Is peroxide harmful to the face. How to use hydrogen peroxide for your face: rules of application. Anti-pigmentation mask for oily skin

To avoid overpaying for salon treatments, consider home remedies. But it can be difficult to figure it out: you should not blindly trust the advice of friends or information on women's forums. For example, the question of whether you can clean your face with hydrogen peroxide is still controversial.

Hydrogen peroxide for the face: beneficial properties

H2O2 acts as an antibacterial agent, and this property is used to cleanse the face of acne and blackheads. After all, they are formed when excess sebum clogs the pores: there is a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. After exposure to peroxide, bacteria are killed and the likelihood of acne is reduced.

Thanks to the application of the substance, you will also make an easy exfoliation. Peroxide removes the top layer of dead skin cells, so the surfaces become smoother and old acne scars fade away. The tool also dries the skin, which will delight women who complain of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

So that the agent does not injure the integument, it is not used in its pure form on the entire face. Undiluted peroxide with a concentration of 3% is applied only pointwise to the inflamed areas. If you want to do a complete cleansing of the pores, use a substance as one of the ingredients.

Is it possible to wipe my face with hydrogen peroxide

Can I wipe my face with hydrogen peroxide solution? The answer depends on how well you do the procedure.

How does peroxide work on the skin

While regulars on women's forums and beauty bloggers continue to recommend H2O2 purification, dermatologists are skeptical about the procedure. They argue that applying a corrosive substance is stressful to the skin. The appearance of spots on the face is also possible.

But the main disadvantage is that the agent can damage the mitochondria of cells - a kind of source of their energy. Doctors also claim that peroxide contains a lot of free radicals, which is detrimental to the integument. The result is premature aging. If you are treating inflamed integuments with open wounds, then you risk getting scars.

Still, dermatologists agree that peroxide is just as effective as benzoyl peroxide with short-term use. To avoid dealing with complications, do not use the substance constantly. Also choose products with a low concentration: 3% is the acceptable maximum.

Many are misled by stories about the magical properties of peroxide and the method of Dr. Neumyvakin. Although doctors talk about its dangers, women continue to dream of a cheap remedy that will eliminate health problems. But reviews on the forums indicate that miracles do not happen. Peroxide can help for a number of problems, including acne, but its use should be short-lived!

Safe use rules: what you need to remember

To cleanse your face with hydrogen peroxide from blackheads without complications, follow the rules:

  1. Mix the main ingredient with emollients: egg white, sour cream, homemade yogurt.
  2. Do not keep masks on your face for more than 15 minutes. Don't assume that the longer the action, the more effective the result.
  3. If you experience a burning sensation or tingling sensation, wash off the mixture.
  4. Doing masks more than once a week will harm your skin. Carry out the course of treatment for 1 month, then take a break of 30 days and repeat as necessary.
  5. Before use, conduct a preliminary test for individual intolerance.

Follow these rules, and there will be no difficulties.

Gentle Pore Cleansing: How to Make a Toner

For a gentle action, prepare a homemade tonic:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp into 1 glass of boiled water. l. hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, stir. If the integument is not prone to hypersensitivity, use 2 tbsp. l. peroxide.

Apply the resulting mixture to the face after washing. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid, go over the skin with dabbing movements. As a result, the mixture will have a mild antiseptic effect and gently remove some of the dead cells from the skin. In conclusion, you can make a mask of yogurt (2 tablespoons) and honey (1 tsp).

The following remedy is also suitable for daily use:

  • to 3 st. l. water add 1 tbsp. l. main component;
  • pour in 5-6 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Apply the product with a dabbing motion using a cotton swab. After 5 min. wash and use oil-free lotion. For a quick effect, apply the mixture 2 times a week.

Peroxide-based cleansing mask recipes for problem skin

If you want to get rid of pronounced rashes, do not experiment with the compositions yourself. After all, the main ingredient has an aggressive effect, and you will harm the integument. In order not to deal with redness and flaking, carefully observe the indicated proportions.

With peroxide and soda

Cleansing the face with soda and peroxide is allowed to be done to owners of thick integuments when the sebaceous glands are overly active. If you have sensitive, thin skin prone to flaking or redness, choose a different recipe.

There are no contraindications to use? Stick to the following sequence:

  1. Add sodium bicarbonate (1 tsp) to the main component (2 tsp). Mix well.
  2. Apply to affected areas and leave to work for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off leftovers.

