises. Most often, women do this faster than men. In our country, with the help of hypnosis, they have now learned to treat neurosis, obesity, alcoholism, phobias, and drug addiction.

Photo hypnosis

There are mysterious and fascinating photographs in the world. They grab people's attention with movement. Perhaps this is an optical illusion? But in any case, animated pictures with moving figures do not leave anyone indifferent. Photo hypnosis is often used to attract people to a blog, website, forum.

Self-hypnosis can be done regularly. Do not be afraid of him, he will not harm your health, and maybe even vice versa will help solve the problem. You must believe in it and make every effort to fulfill your plan. Self-hypnosis reviews are very diverse. Someone solves their problems in this way, while others have not even heard about it. Some succeed in achieving the desired result, while others are not lucky.

Everyone wants their positive thoughts and wishes to come true. In childhood, we get acquainted with the magic of magic wands, genies, goldfish. People also come up with different ways to achieve the most intimate. But, unfortunately, few make any effort. Ours is beyond doubt. Long ago, scientists proved that every thought is transformed in the real world. So your fantasies can come true, you just have to try.

Only the lazy do not dream of the fulfillment of their cherished desires. From fairy tales, children learn about genies sitting in lamps, about goldfish and magic wands. From childhood, people believe in mythical ways to help achieve what they want. But few people try to make dreams come true with the help of the power of their own thoughts and self-hypnosis. Meanwhile, thoughts are material. And there is no doubt about it! After all, the life path of each person is regulated through his thinking. And even .

Rice. How to fulfill desires with the help of the power of thought and self-hypnosis?

How to achieve the fulfillment of desires?

Experts assure that dreams are positive aspirations and thoughts that form in the mind and contribute to filling the soul with positive energy. Not so long ago, scientists proved that any thought can materialize. Thanks to this, everyone has the opportunity to transform their thoughts into real life. The essence of the psychological method of fulfilling desires is the primary purification of consciousness from negative thoughts and emotions.

Under the concept of negative thoughts and emotions, psychologists mean any anxieties, fears, doubts. Firstly, they deprive a person of vital energy, and secondly, they interfere with the emergence of logical reasonable thoughts. It is unlikely that luck will smile on those who behave passively in life, have many addictions and are generally extremely pessimistic.

Passion for sports and creativity, proper nutrition, active recreation, the acquisition of useful knowledge - all this, on the contrary, contributes to an increase in the power of thought. Another important aspect is a serious attitude to one's own aspirations and intentions. In other words, a person must be fully prepared to translate his desires into reality.

Basic principles for the fulfillment of desires

The Universe receives the mental flow of a person, highlighting from him thoughts about his dreams. After that, she realizes her dreams. But the timeliness and accuracy of implementation depends on how correctly a person observes the following universal principles:

  • . The dream must be drawn as realistically as possible in your imagination. The brighter the image presented, the faster the desire will become a reality;
  • Adoption. Experts are sure that everything that people desire, the universal mind has already prepared for them. People can only accept his gifts. But the essence of the problem lies precisely in the fact that people simply do not believe that their desires can come true, especially in full and quickly. And by this they personally deprive the desire of the opportunity to be fulfilled;
  • vibration matching. A vibrational field is formed around any thought, which is displayed in the Universe. And, if a person regularly has thoughts that his dreams are not destined to come true, he is likely to push away from himself what may already appear in his life today;
  • attraction. The essence of this principle is simple: the most cherished desires tend to be attracted to the life of those who dream of their fulfillment. Let's say a person wants to buy a car. And soon, commercials for cars begin to constantly catch his eye. And everywhere - on the streets, on TV, in magazines. It turns out that a person, having desired a car, put the principle of attraction into action.

Self hypnosis for fulfillment of desires

In order for dreams to come true, it is very important to properly tune in to them psychologically, because it is the basis of the technique for translating desires into reality. For this you can. You can create them yourself. Here are some examples of verbal attitudes towards wealth and a successful career:

  • “I am in the most prestigious and highly paid position”
  • "Abundance and prosperity are my constant companions"
  • "I easily climb the career ladder"
  • "Money sticks to me like a magnet"
  • "My work is a desirable occupation for me"
  • “Every second I increase my capital”

An effective technique of self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of desires

Lie down, close your eyes and relax as deeply as possible. As realistically and vividly as possible, imagine the following picture: You are in front of a beautiful gilded gate. They open and you enter a beautiful garden. Imagine what flowers, trees, birds, meadows and ponds are there. Then you see a beautiful building where you are expected. You enter a spacious room where a man meets you. Who it will be, think for yourself. Perhaps some celebrity, your friend or a long-dead relative.

After the greeting, you sit down at the table, in front of you is a piece of paper and a pen. You put your desire on paper. Imagine very clearly what the letters you write look like, what color the ink is, etc. The petition should contain not only the essence of the dream, but also your personal data, signature, deadline for the fulfillment of the desire and the date the petition was written.

Give a piece of paper to a person, thank him for his attention and leave. You return to the starting position (stand in front of the gate). After finishing the exercise, do not immediately open your eyes and do not get up. Lie down for about 5 minutes, stay a little in a state of light trance. Repeat this exercise regularly, believe in what you imagine, and your dreams will definitely come true! This has been tested many times!

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