Is it bad for pregnant women to raise their hands? Why you can’t raise your hands up during pregnancy: superstitions and real threats

Expecting a baby introduces various restrictions into the life of a woman and her family. Lifestyle especially changes in the third trimester. At the same time, pregnant women are ready to endure any restrictions, so as not to harm the unborn baby.

But which of the prohibitions are justified, and which ones have no scientific basis? This article will discuss why you should not raise your hands up during pregnancy. Is this activity really harmful to the child, and why?

One of the most typical answers to the question of why you should not raise your arms during pregnancy sounds like this: there is more space inside the uterus, so, taking the opportunity, the baby can roll over, taking the wrong position, or wrap around the umbilical cord and suffocate.

Another unusual opinion is that raising the arms up will cause birthmarks to appear on the baby's neck.

If raising your hands up is so dangerous, then is it possible to straighten your hair, stretch, hold on to the top rail in a tram, hang laundry, get things from the top shelf? What can and cannot be done by pregnant women, according to doctors?

Doctors' opinion

According to medical observations, the umbilical cord is wrapped around too active babies who move a lot inside the uterus. The risk is also increased with a long umbilical cord, but this factor is genetically determined. Another reason for entanglement is hypoxia. When the baby does not have enough oxygen, he begins to actively move, which means that the risk of becoming entangled in the umbilical cord increases. The stressful state of the mother also leads to high activity, in which the level of adrenaline in the blood rises.

In fact, pregnant women should not stand with their hands up for a long time, not because the baby will wrap itself in the umbilical cord, and not to avoid birthmarks, but for other reasons:

  • If a woman is in this position for a long time, then this leads to a deterioration in uterine circulation and, accordingly, a lack of oxygen in the fetus.
  • Due to the fact that the blood drains from the upper limbs and the flow of oxygen to the brain decreases, the pregnant woman herself may feel bad, even fainting.
  • If you sharply raise your hands up for a long time, then this carries the risk of rupture of the amniotic sac and discharge of water.

A sharp raise of hands is fraught with the threat of falling. This can happen because in pregnant women the center of gravity shifts. And if the expectant mother stood on her toes and sharply stretched up, this can lead to an imbalance.

This does not mean that pregnant women should not, for example, hang clothes or take something from the top shelf. Ordinary household loads do not pose any threat to either the mother or the unborn child. But it is better not to lift heavy wet linen (duvet covers, blankets): let someone from the household hang it.

Important! All the restrictions of doctors regarding the raising of hands in pregnant women at different times relate only to sudden movements or a long stay in a static position.

Is it possible to raise your hands up during pregnancy? Doctors are convinced that it is possible if you do it calmly and not be in such an uncomfortable position for a long time. For example, it includes different types of exercises. But all movements are done smoothly and calmly, and therefore they only bring benefits, improving blood circulation and the well-being of the expectant mother.

But another opinion, that pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, is justified. From the second trimester, the uterus increases significantly, and in the supine position it presses on the inferior vena cava. Blood flow to the mother's heart is disrupted, pressure drops, and the baby experiences a lack of oxygen. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to rest on their side.

When are restrictions imposed?

Various restrictions are introduced if there are any violations in the health of a woman or the course of pregnancy itself. Although no one has proven a clear link between lifting limbs and harm to the infant, in contrast, for example, doctors still advise caution in such cases:

  • with hypertonicity of the uterus, when any physical activity can provoke excitement and spasm;
  • with the threat of premature discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • in the last weeks before childbirth, when the baby has already taken the correct position in the uterus, abrupt movements of the mother increase the risk of a reverse turn;
  • care must be taken with such a pathology as placenta previa.

Gymnastics instructors for pregnant women believe that if a woman condemns herself to inactivity throughout the entire period, is afraid of her usual activity, tries to spend most of her time lying down, then even simply raising her hands up will become a serious burden for her.

The habits and lifestyle of the future mother, of course, must change compared to what they were before the conception of the child. However, doctors do not tire of reminding that pregnancy is not a disease, but a normal physiological state of the female body. Therefore, most restrictions relate to excesses or bad habits:

  • you can not sunbathe for more than 20 minutes. Yes, and these 20 minutes should not be spent under the direct rays of the bright sun;
  • high heels are not recommended;
  • it is worthwhile to wait a while with a visit to the bath or sauna;
  • you can’t lift weights more than 3-4 kg, and these kilograms can’t be lifted sharply or from the wrong position;
  • need to be monitored to avoid overeating.