Use the product carefully, otherwise the harm may be greater than the benefit.

With cosmetic clay

Cosmetic clay is a well-known remedy for fighting breakouts and clogged pores. Combine its effect with the result of applying peroxide:

  1. Take 1 tsp. clay, add magnesium carbonate (3/4 tsp). Pour in sodium tetraborate, which you can buy at the pharmacy. You will need ¼ tsp. substances, as well as purified talc (1/2 tsp).
  2. Stir the ingredients, pour in 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

The mask lasts 15 minutes, but if you feel any discomfort, wash it off earlier.

Gentle exfoliation for blackheads

For a gentle exfoliation that removes blackheads, use papaya. It is rich in folic acid for gentle exfoliation. You will need the pulp of the fruit, to which you add 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide to enhance the result.

If you're ready for some intense exposure, you'll need a bar of baby or glycerin soap. Achieve a rich lather and then enrich it with 5 drops of peroxide. Apply to the skin and start gently massaging your face with your fingertips. As a result, you will remove accumulated fats and dead cells, lighten black points. But the product acts aggressively on the skin, so take care of the subsequent reliable hydration.

Deep cleaning of the skin with peroxide

The recipe for deep cleaning is simple, but this does not affect the effectiveness. All you need is a bottle of baby powder: add peroxide to it to make a gruel. Apply it to the skin, and after 15 minutes. remove leftovers.

Skin whitening masks

Hydrogen peroxide and milk will help get rid of spots after acne. And to reduce drying out, add oatmeal:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. pour a small amount of milk over the flakes. Leave in a warm place until swollen.
  2. Add 5 drops of peroxide, stir.

The mask can be applied all over the face: when you wash off the residue, use your regular cream.

Anti-wrinkle products

The properties of hydrogen peroxide make it effective in the fight against wrinkles: you can read more about it.

Acne treatment

A combination of the main ingredient and aspirin helps with rashes. Follow the instructions:

  1. Wash thoroughly to remove makeup and sebum.
  2. Crush 3 aspirin tablets, pour the powder into a ceramic or glass container. It is undesirable to use metal dishes.
  3. Add 5 tsp. hydrogen peroxide, stir.
  4. Since the ingredients have an intense effect, the mask should be kept on the face for 5 minutes.

Repeat cleaning weekly: according to reviews, the result will be quick. This is because aspirin is anti-inflammatory. It also contains salicylic acid, which is essential in treating acne. In combination with peroxide, the product will live up to expectations.

Another method is available for those looking to use tea tree essential oil. It is known for its antibacterial properties, therefore it is used to combat acne and blackheads. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. tea tree essential oil, add ½ tsp. H2O2.
  2. Stir the ingredients. Use a wooden or plastic spoon (not metal).
  3. Apply the product to the area of ​​the rash without touching the skin around the eyes.
  4. After 5 min. wash yourself with water. Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer.

To find out in more detail whether it is possible to cleanse your face with hydrogen peroxide, you can from the video:


The use of peroxide to treat acne is getting praise on forums and blogs. But dermatologists are more restrained in their statements, although they recognize the effectiveness of soda and hydrogen peroxide for cleaning. They draw attention to the fact that the product is too aggressive, and also causes skin aging. Is it worth experimenting if the harm may outweigh the benefit? You decide!

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution is known as a wound healing and disinfectant. It can be used to remove inflammatory processes on the skin.

It is successfully used in cosmetology in the preparation of masks. Many recipes are available to prepare at home.

All masks must be used carefully, following the rules. Careless use can result in burns... Also, before using homemade masks, it is necessary to test for the presence of allergies.


H2O2 is a transparent liquid with a metallic taste. Getting on the skin, a chemical reaction immediately sets in, instantly breaks down into its components - oxygen and water. This is how the oxidation process takes place.

Oxygen in the oxidation process combines with toxins, sebum, dead particles and various microbes... This reaction manifests itself as the formation of bubbles. They push dirt and germs out of the pores.

This is how the pores on the face are cleansed, which helps to get rid of acne.

The second constituent of peroxide is water. It washes away all impurities formed during the oxidation process.

H2O2 disinfects, dries and destroys pigmented cells.

As a result, problematic and oily skin is cleansed of impurities and whitening... Acne and purulent inflammations are also removed.

It is worth knowing that in the process of oxidation, the effect is not only on diseased skin cells, but also on healthy ones. Careless use can cause chemical burn may form White spots... To prescribe their treatment, you must consult a doctor.

