How to draw small arrows correctly. We draw arrows on the eyes with eyeliner and a pencil. How to draw perfect arrows with a pencil

How to draw arrows on the eyes and what kind of arrows on the eyes do you like? You can emphasize the beauty of the eyes with thick or thin arrows of the same or different colors. Experienced girls in applying makeup know that the most successful and beautiful arrows are obtained when you take into account your eye shape before drawing and do everything in stages. Listen to the advice of professionals.

Always with you

A few correctly applied strokes on the eyelids and the face changes significantly. Knowing this, women of fashion carry a pencil or liquid eyeliner in their purse. The look will be different. The eyes will look beautiful and more expressive.

What is better to use a pencil (black, brown, gray, etc.) or eyeliner, similarly in different colors? Correctly give preference to a pencil. The line drawn by him comes out softer. It is easy to shade and give the eyes of mystery, depth. Liquid eyeliner will brightly emphasize the eyes and the overall impression of the face will be that you are a self-confident, determined girl and even somewhat aggressive.

What color to choose

What are the girls guided by when choosing the color of the arrows? Do they match a particular outfit or eye color, is it a favorite color? Try to make up with blue or gray, silver or gold arrows and you will understand that they look even more chic than black ones. Yes, those are classic, but no one prevents you from freely expressing your preferences. Correctly painted the way you like it.

Multi-colored arrows on the eyes look great during the day. Visually it seems that the eyes are more open with a somewhat naive, childish expression. If you have a relatively narrow eye section, this visual enlargement option is for you. Lighter shades will make you look younger with a fresher complexion.

open look

How to achieve a “wide open” pleasant look? Correctly bring the upper eyelid with a darker blue pencil, and the lower one is 2 tones lighter and gradually achieve this effect. If you decide to draw a gray eyeliner, then apply it to both the outer and inner eyelids. Eyes in color will appear brighter, both in daylight and in the evening in semi-darkness.

When applying black arrows, there are some nuances. This color will visually narrow your eyes. If you have a medium cut, then make a thin line. You can also draw thick arrows on the eyes if they are large. The main thing is that you like it. The general pattern is this: the smaller and narrower the eyes, the thinner the arrow should be drawn.

Read also: Eyebrow coloring with henna at home

How best to draw arrows

Sit down at the kitchen or desk, place a mirror opposite. Do everything step by step. Rest your elbows on the table surface. It is more comfortable. Take a pencil and start drawing a line on the eyelid from the middle.
Draw this line where the eyelashes grow and pull it from the center towards the outer corner. Stop 2 or 3 mm before the end of the century. When drawing, you can lift the skin under the eyebrow with your fingers. This will make drawing the line easier.
Now gradually draw a line from the middle of the eyelid to the corner (inner) of the eye.
If you want to make arrows and draw as evenly as possible, take a strip of cardboard or a ruler. Apply from the beginning of the arrow (outer corner) to the end of this eyebrow. Stick to this line and point the arrow.

Popular Arrows

There are different lengths with the width of the arrow on the eyes. Each of the girls will choose those that she likes today, needs, suits a certain image and make-up. There are many types of arrows. Let's talk about the most popular:


In this case, thin lines are made. Draw a line with a pencil, starting from the inner corner of the eyelid and continuing to the outer. At the very end, the line goes up a little. Don't forget about it. Experts recommend drawing a thin line. Make sure that it is uniform along the entire length.

Line double

The look will be bright and very expressive. If you are naturally in pain
If you have attractive eyes, they will become even more beautiful. A line is applied to the upper eyelid, starting from the inner corner and moving towards the outer. As you approach the edge of the outer corner, lift the line and make it thicker. When you draw a line along the inner eyelid, start from the outer corner and continue to the inner. Try to draw the most similar arrows on the eyes. It is important that they rise smoothly at the end and be of a similar slope. And here artistic talent is important. If you want your lashes to appear thicker, make them thicker. Any girl, having trained, will be able to hold them beautifully. What width to draw? Each girl has her own taste. From the corner inside the eye, draw a line to the outer edge.

