The whole truth about the effect of beer on the female and male body. The effect of beer on the female body

The habit of drinking beer is widespread among the younger generation. If earlier only men drank a low-alcohol drink, now with a can or a bottle of beer you can meet any person walking down the street or sitting in a park. It is drunk by young boys and girls, women. But many are not even aware of the dangers of beer, considering it useful. The harmful effect is hidden behind its low turnover, which seems to be not harmful to health. Another idea about the benefits of the drink is based on its composition and method of preparation. Grain, hops, malt, fermentation - there is no harm behind these words. In fact, this is not at all the case. We invite you to learn about the effects of beer on the human body, and in particular to expose its effect on women. What mark does it leave on women's health, and how does it affect future offspring?

The effect of beer on a woman's body

A person can drink a lot of beer - it has a certain taste, aroma and does not produce a quickly intoxicating effect. But still, even small doses of the drink are harmful to humans, and especially to the female body.

Metabolism and enzymes

A woman's body differs from a man's both externally and internally. Scientists have proven that women need more time to metabolize than men. Consequently, the alcohol that has entered the body will remain in the female body longer than in the male. Due to this, the period of toxic exposure increases.

In addition, in women, the production of enzymes for the breakdown of ethanol is worse, as a result of which it circulates for a longer time throughout all organs and systems unchanged and affects them.

Alcohol addiction

Women get used to alcohol 2-3 times faster than men. The habit of drinking beer can very often result in alcohol dependence, which requires serious treatment. At the same time, a woman drinking beer does not consider herself an alcoholic and does not agree to be treated. As a result, the entire body suffers, organs are affected and begin to lose their functions, which the fair sex does not even suspect.


The nervous system of women is more vulnerable, they perceive all the information closer to their hearts and react to it. Therefore, a drunk girl or woman may not control herself and, under the influence of alcohol, commit any rash acts.


The toxic effects of unbroken alcohol also affect the woman's brain. It is noted that the weaker sex drinker is at greater risk of mental illness and brain damage than the strong one.

Skin and hair

Women who drink beer are not always happy with their appearance. But they all love to take care of themselves. They are not satisfied with dry pigmented skin, dull hair, yellow nails.

Alcohol leads to such changes in appearance, getting into the female body.


Since the toxicity of alcohol for the female body is higher than for the male, women are more likely to suffer from liver disease. The ethanol-affected filter organ is unable to regenerate on its own.


As you know, as a result of fermentation in beer, a large number of female hormones are formed. Although they are considered natural, they are still unsafe for both men and women. For men, beer does separate harm. And the hormones that got into the female body with the drink completely disrupt the hormonal background. With the presence of foreign steroid substances, the body ceases to produce the necessary hormones itself, which leads to disturbances in the functioning of the glands. Changes in hormonal levels can provoke the growth of malignant tissues, which entails the appearance of cancerous tumors in the body. Also, a disturbed concentration of hormones, together with a slowed down metabolism, can affect the female figure overweight and lead to obesity.

One of the consequences of girls drinking beer can be infertility. Since hormones are produced in insignificant quantities, sometimes the eggs cannot go through all the stages of their maturation, as a result of which conception does not occur. Drinking beer is also the cause of ovarian dysfunction, cyst formation, endometriosis in young girls. A low-alcohol drink should also not be drunk by pregnant women - it increases the risk of fetal pathologies and causes abnormalities during pregnancy. In most cases, children of drinking parents are born with various pathologies that appear against the background of the toxic effects of ethanol on their germ cells.

Beer quality

When buying beer, it is important to look at its composition. Natural live beer cannot be stored for as long as indicated on the label. Consequently, manufacturers add chemicals to the drink that prevent spoilage. And the buyer does not know at all what components are used in the production, and how they affect health. Live beer is brewed from natural ingredients, but its shelf life does not exceed six hours, after which the active substances begin to decompose, forming harmful compounds.

