Complaint about poor organization of the kindergarten holiday. To the labor inspectorate. From a team of employees

Kindergarten is a special place where your child not only spends most of the day, but also learns, communicates and acquires the very first necessary skills. And he communicates not only with peers, but also with adults. Educators, service personnel, teachers - all of them, in one way or another, contribute to the development of the child and his view of the world around him.

One of the main people in kindergarten is the manager. He acts as a leader, assigning responsibilities, setting rules for work and deciding how training will take place. That is why he has a huge responsibility. But what if the manager neglects his duties? Or if, in performing his duties, he harms the child? In this case, it is worth complaining. We will tell you how to file a claim correctly in this article.

When can you serve

Before you start making a claim, you need to understand what exactly you can complain about to higher authorities, and what you shouldn't. In fact, there are a lot of reasons for filing a complaint about kindergarten, but the most common are the following:

  • Money given to kindergarten disappear without a trace;
  • Head of the kindergarten does not fulfill his duties;
  • The manager behaves inappropriately, is rude, treats children and their parents badly;
  • In the kindergarten, educational measures are applied, not meeting the standards;
  • In teaching kindergartens, programs are used, not approved by the Ministry of Education;
  • Children are abused or abused;
  • Kindergarten staff commit various violations, but the manager does not respond to complaints in any way.

As you can see, there are many reasons for conversion. However, it should be remembered that it depends on the reason where the appeal will be submitted. At the same time, in almost any case, a complaint against a kindergarten manager will look almost the same.

How to write a claim

Any complaint about the manager or other employee of the kindergarten, should be written in a strict manner. When writing, you should avoid insults and long, complex explanations - please provide all information concisely and clearly. Each appeal consists of three parts: heading, informational part, conclusion.

Complaints - Building Block

  • Heading always written in the upper right corner of the sheet in a column. It contains the following data: name and address of the civil service to which the complaint is filed, name and position of the person responsible for considering the complaint, name and address of the applicant, as well as contacts for communication;
  • Information part is written immediately under the heading "Complaint against the head of the kindergarten." It will require you to indicate the very essence of your claim. First, you need to indicate the circumstances under which the conflict arose. Then describe the reason why you are applying. After that, it remains only to indicate your requirements and justify them, referring to the laws of the Russian Federation and the rule of law;
  • Final part. Everything is simple here - it contains only an inventory of all documents submitted with the complaint, the signature of the applicant and the date of filing the appeal.

The uniform is standard for absolutely any public service except the court, since it is not a complaint against a kindergarten that is filed with it, but a statement of claim. It differs only in two little things - it will not be necessary to indicate the authorized person in the title, and after the information about the applicant (plaintiff), the field "Respondent" will appear, i.e. Kindergarten.

Where can you submit

A kindergarten is a very peculiar organization. It can be either just a preschool institution, or an educational or cultural center.- it all depends on its size, orientation, methods of education and much more. And the complaints themselves are very versatile. In this regard, there are many places where your appeal can be directed. Let's consider all of them:

  • A claim to the Department of Education (formerly RONO). It is worth starting with it in the first place, since most kindergartens, in addition to caring for a child, also work on raising and teaching him the most basic skills. If the level of education is very low, does not give results and is generally useless due to the fact that the teacher uses a non-standard program, then it is worth contacting the Department of Education. It is also worth filing a complaint there in the event that the methods of upbringing negatively affect the child and seem unacceptable to you;
  • Ministry of Education. Complaints about kindergarten can only be submitted to this service if the kindergarten itself offers some kind of special education program. Generally, the complaint is completely identical to that described above, but it should not touch upon issues of upbringing;
  • Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. It would seem that the kindergarten is neither a store, nor some kind of trade organization, and there is no point in complaining to Rospotrebnadzor. However, this is not so - it is possible and even necessary to write complaints to Rospotrebnadzor. True, they should concern certain things, namely the state of the kindergarten itself and the service of the needs of your children. If you find that the kindergarten is poorly fed, not cleaned, and it is high time to write off furniture, toys and other attributes, then complain to Rospotrebnadzor - it is he who deals with such problems;
  • Report to the police. It so happens that you even have to write a statement to the manager. This happens in the event that it was he (and not one of his employees) who committed a crime punishable by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Complaint to the prosecutor's office. Another very unusual kind of complaint about kindergarten. You can submit an application to the prosecutor's office only in one case - if the teacher is noticed for illegal actions. In addition, claims related to illegal collection of money can also be filed there;
  • Contacting the labor inspectorate. Such an appeal is suitable for kindergarten employees who do not have a living from the head. Anyone can make a complaint - a teacher, a cook, a cleaner, or any other employee. However, this can be done if the manager violates labor standards or the terms of an employment contract.