Read also: How to do makeup the right way

cat eye

Young beauties love the arrows on their eyes under the "cat's eyes".
Thanks to them, the depth of the eyes is emphasized. The look becomes lively, mischievous. At the end, both features in this make-up go to the temples. If you want to look special today, this make-up is for you.


Beauticians have developed rules. If you stick to them, the arrows will come out in front of your eyes, almost perfect. Consider them:

  • When pointing arrows, do it in front of a mirror. Look at yourself point-blank, and not from the right or left side. Many perform them, as if from the side. Then, with a direct look, it turns out that the lines are not drawn perfectly.
  • There are several points of view where to start drawing lines. Some say that from a row of eyelashes, others that from a corner. If you start leading from the corner, you can draw a line of uneven thickness and not exactly repeat the shape of your eye. Therefore, start training by swiping from a row of cilia.
  • Draw an arrow along the mucosa. Thus, it will accurately repeat the shape of the eye and the outer corner will look raised. At the same time, the look will become childishly open and mischievous with a spark. This is the effect that each of the girls achieves.
    How to draw so that in the course of eyelash growth, when you draw a line, there are no gaps? First, apply shadows of dark shades to those areas, and then work with a pencil. The result will be excellent. No gaps, bright and precise features.
  • Consider the shape of your eyes. If

Expressive eyes are one of the main female weapons. Correctly executed makeup helps to correct the shape of the eyes and place important accents.

Arrows drawn on the eyelids can radically change the image of a woman, giving her a mysterious or playful spontaneity. At the same time, a roughly painted eyeliner easily spoils even an impeccable appearance, which is why it is important to learn how to draw arrows clearly and beautifully. To apply arrows, eyeliner, a special brush or pencil are used.

Draw arrows with a pencil

First you need to understand the basic principles of drawing arrows with a pencil, which is considered the best choice for inexperienced makeup artists.

The first thing you should do is to take care of the surface of the eyelid and make the skin as even as possible. As a base, use beige matte or a special eyelid product. Lighten dark circles under the eyes, if necessary, using a concealer: this will open up the look.

Pencil hardness

Then choose a pencil. To avoid scratching or injury to the eyelid, do not use an overly sharpened pencil (test it on the tip of your finger beforehand). But keep in mind that too soft will not allow you to draw an elegant, refined line.

It is better to choose a pencil of medium hardness, which allows you to draw clear lines, but at the same time lends itself to shading.


As for the color of the eyeliner, it would be wrong to dwell only on the black version. Silver, blue or green arrows are perfect for light-eyed women. Also, light eyeliner is suitable for visual. Do not add brightness to your image!

When doing daytime makeup, try to make the eyeliner look as natural as possible.

As for evening options, there is room for fantasy to roam. Everyone's favorite "smoky ice" looks gorgeous in combination with shaded arrows. And for freestyle parties, you can afford unusual geometric arrows.

Tips for drawing arrows with a pencil:

  1. You need to draw eyeliner on an open or half-open eye.
  2. To keep your hand from trembling, put your elbow on the table.
  3. Excess makeup can always be removed with a cotton swab.
  4. If you have little experience in drawing arrows with a pencil, first draw a dotted line, and only then outline it.
  5. Drawing a thick arrow starts from the thinnest section, and ends with shading of the eyeliner.

Due to the fact that the pencil arrow can be easily adjusted, even completely inexperienced women can learn to draw it.

Important: a pencil arrow is unlikely to last all day. To strengthen it from above, you need to walk with liquid eyeliner or shadows.

If you're using a waterproof eyeliner, remember that it doesn't rub off easily from your skin, and if your strokes are wrong, you'll most likely have to wash off all of your makeup.

When drawing arrows with a pencil, you don’t have to worry about the fact that it will be problematic to correct an uneven line. It can always be shaded or partially covered with shadows.

How to draw arrows on the eyes: photo step by step with a pencil

If you do not know which arrows suit you, you need to choose the time and experiment with the images. So you fill your hand and decide on the style of eyeliner.

