Trend: "mermaid" makeup. Non-trivial use of tights: fashionable makeup "Mermaid" Makeup the little mermaid with a stocking

Relatively recently, in almost all domestic calendars, such a holiday as Halloween or All Saints' Night appeared. This holiday not only has a foreign name, but also an origin. On this holiday, they pay their respects to all wickedness and dark forces. In many countries of the world, this holiday has been celebrated for a long time and on a large scale, it has a certain theatricality, which is why when going to this holiday, you need to think through all the little things of your outfit and makeup.

In order not to stand out from the general mass of costumed evil spirits, it is necessary to choose the appropriate costume for yourself, but in order to fully bring your image to a complete look, you need to take care of the appropriate tone of the face and other little things. For such a holiday, the best option is not a ruddy tone of the face, but just the opposite, some kind of pale, dull, sad or scary. There are, of course, those cases when girls create a sexual image for themselves on Halloween, but still it is customary to have an afterlife. This requires a variety of cosmetics, mostly only light colors. The best option in this case would be theatrical makeup, which is used by professionals, but in the absence of such, you can use any means at hand, for example, talc or powder.

DIY Halloween Makeup

To prepare makeup for the holiday, there is no need for any products that are hard to find, all the products that will be used in the basic recipe are in any store or in your kitchen. To create the necessary makeup you will need:

  • 2 tsp cornstarch;
  • 1 tsp water;
  • 1 tsp cream (cold);
  • food colorings.

First you need to mix the cream together with the starch and carefully move them among themselves, while gradually adding water, not forgetting to mix very intensively. In the resulting mixture, you must add the necessary dye.

As for the application of this makeup itself, it must be done exclusively on a dry and clean face with a thin brush, and sometimes simply with the help of fingers. Such makeup is washed off quite simply with the help of ordinary running water and soap.

How to choose a color?

Initially, it is worth deciding on your image, and on the colors that will be necessary for it. If you have artistic talents, then this will be just the way.

White is essential for many images, half of which are quite popular, for example, images of zombies that have remained relevant for a long time, and zombies can be both male and female. The witch or vampire never goes out of fashion either. Evil clown or scary snowman. As fun images, white makeup will be relevant for the image of a Dalmatian.

With the help of green makeup, you can successfully complete funny images, for example: Shrek or an elf is suitable for men, and Fiona or a forest fairy will look good for women. It will be very important if a couple comes to the celebration.
Red color is used quite often and it will take a lot, so you need to stock up on make-up of this color, in sufficient quantities. It will be required to simulate blood smudges, not only on the face and body, but also for clothes. In addition, red makeup can help with the image of the devil or the devil.

How to create the right makeup?

First of all, you should think over your route and how you will get to the place of celebration. Needless to say, if you dress like a maniac and get to the place using public transport, then you may have some problems that can overshadow your holiday. Naturally, not all passengers of this transport will be able to feel the holiday atmosphere with you. There is even an option to spend the evening not at a holiday, but at the police station, in order to write an explanatory note on the topic of indecent behavior in a public place.

In the event that you do not want to do the makeup yourself, it is strongly recommended to use only high-quality cosmetics. This is also due to the fact that it will later need to be washed off after about 3-6 hours, and during this time, bad cosmetics can ruin the skin very much. Not to mention the fact that low-quality cosmetics can leak at the most unfortunate moment, at the peak of the celebration, because of which the whole image will be completely ruined.

The image of a witch

For the image of a witch, you need to stock up on a large amount of powder or white makeup. A prerequisite is a black pencil, which needs to focus on the eyes. Often, eye liner is done either completely or without painting over the corner, it all depends on the type of face and makeup that you prefer to wear in everyday life. It is worth remembering that a woman should look attractive regardless of her image. As for the lips, the best way to complete the look is to use black or bright red lipstick. Traditionally, hair and the entire outfit should be black tones. At the same time, the hair can be laid evenly and give it a certain look of neglect.

The image of a vampire

Vampires, one of the most popular images in modern evil spirits are vampires. This is due not only to the release of popular films about vampires, but also to some inexplicable magnetism. Moreover, this image will be equally relevant for both women and men. For this look, you will also need white makeup or talcum powder. Using lipstick or red make-up, you can bruise yourself in the corner of your mouth and on your chin, thereby simulating a recent dinner with fresh human blood. Often, the eyeliner around the eyes and on the eyebrows is applied quite abundantly, which should give the look a lot of confidence and horror. To help complete the image, artificial fangs, which can be purchased at a specialized store or souvenir shop, can. Do not forget about the cloak, thanks to which you can completely resemble the legendary Count Dracula.

