How to change the mixture for a child at 2 months. How to determine that the mixture is not suitable for a newborn, and transfer the child from one diet to another

How to introduce a new mixture into the baby's diet? If for some reason it turned out to be necessary to introduce a new mixture into the child’s diet, then this must be done gradually. Often, the mother herself decides to change the mixture to “some better” and introduces it in one day at once in full. A few days later, she learns of the existence of a "more modern" mixture, and again, with the best of intentions, quickly changes the old mixture to a new one. It is good if the baby does not react to this in any way, but sometimes the child may have an allergic reaction or some kind of digestive upset. And not only because the food may not have been chosen correctly, but to a greater extent - because of its illiterate introduction into the child's diet. Any new mixture (regular or therapeutic) should be started in very small amounts, increasing its volume due to the volume of gradually replaced food.
Olga Lukoyanova Pediatrician, Researcher, Department of Healthy and Sick Child Nutrition, Scientific Center for Children's Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Ph.D.

FOR A NEW MIX (from one mixture to another):

Any new infant formulas should be started in very small amounts, from a separate bottle before feeding the usual formula. As the amount of the new mixture increases, the volume of the familiar mixture is reduced.

Two different mixtures should be prepared in two different bottles. The first day you give 10 ml. in one feeding. First with a new mixture, then supplement with the old mixture. This is because after a familiar mixture and having already eaten, the child may refuse a new one. The rest of the feeding is the old mixture.

On the second day, give 10 ml. at the beginning of three feedings. It can be three feedings in a row or through feedings, whichever is more convenient for you. Only not the first and not the last feeding, they are replaced at the very last. On the third day, 20-30 ml. at the beginning of three feedings. On the fourth day 50-60 ml. at the beginning of five feedings. Accordingly, prepare the old mixture in another bottle for 50-60 ml. less. On the fifth day 90-100 ml. at the beginning of four feedings, then supplement the remainder with the old mixture. And on the sixth or seventh day, completely switch to the full volume of the new mixture in all feedings.

Scheme No. 1

Another version of the scheme for introducing a new mixture:

  • 1 day - 5-10 ml. mixes in one feeding, preferably at 12-00.
  • Day 2 - 20 ml. new formula at the same feeding time.
  • Day 3 - 40 ml. mixtures at the same feeding.
  • Day 4 - 40 ml. every feeding throughout the day.
  • Day 5 - 40 ml. at every feeding.
  • Day 6 - the mixture in full, at each feeding.

So you enter a new one within a week.

Scheme No. 2

Term Quantity ml* Multiplicity of intake per day Number of injections per ml intake

1 day 5.0 1 5.0
2nd day 10.0 1 10.0
Day 3 10.0 3 30.0
Day 4 20.0 3 60.0
Day 5 50.0 3 150.0
Day 6 100.0 4400.0
Day 7 150.0 4,600.0
Day 8 150.0-200.0 4-6 600.0
and more and more

* Note: 1 teaspoon corresponds to 5 ml of the finished product.

On NE, starting from the 3rd day and all subsequent days, the mixture is applied 2 times a day.


Important : when transferring to PS, do not give it to the first and last feeding.

The scheme of transition to the subsequent mixture (combination for each feeding)


1st day

3 parts old mix + 1 part next stage (PS)

2nd day

3 parts old mixture + 1 part PS

3rd, 4th day

2 parts old mix + 2 parts PS

5th, 6th day

1 part old mixture + 3 parts PS

7th day

all feeding PS

Breast milk is ideal for newborns. However, what to do if, for some reason, a mother cannot breastfeed her baby. In this case, a special milk mixture will help. Artificial feeding should fully fill the baby's need for vitamins and minerals, similar to those that come from mother's milk. Therefore, such nutrition should be monitored carefully.

Quite often there are situations when you need to change the mixture for feeding. This should be done correctly and reasonably. Let us dwell in more detail on the question of how to introduce a new mixture to the baby.

Changing the milk formula is required in strictly defined cases. If the baby feels fine and his digestive system is in good condition, this is not recommended. Thus, you can harm the child, cause him unnecessary anxiety and nervousness. The fact is that the baby's body is already accustomed to a certain mixture, as a result of which the intestines stably and well digest it. With an unjustified change in nutrition, loss of appetite and indigestion occur.

However, in certain cases, a change in nutrition may be due to the financial side of the issue. Some moms are looking for cheaper formula. But it is best to entrust the choice of a new mixture to an experienced pediatrician who knows about the characteristics of the body and nutrition of each child entrusted to him. Fortunately, the modern market is replete with similar products from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

  • significant weight loss in infants, the development of anemia;
  • stool disorders, intestinal disorders that occur over a long period;
  • profuse regurgitation after or during feeding;
  • frequent bloating;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • refusal of the child to eat;

  • the need for the introduction of special medical nutrition;
  • baby intolerance to milk proteins;
  • allergies.

Also, a change in the mixture is required after the child has already grown up, and he needs a planned transition to another diet. This occurs after the child reaches the age of six months.

Fundamental rules

To switch to a new diet without any unpleasant consequences, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • First of all, you should consult with the local pediatrician. The fact is that you need to switch to another mixture only if there are any medical indications for this.
  • The transition to another power supply is recommended to be carried out smoothly. You must first add a small amount of the new mixture to the old one, gradually increasing the dose. If the baby feels good with this diet, you can completely switch to a new product. However, when switching to a new food of the same brand, you can not follow these recommendations and not make the transition stepwise.

  • It is forbidden to transfer the baby to another diet if he feels unwell, he is teething, or vaccination is planned. This can provoke a deterioration in the condition and well-being of the baby.
  • Please note that it is forbidden to mix two different milk formulas in one bottle, even if they belong to the same manufacturer. In addition, a sharp transition to another diet is prohibited, as this is fraught with an upset of a fragile stomach. Reception of a new food can be carried out only if the child has a strong allergy to the old formula.
  • How to properly dilute a dry product with a liquid is indicated in the instructions. You don't need to set the proportions yourself. If the baby cannot eat, just increase the amount of the mixture.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the transition to a new diet for a baby is always a real stress. Therefore, you need to make it as easy as possible. With the introduction of a new mixture, you need to massage the baby, often press him to yourself, warming him with the heat of your own body.

Transition scheme

The change of nutrition for the baby should be carried out according to a well-designed scheme. If you correctly replace the mixture, then this event will pass without unpleasant consequences and harm to the child. The baby will experience minimal stress and discomfort.

Today, there are various schemes for how to switch to a new diet. They involve the slow introduction of another mixture into the infant's diet. At the same time, the mother should monitor the reaction of the baby's body to a new product, since the mixture may not be suitable for some newborns. The fact is that such a transition takes a fairly long period of time - up to three weeks. If the child is allergic to a new mixture and stool disorders, an accelerated transition is required.

Fast meal replacement schemes offer to make the transition in six days. However, they do not exclude the possibility of side effects in the baby. Therefore, the selection of an appropriate scheme should be made according to the specific situation.

The express method for introducing a new mixture with five and seven meals a day is shown in the following table:

Reception dayQuantity at one time (in grams)Total amount per day (in grams)
1 10 10
2 10 30
3 20 60
4 50 250
5 100 400
6 150 over 600

Possible side effects of changing diet

Often with a sharp change in nutrition in a newborn, the following side effects occur:

  • stomach colic;

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dermatitis;
  • sleep disorders.

If you do not pay attention to these signs in time, then in the future the child may have serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

To get rid of the above symptoms, the pediatrician may recommend changing the proportions of the preparation of baby food (the amount of dry product diluted in water).

Another way out of the situation is to change the power supply to a new one. In some cases, the introduction of special fermented milk products into the baby's diet can also help. However, they should be introduced into the diet only after prior consultation with a pediatrician.

If an allergy to a dry product occurs, it can be diluted with goat's milk. Although it is inferior in its nutritional properties to cow's milk, it is much less likely to cause indigestion and other allergic reactions.

So, before transferring a newborn to another milk formula, you should first consult with a pediatrician. An experienced specialist will select the most appropriate nutrition in accordance with the characteristics of the baby's body.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

When a woman, for some reason, cannot breastfeed her baby, infant milk formulas come to her aid. It is very difficult to choose food for a baby, because there is a risk of harming his health. For this reason, a new mixture should be introduced carefully. It must be prepared correctly (only from fresh and high-quality products) and correspond to the temperature necessary for the child's digestive system.

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    Reasons for the introduction of mixed feeding

    Artificial feeding of babies is introduced in the absence or with small amounts of mother's milk within two to three days after birth.

    Another reason to add formula to a baby's diet is postpartum weight loss. If the daily weight gain is less than 20 g, a mixed diet should be introduced.

    Mixtures are administered at a time when there is not enough mother's milk. If it is enough, then it is preferable to feed the baby with it.

    What mixture is suitable?

    For mixed feeding, formulations that recreate the properties of breast milk are suitable. They can be divided into several types:

    • partially adapted;
    • adapted;
    • standard;
    • specialized;
    • fresh;
    • fermented milk.

    Adapted mixtures are similar to the composition of breast milk, partially adapted are suitable for children from 6 months. Standard are intended for children who do not suffer from certain diseases. Allergic babies and premature babies should be fed with specialized mixtures.

    Product names

    The mixture is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the newborn. You can choose the right baby food using the table:

    In case of allergy to cow's milk, mixtures containing soy are prescribed:

    • Heinz;
    • Enfamil;
    • Tutelli;
    • Nutrilon.

    Cheaper products include Malysh, Nutrilak, Agusha, Grandmother's basket, Malyutka, Semilak, Nestozhen.

    Nutrition composition

    The presence of vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lactose, prebiotics, probiotics in artificial feeding is mandatory.

    Food that suits one child causes allergic reactions, stomach upsets in another. When feeding, you need to focus on the preferences of the baby.

    Transition Order

    It is possible to transfer a child from breastfeeding within a few days. Food should be changed gradually. The exception is children with allergies, they are transferred instantly.

    Adaptation to new milk occurs according to the following scheme:

    Every day, the amount of the mixture is gradually increased, replacing it with breast milk. Adaptation to a new food takes about two weeks, sometimes accompanied by intestinal disorders. For this reason, frequent changes in children's diets are not recommended.

    Products of two different brands cannot be mixed in one bottle, even if they are from the same manufacturer.

A child on artificial, mixed feeding up to a year, from a year to three years, requires a milk formula. Each age period requires its own combination of nutrients. Weakened, premature, sick children - other feeding options. How it is necessary to switch from one mixture to another, so as not to harm the health of the little man, the children's doctor must answer.

The reasons why it is necessary to change artificial milk can occur at any age up to a year: in an infant on artificial feeding from birth, with the introduction of supplementary feeding - with a mixed method due to lack, insufficient caloric content of breast milk. After a year, it is better to give the baby formula instead of milk if he is not gaining weight.

Problems requiring the introduction of a new product:

  1. Allergic reaction. The body of the baby reacts to the components of the mixture in the form of skin rashes, redness, itching. The baby's digestive system may not absorb / insufficiently absorb protein, fats, carbohydrates, which are part of baby milk nutrition. Hypoallergenic products help overcome the food barrier.
  2. The need for the use of a therapeutic composition is necessary for low hemoglobin, prematurity.
  3. The transition from therapeutic to adapted occurs after the elimination of pathological signs.
  4. Age 6 months when mixtures "0" or "1" are required to be changed to "2".
  5. Upon reaching the year - from "2" to "3".
  6. Insufficient weight gain, frequent regurgitation, refusal to bottle.

Substitutions depend on the age, health status of the child. A pediatrician who monitors the development of a newborn will help make the right choice.

How often can this be done

The transition to a new composition must be justified. The mixture should be appropriate for the age of the baby.

To do this, the manufacturer makes markings on the packaging:

  • "0" - from birth for premature babies;
  • "1" - from the first days to full-term children;
  • "2" - after six months to a year;
  • "3" - from a year to 3 years.

Digestive problems mean that the product needs to be replaced urgently.

Changing mixtures when reaching 6, 12 months is the best option if the child has a healthy complexion, is active, sleeps well, eats, and gains weight. In case of deviation from the norm, it is necessary to find out the reason by contacting a children's doctor, then choose the brand and purpose of artificial milk.

How to replace the mixture

The change of the main food product of the baby should occur according to certain rules.

The main condition for replacement is a reasonable need, and not the desire of the mother to transfer to another diet.

The second, no less important, is a consultation with a pediatrician. The doctor should recommend baby food suitable for the age and health of the child.

The baby should be without a runny nose, temperature. Do not introduce new products when the child is teething, as well as 3 days before and after vaccination. Reduced immunity in such cases will distort the picture of the reactivity of the children's digestive system.

A newborn is introduced into the diet with one new mixture. You cannot feed two new foods at the same time.

You should not buy rare brands. The nutritional mixture should be enough on sale so that you do not have to urgently change the diet due to lack of supply in the distribution network.

Replacement takes time to get used to the digestive system of the baby. The exception is mixtures of the same brand, but for different ages.

For example, the difference between NAS 1 and NAS 2 from Nestle is the ratio of whey proteins and casein: NAS 1 - 70:30, NAS 2 - 60:40. In both cases, the composition is close to human milk, corresponds to the age needs of the child. Adjustment by the manufacturer of the composition of one brand, close to natural feeding, makes it possible to introduce a new product faster.

In other cases, a new feeding option is introduced gradually. For artificial people up to six months and after, there are differences in the scheme of transition from one baby food to another.

The scheme of transition from one mixture to another

It is necessary to introduce a new dairy product from the preparation of 2 bottles: with a new and old composition.

Step by step replacement is as follows:

  1. Babies up to 6 months are invited to try 10 milliliters of unfamiliar food at the first feeding. The rest of the diet remains unchanged: the usual supplementary feeding in the morning and at other times.
  2. The next day, the rate of new nutrition is increased by the same amount, feeding her in the evening. Continuation is possible if during the day the baby felt well, had no problems with the stool.
  3. In the next 7 days, complementary foods are increased in the morning and evening by 20 milliliters.
  4. By the end of the week, it will be 150 milliliters or 300 milliliters a day.
  5. The next stage is the replacement of nutrition in the 2nd feeding (the whole portion).
  6. Thus, one feeding of a new mixture is added daily: 3rd, 4th, 5th.

The total duration of the transition is 13 days.

If it is necessary to urgently cancel allergenic nutrition in feeding a baby-baby, an accelerated version is used:

  1. The first day, morning feeding - 10 milliliters.
  2. The second day, the first and last feeding of 10 milliliters.
  3. Third. The norm increases 5 times - up to 50 milliliters for two feedings.
  4. Fourth. In the morning and in the evening give 100 milliliters. The daily dose is 200 milliliters.
  5. Fifth. In the diet, 3 meals a day with a new product of 150 milliliters. In total, the child receives 450 milliliters per day.
  6. Sixth day. The total volume is 600 milliliters, 200 in the morning, at lunch, in the evening.

Replacing a dairy product with a “Next step” for a child after six months is faster:

  1. On the first day, the daily portion is prepared in the ratio: 75% or 3/4 - the usual food, 25% or ¼ - introduced.
  2. On the second day, the proportion does not change.
  3. On the third day, the diet is divided 50x50: 2 parts of the old, 2 parts of the new.
  4. Fourth day. Feeding as the previous day.
  5. Fifth day: the share of the old product is ¼, the new one is ¾.
  6. Sixth day. Ration unchanged.
  7. The old mixture has been completely replaced.

The amount in milliliters depends on the volume of other types of complementary foods.

How do you know if a new formula is right for your baby?

You can judge the painless transition to artificial feeding after breastfeeding or from one mixture to another by the appearance of the baby, his behavior.

The absence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract after the injection is evidenced by physical activity, curiosity, sound sleep during normal hours. With daily examination of the skin, no rashes, redness, peeling are observed.

The replacement should not cause stool problems. Hard or liquefied feces are evidence of poor digestibility of baby food.

With children's products of sufficient calorie content, the interval between feedings does not change, the baby gains weight according to its age.

What difficulties can you face?

Transfer to a new mixture may be associated with the problem of refusal, poor appetite in an infant. In such cases, there is no need to rush to change the diet. The child should be given time to get used to the unfamiliar taste. If the excretory function is normal, the weight does not decrease, then the gradual addition of a new product to the diet will achieve its goal: the old mixture will be replaced with a new one.

Breastfeeding is important for the health and development of children, because along with the lactation product, maternal antibodies, beneficial bacteria and enzymes enter the baby's body, helping to improve the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, by slightly changing your diet, a nursing mother can correct the functioning of the intestines of the crumbs - “fix” it or vice versa, “loosen it”.

All this is deprived of artificial babies receiving mixtures. If there are persistent problems with digestion or the health of the crumbs, the pediatrician may recommend a change in the product and even advise a specific manufacturer.

When is it necessary to change the mixture?

If an artificial baby feels good, eating the mixture that they began to feed him in the maternity hospital, then you do not need to change it for no reason. The baby's intestines get used to a specific product that has already learned to digest and assimilate, and a change in nutrition can harm its functionality, which will lead to intestinal disorders.

If you decide to switch to a different formula because of its inexpensive cost compared to what you give a newborn now, you should definitely ask the pediatrician about this. A pediatric specialist for many years of working with babies has probably accumulated enough practical knowledge about the reactions of babies to products from different manufacturers. The doctor will help you choose the perfect option that will suit both the baby’s body and will be affordable for you.

  • with prolonged violations of the baby's stool;
  • with the development of anemia;
  • with manifestations of allergic reactions to the product used;
  • with abundant regurgitation of the baby;
  • with regular bloating.

Manufacturers are ready to meet the needs of every artificial baby. So, if the baby suffers from profuse regurgitation, you can solve this problem by transferring it to a special anti-reflux product containing gum, which effectively thickens the contents of the stomach. For children with lactose intolerance, powders have been created without its presence in the composition, and if you are allergic to animal protein, you can buy food with soy or hydrolyzed protein for your child, which will not cause such a reaction in him.

If anemia is detected in a child, the pediatrician will decide to temporarily transfer him to a powder enriched with iron. But the most common problem, because of which doctors recommend changing the food product, is dysbacteriosis. Artificialists have nowhere to get lacto- and bifidobacteria, so they are either additionally given special preparations that populate the microflora, or transferred to a mixture with probiotics.

In any case, the child should change the mixture strictly after agreeing your decision with the pediatrician.

How to change the mixture?

  1. It is impossible to change the mixture abruptly, as this will lead to malfunctions in the intestines. An uneven transition to a new product can cause severe diarrhea, the consequences of which can be dysbacteriosis and dehydration.
  2. Smooth transition rules don't just apply to products across brands. Even if you are changing the formula of the same type, but intended for different ages, you should still do it gradually, over 1-2 weeks.
  3. If you change the diet “by age”, then the powder can be mixed in one bottle, but if the brands of the product are different, you should dilute them in separate containers and give the crumbs in one feeding in turn, first the new one, and then the old one.
  4. When switching to another mixture “by age”, you need to gradually increase the volume of the new product, replacing a spoonful of the old food with a new one every 2-3 days.

So, if you eat 180 ml. nutrition, the transition to a new product will look like this:

  • 1-2 days - 1 spoon of the new powder + 5 spoons of the old one;
  • 3-4 days - 2 tablespoons of the new powder + 4 tablespoons of the former;
  • 4-6 days - 3 tablespoons of the new powder + 3 tablespoons of the old;
  • 7-8 days - 4 tablespoons of the new powder + 2 tablespoons of the old;
  • 9-10 days - 5 tablespoons of the new powder + 1 spoon of the old;

The change of mixtures of different brands occurs in the same way - once every two days you must increase the volume of the new powder in one of the bottles by 30 ml, and in the container with the previous one, reduce accordingly:

  • 1-2 days - 30 ml of water +1 l. new powder/150 ml. water +5 l. former;
  • Day 3-4 - 60 ml of water + 2 liters. new powder/120 ml. water +4 l. former;
  • 4-6 days - 90 ml of water + 3 liters. new powder/90 ml. water +3 l. former;
  • 7-8 days - 120 ml of water + 4 liters. new powder/60 ml. water +2 l. former;
  • 9-10 days - 160 ml of water + 5 liters. new powder/30 ml. water +1 l. former;
  • Day 11-12 - complete transition to a new mixture.
The child should be given a bottle of new formula first, and then supplemented from a container with the same product.

If you see that the child tolerates the change of food normally, you can speed up the schedule a little by introducing 30 ml into his diet every day. new product, and subtracting the same volume of the former.

What difficulties can you face?

The scheme for introducing a new food is "stretched" for such a long time that the baby's intestines can adapt and begin to digest and assimilate a different product than he is used to. But even with such reasonable caution, the baby's body will still begin to react negatively. In the first 3-4 days, you can note in a child:

  1. Constipation.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Rapid swelling and colic.
  4. Minor skin rashes.

If after 3-4 days these signs do not go away or get worse, and the baby is constantly screaming, contact your pediatrician - perhaps the selected mixture does not suit the baby, and you will have to try another one, introducing it into the child's diet according to the previous scheme.

  1. Keep a feeding diary in which you will record the amount eaten by the crumbs and his reaction to the mixture. This will make it easier for you and your pediatrician to understand if a new product is suitable for a baby.
  2. Dilute the powder strictly in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer on the package. If it seems to you that the baby is not full, prepare artificial milk more by 30 ml. In no case should you, in violation of the instructions, add more powder to the volume of water.
  3. The period of changing the infant formula is very difficult for the digestive system of the baby, he will almost certainly suffer from colic, so give the baby a belly massage more often, press it against you, warming it with your body heat to reduce pain.

How to change infant formula

No one will argue with the statement that breast milk is the best food for a newborn. However, there are situations when a woman, for some reason, cannot breastfeed her baby; in this case, infant milk formulas will come to her aid. But even here there are many difficulties and pitfalls, for example, the composition will not suit the baby. What to do in such a situation? The answer is obvious - move on to something else. Let's consider how to introduce a new mixture into the baby's diet without harm to his health.

Infant formula and their types

Infant formula is an additional product in the baby's diet or a complete breast milk substitute. In the latter case, we are talking about artificial feeding. A child from the mixture should receive the entire set of nutrients that mother's milk contains.

Classification of mixtures for children

There is a wide variety of types of formulas intended for feeding babies. According to the degree of impact on the body, doctors compare such a product with a medicine, therefore a pediatrician should select it. But it will not be superfluous for parents to know what mixtures exist.

According to the degree of adaptation, the composition can be:

  1. Adapted - such mixtures are as close as possible to breast milk in their composition and properties;
  2. Unadapted - whole milk of a cow or goat;
  3. Partially adapted - casein mixtures, from which whey is excluded, in terms of the content of other elements they are close to breast milk.

According to the timing of the introduction of the mixture can be:

  1. Initial - these include adapted products intended for newborns in the first months of life (up to six months) and corresponding to their physiological characteristics;
  2. Subsequent - they are distinguished by a high protein content in their composition, they are suitable for feeding children from the age of 6 months.

According to the consistency, mixtures are distinguished:

  1. Liquid - packaged in portions and ready for use, it remains only to heat the composition to the required temperature;
  2. Dry - you have to cook it yourself, following the dosages and recommendations indicated on the package.

According to the indications for use, the following types of food are distinguished:

  1. Basic - intended for healthy children and forms the basis of their usual diet;
  2. Therapeutic and therapeutic-prophylactic - it is necessary to give babies who have problems and special dietary needs (children with allergies, unstable stools, often spitting up food).

According to the level of acid-base balance, mixtures are distinguished:

  1. Sour-milk - necessary if the baby has intestinal disorders (diarrhea, constipation, colic), they help normalize the intestinal microflora and contribute to the speedy recovery of the child;
  2. Fresh - suitable for healthy babies.

Fundamentals of artificial feeding

If breastfeeding is impossible for some reason, then the baby has to be given artificial milk formulas. In this case, the mother, together with the pediatrician, must determine the frequency and amount of food needed. The amount of food depends on the baby's body weight and age. As for the frequency of feeding, the following scheme applies here:

  • from birth to 4 months - 6-7 times a day;
  • at the age of 4 to 10 months - 4 times a day;
  • from 10 months to 1 year - 2 times a day.

In the first 2-3 months after the birth of the crumbs, it is better to feed him with unleavened mixtures, since sour-milk can lead to regurgitation (or increase them). Later, a combination of these two types of baby food is considered the best option, the ratio should be 1: 1.

Sterilized cow's or goat's milk, as well as baby kefir or biokefir are not adapted products, so it is advisable to use them in the baby's diet from 6 months and only in the form of complementary foods.

Medicinal formulas constitute a special group among infant formulas. They are used in special cases when conventional formulations are not suitable for a baby. Already in infancy, some children require special types of mixtures with medicinal properties: allergies, premature babies suffering from constipation, abdominal pain, frequent regurgitation. But you need to use such food only as directed by the pediatrician. At the same time, there are specially designed schemes for introducing therapeutic mixtures into the baby's diet, which should be followed. Starting to give the baby such food without consulting a doctor, it is possible not only not to achieve a positive effect, but, on the contrary, to harm the health of the crumbs.

Rules for the preparation of mixtures

  1. Water for preparing infant formula should be of high quality, ideally special bottled water for newborns.
  2. Tap water and from natural sources must be boiled.
  3. Before cooking, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or treat them with special disinfectant wet wipes.
  4. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage for the preparation of the mixture: an overdose of the powder can cause digestive problems in a small child, a dry matter deficiency will lead to the fact that the child will receive less nutrients, and this may adversely affect his development.
  5. The temperature of the milk mixture, which is given to the crumbs, should be 36-37 degrees.
  6. The mixture should have the right consistency, to check this, you need to turn the bottle upside down without shaking it, and see how the contents flow out. First, it should stand out in a thin stream, and then 1 drop per second.
  7. It is advisable to prepare the milk composition right before feeding; in extreme cases (for example, for a trip), you can do this in advance.
  8. It is forbidden to leave a baby alone with a bottle, he can burp and choke.
  9. After the baby is fed, all items used for cooking and children's dishes must be washed well, the remnants of the mixture are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

We transfer the baby to the new mixture correctly

Transferring the crumbs to another mixture is simply not worth it. There must be good reasons for this. If the child feels well and eats, there is no reason to change his diet. However, sometimes the need arises.

Reasons for changing diet

Situations where it is necessary to change infant formula include the following:

  1. The appearance of an allergic reaction to the same food;
  2. The need to introduce crumbs of therapeutic mixtures into the diet, associated with the appearance of some kind of health problem in the baby;
  3. The need to switch from therapeutic nutrition to an adapted one, due to the elimination of the condition or disease in the baby, in which it began;
  4. A child reaching a certain age when a transition to a different type of food is necessary due to the changed needs of the child's body;
  5. Identification of milk protein intolerance or lactose deficiency in infants;
  6. Refusal of crumbs from food, insufficient weight gain.

The fact that a small child needs an updated diet can be judged by several signs:

  1. Noticeable changes in children's behavior - the baby is constantly naughty or becomes lethargic and drowsy, his attention is scattered, motor skills are disturbed;
  2. The baby experiences constant hunger, despite the fact that he receives a sufficient amount of food;
  3. The child drinks from the bottle all the time with great greed, or, conversely, completely refuses it;
  4. During the day or after feeding, the baby often and profusely spits up;
  5. The crumbs have problems with the functioning of the intestines - bloating, colic and gases, constant diarrhea or constipation, green feces;
  6. The appearance of a red rash on the skin, irritation, itching.

If parents notice similar symptoms in a baby, they definitely need to show the child to the doctor. It is the specialist who will identify the cause of this condition. If it is associated with an inappropriate formula for feeding, then the pediatrician will give recommendations and help to transfer the baby to a new food.

Fundamental rules

  1. Only a pediatrician should choose the mixture, independent decisions can only harm the health of the crumbs.
  2. The transition should be carried out in stages, in terms of duration, it can take about a week.
  3. It is recommended to start feeding the baby with unusual food in the morning, but not at the first feeding.
  4. Every day, during the transfer of the baby to a different type of mixture, it is necessary to closely monitor his well-being.
  5. If the condition of the baby worsens, you should stop feeding with unusual food, you can not ignore the formation of a rash on the skin, bloating and too much regurgitation.
  6. It is forbidden to feed the baby at once two or more types of unusual mixtures.
  7. Do not deviate from the recommended amount of food.
  8. It is not necessary to transfer the baby to an updated form of the mixture during an illness, if he has begun to cut his teeth or will have to be vaccinated in the near future, the child during this period should be completely healthy and feel great.

Schemes for introducing a new composition into the diet

So, the type of mixture is determined, it's time to start a smooth transition to it. It is necessary to create all conditions so that a small organism adapts to a change in diet as easily as possible. Any new mixtures should be given to the baby from a separate bottle, this should be done before feeding with the usual composition. It is necessary to start the introduction of an unusual type of food with a small portion, gradually increasing it, and at the same time reducing the amount of the same food.

You can act according to one of the following schemes.

We prepare two different compositions in two separate bottles.

  • On the 1st day, we introduce 10 ml of a new mixture in one feeding, and supplement it with the usual food, then only the same food goes during the day.
  • The next day, we introduce at the beginning of 3 meals 10 ml of an unusual composition (it can be in a row or every other time).
  • On the 3rd - we introduce 20-30 ml at the beginning of 3 meals.
  • 4th day - 50-60 ml 5 times a day.
  • 5th day - 90-100 ml 4 times a day.
  • 6th day - 150 ml or more of a new composition for every 4-5 meals, that is, the baby is completely transferred to a different type of mixture.

As in the previous version, we pour two different compositions into separate bottles.

  • On the 1st day, we introduce 5-10 ml of renewed nutrition in one feeding.
  • On the 2nd, we introduce 20 ml of unusual food at a time.
  • 3rd day - 40 ml of new food also at a time.
  • On the 4th day, we introduce 40 ml of a new mixture through each meal, we feed it throughout the day.
  • On the 5th day, we introduce 40 ml each time.
  • On the 6th day, each time we give the crumbs the necessary amount of food.

Thus, it will turn out in a week to transfer the baby to a different type of mixture.

If the baby refuses new food

When switching from breastfeeding to artificial or when replacing one mixture with another, the baby may begin to refuse an unusual type of food. What should mom do in this case? First of all, do not forget about the rule of a gradual transition to updated food and do not hope that the baby will immediately be delighted with it. You should be prepared for the fact that this process of accustoming will take some time. Perhaps the first portions that a newborn will eat will be quite small. In addition, the baby's appetite, like that of any adult, changes from day to day or even during the day.

You should not be equal to the stories of your girlfriends or relatives about how much their children eat, and expect the same from your crumbs. Body weight, age, the rate of metabolic processes - a whole range of factors affect the appetite of a newborn.

If it seems to you that the child eats too little, then this is not yet a reason for panic and concern, most likely, such a volume is quite enough for him. But a small weight gain, frequent urination, anxious and restless behavior are really worth paying attention to. These symptoms may indicate the presence of various problems, which may be the cause of a low appetite in a baby.

Did the child fit the new composition?

Not every mother knows how and by what signs it is possible to understand whether another mixture was suitable for her baby after replacement. And those who are too anxious sometimes even find side effects that are not really there.

The following signs indicate that the child's body has successfully adapted to new food:

  1. Healthy and clean skin - there are no irritations or rashes on the child's body, which indicates the absence of an allergic reaction to components of a different composition;
  2. Normal stool - evidence that everything is in order with the intestines is the presence of a dense stool at least once every two days;
  3. A healthy feeling of hunger - the baby wants to eat no more than every 3-3.5 hours;
  4. Normal weight gain;
  5. Restful sleep, a healthy interest in the world around us, the absence of whims and anxiety.

A change in nutrition is a considerable stress for the body of a newborn, so you should not do it for the sake of interest, for a change, because of advertising or for similar unreasonable reasons. This process should go smoothly and always under the supervision of a doctor, only then your baby will always be in a great mood and completely healthy.

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Introduction of a new milk formula to a baby

Breast milk is ideal for newborns. However, what to do if, for some reason, a mother cannot breastfeed her baby. In this case, a special milk mixture will help. Artificial feeding should fully fill the baby's need for vitamins and minerals, similar to those that come from mother's milk. Therefore, such nutrition should be monitored carefully.

Quite often there are situations when you need to change the mixture for feeding. This should be done correctly and reasonably. Let us dwell in more detail on the question of how to introduce a new mixture to the baby.

In what cases is it necessary to change the milk formula

Changing the milk formula is required in strictly defined cases. If the baby feels fine and his digestive system is in good condition, this is not recommended. Thus, you can harm the child, cause him unnecessary anxiety and nervousness. The fact is that the baby's body is already accustomed to a certain mixture, as a result of which the intestines stably and well digest it. With an unjustified change in nutrition, loss of appetite and indigestion occur.

However, in certain cases, a change in nutrition may be due to the financial side of the issue. Some moms are looking for cheaper formula. But it is best to entrust the choice of a new mixture to an experienced pediatrician who knows about the characteristics of the body and nutrition of each child entrusted to him. Fortunately, the modern market is replete with similar products from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

  • significant weight loss in infants, the development of anemia;
  • stool disorders, intestinal disorders that occur over a long period;
  • profuse regurgitation after or during feeding;
  • frequent bloating;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • refusal of the child to eat;

  • the need for the introduction of special medical nutrition;
  • baby intolerance to milk proteins;
  • allergies.

Also, a change in the mixture is required after the child has already grown up, and he needs a planned transition to another diet. This occurs after the child reaches the age of six months.

Fundamental rules

To switch to a new diet without any unpleasant consequences, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • First of all, you should consult with the local pediatrician. The fact is that you need to switch to another mixture only if there are any medical indications for this.
  • The transition to another power supply is recommended to be carried out smoothly. You must first add a small amount of the new mixture to the old one, gradually increasing the dose. If the baby feels good with this diet, you can completely switch to a new product. However, when switching to a new food of the same brand, you can not follow these recommendations and not make the transition stepwise.

  • It is forbidden to transfer the baby to another diet if he feels unwell, he is teething, or vaccination is planned. This can provoke a deterioration in the condition and well-being of the baby.
  • Please note that it is forbidden to mix two different milk formulas in one bottle, even if they belong to the same manufacturer. In addition, a sharp transition to another diet is prohibited, as this is fraught with an upset of a fragile stomach. Reception of a new food can be carried out only if the child has a strong allergy to the old formula.
  • How to properly dilute a dry product with a liquid is indicated in the instructions. You don't need to set the proportions yourself. If the baby cannot eat, just increase the amount of the mixture.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the transition to a new diet for a baby is always a real stress. Therefore, you need to make it as easy as possible. With the introduction of a new mixture, you need to massage the baby, often press him to yourself, warming him with the heat of your own body.

Transition scheme

The change of nutrition for the baby should be carried out according to a well-designed scheme. If you correctly replace the mixture, then this event will pass without unpleasant consequences and harm to the child. The baby will experience minimal stress and discomfort.

Today, there are various schemes for how to switch to a new diet. They involve the slow introduction of another mixture into the infant's diet. At the same time, the mother should monitor the reaction of the baby's body to a new product, since the mixture may not be suitable for some newborns. The fact is that such a transition takes a fairly long period of time - up to three weeks. If the child is allergic to a new mixture and stool disorders, an accelerated transition is required.

Fast meal replacement schemes offer to make the transition in six days. However, they do not exclude the possibility of side effects in the baby. Therefore, the selection of an appropriate scheme should be made according to the specific situation.

The express method for introducing a new mixture with five and seven meals a day is shown in the following table:

Possible side effects of changing diet

Often with a sharp change in nutrition in a newborn, the following side effects occur:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dermatitis;
  • sleep disorders.

If you do not pay attention to these signs in time, then in the future the child may have serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

To get rid of the above symptoms, the pediatrician may recommend changing the proportions of the preparation of baby food (the amount of dry product diluted in water).

Another way out of the situation is to change the power supply to a new one. In some cases, the introduction of special fermented milk products into the baby's diet can also help. However, they should be introduced into the diet only after prior consultation with a pediatrician.

If an allergy to a dry product occurs, it can be diluted with goat's milk. Although it is inferior in its nutritional properties to cow's milk, it is much less likely to cause indigestion and other allergic reactions.

So, before transferring a newborn to another milk formula, you should first consult with a pediatrician. An experienced specialist will select the most appropriate nutrition in accordance with the characteristics of the baby's body.

How to get rid of postpartum hemorrhoids?

  1. According to statistics, every "pregnancy" from the second trimester increases the risk of developing an unpleasant disease.
  2. Half of pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids, the disease develops quickly and most often women already treat the consequences, and do not do prevention.
  3. According to statistics, half of the patients are people aged 21-30, in their prime. Another third (26-30%) are aged 31-40.
  4. Doctors recommend timely treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as its prevention, not to start the disease and be attentive to your health.

But there is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids! Follow the link and find out how Anna got rid of the disease ...

How to change formula for a newborn baby

Today you will find a lot of different mixtures for newborns and older children. First of all, food is divided into liquid and dry. The second type accounts for about 90% of all products. Dry mixes are practical and have a long shelf life, they are easy and quick to prepare by diluting with water. Dry food is convenient to store and take with you.

Liquid mixtures are rare and are prepared foods that only need to be reheated before consumption. However, such food is inconvenient to store and take with you. In addition, the shelf life of such a product is very short.

In addition, there are the following types of mixtures:

  • Adapted contain cow's milk whey and are suitable for most newborns. They are quickly and easily absorbed in the body in infants, as close as possible to the composition of breast milk;
  • A partially adapted product is suitable for babies older than 4-5 months, since in addition to lactose they contain sucrose and are less similar in structure to mother's milk;
  • Casein mixtures are included in the composition of cow's milk, which is why they are difficult to digest. Such nutrition is suitable for more developed digestion, which is typical for babies older than six months;
  • Medical nutrition includes anti-reflux, hypoallergenic and fermented milk mixtures. The former are prescribed for allergies to cow protein or lactase, the latter for frequent constipation and profuse regurgitation, and the third for digestive disorders, dysbacteriosis, frequent and severe colic.

To ensure the comfortable development of the child, it is important to choose the right milk formula. Choose food that is appropriate for your baby's age. Packages marked “Pre” or “0” are intended for premature or underweight babies. Products marked “1” are suitable for newborns and infants up to six months old, “2” - for a child from six months to a year, “3” - for children over a year old. You will find detailed rules for choosing a milk formula

Why you need to change the mixture

Pediatricians advise, once you have found a suitable diet, do not change it. When changing the mixture, there may be problems with the digestion of crumbs and serious consequences in the form of poisoning or food allergies. Therefore, there must be good reasons for changing the mixture. You can not be guided only by the price or availability of food! A planned transition is carried out only when the baby reaches a certain age. Otherwise, these are more compelling significant reasons.

The main reason why a baby is transferred to another mixture is food allergies. It manifests itself in the form of a rash and redness on the skin, diaper rash and swelling, peeling and itching. In addition, the child may vomit and regurgitation become more frequent, constipation and diarrhea, frequent loose green stools.

Less often, the crumbs have problems with the respiratory system, including stuffy nose and runny nose, sore throat and cough, asthma. These are the most acute and dangerous manifestations. For more information on what symptoms of food allergies exist, and how to treat this disease, see here.

The reasons for the transition include intolerance to milk protein or milk sugar (lactase deficiency). In this case, you need to select a therapeutic diet that does not contain milk protein or lactose. Medicinal mixtures can only be prescribed by a pediatrician! You can not make an independent transition, so you will only harm the crumbs.

Do not rush to switch to another product if you notice flatulence or increased colic, green stools, diarrhea or constipation. Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon, the process of adaptation is taking place and you need to wait a bit for the baby to get used to it. In addition, such manifestations may not only be due to the milk mixture. The reasons for this reaction are the wrong daily routine and active exercises or gymnastics immediately after feeding, allergies to dust, cosmetics, clothing materials and other items, stress.

The nutrition of a nursing mother has a great influence on the well-being of the crumbs, if the child is mixed-fed and receives breast milk. If green feces appear or stool is disturbed, colic and other digestive problems increase, first be sure to find out the cause of this condition of the baby, then contact the pediatrician, and only then, if necessary, switch to a new diet. How to transfer the child to another mixture, we will consider further.

How to replace the mixture

To avoid problems with digestion, the change in nutrition should be gradual. A sharp transition will cause upset stomach and stool. At first, the mixture is given only in the daytime feedings before receiving the usual food. Start with small amounts and gradually increase the volume, and gradually reduce the dosage of the usual mixture. Mixture should be diluted in separate bottles and also fed separately. Doctors and experts in feeding young children have developed a special scheme for switching from one mixture to another.

Thus, you will gradually completely switch to a new mixture. Never give your child two different mixtures from the same bottle! Do not start the transition if the newborn is not feeling well, during illness or stress, during a period of extreme heat, when teeth are being cut or a vaccination is due.

The transition to a new mixture is 1-1.5 weeks, at this time, especially carefully monitor the change in the well-being of the crumbs. If signs of allergy, stool and digestion disorders appear, regurgitation increases after feeding, observe the baby for a week. If after six to seven days after the start of the introduction, the negative reaction does not go away, then the food is not suitable for the child and another one needs to be selected.

Breastfeeding menu at 6 months on artificial feeding