How to bleach hair strands at home. How to bleach hair at home: gaining knowledge, gaining skills. Secrets of safe hair bleaching at home. Professional hair lightening

When planning to change the image, it is not necessary to resort to aggressive chemicals. In today's material, we will look at how to lighten hair using improvised means at home. In order for the procedure to pass without harm to the hair and quickly, it is important to follow the instructions and not violate the exposure time.

Ways to quickly and safely lighten hair

All of the following products can give an unpredictable shade if you plan to lighten already dyed hair. Please note that the color may turn yellow, green, blue, etc. It is considered safe to lighten only strands with a native shade.

No. 1. Hydroperite

1. The blonde coloring technique is quite aggressive. You can resort to it only to owners of healthy hair. You can buy tablets at the pharmacy.

2. So, combine 2 units of the drug with 15 ml. purified water. Shake the ingredients, inject 2 ml. ammonia and 25 gr. your regular hair shampoo.

3. Distribute the composition over all strands, if necessary, the amount is increased while maintaining the ratio. After 7 minutes, rinse and dry the curls naturally.

No. 2. Chamomile decoction

1. Chamomile in its composition is a natural clarifier. Purchase inflorescences at a pharmacy. Dial a glass of raw materials, mix with 1 liter. water and leave for 1.5 hours.

2. Before you lighten your hair in this way at home, you need to filter the decoction. You need to carry out the procedure without harm to the hair quickly: apply a decoction so that it soaks all the strands.

3. Wrap your head with a film, go about your business. Wash off after 2 hours without using foaming products. Rate the result.

Number 3. Hydrogen peroxide

1. Hair must be dirty, so do not wash your hair for about 2 days before the procedure. Comb the curls, grease the skin on the temples and forehead with a fat cream.

2. Prepare a clarifier by combining 60 gr. shampoo, 60-70 ml. peroxides, 50-60 ml. ammonia, 60 ml. water. Work first at the back of the head, then at the crown, then the sides.

3. Leave the hair in this state and watch the result. Rinse off, repeat the steps again (if a lighter tone is required). Wash off with shampoo and dry.

No. 4. Soda

1. Sift powdered soda. The volume should be enough to work through the entire hair. Combine loose composition with mineral water to get a paste.

2. Treat dirty hair with it, retreating from the root part by 0.5 cm. Wrap your head, creating the effect of a steam room.

3. In the question of how to lighten hair with soda, at home it is extremely important to maintain the correct interval. Without harm to the hair, the gruel is kept for half an hour or an hour, after which it is quickly washed off.

No. 5. Cinnamon

1. This option is suitable for owners of thin hair who want to get a dazzling blonde. Cinnamon nourishes and whitens strands, nourishes them from the inside and rarely gives unpredictable results.

2. Combine the pre-sifted powder with one of the ingredients (optional): kefir / whey, cucumber juice, honey, lemon juice, coconut oil. Stir the ingredients until emulsified.

3. Carefully walk through the hair with a brush, carry out the application, stepping back a little from the roots. Wrap your hair with cellophane, pinpoint 30-45 minutes. Wash off, if necessary, spend another session after 2 days.

No. 6. Honey

1. Pure honey, by its nature, is an excellent clarifier. At the same time, you will heal your hair from the inside, give it shine, get the effect of burnt hair.

2. If the beekeeping product is candied, heat it in a water bath. Warm up some honey. Spread over clean and dry curls, rub.

3. Pack the head with a film, detect from 1 to 4 hours. Repeated procedures, if necessary, are carried out after 3 days. To enhance the effect, you can add lemon juice and cinnamon (arbitrarily).

No. 7. Lemon

1. Before you lighten your hair with this method at home, it is important to make sure that the procedure will take place without harm to the hair and skin. Apply the product to the area behind the ear and rinse quickly after 30 minutes. If there is no rash, proceed to manipulation.

2. Now start preparing the mixture. Dip 2 juicy lemons in boiling water, pinpoint 2 minutes. Then cut and squeeze out all the juice. Combine it in a 2:1 ratio with olive oil, warm it up.

3. Distribute the warm composition over unwashed hair, warm the head with a turban (film + towel). Detect at least 2 hours, rinse and evaluate the result of clarification.

No. 8. Kefir

1. Thousands of reviews on forums prove the effectiveness of kefir in matters of clarification. To get a blond, you need to take exclusively a farmer's homemade (!) fermented milk drink.

