How to cheer up girls. How to cheer up a girl in different situations





Guys who have no experience of close communication with girls are puzzled over how to earn their favor when meeting them. Even men who have girlfriends and lovers are baffled by the question of how to behave in order to strengthen relationships without being vulgar and stupid in their eyes. Psychologists say that girls prefer cheerful men with a sense of humor, who can cheer up and create a good mood.

The ability to cheer up a girl is the key to success in winning a woman's heart. The Internet has become an assistant in communicating with girls. Psychologists and experienced "heartthrobs" give recipes on how to cheer a girl on the Internet by setting her up for a romantic relationship.

Cheer by correspondence

If you like a girl on a dating site or in VK, a problem arises of how to make an acquaintance by correspondence. A proven way to interest a girl by prompting her to remember herself is to cheer and please. Having decided to write to a stranger, go to her page on the networks. Look what is written on the wall, in the questionnaire, photos with comments. After making your first impression, take action.

Remember successful tricks:

  1. When you meet, do not pretend to be a tough macho by sending common phrases like: “Hello! Are you bored? Let's chat "or" You're cool, let's get to know each other better. "
  2. Awaken interest in your person by "beaconing" with a funny emoticon.
  3. Then leave a humorous comment on her page to intrigue. Intrigue makes you want to know what to expect next from a stranger. You will have to have your sense of humor to your liking - the chosen one will answer in the chat.
  4. After receiving the answer, continue the correspondence with a funny story that happened to you. You can retell in the chat a funny story you read on the forum. Humor will prolong the conversation by endearing the interlocutor to you.
  5. Use the hobbies of the chosen one to strengthen the acquaintance. Let's say: takes care of stray animals, plays sports, likes to model clothes or dance. Send links to funny videos on a topic of interest. Having amused your virtual friend, you are guaranteed to increase your rating.
  6. The next step is to make a compliment. Write about beauty, wit, desire to continue communicating with a wonderful companion.

Reinforce the message with a picture of a bouquet of flowers, wishing to meet. Praise is a good start for a date.

Don't be discouraged if you don't get an immediate answer. A stranger may be busy with urgent matters. Most importantly, let's not forget about our existence. After pausing, remind of yourself with a funny picture or funny home video. Perhaps next time, you will find yourself at the moment when a girl needs male attention.

Cheer up a friend

If you have been communicating on the Internet with a classmate, classmate, work colleague or virtual friend for a long time, it happens that you find yourself at the moment when the girl is sad. It is possible to save a friend from depression by cheering her on the correspondence. Do not write that you are unhappy with her sadness and do not insist to reveal the cause of sadness. If she wants, she will tell it herself. Try to distract the girl from her worries with your actions.

  1. Put your friend's thoughts on the positive side by asking them to answer a witty question that is important to you. Pick up funny questions on humorous sites in the "Questions" section. Avoid asking abstruse questions or with dark humor, which can aggravate the depression.
  2. Have fun with a fresh anecdote. Knowing what caused the depression, avoid sending out jokes with a hint of the cause.
  3. On a holiday or birthday, especially if it fell out for workers, please with a postcard with a cool picture and humorous poetic congratulations.
  4. If communication is ongoing, send the girl two photographs of yourself. One - normal, the other take a webcam or a selfie, making a funny face. For creativity, put on a clownish cap on your head, dress up in cool clothes. Write a comment under the photos: "spot 5 differences."

Your resourcefulness, sense of humor, creative thinking will become a lifeline for the familiar from the surging wave of melancholy.

Cheer up in VK

When you find out that your beloved is anxious, upset, or sick, and you cannot meet to comfort, use social media. Let's name the techniques on how to cheer up your beloved in VKontakte:

  • go to her vKontakte page, leave likes and humorous comments under the pictures and videos;
  • remind funny episodes and incidents from shared leisure time by sending a photo collage with captured “happy moments” and a romantic commentary;
  • record a declaration of love or heartfelt words of support on the video;
  • pick up funny home videos on the Internet with babies, animals who unexpectedly find themselves in funny situations;
  • suggest joint plans: where to go on vacation, go on a weekend, how to have fun celebrating a birthday or an upcoming holiday. Usually girls switch from "painful" realities and give free rein to fantasy;
  • send a beautiful song or favorite music with the comment: “this melody sounds in my soul, reminding of you”;
  • Submit your own love poem. Poetic lines written from the heart will make a pleasant impression on your beloved. If you are not a "master of the pen", pick up the lyric poems of the classics.
  • please with a virtual gift. After choosing a funny toy on the Internet, write a humorous comment under it: “Let this elephant deal with your sadness” and send it. If you are at a loss what to write under the gift, you will find suitable humorous phrases on the net.

Let the girl understand with caring participation - she is loved, desired, not alone in this "difficult world". You are a trusted friend you can rely on. The joyless mood of the beloved will soon be replaced by optimism and a positive attitude towards the world around her.

Cheer up

Emotional girls, under the influence of various life situations, are prone to mood swings. Noticing that your beloved is sad or desperate, go to action.

Only a person in a cheerful mood can cheer up those around them. Subscribe on Instagram to humorous accounts. Charge yourself with a positive and cheer up a familiar girl in the morning by correspondence.

Several tricks will come in handy:

  • wish her a good day so she smiles more often. Send a smiling emoticon or a funny picture with the words: "the sun in the window smiles at you with a sunny smile, illuminating the coming day with happiness";
  • send a video with an endless flower field, with the caption: "I give all the flowers of the world to you";
  • send a picture or video with adorable playful kittens, dogs, babies;
  • write a short funny SMS. Submit "gags" borrowed from social networks. Try to choose short jokes so as not to tire the girl with reading;
  • do not forget about compliments that cheer up the fair sex. Write: “Yesterday you looked stunning in a beautiful dress” or: “I cannot forget your beautiful eyes for a minute”;
  • send a photo from the beauty contest with the comment: “hurry to meet me. Don't let them kidnap me ”;
  • write what funny stories happened to you, friends, colleagues over the past day.

When thinking about what to write, consider what messages can spoil the mood of women:

  • compliments with a hint of "weak points" such as: "you are such a delicious donut that I want to eat you";
  • jokes on her;
  • letters with non-normative vocabulary that humiliate girls;
  • stories containing black humor;
  • offers of sexual contact;
  • stories about former lovers.


You can show the girl that she means a lot in the guy's life by writing a funny SMS, which will warm your soul. This form of communication is effective even at the beginning of an acquaintance. Frequent phone calls can be distracting or exhausting. The girl will be able to read and reread SMS at any time.

It is important not to write long poems, short messages are the path to success. The girl will smile after reading the romantic comic phrases:

  • I can’t wait any longer, call me, and I will come at the first call;
  • you stole my heart, I demand your detention;
  • promise not to laugh when you are! "
  • dying! Save me with your love!
  • in the morning I am only lifted up by the thought that in the evening I will drown in your eyes;
  • the network operator writes to you: “if you don’t answer this person’s number, we will disconnect.

The success of the female sex is enjoyed by intriguing messages such as:

  • guess what surprise I'll give you today ?;
  • I read a book in which the heroine is written off from you. Give it to read ?;
  • asked about your horoscope for today. Do you know what awaits you?

It is known that women are passionate about esotericism and fortune-telling. SMS can cause a smile and curiosity:

  • I dreamed about you long before we met. I think it's fate;
  • I am a mentalist - I read your thoughts from a distance;
  • I arrange furniture according to Feng Shui. Invite over.

When beautiful and witty phrases do not come to mind, the Internet will help. Begin each message with affectionate words that your heart will tell you.

Make a girl laugh

Laughing humor makes communication between people fun and easy, bringing people closer together. Girls are emotional natures who appreciate guys who know how to notice comical situations in life and tell funny anecdotes. It is not difficult to make a loved one laugh and reciprocate. Hearing from you an unsuccessful joke or not funny anecdote, the beloved will laugh. It's harder to make a pretty stranger laugh while trying to win her favor. Let's tell you how best to joke with pen girls on the Internet.

Good jokes

The ability to go from serious to jokes characterizes a man as a person with a broad outlook and self-confidence. Successful jokes for girls are smart jokes, not devoid of self-irony and deep meaning and creativity.

  • with a hint of a compliment. For example, write that outwardly or in character she resembles a famous artist or "star" of show business;
  • where events and life situations are presented with humor. An amateur video posted on the Internet can make a friend laugh to tears. When sending a link to VKontakte, discard plots that are interpreted ambiguously: about stupid women or erotic content. Successful options for videos - kids having fun with pets, funny behavior of birds, cats, dogs and pets, noticed by their owners;
  • with a share of self-irony, when you ironically talk about your activities, failures or funny stories from your life, friends and gleaned from the Internet;
  • about life paradoxes, speaking about the breadth of horizons, erudition and inspiring respect.