Please note that it is not always necessary to write an application in order to seek help from the government service. And even more so, there is not always a need to carry it personally. For example, an application to the labor inspectorate or the police can be submitted online through the official website.

How to sue a kindergarten?

Unfortunately, the answers from government services do not always leave the complainants satisfied. In addition, they may simply be ignored in kindergarten. In this regard, parents often have to go to court.

It is not difficult to sue a kindergarten, because it must strictly observe the norms and laws, and the slightest deviation from them can become a reason for serious punishment. In order to start litigation, you will need to file a claim. It is sent, as a rule, to the magistrate's court. After the filing of the claim itself, proceedings will begin, during which you will need to identify the reason for your dissatisfaction and prove that the employees and managers of the kindergarten behaved improperly. Other parents, witnesses, child psychologists and, of course, lawyers will help you with this.

Kindergarten is one of the most important stages in the development of a baby.

It is in this place that the child learns basic communication skills and begins to learn about the world.

If the adaptation of the baby to kindergarten is successful, parents can immediately return to their usual activities, as well as go to work, since from that moment the child is in the reliable hands of educators and you can not worry that he will have fun and productive time ...

In real life, however, things don't always work out so well. Often, children with whims visit kindergarten, are afraid of teachers, remain hungry or return home with incomprehensible bruises or traces of insect bites.

First of all, in such situations, parents always try to resolve the issue peacefully: to talk with the educators or nanny about the problem that has arisen, or, in extreme cases, contact the head of the institution. However, if after the conversation you did not notice any changes, it is time to write a complaint.

Parents can direct their complaint to several places:

  • Head of the kindergarten. As a rule, before reporting the situation in a preschool institution to a higher authority (education department or prosecutor's office), it is necessary to notify the head of the kindergarten. You can write a complaint or report a problem during a conversation. Often, after contacting the head of the institution, the situation changes in a positive direction, since the head can conduct the necessary checks, influence the perpetrators of the situation and, as a result, eliminate violations.
  • Preschool Education Department. In the event that a conversation with the head of the kindergarten not only did not contribute to solving the problem, but also aggravated the situation (the staff began to ignore the child's demands, show a negative attitude, etc.), parents can contact the department of the Department of Education of their area. It is also necessary to contact this organization in the event that the kindergarten refuses to take the child within the time period prescribed by the law. When filing a complaint, adhere to an arbitrary form of presentation, however, in case of difficulties in writing, download a sample from the Internet. You can send this document by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, as well as go to the Department of Education and hand it personally to an employee of the Department. When choosing the second option, do not forget to prepare two copies of the complaint in advance, since on your form the person who will accept the complaint will leave a mark of acceptance.
  • Rospotrebnadzor. The range of powers of this organization includes the protection of consumers in the Russian Federation. Contacting this body will help solve situations of the following nature: children are fed in the kindergarten with products of inadequate quality, complete unsanitary conditions prevail in playrooms or bedrooms and the like.
  • There are several ways to contact Rospotrebnadzor:
    • Call the toll-free hotline (in this case, the line operator will accept a verbal complaint and tell you about the next steps that you must follow to resolve the problem);
    • Apply through the feedback form on the official website of the organization. When choosing this option, click on the "Send a message" tab, in the window that opens, indicate your personal and contact information, and also concisely and informatively indicate the essence of your problem and the method of response that you want to receive after considering the question. If you expect to receive an official paper on which all the necessary signatures and stamps will be, then choose a reply by mail and indicate your actual address of residence. If you just want to consult or find out a solution to a problem, then choose an answer via e-mail and enter your e-mail address.
    • Send a complaint by registered mail with delivery notification to the address of the organization, which is indicated on the official website;
    • Visit the district office of the organization in person.
  • General Prosecutor's Office. You should contact this structure only in case of serious violations of the law. Concerning kindergarten, examples are: child abuse, intimidation, extortion of money from parents, and the like. Therefore, in the case when the kindergarten cannot provide a place for the child, it is better to contact the Department of Education.

