that dissolves stones. Kidney stones, treatment with folk remedies. Causes of kidney stones

The causes of kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) are not fully understood. The main prerequisites for its manifestation is a violation of the metabolic process in the body. This disease has no age preference, pathology can manifest itself both in infancy and in old age.

In the first stages, neoplasms reach three millimeters and are defined as sand. If timely measures are not taken, they increase in size. Diagnosed as kidney stones, treatment is carried out by traditional methods and folk remedies in the complex.

Reasons for education

With normal metabolism, salts, oxalates, calcium phosphate are excreted from the body along with urine. If the work of the kidneys, which are responsible for the throughput mode of harmful substances, fails for one reason or another, salt crystals are not completely excreted from the body, forming stones up to five or six millimeters in size.

Depending on the location of the stones, several forms of the disease are distinguished: ureteral stones, bladder, if they are localized in the tubules of the kidneys or the renal pelvis, these are kidney stones. Their external structure, as well as their chemical composition, come in various forms. Stones in the kidneys take the shape of the place where they formed, mostly coral-like branches, called outgoing stones.

The main reasons for the formation of nephrolithiasis include:

  • insufficient amount of vitamins entering the body;
  • due to the geographical place of residence, an insufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation;
  • hot weather and incomplete fluid intake;
  • malnutrition and constant use of water of increased hardness;
  • congenital narrowing of the urinary tract, making it difficult for the full exit of urine;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • inflammation processes in the bladder or prostate;
  • sedentary image of labor activity;
  • infections and bacteria in the intestines.

A disease that can be identified as the main cause of the formation of urinary stones in the kidneys is hyperparathyroidism. With hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, the formation of calcium in the blood and urine increases, as a result of which there is one stone or several different sizes, consisting of calcium salts. This type is the most common in renal pathology.

Symptoms of kidney disease

Signs of the presence of a kidney stone may not appear, and for a long time increase in size without disturbing the patient. Being at rest, formations can go unnoticed. Only in rare cases, when the calculus is of considerable size and firmly fixed at the site of localization, compression is felt in the side.

The main symptomatology is manifested if the stone has moved from its place due to spasm of the walls of the ureter, in the lumen of which it is located. Accompanied by movement, renal colic and periodic increasing pain. They begin in the lumbar region and gradually radiate to the inner side of the thighs. The attack of pain is accompanied by:

  • intense sweating;
  • muscle cramps;
  • feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • headaches and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • sluggish urination and hematuria (blood in the urine).

The attack ends with the return of the stone to the renal pelvis or it penetrates the bladder. The pain stops along with the accompanying symptoms. In case of pinching and impossibility of exit, spontaneous cessation of colic is out of the question. Medical intervention is needed. To eliminate kidney stones, treatment is used individually for each individual case.

Treatment methods for nephrolithiasis

How to treat kidney stones, only a doctor can determine, based on the results of the studies. Which will help determine the type of stone, its location, shape and size. Considering that stones are classified as oxalate, phosphate, urate, calcium carbonate stones, the agent is prescribed taking into account their chemical composition.

The main task of the ongoing therapeutic measures is the crushing of the stone with its subsequent removal from the body with urine. For these purposes, it is recommended to increase the intake of daily fluid intake in combination with intense physical activity. This method will help to remove small stones (up to 5 mm).

If this method was ineffective, the formations are dissolved by medication. The use of drugs based on medicinal herbs is prescribed, these include: Gortex, Cysto-Transit, Uro-Lax, Fitolizin, Rovatineks. Treatment without surgery is quite long, up to six months.

After the measures taken, which did not give positive results, they resort to drastic measures, surgical intervention. Medicine has a sufficient number of stone removal methods, after which, after a short rehabilitation period, the patient returns to his usual life.

Along with the use of traditional methods of treating kidney stones, traditional medicine is widely popular.

Folk remedies

Treatment of kidney stones with folk remedies includes: the use of herbal decoctions, tinctures from cereals, kidney cleansing and diet.

Treatment of kidney stone disease with herbs

Phytotherapy proved to be effective in the fight against sand and kidney stone, the technique is based on the use of medicinal plants. Collections from them help eliminate the causes of formations and have a breaking effect on existing kidney stones. A few recipes for how to cure a kidney stone and remove sand from the body:

  • Wheatgrass seeds are used to treat kidney stones. It is necessary to grind them to a powdery state, mix with water until a thick consistency is obtained, bring the mixture to a boil. After cooling, wheatgrass seeds are consumed in a tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals, the duration of intake is from one to two months.
  • Alternative treatment of kidney stones involves the use of calamus rhizomes, ground into powder. To do this, you need to take three tablespoons of calamus mixed with two glasses of honey, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Use one tablespoon before meals. Treatment will be more effective if you alternate calamus infusion and black radish juice, mixed with vodka in equal parts. After the juice with vodka is infused for three days, drink 30 ml before meals.

  • From kidney stones, an infusion of 200 g of ground rosehip seeds mixed with two liters of water will help. Evaporate excess liquid over low heat (0.75 liters of composition should remain), strain and add a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice to one third of a glass. Store the decoction in the refrigerator and apply 50 g three times a day before meals.
  • To crush a kidney stone, 250 g of seeds of common vetch mixed with honey in equal proportions will help. Take a tablespoon 20 minutes before each meal.
  • Effective for removing sand from the kidneys will be an infusion from the collection of herbs: nettle leaves, string and birch buds. They are taken in the same proportions, two tablespoons of the collection is poured into 4 cups of boiling water. Insist during the day in a cold place. Drink a decoction of 50 ml four times a day.

Oats have proven themselves well in order to achieve a crushed state of a kidney stone and remove sand. An unrefined grain of cereal is taken, ground into flour. A glass of flour is poured with two liters of water, brought to a boil, infused for a day. They take a decoction of a liter per day, at the end of the first week of admission, sand will begin to come out and a kidney stone will be crushed.

Therapeutic methods for urolithiasis depend on the size, location, and chemical characteristics of the stones. Treatment of kidney stones with folk remedies at home can be successfully used if all the recommendations of doctors and constant monitoring are followed. Small stones (up to 1 cm) can be crushed, and the most effective is the use of folk recipes to get rid of kidney sand.

However, the choice of treatment tactics is best left to the doctor. Self-medication can have extremely negative consequences. The advancement of a large stone along the urinary tract not only injures the mucous membrane, causes an inflammatory process, and is the cause of the excretion of blood in the urine of a complete blockage of the urinary tract. This complication is dangerous, may lead to the need for surgical intervention.