Peroxide is very popular for home use. With its help, there really is a lightening of age spots and freckles, getting rid of pimples. But a prerequisite is strict compliance with the rules when using it.

Can I wipe my skin with peroxide? A weak 3% H2O2 solution can be used to wipe the skin. For this, 2-3 drops of the solution are added to the tonic (about 30 ml). You can use such a tonic no more than 2 times every 10-14 days.

A pure 3% solution can be used pointwise... For example, to whiten unwanted freckles or age spots.

How to whiten your face with peroxide? The procedure for whitening the skin of the face is carried out by applying masks prepared by hand. They are applied in a thin layer for a period up to 15 minutes.

Such procedures can be carried out 1 time in 10-14 days.

Mandatory components of whitening masks should be softeners- butter, honey, yolk or yeast.

After using the mask, it is imperative to nourish the skin with a cream.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of well-known brands of creams contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mask recipes

There are many recipes for masks using H2O2 solution that can be easily prepared at home. All of them require correct preparation and use, strict adherence to proportions and holding time on the skin.

The mask is selected depending on the needs and expectations of a certain result.

For acne:

  1. 4 g, in powder form, mix with 3% peroxide solution until thick. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face. for 3-4 minutes.
  2. 5 g baby powder mixed with a 3% solution of H2O2 to the consistency of thick sour cream. Keep on face 5 minutes... This procedure has a drying effect and reduces the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Mix 2 dessert spoons with Н2О2 until thick. To apply only for pimples... The mask has a regenerating effect.
  4. Mix 1 part, 1/2 peeled talc and 1 part of a 3% peroxide solution to a thick consistency. Keep on skin 10-15 minutes.


From wrinkles: a mask applied for 15 minutes on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté will help to reduce the number of wrinkles. For cooking on a fine grater, grate medium, mix with oat flour and 1 tablespoon of peroxide.

Anti-inflammatory: mix in 1 tablespoon honey and with 3 drops of H2O2. Apply pointwise to problem areas on 15 minutes.

All masks are removed with a cotton pad. After the procedure, it is imperative to wash with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees, and soften the epidermis with a nourishing cream.

It is advisable to do the procedures at night... Pre-clean the skin of cosmetics.

If this procedure is done during the day, then it is worth considering that the surface for some time will blush.

It is advisable not to apply decorative cosmetics within 12 hours after the masks.


Rough handling of hydrogen peroxide can cause chemical burn... She also has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • diseases of the epidermis (eczema, psoriasis);
  • mechanical damage to the epidermis.

To check availability allergic reaction the prepared mixture is applied to the bend of the elbow.

At this point, the skin is thin and very delicate. Leave the mixture for 40-50 minutes.

If allergic rashes do not appear, then the product can be applied to the face.

How often can you use it? All masks are applied to the skin for no more than 15 minutes... Maximum number of procedures - 2 in 25-30 days... The break between courses should be 1.5-2 months... Nourishing homemade masks can be used during this time.

Masks with the addition of hydrogen peroxide have a beneficial effect on the skin. Thanks to them, you can get rid of acne, wrinkles, oily sheen, unwanted freckles and age spots. When used wisely, facial skin will shining and even color.

How cleanse the skin of the face at home using hydrogen peroxide, you can learn from the video:

Hydrogen peroxide is familiar to many as an effective antiseptic. And only a few use it to get rid of facial skin from wrinkles, acne, freckles, pigmentation. Although this tool does an excellent job of dealing with these problems, provided it is used correctly.

Beneficial effects of peroxide on the skin:

  • exfoliates dead tissue without injuring the skin, as mechanical peels and scrubs do;
  • relieves pigmentation;
  • promotes recovery and rejuvenation of the face;
  • "Pushes" dirt out of cells to the surface;
  • kills bacteria and fungi;
  • controls the production of sebum;
  • improves skin color;
  • refreshes the skin.

Operating principle

Once on the skin, peroxide instantly breaks down into atomic oxygen and pure water. Oxygen atoms do not exist in free form and require urgent connection with other particles. By "capturing" dirt and bacteria, oxygen brings them to the surface from the deep layers of the skin.

Free oxygen also has the property of a natural oxidizing agent. Therefore, it cannot be used on areas with damaged skin. This increases the risk of tissue death and prolonged healing.

Indications, contraindications

  • if the skin is prone to oily;
  • with the frequent appearance of abscesses and large acne;
  • with acne;
  • with a large number of age spots, freckles;
  • with black dots;
  • with enlarged pores.

Not everyone can use hydrogen peroxide even with caution.

In addition to individual intolerance, there are contraindications to the use of liquid:

  • severe dryness of the face;
  • the presence of peeling;
  • infectious and allergic skin diseases;
  • skin injuries.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hydrogen peroxide for the face against wrinkles has advantages:

Hydrogen peroxide for the face against wrinkles has disadvantages:

  1. Together with dangerous bacteria and dirt, peroxide also destroys the beneficial microflora of the skin - this leads to a decrease in local immunity.
  2. Too frequent use of peroxide can have the opposite effect - the skin will age faster.

Side effects

Excessive use of hydrogen peroxide can cause side effects:

How to use pure peroxide for wrinkles

Pure peroxide is allowed to be applied only pointwise, it is not suitable for mimic wrinkles around the eyes and corners of the lips.

Liquid is used according to the scheme:

  1. Wash your face with cool water and rinse off your makeup.
  2. The skin is defatted with alcohol or lotion;
  3. With a cotton swab, peroxide is applied pointwise to the wrinkle.
  4. After 20 minutes, the face should be washed with running water.

Bodyagi recipe

Bodyagi powder must be mixed with peroxide to a thick porridge. After a few minutes, bubbles will begin to appear in the mass. This indicates that it is ready for use.

The mask is applied with cotton swabs or discs, lightly rubbed into the skin along the massage lines. Then the mass is left on the face for 10-13 minutes. Masks are recommended to be done in courses 1 time per week for 2-3 months.

Peroxide and clay mask

The mask is recommended for cleansing and smoothing wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to mix cosmetic clay, magnesia, borax and ordinary talc in a ratio of 5: 4: 4: 3. The ingredients are mixed together. Then hydrogen peroxide is poured in so that the mixture becomes like a thick gruel. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes.

With yeast

The mask can be used for sensitive and dry skin - yeast, reacting with peroxide, protects the face from burns and rashes.

To prepare the mask, both substances are mixed in equal proportions. After the substance reaches a thick consistency, it can be applied to the face. You can hold such a mask for no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, pigmentation and redness may appear on the face. For the preparation of such a mask, only fresh yeast is used.

With cottage cheese

To prepare the mask, you need to knead the fat granular cottage cheese until smooth and add one egg yolk to it. After the mixture is ready, 10-15 drops of hydrogen peroxide are added to it.
The mass should be applied to the face with an even thick layer. If the skin does not have freckles and age spots, 10 minutes is enough, in other cases the mask needs to be kept for 20 minutes.

With potatoes

A potato mask will help fight not only age-related skin changes, but also swelling, as well as an uneven complexion. For its preparation, peeled medium potatoes must be grated on the finest grater. Then one teaspoon of warm castor oil and dry potato starch is added to the mass (you can use another "thickener", for example, odorless baby powder).

Before applying to the face, 10 drops of peroxide are added to the mask. It is necessary to wash off the mass from the face thoroughly after 10-13 minutes with plenty of water, the starch residues dry the skin very much.

With yolk

Recommended for skin with frequent inflammation and rashes. For the mask, beat one yolk. Then a teaspoon of liquid honey is added to it. The mass is mixed again until smooth.

After that, 1/2 tsp is poured into it. hydrogen peroxide. The mass is quite sticky, it is difficult to apply it with your fingers or a cotton swab. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a cosmetic brush. You can wash off the mask after it starts to dry.

With oatmeal

Oatmeal helps to gently exfoliate dead tissue and tighten facial skin. For the preparation of the mask 2 tbsp. oatmeal is ground into a powder using a blender. Next, you need to add 2/3 tsp to them. hydrogen peroxide. The mass is applied only to problem areas of the skin for 10 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of the mask, the skin needs to be massaged several times.

If desired, you can add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the mask. In this case, wash it off the face 5 minutes after application.

With avocado

Avocado moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The pulp of this fruit is recommended for use with flaky and problem skin. To prepare the mask, you need to mix one ripe fruit into the gruel, add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide and half a teaspoon of potato starch to the mass.

The mask is applied to the face in the thickest possible layer. You can wash it off after 15-18 minutes.

With soda

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is ideal for age-related problem skin. The mask has a peeling effect and exfoliates old and dead cells, cleanses and refreshes the skin.