Skeleton image

In order to create an image of a skeleton for yourself, you first need to very high-quality process with white or pale makeup those parts of the body that you are going to cover in the image of a skeleton. Then it is necessary to paint over the eyelids and eyes with black circles so that there are no gaps left. Next, the nostrils, the area under them and the nose are painted over, so that it seems that instead of a nose, you have an empty space. After that, you can confidently move on to drawing the teeth. From the corners of the lips, it is necessary to draw lines, as if the continuation of the lips, above and below, so that they are parallel, and then carefully draw the teeth and cheekbones with a thin brush.

Mermaid image

The image of a mermaid on a holiday should be filled with drama as much as possible. To do this, it is necessary to choose a makeup very thoroughly, so that all the work is not washed off and does not crumble. First you need to choose a good foundation for the skin, under your makeup. You will also need foundation and, most likely, powder, which will have a highlighter effect. Thus, you can easily achieve the effect of mother-of-pearl of the skin, which is just perfect for this look. Shadows are necessary blue or light blue with mother of pearl, which must be applied absolutely to the entire eye and eyelid. Make a contour using an ordinary black eyeliner. In this case, the style should be of the "cat's eye" type, and do not forget about the arrows. In order to make a characteristic scale, like a mermaid, you can take old or unnecessary tights in a large mesh. We apply tights to those places where it is supposed to make scales, after that we apply blue shadows over the tights with a sponge. Thanks to this, the scales will be very believable.

Cheerful image for Halloween

You should not think that on Halloween everyone takes only scary images, quite often women and men prefer to dress up in superhero costumes, or dress up in cartoon characters, most often Disney characters, and, of course, parents often prefer to dress their children in cute flowers, bees or bears. Often, various masks are used for such images, but in the case of applying makeup, here you can fully express yourself artistically.

Be that as it may, the most important condition for celebrating Halloween is a good mood, so after creating your image, you should not forget to take a good mood with you and go have fun.

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On the eve of the celebration of Halloween, many are looking for bright images for themselves to shine at noisy parties on the night of October 31 to November 1. One of the most popular Halloween options is the image of the little mermaid. In order for the final result to be beyond praise, it is worth paying attention not only to the costume, but also to the hairstyle and, of course, makeup. How to do Halloween mermaid makeup at home - we will consider step-by-step instructions later in our article.

A step-by-step technique for creating a Halloween mermaid make-up

Little mermaid face

There are a lot of options to make a mermaid makeup yourself - you can either completely toned your face in blue-green tones, imitating the inhabitants of the deep sea, or focus on the bright details of the image - eyes, hairstyle, decorative appearance. The image of a mermaid for Halloween in our performance does not involve much adjustment of the basic skin tone, but only to give it gloss and mother-of-pearl radiance.

  1. Before proceeding to creativity, it is necessary to carefully align the complexion. Believe me, mother-of-pearl shine on the skin will only emphasize all your flaws, if any. Therefore, we apply a corrective foundation cream on the face that matches the color type of your skin in order to hide minor defects. If necessary, use a corrective or highlighter to mask dark circles under the eyes. The final step, which will help fix the makeup, will be a thin veil of loose powder.
  2. Now the mermaid makeup requires adding pearly accents to match the look with a marine theme. A convenient and effective way to apply scales on your cheekbones, temples or forehead (depending on your preferences) with your own hands is to use a mesh. Apply the mesh to the selected area, dip the brush into pearl blush, powder or shadow and touch the face. Try to choose a palette in cold, sea tones (in turquoise, blue, blue, green tones). Step by step work through all the skin areas selected for decoration.

Eyes in mermaid make-up

The image of the little mermaid for Halloween suggests that the main emphasis in makeup should be on the eyes. To do this, you need a palette of shadows in marine colors.

  1. To keep your eye makeup on your eyelids for as long as possible, cover the skin with a primer before applying the shadows. This technique will help keep your non-trivial make-up in its original form throughout the evening.
  2. So, now we apply the main shadows to the entire moving eyelid. Here you are free to choose - mother-of-pearl or powder structure, matte or glossy shadows. The main thing is to observe the color scheme in blue-green tones.
  3. Do not forget about the lower eyelid: eyeliner in bright colors (blue, turquoise) looks spectacular in combination with basic eye makeup. To open up your eyes, apply highlighter to the inner corners of your eyes.
  4. Line the upper eyelid along the lash line with a contrasting eyeliner. Mermaid makeup does not provide for any restrictions in the execution scheme. You can choose from a classic charcoal black eyeliner, as well as a blue, purple, green, turquoise liner. They look especially impressive in combination with duplicate arrows made of sequins or rhinestones. Do not be afraid to decorate your eyes with shiny elements: sequins, beads, pebbles. This will only add charm and authenticity to your mermaid makeup.
  5. The final touch will be mascara, which should be carefully painted over the eyelashes, giving them length and volume. It would not be superfluous to decorate them with rhinestones or colored villi, you can use false or extended eyelashes.

Lips in mermaid makeup

The image of a mermaid for Halloween suggests colorless lips, only slightly accentuated with glitter. To achieve the desired result, thoroughly powder your lips or cover with foundation. Apply glitter over a neutral tone - that's it, your image is ready!

Video: Halloween Mermaid Makeup

To make your Halloween party look really impressive, you need to take care not only about the costume, but also carefully consider the makeup. We have already told you how to make a make-up that will help you transform into the most popular characters from the other world:. Today we will talk about more peaceful, but no less popular heroes of fairy tales. For you, we have prepared a detailed master class on turning into a mermaid and a black cat. So let's get started.

According to legend, the inhabitants of the deep sea are beautiful and graceful, but sometimes they have a bad temper. To create an image, you should stock up on recognizable attributes: shells, nets and imitations of algae, which will bring the necessary accents to the costume. A bright blue or green wig will not hurt either, because the mythical mermaids were especially proud of the unusual shade of their hair. As for makeup, here the emphasis is on the eyes, which, like long curls, beckoned sailors who were ready to give up their lives forever for the sake of one look of mysterious maidens.

1. Start with basic makeup by applying your usual tone to the skin of the face.

2. Apply fuchsia eye shadow on the upper eyelid, blending the coating from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer in the manner of a cat-eye makeup.

3. Add a dusty purple tint to soften the tone a bit.

4. Highlight the inner corners of the eyes and the lower lash line with shades of bright blue.

5. Take some blue shadows on the brush and blend them along the lower brow line to the bridge of the nose.

6. Add peach shimmer blush to your cheekbones.

7. Accentuate the cheekbones with a highlighter by applying a small amount under the eyes.

8. Now add some magic to the image: with the help of a sponge, a piece of openwork mesh and turquoise glossy shadows, make a colored pattern on the cheekbones.

9. Set makeup with translucent powder. Brush over the face without touching the mesh pattern on the cheeks, so as not to blur the volume effect.

10. Apply glittery false eyelashes for a deep and radiant look.

11. The final touch is a few drops of lip gloss with shimmery particles.

Ready! It remains only to complement the image with a wig and an original headband with marine motifs.

Black cat.
The black cat is the heroine of many humorous stories and superstitions. The character does not require complicated manipulations with the costume: it is enough to get black leggings and a T-shirt or put on a dark jumpsuit. The rest is up to make-up and themed accessories.

1. Makeup base - a natural tone that should be applied in a standard way.

2. Take an ivory eye shadow and spread it over the eyelids, brow ridges and inner creases of the eye.

3. Add a light brown shade to the upper eyelids, blending them well over the skin so that the application boundaries are not visible.

4. Gently, using a thin brush and black gel eyeliner, draw elongated cat arrows along the upper and lower eyelids, as close as possible to the lash line. The arrow on the upper eyelid should turn out to be slightly thicker and more curved than on the lower one - this way the look will turn out to be open and seductive.

5.Gently stick the false eyelashes.

6. Apply concealer under the eyes, on the back of the nose, chin and lips.

7. Blend the bronzer with a brush along the sides of the nose.

8. Add bronzer under the cheekbones.

9. With a thin brush, add black dots on the cheeks with gel eyeliner. Wait for the eyeliner to dry well.

10. Very carefully place a dot on the tip of the nose and draw a thin line from it to the upper lip. When the line is dry, draw a heart shape on the tip of the nose and cover the upper lip with gel eyeliner, giving it a slightly angular shape.