Doctors today are loyal even in such a matter as allowing a woman to cheer up with a natural drink, however, in a limited amount.

What can

If you can’t sharply reach up or stand in this position for a long time, then what kind of activity is allowed for pregnant women? In order to give birth normally to a child, the body of the mother must be hardy, tolerate physical activity well. In preparation for childbirth, special exercises, aqua gymnastics and other types of physical education for pregnant women will help.

A light workout can be done at home. It includes: walking in place, half-squats, smooth tilts to the right and left, with arms sliding along the body. Discuss with your doctor the physical activity that is acceptable in your particular case, and systematically train your body.

Respiratory gymnastics is also allowed: chest and abdominal breathing, superficial quick breaths. The ability to control breathing and breathe correctly helps to supply the fetus with oxygen during pregnancy and the birth itself.

If doctors even allow pregnant women to do gymnastics, then all the more there is no need to give up housework and walks. A woman can cook, wash dishes, sew, wash, lift light objects. That is, when asked whether it is possible for pregnant women to raise their hands up, doctors firmly answer that it is possible. The main thing is that the woman should not strain too much and feel good.

There are a lot of myths around pregnancy. Watch the video in which the obstetrician-gynecologist talks about the most common misconceptions.

Although pregnancy is not a disease, any physical activity should be moderate. Sharp movements and the movement of heavy objects should be excluded, but otherwise you should be guided by the advice of your doctor and common sense. What do you think?

Pregnancy is an important period in a woman's life. On the one hand, she is looking forward to the appearance of the baby with impatience and joy. On the other hand, this is a time of anxiety: the expectant mother worries about the health of her child, she is afraid of losing him or harming him somehow. Therefore, he tries to take care of himself, not to overexert himself.

But sometimes it is difficult to understand whether this or that prohibition for a woman is a superstition or a fact confirmed by doctors. One such example is the statement that pregnant women should not raise their hands, otherwise they can harm the fetus.

Is it so? Why is it not advised to pull your arms up during pregnancy?

Cord entanglement: myth or truth?

The most common information is that such physical activity is prohibited, since the umbilical cord can wrap around the baby's neck, and he will either die in the womb or suffocate at birth.

However, most doctors argue that these fears are unfounded. The entanglement of the baby's umbilical cord is also possible for expectant mothers who were not fond of physical exercise and did not do housework.

In what cases can the umbilical cord entangle the fetus?

This situation occurs when the following factors are present:

  1. Polyhydramnios. In this case, the baby has more opportunity to move in the mother's tummy and entanglement of the umbilical cord may occur.
  2. Elongated umbilical cord. It is laid down genetically. The longer the umbilical cord, the more often pathology occurs.
  3. Lack of oxygen in the fetus. If a child experiences hypoxia in the womb, he begins to actively move.
  4. Mother's stress. In a woman who is constantly experiencing stress, the level of adrenaline in the blood rises, which makes the fetus more active and mobile.

As you can see, raising hands during pregnancy is not included in the list of risk factors, therefore, in most cases, doctors do not associate it with the possible entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord and the emergence of a threat to his health and life.

Why did this statement come about?

There is even an explanation for the origin of this myth. A few decades ago, our grandmothers were forced to do physical work during pregnancy, for example, to carry water from a well, wash clothes on the river, and then carry it back, lift weights while working in the garden or at work.

A pelvis with heavy sheets or clothes is a serious burden during pregnancy, so all sorts of complications often occurred during childbirth.

Evidence for this argument

However, some experts, including gynecologist A. G. Nikitina, warn that in the first half of pregnancy, expectant mothers:

  • it is undesirable to pull your hands up,
  • is for a long time with his hands up,
  • throw them sharply up over your head.

In this position, a number of blood vessels are pinched in a pregnant woman and less oxygen enters the fetus. Therefore, he may experience anxiety and move vigorously, which means that there is a threat that the umbilical cord will wrap around the baby.

Why is it still undesirable to pull your hands up?

In addition to the threat of entanglement, there are other reasons why it is undesirable to raise your hands during pregnancy:

Fetal hypoxia

A proven fact is that a woman who stands for a long time with her hands raised up, blood circulation in the uterus is disturbed. Because of this, the unborn child receives less oxygen, and this is a threat to its development and even life.