Bad jokes

Trying to show off your wit, remember how you can not joke with a girl:

  • do not try to joke about her when you are not sure that he will correctly understand and accept your humor. An offensive joke can alienate someone you know. remove the joker from the circle of friends on VKontakte;
  • if she doesn’t speak slang, they don’t like jokes with slang words;
  • when meeting, avoid joking on sexual topics that smack of vulgarity;
  • make fun of former lovers, their oddities, habits and shortcomings. A girl may have similar qualities. She would regard such jokes as a personal insult;
  • do not laugh at tragic news events and injuries. A friend will perceive you as a callous and cruel person.

To communicate with women, stock up on a collection of anecdotes. Consider what jokes it is undesirable to tell the chosen ones:

A friend will make excuses, call a friend. After waiting for a pause - confess! Together you will laugh at the reaction caused by the joke.

"Funny" with a celebrity

Register a fake account with your favorite celebrity girl. Next, go to her page, performing the following steps in order:

  • Write a shocking message on behalf of a celebrity - pleasant, scary, or absurd.
  • click - "send".

The received message evokes a range of feelings: joy, bewilderment or shock. The thought of a letter written by a celebrity will temporarily occupy a girl's head. Then the girlfriend will get carried away with the search for the culprit of the joke. Recognition of the authorship of the joke will raise the authority of the joker among the girl!

"Funny" with picture substitution

  • open the window for recording with the mouse;
  • click "attach"
  • choose a photo from the list;
  • press - "upload a photo";
  • enter the name of a cute photo into the window;
  • press - "open", then - "send";
  • the girl, having received a nice photo, will reply with a comment:

Cute or cool;

  • then click "edit", change the picture to spicy, leaving the previous comment.

It turns out funny, but the young lady is perplexed. Offended - do not apologize, considering the "joke" harmless. Pretend nothing happened. Demonstrate your confidence, no fear of losing her.

"Funny" - identification with another girl

The variant uses a banter, forcing the interlocutor to respond to the received attack. For fun:

  • find a picture of a group of girls in an awkward situation: fighting in a muddy puddle, stealing chocolates in a supermarket, dressed provocatively;
  • 4.8 (95.45%) 22 votes

A rare man does not feel the excitement before meeting a girl, especially if he likes her. At such moments, more than a dozen strategies are spinning in his head to win her heart. But they will all be doomed to failure if his chosen one gets bored or her mood is too bad. That is why all men are so eager to learn how to make a girl laugh.

Many people believe that a sense of humor is an innate talent, but they are completely wrong. Every sane man can develop this skill with a little effort. And then the question of how you can make a girl laugh will no longer bother him. So men, here's a little instruction to help you deal with women.

Humor is a delicate matter

Let's talk about what humor is. And do not lament that such questions are diverted from the main topic. No, just the same problem for many people lies precisely in the fact that they do not understand the basic rules of humor. And this leads to the fact that their jokes become too flat or even offensive.

Three golden rules of humor:

  1. Jokes should be understood by everyone, and for this you should learn to listen to others. Watch others closely, especially what makes them smile.
  2. Humor should not offend others, at least this rule applies to strangers. Naturally, if people have communicated for a long time, their jokes can be more relaxed, but at the same time they should not hurt a living.
  3. Don't repeat yourself. If an anecdote or a joke turned out to be great, this does not mean that it should be repeated regularly. Otherwise, success can turn against you.

Ability to balance

Sometimes it happens that a man is so fixated on how to make a girl laugh that he involuntarily turns into a jester. But women absolutely do not like people who belittle their dignity. And the saddest thing is that it will be almost impossible to change their opinion after such an embarrassment.

Therefore, you should carefully select the moments for jokes. The surest step is to alternate humor with serious conversation. After all, there are a huge number of free topics that can brighten up any conversation.

But it is worth noting that here, too, one should not focus on something specific. So, one topic of conversation should flow smoothly into another. For example, you don't have to talk all evening about work or how much fun you had on your vacation. There should be harmony in everything, otherwise the girl will quickly get bored, and it is hardly possible to cheer her up.

How to choose jokes and gags to make a girl laugh?

We'll have to upset you, but there is no universal advice here. The thing is that every woman is a person, therefore, she has her own tastes, preferences and outlook on life. Therefore, you will have to sweat a little in order to find out all her preferences.

So, how to make a girl laugh if the man is unfamiliar with her? In reality, everything is very simple, you just need to remember a few simple tips:

  • Watch her reaction. During the conversation, you can catch those moments that make her smile. These are the levers that you should push first.
  • Ask her to tell some funny story or, say, an anecdote. Thanks to this, you can understand what topics you can joke about and how freely she can behave.
  • You can also learn a lot by asking trick questions. For example, you might ask, "What do you think you shouldn't joke about in this world?" Or, "Who is your favorite comedic character?" Thus, you can easily learn about her tastes, but at the same time look quite natural.

What do pickup artists teach?

Now on the web there are a huge number of courses on the skill of a pickup truck. Who does not know, a pickup is the art of seducing women. All "gurus" as one claim that their method is the best and gives 100% result.

But sometimes their advice can be harmful, especially to those who are poorly versed in the relationship between a guy and a girl. In particular, some pick-up artists claim that you can make a girl laugh by constantly teasing her. According to their theory, such a technique will not only amuse the chosen one, but also show her that the guy is not afraid of losing her.

The only trouble is that often girls respond to such courtship with the same coin. And judge for yourself: who will like that they are trying to put him below himself? Therefore, one should not always blindly believe the advice of pickup artists, especially when it comes to how to make a girl laugh.

Forbidden topics

Let's continue the conversation about what can harm communication with a woman. So, as stated earlier, there is no one-size-fits-all advice on how to make a girl laugh. But there are jokes that are strictly forbidden to use, especially on first dates.

How not to be blacklisted by Eve's cute daughters?

  1. No jokes about the physique, clothing or character of the person you like. Even if the girl criticizes herself, she needs it in order to get support. And if you delve into this topic even deeper, then your chosen one will most likely be offended.
  2. At first, you should not joke about relatives. Who knows what kind of relationship she has with them and what dramas are hidden there.
  3. Do not use vulgar jokes until you get to know each other better. Otherwise, the girl may think that her boyfriend is a little pervert.
  4. Also, avoid humor that affects people with disabilities and frustrated people. Such jokes position a man as a callous and cruel person.

Communication on social networks and by phone

Considering the tendencies that the 21st century presents to us, we cannot ignore the topic of electronic communication. After all, more and more people are talking to each other through a computer or mobile phone. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to talk about how to make a pen girl laugh.

What are the advantages of electronic communication? In fact, there are a lot of them, but among all the others there is one most significant - time. Or rather, the period of time that a man has in order to prepare a worthy answer. For example, you can find a good joke or just think a little about your words. The main thing is not to delay too much, otherwise she may think that the reason for such a long pause is the lack of interest in her.

It's a good idea to regularly send your girlfriend fresh public jokes, funny songs, or intriguing articles. So you can show that she is not indifferent, and at the same time cheer her up.

How to make a girl laugh while walking?

But it is much easier to make a woman laugh in live communication. Indeed, in this case, a man can use the entire arsenal of his skills, including body language.

So how to make a girl on the street laugh? Examples:

  • Use the environment. Something is always happening on the street, you just need to be able to notice it. Also use the terrain for your own purposes, for example, climbing the curb, you can show the wonders of balancing act.
  • If there are no strangers around, be playful. Touch her head, purr like a cat, and smile mysteriously. Such a picture will make anyone smile.
  • Many girls are ticklish, so you can use it for your own purposes. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • On the street you can always find small children, and this is the main weapon. When you pass the next baby, make a funny face - this will bring a smile on both the toddler's and the girl's face.

What is any communication based on?

And finally, I would like to talk about what any relationship is built on, namely respect. As you develop another idea, remember that it should not demean the dignity of others. Otherwise, the girl will have a bad opinion of you.

The same rule works the other way around. You can't humiliate yourself in your jokes and criticize your actions too much. There is one simple truth: a woman should laugh with a man, not at him. So be cheerful, but don't cross the line, and then her heart will bend in the right direction.

This article will tell you how to make a girl smile. Even the most humble man, who does not like to talk in vain, can be instilled with the same sense of humor from which many girls go crazy. To be funny, you don't have to drive a cool car or dress in the latest fashion. It is enough to be yourself. After all, when a person feels at home, it is then that he allows himself to open up and be the same as his relatives see him. So, let's figure out how to make a girl laugh? How can you do this?

How to make a girl laugh

There are many ways to make a girl laugh. Feminine nature in itself is frivolous, and it can drive a girl crazy, and if you also have a pleasant appearance, you can easily. But we'll look at general cases that will work for everyone.

Positive thinking

The first thing to start with is with a positive outlook on the world around you. When you go to a meeting with a girl in a good mood, when she sees you, even if her day is not good, she will involuntarily smile at you. Lightness and carelessness will breathe from you. Every girl wants to find a man who would support her and could provide moral assistance in a difficult situation.

If you learn to listen to people and be responsive, then the fair sex will appreciate this quality. But don't overdo it with advice. If you do not know what to say in a particular difficult situation, it is better to show her with gestures that you empathize with her, and that you are not indifferent to everything that happens.

Naturalness is the key to success

As mentioned above, try to be yourself. Girls love relaxed and confident guys. If you, for example, grimace in front of a large crowd of people, she will think that for her sake you are ready to forget about the rules of decency. She will laugh for a long time and admire this trick. Come up with funny situations on the go, improvise.

Try to observe your surroundings, suddenly you notice something that she did not notice. Quickly think over the presentation of the material in your head and turn her gaze on what seemed funny to you. Success in this case is guaranteed.

But sometimes it happens that your humor has not made an impression on her, and you see a grimace on her face. Do not despair, a quick and technical change of topic is best here. Focus her gaze on the other. A compliment is best. Tell me how good she looks today, or pay attention to her wardrobe, even though she wears the same one every day, you will certainly be grateful.

Making up a funny situation

Sometimes lying a little in order to make a girl laugh is possible and even necessary. For example, you tell her a story where you are supposedly the main character, and an absurd situation happens to you, at which others laughed at. In fact, you made up this story, but you will cheer up your partner.

The most important thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get lost in the wilds of what is happening and not come up with a story that already looks more like a movie than real life. If you show that you can sometimes laugh at yourself, then she will take light jokes in her address, I don’t think you are criticizing.

Girl humor support

Try to laugh with the girl. After all, any, absolutely any person, loves when her jokes are supported. Even if they are not very funny, try to support them. This will add male solidarity to you in her eyes, and perhaps she will think that mutual understanding in your relationship is at a high enough level.

Find out which topics affect her sense of humor the most. Study this segment, read interesting situations. If you are not quite good at joking about certain topics, then stick to your line. But you should not play along too often, the girl may suspect that something is wrong, or, sooner or later, with the next story from her side, you will involuntarily show by your appearance that you do not care. Then it will look very ugly on your part, and will lead to a scandal or to a strong resentment.

Using set expressions

If you have phrases in your arsenal that can make a girl laugh by accident, feel free to use them. Most often, girls laugh when something does not work out in front of her eyes, and he casually pronounces a phrase meaning annoyance.

Try to select sentences that will not contain obscene language. After all, if you submit this or that phrase, which should sound differently, in a different interpretation, it will cause both laughter and admiration for the girl. Use this sometimes in relation to her, if something does not work out for her. You can change her bad mood to a positive one with one phrase.

Induce laughter with body movements

In time, you also need to wrinkle your face or dance. With these actions you will answer your question: "How to make a girl laugh?" Most girls go crazy when they see guys grimacing. Remember, they are like big children, laughing if you show them a finger. Know how to choose the moment for such actions. After all, for example, when you go to the theater, or you are invited to a secular reception, it is better to refrain from this kind of entertainment for the girl.

The easiest way to make your girlfriend laugh is by pretending that you can't hear or see her. This will add a certain flavor to the game, it will push you to pay attention. When she laughs, you should overexpose a little more, and then look in her direction, but know or feel this very line. After all, if you overplay too much, you can thereby offend her.

Flirt with her, roll up like you don't know each other. This will make her laugh. When you think there is a good time to tickle, you can do it, but do it gently, otherwise you may hurt with your strong hands.

Strike a balance

It will be a defeat if, after unrestrained laughter, your positive atmosphere is darkened by silence. Never allow this, try to make a microscopic pause after the fun and continue the conversation, preferably on some more serious topic.

No need to joke all the time, save your reserves for future meetings. At the very least, you will seem to the girl not entirely serious and frivolous. Don't joke about your significant other's appearance. After all, for every milady, appearance comes first. You need to use only those jokes that will make the girl laugh, and tell them so that the thread of the events is not interrupted. Otherwise, the anecdote will turn out to be a failure.

These were tips on how to behave in real life with a girl. But how to make a girl laugh if you can't see her. After all, many of us now meet and communicate most often on social networks. To make initial impressions on the fair sex, you should get her interested in chat communication. Here are some ways to make a pen girl laugh.

Make a compliment

Not seeing the girl in person, but seeing her photographs, one can immediately judge her appearance. And a good way to make the life of the one who sits on the other side of the screen, an original compliment can become more fun. Feel free to experiment.