For cooking, you need to add a few drops of peroxide to a tablespoon of baking soda to achieve a creamy consistency. The mass is applied to the face for 4-5 minutes with massage movements, and then washed off with plenty of running water.

How to treat acne and tighten pores with peroxide

A low cost way to fight acne and tighten pores is to use a salt solution in hydrogen peroxide. Both substances have antiseptic properties, and the salt dries out the skin and tightens the pores.

For cooking, you need 1 tsp. add peroxide salt to the tip of a knife. After complete dissolution in the liquid, a cotton pad is moistened. The skin should be wiped only in places where acne or blackheads accumulate.

After rubbing, rinse your face several times with cold water and apply a moisturizer.

Skin whitening with peroxide

  • a large number of scars and scars;
  • in the presence of many freckles;
  • with unsuccessful tanning or self-tanning application.

If peroxide is used to whiten the skin, masks must be applied with caution: do not allow the substance to get on the eyelashes and eyebrows.

This leads to lightening of the hair.

If you want to find beauty without the expense of buying expensive creams, look at home remedies. There are cheap drugs at your disposal, including hydrogen peroxide for the face for wrinkles. But, although women's magazines praise the method, cosmetologists and dermatologists are skeptical about it. What do you need to know before using the drug?

The principle of action of the tool: effectiveness in question

It is believed that after application, hydrogen peroxide breaks down into its constituents, and oxygen penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. The use of this principle has become a trend: even Madonna cannot do without special masks. But professionals did not come to a common conclusion about the effectiveness of the method, since oxygen, although necessary for living organisms, can harm the skin.

It is a powerful oxidizing agent, under the action of which free radicals are formed - molecules that can disrupt the structure of the cell. On the other hand, the body can get rid of excess substances by producing certain enzymes. Dermatologists haven’t decided if the bottom line is positive, but research has given hope for the best.

Japanese scientists have achieved interesting results. They carried out experiments on animals and proved that the action of oxygen slows down the aging process. After the results were published in the American Journal of Physiology, cosmetic brands adopted them and began to release creams with the inclusion of hydrogen peroxide - H2O2. But the action is not fully understood: although you are guaranteed to lighten the integument and get rid of age spots, there is a possibility that the cells of the dermis will be disturbed.

The positive aspects of using the product

Although the method is controversial, it has many adherents. Those who, in practice, are convinced of the effectiveness of the drug, note the following advantages:

  • application prevents inflammation after skin damage;
  • using masks relieves acne, as the substance fights bacteria;
  • skin color evens out, age spots disappear;
  • the layer of dead cells is removed, which improves the effect of other cosmetic products;
  • thanks to the action of oxygen, the agent rejuvenates the integument.

It must be used with caution, so watch the body's reaction.

Contraindications and side effects

Peroxide usually does not cause side effects, but keep in mind a few caveats:

  • after treating the skin with peroxide or using masks, you may feel a burning sensation and tingling;
  • rashes, skin roughness and peeling are possible;
  • in some cases, swelling of the face appears, the tongue swells (you should immediately seek medical help).

The use of peroxide can also affect blood circulation, which will reduce the intake of nutrients.

How to use for wrinkles and age spots

Have you decided to try the method? Start with a tolerance test: work the area behind your ear and listen to the sensations. If there are no complaints within 24 hours, then get down to business.

It is important to find a substance with the right concentration. In pharmacies, you will be offered a 3% composition, but it is intended for disinfection. To get rid of wrinkles on the face and, you need a 6% concentration (it is used for masks with a large number of components). Do not use more aggressive products, otherwise you will harm the covers.

Before applying hydrogen peroxide to remove wrinkles, cleanse your skin with a mild facial cleanser. Then blot your face with a cloth, start the procedure:

  • moisten a cotton swab in peroxide and lightly treat the area affected by age-related changes;
  • leave for 20 minutes;
  • wash off the leftovers.

Repeat the procedure once a week, and after a couple of months you will notice the result.

Watch for individual reactions: people with fair skin often complain of burning and irritation. Although mild discomfort is normal, discontinue use if symptoms are severe.

The use of peroxide will not only have a positive effect. Your skin is dry in the first place, so keep a moisturizer handy. Also, shorten the time spent in the sun, otherwise the action of ultraviolet radiation will lead to profuse formation of age spots.