Many doctors have proven that beer is more harmful to the body than vodka. A high-quality forty-degree alcoholic drink is maximally cleared of aldehydes and fusel oils, and they are found in large quantities in beer. If you drink beer and vodka in the same amount by the degree indicator, then the next morning the beer will have a headache and all the signs of a hangover will be present.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that drinking beer is a bad habit that harms both the female body and the male. Even an infrequent use of a low-alcohol drink in small quantities can cause significant disturbances in a woman's health and the state of her reproductive system. Therefore, it is worth considering what is more important - healthy children or momentary pleasure.

Beer belongs to the category of light alcoholic drinks, so many believe that it can be drunk without restrictions. However, this opinion is far from the truth. Experts are convinced that any type of alcohol is dangerous to human health if abused. This also applies to beer, so its amount in the diet should be kept to a minimum. Many people mistakenly believe that the foamy drink is dangerous only for men, however, women should strictly dose the amount of beer they drink.

To understand why women need to restrict their beer consumption, it is necessary to consider the technology of beer production. Its main properties are determined precisely by the composition. Although beer is made from plant materials, it also contains ingredients that are hazardous to health.

The main raw material for beer production is cereal malt. Usually barley, rye or wheat are used. Each plant is capable of imparting a unique flavor to the drink, which is why there are so many varieties of foamy drink on the market.

The second ingredient in the beer is hops, namely the buds of this plant, which are formed during flowering. Without this component, it is impossible to brew real beer, but it is he who poses the main danger. Hops are a source of phytoestrogens, which are analogs of female sex hormones.

Beer is a drink containing alcohol. This means that its production is based on fermentation processes that cannot proceed without an appropriate substrate. Yeast fungi introduced into the mixture of hops and malt are responsible for the synthesis of ethyl alcohol, and simple sugars serve as a source of nutrition for them.

Another component of the beer composition is carbonic acid. It is contained in its direct form in the drink only until a person breaks the tightness of the package. As soon as the pressure drops to atmospheric level, this compound begins to decompose into water and carbon dioxide, which ensures the presence of bubbles and characteristic foam in the drink.

Possible figure changes from beer

Women who closely monitor their weight know which foods contain the most calories and try to avoid them. Usually these are various fats, as well as simple carbohydrates, however, not only food can provoke excess weight gain. Some drinks, including alcohol, are also high in calories.

Beer is a carbonated drink. This effect is supported by the presence of carbonic acid. This compound has an unpleasant sour taste, so it needs to be muffled. Neither natural hops and malt, nor artificial additives or flavors can do this. To eliminate this taste, shock doses of sugar are introduced into the composition of the drink, which provides a high calorie content.

Nutritionists are convinced that beer is a drink with a high energy value. This means that even with one mug, a considerable amount of calories enters the body. If they are not consumed in a timely manner, they will be transformed into fats and will be used as a reserve source of energy.

Thus, with excessive consumption of beer in women, a bulky layer of subcutaneous tissue forms. Such lipids accumulate quickly, but are consumed extremely slowly. This means that it will be difficult to get rid of excess body weight without proper physical activity.

It should be understood that even active training will not always lead to success if a woman continues to drink beer. Any alcohol is contraindicated in sports. It greatly weakens the body, depriving it of vitamins, minerals and water. All this leads to the fact that even with regular training, the muscle relief will not be drawn, and the body fat will not decrease.

The effect of beer on hormonal levels

It has been proven that in beer there are analogs of female sex hormones - estrogens of plant origin. In small doses, they will not cause harm, but with regular use of the foamy drink, health problems are possible.

The presence of an excess of phytoestrogens directly affects the hormonal background of a woman. Normally, sex hormones are synthesized in the ovaries under the strict control of the brain structures - the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. If they are secreted in the required amount, then the entire reproductive system works without failures.

If a woman has been drinking beer for a long time, then hormonal disruptions associated with an imbalance of estrogens and their analogs begin in her body. An excess of these compounds is primarily manifested by problems with the menstrual cycle.

Women who abuse beer may experience:

  • irregularity of the cycle;
  • a decrease in the amount of blood during menstruation;
  • spotting in the middle of the cycle;
  • reduction in the menstrual phase;
  • general shortening of the cycle;
  • complete absence of menstruation.