2. The method of use is nowhere simpler: apply the composition to clean hair, pack the mop with cellophane and wait up to 5 hours. Rinse off, repeat clarification in a day.

Home remedies are not as effective as purchased ones, but they give their result. It must be understood that you will not lighten by 3 tones at a time. It needs to be systematic and regular.

Sometimes it happens that you really want to change your appearance, but there is no money or the opportunity to get out of the house to visit a beauty salon (for example, if you are on maternity leave with a small child and there is no one to leave him with for a few hours). In such cases, you can go to the store, buy everything you need for your grand reincarnations and ... act! Right at home! In our article, you will learn how to properly use professional hair lightening products at home, as well as how not to harm your hair in the process of bleaching your hair.

Assess the condition of the hair and its capabilities

According to the rules of hairdressing, before any coloring, and even more so lightening, you need to assess the condition of the hair and scalp. Healthy hair strong and elastic, have a natural shine, a small amount of split ends is allowed. There should also be no wounds, rashes, sores, allergies on the scalp.

Signs of hair damage - this is a strong hair loss, brittleness, excessive dryness, a change in structure. This condition of the hair can be observed after repeated dyeing with aggressive dyes, after a perm, after suffering any diseases, and also due to hypovitaminosis. In any case, if the hair is severely damaged and weakened, then the idea of ​​​​lightening should be abandoned, since the risk of losing hair after bleaching is very high.

Determine how many tones you need to lighten your hair

To do this, you can use the palette of shades of any hair dye. Compare your hair shade with the natural range shades of any professional color palette, and also find the desired shade that you want to get as a result. This will give you an idea of ​​how many tones you will need to lighten your hair.

Knowing the desired result is very important in order to evaluate your capabilities. If you are going to lighten dark hair by 5 or more tones, then be prepared for a noticeable loss in hair quality. Strongly bleached hair will require more care, as a rule, it becomes very dry and highly susceptible to mechanical damage and breakage.

To lighten dark hair at home, you will need to buy:

  1. Illuminating powder or powder. They are usually sold in single-use sachets or larger jars.
  2. Oxidizing emulsion (oxidant). Also available in single use and larger bottles.
  3. Gloves
  4. Ampoules with protective oil. Almost all manufacturers have protective agents that are added to the coloring or brightening mixture immediately before application. They are designed to reduce the harmful effects of the chemical composition on the hair structure. In principle, this is not a mandatory product, and it can be neglected if your hair is strong enough.
  5. Tinting permanent dye + activator. Lightening powder does not give the desired shade of hair, but only prepares the base for obtaining it, removing natural pigments from the hair to a certain extent. clarification background. In addition, bleached hair looks lifeless and feels very dry to the touch. To get a beautiful shade, as well as restore the lost elasticity of the hair, you need to tint.

What is backlighting? A bit of color theory

In nature, there is only three primary colors that cannot be obtained by mixing are red, blue and yellow. All other colors are obtained by mixing these three primary colors, for example:

  • Red+yellow=orange
  • Red+Blue=Purple
  • Blue+yellow = green
  • blue + red + yellow = brown.

Lightening background - This is the color that is obtained after the partial destruction of the natural pigment due to the chemical action on the hair. As a rule, the blue pigment in the hair is destroyed first, so the hair turns red first in the process of lightening. Then the red pigment is destroyed, and the hair becomes yellow. The yellow color of the hair during the lightening process means that the lightening background already corresponds to the “blond” level. Further, the less yellow pigment becomes in the hair, the hair color is closer to white. Determine in advance the background of lightening to which you need to bleach your hair in order to achieve the desired shade.

Where to buy professional hair products?

  • The easiest way to buy clarifying agents and dyes in professional hair cosmetics stores your city. There you can see the palette of dyes, decide on the desired shade, get advice from the seller. If there is no opportunity to go shopping, then you can look for similar online stores in your city. Since I live in Ufa, I will give examples of several online stores of professional hair cosmetics in our city:
  • Online shopping professional hair cosmetics with delivery throughout Russia. In such stores, it is profitable to buy products in small bulk, so you can recoup the shipping fee. For example, one of the popular stores of professional hair products is the store "HiHair.RU"
  • Joint purchases. Nowadays, this type of shopping is becoming more and more popular. If you have experience in ordering goods in joint purchases, then you can easily find a couple of purchases of professional hair cosmetics organized in your city.

Which clarifying powder (powder) to choose?