Hydrogen peroxide masks: how to regain lost youth

The following masks with the inclusion of an available drug will come in handy:

  1. The combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda will even out the complexion and restore tone, giving oxygen to the tissues. Mix the ingredients in equal parts and apply to previously cleansed and dried skin. The exposure time should not exceed 5 minutes, because the ingredients cannot be called gentle. Be sure to apply moisturizer to remove mask residue.
  2. Follow the lead of Salma Hayek, who fights wrinkles with peroxide. Although expensive cosmetologists are available to the star, she prefers a proven remedy: she mixes 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of glycerin, adds 3 tsp. soda, 2 pinches of salt and ½ lemon juice. Apply the mix to the skin and hold until you feel a slight burning sensation. You do not need to endure discomfort, because the action time is increased gradually. Don't aim for immediate results, as age spots will fade slowly.
  3. The yeast mask will give a quick effect by smoothing out wrinkles. You will need 2 tsp. ingredient and 1 tsp. peroxides: the components should be mixed and applied to the skin. After 20 minutes, wash off the remnants, rinse your face with chamomile decoction.
  4. To tone the integument, supplement the action of the peroxide with honey. Mix the natural variety with aloe juice (1 tsp each) and enrich the mix with iodine and peroxide (1 drop each). Thanks to the moisturizing properties of honey and aloe, you will get rid of dryness, and the rest of the ingredients will defeat bacteria. All components will have an anti-age effect, so there will be no complaints about the result.

If you have sensitive skin, use a 3% solution to reduce the likelihood of side effects.

For the recipe for a revitalizing face mask that contains hydrogen peroxide, see the video:

Recipe for aging skin prone to oily and breakouts

Age-related changes cause a lot of grief, but sometimes other troubles are added to them. Even adult women face a problem familiar from adolescence - skin rashes. Indeed, with age, hormonal changes occur in the body again, which is reflected in the appearance. To make your face shine with health, follow the procedure:

  1. Wash your face to remove makeup residue, sebum, and dirt. Pat dry your face with a towel.
  2. Wait 5 minutes for the skin to dry completely. Applying peroxide to damp surfaces increases the risk of discomfort.
  3. Soak a swab with hydrogen peroxide and treat acne-affected areas. Don't make the mistake of covering your entire face to reduce the chance of new breakouts. Since the product dries up the integument, the benefit will be less than the harm.
  4. Wait 5 minutes for the drug to take effect. It will be possible to determine the effectiveness by the appearance of small bubbles.
  5. Be sure to rinse off the remains with water - if you neglect the stage, the procedure will do more harm than good.
  6. Use a water-based moisturizer to avoid drying out.

The concentration of the drug depends on the characteristics of the skin: for severe rashes, use a 3% solution, in other cases, 1% is enough. A similar procedure can be done 1-2 times a week.

Additional ways: treat yourself to beauty

In addition to basic products, try mixtures with natural ingredients. The mix with badyagoy: its powder is poured with the main component until a pasty consistency is formed and applied to the skin. It is important that peroxide is not applied to wrinkles under the eyes or around the mouth, as the lining in this area is too delicate. Treat the rest of the area and let it work for 15 minutes. Listen to the sensations, because if necessary, the term is shortened.

With increased activity of the sebaceous glands, apply cosmetic clay, diluting it with peroxide. To relieve inflammation, enrich the mixture with 1 drop. The exposure time is 15 minutes.

To soften the effect of peroxide, mix it with cottage cheese(8 drops per 100 g), add 1 tsp. lemon juice and honey. Thanks to these ingredients, you will even out the complexion and nourish the skin with moisture, which will get rid of wrinkles.

Do not forget to do tests on a small area to exclude the possibility of individual intolerance.

Rules for using hydrogen peroxide for the face

When using the product, consider the rules:

  1. Avoid getting peroxide in your eyes and do not spray on your eyelid skin.
  2. When applying to your face, make sure not to touch the eyebrows and hair roots, otherwise they will discolor.
  3. When washing your face before the procedure, use a foam or gel. Peroxide dries the skin, and there is no need to supplement this effect with the action of aggressive components of the soap.
  4. After the masks, apply a UV protection cream. You can buy a separate product with SPF filters, but using it will increase the oiliness of the skin, leading to new breakouts.
  5. The courses of application should not be long: do the masks for 1 month, then let the skin rest for the same period.

By observing the nuances, the risk of side effects can be reduced.


The use of hydrogen peroxide for facial care continues to be controversial. Cosmetologists and dermatologists consider the action to be too aggressive, and also fear that the use will lead to the formation of free radicals. Have you decided to try the method? Observe the proportions clearly, do not exceed the validity period and take breaks between courses.

This tool must be in the medicine cabinet. Hydrogen peroxide is an inexpensive, proven antiseptic. Today, the drug is used not only for treating wounds. With its help, stains are removed, shrunken woolen items are stretched, contact lenses are treated. It was also used in cosmetology. Hydrogen peroxide for the face is used when the task is to get rid of pigmentation, acne and wrinkles.

Hydrogen peroxide has many names. Someone knows this medication as hydroperite or laperol. Others call it perhydrol, peroxide, or hyperon. It is a colorless liquid, it has no smell, but there is a specific, like "metallic" taste.

Hydroperite is absolutely harmless to humans. It is a disinfectant. When peroxide gets on the skin of a person, a simple chemical reaction occurs - oxidation. The substance instantly decomposes into plain water and oxygen. And this is what microbes are very afraid of. The plus is that the wound does not "bake" in contact with peroxide.

In cosmetology, peroxide is used as a means for cleansing, a particularly positive effect is noted on oily or problem skin. Whether you need to get rid of blackheads, age spots, freckles, or just want to whiten your face, peroxide can help too. Hydrogen peroxide is often used to treat wrinkles on the face.

At home, you cannot regularly use peroxide (especially in its pure form) to solve skin problems. This remedy is for emergencies. Otherwise, the dermis will burn, and the recovery process will take several weeks.

How to use peroxide on your face: 3 options

Thanks to the peroxide, the skin can be cleaned of germs, dirt and grease. Peroxide is inexpensive (from 10 rubles per 100 ml), but it can react positively with various organic substances, which makes it indispensable in the manufacture of various home care products. How can the face preparation be used? There are three main options.

  1. Tonic. Remedy for skin irritation or inflammation and acne. Buy any tonic you like and add a 3% peroxide solution. Proportions: per 50 ml of tonic, five drops of peroxide. Wipe your skin with a super tonic once or twice (depending on the condition) a week. But not more often.
  2. Masks. The hydrogen peroxide face mask is applied to the skin for just 15 minutes. Do not hold any longer, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite. The skin will burn and you will have to treat it for this too. In addition, you should not resort to such therapy too often - masks with peroxide should be applied no more often than once every two weeks.
  3. In its purest form. Do not be surprised, but sometimes you can use peroxide in its natural form, without additives. But only if the skin really needs "shock therapy", that is, if there are problem areas on the skin and there are visible signs of inflammation. It is necessary to lubricate this place with peroxide three times with a break of five minutes, and then immediately wash everything off well. This will help dry and disinfect the dermis, eliminate inflamed areas.

Possible burns and allergies

Perhydrol is the strongest antiseptic, it can kill millions of bacteria in a matter of seconds. That is why hydrogen peroxide is very effective for the face against acne, which occurs due to the fact that pathogens behave quite aggressively on the skin. Do not, however, forget that there are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug for cosmetic purposes.

Stop using perhydrol if:

  • do not tolerate the drug;
  • suffer from rashes and allergies;
  • you have dry skin prone to severe flaking;
  • you have sensitive skin;
  • there is inflammation at the moment;
  • there is edema at the moment.

Opponents of using perhydrol for the skin claim that the dramatic effect is temporary. If peroxide is often used, then the skin will begin to age quickly, since not only bacteria are destroyed, but also absolutely healthy cells, and this is fraught with the fact that natural protection from external irritants disappears. Peroxide is, among other things, a way to cause severe allergies.

The nuances of application: what must be taken into account

To achieve a cosmetological effect without harming yourself, you need to remember the following series of rules for using the product.

  • Interest. Only 3% peroxide is suitable.
  • Test. Perform a test before use - apply the preparation on the wrist and wait 25 minutes.
  • Periodicity. Use the product no more than once every two weeks.
  • Zones are taboo. Never use peroxide masks on your lips, lower and upper eyelids!
  • The right time... Use the mask at night, as the skin often becomes reddish.
  • Post-care. Use a moisturizer after applying these masks.

Peroxide and other ingredients: 12 inexpensive recipes

Do not store the peroxide mask. Prepare the correct amount from the recommended ingredients and dispose of the remainder. In addition to hydrogen peroxide, a wide variety of ingredients are taken to create a particular mask. It all depends on the type of skin and the tasks to be solved.

With potatoes

Description . A suitable hydrogen peroxide face mask for dry skin that aims to rejuvenate the face.

How to do

  1. Grate raw potatoes - you need two tablespoons of raw potatoes.
  2. Add a teaspoon of oatmeal.
  3. Add a teaspoon of perhydrol.
  4. Add a teaspoon of castor oil.
  5. Mix.
  6. Apply, then rinse with cold water and use a cream.

With cottage cheese

Description . Hydrogen peroxide is used to treat age spots on the face. Dairy and fermented milk products help her with this.

How to do

  1. Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with two tablespoons of sour cream.
  2. Add ten drops of peroxide.
  3. Apply, maintain, rinse with warm water.

With vinegar

Description . "Nuclear" remedy that is used for age spots and acne. Helps to whiten the skin, simultaneously tightens.

How to do

  1. Mix 12 ml of burdock oil and 6 ml of fruit vinegar (you can take wine or apple cider vinegar).
  2. Soak a cotton sponge thoroughly in the resulting liquid, run it over the face, décolleté, and hands.
  3. Wash off with rosehip decoction.
  4. Do not forget to use a cream, a cosmetic product with bergamot extract is ideal.

With soda

Description . The baking soda in this recipe helps the peroxide "wash away" freckles and treat acne.

How to do

  1. Dilute 7 g of soda in 20 ml of mineral water.
  2. Add six drops of peroxide.
  3. With the resulting water, wipe the skin (not only the face, but also the décolleté, as well as hands) for about six minutes.
  4. Wash with plantain broth.

With shaving foam

Description . A remedy for lightening facial hair, which will relieve women of the so-called "antennae".

How to do

  1. Mix equal proportions of foam or shaving cream with peroxide.
  2. To speed up the process, you can pour ammonia into the composition - half a teaspoon of alcohol accounts for 40 ml of peroxide.
  3. The composition is applied to the place where the antennae grow.
  4. After standing for 10 minutes, wash off, the skin is treated with cream.
  5. You can repeat it after four days and so on until the hairs lighten and begin to break off.

With yeast

Description . The yeast will help whiten your skin and repair damaged epidermis. This product is suitable for oily or combination skin.

How to do

  1. Mix two tablespoons of yeast with six drops of peroxide.
  2. Knead the mass well, apply to the skin.
  3. After five minutes, repeat the procedure - and so three times per session.
  4. Wash off with not cold and always boiled water, use a cream.

With a badyagy

Description . This method is used when you need to remove pigmentation, acne, wrinkles.

How to do

  1. Mix half a tablespoon of badyagi herb powder with peroxide. Take the latter as much as you need to create a creamy mixture.
  2. It is better to apply on steamed skin with massaging movements.
  3. The mask is kept for no longer than three minutes!
  4. Wash off, treat the face with cream.

With clay

Description . This option of using peroxide allows you to cleanse and rejuvenate the integument. The skin will become soft and elastic.

How to do

  1. Dilute blue clay 1: 1 in water.
  2. Pour in six drops of peroxide.
  3. Apply, soak and rinse with lukewarm water.
  4. Lubricate the skin with cream.

With avocado

Description . Another mask for dry skin. Helps if the face is often irritated or flaky.

How to do

  1. Purée the avocado with a blender. You need two tablespoons of the product.
  2. Add 12 g baby powder or starch.
  3. Add five drops of peroxide.
  4. Apply, soak and rinse with mineral water, to which previously add olive oil.

With lemon

Description . This mask allows you to even out the tone of the face, revitalizes the color, removes roughness, whitens.

How to do

  1. Mix cottage cheese and sour cream (take a 1: 1 ratio).
  2. Add 8 g of chopped lemon zest.
  3. Pour in seven drops of peroxide.
  4. Apply, maintain, remove with a damp cloth.
  5. Lubricate your face with cocoa butter.

With egg

Description . Deep peeling product. Contraindication - dry skin.

How to do

  1. Mix a tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese with the yolk of a chicken egg.
  2. Add five drops of peroxide.
  3. If you need a nourishment for the epidermis, add a little honey.
  4. Mix.
  5. Make a very thin layer with a brush, massage a little, rinse with warm water.
  6. Lubricate your face with cream.

With ammonia

Description . This mask deserves attention if you need to get rid of blackheads, narrow pores and deeply cleanse the skin.