Any failure of the menstrual cycle indicates a violation of the organs of the reproductive system. In this case, it is important to stop drinking beer in a timely manner and contact a gynecologist to start treatment.

The consequences of hormonal disruptions

The human body is designed in such a way that the functioning of each organ is controlled at the hormonal level. Specifically, the ovaries work without interruption if the pituitary gland sends a signal to them about the need for the secretion of estrogen. When beer is consumed in large quantities, a different situation is observed.

With the regular drinking of an intoxicated drink, plant estrogens constantly enter the woman's body. They serve as analogs of sex hormones, so their secretion in the ovaries slows down or stops. In such a situation, the implementation of the reproductive function is difficult. In other words, a woman who drinks beer may have problems conceiving.

Malfunctioning of the ovaries is signaled by problems with the menstrual cycle. As soon as the first warning signs develop in the form of irregular periods, it is required to visit a gynecologist. Such symptoms indicate that the egg does not mature in every cycle. This means that it can be difficult to get pregnant. To restore fertility, a woman will need to completely abandon the bad habit and undergo a course of treatment.

It should not be forgotten that beer contains not only phytoestrogens, but also ethyl alcohol, which in itself is a dangerous compound. It affects absolutely all organ systems, but doctors call some structures that are especially affected by alcohol:

  1. Heart. When alcohol is consumed, the blood flow rate is constantly changing. This forces the heart muscle to work especially hard. As a result, this can lead to untimely wear and tear.
  2. Vessels. The walls of veins and arteries are also under tremendous stress due to the alternating compression and relaxation of the smooth muscles of their walls.
  3. Liver. This gland is involved in the process of neutralizing alcohol. If too much ethanol enters the woman's body, then the cells of the organ begin to collapse due to the increased load.
  4. Stomach. Ethyl alcohol is one of the most corrosive substances. It eats away at the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to gastritis or peptic ulcer disease. Carbon dioxide bubbles have the same effect.
  5. Brain. Alcohol destroys the cells of the cerebral cortex and destroys the neural connections between them. This leads to memory impairment, weakening of intelligence and a decrease in mental capacity.

Experts are convinced that alcohol, including beer, negatively affects the female body. When this drink is abused, all organ systems gradually fail, which is fraught with the appearance of chronic diseases.

There is an opinion that beer contains a number of vitamins that are beneficial for the body, but this version is easily disputed by medical professionals. The essential nutrients are best obtained from food, and alcoholic beverages cause too much harm.

This is not the only negative effect of beer on the general condition of the female body. It has been proven that any alcohol contributes to the leaching of vitamins from tissues and liquids. This leads to a weakening of the internal immune defenses.

The body's defense weakens, therefore, pathogenic bacteria, viruses or fungi freely penetrate into the body. All of them are capable of provoking dangerous diseases, which are difficult to treat with constant consumption of beer.

The effect of beer on a woman's appearance

Numerous studies confirm that beer contains phytoestrogens, which affect hormones. This can lead not only to malfunctions of the reproductive system, but also to the appearance of excess weight. Being overweight is also a consequence of the presence of simple sugars in beer.

Excess weight and the formation of fatty layers under the skin are not the only problems associated with beer abuse. Taking any alcohol affects a woman's appearance. The first thing that specialists pay attention to is edema. The face of a woman drinking beer often looks swollen. This is due to the accumulation of water in the tissues during the elimination of ethyl alcohol oxidation products from the body.

Another problem of women drinking is the early appearance of wrinkles. The skin is constantly stretched due to the excess fluid in the soft tissues.

Over time, it loses its elasticity and becomes covered with multiple fine wrinkles. To get rid of them, unlike mimic ones, is difficult.

Women who abuse alcohol have a significantly deteriorating complexion. The more beer a woman drinks, the faster her natural blush disappears. The face often becomes pale, which is associated with a deterioration in blood supply. It is often possible to find an icteric tint due to impaired liver function.

Beer is a popular drink that is enjoyed by both men and women. Its unique flavor comes from the fermentation of hops and cereal malt. Beer is easy to drink and does not require an abundance of snacks, but it should not be overused. In women, this can lead to negative consequences, ranging from premature aging to irreversible reproductive disorders.