In general, the use of salon products at home often becomes problematic. In particular, professional bleaching products usually contain a lot of ammonia, the pungent and unpleasant smell of which can spread throughout the apartment. In the process of applying the clarifying composition to the hair, you will also experience a lot of discomfort associated with the release of the smell of ammonia, for example, burning and redness of the eyes. Also, if there are children in the apartment, then it is undesirable to use ammoniac clarifiers.

Fortunately, there are safer hair lightening products on the market. For example, Kapous produces an ammonia-free clarifying powder. Kapous Magic Keratin. I know from my own experience that when working with this powder, there is no smell of ammonia, and there is no burning and redness of the eyes. Plus, it is relatively inexpensive (about 80 rubles for a bag of 30g, 450 rubles for a 500g can).

Similar clarifying powders without ammonia are available from other manufacturers, for example:

  • L'Oreal Professionnel Platinum (3500 rubles)
  • Brelil No AMMONIA Bleaching (2700 rub.)
  • Baco Soft Color Collection Powder Lightener Ammonia Free
  • CHI Professional Blondest Blonde Powder Lightener

How much brightening powder and oxidizer do I need to buy?

The easiest way to lighten short dark hair and shoulder-length hair at home. Lightening short hair will take 1-2 sachets of 30g powder, 2-3 sachets for hair up to shoulders, 3-4 sachets for hair up to shoulder blades, up to 8 sachets of powder may be required for longer hair. The calculation of the amount of oxidizing emulsion is based on the amount of clarifying powder in a ratio of 2: 1 (for example, 60g of oxidizing agent and 30g of clarifying powder)

Which oxidant to choose?

To make lightening less traumatic for the hair, take an oxidizing emulsion containing 3% hydrogen peroxide. Oxidizers with a higher content of hydrogen peroxide destroy the hair structure more strongly. In addition, the use of oxidizers with a high content of hydrogen peroxide implies a very fast application, so it is not worth the risk of buying a high percentage of oxide for bleaching hair at home.
Oxidants with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide are also commercially available. These are the so-called "activators" intended for toning blond hair. They are also not suitable for lightening dark hair with powder, since the result will be little noticeable at best.
How to lighten hair at home step by step guide for beginners
Lightening hair is not an easy task, no matter how it seems. Choose a day when you have a few free hours to do everything right.
Bleaching and lightening of hair is done ONLY on dirty hair to minimize the harmful effects of the lightening composition on the hair. It would also be nice to make an oil mask on the hair a couple of days before the procedure.

So, let's get down to action:

For toning, a dye is taken a tone lighter than desired, as well as an oxidizing emulsion of 1.5% or 3% for a more stable result. The tinting process itself is similar to regular hair dyeing, but the dye in this case is applied to wet hair. You also need to carefully read the instructions for the recommended exposure time, because. bleached hair can be dyed more intensely.

After the exposure time of the tinting dye, you need to rinse your hair under warm running water and apply a balm for colored hair.

  • Do not resort to lightening your hair with professional products if your hair was previously dyed with natural dyes such as henna or basma, and also within a month after using tint balms like Tonics.
  • Strictly study and follow the instructions for use of each product used, do not resort to a combination of professional products and folk advice (for example, add vegetable oil to a brightening emulsion).
  • Do not use metal utensils and metal objects in the process of lightening and dyeing hair.
  • After the bleaching procedure, the hair will need special care for a long time, combining special shampoos for colored hair and moisturizing and nourishing masks.
  • For the first time after dyeing, refrain from using aggressive hair brushes and combs, it is preferable to dry your hair naturally.

Thank you for your attention! Let your hair be healthy and beautiful, and you are always satisfied with your appearance!

Hello readers of my blog. For some reason, many girls want to become blondes without fail, and try to change their appearance with different colors. There are many ways to lighten hair at home.

How to bleach hair

There are very affordable ways. The very first method of obtaining a light mop is the use of peroxide.

To prepare the coloring composition, take:

  • Peroxide - 60 g,
  • Water - 50 g of water,
  • Liquid soap - 40 g,
  • Ammonia - 3 teaspoons.

Peroxide can severely damage the bulbs, so follow some rules:

  1. Before painting, do not wash your hair for 3 days so that a protective layer of fat forms on the skin.
  2. Lubricate the forehead with a fat cream.
  3. Apply peroxide with a wooden stick with cotton wool wound around it.
  4. Start staining from the back of the head. And the strands themselves begin to lighten from the ends, as the roots of the hair lighten faster.
  5. To prevent the paint from dripping from the strand, add liquid soap to it, but not shampoo, otherwise the lightening will slow down.
  6. Wait until you get the color you want.
  7. Then moisten the strands, and again apply a brightening composition to the roots.
  8. When the shock acquires the desired color, rinse it with water.
  9. Then wash with soap without lye. Rinse with lemon juice or vinegar to stop the hydrogen peroxide from working.

Folk ways of staining

At home, use available folk remedies, such as chamomile.

Chamomile will give the hair a light golden hue.
Cooking: 2 tbsp. Art. l. dry raw materials, pour a cup of boiling water, put in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Then cool, rinse cleanly washed hair. Chamomile can not only color curls, but also treat hair follicles.

Lemon staining- one of the most gentle methods. Pure juice should not bleach all hair, but only individual strands, since citrus can provoke dandruff.

  • dilute the juice of half a citrus with water 1: 3,
  • pour in a decoction of chamomile at the rate of 0.5 packs per 1 cup of boiling water.
  • add 2 tbsp. l. castor oil.

Such a recipe will help lighten the hair, soften the effects of acid, and prevent the scalp from drying out. The mask stays on for 2 hours.

An unexpected recipe honey staining. Natural hydrogen peroxide is present in honey, due to which curls are lightened.

Cooking: combine honey and olive oil 2:1, add half a banana, mix with a mixer. After 15 minutes, apply the mass on the head, hold for 45 minutes.

Lightening with cinnamon- a rare way to give the hair a light shade.

Cooking: to 3 tbsp. l. cinnamon add 3 tbsp. l. honey, diluted with water 2:1, add 100 ml of balms, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 100 ml olive oil. Leave the mixture for 1 hour to infuse.

Application: generously lubricate wet strands, put on a shower cap. Leave on the head for 4 to 8 hours.

Suitable for colored hair clarification with kefir. This product penetrates the hair scales, washes out the pigment, so the paint is partially washed off.

Cooking: mix 1 egg with kefir (0.5 cups), two tbsp. spoons of vodka, add a little shampoo, juice of half a lemon.

Application: apply the resulting mass on the head, wrap, hold for 2 to 8 hours.

Lightening oily hair

How to change the color of curls without paint? You can lighten individual strands or all curls with soda:

  • Water - 100 ml
  • Shampoo - 50 ml
  • Soda - 7 tbsp. l.

Apply the mixture on the head, hold for 20 to 30 minutes. Due to the large amount of soda, this composition is best used for oily hair. Dry strands can be very dry.

gentle method

Many blonding products can disrupt the structure of the hairs. Therefore, choose Estelle paint and follow the instructions.

How is this tool different? Manufacturers introduce natural substances into the paint, for example, peach oil, chamomile extract. The staining procedure takes place in 2 stages. After the first stage, 14 days should pass.

Spend at home powder lightening. All types of hair are subject to blonding, including dyed. To get a noticeable blond, take Solo Super Blond, brightening immediately by 5-6 tones.

Lightening black and dark hair

Many black-haired beauties suddenly decide to radically change their color, especially in spring. Brunettes and girls with dark hair always want to look, but how will they look with a light hairdo?

There are recipes that will allow you to see yourself as a blonde, for example, with honey. Add some water to honey to make it easier to apply it on your head. The product is applied to wet hair, covered with a shower cap for half an hour, then washed off with shampoo. Of course, in one session you will not get the expected effect, but continue to make masks until the result you need.

An effective brightening composition will be obtained from mixtures in equal parts of honey and olive oil. Such a mask will help not only lighten the hair, but moisturize, nourish it with useful substances.

An excellent remedy is lemon juice. To apply on the head, mix 100 ml of lemon juice with 100 ml of water in a spray bottle. Apply the mixture generously to clean, damp curls, let them dry in the sun for 1 hour.

Under the influence of the sun, the acid begins to open the hair follicle, which leads to cleansing of the pigment. After an hour, rinse your head, apply a composition consisting of olive oil and chamomile infusion. This will be another means for blonding.

To lighten black hair, prepare the following remedy:

  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Chamomile flower tea, (3 bags per 200 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes)
  • Cinnamon - 2 tsp
  • Yolk - 2 pcs.

Mix everything, apply on the head, wrap up, hold for 4 to 8 hours. This composition will strengthen the hair follicles, give the hair a splendor, healthy shine.

To see noticeable results, apply this mixture 1-2 times a week for several weeks.

Light hair care

Having turned blonde, be prepared for the fact that in a few days your hair will no longer look perfect. Your hairstyle will require more care, you will have to do various wraps more often.

Remedy for blondes and brunettes:

  • Yolk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vodka (for blondes), cognac (for brunettes) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vitamin A - 5 capsules.

Mix everything, apply on the head, hold for 1 hour.

For hair restoration after clarification, make the following composition:

  • Ripe banana - 1 pc.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Honey - 1 tsp;
  • Fatty yogurt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • - 2 tbsp. l.

Keep the mixture for about an hour, then rinse with water and shampoo.

Express mask for restoring hair structure after blonding:

  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon;
  • Olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Green clay - 1 teaspoon.

This mixture should be kept for only a few minutes, then rinse with water.

Image change

To change your look again, try toning your hair after bleaching. Get high-quality paints that will change the color of individual strands by 2-3 tones. They are produced without ammonia, and they last for about 1 month.

For a quick effect, you can use coloring mousses, foams or sprays. The funds are washed off in several washes, but the shade can be changed every week.

If you are going to a party, then protonate the strands with foam and mousse. The color will last until the first wash. By the way, you will produce an unexpected effect!

Paints for thorough toning with a light oxidizing agent are produced. They will last approximately 2 months. Using a similar dye, you will lighten the curls by 2-3 tones.

Toning differs from coloring in that the paint does not penetrate deep into the hairs, but remains on their shell. Therefore, the color is washed out faster - and we again have to tint with a vending shade.

Modern tinting agents are produced with a gentle formula, leaving tinted curls obedient, elastic, which do not break when combed, do not lose their shine from washing. Many products are available with caring ingredients, which is very useful for hair.

Which shade to choose

  1. Blondes with a honey tint are better off staying on a tint with a golden sheen: caramel or champagne. They will give the strands a youthful glow, refresh the face.
  2. It is better to give the effect of slightly burnt strands to long curls.
  3. A smoky shock can be refreshed with pearl, platinum, silver or wheat shine.
  4. Dark blondes can take copper shades or catchy red shine.

Wide streaked strands look luxurious, as well as hairstyles with horizontal overflows. It is very fashionable to mix three different shades that are close to the existing color of your hair. Then light and dark highlights will give the curls a 3D format.

Attention! Apply pigment to damp hair, as dry hair absorbs faster, so it falls on them in unsightly spots.

How to restore healthy looking hair

Hair restoration after lightening is an important step in hair care.

A mask will help to revive the hair after blonding: pour gelatin (2 tbsp.) With water (100 ml) for 10-15 minutes. Then dissolve in a water bath. Enter 1 raw yolk and 1 tbsp. l. balm.

Sometimes, to change the image, you do not need to spend a lot of time and money, because you can always use the easiest method, which involves dyeing your hair. To do this, you can use the services of professionals or carry out the procedure yourself. How to quickly lighten hair at home, the advice of experts will tell you, following which you can get a wonderful result.

Basic tools for changing colors

Among the abundance of drugs that help change the color of curls, which can be easily found in the store, women willingly choose traditional drugs:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • hydropyrite;
  • "Supra".
Such is the girlish nature - constantly looking for yourself, experimenting with appearance, changing what is given by nature

Folk recipes

Having found out how you can lighten your hair at home, most often the choice falls on the well-known peroxide. To use it, you need to prepare the following solution: shampoo - 40 g, peroxide - 60 g, water - 50 g and ammonia - 3 teaspoons. Treat the strands with the finished mixture. For fair-haired people, only one procedure is required, for brown-haired women or brunettes, the sessions must be repeated several times, making a two-week break between them.

With the help of hydropyrite, hair is also successfully lightened at home: dissolve 7 tablets of the drug in 50 ml of boiled water and apply the liquid to clean curls, rinse after half an hour.

Supra or white henna is a chemical bleaching agent for hair.

"Supra" is another tool that will help solve the problem of how to quickly lighten hair at home. It is extremely simple to prepare the composition: henna powder is poured with an activator. Before use, it must be slightly warmed up and applied to the length of the curls.

One of the topical issues that worries all women today is how to lighten hair without injuring them. To solve this problem, you need to use the advice of cosmetologists:

  • chemicals must be of high quality;
  • home remedies must be prepared strictly adhering to the recipe;
  • treated strands should not be exposed to chlorinated water;
  • damaged curls (after a perm) are not recommended to lighten.

Rules for the procedure for lightening hair

Home coloring

Any salon can tell you how to quickly lighten hair at home. In addition, familiarity with the video or photo, as well as instructions describing how to lighten hair at home, will help to properly carry out an independent procedure. Armed with this knowledge, you can safely proceed to self-coloring.

The question of how to lighten blond hair arises in many women, and in this case, highlighting will be the most gentle option. For this method, both special and folk remedies are used to help change light brown hair at home without any difficulty.

When it comes to a dark color, to solve the problem of how to lighten hair at home, you will have to use a creamy dye or bleaching powder.

The selected bleaching agent is applied with a synthetic bristle brush or a wooden stick wound with a cotton pad.

Quite relevant is the question of how to lighten red hair at home. It is worth considering that it is absolutely impossible to turn fiery red curls into snow-white in one procedure and special technology will be required for lightening.

Finding out how to lighten hair roots is also a goal for most women. For tinting the roots, as a rule, the same dyes (chemical or natural) are used as for the main length of the curls. For a gentle method that allows you to dye hair roots at home, you need to prepare a mixture of oxide - 2 tablespoons and powder - 1 spoon. To obtain an effective result, it is worth remembering a simple rule: the head, before lightening the roots, must not be wetted.

Today, one of the fashionable trends in hairdressing has become the ends of the strands treated with dye. This technique is called "ombre". To lighten the ends, the color of the dye should be a tone lighter than the real color of the hair. The dye is applied to the ends of dry curls, which are wrapped in foil for half an hour, and then washed off with shampoo.

Today, one of the fashionable trends in hairdressing has become the ends of the strands treated with dye.

Recipes for natural dyes

In addition to professional preparations, there are many recipes for simple affordable masks to change the color of curls, the preparation of which will take very little time and money.

A concentrated decoction of chamomile is prepared as follows: boil dry flowers (2 tablespoons) and a glass of water for 10 minutes in a water bath. After cooling, strain the solution and use as a conditioner. To do this, wet the ends of the strands, leaving to dry completely without washing off. It should be borne in mind that the change in shade will appear after several sessions.

A wonderful tool for changing the shade of curls to a lighter one is kefir. The mixture for the procedure is prepared as follows: combine a teaspoon of balm, 2 tablespoons of cognac, 50 g of kefir, yolk and juice from half a lemon. Apply the finished composition on the head and wrap. It is advisable to do the procedure before going to bed.

Chamomile is a common and easy method for getting light golden hair.

Combine equal amounts of lemon juice and water. Use the solution to apply on washed wet curls, leave to dry. The main thing that you definitely need to pay attention to is that the juice does not dry out and does not “burn” the hair. For dark curls, lightening with lemon is one of the most effective remedies.

Distribute a mass of 2 tablespoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of cinnamon and 6 tablespoons of conditioner along the length of clean, dried strands, wrap and leave for 40 minutes. Recipes with cinnamon are best suited for dark hair. Reviews about this mask are extremely positive.

Combine the juice of two onions with water in equal proportions and use as directed. Despite its good effectiveness, this tool is used less often than others, because it has a pungent odor.

You can try to lighten your hair a little with kefir masks

Combine chopped rhubarb (with roots) in the amount of 2 cups with 0.5 l of white wine and simmer until half of the initial volume remains in the container. Distribute the cooled and filtered composition over the strands for 50 minutes. The recipe is suitable for lightening red curls. The staining method with the help of medicinal herbs works well. This option is the best, because, along with lightening, it also strengthens the curls, making them stronger and healthier. Using a steam bath, prepare a decoction of chamomile and nettle, taking a spoonful of each ingredient and pouring a liter of water into the herbal mixture. Use as directed.

A decoction of green tea - 10 g, chamomile - 50 g, white henna - 40 g and a glass of boiling water, boil in a steam bath for 5 minutes. Pour 300 ml of alcohol into the filtered cold broth and keep the composition in the refrigerator for 3 days before use. Apply before washing.

Lightening hair at home

Color change after painting

Today, women are increasingly looking for an answer to a fairly common question: how to lighten dyed hair at home? In order not to harm the hair, it is recommended that before lightening dyed hair at home, carefully study all the nuances.