Scope of application

Urolithiasis is a pathology, which is based on a violation of excretion or increased formation of salt deposits. The state of metabolism has a decisive influence. Treatment of kidney stones does not stop even after surgery or stone crushing by hardware methods. Thus, dissolution, removal of already formed calculi is achieved, as well as prevention of the formation of new ones. Therapy is long, it is advisable to conduct courses of treatment at least twice a year. A variety of folk remedies for dissolving, removing various types of deposits from the kidneys has a positive therapeutic effect.

Depending on the type of salts, approaches to the dissolution of kidney stones vary significantly.

The greatest clinical significance is the occurrence of:

  • oxalate;
  • urate;
  • phosphate;
  • struvite;
  • cystine salt deposits.

Struvite stones are the result of the activity of certain microorganisms that can interact with urea. Cystine are formed as a result of a genetically determined high content of the amino acid cystine. For these two types of stones, the use of alternative methods of treatment is ineffective.

It is important to establish a diagnosis in a timely manner, in the presence of large calculi, to carry out an operative, low-traumatic intervention to remove them. At the same time, for the treatment of stones of urate, oxalate, phosphate origin, mixed salt deposits, folk remedies for kidney stones can help traditional therapy, and also be effective in preventing their further formation.

Treatment of folk remedies for oxalate stones

It is possible to crush, remove oxalate stones from the kidneys with the help of a watermelon diet. The basis of the diet is the pulp of watermelon. It is also acceptable to eat a small amount of black bread. The duration of the diet is up to two weeks. Additionally, it is recommended to take a warm bath daily (up to 1 hour) from 5 to 9 pm. Kidney glomeruli at this time filter the primary urine as actively as possible. Warm water provides relaxation of smooth muscles, relieves muscle spasms, dilates the urinary tract, and watermelons effectively increase renal blood flow. The complex of all these measures allows not only to dissolve salt deposits, but also to completely remove them from the body.

A watermelon diet not only helps to remove salt deposits, but also enriches the body with macro- and microelements.

Small oxalate stones can be cleared by drinking large amounts of clean water every day. The use of young branches, mustaches of a grape shoot is also effective. It is necessary to grind 1 teaspoon of grape branches, place in 250 ml of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 3 minutes, then for 1 hour at room temperature. Next, the infusion must be filtered. Unless the doctor recommends otherwise, then you need to drink one-fourth glass 4 times a day, at least one hour before meals.

Approaches to the treatment of phosphate stones

Calculi containing phosphate salts can be disposed of using the methods of folk treatment with herbs in the form of decoctions, as well as infusions. Berry fruit drinks, fruits and vegetables in the form of juices also help.

Most effective:

  • decoctions of wild rose, barberry;
  • grape, apple, cabbage juice;
  • cranberry juice.

Grape juice has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and helps to remove salt deposits.

Treat kidney stones effectively with collections of various herbs, stems, flowers and roots of plants. For example, you need to mix corn stigmas, as well as birch leaves (2 tablespoons each), juniper berries, snake mountaineer root, harrow, burdock (1 tablespoon each). Next, put 2 teaspoons of this mixture in 250 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Cool down slowly. Drink 200 ml three times a day, preheated a little. Also, a mixture containing grass and flowers of tricolor violet, St. You need to mix 5-6 tablespoons of the collection with hot water, insist for half an hour. Drink 200 ml at least 3 times a day.

Along with herbs, flax seeds are used. Their equal parts with dry sage leaves, roots of dye madder, wheatgrass are mixed. About 4 tablespoons of the collection are placed in a liter of boiling water, left for half an hour. They also take 200 ml per day, adding a small amount of honey.

Treatment of urate stones

In the presence of stones formed by uric acid salts, the traditional, drug treatment is most often used. The use of drugs of the allopurinol group makes it possible to prevent further deposition of salts, an increase in calculi in size. At the same time, folk methods are also effective. The most commonly used oats, as well as various herbs.

You need to take unpeeled oats. Rinse, pour boiling water and leave for 10 hours (preferably in a thermos). Next, wipe the oatmeal through cheesecloth, a fine sieve. It is recommended to eat warm gruel in the morning on an empty stomach, without adding anything to it. The next meal is not earlier than an hour and a half later.

It is also possible to get rid of a large amount of uric acid in the body if you regularly take a mixture of highlander grass (one part) and currant leaves, strawberries (two parts each). Use a mixture of one tablespoon, insisting in boiling water (200 ml) for 20-30 minutes. Then be sure to strain through a sieve with small holes. It is necessary to use the remedy for 2 tbsp. spoons 45 minutes before meals up to four times a day.

The effectiveness of alternative medicine in the removal of calculi

With a positive result of the dissolution or crushing of stones in the urinary system, sand and stones are discharged.

This may cause symptoms:

  • increased body temperature, sweating;
  • back pain and urination;
  • change in urine color.

With painful passage of stones, herbal preparations help reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

They are caused by the traumatic effect that the moving stone has, and the inflammatory response of the body.

In this case, not only the dissolving, but also the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic effect of traditional medicine is important.

For this effective fees, consisting of equal proportions (one each) of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, mint, sage, and plantain leaves (two parts). One tablespoon of the mixture is placed in a glass of hot water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, then continue to infuse for one hour at normal room temperature. If the stone has gone, pain or discomfort has arisen, then it is recommended to use the remedy for a quarter cup 3-5 times a day.

Thus, traditional medicine can be successfully used at all stages of the treatment of urolithiasis. The patient needs to monitor changes in his state of health and consult a doctor in a timely manner. The attending physician, on the basis of ongoing research on the composition, localization, size of stones, will select the most effective means and methods of therapy. This will help not only crush or remove stones from the urinary system, but also prevent inflammatory complications, the appearance of salt deposits in the future.

According to the Ministry of Health, out of 10 people, 7 suffer from kidney stones.

Some people do not always suspect the course of the pathology, as they do not experience discomfort.

But the situation does not always unfold in this way. The patient may experience the manifestation of renal colic.

After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment and tell you how to dissolve kidney stones using modern medications. This will be discussed in this article.

Principle of formation of kidney stones

One of the most important organs of the human body are the right and left kidneys. They help to maintain water balance and electrolytes in the blood, thanks to the filtration process of salt and fluid.

The kidneys pass more than 1700 liters of liquid compositions through themselves per day. Thanks to this organ, 1 liter of urine leaves the body, which includes an excess of salts and a variety of toxins.

When the mechanism for the removal of these harmful substances is disturbed, the development of urolithiasis is observed.

Kidney stones can be of different composition. These are oxalates, calcium carbonate and phosphates, magnesium-containing and uric acid stones.

The type varies depending on the presence of salts in the body, which can be in excess, i.e. in the right amount, they are not able to leave the body.

Why do stones appear

Before telling how to remove stones from the kidneys, it is necessary to clarify what contributes to their appearance.

After conducting not a single dozen studies, experts agreed that, first of all, the hereditary or genetic factor negatively affects.

In addition, it is also worth highlighting the infection of the organs of the genitourinary system, which is observed quite often in the body, i.e. the person is prone to relapse.

Contribute to the formation of stones in the human body can be a failure in the balance of water-salt norm and phosphorus-potassium metabolism.

In a negative way, hypodynamia is reflected. It should be taken into account that excessive human consumption of salt also provokes the accumulation of crystals in the kidneys, which later become large and can even cause serious complications.

If a person prefers to eat foods with preservatives, dyes, consume a minimum of fresh vegetables and fruits, giving preference to boiled food, he is also at risk.

Actually, those who are faced with kidney pathologies, who consume medicines for a long time, have the same situation.

Even geographic and climatic conditions can influence the tendency to develop kidney stones.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it is useful for everyone to know how to dissolve stones in damaged kidneys, because almost no one is immune from this pathology.

This will be discussed in the article, but first it is worth clarifying what is meant by kidney stone disease.

Basic definitions

One of the most common diagnoses in practice in the urological experience of doctors is nephrolithiasis.

This pathology is manifested by the formation of calculi in the kidney area, in fact, this is where the name came from.

Doctors also call the disease urolithiasis. It will also be important to note that this ailment provokes the appearance of stones in the bladder, which entails a serious inflammatory process.

Risk group

Most often, the diagnosis of urolithiasis is made to people aged 27 to 50 years. Pathology requires hospitalization, and therefore about 40 percent of patients with this diagnosis are forced to undergo registration in the urology department of city hospitals.

If kidney stones are not treated correctly, pyelonephritis or pyelitis may develop against the background of this disease.

Differentiation of kidney stones

During the diagnosis of pathology, it is customary to use the ultrasound method of research.

In this case, the stones will be clearly visible, in particular, the urate type. But the rest of the stones do not appear so clearly. This fact is due to the fact that they do not have a high percentage of density.

The specialist will be able to say more precisely about the composition of the calculus if he conducts a study of its predecessor.

It is quite possible to get it if you know how to dissolve kidney stones and remove them with urine or remove the calculus with the help of surgery.

To confirm that a urate type of stone is present in the patient's body, it is necessary to conduct a pH-metry analysis.

In this case, the acidity of urine will not meet the standards, it will be much lower. To clarify the correct diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a CT scan for the patient.

This study also allows you to establish the exact density of the calculus. It is not always mandatory, because if an ultrasound examination identified a calculus, but an x-ray did not, but the pH of the urine is significantly shifted to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bacidity, then you should ask your doctor if the dissolution of kidney stones will be successful.

Very often, the urate type of stones is fixed in people who are faced with a violation of purine metabolism.

Often, this phenomenon is inherent in all patients diagnosed with gout. For this reason, doctors recommend that anyone who comes in with suspected urate calculi in the kidneys, take a blood test to check the level of uric acid.

In order not to have to be interested in the subsequent question of how to dissolve kidney stones on your own or under the supervision of a doctor on an outpatient basis, you should follow preventive tips.

No one will argue with the fact that it is much better to prevent a problem than to spend time on its elimination in the future.

This statement does not lose its relevance in the case of kidney stone pathology.

Based on available data, 50 percent of people with kidney stones experience new stone formations over the next 5 years.

If you follow some fairly simple recommendations in practice, you can avoid such consequences.

Below are some helpful tips from leading urologists:

  1. It is recommended to consume about 2 liters of water per day. As you know, the human body consists of 80 percent of the liquid, and therefore it is necessary to properly maintain the water balance. This rather simple technique will solve a number of problems in the future, or rather, even prevent their development. Teaching yourself to drink water is not very difficult. It is recommended to pour filtered water into a 2-bottle and put it in a conspicuous place. After a couple of weeks, it will be possible to do without this method, because the body will get used to consuming water in a normal amount for the proper functioning of all systems.
  2. You need to rethink your diet. It is necessary to exclude from the menu those products that act as a fundamental basis for the formation of stones. If you often use sorrel and spinach in large quantities, oxalates may begin to form, but it provokes the formation of urates - meat and liver, when calcifications - excessive salt intake. It is also recommended to stop drinking grapefruit juice frequently and consuming vitamins C and D. This is also fraught with the formation of kidney stones.
  3. Be sure to bring the weight to a normal indicator. Do not follow strict diets. It is best to normalize nutrition, lead an active lifestyle. If you walk 10,000 steps a day every day, body weight will begin to decrease, even without the foreseen active sports with a serious load.
  4. Doctors advise to reconsider therapy. Perhaps a person has been taking funds for a long time. Some of them are distinguished by their ability to stimulate the formation of stones in organs, including the kidneys. These include drugs, referral for thyroid treatment, steroid and diuretic drugs.
  5. On a regular basis, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, and if symptoms of a system failure appear, you must not delay your visit to the doctor.

Drug therapy

In fact, the course of treatment for kidney stones will vary depending on their size and location.

The smaller the stone, the higher the chances that it will leave the body along with the outflow of urine. For this reason, it is shown to patients with urolithiasis to establish a water balance and drink as much liquid as possible.

If the water in the right amount does not enter the body, then the urine differs in a highly concentrated composition.

Some substances are not able to leave the body, it is incredibly difficult for them to dissolve, and therefore they form small grains of sand, over time they have every chance of becoming a large accumulation of stones.

Medications are capable of stimulating the release of stones; No-shpa, as well as other antispasmodics, will help as an additional measure.

From practice, we can conclude that out of 10 stones, 9 will leave the kidneys on their own, but this is not always the case.

Although the risks are minimal, but very often drug therapy does not dissolve stones, and therefore there is nothing left but to apply another method - surgery.

An operation may be necessary in the case when the kidney stone is really large, it can cause damage to the organ itself or develop bleeding, infection.

Also, the intervention of a surgeon is indispensable if the urine output duct is blocked.

There are several types of surgery, but the choice should always remain solely with the doctor.

He will take into account the state of the human body, the severity of the pathology, the characteristics of the stone itself.

Drug group

If you are interested in the question of which medicine dissolves stones, then you should rely on the appointment of your doctor.

A tool is selected taking into account the conduct of a comprehensive examination. As mentioned above, stones are of different types, not always the same remedy can help with different types of formations.

As an example, several drugs will be analyzed that are more often prescribed by urologists to remove stones from the patient's kidneys, but they should not be used without a prescription, otherwise this decision will entail a number of side effects that can lead to serious complications and even death.


The drug is a combined remedy with a choleretic and diuretic effect.

Differs in its antiseptic and antispasmodic action. There are several forms of drug release - capsules, syrup and drops.

The product includes castor oil, essential oil of fir, as well as peppermint, extracts of wild carrots, oregano and fragrant hops.

It should be noted that all components are natural. Despite the latter fact, Urolesan is not always prescribed by doctors.

This is due to the fact that a person may not be able to tolerate certain drugs by the body. Before taking it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Kanefron N

This drug is used mainly for preventive purposes. It refers to the course of maintenance therapy, when the stones have already been removed from the kidneys.

The composition of the product is also natural. It included centaury, rosemary, lovage root.

The release form can be presented in the form of a dragee or a solution for internal use.

Again, despite all the useful properties of the remedy, you need to take it only after receiving an appointment from a doctor.


It is used for the preparation of an oral type. Phytolysin is produced in the form of a paste.

To prepare the medicine, you need to take 1 dessert spoon of the product and mix with 0.5 tbsp. After mixing well, the composition should be consumed 4 times a day, but always after eating.

The paste includes only natural ingredients. We list them: birch leaves, parsley roots, lovage and wheatgrass, extracts of horsetail seeds, fenugreek, goldenrod, knotweed, essential oils of orange, sage, pine and peppermint.

The drug has an excellent diuretic effect. It can also relieve inflammation and have an antispasmodic effect.

The main goal of the drug is to remove the fact of the formation of calculi in the kidney cavity, dissolve those that are already there and remove them from the body.

The tool is very popular, both among doctors, and is famous for good reviews from patients who are faced with this kidney stone pathology.


An Indian drug that has a diuretic or anti-inflammatory effect. It contains extracts of natural plants. Available in the form of capsules and tablets.

The main purpose of the tool is to help in the dissolution of stones that have not reached large sizes.

Cystone can also be used to eliminate complications that have arisen after shock wave lithotripsy.

On this, the list of the most used in practice medical products that can be bought at a pharmacy to eliminate kidney stone pathology has come to an end. Below it is proposed to find out what methods of dissolving stones are offered by traditional healers.

The best traditional medicine recipes for kidney stones

Experienced doctors also advise using alternative medicine methods, but only as an addition to the main course of treatment. In addition, you need to follow a special diet.

The recipes below, although they were able to prove themselves well in practice, do not need to use them without the appointment of a doctor in charge.

Remember that with urolithiasis, any experiment with health can lead to a sad ending.

Recipe 1

To dissolve stones in the kidney area, it is recommended to carry out a useful procedure, but its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is necessary to do this during the active sale of watermelons, of course, it is important to buy a good product, and not stuffed with nitrates.

The patient needs to climb into a hot bath, having previously prepared watermelon and rye bread.

Traditional healers note that it is best to follow this recommendation in the interval around 3 o'clock in the morning.

The course consists of 7 procedures. 1 session per day, no more.

Recipe 2

Another recipe for dissolving kidney stones is to prepare a special mixture. You need to take 3 tbsp. knotweed, St. John's wort, sage and lemon balm.

These plants need to be mixed, and then measure 3 tbsp. composition. They should be mixed with 300 ml of boiling water.

After the tea is well infused, and this takes at least 20-30 minutes, it is recommended to add 15 drops of fir oil to the composition. The calculation is taken for every 100 ml of the composition you need 5 drops.

You need to drink the drink exclusively with the help of a straw for 5 days. When the calculi dissolve, they will leave the body with urine.

Recipe 3

In the morning you need to drink 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. This remedy will also be useful for the treatment of constipation.

Recipe 4

You need to seize with a few berries of prunes, but dried fruit should be left soaked in water overnight.

This tool will also have a preventive effect to eliminate constipation. This is very important, because this state only contributes to the saturation of urine with mineral salts.

As already known from the article, they subsequently crystallize and form large stones in the kidneys.

Truth or myth

There are several recipes for herbal medicine related to the fact that the urate composition of stones in the kidneys can be dissolved if you increase the water load.

In fact, no one will deny the fact that an increase in standards will contribute to a decrease in acidity and salt concentration.

It is not possible to only dissolve urate stones of a mixed type. It is worth noting here that even medications are not always able to cope with this task. Ordinary water can have the desired effect on small urate stones.

Another legend associated with folk healing to dissolve kidney stones suggests that freshly squeezed lemon juice can do the job.

Only stones will not be able to dissolve when exposed to it. Juice will reduce calcium absorption but will not dissolve the calculus.

It is also worth being careful when a patient decides to start taking diuretics.

The thing is that if the stone is large, then under the influence of this drug, it can move away.

In the future, this can lead to a situation where it will no longer be possible to do without surgical intervention.

The next myth claims that if you drink diuretic herbal infusions with the addition of fir essential oil, active dissolution of stones in the kidney area will begin.

Immediately it is worth recalling the above statement that diuretics can be dangerous.

While the stone is in the kidney cavity, it is not always necessary to carry out treatment. At this point, it will be much more important to monitor the condition on regular ultrasound examinations with a doctor, follow a diet.

To avoid the likelihood of an acute inflammatory process or renal colic, you should not drink diuretics on a regular basis.

Summarizing the above

Only an experienced urologist will be able to choose the right course of therapy, saving his patient from risks and health complications.

You need to follow his appointments, follow a diet in order to normalize metabolism and speed up the removal of stones from the body.

Useful video

Timely diagnosis and preventive measures help to prevent stones (calculi) in the kidneys. When they appear, the doctor prescribes treatment with traditional or traditional medicine.

Causes of kidney stones

One of the causes of urolithiasis is a violation.

A healthy body is completely excreted in the urine. Failure - for example, associated with a violation of metabolic processes - holds the particles together, forms crystals of various shapes and sizes.

Sand is small pebbles up to 3 mm in size. Large - from 5 mm and more.

As long as the stone is motionless, the disease does not bother. Its movement causes acute pain, treatment is necessary.

Common causes of kidney stones:

  • imbalance of vitamins;
  • lack of ultraviolet;
  • malnutrition;
  • improper functioning of the parathyroid glands, which disrupts calcium metabolism;
  • hot climate, lack of water;
  • drinking hard water;
  • congenital pathologies of the genitourinary system (narrowed urinary tract);
  • pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, prolapse of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, prostate adenoma, prostatitis;
  • sedentary work.

More often, the calculus grows on the right, which is associated with the anatomical features of the body.

Unilateral or bilateral formations are detected in 3% of the able-bodied population. Urolithiasis affects newborns and the elderly.

Kidney stones have a different nature. In half of the cases, the composition is mixed. They often penetrate into the bladder, ureter.

Folk remedies for kidney stones

Self-treatment with traditional medicine can cause an exacerbation of urolithiasis. The movement of a large stone causes acute pain, sometimes requiring emergency surgery.

Oxalate treatment

  • In season 1-2 weeks, there are watermelons with a small amount of black bread.

Sand comes out better at the peak of the daily activity of the urinary system - from 17 to 21 hours. Treatment is facilitated by a bath - warm water relieves muscle spasm, expands the urinary tract.

Recipe 2. Intensive work of the kidneys relieves small oscalate stones (sand):

  • During the day, drink as much pure water as possible.

Recipe 3. Removing calculi with grapes, young branches, mustaches of a plant:

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. chopped grape branches collected in the spring, simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes, insist, strain.

Take a quarter cup four times a day.

Phosphate treatment

Apply infusions from the roots of plants that grow on stony soils - rose hips, grapes, knotweed, barberry, stone-cutting fenugreek.

  1. Mix (2 parts), birch leaves (2 parts), juniper berries (1 part), snake knotweed root (1 part), burdock root (1 part), harrow root (1 part).
  2. Brew a glass of boiling water 1s.l. mixture, simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Mix highlander grass (1 part), currant leaves (2 parts), strawberry leaves (2 parts), brew a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. mixture, insist, strain.

Take 2 s.l. an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

Modified: 06/26/2019

Stones in the kidneys- the most common kidney disease, more often it is called urolithiasis. With this disease, the concentration and crystallization of dissolved salts occurs in the urine, which leads to the formation of kidney stones, which are a mixture of minerals with organic substances. Stones can be single and multiple, their size ranges from 0.1 to 10-12 cm. Stones can move from the kidneys to the ureter and bladder

Causes of urolithiasis - Why the kidneys hurt

1. Violation of water-salt metabolism
2. Violation of the acid-base balance (a healthy person has slightly acidic urine, pH 5.8-6.2)
3. Food overloaded with minerals, hard water
4. Stagnation of urine
5. Infection in the kidneys, inflammation in the mucous membranes of the kidneys
6. Prolonged dehydration

Kidney stones - symptoms - How the kidneys hurt

Symptoms of urolithiasis depend on where the stones are located: in the kidneys, ureter or bladder

Symptoms at the location of kidney stones

1. Pain in the lower back, aggravated by shaking, physical activity
2. If the stone is in the kidney and blocks the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis, then the symptoms of urolithiasis can be: an attack of renal colic, nausea, vomiting, fever, cold sweat.

Symptoms at the location of stones in the ureter

1. Pain in the genital or groin area
2. Frequent urge to urinate

Symptoms of the location of stones in the bladder

1. Irritation and inflammation of the bladder mucosa
2. Painful and frequent urination
2. Bleeding, if the stones severely injure the mucosa.

What stones are in the kidneys with urolithiasis

urate stones formed in people with very acidic urine. They are solid, their color is yellowish-brown, they do not dissolve in an acidic environment. Urates are absorbed at pH 6.2 and above, i.e., in an alkaline environment. Acidification of the body and the formation of urates occurs if the following foods are often found in the diet: meat, rich broths, eggs, sausages, fried, smoked, flour, coffee.

oxalate stones- the most common, found in 85% of the population. Oxalates have a gray-yellow color and a spike-like structure, easily injure the mucous membrane, therefore, with these stones, the kidneys hurt the most and the symptoms are more pronounced. They are formed from calcium oxalate with impaired metabolism of oxalic acid. Oxalates often affect adherents of a healthy lifestyle, because they occur in lovers of citrus juices, tomatoes, carrots, beets and vitamin complexes, especially ascorbic acid. This species is also formed in an acidic environment, at pH 5.3-5.7

Phosphate stones- This type is often found in older vegetarians. Their surface is smooth, the consistency is soft, the color is light gray. Phosphate stones occur when there is an excess excretion of calcium and phosphorus by the kidneys, which often occurs when the acid-base balance in the body shifts to the alkaline side, that is, at pH values ​​above 6.2. A symptom of phosphate kidney stones is whitish-loose flakes in the urine. Phosphates can be dissolved and removed from the kidneys with acidic mineral waters: Arzni, Sairme, Truskavets, cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks. Phosphate kidney stones grow quickly, easily crushed

carbonate stones formed from calcium salts of carbonic acid. They are white in color, with a smooth surface, soft. This species is also formed in alkaline urine.

Other types of stones: cystine, xanthine, protein, cholesterol. They are quite rare

Prevention of urolithiasis

In order not to get sick with urolithiasis, you need to drink as much water as possible. 1.5 liters of water per day is enough only for basic metabolism, but not enough for filtering, washing the insides and removing toxins. It is advisable to consume 2.5 liters of water per day. To prevent kidney stones, you need to reduce the amount of fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. You should try to avoid infectious diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and in case of illness, do not leave the disease untreated

Kidney stones - diet for urolithiasis - nutrition

Diet in urolithiasis plays a very important role in the treatment of kidney disease. The choice of diet depends on the type of stones and on the reasons that caused urolithiasis in a particular case. The diet for urolithiasis excludes from the patient's diet foods that cause the growth and formation of new kidney stones.
When treating kidneys with a diet, they take as a basis the fact that all stones are divided into two groups: alkaline (phosphates and carbonates) and acidic (urates and oxalates).

Diet for phosphate kidney stones

If phosphate stones have formed, then the urine has an alkaline reaction, it is necessary to acidify it. Many vegetables, fruits, milk give an alkaline reaction, so it is necessary to reduce their share in the diet and increase the consumption of meat, fish, flour products and vegetable oil, which acidify urine. In the diet for phosphate stones, acidic mineral waters, cranberry or lingonberry juice should be included.

Diet for carbonate stones

If urolithiasis is caused by carbonate stones, calcium-rich foods are limited in the diet: milk, kefir, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese. The rest of the diet is similar to the phosphate diet.

Diet for urate kidney stones

If urolithiasis is caused by urate stones, then exclude products that contribute to the formation of uric acid in the body (liver, kidneys, meat broths). In nutrition, foods that contribute to acidification of the body are limited: meat, eggs, fish, vegetable oil. Such patients are recommended dishes that alkalize urine: potatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers, watermelons, cereals.

With urate stones, a watermelon diet is very effective: on the first day, eat 3 kg of watermelon and a loaf of black bread. This procedure will cleanse the intestines well. On the second day, repeat the procedure - this will reduce the size of kidney stones. Carry out a watermelon diet throughout the entire watermelon season - 2 days a week.
In the diet for urolithiasis with urate stones, it is necessary to include alkaline mineral waters: Naftusya, Essentuki No. 17 and No. 20, Borjomi, Slavyanovskaya

Diet for oxalate kidney stones

If oxalate stones have caused urolithiasis, then kidney treatment should be combined with limiting the use of foods rich in oxalic acid: spinach, sorrel, potatoes, lettuce, oranges and milk. The diet should include apples, pears, grapes, dried apricots, as well as dishes with a high content of magnesium, which binds salts of oxalic acid.

With all types of stones in the diet, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
1. Increase fluid intake to 2.5 liters per day
2. Regularly take diuretic herbal infusions
3. Do not overeat, avoid fatty, fried, smoked foods and excess salt in your diet

Treatment of kidneys with folk remedies - how to treat kidneys with herbs

Consider the best recipes from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle".

How to treat kidneys with oats

The man was diagnosed with urolithiasis. He bought a bucket of oats and drank oatmeal instead of water for 4 months. A year later, he again did an ultrasound scan and found neither sand nor kidney stones. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2009 No. 6 p. 33)

Another similar recipe The following folk recipe will help cure the kidneys from sand or stones: Grind unpeeled oats in a coffee grinder, take half a glass per 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, let it brew for 5-6 hours. Drink a liter of decoction for three days. Sand will come out.

To consolidate the effect and remove the remaining sand, you need to drink the following infusion: bearberry and blueberry leaves, bean pods, knotweed, take in equal proportions. 1 st. l. mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Treat the kidneys with these herbs - 3-6 months (Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin 2010 No. 8 p. 30)

How to treat kidneys with knotweed and other folk remedies

From conversations with Clara Doronina
To cleanse the kidneys of sand: 10 g of dry herb knotweed per 200 g of boiling water - insist overnight. Drink 50 g + 1 tsp. lemon juice 4 times a day before meals. Course 27 days. So that the sand does not injure the mucous membrane, after eating at intervals of an hour, drink 150 g of flaxseed jelly (1 tablespoon of flaxseed pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes).
If the kidneys are no longer sand, but pebbles, at the first sign of illness, drink a decoction of knotweed for six months. Knotweed has a diuretic effect and removes potassium, calcium, magnesium from the body. Therefore, at the same time as taking it, use asparkam or panangin.
If the disease is already running, tormented by uric acid diathesis, the body works to produce stones, attacks of their discharge more and more often, and have already given disability of the second group, that is, a way to break out of this vicious circle. It is necessary to prepare 2 kg of dry knotweed grass, 5 kg of flaxseed, 40 tsp. from the powder from the films of chicken stomachs (remove the film from raw stomachs, dry in a warm oven until crispy, grind), 2 packs of calamus root (100 g).
From flax seeds make a flat pillow, sleep on it on your back for 2 months.
Before starting kidney treatment with folk remedies, brew 50 g of calamus root with three liters of boiling water in two days, leave for a day.

One day before treatment: drink 30 g of infusion every two hours. The stool will become liquid - this is normal.
Treatment of kidney stones: on an empty stomach drink 30 g of infusion, then 1 tsp. powder from the films put in your mouth, drink calamus infusion. After half an hour, drink 170 g of knotweed infusion (2 tablespoons per 500 ml of boiling water), after another half hour, take 15 drops of cystenal or urolesan. And two more times a day before meals, take an infusion of knotweed and cystenal in this sequence. The course of kidney treatment with folk remedies is 10 days. A break of 5 days, during these five days, take an infusion of calamus root, 30 g every 2 hours. Take four courses. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004 No. 2 p. 19)

"Seven herbs - seven weeks" - effective treatment of kidneys with herbs according to the method of Nekhaev V.I.

In folk remedies for the treatment of kidneys, herbs play an important role, without the use of herbs it is impossible to cure urolithiasis with modern medications. The following technique allows you to expel stones, reduce them in size and even completely dissolve.
The first week is bearberry. 1 st. l. bearberry is poured with 1 cup boiling water, boil in a water bath. 20 minutes. Drink 4 times a day for 50 g. In hot weather, increase the amount of decoction to 75 g per dose.
Second week - horsetail. Dosage, preparation and regimen are the same. Further, a new herb is used every week in succession: dill, parsley, lingonberry leaf, calendula petals, highlander (knotweed).
Against the background of this treatment, the volume of fluid drunk should be at least 1.5 liters, and in summer - 2.5 liters (HLS Bulletin 2004 No. 14, p. 15)

How to treat kidneys with watermelons - the easiest folk way

In folk remedies for the treatment of kidney diseases, the watermelon treatment method is used with great success. This is a time tested recipe. Watermelons should be nitrate-free.
Before treatment with watermelons, it is advisable to cleanse the intestines for two weeks with enemas with lemon juice (for 2 liters of boiled water with a temperature not higher than 18 degrees, 1 tablespoon of juice). Then proceed to treatment: instead of water - eat watermelon, instead of food - eat watermelon with black bread. Follow this diet for two weeks. During this time, do not take any other food.
The results are wonderful. In most patients, stones come out, the kidneys are cleared of existing layers, wrinkles are smoothed out, excess weight is lost. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004 No. 14, p. 15. From a conversation with the head physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 54 Nakhaev V. I.))

Folk treatment with rosehip root

A large kidney stone went down the ureter in a woman. She was taken to the hospital and prepared for surgery. The husband of this woman dug up rosehip roots, then made decoctions from it: 8 tbsp. l. root pour a liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. The woman drank this decoction 6-8 times a day, 100 g each. She drank it for two days, on the third day a stone came out of the kidney, a week later another one was light and loose, 7 mm in size. A month later, hard stones of a dark red color came out. (2001 No. 20 pp. 17-18,)

Treatment of urolithiasis with apples

The woman managed to dissolve kidney stones 14 and 16 mm in size with the help of apple skins. She decided to treat stones with folk remedies: she ground dry apple skins in a coffee grinder, 2 tbsp. l. powder with a slide was poured with 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos for the night. During the day, drink the entire infusion. The course of treatment is 30 days. After 30 days, all her stones dissolved (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2011 No. 1, p. 26)

How to remove kidney stones with cranberries

Drink 1 tbsp. l. cranberries 3 times a day (Healthy lifestyle bulletin 2011 No. 1, p. 29)

Treatment of urolithiasis with folk remedies

The woman was found to have oxalate stones. It all started with an attack of pain, then an examination, pus and blood were found in the urine, the right kidney began to fail, an operation was suggested, since oxalates cannot be broken up. The woman studied a lot of literature on urolithiasis and made a plan for treating urolithiasis with folk remedies: she excluded salt and tomatoes, rich broths and fatty meat from the diet, she ate only boiled or baked food in the oven. Ate 5 times a day. In the morning on an empty stomach I drank 1 glass of wild rose, in the evening - a glass of kefir. Drink decoctions of medicinal herbs. I ate 70 g of honey per day in three doses. Soon the kidney stones dissolved and the kidney function was fully restored. (review from the Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011 No. 6 p. 8-9)


Collect and dry the bark of larches, crush. 1 st. l. powder pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, insist 12 hours, drink during the day. During the day you can drink from 1 to 4 glasses of infusion. This folk recipe for kidney stones was given by a Siberian healer. (review from the Bulletin of a healthy lifestyle 2010 No. 17 p. 31)

Knotweed in the treatment of kidney stones folk remedies

Knotweed or knotweed is a very effective plant for dissolving stones. 3 art. l. raw materials are poured into a thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist overnight. Take with urolithiasis 0.5 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 40-50 days. Knotweed promotes the discharge of stones and sand - almost imperceptibly for the patient with each urination, several dozen grains of sand come out. (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2010 No. 18, p. 35, No. 20, p. 36)

How to remove kidney stones with currants - the easiest method of treatment

For the treatment of urolithiasis, pour 20 blackcurrant berries (fresh or dried) with 2 cups of boiling water in a thermos, insist. Drink during the day. If the kidney stones are urate, and urolithiasis is accompanied by gout, then it is advisable to brew currant leaves along with berries. (newspaper Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2010 No. 24 p. 15)

Serum from urolithiasis

In a man, ultrasound showed stones in the bladder up to 1 cm in size. He began to drink 2 liters of serum every day for two months. When I did another ultrasound, there were no stones. (review from the Bulletin of a healthy lifestyle 2010 No. 24 p. 31)

How to dissolve bladder stones with raisins and carrots

The man had a 12 mm bladder stone. They decided to dissolve it with folk remedies. The recipe is this: put 2 kg of grated carrots, 1 kg of raisins in a saucepan and pour 3 liters of distilled water. Simmer over low heat after boiling for 3 hours, strain, squeeze through gauze. You should get 3 liters of broth. Drink 3 times a day, 50 g 30 minutes before meals. This compound crushes the stones in the bladder, turning them into sand. The man drank 6 liters of such a decoction, and the stone was gone. (review from the Bulletin of a healthy lifestyle 2003 No. 3 p. 24)

Urolithiasis treatment with folk remedies - millet

The woman had urolithiasis, she lived in a remote village and there were no doctors nearby. She was advised a folk recipe. You need to take a jar (2 or 3 liters) fill it with half-washed millet and pour hot water to the top. The next day, strain and drink this white cloudy infusion during the day, and pour boiling water over the millet again. Top up several times until the taste of the infusion changes, then change the millet in the jar. The woman used this folk remedy, and after 10 days of treatment, the kidney stone came out in the form of sand. The disease never returned. (review from the Bulletin of a healthy lifestyle 2010 No. 12 p. 15)

How to remove kidney stones with sunflower root

Sunflower roots are a very effective folk remedy for dissolving and removing salts from the body, both from the kidneys and from the joints. In addition, salts can be deposited in the ligaments, prostate, lens of the eye (cataract) and other organs. With the help of decoctions of herbs, they can be removed from there. The most powerful result is a decoction of sunflower roots. This tool has helped a lot of people.

Recipe: Pour 1 cup of crushed dry sunflower roots with 3 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, insist. At the same time, prepare an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. sunflower flowers and 500 g of boiling water. Mix decoction and infusion. Take 1 liter of decoction per day. Three days later, make again an infusion of leaves and a decoction of the same roots, but boil the roots for 10 minutes. The third time, boil the roots for 20 minutes, the fourth time already take a new portion of the roots. A man used this folk remedy to remove kidney stones. I drank a decoction for a month, but already on the 10th day salts began to come out. 1.5 kg of salts came out. After the course of treatment, he did an ultrasound of the bladder, prostate and kidneys - there was no sand and stones. After that, he provided sunflower roots and a recipe for his friends, and all this recipe helped to get rid of salts and stones forever (newspaper Vestnik ZOZH 2009 No. 22 p. 8-9, 2001 No. 19 p. 19)

Folk treatment with juniper roots

Dig up juniper roots in early May, remove the bark from them. Pour half a glass of bark with 400 g of vodka, leave for two weeks in the dark. Take 30 g 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The man managed to remove stones and sand from the kidneys with this folk remedy for 1 month. Ten years later, he had stones again. The course of treatment with this folk remedy had already been stretched for 2 months. (newspaper Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2010 No. 24 p. 32)

Stained dye treatment

Madder dye is a very good folk remedy for loosening stones in case of urolithiasis. For treatment, you need madder root, for the entire course 40 g.
Prepare an infusion: 5 g of crushed root pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, insist. Take with urolithiasis 5 times a day, 1 tbsp. l., when the infusion is over, make a new portion. And so on until 40 g of root is over. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2009 No. 4 p. 7).
Madder dye has miraculous properties in the treatment of urolithiasis, but it must be used very carefully. Madder promotes washing, renewal of the epithelium of the walls of the urinary tract and renal pelvis, increases mucus formation in them. (newspaper Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004, No. 14, p. 15).

How to remove sand from the kidneys with watermelon zest

Cut the green rind off the watermelon rind as thinly as possible. Dry, grind in a meat grinder. 1 tsp pour zest with 1 cup boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink the infusion per day in several doses. The course of treatment - 2 weeks

Treatment of urolithiasis folk remedies - birch sap

The woman had serious kidney problems - stones and pyelonephritis. As a result, one kidney was removed. The second was saved with the help of the following folk remedies:
In the spring, collect birch sap in three-liter jars, close with a plastic lid and put in the cellar for 2-3 months to ferment there. Then strain, remove the mold, if it appears, 2-3 tbsp. l. dissolve honey in a glass of this juice and pour back into the jar. Remove all liquids from the diet (soup, tea, milk, water) and drink only this juice. There is a crushing of even old large stones, the whole body is cleansed.
From pyelonephritis, a woman used a decoction of oats with a lingonberry leaf. (review from the Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004 No. 16, p. 22).

Oat grass - a Tibetan folk remedy for the treatment of urolithiasis

Cut oats a week before ripening, along with panicles and grain. Dry and finely chop, fill a three-liter jar to the top, pour boiling water over night, leave for 6-8 hours, wrapped in a thick towel. Strain in the morning, you get 2 liters of infusion. Drink the entire infusion during the day, always in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed. Do not drink any other liquid. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. A woman with urolithiasis used this folk remedy - she drank the infusion for 2 months, after that she went for an ultrasound scan - all kidney stones disappeared, although they were quite large, 6-8 mm each (HLS Bulletin 2003 No. 1 p. 24)

How to remove kidney stones with parsley at home

Take parsley - a root with herbs (about 30 g), wash, chop, pour 1 cup boiling water, insist overnight. Drink half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and half a glass before bed. The course of treatment is 2-3 months, gives an excellent result in case of an undeveloped disease. Also, this folk remedy cleanses the spine and joints of salts. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2002 No. 19 p. 10)

Treatment of kidney stones with herbs

Depending on the type of kidney stones (oxalate, urate or phosphate), various herbal preparations with suitable medicinal properties are used in the treatment. Many plants allow you to dissolve and crush stones of any kind, but the following recipes are most effective:

Urate stones herbal treatment

Recipe #1 Take the following herbs in equal proportions: lingonberry leaves, strawberries, kidney tea grass, knotweed (knotweed), parsley root, tansy flowers. 2 tbsp. l. mix pour 2 cups boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals if you have urate kidney stones

Recipe #2 Take the following herbs in equal proportions: horsetail, woodruff, black elder flowers, burdock roots .. 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for urate kidney stones.

The following plants also help to remove urate stones: walnut leaf, knotweed, wild carrot seeds, mint, steelwort, celandine, wheatgrass root, shepherd's purse, juniper, yarrow, golden cattail, string, horsetail, strawberry, burdock root, cumin, dandelion, birch, sage, pumpkin, parsley, beans, cherries, corn stigmas, horse sorrel, tea, watermelon, dill, fennel, barberry, galangal, elecampane, linden. (recipe from the Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin 2003, No. 15, p. 15 from conversations with Dr. Pechenevsky)

Removing oxalate kidney stones with herbs at home.

Recipe #1 Take the following herbs in equal proportions: hernia, highlander bird, bearberry leaves, corn stigmas. 1 st. l. mix pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Take 4 times a day for 1/4 cup one hour after meals for oxalate kidney stones
Recipe #2 Take herbs in equal proportions: wintergreen, mint, burda, cornflower flowers, bearberry leaves. 1 st. l. mixture pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take 3 times a day for 1/3 cup after meals with oxolates

Phosphate kidney stones herbal treatment

Recipe #1 Mix the following herbs: corn stigmas, birch leaves, harrow roots, snake knotweed, burdock, juniper berries in a ratio of 2:2:1:1:1:1. 1 st. l. mix pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. Take 1 cup 3 times a day for phosphate stones
Recipe #2 Take in equal proportions: tricolor violet, mountaineer bird, St. John's wort, dandelion roots, larkspur. 5 st. l. mix pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take 3 times a day, one glass with phosphate stones (HLS Bulletin 2011 No. 1, pp. 6-7)

Removal of phosphate kidney stones according to the method of Dr. Pechenevsky
Phosphate stones are difficult to dissolve and often form staghorn structures that can fill the entire kidney. Phosphate stones quickly and effectively dissolve the roots of those plants that grow on stony soils (grapes, knotweed, rose hips, barberry, stone-crushing femur), apparently these roots contain substances that dissolve stones, otherwise the plants could not grow.
Phosphate stones can be most effectively treated by a combination of various methods: herbal infusions and decoctions soften the stone, make it porous, and ultrasound or cystoscopy can easily crush such a prepared stone.
Phosphate treatments depend on the acidity of the urine, which can be measured either in the laboratory or with litmus paper. The idea behind the treatment of phosphate stones is to bring the acidity of the urine to a neutral value.
Collection for the treatment of phosphate stones in acidified urine: mix 1 part of birch leaves, madder root, burdock root, agrimony and 2 parts of serpentine root. 1 st. l. Boil the collection for 10 minutes in 500 g of water, leave for half an hour, strain, add 1 tbsp. l. dandelion honey, 1 tbsp. l. cocklebur juice and 2 tsp. knotweed. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for phosphate stones is 4 weeks. After that, it is necessary to measure the acidity of urine
Collection for the removal of phosphate stones with an alkaline urine reaction: mix 1 part of bean leaves, blueberry leaves, heather grass, 2 parts of bearberry leaves, corn stigmas. 2 tbsp. l. Boil the collection for 5 minutes in 500 g of water, leave for an hour, strain, add 1 tbsp. l honey (preferably hawthorn) and 1 tbsp. l. hypericum juice. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, then also measure the acidity of urine.
If a neutral reaction does not occur, then juices are used to correct the acid-base balance: juices of cranberries, lingonberries, viburnum or mineral water acidify urine; alkalize - apple, barberry, cherry.
Between courses of treatment, maintenance treatment is carried out with a mixture of comfrey root flour and honey (1: 2) - 1 tsp each. 4 times a day before meals. And also in the breaks take a decoction of corn stigmas (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) - take 1 glass 4 times a day.
To remove phosphate stones from the kidneys, watermelon is very useful, especially "watermelon days".
If phosphates accompany pyelonephritis, then one of the following plants must be added to the herbal collection used: elecampane root, St. John's wort, eucalyptus leaves, bearberry, pine buds
(Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 17, pp. 22-23 from conversations with Dr. Pechenevsky)

Treatment of coral stones with folk remedies

These stones grow like corals, filling the entire pelvis, cups. Surgical removal of a staghorn stone is possible only together with the kidney. After this removal, the staghorn stone may begin to grow in the other kidney. This remedy for the treatment of staghorn stones has been successfully tested on many patients: the growth of stones stops, they often decrease in size, the residual function of the kidney with a staghorn stone is preserved.
Traditional medicine recommends the following method. First you need to cleanse the intestines. Then take 30 g of herbs: oregano, sage, lemon balm, knotweed, St. John's wort, rose hips. Grind herbs to the size of tea leaves. 3 art. l. collection, pour 500 g of boiling water, insist overnight in a thermos. Take 100 g 5 times a day with a spoonful of honey for a week. Next week, take this infusion in the same way, but not with honey, but with 5 drops of fir oil, drink through a straw. Then a break of 2 weeks and a new course of treatment. This therapy allows you to save residual kidney function in staghorn stones. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004 No. 14, p. 15. From a conversation with the head physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 54 Nakhaev V.I.)