Whether beer is for women or not is a subject of eternal debate among experts. The desire for equality leads to the "capture" of typical male predilections by the ladies. However, beer is equally harmful to both sexes. The chemical components of the drink are a negative effect on the state of internal organs and beer alcoholism.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The composition of beer depends on the type of grain raw materials, the degree of fermentation, and the extract of the wort. The quality is determined by carbon dioxide and alcohol. Indicators depend on the initial wort concentration:

  1. Water - 86 to 91%.
  2. Unfermented extract - 3-10%.
  3. Carbon dioxide - up to 0.4%.
  4. Ethyl alcohol - 1.5–6%.

Useful substances - vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, B6, PP, H, inositol, etc. Minerals - 3-4% (sodium, potassium, phosphoric acid, silicates). There are traces of aluminum, chromium, copper, zinc, lead, etc. The ash of beer contains silicic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron.

The amount of ethanol affects the quality and type of beer, depending on the concentration of the initial wort and the degree of fermentation. It is alcohol that gives the fullness of taste, according to the standard it should be (by weight) from 2.8 to 7%. It is not uncommon for a manufacturer to artificially add concentration. Alcohol slows down the development of a number of bacteria, increasing the biological stability of the beer. Dark varieties, due to shorter fermentation times, have a low percentage of alcohol.

Energy value of beer:

  1. Baltika Cooler Lime - 41 kcal.
  2. Baltika No. 0 - 33 kcal.
  3. Baltika No. 6 Porter - 61 kcal.
  4. Large mug Strong - 54 kcal.
  5. Zhigulevskoe - 42 kcal.
  6. Nevskoe Original - 50 kcal.
  7. Light 1.8% - 29 kcal.
  8. Light 4.5% - 45 kcal.

Phytoestrogens are substances that are credited with the ability to change the hormonal status in the body of men and affect the reproductive system of women. This is a natural product, contained in the "hedgehogs" (female inflorescences) of hops.

Beneficial features

They manifest themselves with the normative consumption of a quality (live) product. There is a concept - a standard portion of alcohol or 10 g of pure ethyl. Contained in 250 ml of beer. For women, a conventionally safe dose is 3 servings per day (30 g ethanol).

According to the WHO, a dangerous dose of alcohol is 4.8 standard servings per day, a woman can consume no more than 800 of them a year. Based on calculations, the relatively permissible amount of beer per week is no more than 4 liters.

It is important that the calculations refer to adult ladies. Not pregnant, not on HB, not having pathologies of internal organs and having a healthy cardiovascular system.

Benefits of beer for ladies:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • improved blood clotting;
  • cleansing from toxins and toxins;
  • normalization of the work of the CCC.

Polyphenols stimulate the heart, improve vision, and normalize the digestive tract. The necessary complex of vitamins and minerals is supplied with beer.

Phytoestrogens, herbal analogues of female sex hormones. They help follicles grow and burst, such stimulation is necessary for women who have problems with conception. But the harm from drinking beer exceeds the benefit, so it is better to replace it with estrogen-stimulating products - nuts, cabbage, dairy dishes, sage broth. Beer for women over 40 years old can be for the beauty of skin and hair due to the content of B vitamins (B1 – B12).

Why is a foamy drink harmful?

Poor-quality beer and its excessive consumption are dangerous for women. You can't drink it every day. All useful properties are written off from a live drink made from natural ingredients with a shelf life of no more than 3 days. What is on store shelves is: Co (cobalt), enzymes, preservatives, flavorings, technical chemicals. The composition of modern beer has been transformed beyond recognition, this was done to reduce the cost and lengthen the shelf life. It contains hops, chopped corn, wheat, rice, water, sweetener, a little malt, chemical additives.

An indisputable fact! Modern beer of famous brands is a carbonated drink with flavors that vaguely resemble real live beer. In fact, it is a completely artificial amber product.