The soul of a woman sometimes requires change. What changes can be made with the least amount of effort? That's right, change the haircut and hair color. With a haircut, it’s a little easier, you won’t be able to cut your hair on your own - there is only one way - a hairdresser. But you can change the color if you wish at home. Most often, of course, girls prefer to lighten up, because blondes, despite the huge number of jokes, are easier to attract attention. In addition, many women like this color themselves.

So, when thinking about how to bleach your hair, you need to remember that chemical bleaching, even done in a salon, can turn your hair into a washcloth in a short time. In addition, radical often turns out to be out of place, but the hair is already spoiled ... But here natural remedies come to the rescue, which were used by grandmothers and great-grandmothers. This is chamomile, honey, vinegar, rhubarb ... All this will help solve the problem of how to bleach hair without the risk of ruining it, and at home.

How to bleach your hair at home

1. The first assistant in solving the question "How to bleach hair?" is honey. In this case, everything is very simple - apply honey (preferably acacia) on washed and slightly dried hair and wrap it with cellophane. The difficulty is that this mask needs to be kept on the hair for 8 hours. Honey not only highlights the whitening component, but also nourishes them. The main thing here is that there is no allergy to it. And after the procedure, you need to wash the strands thoroughly.

In addition, you can make a combined brightening mask with honey: you need to take a bowl and mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil with natural honey (4 tablespoons) in it. Set the bowl aside for a quarter of an hour. Then apply the resulting mixture to the hair and leave such a compress for 40 minutes, then rinse with water and shampoo. You need to repeat the procedure several times, it all depends on how light you want to make the strands.

2. Now about how to bleach hair with chamomile . This simple procedure will lighten your hair by a couple of shades. There are several combinations of chamomile with other ingredients for. Here are some of them:

Mix lemon juice with three cups of strong and after washing, rinse the strands with this mixture. Let your hair dry in the air or sunlight (naturally) to see the beautiful results of this procedure.

You can also mix chamomile with rhubarb roots or leaves in the proportion: three parts of rhubarb per part of chamomile. When insisting on the roots, you need to keep a third of an hour in a water bath, and when using rhubarb leaves, just insist until it cools completely. These decoctions are applied to the hair for about half an hour, after which they should be washed with warm water.

Take 2 tablespoons of nettle and chamomile flowers and pour boiling water in a volume of half a liter. Let it brew for half an hour, and after straining, this decoction is ready for use. In addition to lightening, chamomile heals and strengthens hair roots.

You can use chamomile for stronger lightening with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. Thus, the negative effect on the hair will be less than when bleaching with peroxide alone. For 200 gr add 30 ml of peroxide.

3. Another good way to lighten up is cinnamon. This procedure should be repeated at least 4 times a week. Mix 4 tablespoons of cinnamon (powder) with 2 tablespoons of hair conditioner in a bowl. Apply this paste to wet strands and wrap them with a film. Leave the mask overnight or at least for 4 hours. Then wash off with shampoo.

4. Lightening hair lemon will help to lighten and dyed hair, is used all over the world. Crush ascorbic acid tablets to make a powder. In a bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of the resulting powder, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a little shampoo. Apply the mixture to the strands and massage well. Cover the head with polyethylene and leave for at least 50 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. You can also use lemon juice, known for its bleaching properties. But you need to use the juice you need diluted, about half a citrus per liter of water. More suitable for has a drying effect.

5. You can lighten your hair and decoction of onion skins. To do this, fill a half-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Set aside until completely cooled, strain. Dilute with water and rinse after each wash. The infusion will give a golden color and has a slight brightening effect. It is also used to treat weakened and split ends.

Before use, the skin around the hair must be lubricated so as not to stain the decoction.

6. And, of course, do not ignore the question of how to bleach hair hydrogen peroxide - after all, this is a classic of the genre, the fastest and easiest way to bleach. But also radical at the same time. After all, the previous methods will help lighten the hair of fair-haired and brown-haired women. And for brunettes, peroxide is suitable. It is undesirable to use it as the only component, it is best in combination with other ingredients. For example, the following peroxide product is effective, for which you will need: 100 g of chamomile flowers (dry), 350 g of water, 5 g of 3% peroxide. Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers and insist for half an hour, strain and add peroxide. Apply for 40 min. mixture on the hair, covered with polyethylene, rinse with shampoo.

So it is not necessary to go to salons or buy expensive dyes for lightening, folk methods are good because they do not harm the hair when they are used.