You can contact the prosecutor's office for help in the following ways:

  1. Through the Internet;
  2. By the hotline number;
  3. In person to the territorial department at the place of residence of the family;
  4. By registered mail to the address of the General Prosecutor's Office.

If the prosecutor's office reveals violations during the inspection, employees of the organization independently initiate a trial in accordance with the generally accepted procedure. It is important to know that during legal proceedings, parents have the right to recover from the kindergarten not only material, but also moral damage.

How is the complaint under consideration drawn up?

This document must be drawn up in two copies, namely:

  • The address part of the complaint (upper right corner of the sheet) contains contact and personal information about the official in whose name the document is drawn up. Do not forget to indicate the title of the above-mentioned person.
  • A little below, indicate your details (full name, address, etc.).
  • In the center of the paper, write the title of the document - “Complaint”.
  • In the main part, indicate the main details of the problem, information regarding the kindergarten or persons involved in the incident, etc.
  • In the next paragraph, write down the measures to resolve the problem that you expect to be taken in this situation.
  • Complete the document with your personal signature and date.

After completing the document, send it by mail, send it via the Internet, or hand it personally to a representative of the organization.

Before applying in person to the head of the kindergarten, talk to her personally. And only in case of a refusal, record this moment in writing and contact other higher authorities.

Submission and consideration of this type of claim

There are several options for submitting an application to the kindergarten regulators. The most convenient way is to submit an application via e-mail or contact an organization using a specific form offered on the official website. In the second case, do not forget to provide your contact information to receive a response. It is possible that you will have to personally go to an appointment with an employee of the organization in order to submit the missing documents.

From the moment the document is registered with the organization, employees can consider a complaint within 30 days. In the event that the organization extends the review, an interim response should be sent to you. If the final answer does not suit you, then before filing a claim or administrative application to the court, you have the right to apply with a statement regarding familiarization with the materials of the case on the complaint against the kindergarten. Copies of such documentation will serve as evidence in a civil or administrative case, or, in accordance with a petition, will be attached to the case being considered in court.

When choosing a kindergarten for our child, we always listen to feedback from other parents, as well as preliminary study the state of the building, walking area, etc. However, not everyone pays attention to such important factors as the competence of the staff and the level of their accreditation. Often, due to the lack of these parameters, conflicts arise with the administration up to the change of kindergarten. If you find that your child's rights have been violated in some way by the institution employees, you can write a complaint. Let's take a closer look at how to arrange it correctly.

Preparing to write a complaint

Document preparation rules

As such, there is no clear structure in the preparation of such an appeal. The main thing is that it fully reflects the meaning of the problem and is supported by substantial evidence. When filing a written complaint about kindergarten, adhere to following rules:

  1. In the "header" of the document, indicate the full name and address of the organization where you are sending the request. It is best to contact a specific person, for example, the head of the city administration, the minister of health, etc. You can generally send it to several authorities at the same time.
  2. Describe your problem in detail, pointing to specific facts and arguments. In addition, do not forget to attach supporting documents to the appeal (photos, videos, excerpts from legislative acts of the Russian Federation, etc.).
  3. In conclusion, offer your own solution to the situation. For example, it can be a warning, deprivation of personnel or their dismissal. It is important here to be objective and restrained in your desires. However, this does not mean that this particular method of "punishment" will be chosen by the relevant authority.

Do not forget to sign the document, as well as leave personal contacts for feedback.

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Methods for submitting a complaint

It is possible to send a complaint in several ways: by registered mail with notification, by e-mail or personally transfer it to an employee of the appropriate authority. In addition, there is an alternative channel for submitting an application - through the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. To do this, go to the menu "Connection", paragraph "Leave an electronic appeal" and fill out the proposed document form.

Most preschool children attend kindergarten. After all, it is this educational organization that helps kids prepare for their further education at school. But at the same time, conflict situations often arise between parents and kindergarten workers. And unfortunately, not all of them can be resolved peacefully. After all, if the conditions in the kindergarten do not satisfy even the most patient parents, the teacher does not look after the children well, and the manager does not take any measures to rectify the situation, then we have to complain.

There are various organizations that can help protect the rights of babies. More information about where to complain about kindergarten will be described in this article.

What to do first

First of all, parents should think over everything well and decide what exactly does not suit them in the work of a preschool institution. And only after that, you already have to wonder where you can complain about the kindergarten. After all, conflict situations are different. Sometimes some parents are not even satisfied with the fact that their child's locker is not where they would like, the baby is sleeping on the wrong bed, eating at the wrong table. It should be said right away that no one will deal with the resolution of such controversial issues. Because everyone cannot please and there are such "problems" in every preschool institution.

It's another matter if the educator treats children poorly, does not pay enough attention to them, often talks on the phone, goes about his personal affairs and talks rudely with both the kids and their parents. In this case, you just need to think about how to seek help from a higher management. After all, some educators do not cope with their official duties.

Appeal to the manager

This is best done collectively. As practice shows, heads of kindergartens quickly respond to complaints from parents only when several people turn to them for help at once. Therefore, it is best to get together with the parental team and discuss the problems that have arisen. If everyone in the group is happy with everything, then you will have to act independently. A complaint against a kindergarten teacher addressed to the head is written in free form. The main thing is to state the essence of the problem, where, when, with whom and what happened. As a rule, managers do not want to have problems with the law and resolve such controversial situations quickly enough. Educators most often become very attentive and take care of children, do not be rude to parents.

Nothing changed

As mentioned earlier, many citizens with preschool children are often interested in the question of where to complain about kindergarten. Indeed, sometimes it happens that the manager simply does not respond to the requests of the parents who come to her with a request to restore order in the institution.

What can be done in this case? Where to complain about kindergarten? The next instance in such a difficult issue will be an appeal to the district department of the department of education. It is best to immediately go to an appointment with the head of the institution. As a rule, all complaints about the work of kindergarten workers are processed within a very short timeframe. Sometimes a check is even carried out for the suitability of the position held.

Thus, people who are faced with problems in preschool should know where to complain about kindergarten. If the head cannot and does not try to resolve controversial issues, then it is best to go to the district department of the education department.

It's important to know

Before writing a complaint, you need to think carefully and understand what exactly does not suit the parents in the work of the kindergarten. Depending on this, and send a complaint to the appropriate organization. If the group is dirty, children use poorly washed dishes, and the walking area is not equipped according to safety standards, then you should contact Rospotrebnadzor. This organization responds to telephone messages from citizens. However, your best bet is to write a complaint. This is done when the parents are sure that the issue will not be resolved with one appeal.

Thus, citizens who are thinking about where to complain about kindergarten should know that there is a specialized organization - Rospotrebnadzor. Therefore, if the question concerns non-compliance with sanitary rules in preschool institutions, then you need to contact it there.

What to do

Sometimes it happens that the heads of kindergartens in the most flagrant way violate the norms of the law. But many parents simply try not to pay any attention to it. Some believe that even after contacting the competent authorities, the situation in the kindergarten will not change.

But is it possible to do something if the manager forces the parents to make repairs in the group, buy toys, furniture and donate money for the needs of the preschool? After all, according to the law, this is illegal. Where to complain about the head of the kindergarten? First of all, it is necessary to visit the head of the local education department. After all, the latter appoints the heads of kindergartens. Therefore, the head of the education department will be able to clarify the situation. This usually happens very quickly in practice. After all, no one wants the parents' complaint to reach the competent authorities.

But what to do if the education department did not help in any way? Where can you complain about the head of the kindergarten? In this case, you need to go to the prosecutor's office. After all, this law enforcement body decides all issues related to the violation of laws. Especially when it comes to a children's educational institution.

In addition

As already noted above, if parents are faced with the fact that in the kindergarten the norms of the current law are grossly violated and funds are being collected for the needs of the preschool organization, then it is necessary to immediately contact the prosecutor's office. This must be done in writing. An inspection will be carried out on the received message. If at least one violation of the law is revealed, the perpetrators will be brought to justice.

It should also be said here that most parents are afraid to write complaints to higher authorities against the management of kindergartens, because they believe that this will affect their kids. Educators will treat children very badly. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid of this. Otherwise, the situation in the preschool institution will not change.

To remain unknown

Now many parents began to wonder where to complain about the head of the kindergarten anonymously. So, in order for the applicant to remain unknown, you can simply draw up a written appeal and put it in a box in the prosecutor's office. There he hangs on the wall for this very purpose, so that people who want to remain anonymous can also ask for help. You can also call the hotline to the authorities of Rosobrnadzor. After all, they control the work of kindergartens. Accordingly, not a single complaint from parents will be left without consideration.

If the kindergarten is private

Unfortunately, many mothers cannot stay at home with their child for a long time due to the fact that they need to go to work and earn money. But too long a queue in municipal kindergartens does not allow immediately assigning a baby to a preschool institution. What should parents do in this case? Many mums and dads put their kids in private kindergartens. Of course, it can be much better there than in municipalities, but you also need to spend more, and often there are too many problems. In practice, there were situations when the child was not taken to a private kindergarten just because the mother did not pay the money on time, or simply did not feed the whole day.

Of course, parents faced with similar problems begin to apply to various authorities. At the same time, they often ask themselves where to complain about the garden. After all, sometimes they simply do not hang out the menu there and even rude to the parents. But what if the room is dirty and the children eat from poorly washed dishes? You can contact Rospotrebnadzor. This organization will check how the sanitary rules are observed in the private kindergarten. In addition, if the administration of this organization violates legal norms, then you can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.


Childhood is under the protection of the state. This is a legislative norm, and it has always been and will be so. Parents must ensure that the rights and interests of their children are not compromised by anyone. If this happened, then legal representatives should not be afraid of anyone, but immediately write a complaint to the competent authorities. You can send the compiled document to several authorities at once:

  • local department of education administration;
  • the prosecutor's office;
  • Rospotrebnadzor (if we are talking about violation of sanitary standards in a preschool institution);
  • the head of the municipality.

Any decision of these bodies and officials can be appealed against in court. Nevertheless, before making serious decisions, writing papers to various authorities, you need to personally communicate with the head and receive a written refusal to resolve the dispute. As a rule, this is very rare in practice. After a personal appeal to the head, the conflict between the parents and the preschool institution is very quickly resolved.


Where to complain about a kindergarten teacher? As mentioned earlier, this issue is currently of concern to many parents whose children visit the institution.First, you need to seriously think about whether everything is really that bad or not. If we are talking about a rude attitude towards a child, then one cannot do without the participation of the head of the kindergarten. Moreover, you need to contact the head of the preschool institution with a written request that she take all the necessary measures for the teacher to behave with children in the most restrained and correct manner. If this does not resolve the situation, it is best to contact your local department of education.

Citizens who do not know where to complain about a kindergarten teacher should be aware that such conflict situations need to be resolved with the administration of the preschool institution. If the head was unable to influence the subordinate and urge her to change her attitude towards the pupils, then it is best to file a complaint about the work of the preschool institution to a higher authority - the education department, or to the prosecutor's office if the fact of child abuse is noticed.