The hidden danger lies in the low degree of the beer drink. It is easy to drink, it is drunk in liters. The result is a critical supply of pure ethanol. In the body, I will give less water, more fat, so ethyl is excreted more slowly, there are fewer enzymes that break down it. The absorption of fluid into the walls of the stomach is more intense, especially during menstruation, intoxication occurs faster. The liver is rapidly subject to destruction due to the accumulation of alcohol decomposition products (acetaldehyde), cirrhosis develops in a short time.

A woman becomes addicted to beer in 1-3 years. For comparison, in men - over 5 years.

Symptoms of beer alcoholism in a woman:

  • consumption of an intoxicated drink from a liter per day;
  • relaxation occurs after drinking beer, the dose to obtain euphoria increases each time;
  • headache, anger, irritation without a "dose";
  • insomnia.

Women who are weak-willed, suspicious, unhappy, and self-pitying become addicted to beer. The consequences of beer alcoholism are complete personality degradation, lack of critical assessment of one's condition, loss of maternal qualities, irreversible changes in the reproductive organs. The appearance of a lady changes beyond recognition, from blooming she turns into a thin emaciated creature with dry, earthy, wrinkled skin. The figure is otdlovataya, the legs are disproportionately thin, the lips are bluish, the voice is rough, "beer antennae" grow, hair on the chest, stomach, face.

Bodybuilding problems

Excess weight appears in the initial stages, due to the consumption of high-calorie snacks. Served with beer: crackers, salted fish, crackers, shashlik, etc. This is not without reason, since products with salt, spices, bitter-salty-spicy taste cause increased thirst, which stimulates even more beer consumption.

At the 2-3rd stages of beer alcoholism, the figure of a woman undergoes irreversible changes. She stops getting fat. Due to the colossal dehydration, lack of minerals, vitamins (they leave with urine), the muscles lose their elasticity, become "dry", the skin on the body stretches, darkens, loses its healthy color. The gait becomes wobbly, the figure is angular, painful thinness is characteristic. There are no signs of personal hygiene, but the makeup is bright, flashy. So the lady is trying to restore its former beauty and freshness.

Hormonal background

It is noteworthy that drinking beer from the 1st to the 14th days of the menstrual cycle is beneficial, but provokes weight gain. From the 15th to the 28th day, the intoxicating drink disrupts the hormonal background of a woman. Ethanol, entering the bloodstream, provokes increased production of cortisol, a stress hormone. With regular libation, there is an excess of it, depression develops, sleep is disturbed. Obvious emotional instability, the lady becomes apathetic, signs of mental disorders appear. Ethyl, acting on the adrenal glands, increases the release of adrenaline.

Phytoestrogens entering a woman's body reduce the formation of their own estrogen. Instead, the production of testosterone increases, the ladies drinking beer become masculine, rough, and the hair on the body increases. Beer provokes early menopause, decreased libido, bearing a fetus is impossible.

Mental problems

Beer is a poisonous liquid containing alcohol. This is a fact that cannot be disputed. Ethanol and its decay products act on the central nervous system, which leads to dementia, memory lapses, and a decrease in intelligence.

This is especially noticeable at the 2nd and 3rd stages of the development of alcohol (beer) addiction, the lady becomes:

  • capricious;
  • prone to depression and self-delusion;
  • personal qualities are degrading.

Social and interpersonal behavior changes, irritability and aggression increase. Rash acts, frequent mood swings prevail, they depend on the availability of beer and its quantity.

Nonalcoholic beer

The concept of "non-alcoholic" is pure bluff, an advertising gimmick that does not mean the absence of alcohol in beer at all. A low ethanol content is dangerous for a woman with a large consumption of the drink.

It is not able to save from alcoholic beer addiction. It does not guarantee sobriety, instilling the indisputable advantages of non-alcoholic beer is not true, the marketing ploy of producers.

According to the standard for non-alcoholic beer, the percentage of ethanol is not a solid zero, the indicator varies from 0.2 to 0.5%, which means that there is alcohol in it. It is made from similar components as "strong brothers", it negatively affects the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system.

The attitude of doctors is unambiguous - the non-alcoholic option is especially dangerous for pregnant and lactating women. It provokes kidney failure, hypertension, preeclampsia, congenital anomalies, fetal malformations, premature birth.