A pregnant woman may have a miscarriage, or the fetus will develop much more slowly than it should. Problems may also appear after childbirth: the child will not adapt well to a new environment for him, and later he may develop mental or mental abnormalities.

Uterine hypertonicity

For women who have problems with uterine tone, any physical activity is dangerous. It can lead to hypertonicity, and later - to a shortening of the cervix, which can cause premature birth.

Rupture of the amniotic sac

If, at a long gestational age, the expectant mother abruptly raises her hands up, there will be a risk of rupture of the amniotic sac (which will lead to premature birth). If this does not happen at a later date, then with the complete discharge of amniotic fluid, a woman may lose a child.

However, such cases are not recorded too often, and the main cause of the pathology is still not sudden movements, but an infection that has penetrated the uterus.

The child will change position

The correct position of the baby in the uterus is head down, this position of the fetus is optimal for future births. But if the baby becomes uncomfortable (due to the raised arms of the mother), he may roll over.

Risk of injury

Reaching up during pregnancy is also dangerous because of the banal loss of balance and the risk of injury. For example, if a woman decides to hang curtains herself, hang linen or a heavy and wet blanket: one wrong move, and she may fall.

At what stages of pregnancy are restrictions introduced?

We found out why pregnant women should not raise their hands up. But for how long should this ban be observed?

Pregnant women must remember about the dangers of holding and pulling their hands above their heads throughout the entire period of bearing a child. However, women should be especially careful during long periods of pregnancy, shortly before childbirth.

But this does not mean that women in position need to give up any physical activity. Doctors explain that you can not stand with your hands up for a long time or make sudden movements. But if the expectant mother raises her hands for a few seconds or minutes, her movements are smooth, not sharp, there will be no harm.

Also, raising your hands will not harm when doing gymnastics for pregnant women, if the woman remains in this position for a short time.

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in the life of a woman and the whole family. During all nine months, a woman should be extremely careful and careful, take care of her health and the health of her baby with trepidation and tenderness.

There are many prohibitions during pregnancy, and every young mother should remember them so that the baby is born healthy and strong. Habitual things or actions should be done with caution, and some habits, such as smoking or drinking, should be completely abandoned.

However, it is worth noting that many taboos are ambiguous, and it is difficult to understand why you can do it this way, but not do it differently.

Why is it undesirable?

Most expectant mothers are wondering if it is possible to raise their hands up, because many people like to stretch well in the morning or pull their hands up when their back hurts. During pregnancy, it is believed that you should not raise your hands up. Is it really? And why?

Many people tell new mothers that it is impossible to take risks and therefore it is better to moderate the ardor and lead a quieter life until the baby is born. After all, the longer the period, the larger the stomach, and this creates certain inconveniences (especially if you need to sweep / wash the floor). In addition, the girl becomes more clumsy, clumsy.

Better yet, from the very beginning of pregnancy, make sure that all movements are smooth, unhurried and calm. After all, any sudden movements can cause discomfort in the child. Sometimes they can even provoke premature birth.

How does this relate to the ban on raising hands? The bottom line is that most qualified professionals are unanimous in their opinion that it is impossible to raise your hands for a long time or abruptly.

What could be the consequences of the fact that during pregnancy a girl will hold her hands above her head for a long time:

  • With a long vertical position of the hands, the size of the space in the abdomen changes, due to which the baby begins to move and seeks to change his position (for example, upside down). Also, the constant movement of the baby contributes to the entanglement of the umbilical cord.
  • If you sharply raise your arms above your head, the press tenses. At this time, there is pressure on the child, which is highly undesirable (especially at the end of the 2nd trimester and in the third).
  • Raising your hands up is usually necessary during work, and stress and overwork are not recommended for a pregnant woman.

There are mothers who can run all pregnancy, work, do everything around the house. But doctors allow this only if the pregnant woman feels well.

How does it affect a woman?

When the arms are raised for a long time, the pregnant woman begins to feel discomfort and discomfort in the lower abdomen. This is due to strong muscle tension. In addition, the following are noted:

  1. Vertigo.
  2. Blurring occurs in the eyes.
  3. A pregnant woman may lose her sense of balance. Because of this, a woman can fall even from her own height, which is very undesirable for a child.

It is extremely dangerous if no one is around at the time of dizziness and malaise. Therefore, many experts recommend a calm lifestyle without physical and nervous stress, so that the risk of losing a child is minimal.

Quite often, pregnant girls feel unwell while hanging clothes or while washing windows.

How does it affect the fetus?

It should be noted that it is impossible to make any sudden movements during pregnancy. If you suddenly and sharply raise your hands up, then due to a sharp and strong tension, premature birth can be provoked. You should be especially careful in the last months of pregnancy.

In the later stages, raising your hands up for a long time is recommended for a post-term pregnancy so that contractions begin.

The most dangerous side of raising hands is oxygen starvation in a child (hypoxia). If you raise your hands up too often, and also keep them in this position for a long time, blood flow to the uterus is disrupted, which leads to hypoxia or oxygen starvation. Ultimately, there are deviations of various kinds:

  1. Deviations in the psyche and mental development.
  2. Slow growth and development of the fetus.
  3. Problems with the postpartum adaptation of the baby.
  4. The possibility of miscarriage increases.

If you do not want to harm your baby, try to raise your hands up as little as possible. In the last stages, it is better to avoid this altogether.


There is an opinion that you should not raise your hands up during pregnancy, as the child may become entangled in the umbilical cord. This sign of past years scared expectant mothers, because it was fraught with trouble during childbirth, or even lead to suffocation of the fetus.

This statement has now been completely dispelled, since it is not substantiated by anything, and scientists have not found a connection between raising hands and the fact that the baby is wrapped around the umbilical cord. Why? The fact is that the size of the umbilical cord is determined genetically, and if the umbilical cord is entangled, then for a completely different reason.

The baby in the womb often moves, and if the umbilical cord is very long, then there is a chance that he will get tangled in it. The risk increases if the baby itself is active. And somehow it is almost impossible to predict or warn.

When is it allowed?

Many gynecologists are unanimous in their opinion that physical exercises can be performed, but only in cases where the pregnant woman feels great. You can even do yoga, gymnastics, only hand movements should be smooth, calm. But if there are problems with the attachment of the placenta to the uterus, then you can’t raise your hands.

A leisurely walk, light homework, which does not require special strength, will not harm the health and well-being of the baby, but, on the contrary, will have a positive effect on his development.

The most accurate period at which you can still raise your hands was brought out by modern experts in medicine, having conducted a study with a group of pregnant women. Based on these data, it was suggested that you can raise your hands in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, but not in the 2nd and 3rd.

One way or another, the main thing is a positive attitude towards the birth of a child. There should be less anxiety and negative emotions. But still, you should not stand for a long time with your hands raised up or raise it too sharply and quickly. And in general, any sudden movements are prohibited for pregnant women, and not just a sharp raising of hands up.


During pregnancy, it is useful to exercise. Specialists even developed a special exercise program that will not harm either the mother or the fetus. That's just it is desirable to carry out gymnastics not at home, but in special fitness clubs, under the supervision of a trainer.

Why you should not refuse gymnastics courses for pregnant women:

  • A sedentary image also negatively affects health, as well as an overly active one. But if you do it yourself, a girl can overdo it, thereby causing stress in the body.
  • It will be especially useful in the last stages. It will help to bring the muscles into the desired tone.
  • An important role is played by the fact that a woman will be able to control her weight a little, without gaining more than necessary.

Many are worried that doctors do not advise raising their hands up, especially in the later stages, and therefore refuse to go to gymnastics. This position is incorrect. It must be understood that all exercises were designed taking into account the position in which the girl is. This means that no one will force you to do what is impossible: sudden movements, lie down on your stomach, lean forward, stretch your arms up. That is, gymnastics is not harmful to health.

Pregnancy is a happy but exciting time. Expectant mothers should listen to their body, eat right, do not worry. There are many prohibitions associated with the behavior of a pregnant woman: she cannot drink coffee, smoke and bend over. One of the strangest prescriptions is the ban on raising your hands up. Why you can’t raise your hands up, what is the risk and what movements are acceptable for pregnant women?

What happens if a pregnant woman raises her hands up?

While carrying a child, the movements of the expectant mother should be smooth and slow. This is especially true in late pregnancy, when inaccurate movement can lead to the onset of labor. Pregnant women should not do difficult homework and often raise their hands. Wallpapering, painting walls, hanging curtains and linen can cause various complications, so it is better to entrust such activities to your husband or other assistant.

Of course, you can not completely refuse physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the condition of the muscles, they become less elastic, which makes childbirth difficult. A pregnant woman can do gymnastics and stretching exercises. At the same time, raising your hands up should be soft and smooth. It is better to practice under the supervision of an experienced trainer, so as not to harm the child.

Common myths

There is an opinion that during raising the hands up, the umbilical cord may be wrapped around the fetus. Such a myth can often be heard from older people. In the old days, due to the hard physical labor of women and the lack of qualified medical care during childbirth, various complications were often observed, including entanglement of the umbilical cord.

In fact, the length of the umbilical cord is genetically determined. During fetal development, the fetus is constantly moving, changing its position. If the umbilical cord is long enough to wrap around the baby's neck, the woman cannot influence this process.

As a rule, entanglement occurs with the constant movement of the fetus. The child may roll over several times, which increases the risk of this condition. To increase the motor activity of the fetus lead to:

  • polyhydramnios - in this case, a large free space is created around the fetus in which it can move;
  • hypoxia - with a lack of oxygen, the fetus experiences severe discomfort and often changes position;
  • stress in the mother - during strong experiences, a large amount of adrenaline enters the bloodstream, which is transmitted to the child, as a result, his activity becomes more active.

What are the real consequences?

Most specialists prohibit any activity associated with raising the arms up above shoulder level starting from the second trimester. The fact is that this action can really harm the child and mother.

The consequences may be:

  • Hypoxia. When the arms are raised, the blood supply to the uterus is disrupted. If you hold your arms up for too long or often, this can lead to slower growth and development of the baby or miscarriage. Problems can begin after childbirth. In children who have experienced oxygen starvation, mental, mental and physical abnormalities are often observed, babies do not get used to the new environment well and do not come into contact with others.
  • Hypertension of the uterus. This condition is dangerous because of the shortening of the cervix and the early onset of labor. With an increased tone of the uterus, any physical exercises are prohibited, it is better for a pregnant woman to observe bed rest.
  • Rupture of the amniotic sac. A sharp rise in the hands can lead to a rupture of the bladder due to a strong compression of the abdominal muscles, which provokes the development of labor. At the beginning of pregnancy, the complete or partial discharge of water leads to the loss of the fetus.
  • Placental abruption. Exfoliation when raising the arms is possible with placenta previa.
  • Movement of the child. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby takes a head-down position for easy passage through the birth canal. If the fetus rolls over in late pregnancy due to discomfort experienced with raised arms, there is a chance that this position will be maintained. In this case, doctors recommend a caesarean section.
  • Possibility of injury. With a sharp raise of hands or holding them in this position for a long time, a woman may darken her eyes or feel dizzy. In this state, it is difficult to maintain balance and you can simply fall. A fall threatens to injure not only the mother, but also the child. Most often this happens with low blood pressure, which occurs in many women during pregnancy.

What else should not be done during pregnancy?

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During pregnancy, a woman should think not only about her desires and needs, but first of all, she should take care of the unborn child. During pregnancy, you can not:

  • Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Bad habits have an extremely negative impact on the health of the child. Problems can appear both in the prenatal period and after birth. Alcohol stops the development of the child, smoking provokes early birth.
  • Be in stressful situations. Pregnant women need to monitor their emotional state.
  • Lift weights.
  • Lie on your stomach and back in the third trimester of pregnancy (more in the article:). You can lie on your stomach up to 12 weeks, then the uterus begins to protrude above the pubis, and the load is transferred to the child. When lying on your back in the later stages, pressure on the large vessels of the spinal column increases. In this position, oxygen and nutrients are poorly supplied to the fetus.
  • Long sit. In a sitting position, the load on the spinal column increases, which leads to pain in the back and headaches.
  • Tilt. With an enlarged abdomen, the center of gravity shifts during inclinations. You need to bend carefully, slowly.
  • Sit cross-legged. In this position, the veins are squeezed, which leads to the development of varicose veins.
  • Contact with unvaccinated pets. Cats and dogs are carriers of dangerous diseases, such as toxoplasmosis. When infected, there is a risk of miscarriage or the appearance of various pathologies.
  • Take medications without consulting a doctor. Many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, as they have a direct effect on the fetus.

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