So, stock up on a pencil, shadows and cotton swabs. Let's start drawing:

  1. Sit so that you can clearly see your eyes in the mirror (if necessary, direct an additional light source to your face).
  2. Look directly into the mirror (not from the side or from below).
  3. Start drawing an arrow from the very middle of the upper eyelid, gradually leading the line to the outer corner.
  4. Try to draw eyeliner closer to the lash growth zone.
  5. It's time to thicken the arrow, giving it the final length and correcting the shape. It does not matter: do you do it from the outer corner to the inner, or vice versa.
  6. If necessary, draw an angle inside the eye.

Useful advice: to draw a classic arrow with a pencil, it is advisable to keep the lines parallel, that is, the bend of the arrow should be parallel to the inner bend of the eyebrow.

Another way to draw pencil arrows is presented in the following step-by-step photo:

Here everything is clear without words. Sit down and try it right now! The only thing to consider: bright expressive arrows are more suitable for evening makeup.

After the pencil technique is mastered, you can start drawing arrows using eyeliner.

Draw arrows with eyeliner

Arrows are drawn using liquid, cream eyeliner or a tool similar to a felt-tip pen. In order to understand which method is right for you, you should try to draw the eyelid in different ways.

The easiest way to line your eyes is with a felt-tip pen, which is often used when switching from pencil to liquid products. The resulting arrow does not smear, dries quickly, but does not last too long.

Liquid eyeliners are also called liners. They often have uncomfortable brushes that take a long time to adapt to, because it is quite difficult to manage liquid eyeliner. At first, the arrow may not be wide enough and even curved, but over time, you will definitely learn how to draw rich, bright eye makeup.

The algorithm for applying the arrow is the same for all types of eyeliner. Remember: bright eyes will look attractive only with smooth and visually healthy skin, so do not ignore tonal means, and do eye makeup last.

Be sure to apply the base tool to the entire surface of the eyelids. This will visually make the eyes bigger and brighter, and also ensure the durability of the makeup. Grab your eyeliner and get started.

How to draw arrows on the eyes: step by step photo with eyeliner

In order for the drawn arrows to look perfectly even, you can stick adhesive tape on the outer corners of the eyes and draw a line clearly along it.

  1. After gluing the tape on the side of 2 eyes, draw thin eyeliner arrows along the lash line.
  2. We remove the outer corner of the arrow along the adhesive tape.
  3. We thicken the arrows and paint the eyelashes.

Step-by-step makeup in a classic style is done like this:

  • first draw an eyeliner arrow in the corner of the eye;
  • extend it to the middle of the upper eyelid;
  • carefully shade the area around the eyelashes;
  • carefully draw the arrow to the inner corner of the eye, gradually making the line thinner;
  • color your eyelashes.

Beautifully and clearly drawn arrows will turn your look into a cat: attractive and mysterious. This gives charm and is suitable for almost all life occasions.

Experiment with your appearance, look for your zest and don't be afraid to be beautiful!

They remain relevant at all times and, most likely, will never go out of fashion. Without such a detail, it will not be possible to make a sensual look. However, not everyone can draw smooth and symmetrical arrows. First you need to figure out what cosmetics to use for this, and choose the perfect shape of the arrows in accordance with the shape of your eyes.

How to draw arrows

Today, the cosmetics market represents a large selection of cosmetics for drawing straight arrows. The best product for yourself should be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the skin and personal preferences.

On request, you can purchase:

  • liquid gel eyeliner or in the form of a felt-tip pen;
  • regular or waterproof pencil;
  • shadows.

The main thing is to choose and use the right tool that will lie evenly throughout the eyelid. The base must first be applied to the surface. It should be noted that for everyday make-up it is better to use shades of pastel shades, and for evening make-up - at your own discretion and in accordance with the chosen image.

What brushes are needed to draw arrows

For liquid textures, a comfortable synthetic brush is ideal. Its shape is chosen in accordance with your preferences: elongated or thin. For beginners, a beveled brush will be most convenient. Having got used to it, ideal arrows can be drawn with any tool.

How to draw perfect arrows with a pencil

If there is not too much experience in doing makeup, makeup artists advise you to first master the technique of drawing arrows with a soft pencil. Its main advantage is that fine lines can be easily achieved. Moreover, it is a soft pencil that is easiest to shade.

The arrow leads from the middle of the eyelids towards the outer corners of the eyes. Depending on the purpose, it can be drawn light or dark. However, a rich black color is considered a classic, which is suitable for any makeup.

How to draw perfect eyeliner arrows

With the help of liquid eyeliner, the arrows are the most difficult to draw. It takes a lot of time to master this technique. The color scheme of such funds is not as saturated as that of pencils. To make the arrow perfectly even, first you need to clean the brush of excess dye and lumps.

When thinking about how to draw perfect arrows with liquid eyeliner, you can use one trick. First, you should draw a thin line with a pencil, and then draw a second line on top of it with the help of an eyeliner. You need to paint over along the ciliary row and slightly lift at the outer corners of the eyes.

Apply dry eyeliner using an applicator or brush. Experts recommend using baked shadows. To get a rich arrow, you just need to wet the brush, and only then lower it into the composition. The eyeliner-felt pen is quite comfortable and dries quickly. Thanks to this tool, the paint does not need to be dosed. This will save time when doing makeup.

Easier to use, it combines the properties of liquid formulations and a pencil. This cosmetic product is applied with an angled brush.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing perfect arrows

After reading this instruction, you will learn how to draw perfect arrows without any problems (however, practice and skill are needed in this matter):

  • First of all, you need to look down in order to clearly see where you need to lead the future arrow. They begin to draw it from the outer corner of the eyelashes and lead towards the temple (a thin line should look up).
  • Almost from the middle of the eye, a second thin line is drawn and connected to the first.
  • Thus, the outline of the arrow turned out, now you need to fill in the empty space.
  • It remains to draw thin arrows from the inner corners of the eyes and connect them with the existing ones.

Selection of perfect arrows according to the shape of the eyes

  • Owners of almond-shaped eyes just need to draw an arrow along the natural curve. In the first third, the line begins to thicken and bring it to the end in this form.
  • Eyes with a narrowed shape (Asian type) go wide arrows, it is best to use a liquid waterproof agent for this.
  • It is best to draw an arrow on the impending eyelid with an open eye, so all its residual area will be visible. Another way out in this case can be an elongated letter V, which lies “on its side”, it should outline the outer corner of the eye.

  • If you don't know how to draw the perfect winged eyes with downturned corners, then focus on lifting them. The inner corners must be kept open and draw two identical arrows, bringing them up.
  • Round eyes are best to lengthen. To achieve this effect, you need to draw an arrow, thickening it in the center, at the edges it should remain less thick.
  • Owners of wide-set eyes should visually reduce the distance between them. In this case, it is necessary to slightly extend the arrow to the bridge of the nose and draw so that it does not leave the border of the outer corner.
  • You need to do the opposite. When drawing an arrow, it is necessary to indent from the inner corner of the eye, and from the outer corner, the arrow is slightly lengthened and directed upwards.

Common Mistakes

Many girls fail to make up perfectly even arrows, because they constantly make the same mistakes. In training videos, few people voice those aspects that can interfere with drawing a beautiful arrow.

Therefore, this issue needs to be dealt with once and for all:

  • Starting the drawing of arrows, many look in the mirror not directly in front of them, but from the side, thinking that it is much more convenient this way. But in the end, the arrows are not as smooth as they seem from the side. Therefore, when doing makeup, it is best to look straight ahead.
  • There are many rules that tell how to draw perfectly straight arrows. However, it is best to start drawing a line from the ciliary row, so it will turn out to be more accurate.
  • Many try to bring the tail of the arrow beyond the outer corner. However, it is best for a beginner to lead it in continuation of the mucosa - this way it will lie in the shape of the eye and visually lift it.
  • When the arrow is ready, gaps can be seen between the cilia. To prevent this from happening, you can pre-fill dark shadows into the ciliary row.
  • For eyes with an impending eyelid, you need to draw very thin and neat arrows. Wide lines will make the look even more heavy.
  • Summing up the arrow, the skin of the eyelid should be lifted up with your fingers, while the eyes should be slightly opened.
  • First you need to draw a thin line, if desired, you can always expand it.
  • The arrow should be displayed so that the area between it and the lash line is carefully painted over.
  • Most girls go with arrows, the tips of which are directed upwards at the outer corners of the eyes.
  • If you find it difficult to draw a solid arrow, then apply it in parts, starting from the inner corner of the eye.
  • Professional makeup artists recommend not using a liquid texture to draw a line on the lower eyelid - it looks vulgar. At the bottom, it should be thin, barely noticeable and shaded.
  • If you want to give the look depth and expressiveness, then use a white pencil to highlight the lower eyelid.

Now, knowing how to draw perfect arrows, you can safely experiment and look for suitable daytime and evening makeup. To make the image more vivid and beautiful, you can use eyeliners of various colors or sparkles.

Oh, those black arrows at the corners of the eyes. You are able to turn the head of anyone and not necessarily a man. And what, girls, remember your admiration for the great Marilyn and her playfully upturned arrows. Admiration and envy, what the hell, you don’t succeed, no matter how hard you try. So, cast aside envy, turn on patience. I had the opportunity to learn how to draw breathtaking arrows in front of my eyes with liquid eyeliner. Simple and without nerves.

crazy hands

Introduction especially for pessimists. Drawing arrows in front of your eyes is undoubtedly a process that requires experience. It should take a long time before you can draw even arrows in front of your eyes with liquid eyeliner in a couple of minutes with a few light strokes of your hand. But this time should be fruitful, in constant training and honing technique. In any case, you need to fill your hand. The key to success is practice, practice and more practice. So, ladies, wipe sadness from your face, it has no place next to chic makeup. Let's start with theory.

Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works

Liquid eyeliner is on the agenda. Allows you to draw a clear, even and elegant line on the eyes. For beginners, drawing a flawless arrow with liquid eyeliner, of course, will be difficult. At first, choose a pencil eyeliner, it is also a felt-tip pen, a liner - liner pen. Especially if you have been friends with eyeliner for a long time.

Or gel, which, based on the name, is made in the form of a pasty gel jar. The kit often comes with a brush with a beveled tip. With its help, you can get thick, clear, stable lines. After reaching a certain level of skill, you can easily switch to classic liquid eyeliner.

Now for the consistency. As always, look for the middle ground. Too liquid, as well as too thick, will turn the process of creating makeup into an ordeal that will definitely end in a nervous breakdown. Take your time, but look for a dense, moderately thick, silky texture that glides on easily. They exist, honestly.

Examine the brush. A brush for drawing an arrow, like a sword in battle for a samurai. The outcome of the battle is a foregone conclusion if you have the wrong tool in your hands.

  • Girlfriend brush: medium length and diameter, moderately hard, with a sharp dense tip.
  • Nerve killer brush: too long, thin, sparse, soft, with disheveled bristles.

1001 and 1 way to shoot with eyes

On the beauty Internet, you can find many articles on how to draw eyeliner arrows correctly. Different techniques and methods with step by step photos. But it's not about correctness, but about convenience, speed and ease of application. Therefore, now you will learn about the easiest ways and decide for yourself which one to call the right one. At the end there will be a couple of tricky tricks.

Regardless of the technique and drawing tool, the first step is to prepare the canvas. Follow all the steps of the "tea ceremony": wash, apply, cream, base, foundation and eye shadow. If the plans were not to use colored shadows, then take a neutral beige. Even a make-up in the style of the great Marilyn requires a light base under the arrow. On this basis, it will look clearer, brighter and richer. Shadows will absorb the sebum that stands out, and will not allow the line to "swim" beyond the boundaries of what is permitted.

Little things decide everything

A lot of factors influence the shape of the future arrow. The type of face and appearance in general. Shape, size, section, depth and width of the eyes. The time and place where these arrows were going to go - to the office or a nightclub. You can draw a line with an eyeliner with or without an arrow. The thickness, length and angle of the tip will change. The tip can barely go beyond the cilia or further, creating the effect of a cat's eye. The natural slope of the arrow follows the direction of the lash line on the lower eyelid and goes to the temples.

Now imagine a classic black arrow. A thin, barely noticeable line begins at the inner corner, gradually thickens from the middle of the eye and rises slightly at the outer corner. Dense, uniform, with a naturally curved end. Fixed, let's go, practice.

Practice is when everything works, but no one knows why

  • Sit at the table, find a comfortable position. The elbow of the drawing hand should rest confidently on the surface. Then the line will turn out even and neat.
  • Place the mirror so that the eyes look down into it a little. The upper eyelid in this position will be slightly lowered. Just what you need.
  • Do not stretch the skin of the eyelids, the arrow will turn out to be a completely different shape and with bumpy edges.
  • The shape of the future arrow is selected in advance. For convenience, you can outline it with translucent strokes using an eyeliner.
  • Regardless of the shape, the eyeliner should be as close as possible to the lash line, there should be no gap from the skin. For reinsurance, first paint over the space between the eyelashes with dark shadows or paint over with a pencil.
  • The arrow can be drawn in a continuous smooth motion or marked with dots, and then connected together. It all depends on the strength of your hand.

Now you are absolutely ready. There are two main ways to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner in stages. Difference in direction of travel. In the first case, the drawing starts from the inner corner of the eye, in the second, on the contrary, from the outer. Try both, over time, having gained experience, you will add some of your elements and create a technique that is convenient for you personally.

Method number 1 From the inner corner to the outer

  1. Draw a thin line from the middle of the eye to the outer edge of the eye, stepping back a little from the inner corner. Don't worry about evenness. The first strip is training, contour. It can be in the form of dots. Thickness matters, the thinner the better.
  2. Approaching the outer edge, gradually start the line up. This will be the top border of the arrow. Toward the end of the arrow, loosen the pressure, moving on to hatching.
  3. Draw a contour line from below, indicating the lower border of the arrow. It continues the direction of the lower eyelash line. Look, in the figure it is indicated by a red dotted line.
  4. Now you need to give brightness to the resulting eyeliner. Fill in the resulting corner of the arrow and draw a second line, starting from the inner corner of the eye or from the middle, as intended.

Method number 2 From the outer corner to the inner

  1. First, draw the lower border of the future arrow by drawing a line in the direction from the eye to the temple.
  2. Now it's the turn of the upper border. Move from the tail to the middle of the eye. Just do not put the brush at the very beginning of the line. In the picture, the point of contact is indicated by a dot.
  3. Draw a thin line from the middle of the eye to the inner corner.
  4. Fill in the arrow, circle the outline again.


There is another way. It is needed to create wide arrows. The direction of movement is similar to the second drawing technique. Additional steps are added. Look, in the figure they go under the numbers 2 and 3. First, the upper border of the arrow “closes” in the middle of the eye, then draw a line from the middle of the eye at a short distance to the inner corner.

After drawing the arrow, let it dry. Do not close your eyes and do not open your eyes wide with joy that everything worked out. More like a failure. There are different tricks for beginner switchmen. Masking tape will help to beautifully draw arrows with eyeliner on the eyes. A strip of adhesive tape must be tightly glued along the upper and lower borders of the future arrow, and calmly paint over the space between the adhesive tape and the eyelashes.

Or use another tricky tip and make friends with a spoon. Applying it in different variations, needlewomen draw the desired arrows.

To consolidate all the methods and techniques, watch this video. A very useful lesson. A beautiful girl simply and clearly demonstrates all the above methods, including manipulations with adhesive tape.

There are many ways to learn how to draw beautiful and smooth eyeliner with liquid eyeliner. Try, experiment, combine different elements with each other. By trial method, create a technique that is convenient for you. The key to this is practice. Your motto - not a day without an arrow! Having gained experience, with a flick of the wrist, you will draw flawless "cat's eyes" on the go. All playful shooters!

Beautiful, smooth arrows drawn with liquid eyeliner will help emphasize the sophistication and expressiveness of the image, will give the look a charm and mystery.

Arrows in makeup have become fashionable from the 50s of the last century to the present day. do not lose their relevance.

However, drawing arrows on the eyelids is not an easy task, so before you start applying makeup, you need to practice a little and learn certain tricks.

You can find out which shadows are suitable for blue eyes from ours.

How to choose the type of arrows in the shape of the eyes?

To decide on the choice of arrows, you should know what is your eye shape:

Smokey eye makeup for brown eyes can be found on our website.

To perform beautiful makeup with arrows, you must first practice.

Perhaps the first time you will be disappointed with the result, but do not give up - soon you will "get your hands on it" and will be able to do makeup in a matter of minutes.

The step-by-step algorithm for drawing arrows is not difficult, but it should be followed in order to get smooth, perfect fit arrows to your eyes:

  1. It is necessary to sit straight in front of the mirror, the face should be well lit. Now we need to decide on the type of arrows and outline their boundaries. It is important to carry out manipulations when eyes are fully open.
  2. Now you should slightly squint your eyes and put a dot with eyeliner in the place where where will the line end. The point is placed 1-2 mm before the end of the future line, so that it is possible to finish its tip. Manipulations are carried out on both eyes at the same time.
  3. To get uniform arrows do not draw them all at once- First of all, you need to connect the previously marked point with the eyelid.
  4. Now the arrow is drawn from the outer corner, while it should be positioned as close to the eyelashes as possible and try to make it thin. If the shape of the eyes allows, then you can draw an arrow closer to the inner corner.
  5. You can make an arrow if you wish. thicker, raise or leave in its original form.
  6. The last step in creating arrows is in ponytail design. So, the brush should be directed to the temple, then - gently attach the tip of the brush to the edge of the arrow.

    Thanks to this manipulation, the arrow will leave an imprint on the eyelid and the edge of the arrow will turn out to be pointed, even and beautiful.

    The lower part of the arrow is painted over with small strokes and the line is connected to the eyelid.

Drawing arrows will not cause any particular difficulties if you do not keep your hand on weight when applying makeup - choose a comfortable position, at which the elbows can be comfortably located on the surface of the tabletop and the hands will not strain.

So the arrows will turn out smooth and their creation will not cause difficulties.

What eyeshadow color suits green eyes? find out right now.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Creating makeup with arrows will be easier if you know some tricks. So, if you want to draw an arrow of a complex, intricate shape, you can make a paper stencil, which is applied first to one eyelid, then it is turned over in a mirror and superimposed on the second eye.

To make the arrows look harmonious and elegant, their lines should be made thinner at the inner eyelid and thicken towards the middle or outer eyelid, depending on the shape of the eyes.

For comfortable and easy drawing, you can use adhesive tape as a limiter for arrows. It is glued to the eyelid and removed at the end of the manipulation.

It will be easier to draw lines on the eyelids if they are previously applied white or beige base- so all the oversights and shortcomings will be immediately visible. You can correct the shape of the lines and their length using a tonal pencil.

To create cat eye arrows you can use ordinary plastic spoon, which is applied to the eyelid with a pen to the temples.

An arrow line is drawn along its lower edge, and then it only remains to make it thicker and, if necessary, lengthen it.

The gaze of eyes with hanging eyelids seems heavy and gloomy, to fix this, you can draw a line along the entire upper eyelid, take it outside the eye and draw its tip as if it were a continuation of the cilia. The lower eyelid is allowed to be brought near the mucosa itself, under the eyelashes, or not painted at all.

So that the eyeliner does not smear when drawing, it should be applied to a powdered surface - the powder will absorb some of the moisture and the arrows will not lose their shape.

Creating perfectly smooth and clear arrows - real art which every girl should learn. Such makeup transforms the face, making the image bright and memorable, emphasizes the depth of the look and gives it a mysterious charm.

How to make arrows on the eyes with eyeliner? Three options for drawing with liquid eyeliner for beginners in this video: