What is the basis of true friendship. What is friendship? Laws of Friendship

And how it manifests itself will be discussed in this article.

Definition of friendship

Friendship is multifaceted, so it is not easy to give an exact definition of the concept. Philosophers, psychologists, sociologists interpret it in their own way. The main definitions of the term are as follows:

  • Friendship is a relationship between people, which is based on help, trust, common views and values.
  • If we consider it as a union based on affection, common interests, joint leisure, trust and selfless help, then this will be a complete definition of what true friendship is.

camaraderie and friendship

The concepts of partnership and friendship are similar, they are often confused. How are partnerships different from friendships?

Partnership is understood as communication based on common interests, support. Often it becomes the basis of friendship. The main difference between one type of communication and another is the degree of trust. Friends trust each other, are ready to share the most intimate. Comrades are united by common interests and goals.

An example is students in the same group of students who are united by the desire to pass the session successfully, or colleagues working on the same project. Their interaction takes place within the walls of the university or office.

Comrades do not share their personal experiences, they do not pour out their souls to each other.

True friends are united not only by common goals, they are connected by some kind of spiritual kinship.

What is true friendship based on?

Often they say about true friendship - "do not spill water." What lies at its basis? In psychology, the following components of friendship are distinguished:

  • union and affection;
  • common values, joint or similar plans, goals;
  • altruism;
  • confidence;
  • lack of competition.

Union and affection

A union is understood as a long-term relationship based on joint problem solving, mutual joy for the success of another.

Attachment or the need for communication is one of the main criteria for friendship.

It is important to understand the difference between friendship attachment and codependency (emotional dependency). In the case of co-dependent relationships, we can’t talk about friendship.

If it is with this person that you want to share everything - both joys and sorrows, without receiving depreciation or envy in return, then this is a true friend.

True friends are not manipulative, they are sincere and do not belittle each other's successes. If the so-called friend has a negative influence, dissuades from any undertakings, then he is not one.

Common values, joint plans

To understand what true friendship is, it is necessary to consider one more criterion - common values, goals and plans.

People with similar outlooks on life find a common language more easily. It doesn't matter what unites you: love for sports or computer games, the desire to know your inner world or earn a million, the main thing is that common values ​​and interests unite on a spiritual level.

Such a criterion as joint plans and goals follows from the previous one.

It is easier for people with the same worldview to make joint plans, to go towards similar goals. They become support and support for each other.

Often different plans for life alienate friends, turning them into friends or good acquaintances.

Altruism and trust

The answer to the question: "What is real friendship based on?" - will be: "On altruism." Without selfless help and a certain amount of self-sacrifice, there can be no true friendship. After all, a friend is helped not for the sake of profit, but at the behest of the soul. True friends are always ready to come to the rescue, without requiring gratitude.

With a true friend, they share their most intimate thoughts and experiences, receiving support in return, without fear of condemnation. True friendship is built on such trusting communication.

Lack of competition

Lack of competition is the basis of true friendship. Loyal friends do not envy, do not seek to "outdo" each other. A friend will rejoice in success. The achievements of one motivate the other without causing rejection. True friendship is a kind of field for personal growth.

How do you know if friendship is real?

In the life of every person there comes a moment when he reconsiders his views on the world and the people around him. Faced with problems and not finding understanding and support, a person wonders if he has friends? How to understand what kind of friendship is real, where is mutually beneficial communication?

  • Friends accept you for who you are, with flaws and virtues. They may not agree with you on everything, but they will never encroach on your individuality. A friend will always help find something good in a difficult situation.
  • True friends are near and in sorrow and in joy. They will not turn away if you fall from the pedestal, they will not envy success. It is the sincere joy of achievements and support in difficult times that determine true friendship.
  • It is comfortable with a real friend, with him you are not afraid that personal secrets will become public.
  • Friends don't gossip about each other behind their backs. They tell the truth to their face, even if it is unpleasant. A friend will not put pressure on you, constantly remind you of mistakes.
  • A true friend is interested in you as a person.
  • A real friend does not limit your freedom, does not try to control communication. You always have something to remember, something to laugh at, something to be silent about.

The answer to the question: "What is true friendship?" - will be: communication in which you can be yourself, without fear of condemnation, always counting on support.

Why is friendship needed?

Friends are a reliable rear, support in a difficult moment, people with whom it is pleasant to share joy. Life without them would be lonely and gray.

Does true friendship need arguments in its favor?

More likely no than yes. Still, it's worth mentioning a few.

According to psychologists, a person can achieve success in various areas of life due to several criteria: 20% is due to personal experience and knowledge, type of thinking, and 80% is the environment. True friends do not pull down, they strive for development.

For example, a young man decides to quit smoking, a real friend will never offer him a cigarette, will not smoke in front of him, will accept his choice and support him.

A person who has a true friend will never be alone. He has stronger immunity, and he is less prone to depression and neuroses.

Friendship Examples

In history, the relations between Pushkin and Pushchin serve as examples of true friendship. The friendship that began between the lyceum students lasted a lifetime, despite various vicissitudes of fate.

The friendly relations between Anna German and Anna Kachalina (music editor of the Melodiya studio) helped the Polish singer gain popularity in the Soviet Union.

There are many examples of strong friendship among Hollywood stars, here are some of them.

The friendship between Jared Leto and Matthew McConaughey began while working together on the film "Dallas Buyers Club", which brought friends well-deserved Oscar statuettes.

Another stellar example of true friendship is Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire. Their friendship has been going on for 25 years. Actors can be seen together at basketball or football games.

Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are an example of how friendship works. Their joint film works are always successful, and friendship lasts for more than one year.

In Russian cinema, an example of true friendship is the relationship between Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov, which began in their student years.

But friendship happens not only among people, but also among our smaller brothers. An example is the amazing story of two dogs - the basset hound Fubi and the retriever Tilly. When Fubi fell into the well, the friend stayed by his side, and that's how the volunteers were able to find the animals.

Examples of friendship in literature

Friendship underlies many novels, short stories, plays.

Below are examples of true friendship from literature that do not leave readers indifferent.

The most striking and dramatic example of friendly relations is Remarque's novel Three Comrades. The story of three friends (Robert Lokamp, ​​Otto Kester, Gottfried Lenz) who went through the war and survive in difficult years for Germany. Friends are together in joy and in sorrow, and even death is not able to destroy their friendship.

The main characters of Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" - Frodo and Sam - are an excellent example of friendly mutual assistance, when a true friend remains close to the very end.

“The Tale of Friendship and Not Friendship” by the Strugatskys is an example of how you can pass any test for the sake of a friend.

Dumas and his "Three Musketeers" tell about friendship, honor and nobility, which are not afraid of years.

"The Little Prince" by Saint-Exupery in simple words tells about love and friendship. And the relationship between the Fox and the Little Prince captivates with simplicity and touchingness.

True friendship is priceless, it is she who makes a person happy. It is for the sake of friends and loved ones that a person is capable of much.

When disclosing this issue, the essence of friendship should be emphasized. Its basis is the commonality of goals and interests, mutual attractiveness, trust and devotion, strength and duration of interpersonal relationships.

“He who does not seek friendship with his neighbor is a sworn enemy,” Shota Rustaveli claimed back in the 12th century. But even now these words have not lost their significance. There is hardly a person who would not think about the essence of friendship, would not want to have a friend or be a friend. The need to have a real friend is especially acute in early youth. If a teenager is rather looking for his group, then a young man is already striving for individual friendship.

Here the teacher can ask the question: what is true friendship? Summarizing the answers of students, it is advisable for the teacher to give several definitions that characterize the main aspects of the concept of "friendship". In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (M., 1972, vol. 8, p. 1518), friendship is defined as a relationship between people based on mutual affection, spiritual closeness, common interests, etc. Ethicists almost echo this: “Friendship is it is a stable personal attachment between people, which has arisen on the basis of the unity of views, interests and goals and has stood the test of time. Psychologists note mutual understanding, empathy, deep emotional attachment as the most important signs of friendship.

At all times, friendship as a whole was considered the highest moral value. However, in different historical conditions, its moral foundations, its social significance, and the possibilities for its development were different.

In any class antagonistic society, there are many restrictions on the development of friendship. For example, a person who lived in the era of slavery, hardly allowed the idea of ​​friendship between free and slaves.

Socialism, by abolishing private property and relations of domination and subordination, has created favorable conditions for the development of friendship. After all, the previously existing inequality, hostility between people were a barrier to the emergence of friendship, undermined its foundations.

In a developed socialist society, more and more conditions are being created for the development of friendly relations. But this does not mean that in our country friendship can arise between any people, that each person can be a friend.

A good school of friendship is fellowship. The following question to the class is also appropriate here: name the basic moral qualities that allow a person to be a true friend. Students name a number of such qualities. Systematizing and summarizing their answers, the teacher emphasizes that "friendship develops and grows stronger only with high moral qualities of people." Marxist ethics especially emphasizes the importance of such moral requirements as a deep mutual interest in each other's affairs and life; complete trust in each other, based on honesty and sincerity in words and deeds; mutual support and assistance in solving difficult problems of life, especially in trouble and grief, willingness to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of helping a friend; devotion and fidelity in friendship, combined with complete disinterestedness; mutual exactingness, arising from a sense of responsibility for a friend, from caring for him

And another question for students: what human vices are especially incompatible with friendship? Along with vices, they can also name shortcomings - hot temper, weak will, forgetfulness, slowness, indecision, etc. It should be emphasized here that these and other similar shortcomings should not be an obstacle to friendship. She just should help a person get rid of them. Selfishness, hypocrisy, deceit, selfishness, betrayal are incompatible with friendship. A swaggering, lazy, uncultured, indifferent person will not bring joy in friendly communication. Even the ancient Roman orator and philosopher Cicero noted that "friendship is possible only between honest people ...". The Persian poet Saadi stated:

That true friend who will show the way,
All obstacles will help to pass.
Flatterers beware of being friends.
That true friend is yours who is honest and direct.

And the great German poet Friedrich Schiller wrote: "Real friendship is truthful and courageous." It is appropriate for the teacher to ask here: why does friendship need courage? Students can answer: in order to achieve the intended goal, in order to overcome the difficulties and trials encountered on the path of friendship. It's right. Another aspect of friendship is extremely important. Francois La Rochefoucauld, a French moralist writer and author of the collection of aphorisms Maxima, remarked: “The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own.”

Nikolai Ostrovsky spoke very clearly about this: “Friendship is, first of all, sincerity, it is criticism of the mistakes of a comrade. Friends should be the first to give harsh criticism so that a comrade can correct his mistake. Pay attention to the statement of the ancient Greek thinker Solon: "Reproach a friend in private, praise - in public." Here it is appropriate to ask students: “Is there a contradiction between the last two statements?” If students note the existence of a contradiction, the following should be said. At first glance, it seems that Solon's advice is outdated: after all, it is impossible to praise a friend publicly without a single remark. Here, of course, a measure is needed. The words of N. A. Ostrovsky “give cruel criticism” also at first seem too harsh. But they have intolerance for mistakes, a passionate desire to help a friend correct them. Moreover, such criticism does not have to be public. A conversation in private (that's exactly what you should do!) Can be principled, impartial, but sincere and useful. All this, as it were, confirms the statement of Walter Scott: “You should not be angry with a friend who, wishing you well, will make you wake up from sweet dreams, even if he did it somewhat harshly and rudely.”

It is impossible, of course, to consider any kind of friendship, any of its positive motives, as equivalent. “For all the intimacy of friendly relations, the scale of friendship is determined primarily by the social and moral value of the activities to which friends have devoted themselves, of those ideas and interests on which their union is based.”

Friendship carries great moral and educational power. It makes a person more purposeful, nobler, more self-confident, kinder, more humane. Friendship inspires, inspires a person. Life presents a lot of evidence that many serious failures and even tragedies happened to people because at a difficult moment there was no true friend nearby who could provide the necessary assistance. But there are even more vivid examples of the fact that, thanks to the friendly union of people, amazing discoveries were made, great victories were won.

True friendship is unthinkable without dedication. Selfless, not demanding in return any rewards or gifts. Let's remember the old aphorism: "What you give is yours, what you take is lost." “It's like a competition between two for the right to be more kind, cordial, compliant. And here no one loses, both win. Such “competition” enriches us, develops humanity in us, makes it possible to feel happy.

Friendship helps to overcome difficulties. If the foundation of friendship is coincident life affairs, significant ideas, then the eye often lasts for many, many years. The amazing friendship of A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev lasted all his life. A. I. Herzen wrote: “... on Sparrow Hills, in the face of the whole of Moscow, we embraced, gave each other hands to go through life together, and nothing will tear our hands apart. We raised each other. This is my first feeling - Friendship. It gave me his deep soul, from which I could draw thought, as from the ocean. Loyalty to each other was strengthened by loyalty to the noble idea to which they dedicated their lives.

Striking was the strength of friendship between K. Marx and F. Engels. It can be said without exaggeration that it continued even after the death of K. Marx: the loyalty of friendship helped F. Engels to complete and publish the works of his friend, to lead the international revolutionary movement. V. I. Lenin characterizes the friendship of these great people in the following way: “The European proletariat can say that its science was created by two scientists and fighters, whose relations surpass all the most touching tales of the ancients about human friendship.”

But if friends are not united by socially significant goals and interests, if there is no unity in views and beliefs, then even if there is mutual personal sympathy, such friendship can collapse like a house of cards at the first serious life trials.

In support of this, it is appropriate for the teacher to read an excerpt from A. Fadeev’s “Young Guard” (Collected works, vol. 2, pp. 41-42), where it is shown with great certainty how, at the very first serious test, the friendship between Ulyana Gromova and Valya Filatova because they turned out to be very different people. Their parting was touching. “Some premonition told them that what was happening between them was happening for the last time. They not only felt, they knew that in some special spiritual sense they were saying goodbye forever. If possible, it is advisable to have a brief discussion here, asking the students questions: what was the main weakness of this friendship? Under what conditions would the fate of this friendship be different? Summarizing the opinion of the students, the teacher pays special attention to the possibility of serious contradictions between friends, to the need for their moral regulation.

Friendship unites people with individual characteristics, different abilities and experience, peculiar temperaments. Contradictions, doubts, clashes may arise in it. In order not to damage friendship, not to weaken it, it is necessary to regulate the relationship between friends in a timely and correct manner.

“The most important norms regulating the relations of friendship are:

  • - mutual exactingness to each other, intolerance to shortcomings and assistance in their correction;
  • - honesty, sincerity and mutual trust, deep (mutual) interest in the cares and affairs of a friend;
  • - mutual support and assistance in solving difficult life problems;
  • - devotion and fidelity to friendship, disinterestedness, readiness to take on any burden of care if they are beyond the strength of a friend.

Naturally, friends should be ready to fulfill these norms, they should be able to do it delicately and respectfully. The basis of such relationships is the constant desire to help a friend become smarter, more cultured, stronger, to help overcome shortcomings.

If relations between people are not based on these provisions, then they cannot be considered friendly. Justifying the shortcomings of a loved one, being undemanding to him, praising imaginary merits are signs of false friendship. No wonder folk wisdom says: "Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps", "The enemy agrees, the friend argues." False friendship does not bring real benefit to either the individual or society. True, sometimes it creates the illusion of mutual benefit. But such gain is temporary, speculative, and ultimately harmful.

It is noteworthy that true friendship is strictly selective. A person has few tried friends. K. Marx wrote: "... I enter into friendship with very few, but I value it."

Naturally, friendship does not arise by chance and develops according to its own laws. All this is clearly manifested in adolescence.

How do you understand the meaning of the word "friendship"? After all, there is also a definition of friendship, which has long been derived by philosophers and placed in textbooks. Friendship is a personal relationship that is based on sincerity, trust, sympathy, common interests and hobbies.

What is the foundation of friendship?

  • One of the first building blocks in the foundation of friendship is mutual respect and sympathy. That is, we are ready to recognize the fact that this person is “equal” to us in some significant parameters for us. We are ready to recognize his interests, we do not put forward any demands to give up a set of moral values ​​and principles. And we, of course, expect that they will also show respect for us, that they will listen and give way in some ways, without trying to remake us.
  • The second building block of the foundation of friendship is trust. It is impossible to be friends with someone who does not show goodwill and decency towards us. Also, a friend must be sincere, otherwise we will never be able to trust him.
  • The presence of fidelity is essential for friendship. This means that we can exchange any information with a friend and know for sure that confidentiality will be respected. Although it happens that in some cases the conditions for exchanging information with other persons (parents, other relatives) must be specifically agreed upon.
  • Let's talk about mutual understanding, because without it, friendship will not work out. We can be friends only when we are aware of the interests, points of view, principles of behavior of another person and agree to accept them. Speaking in general, we should understand the views, close and distant goals of a friend. We can communicate verbally and non-verbally, while concluding friendly alliances of the highest degree of strength, only if we reach mutual understanding.

  • Such a concept as a community of interests and hobbies is associated with friendship. The conversation that “friendship knows no age” just starts with the manifestation of common interests and hobbies. Is friendship between an old fisherman and a boy with a cheap fishing rod possible? Yes, of course, everyone knows this. There are many examples when people in friendly friendship are united by some common hobby. Friendship within labor collectives is a vivid example of unity based on common interests, but not hobbies. Age does not become an obstacle to such friendship.
  • For friendship, such a concept as value-oriented unity is important, because we pay a lot of attention to the coincidence of assessments of other personalities, events, entertainment, and even food. Of course, it’s hard to imagine friendship based on the attitude to dumplings as to other food, but a break in relations due to a lack of perception of gastronomic addictions is quite possible. Friendship between a vegetarian and a meat eater may not work out.

  • We undoubtedly consider openness to be a necessary sign of friendship. The one who does not hide his beliefs, passions, is inclined to share his thoughts and experiences, we may well call our friend. At the same time, a friend sometimes does not require reciprocal frankness, which means that you are connected by other reasons for friendship.
  • Summing up the conversation about friendship, it should be especially noted that disinterestedness should be considered the main thing in these interpersonal relationships. We do not expect gifts and money from a friend, otherwise neither equality nor community is obtained. We have been friends all our lives since childhood, from youth or from a later age, relying not on a material, but on a spiritual foundation.


Today we have hundreds of “social” friends, and true friendship, based on respect, common connections and memories, seems unclaimed and distant in the modern world. We instantly connect with anyone on the Internet, but does this mean reliability and loyalty? What is a Friend?

On the other hand, the friends we rely on in real life may turn out to be no less distant and empty than the people of the cyber world. Research shows that even if people have thousands of Facebook friends, close relationships in real life are maintained with only a few people.

So, how do you make sure that friendships are actually true?

11 signs of true friendship:


They don't try to change you: you are who you are, from quirks and flaws to the best personal qualities. This does not mean that they have to especially like or agree with everything you say and do, but your individuality is inviolable. Among billions of people, there is one who sees the positive, even when you yourself are no longer able.


This is how a fake friend differs from a real one; a true friend will never leave you one-on-one with a problem. Fake friends are always there when things are going well, and disappear when something bad happens.


Jealousy and contempt overwhelm the insincere friend at the sight of your success, and real friends are already thinking about the next perspectives and goals. Be mindful of your surroundings, especially as you reach new heights in your life.


The biggest secrets, the wildest dreams and quirks, are trusted only by intuitively chosen people. They know every detail of their personal lives, cherished childhood memories, and those embarrassingly awkward stories told in a moment of weakness. They know you to the marrow of your bones, and do not linger only on the outer shells.


You do not need to call or text each time about a meeting; they also initiate communication with you, an equal effort is made to maintain friendship and desire to meet. They talk to you not only when it's convenient, but because they really care about you and want to be a part of life.


When you meet, you feel more youthful, lively and energetic. Genuine friendship brings the perfect energy exchange between two people; if one person gives or takes away energy, then he is dealing with an energy vampire. Just pay attention to how you feel after meeting a friend. A true friend leaves you with a lust for life, not depression and frustration.


They don't just tell you what you want to hear; they never embellish just for comfort. They tell the truth, even if it hurts. This is valuable, because not many people in your life will say everything as it is, and not to offend, but to help make the right choice.


You're not expected to be perfect, and you don't have to constantly hold your own to get their approval. They know that everyone makes mistakes from time to time, and it won’t take long to apologize, because a priori, good intentions are at the heart of your misconduct.


Real friends NEVER gossip about you when they leave the room.

They speak like adults directly, face to face. You are respected so much that they do not spread rumors and do not cast a shadow on your reputation.


Real friends are confident enough in your friendship that they don't resort to jealousy or try to control your life. They give you the freedom to interact with other people because they know that your friendship is strong, that you do not need to be in their company 24/7, just to confirm the friendship.


You have such a close connection that you can spend time fooling around and laughing, or going over in your memory those unforgettable moments of contact between souls, without going into special details, finishing sentences after another, or just keeping silent about the same thing.

In addition to love and the fulfillment of their desires, many dream that there will always be those who will understand them, support them, protect them, lend a helping hand, listen and demand nothing in return, and this is not about parents or loved ones, but about friends. But true friends are a gift of fate. And how not to make a mistake, so that a friend does not suddenly turn out to be the wrong person.

What is true friendship

Friendship is a bit like love. It is so unpredictable, desirable and truly priceless because it is just as rare. Indeed, meeting real friends is no less difficult than meeting someone who makes you happy. After all, friendships include not just communication, but also support in the most difficult situations, complete acceptance of a friend - the way he is. Unlike love relationships, in friendships, no one tries to remake anyone for themselves. People communicate because they feel good together.

They become friends only when both experience comfort in each other's company. And these relationships do not go through such periods as crazy passion, calm love and disappointment. Yes, and they do not expect something supernatural from each other and quarrel much less often than lovers, between whom feelings are burning. People are friends with those who they like as a person, with those who do not cause them rejection, do not demand too much and are not offended by any reason.

Friendship is a close relationship between people, not burdened with groundless expectations and hopes. In it, people do not dissolve and do not lose themselves, as sometimes happens in love. On the contrary, friendship helps them feel more secure, more self-confident. Because the realization that someone will help you inspires confidence in your abilities. A person is no longer as scared as when he is alone. He has someone to rely on, someone to ask for advice. He knows that a true friend will not give and will not put his goals above his own.

As the great ones say, “We do not need friends so much as knowing that they will come to our aid when we need it.”

When talking about friendship, of course, it is worth mentioning its main component - trust. It is it that determines whether people consider someone a friend or not. When they cannot trust a person, they will never call him a friend, they will never let him close. Even the one with whom they have been friends for many years, after the betrayal, they will be deleted from their lives. Because friendship is unconditional trust between people.

People receive from those they trust the most intimate - understanding, which they so often lack. They know that a friend will not judge them, will understand, reassure, listen, will not mock, criticize, humiliate. He will always be on his side, even if everyone turns against him. When people are not sure that they will receive it from a person who wants to communicate with them more closely, they will not call him a friend. Without trust and confidence in it, friendship is out of the question.

Photo: what is true friendship

She is different. Children who know how to make friends are much easier to call other children their friends, just by playing in the sandbox or by meeting in kindergarten. Children also get to know each other at school, but growing up, they no longer communicate with all children, but only with those with whom they are interested and who understand them. After school, boys can still maintain their friendship if, after the army, they return to their home, where they remain to live. As well as girls, but more often young people go to study and already there they meet new friends. With age, there are fewer and fewer friends, and adults have very few of them, because maintaining close relationships with other people is very difficult when there are so many responsibilities, and meeting a person who could be trusted and believed as oneself is not at all easy. In addition, in order to maintain friendship, people must be ready to pay attention not only to themselves, their family, parents, but also to friends, which is quite difficult to do.

It is much easier for men to make friends, they are united by a lot of interests, they do not have so many responsibilities for maintaining home comfort and raising children. For women, it’s not at all easy to take an extra minute away from themselves just to talk with friends, especially if the husband is too jealous or a tyrant. That is why male friendship is much more common than female friendship, and not because female friendship does not exist.

Signs and qualities of friendship

Before calling someone a friend or becoming one yourself, you need to understand what qualities are needed for people to be friends, what signs indicate that this person is really a true friend, to whom you can always turn for help and get this help with a guarantee .

  • Friendship does not happen without mutual interest, sympathy, desire to help, care, common hobbies.
  • She withers without communication, meetings, discussion of personal problems, willingness to spend her time on another person.
  • Its obligatory features are understanding and desire to deal with what worries a person at any given time, readiness to help, no matter how hard or uncomfortable it may be.
  • But you can’t do without respect for a friend’s personal life, even if he or she is always ready to drop everything and come at the first call. Very soon, such a selfish attitude will make them open their eyes to the fact that they are being used for their own purposes, preventing them from building their lives the way they want. True friendship rests on the fact that people care about the other as much as about themselves, sometimes even more. But at the same time, the one for whom they are ready to make a sacrifice does everything so that his friends do not suffer because of this.
  • Such qualities and signs of friendship clearly indicate that close people do not always become friends. Not everyone can call relatives, siblings, parents their friends. For a person to call someone his friend, he must be confident in him as in himself. And do not demand the impossible from him.
  • It is impossible to call friendship communication with colleagues and acquaintances, even if it is rather close, if there is no sincere sympathy, interest and desire to help between people. Even among those who are united by common interests, for example: members of a club or sports fans, there are often no friends, because there is no trust between them, no devotion to another, not as a member of his group, but as a person. And if tomorrow their interests change, they will remain just acquaintances, once addicted to one thing.
  • Friends can have their own interests, but they never affect their communication and attitude towards each other.
  • The relationship with colleagues is based on the fact that people are together for a long time. They are united by work, a team, mutual interest, which cannot be called friendship. The same can be said about partners in business, members of business groups, leaders in the same company. All these relationships are forced and based on the personal interest of each. They do not have trust, mutual assistance, if the situation does not affect their interests in any way.
  • In true friendship, mutual assistance is in no way connected with profit. If one feels bad, then all the others will lend a helping hand or offer it, even if they were not asked about it. A friend will never refuse a friend.
  • There are situations when a friend gets into trouble, and then they try to help him with the help of the bitter truth, or by refusing to help, but often the friendship ends there, because someone who finds himself in a difficult life situation considers such behavior of a person whom he trusted , betrayal. And the one who wants to help in this way does not understand why his friend, instead of trusting him and accepting his helping hand, pulls him down with him.
  • Without trust, friendship disappears, as well as without sympathy, the desire to understand and feel the inner world of another. She is also killed by the inability to maintain relationships and communication due to moving to another city, country, the emergence of a new company for communication, marriage, changes in interests that united, lack of free time.
  • But we need friendship, so it is important to cherish and appreciate it. After all, it makes us feel that we are priceless and someone needs us.

Photo: what is true friendship

Friends don't make many demands and often don't expect anything in return, knowing they'll get exactly the same support. Without them, what not to say and how not to convince yourself, it is difficult to live. It is possible, but still who will refuse those who are always ready to help? Therefore, it is not surprising that friendship is what makes us happy and gives us hope when it is hard, and despair threatens to swallow without a trace.