Take a close look at all of her photographs, especially focus on those that you consider to be unsuccessful. After all, when you compliment such a photo, your chosen one will be very surprised, and even more so you will entice her with your eccentricity. Try not to do banal pleasantries. After all, the zest in this business is the main thing.

Funny story from life

The funny stories that have ever happened to you, embarrassment, or is another example of how to make a girl laugh. Of course, in a live dialogue it is easier and more accessible to tell a story, but in order to amuse my lady through non-verbal communication, you will have to try.

Make the story brighter with the addition of emoticons or stickers, do not be afraid to seem funny or silly. After all, this is the whole point. The funnier you present yourself in front of her, the better your state of affairs.


The art of flirting is not given to everyone, but everything can be learned. With the help of it, no matter how strange it may seem, you can also make a girl laugh in SMS messages. In online communication, flirting is perceived a little differently than in real life. There it is more like a joke game than a serious one. Most of the time, girls find flirting with emoji additions very funny and a little ridiculous on the part of guys.

For example, after already long enough communication, write to her something like: “Baby, do you want to sit with me and talk about life, or maybe not just talk?” And do not forget to add emoticons at the end, otherwise it will not be perceived Do not be alarmed that the girl might think that you are gluing her, omit the situation and translate the topic of conversation (girls are different, after all).

In general, these were the main ways to try to cheer up the opposite sex both in real life and in the Internet space. Come up with your own jokes to make the girl laugh, experiment, do not be afraid of not at all friendly comments in your address in case of failure. If it didn't work with one, it will work with the other. Remember, a lot depends on laughter and the level of humor in your relationship.

Everyone has bad days sooner or later. A bad mood in a representative of the female half of humanity can darken your communication with her. It doesn't matter who is to blame: the bad weather, or you missed her new hairstyle. You need to act as quickly as possible to cheer up the girl. If you are unsure of how to joke properly, work with us on how to approach an upset woman.

How to joke with a girl correctly

To begin with, you need to understand whether your humorous pearls will be appropriate. Do not try to cheer up the girl if you see her crying or very upset. If you start joking at this moment, the lady may be offended and decide that you do not care about her condition. In this case, it is better to listen to the problem first and try to help. And only then try to insert jokes into the conversation to make the girl laugh. Representatives of the fair sex are very emotional by nature and often come up with something that does not exist. Therefore, there are several recommendations on how to cheer up a girl correctly:

  1. Be sincere. Do not squeeze out giggles and bearded anecdotes. A forced smile will not be able to cause joy in a woman, she will feel that something was wrong. If you can't find a way to make a girl laugh outright, it's best to just hug her tightly. The right joke will come to mind over time.
  2. Joke on neutral topics. Do not walk on the razor's edge, testing a woman's psyche for strength. The fair sex is very touchy, and sometimes even vindictive. Do not try to cheer up the lady by laughing at the reason for her sadness.
  3. Fool around and improvise. The funniest jokes will be the ones you come up with along the way. Try to look as natural as possible in your attempts to cheer up the girl.

And most importantly, smile. After a while, the girl will no longer be able to remain gloomy, seeing your perky expression on your face, and will smile in return. Do not be afraid of failure, tune in to the positive. If positive energy emanates from you, the woman will definitely feel it and tune in with you on the same wavelength.

What topics are better not to touch on in jokes?

Everyone has a different sense of humor. If you have not yet sufficiently studied the character of the girl and do not know how to cheer her up, act as carefully as possible. When you are not one hundred percent sure that your humor will like it, do not use the following jokes to make a girl laugh:

  1. About her appearance. She is unlikely to appreciate the humor about her big ears or butt. Perhaps your male buddies are in awe of these jokes about their prominent body parts. But women do not welcome such behavior.
  2. About your former passions. Let it seem very funny to you another unflattering statement in the direction of your ex-woman. But your friend may think that you, in principle, do not respect the fair sex and someday you will say the same about her.
  3. With black humor. Not all girls, especially vulnerable ones, will accept such jokes. You may appear to be a cruel person, and it is not easy to change your impression of yourself.
  4. With swear words. Even if the lady does not belong to the heiresses of blue blood, she is unlikely to be delighted with the vocabulary of the shoemaker, sounding from your lips.
  5. With vulgarities. Humor below the belt can hardly really amuse a sad lady. This kind of joke is usually used by guys with friends over a beer or with girls who are not taken seriously.

Not all men have a great sense of humor. But everything in this life can be learned. Start small, and the ability to cheer up a girl and bring a sincere smile on her face will surely come with experience. Even if this time you could not cheer her up, do not be discouraged. Analyze the situation and joke differently next time.

How to amuse a girl on a mobile phone?

Choosing a joke for a girl and a suitable way to make her laugh becomes more difficult if she is not in the immediate vicinity. Thanks to high technologies, you can always contact a lady by phone and, if necessary, cheer her up remotely. But the mobile phone is not able to convey facial expressions and gestures. Therefore, in a telephone conversation, a positive attitude and a joyful intonation of statements are very important. Here are the best ways to cheer up a girl on the phone:

  1. Copy the voice of a famous comedian and say his most famous joke that fits the occasion. In order not to spoil the experience, practice before calling.
  2. Tell a funny story that happened to you. Real events, seasoned with a fair amount of humor, can really make a girl laugh.
  3. Cite a new anecdote after finding it on the Internet. While they're not in vogue right now, it's actually not that hard to find the right joke for a particular situation.
  4. Tell her that you have prepared a gift for her. Exciting anticipation for the presentation will help the girl escape from sad thoughts and anticipate your surprise. Just do not lie and in fact get some nice little thing to her taste, otherwise you will be known as a deceiver.
  5. Call and turn up her favorite melody by bringing the microphone to the music source. The girl will definitely smile in response to such a pleasant surprise. It will be better if the lyrics of the included song are fun and life-affirming.
  6. Give her compliments and nice words. Just don't flatter, say something real. The fair sex is very fond of praise, but they will not appreciate the falsity from your lips.

Remember that trying to cheer up a girl should be as natural as possible. You need to joke and amuse sincerely and with taste. And if you yourself are out of sorts, or you have problems, then take care of your mood first.

10 ways to make a girl smile on a date

The key to a successful date is the good mood of your chosen one. In order for a meeting to be remembered by a girl for a long time, you need to know how to make her laugh and please her in person. There are many ways to cheer her up. Here are the main ones:
  1. Smile more often, and the girl will definitely mirror your behavior. Try not to immerse yourself in yourself and do not be silent, so as not to create awkward pauses in communication.
  2. Compliment her outfit and hairstyle as soon as you see the girl. This is a win-win option to set the lady positive from the first minute of communication.
  3. Make jokes and tell funny stories. Be delicate and don't go wrong (see point # 2).
  4. Play the girl. For example, say that it's time to end the date, say goodbye, and when she turns around to leave, immediately say: "I was joking, because you are so cool that it is impossible to leave you so quickly!" This way you combine a prank and a compliment into one statement and will excite your girlfriend a little.
  5. Sing a famous song in a fake voice. Comedians aren't the only ones who can make funny parodies of contemporary performers. Every man can discover a satirical talent in himself, if he really wants to.
  6. Pick a flower from the lawn for her or run into the store for a bouquet. Flowers always delight girls, especially in the form of a surprise.
  7. Invite her to visit some fun place. For example, a laugh room with crooked mirrors or an amusement park. You will be brought together by spending time together in a relaxed atmosphere.
  8. Fool around and make fun of yourself. Don't be afraid to sound funny. It is better to look simple and a little awkward than arrogant and arrogant.
  9. Offer to arrange a photo session. Almost all of the fair sex love to be photographed. New beautiful photos always cheer them up. If you are shooting a girl, try to do it well: do not cut off your legs, keep a straight horizon line and choose a favorable angle.
  10. Go to the cinema for a comedy movie. If independent attempts to cheer the lady have not been crowned with success, then this is the best option to make her smile.

Be casual on the date you want. If you're feeling overly anxious, take a deep breath and try to relax. Then your jokes will easily fit into the conversation and will cheer up the chosen one.

It has long been known that women are emotional beings, which means that much in their behavior, and indeed in life, depends on their mood. If the girl is in a good mood, then things are going well, and the house is in order, and she does not refuse intimate life.

If something is wrong, then storm clouds hang over the couple. Moreover, what is the best way to win over a girl to you when you meet? Of course, to cheer her up. And if you met online or are you far from it? In this article, I'll show you how to cheer up a pen girl.

How to cheer up a pen girl?

First, though, a few words about why your friend might be in a bad mood. And this is actually important to understand, because if you do not know the reasons, you can waste a lot of time, or even make it worse.

There can be many reasons. But there are a few of the most common ones that I can't help but mention. Otherwise, you will definitely not understand how to cheer up a girl by correspondence.

  1. Quarrel with someone. Anyone can feel insecure after a conflict with someone, especially a weak woman. The incident may have occurred at work or school. Let me talk. If she trusts you, she will describe everything in detail. It is easier to speak out in a letter, because no one sees her tears.
  2. Lack of self-confidence due to some kind of flaws in appearance, failures at work or at school, or lack of communication skills. If you guess that the reason is this, then a good compliment can defuse the situation.
  3. Someone did not live up to her expectations, perhaps you. If your mood has worsened after a date with you, then this is a clear hint. Try to find out from her what is wrong. But analyze your behavior yourself - maybe you did not behave like a man somewhere, or did not fulfill what you promised. And in the end it upset her.
  4. Trouble or setbacks at school or at work. She is not coping with something, or the relationship is not going well with someone. In this case, it is important to cheer the person up and say that life does not end there.
  5. Problems at home. Your girlfriend may get sick from one of the relatives, or she just had a fight with a close relative.
  6. She may also have health problems, for example, in the female part.
  7. A former lover has appeared on the horizon, perhaps he is even trying to get her back.
  8. For objective reasons, she had to change plans, and for an emotional person it is always stress.
  9. She simply has accumulated fatigue, and there is practically no time to rest.
  10. Well, and the most unpleasant thing is when a bad mood is caused by your behavior.

What to write to a girl to cheer her up?

  • Already in the morning, you can write to your friend something pleasant, and the most obvious is a wish for a good morning and a pleasant day. This should give her a good mood for a while. How to cheer up your pen pals friend? Send her a cool photo. For example, a postcard with a cute puppy or kitten, or a funny emoticon. Such simple jokes usually appeal to all girls.

  • A great way to cheer up a texting person is to use short, funny text messages. Choose short jokes, of which you can find a lot on social networks now.
  • Send her a funny video, like the one about animals, the girls love that. However, not everything you share with your friends is suitable for your girlfriend. Therefore, immediately forget about frankly stupid and vulgar videos.
  • Feel free to compliment her even if she's in a bad mood.... The fact that girls love them is an indisputable fact. For example, you might say that you can't forget her incredible eye color, or that the dress she was wearing on a date really suits her. You can think of anything. Moreover, if you like it, it means that there is something in it. And this is something you can focus on. However, if it's just big breasts, flattering in this direction too frankly is also not worth it. After all, she probably has other virtues, for example, intelligence, a kind soul, an excellent sense of humor, and so on. What is the right way to compliment a girl? What content should they be? You can find out all this.

How to make a pen girl laugh if she's sick?

An illness, especially a serious one, is not a laughing matter at all. Therefore, the maximum that you can and should do is to support her morally and try to cheer her up. And here, stupid jokes are definitely not suitable. She's probably at home, or even worse - in the hospital and languishing within four walls.

Therefore, a great way to cheer up a pen pal is to invite her to go to some interesting and unusual place as soon as she recovers. This should motivate her well, especially since there will be a wonderful reason for conversation - plans to spend time together.

Beautiful poems or a love song, which are also in abundance now on the Internet, will also help. They will show her that you think about her and yearn for her. She will definitely be pleased, since an illness for a girl is always a reason to doubt her attractiveness. That is why words of support and compliments from your side are so important to her at this time.

Encourage her with a positive prognosis - you have no doubt that she will soon recover and you will meet. If it is possible to visit her, then take this opportunity, but do not abuse it. Still, bed rest and peace are important for recovery, and girls always start to worry during such visits, because they feel insecure about their appearance, especially in a hospital ward.

However, you should not leave a person completely alone during the period of illness, because she may think that you are not her anyway, and that you only need her healthy. If you do this, then do not be surprised that after recovery the girl will grow cold towards you, and even offer to end the relationship.

In general, the ability to surprise the fair sex is half the success in seduction. However, guys often do not believe in themselves and think that they need to come up with a really grandiose plan to make a girl happy without money, or this will inevitably result in serious spending. However, as practice shows, it is not at all necessary to have serious financial capabilities in order to simply cause surprise.

That is why you need to show your attention on a regular basis and think about how to entertain the pen girl. So that she does not feel sad, you can make a collage of your joint photos and send it to her. Or you can order her flowers and balls with delivery in addition.

There are many ways to cheer up a pen girl. To do this, you can use jokes and gags from the Internet, beautiful and funny photos, poems, songs and videos. It is important to at least roughly know the reason for her sadness.
If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls