Is it possible to resume relationships. Pause and joint business. Four stages of restoring relationships

Wisdom says that if, perhaps, on our part, we are best to be in the world with every person.

But often people with whom we have to face in the family, at work, in the circle of friends, do not meet our requirements or views. Or we do not correspond to their worldview. The result becomes alienation, conflicts, quarrels, mutual insults, the condition of the inner bitterness, and sometimes hopelessness.

And if the relationship is already torn, what to do? Some steps will help to change the situation with the benefit for yourself, another person and shared.

Each person besides bad qualities, there are nice. Need carefully updated to man and determineThat in his behavior and the character brings creation and success to the case, gives help to other people, is positive, confidence or others. Everyone has a minimum of such qualities - three-five.

It is necessary to mentally disconnect from the view on the negative aspects of the personality and concentrate on its positive sides.

Taking into account the hostility to the person it is hard, but maybe. notePerhaps this person:

  • kind to babies or older people;
  • diligently performs his professional debt;
  • it takes care of their children, which is important for our modern society;
  • knows how to set goals and persistently achieve them;
  • takes part in public life, is a benefactor;
  • the first comes to help other people and others.

When you find these qualities, analyze them and approve in your mind. Contrary to all that is happening between you, think so: "Yes, this man is so good. That's how many positive qualities in it ... ". At the same time, it is better to list these qualities out loud.

Thereby negative image of the individual will gradually change to a positive. It will also be a guilty meeting to other family members, colleagues, friends about the good qualities of this person. Thus, you:

  • you will raise your bad mood because of the breaking of the relationship;
  • acquire a positive attitude towards this person;
  • approve his authority in the eyes of other people;
  • get rid of bitterness in the heart, because gradually forgive him;
  • free yourself from the internal conflict with this person;
  • come opportunity to inform him that you feel good about him. This is very important, since you can't do this in the current situation.

Good tactics on the way to reconciliation are gifts, small or big, no matter. The gift opens the heart of a person and has to himself. We can say that through gifts we get friends in life. Even if it seems ridiculous, you can find a reason and give a colleague or a short souvenir, as it were not enough. In the family it is much easier and necessary.

Very helps to restore relationships tactics of good wishes for 5 minutes every day

Thus, you will not only send good thoughts to a person who will benefit him, and you will help you change your attitude towards him, but you will be released from negative. Wish a manWith which your relationship is broken:

  • happiness in personal life;
  • health and fortress;
  • good wealth and material prosperity;
  • family well-being and excellent relationship with all family members;
  • enhanced service, success in affairs, breakthrough in creative abilities;
  • joy, peace, rest, prosperity, etc.

Even if at first you insincere think so, continue to do it. And remember, words and thoughts are a boomerang that you are sending, then you will come back.

If throughout the whole time, until your relationship restore, you will be disinterested to do it, the result will not make yourself wait long. Not wanting to get anything in return, you will get more than expecting. Your relationship will be restored, and you will enjoy communication with your loved one, friend or colleague. And most importantly, you will save your health, mental and physical.

There are often cases when, after parting, a woman or man understands that they have made a mistake and are trying to restore relations with all possible ways. In such situations, we need to weigh all "for" and "against" several times and think about whether it is worth renewing meetings with your chosen one. If a person does not imagine life without a second half, he can take advantage of psychologists and simple recommendations that will help return the partner.

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    Causes of parting

    There are many reasons because of which couples part. The most common ones are:

    • Crisis of relationships. Often, partners cease to experience tender feelings to each other, respect and fear of losing their love disappears.
    • C.asty quarrels. Household troubles, raising children and financial problems often lead to the fact that lovers begin to constantly be in a bad mood. The discontent is accumulated, which is poured into constant mutual reproaches.
    • Jealousy. If there is no confidence in the relationship, it leads to constant checks and control by one of the partners.
    • Treason. When a joint life or intimate relationships are bored with one of the partners, he decides to obtain missing emotions on the side.

    The long-term union leads to the fact that people begin to perceive each other as a whole. To delete from the life of a person with whom he lived or has met for a long time, it is very difficult, so many come to the conclusion that you need to return the partner.

    Before doing this, you need to think what will happen after reconciliation. If during this period a man and a woman will constantly remember the rupture and move to mutual insults and humiliation, then there is no point in starting relationships again. You need to make sure whether the partners will be able to start life from pure sheet after reunion.

    Is it worth restoring relationships

    Often, after a long stay together, people cease to notice each other positive qualities, paying more and more attention to negative moments. Because of this, there is a complete change in the perception of a husband or wife. They are no longer the ideals with whom you want to live all my life. In this case, it is possible to resume relationships with only the shortcomings of the partner.

    It makes sense to try to restore relationships, if we are talking about spouses who have common children. In this situation, two people should understand their responsibility to the child. The baby is very difficult to understand what now his mother and dad live not together. A difficult period will come in his life when parents begin to meet with other partners.

    If the rupture occurred because of some ridiculous quarrel or a frivolous incident, then in this case it is worth thinking about reunited. This is not always done, since after parting one of the partners may simply not be desired to restore relationships. In this situation, several recommendations will help.

    Is it possible to return a partner?

    To understand what to change in yourself and how to act for returning your second half, it is necessary to analyze all the events that took place before the gap.

    What are the chances?

    Is it possible to restore the relationship after the gap depends on the behavior of partners before it:

    The behavior of partners before gap Is it possible to restore the relationship after parting
    The man or woman was trying to preserve the relationship until the latter, they swear, argued and convinced each other in the fact that they behave wrongIn this situation, there is a high probability that partners will reach again. When there is a place in relation to emotions, let it even negative if people shout each other and try to prove their point of view, then this suggests that they still feel tenderness in relation to each other
    At some point, partners cease to find out the relationship, as they do not see any point in spending their nerves. At the time of parting, none of them trying to keep the other. After the break, everyone experiences relief. Typically, this happens when a husband and his wife on the verge of a divorce and they tried all ways to keep marriageIn such a situation there are no chance that you can restore the relationship

    If events add up according to the first diagram, then the situation needs to be analyzed. It is worth understanding which claims one partner presented to another to parting. After that, it makes sense to work on mistakes and be sure to show the object of your love that a person is ready to change.

    Is it possible to return a partner who does not want to communicate

    If the partner refuses to come to contact, it does not mean that in the depths of the soul he already put the point in the relationship. If he enjoys life and realized that he was comfortable alone, any manipulations will be useless.

    The only thing that can help in a similar situation is to wait a while. If the guy or the girl was very offended, they will not respond to messages and calls. If even after several weeks, the chosen one or the chosen one still does not want to go to contact, then in such a situation you should try to adjust the meeting.

    It is necessary to clearly simulate the situation and think over all possible dialogues of a random date. It is recommended to use for this friends who can invite a person to visit themselves and forget to mention that there will be his former partner.

    Another good option is to transfer information about the information that the girl faced serious problems. Even if a man is offended, he will feel compassion for her and will surely want to help.

    The girl can be reported that the young man fell ill or experiences stress because of their gap. If the woman is still not indifferent to the former, from a sense of compassion and desire to console him, she can come to contact.

    If the cause of the gap was deception

    If parting happened due to the fact that one of the partners was constantly deceiving his second half, then in this case it will be very difficult to restore the relationship.

    It is necessary to explain to your partner why I had to lie. Many believe that if they are in charge, then there is nothing terrible. But absolutely any lies negatively affects the trust between a man and a woman.

    Therefore, it is worth explaining to the partner that the lie was a big mistake, and was not to harm him. After that, you need to be frankly talk about what has been stupid. If you pour soul to your beloved person and promise that there will be no more innocence in the relationship, that is, the chance to resume them.

    If we are talking about regular treasures, it is impossible to restore trust in this case.For most people, such an act is considered betrayal. If he repeated more than once, this indicates that the partner will never be able to become a faithful and devoted companion. It is worth thinking well before recovering relationships with this person.

    Illusion of freedom

    The person who independently decided to stop the relationship is default in a better position, as it realizes what can return at any time. This situation leads to the fact that for a long time it continues to enjoy the loneliness, as if he took a vacation at work.

    It is necessary to save it from these illusions. To do this, it is necessary to deprive your soul mate to return to the family. It is necessary to fully ignore the existence of your beloved person and show all its appearance that the separation was final and irrevocable.

    If a partner has serious feelings, such a situation is very excited by him. A man or woman will begin to take active actions to restore relationships. If such a reaction does not follow, this means that the relationship ended irrevocably and the person did not just cool down to his partner, but already struck him out of his life.

    According to psychologists, the resumption of a love union is possible only throughout the first three months after parting. If more time passed, then we are talking only about the perspective of friendly relations.

    How to restore the relationship

    If the rupture of the relationship occurred on the initiative of the girl, it is worth considering that the ladies often make decisions in the enormity of emotions. Therefore, the guy can make every effort to calm your choices and words or actions to conquer her trust.

    Return a man who broke up with a girl is not so easy, as representatives of strong gender tend to carefully think about their decisions. If the guy left his half, then there were very serious causes for this. In this case, a woman needs to be patient - it is quite possible that over time the guy will understand what makes a mistake.

    To return a loved one, you need to follow simple rules and recommendations.

    Withstand pause

    For several days or even weeks after breaking, people are drunk very strong negative emotions. During this period, the mind is inactive, so there is no point in exacerbating the situation and try to go to reconciliation. It will still end with a scandal and mutual accusations.

    It is necessary to wait when both partners will be able to start thinking again again. Such a tactic of behavior concerns not only parting between a guy and a girl, but also a divorce between spouses. The first weeks should not go on their emotions and look for meetings with a partner.

    If a man or woman has an insurmountable desire to throw their soul mate, find out the relationship or constantly call, it is recommended to refrain from such actions. Such behavior can only pour out a person and once again convince him that the gap was the only solution to all the problems.

    Moderate communication

    After some time after parting, people start to miss each other. But they are not yet ready to completely resume relationships. In this situation, it is recommended to gradually begin gradually.

    It is necessary to act unobtrusively, otherwise the partner may begin to be angry. If you can see the object of your adoration, you should not miss it. A random meeting should be fleeting to remind itself and nothing more. At the same time, it is necessary to behave benevolently and in no case cannot call talk about parting. It is recommended to avoid reproaches, mutual insults and other manifestations of negative emotions.

    Connect common friends

    If the partners have met for quite a long time, then, of course, they have common friends or acquaintances. Do not avoid them after breaking. It is necessary to continue to go to joint parties, birthdays and other events. Most likely, the former lover will do the same. In this case, partners will be able to spend some time together in the circle of their friends.

    This will certainly remind them of how happy they were before. In addition, common acquaintances can tell what the person does, with whom there was a break. If he had a new love, in this situation there is no point in dealing with the relationship, as it suggests that the partner left the feelings in the past.

    You can ask friends to transmit certain information to your former half:

    • For a man.To say that the woman began to look much more attractive, she had a new hobby or she completely changed the image. The man will be interested in to make sure of this, and he will try to come to contact with a former passion.
    • For woman.If you want to draw the attention of the girl, then the most effective way to say that the partner has a sign of attention to some beautiful woman and plans to start a relationship with her. Jealousy and curiosity can cause the lady a desire to see the former partner and make sure that this information is false, and his feelings still have not cooled.

    Change the attitude to what is happening

    The first thought that comes after parting is that the partner must necessarily report its dependence on it. Very often, women begin to cry and call their former cavaliers, telling about how hard they do without them. In no case should not make such an error.

    Regardless of whom we are talking about - a man or a woman, after parting a person must restrain strong emotions. It is impossible to show its weakness. It is necessary to continue to rejoice in life, to be an interesting person to whom he wants to return.

    There are other mistakes to which guys and girls are resorted to, trying to return the relationship. They begin to blackmail the object of their adorations by the fact that they are not able to live without it. It can cause strong pity, however, such relationships will not still be able to last long.

    To make a good impression on the person who had to part should be carefully prepared for a potential meeting. It should mentally imagine how a random date is happening. After that, it is necessary to clearly and confidently say "I'm fine". Such visualization should be repeated several times until a man or woman will begin to behave more confidently and ease.

    Go to

    After parting a person, only the most sad and sad thoughts attend. He flows into a depressive state, ceases to leave the house, communicate with close relatives and friends. At these moments it is necessary to switch their consciousness to something else.

    • Take a short vacation and go to relax.
    • Talk to friends and girlfriends, go to them somewhere.
    • Visit the beauty salon or go shopping.
    • Write a poem or story.
    • A career or some creative activity that will help distract from sad thoughts.

    After some time, the person will become easier, and he will be able to overcome the desire to call his former object of adoration. Thoughts will find clarity, and it will be much easier to decide how to act further. Until that moment, until a man or woman, there is no complete harmony in the soul, you should not take any action.

    Start communication in social networks

    Much easier to keep in touch with its former partner in social networks. Thanks to these means of communication, you can start a relaxed conversation with a person and not look too annoying. And men and women are very curious. Regardless of who was the initiator of parting, they want to find out what the new appeared on the pages of the former partner or partner on social networks. This means that you have to show much attention to the posted photos. Best of all, if the person will be depicted in cheerful, cheerful and flowering.

    Sometimes both partners are subconsciously waiting for one of them will take the first step. Because of pride and stubbornness, lovers risk losing each other.

    Regardless of who is to blame for a break, someone can first ask for forgiveness through the social network and offer its partner to restore relations. If the quarrel was non-serious, then, as a rule, it helps to quickly penetrate.

    If the internet correspondence lasts for a long time, but the partner does not respond to all attempts to take the first step, it is worth opening the topic of separation. It is necessary to confess in their feelings and ask for a soul mate about them.

    If the partner responds, he also misses very much, in this case it makes no sense to go into the details of parting. It is worth appointing a meeting to continue communication in a warmer setting.

    How to apologize

    If a person guessed, but can not find the necessary words to ask for forgiveness, it is worth trying to put himself in place of his partner and think about what pain was caused by a chosen one. After that, the necessary phrases will come by themselves.

    It is necessary to explain that only now a person understood what severe pain he caused his second half. The abuser should admit that he experiences huge remorse and conscience and all his heart would like to change the situation. What he is ready for everything to restore the relationship.

    You also need to learn to forgive yourself. If a person constantly be concentrated on his mistakes and rolling himself for certain things, he will not be able to enjoy the love and construction of relationships.

    Even if the partners have forgiven resentment and are ready to start with a clean list, the recovery process can delay. So that the union is not collapsed, the partners must learn to trust each other, show sensitivity and care.

    If the couple is experiencing difficulties, then it can appeal to a family psychologist. Lovers will be able to understand why they chose each other, which distinguishes each of them from other people.

Three years later it was found that you would love to leave work with pleasure, changed a business suit on a cozy homemade dress and instead of weekly reports would prepare salmon. But with a gentle man you will not sit at home - he himself would sit there, and he fell, and even salmon prepared. What you chose each other, squeezed with sand through your fingers and continue further - there is no need. Another option is one deeply injured partner, and he cannot forgive it. Classically, it looks like "He changed, I kicked him out, I can't forgive and I don't want to, the relationship is finished. The option when it changed, less classic, but also painful. In any case, continue to live in the setting of total mistrust and constant voltage is unbearable. Third option - circumstances are consistent against your relationship. For example, it has been working successfully in Moscow for a long time, and you are offered to work in Berlin - and this, from which it is impossible to refuse! It is impossible, unbearably, there is no need ... now. Because the only reason to seriously use the word "NEW" - this is in the phrase "never regain."

After pause

What happens after parting? Each of you lives in your life: meets new people, the other relationship is striking, it is mastered in new conditions and circumstances ... You can be absolutely happy and pleased, as well as he, somewhere there, far. It will not be enough time (year, two, five ...), and circumstances will not be changed, and most importantly - do not change both. And, such as changed, - do not meet. And having met, it turns out that the chemistry between you is still the same, the attraction has not been going anywhere; So much time passed that the pain and resentment caused to each other; circumstances have changed again, but this time solely in your favor; You both have grown enough and gained experience in order to understand the reasons for problems then and not repeat them now. In the end, as stated in one old school: Life is long. And what is happening now is happening only now, and then - see!

Step 1: Take a break

First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for which you broke up. If this is not done, then with any attempt to restore the connection you will come across the same problems, only on a large scale. Accept as a fact that your relationship is in any case, in this form and at this stage - ended. And urgently borrow with self-healing! Use the "time-i" to return to classes and hobbies that were abandoned for the sake of your beloved. Focus on health: Eat, sleep, walk - and start, finally, regularly go to the gym!

Step 2: Understand, because of what you broke up

Use the "time-i" in order to understand the problem that destroyed your relationship. Only coming to the very essence, you can build healthy relationships in the future. Thinking about it, do not forget to evaluate your own actions throughout history: whether you have problems with trust and honesty, with the self-esteem of each of you and think how much they could affect the gap. Understand what you want and he, and honestly admit how much your desires coincide.

Step 3: Restore Relationship

After the gap must pass at least two months. And no matter how hard it is - no contacts! Focus on steps 1 and 2: Then the time will pass very quickly. And in two months (if you did not start a new relationship), you can, for example, send a letter or CMC or even to call yourself and calmly ask how you are. During the conversation, find the opportunity and suggest somehow drinking coffee. When you finally meet ... Remember Step 2 and act!

There is a commodity opinion that if the guy with a girl was separated, then the relationship is no longer glued. And it is not far from the truth, but ... the desire to resurrect, to return the former relationship with the girl to get into your head and you want to start everything first. OK!

So, what to do to the words "come, goodbye" to translate into the development of new and striking relationships. Some simple ways.

In fact, it is possible that you live with memories and thus go away from reality. Think whether you need to renew the relationship. What feelings do you experience now? Considerate your former relationships again, it may be worth turning the page and life will change ...

First you need to answer your questions:

  • 1. Who was the initiator of the gap?
  • 2. For what reason, the relationship must be resumed:
  • a) Are you afraid to stay alone?
  • b) Are you afraid to build relationships with a new girl?
  • c) you are bored without it?
  • d) you have a strong passion for her?
  • e) psychological dependence?
  • g) are you jealous of it?
  • H) do you want to legalize relationships with her because you love?

If you responded positively to most of the questions, then read the following tips, it is possible that your feelings belong to the situation "today and forever."

  • 1. Learn to talk directly about your feelings.
  • 2. Become an active creator of future relationships.
  • 3. Work on yourself.
  • 4. Call jealousy.

What to do to return the relationship with the girl

For each girl, you need your approach, and the causes of separation can be different. What to do? Wait for everything to form relationships itself or for all forever?

If you feel that you have to put up, so you need to do something with this desire! So that in your life there is more achievements and less disappointments.

We must admit that the methods described below are general, and you need to choose your own, based on your situation.

1. learn how to talk directly about your feelings and ask you to give you another chance

"Is it really enough just to talk about your feelings to return the girl," you ask? No, but this is the first step to achieve clarity between you. The bottom line is that many girls love ears, so you need to agree on a meeting, buy flowers that she loves, come up, call it by name, voice your offer to reconcile, apologize for the errors previously performed and tell about your feelings. We will have to make a lot of effort, perseverance and not to give empty promises if you want to have a close relationship.

2. Become an active creator of future relationships.

Perhaps you had calm and routine relationships, and they tire. The essence, this method comes down to give a former girl a portion of new, fresh impressions. In short, surprising her! Make up the plan of your decisive actions by day, so that this was exactly a surprise.

For example, on Monday - take advantage of the delivery of colors to the house, through the courier. On Tuesday, buy her very welcome gift, placing it in a beautiful packaging to cause extra interest. Wednesday write her message VKontakte or original SMS, etc.

A request for forgiveness, in this case, will be an excellent tool for restoring trust, plus everyday surprises will show your interest.

3. Work on yourself, call jealousy

This method, the opposite of the previous one. Often, the guy initially when becoming a relationship tries in everything to please the girl, makes the goddess from her, jealous, performs all her whims and desires. Forgetting that a woman needs a real strong man who knows what she wants, does not, do not complain, knows how to show flexibility and restrained.

So, stop to prove something, call and communicate with it, at least for some time. Lay on the second job, start going to the hall, try to attract attention to any way.

It will be a signal that important changes are happening in your life and you are not worried about parting. In it, for sure, will play jealousy. And then the main thing is that she is not offended and did not see a clear rival, and began to show interest in you and took the first step. And now, if she also wants to be with you together, the chances for the renewal of relations are great.

Probably, these several ways will help restore and preserve the previous relationships. However, remember to the former can pull the habit of stability, the fear of harsh changes and new disappointments. And the desire to return the girl - nothing but just nostalgia on warm relationship, fantasy and obsessive desire. We hope that the article was interesting and girls.

Couples part for various reasons. Someone went out due to an unsolvable crisis in a relationship, in the life of other love just died, the third part broke up because of the treason of one of them. In any case, the truly "former" partners do not happen in life. Harmony, anger, anger, sadness change the attitude towards a person, but not always to get rid of the sense of property. In addition, long-term relationships force people to "grow" in each other, between them there is a special understanding, a kind of "household telepathy", so it is always not easy to draw out the once beloved person from life. That is why many people have thoughts on the resumption of relations with former.
During communication with the former beloved, do not remember the break. Do not twist the past, do not find out the relationship. All this can lead to a quarrel that put the cross on the return of the former relationship.

If the pair diverged by mutual desire without quarrels and scandals, there will be no relationship on this basis. Usually such people remain buddies, they can sometimes communicate, and in the moments of loneliness turn out to be in the same bed. But it does not change anything fundamentally. After all, such pairs break out due to the lack of common goals and interests, they do not bind anything else. And if the gap occurred indeed by mutual agreement, then nothing to bind them and cannot.

Is it worth restoring the destroyed?

If you want to return the partner, you or who threw you, think about whether it is necessary for you. After some time, after breaking in memory, only bright moments remain, the negative is simply erased, so you can remember the extremely advantages of your former lover, forgetting about the shortcomings that the discrepancy was the cause of separation.

Resume communication with the former half, an excellent platform for this is provided by social networks. If you feel that contact is being built between you, offer him or she to meet, to begin with, it is better to invite the former beloved in some small company, so the situation will not be too intimate.

Do not be afraid to flirt with a former partner, it will call in his and your memory memories about how your feelings have emerged, which will only benefit if you really want it or return it.

The easiest way to build contacts with the former spouse, if you have common children. They serve as the main "glue". Father's visits to the child - a great way to try the soil. Conventional conversations, common topics and memories are that it brings together people. The presence of a child simply makes such conversations possible, because it does not have to specifically look for meetings, which might look awkward.

In fact, the best way (which is suitable for bold people) is to call his former partner, to offer him or she to meet and openly express his thoughts. This can be done if at least the slightest hint of former feelings arose between you.


  • With a love boat

Everyone wants to be part of a loving couple, and each loving couple has some disagreements, sometimes argue and even quarrel. Some conflicts lead to a better understanding of each other, others arise in an empty place and no one can later remember why it all started? Is it possible to love without quarrels? In any case, you can try.

You will need

  • Love and understanding.


First of all, mutual respect and friend to and to the point of view of the other. Never increase your voice, do not be angry, do not call and do not hang on another label. As soon as you start shouting, the constructive conversation ends.

Decide disagreements, trying to find a way out acceptable to both sides. A happy couple knows that the goal of the conversation is to find out what is happening and how with this, and not that someone is right. If your upset, you should strive for, and not to defeat him. Look for a compromise.

Do not blame partner, do not be angry with him, but look for a way out of the situation. If your favorite person has made a mistake, think together how to fix it, and do not put him in the guilt of his miss.

Think that your partner you. Do not assume the worst, do not think about what he hurts you or offend that he specifically brings you to tears. Think about what a misunderstanding has arisen between you, and you both are interested in allowing it. Positive thoughts lead to positive results.

Appreciate not only what you have in common, but also the fact that you are two different people. There is nothing wrong with that you feel some disappointment from the fact that your partner is not in all cases thinks and comes as you think or would you. Nevertheless, he is not you. And for this you love him too.

In conflict situations, try to keep a sense of humor. If you are able to argue about something with a smile, you will not be able to quarrel.

Listen to the partner. The active hearing is not to think about its own arguments at the time when your interlocutor sets out his point of view. After the partner spoke, briefly repeat what he said, ask if you understood it. Show your own - "I listen to what you say to me. That's important for me".

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Helpful advice

If you have problems with wording or you are afraid that emotions will take over you top, write a partner a letter that you feel and what you want.

Some problems "do not stand left eggs." Before entering into the dispute, think, and is it really important for you or are you just in a bad mood?


  • I meet with the guy for 8 months and never swore with him

If a relations Destroyed, you can try to restore them. To do this, you will need a great desire, great patience and a fair share of wisdom, but if a man really dear, you will handle.


Remember that if a man packs suitcases, it means that the atmosphere in the family does not suit him. Responsibility for creating mental relations is entirely lied by. Therefore, you do not need to blame him in all sins. You are also to blame. This is true even if the husband gathered to leave. The reason is still the lack of good atmosphere in the family. Otherwise, he would not go to look on the side what he lacks at home. The first thing you should do is to realize that you are responsible for everything that happens.

Realizing this, it is very easy to execute the item second. Namely, stop the scandaling, sawing, blaming and reproach in all misfortunes. It is because of this most problems arise. Which man wants to return to where it scolds and? Naturally, when a woman behaves in this way, she thinks not about her husband, but about his offense. Perhaps they seem really reasonable. But if it came to the point that relations It is necessary to restore, it is necessary to forget about the resentment and think about the atmosphere of love in your.

From here there is a third point - not to scold, but to praise. Anyway, for what. For the fact that I carried the garbage that I went beyond the bread. Even for woken up on time, you can also praise! You probably noticed more than once that the magic action makes praise. If we speak of them sincerely, a person will feel the wings behind his back. So give more often this feeling your man! Surely it is not spoiled by compliments on your part.

Take more often with your second half, do it sincerely and with trust. Most misunderstandings in a pair occurs because a man does something wrong, as a woman believes, and in response, it closes in the offense. But if you sit down and figure out, you will understand that he did so not to heal, but simply because he thinks in a different way and acts. A man may not even guess that some kind of his action offends you. Therefore, you need every time to explain to him that it is not for you. And this is in a calm, friendly conversation. Take yourself a rule to talk with, as with the best friend, and you yourself will be surprised how fast in your relations Return happiness.

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What surprises do not give us life, and, alas, they are not always possible only pleasant. And it is hard to hope that relationships Couples can only be clear and cloudless days. But when the hurricane passes, they feed passion and the pain, sound reason and natural optimism give hope for the revival of the Former Union. And if such a desire is again, and do not frighten future difficulties, it is worth a row of steps that would close every day to update and strengthen the shaking relationships.


Attempt to forget everything. The most difficult and, perhaps, the difficult stage, but without which all further attempts to come to their former relations are meaningless.

Forgiveness. No less acute and painful question, if any of the partners really committed a unworthy act, and the gap occurred in a serious and significant reason.

Analysis of your own behavior. For extremely rare exception, both partners have to break the union. And trying to revive anger, outrage and other emotions, it is necessary to impassively look at the situation, analyze the events preceding, evaluate their own mistakes, try to get on the opponent's scene. Of course, this stage can be associated with the difficulties of objective awareness of events, so it may be worthwhile to consult an experienced one.

Readiness to change. Unfortunately, the complete eradication of the grief memories is impossible, and should be prepared for the fact that the relationship will never be formerly. With the awareness of this fact, it should be completed, as with the inevitable. And all attempts to restore the union should be carried out with a clear idea that even complete reconciliation and all-things will not be able to return the relationships into circles. As can not be in one channel, it is impossible to build the same union twice.

Update. Recognizing the fact of change, it is necessary to work on that they, ultimately, turned out to be positive. And the new alliance will never need active support at the stage. During this period, a good fit for new relationship will be a joint ride in romantic places, rest in solitude from all that reminded the former enmity. Even the ordinary cosmetic in the house with the change of the situation and the color scheme can become fresh in the reunited pair.

Routine. And here, when the bursts of both negative and positive emotions were subsided, very useful for everyday troubles that will not allow thoughts to wander to the secluded corners of bitter memory.

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If in your family, one of the partners committed treason, but you still decided not to destroy relations, Try to survive this situation and learn from it. Relationships can be restored even after commesIf you love each other and are ready to forgive partner.


If you learned about the treason, but you understand that you will be very without him, then try to forgive him. But in this case, never overgrow it with this offense. The offense you will keep in your heart will not allow you to get happy again. Make a spouse that you will start everything from a clean sheet, but this chance for him you can give only once.

Be sure to frankly talk to the spouse, because the cause Husband can be not only its frivolity and windiness, but also your mistakes. Think about whether you often have gentlemen with your second half, whether they often arrange surprises, romantic dinners, are you sufficiently well-kept to cause interest. He will be able to openly and frankly recognize their guilt in what happened.

Agree on how you will continue to relations. To express one thing that, in your opinion, prevents harmonious development. But do not let yourself go during a conversation on a cry and insult. Keep calm, learn to listen to the partner, and also try to look at this situation on his part.

Remember the time when you just started to meet, immerse yourself in joint memories of the period of romantic meetings, recognition in. See old photos and build plans for the future in which there will be many more pleasant moments.

If there is such an opportunity, go along with my spouse on a journey (well, if you manage to visit those places where you were happy), arrange for yourself the second "honeymoon".

Burn all sorts of ways with boredom and monotony in your family life: more often go to visit, in a cafe, to the theater, go to nature together, prepare pleasant surprises for your loved one, etc.

Start follow yourself. Throw your old home bathrobe and purchase something easy and sexy, try to lose weight, pull the muscles. Surprise the partner unexpected transfiguration: go to the hairdresser, make a new hairstyle or change the color of the hair. In the end, make the rearrangement of furniture in the apartment and regard it as the beginning of a new stage in your life together.

There are many wise phrases, such as: "Seven times will die, one - the revenue" or "we have - do not appreciate - we are placed," all the depth and truthfulness of which becomes clear only after you broke up with your partner and Through time, they began to understand that they still love him and want to be together. If it seems to you that you can still correct the error, then you should try to do it.


Think of the situation that led to the rupture of your relationship. If there are turning points that you can remember without much difficulty - a large quarrel or resentment, which someone could not forgive, then the likelihood of the resumption of relations is quite high. If the gap occurred on an empty place, for the totality of the reasons, so to speak, then there is no special hopes to feed here, but it's worth trying. Analyze your mutual relations And find the bugs that you need to fix and no longer repeat if you are going to try again to reconcile.

Find out of common acquaintances of your former love, show interest, start reviewing about it with warmth, sadness and tenderness. Common friends always often play the role of a binder and gear storage. If you are really couples, then your gap, for sure, was not likely, and they will gladly pass your words and. It will probably be nice that you did not forget him and remember.

Think out any natural reason for a call or meeting with him. For example, you can assign a meeting to convey to him some forgotten bauble. But it is better to say that someone from your friends is interested in his professional services and you act as a mediator. If you try, such a reason can be failed. But remember that it should be natural and quite respectful.

Prepare for the meeting, a couple of days before it, go to the hairdresser and cosmetologist, sleep well to look well-groomed and attractive. Be sure that any man can realize completely unconsciously. In addition, the consciousness of their own irresistibility will give you confidence and charm. It is not necessary to fit into the meeting especially to dress up, but things are better to wear new ones, which he has not yet seen on you and which you will certainly go.

When meeting your behavior and conversation should be calm and friendly. Interest neutrally and removed, but friendly. Demonstrate readiness for communication. If it comes to your total past, express regret and apologize for your mistakes. If necessary, repeat the meeting. You yourself will understand whether there are chances that your relations Resume. In accordance with this and build your further tactical line and proceed by circumstances.

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The structure of the soil is determined not only by its mineral base (clay, sand, loam, soup, chernozem), but also the number of living soil organisms that live in it. The rainworms and insects are digging underground moves, forming channels along which water and air are incubated. Products of their livelihood enriches land and increase yield. Intensive use of soil by man leads to its exhaustion.


First layer, to improve drainage, put a straw, hay or twig. The next layer can be annual weeds without matured, pieces of paper or natural fabrics, residues of vegetables and fruits, small branches of trees and shrubs, which remained after trimming, fallen leaves. Organic Waste Cover the Layer of Earth and label the organic again.

In dry weather, water the compost with water to speed up the decomposition. Bioactivators can be added to the water to enrich the composition of useful microorganisms, for example, the Baikal agent. An excellent activator will be a bird litter.

In the decomposition process, nitrogen is allocated for the vital activity of plants. So that this gas does not disappear, cover the compost pile of polyethylene. Polyethylene film, in addition, keeps heat and, therefore, contributes to the acceleration of the decomposition of the organics. Comfort will be ready for approximately 8 months.

To improve the soil structure, manure is widely used - cow, horse, sheep. Fresh manure use extremely careful not to burn roots and plants stems. It is better to give it to prohibit for six months. Just like the compost, cover the manure to keep nitrogen.

Many dackets are used to increase the fertility of their plot of deciduous humus from the forest. But it is necessary to take into account that at the same time the soil is imposed in the forest, and the roots of trees are exposed, which causes direct harm to nature. The same popular fertilizer is peat. However, environmental scientists call on to abandon this method, since depletion and depletion of peathers harms nature as well as the removal of the fertile layer of land in the forests.

To enrich and restore the soil structure, plants rich in nitrogen, microelements, starch and sugars are used. A lentils, clover, alfalfa are most often used as a seedrates. Stems of plants are not removed for the winter, but leave in the ground. In the spring, ripening masses are driving into the ground as a beautiful organic.

One of the characteristics of the soil is its acidity. The backwatest of the soil reduces its fertility, because there is a pernicious effect on living soil organisms. Indicators of the increased acidity of the Earth are plants such as the horsetail, plantain ,. To risks soil, it is added chopped egg shell, haired lime, ash.

Parting with a loved one is always difficult. However, the full break of relationships often makes it even more painful. It is much easier and easier to disperse civilized by keeping friendly relations.

Whether friendship is possible after parting

There can be no definite answer to this question. Much depends on what purpose you or your former lover want to keep warm relationships. Most often it happens when one feelings remained, and he hopes that friendship will help return to the former love. It is possible that someone from the partners is trying to make the appearance of external well-being, showing a common acquaintance that they were able to part adequately. But there is also the likelihood that both respect and appreciate each other and actually want to be friends.

In the first two options, something is unlikely to come out, because it will only be the appearance of friendship, but if there are really warm feelings to each other, everything is possible. In fact, contrary to the general opinion, real friendship often arises in love.

So that it happens, you need to part correctly. If the gap takes place at the initiative of one partner, then maintain friendships are unlikely to be released. Rather, there will be a friendship "from pity" when one loves, and the second gives him friendly feelings in return. And, on the contrary, a mutual thoughtful decision on the break of relations can be the beginning of sincere friendly feelings. It is only important to clarify everything before parting, eliminating all inexpensive.

It is very important not to forget that the past should remain in the past. It should concern both your relationship and communication with common friends. Do not devote them to all the subtleties of your new relationships. Also, before you begin to be friends with the former sweetheart, think about the fact that it may prevent you from building a personal life with a new person.

How to keep friendship after parting

Try not to make hasty decisions. Sounded emotions can make you regret excessive categorical. Parting, do it with a minimal loss for yourself. Be more practical, because, breaking in a good way, you will find a good friend to which you may see once for help.

Take a look at the former beloved on the outside. If you are interested with him, he is a good interlocutor, a reliable person, then it makes no sense to abandon his society in the future.

Try to approach the rupture constructively. Gather with the forces and tell me about the need to part and the reasons that pushed you on it. Listen to all the arguments of the partner. If the decision on the break is taken again, then solve all household problems and will definitely share your ideas about your future relationships without giving false hopes. Speak directly if you want to meet later or only sometimes be called up.

Feel free to say goodbye Warm words to a partweed, thank him for the experience gained, for a good time and relationship. Sincerely wish him happiness and reveal to the fact that he will remain in your life in the new capacity. Such behavior in parting will make a breaking of relations much less painful.

Sleepless nights, tears in a pillow, many hours talking with girlfriends - all this is familiar to women who survived parting with a loved one. In a rustling of anger, the first thoughts - let him go, he will still regret ... But over time, a desire often appears to return a loved one.


Think if you really want to restore the relationship. It is likely that the previous feelings will not return. Since the relationship was given a crack, it means that there was a reason. And if it was an ordinary quarrel, and love remained, you can try to establish everything. But when they left feelings, it is impossible to fix anything.

Do not sit and wait that everything will be decided by itself. Analyze the reasons for the gap, remember who was the initiator. If you decide to put the point, and now changed my mind, everything is relatively simple. The young man is most likely still feeling feelings. Call him and appoint a meeting. You will need to explain, ask for forgiveness for emotionality, quick temper. Speak sincerely he believed you. Although if you yourself believe that you need this person, the words will turn out true and honest.

In the case when the initiator of the gap was a guy, the situation is complicated. But do not despair. Remember everything that was before parting, try to find the cause of the young man's care. Probably, during the last conversation, he expressed you all his claims. Think that you can fix in yourself and your behavior style. After all, the main thing in this situation is not just returned, but also to keep it later. If you do not eliminate stimuli, quarrels and parting will be inevitable. You may have paid little time to your beloved person. Or, on the contrary, was carried out by their obsession, control, jealousy. If you want to return it, change yourself and change the style of relationships.

Discuss with your man the current situation. Call it on a frank conversation, suggest starting everything "from a clean sheet." Promise that you will listen to him and his desires. If he has a feeling left for you, he will not refuse to give a second chance to your relationship. Not so easy to finally break with a person who is close to you.

It's not easy to accept parting with parting. More recently, you felt that in your life there is love, tenderness, care, and every day was filled with a feeling of a fairy tale. And today he said: "It's time for us to part," and you are not ready for such a turn. Have to break your head over