Makeup completed. An excellent addition to the image of a black cat will be a headband with ears, which you can buy in a store or make yourself.

Happy Halloween to you!

Photography occupies a much more important place in the life of a modern person than just a few years ago. You can follow the life of any lady registered on social networks by the photos posted on her page. There are so many pictures that they are almost indistinguishable from each other. And every woman wants to shine, catch admiring glances and be one of a kind. You have to come up with something that would be more interesting than insipid posing against the background of sights or a trivial selfie.

That is why for some time now it has become fashionable to arrange bright unusual photo shoots. To do this, the girls develop a complete image, which includes a suit, hair, and makeup. You can make costume attributes yourself, or you can borrow them from specialized agencies. By the way, today there are many companies offering turnkey photo shoot services. Specialists choose the outfit themselves, do makeup and hair, and conduct photoshoots themselves. But it will and costs accordingly, unlike the usual order of the photographer.

Among the many images of fantasy photography, the character of the little mermaid stands out. Why are these sea nymphs so interesting? The mermaid is one of those mythical creatures that inevitably attract attention with its mysteriousness, mysticism and dual nature. The character of ancient beliefs, the mermaid was presented in the form of a beautiful young woman with a fish tail. On the one hand, she easily fascinated, but on the other, she could destroy. This inconsistency was considered attractive.

The appearance of a mermaid for a photo shoot or for Halloween is primarily expressed in a “tailed” costume and an original make-up in marine blue-green tones. For a suit, you will have to turn to specialists, but you can make up yourself. Next, we will tell you how to do mermaid makeup at home.

Features of a mermaid make-up for light skin types

The mermaid is an underwater character, therefore it is distinguished by its pallor, turning into a green tint. Therefore, the make-up for the photoset should lie on pale greenish, slightly illuminated skin. Light-skinned women do not have to completely tint their faces in green-blue tones, it will be enough just to emphasize their natural pallor and add a little pearly glow.

So, the first step is tone alignment. We apply foundation to the entire surface of the skin of the face, neck and collarbones, if the upper part of your suit allows. A highlighter is required to hide dark bags under the eyes. To give the skin a radiant effect, use powder with light-reflecting particles. Blush in this case is cancelled.

Eyebrows should not be intensively highlighted, it will be enough to emphasize them with a grayish tint pencil.

Emphasis in mermaid makeup is done on the eyes. The make-up palette for the eyes should be combined with the color of the suit. Gamma should be within various shades of blue, cyan, turquoise, emerald or dark green. Silver shades of shadows must be present. We apply silver shadows on the entire eyelid up to the eyebrows and carefully shade them. The shade of your choice should be applied to the lower half of the moving eyelid. We apply it along the growth of eyelashes on the lower eyelid. It will be good to emphasize the mermaid eyes with black eyeliner. Don't forget to add 2-3 coats of black mascara.

In fact, eye makeup options can be completely different. The main thing is to stick to the color palette where you left off. A good addition to the look would be the use of a liquid glitter liner or other glitter pencil in your preferred colors. It is possible to use loose glitter, which will need to be applied to the skin of the temples, cheekbones, forehead.

The mermaid's lips should be highlighted with a discreet nude lipstick or an ordinary transparent gloss to create the effect of moisture. If you plan to make a make-up defiantly bright, then the lips can be highlighted with a blue or green pencil, blending it over the entire surface.

Make-up for a dark-skinned mermaid

Not all representatives of the fair sex are born with snow-white skin. What if the skin is dark in color, but you really want to be a little mermaid? In this case, the entire surface of the face or its main part should be tinted in green-blue tones. For this, eye shadows of the required shade, loose glitters and other decorative products that will make the face of a “mermaid” color are suitable. Rhinestones, sequins or beads can be used as decoration.

If you have time and artistic ability, try to draw fish scales on the skin. Depending on the image and the intensity of the make-up, they can be barely noticeable pale blue or clearly traced dark green. Turn on your imagination and develop an image that suits you perfectly.

We recommend that you take care of finding a suitable make-up long before the photo shoot, so that you have enough time to try several options, choose the one you need and practice applying it a couple of times. A carefully thought-out image, combined with the skill of a photographer, will help create really worthwhile pictures that will only emphasize your creative nature and help you stand out from the gray mass.

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