Myths and truth

The benefits of beer are a myth! The truth is that the advantages of its consumption are permissible with a colossal caveat - "natural, live" and in small quantities. Otherwise, alcohol dependence develops according to the standard and the consequences for the woman are irreversible. Cons - this is a terrible appearance, psychoses, pathologies of internal organs, degradation.

The best use of beer is in cosmetology. Benefit for women - beer wraps stimulate skin regeneration, make it smooth and velvety. Beer-based masks strengthen hair roots, improve scalp condition, and get rid of dandruff. Anti-aging face formulations, which contain a fraction of natural (live) beer, eliminate skin laxity, improve complexion, and hide fine wrinkles. Beer foam is a panacea for increased oily skin with comedones, acne, it regulates the production of sebum, dries and tightens pores.

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Its benefits and harms for women are of interest to many. Drinking small amounts of alcohol when consumed irregularly does not lead to health problems, but sometimes it is better to abstain from this type of alcohol.

The negative effect of beer on the female body

The foamy drink is gaining popularity. Its pleasant taste with a slight bitterness and low alcohol content make it a frequent companion to a feast. But it is worth considering and, on the woman's body, the effect may be as follows:

Lovers of the drink do not think about the dangers of beer for women, believing that the combination of water, malt and hops cannot negatively affect the appearance and figure. With regular use of a low-alcohol product, even in small quantities:

  1. Appetite increases. Alcoholic drinks stimulate gastric acid secretion and the body requires high-calorie foods. Yeast improves appetite - this trace element is recommended for those who are underweight.
  2. Overweight and obesity appear. 100 ml of the product contains 40-55 kcal, but it is often consumed in 0.5-1.5 liters, which leads to an excess of calories in the diet.
  3. Cellulite occurs. The phytoestrogen contained in the drink provokes the appearance of cellulite deposits.

The effect of beer on a woman's reproductive function

Although beer is made from plant materials, it contains components that are harmful to a woman's health:

Beer for women is a source of hormonal problems. Its disruptions are associated with an imbalance of estrogens, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of the reproductive system and problems with the menstrual cycle:

  • shortening the cycle time;
  • irregularity;
  • smearing brown discharge in the middle of the cycle.

The harm from beer also lies in the fact that plant estrogens slow down the production of their own. As a result, there are problems with conceiving a child.

The benefits of beer for women

Disputes about the dangers and benefits of the drink do not subside. Since the composition contains vitamins and trace elements, the product is used to treat and prevent health problems:

An important clarification: unfiltered beer contains a maximum of useful substances.

The harm of drinking non-alcoholic beer

In non-alcoholic beer, despite the "telling" name, alcohol is still present. In addition, even a reduced amount does not make the drink healthier, and studies prove that beer is harmful to the female body:

  1. Disruption of the nervous system. With frequent use, headaches, a feeling of fatigue appear, and concentration of attention decreases.
  2. Change in hormonal levels. In women, the male hormone testosterone begins to be produced, the excess of which negatively affects the state of health and appearance: the voice becomes coarse, hair falls out, the cycle is disrupted.
  3. The appearance of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and heart muscle. This is due to the addition of cobalt, a toxic element that stabilizes the foam.

By consuming a non-alcoholic product during pregnancy, women hope that they are not exposing their bodies to the harmful effects of alcohol, but this is not true:

  • the drink contains not only water, hops and malt, but also a considerable amount of chemicals that are harmful to women and the fetus;
  • the drink promotes increased gas production, which leads to an increase in the threat of miscarriage;
  • the load on the kidneys increases due to the diuretic effect;
  • phytoestrogens provoke various diseases and pathologies in the fetus.

How to minimize the harm from beer

To avoid negative consequences when drinking a popular alcoholic drink, you must adhere to several rules:

  • choose a quality product;
  • consume no more than 0.5 liters per day;
  • it is unacceptable to combine several types of drink;
  • do not seize with harmful products (smoked and dried fish, salted nuts, dried squid, chips).

Choosing the right intoxicating drink will help minimize harm:

Even if all of the above wishes are observed, the harm of beer for women will not be equal to zero if you drink it regularly. It is more useful for the female body to give up alcohol altogether.

Many people believe that drinking low-alcohol drinks is practically harmless to the body, and drinking a bottle or two of beer on the weekend will not hurt even an avid athlete. Is it really? Let's take a look at how beer affects the human body.

To begin with, you should take into account that beer also contains ethyl alcohol, and a few glasses of beer give the same load on the body's systems as 100 g of vodka. Impressive, huh? And here is the following conclusion, which the doctors came to: drinking beer leads to the appearance of female characteristics in men and male characteristics in women.

Of all the drinks containing, beer has the most destructive effect on the hormonal system of male and female organisms. Why is this happening?

And the fact is that the hop cones used in the manufacture of beer contain 8-PN (8-prenylnaringenin), a substance belonging to the class of phytoestrogens and is close in strength to the human hormone estrogen.

Estrogen is a female hormone that determines the external differences between a woman and a man: a softer voice and character, a graceful female figure and the absence of facial hair.

- a male hormone, and it is he who gives a man a rough voice, a powerful figure and muscle strength, facial hair. If you start to take a hormone that is not typical for the sex, then the face, figure and character will change dramatically and quickly.

The effect of beer on the body of a man

A man who drinks beer simply replaces testosterone with estrogen in his body, with all the ensuing consequences. His figure begins to change: they expand, and fat is deposited on them according to the female type, the mammary glands swell with fat and enlarge, weaken, the so-called "beer belly" looms.

After the beer belly comes the syndrome of the “beer” or “Bavarian” heart, when the main organ of the body weakens, ischemia, shortness of breath develop, loads are tolerated with difficulty, and the risk of heart attack increases. Attraction to the opposite sex is replaced by a craving for alcohol, and impotence may develop.

Beer hormones have the most direct effect on a man's character: beer and sofa are very friendly. Instead of leadership qualities of character that give him activity, a desire to act and win, a man drinking beer has indifference, apathy, irritability and quarrelsomeness.

The effect of beer on a woman's body

The female body is more complex, it experiences changes in hormonal levels every month, "rolling" on a kind of "hormonal swing". A woman's body produces estrogen by itself, and drinking beer gives him additional doses of female hormone.

The introduction of phytoestrogens into the female body threatens with serious consequences, and infertility is one of them.
What happens in the female body when drinking beer? Many unpleasant things, for example, an enlarged uterus and proliferation of vaginal tissues, menstrual irregularities, excess secretion in the fallopian tubes, etc.

If a man has a decrease in attraction to the opposite sex, then in a woman, on the contrary, the attraction increases.

Effects of beer on body systems

    • Beer is generally an insidious drink. Due to "low alcoholism" a person gets used to drinking a large amount of it, which often leads to the development of beer alcoholism, which is more difficult to treat than usual, because a person simply does not want to admit his dependence on beer.
    • Beer propaganda is trying to prove that in small doses, beer has a beneficial effect on the body and helps to reduce cardiovascular diseases. In fact, a person who drinks, say, 7 liters of beer a week doubles their risk of stroke compared to a non-drinker.
    • Beer can provoke varicose veins as it dilates blood vessels. And the soft and hard resins in hops increase the risk of colon cancer.
    • Beer causes the greatest harm to the brain: a person's mental abilities decrease, memory deteriorates, a person becomes lazy, unable to concentrate - any alcohol destroys brain cells.
    • Drinking beer during adolescence leads to the development of early impotence.
    • Beer is a fermented product. Once in the intestine, it disrupts the normal process of digestion, populating the microflora with fungal organisms. Beer drunk on an empty stomach provokes alcoholic gastritis and.
    • As a powerful diuretic, beer acts on the kidneys and flushes magnesium and potassium from the body. A person becomes irritable, his heart rate increases and pains in his legs appear.

  • , engaged in removing alcohol from the body, does not have the strength to detoxify the body from other harmful substances, which can lead to hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

The damage to health from drinking beer turns out to be no less than from stronger alcoholic beverages. And the harmful effect of beer on a person entails noticeable changes in secondary sexual characteristics. The feminization of men and the masculinization of women are what beer brings with it.