Club jacket. Club jackets for men Types of club jackets

A party at the club is a great occasion to relax, unwind, chat and, of course, show yourself. And the clothes for this occasion should be extraordinary. A great idea for a party is to wear a club jacket that looks stylish and original if the rest of the outfit is tasteful. What's the secret? The fact that a club is a place in which a jacket looks unusual, because we are used to seeing such things in the office, on city streets. However, it so happened that the women's club jacket has become part of the club subculture, so it's time to talk about the opportunities that it can give modern fashionistas.

To make the look original and noticeable, it is important to correctly combine the club blazer jacket with other elements. If you trust the advice of stylists, then the emphasis should be on contrast. A nightclub is a place where flamboyance and catchiness are welcome. The only exception, perhaps, can be called the excess of acidic neon shades in the image. If you have trousers and tops in bright colors, stylish jewelry, then a black or blue club jacket will provide the image with the optimal color balance. A mix made up of a dark-colored blazer jacket and steel-colored skinny leggings looks quite unusual. The top can be neutral or to match the trousers. This look looks good with stiletto heels and fashionable sneakers decorated with metal elements or rhinestones.

Many girls prefer to wear a women's club jacket over jeans. This image is quite consistent with club trends, but cannot claim originality. But with good taste, you can focus on stylish accessories. So, an unusual large buckle on a belt, massive bracelets or a wide one can dilute the image with fashionable notes.

What else can you wear a club jacket with? The combination of a cropped blazer jacket with an airy light dress of midi or mini length looks incredibly elegant and at the same time playful. The romantic trend continues the current trend of club fashion - pastel shades. Dark jeans, a basic top in a neutral color and a light blazer turn the girl into an innocent maiden, which, you must admit, cannot be called a common occurrence in a club atmosphere. This is the same play of contrasts, which is expressed not by color solutions, but by mood and atmosphere.

Here are club jackets - men's blazers of fashionable cut with two buttons. In the HENDERSON collection, they are presented in a constantly relevant style: classic and casual. For connoisseurs of the second trend, a dark plain jacket decorated with large stitching and patch pockets will suit. This is a great blazer for jeans, in which you can go to visit and to work, in a cafe to a meeting with friends or to the cinema.

A large selection awaits lovers of fashionable classics. For formal meetings and events, solid black, brown and blue models of straight and semi-adjacent silhouettes are suitable. A practical purchase will be a product made of REDA fabric with Dry Sense treatment.

Fashionable woolen jacket for men with viscose lining is a good solution for connoisseurs of comfort. This selection of fabrics ensures optimal thermoregulation: in a suit made of wool and viscose it will not be too hot or cold.

The JT-0180-S model looks very elegant. She emphasizes solidity, gives the male image aristocracy. The blazer fastens with two buttons. An additional row of buttons is an interesting design find, inspired by the romance of cruise and flying on airliners.

Buying fashionable blazers from the HENDERSON collection

Some men in a suit pair feel constrained. For these people, blazers are a great compromise thanks to their looser fit. The decision to buy a fashionable men's jacket from the club collection can also be dictated by a less strict design: these things are often decorated with catchy metal buttons and patch pockets.

HENDERSON offers versatile models - in harmony with different trousers, for example, classic woolen or corduroy casual-direction, jeans. Men's scarves, scarves, extravagant hats look very appropriate with club jackets. You will also find these and other accessories in the catalog. The diverse assortment makes it easy to create complete sets and even put together a stylish wardrobe for all seasons.

It looks the most impressive.

This tandem is distinguished by emphasized elegance and incredibly interesting. With the right approach, it can be appropriate anywhere. And there is nothing difficult in creating attractive ensembles with a jacket and denim trousers. The main thing is to stir up a cocktail of your imagination rich in flavors in time, carefully adding here a pinch of existing knowledge on style and fashion trends. Still in doubt about your abilities? Then a few of our recommendations will help you create an incredibly effective, moderately discreet, romantic or bright bow. Be the first to know about them!

How to choose the right jeans?

A successful look is not just a combination of things of different styles. After all, the success of creating a "catchy" not only attention, but also the soul of those around the set can be compared with choosing an expensive car for your beloved. What attracts you the most about the "iron horse" at first sight? Design and color, of course! But it also has a special weight and what you buy a car for, where you are going to drive it - work, shopping, hunting, off-road driving, sports racing. The situation is almost the same with the selection of clothes.

For work sets as well as evening looks, go for a classic cut. Everything should be moderately strict and concise. It is better to limit yourself to models without decor. Optimal is black, dark gray, white or noble shade of indigo.

For everyday style, ripped trousers with prints, embroidery and an extraordinary cut are relevant. They will make the image memorable, becoming a bright accent that is guaranteed to attract the attention of others.

Which jacket to choose?

A decent pair of jeans will be slightly cropped. The ideal length is when its hem barely covers the pockets on the trousers. Models with unusual cut details, bright colors, and the presence of original decorative trim are suitable here.

The style of companion items also matters. Sets should be harmonious, and their components complement each other in texture and color. The combination "jacket for jeans" refers to everyday, not or. Therefore, there is no place for a "front" top, be it or a tuxedo. The ensemble “jacket +” is also absent from the list of favorites, unless the latter is made of knitwear. Eliminate overly strict cut and combinations!

Keep an eye on the fabric of your chosen jacket. An effective option for an evening out will be textured models made of velvet, velor, jacquard. These can be models with extraordinary decor on the collar, along the edges of pockets or sleeves.

More concise solutions are appropriate on weekdays. For example, fitted or straight cut, club jackets, including options with patches on the elbows. Classic models are also suitable. The main thing is that they do not look too formal in the kit.

It is better to avoid jackets of excessively strict cut, as well as from flowing textiles or with a shine effect!

Men's jacket for jeans: where to wear, what companion items to choose?

Always consider where you plan to wear your outfit. The reason for the visit should not be ignored, it also matters. Your choice of companion items depends on these two components, as well as the achievement of success in drawing up a successful bow.


Give preference to slightly fitted blazers with a laconic design. Classic options are also appropriate, but then they should not look too formal. By the way, the presence of a "jacket for jeans" in the ensemble is optional.

Employees of creative agencies and representatives of creative professions may well pay attention to shirts in a large cage or with a plant pattern. Workers who are more limited by the dress code of offices, I recommend opting for plain or pinstripe options. Eliminate use with catchy prints. Better to create an accent with loose colors of clothes. Think about blues, pinks, grays as well. Focus on them when choosing. But I emphasize that this only applies to bows in style,.

Those who are fed up with shirts can be offered to replace them with more comfortable ones. Want to add some frivolity to your look? Wear a practical long sleeve! Just don't overdo it with colors and catchy accents. Everything should be in moderation.


Do you know what is the main advantage of a combination of a jacket with jeans? After work, you don't have to worry about what to wear to your friends' party. Just replace or a turtleneck with a more democratic long sleeve or even with a bright print. This step is already enough to look 100%. The rule is this: to create a new set, it is enough to change only one thing worn under a jacket. Be stylish and make yourself as comfortable as possible!

For shopping or an afternoon meeting in a cafe, a flashy shirt in a large cage is quite suitable. Play on contrasts! Add a discreet jacket with patches on the sleeves. Have you noticed the women's looks riveted on you?

Is it fresh outside? Slip it under a clean-cut plain jumper in fine knitwear. This option is organically combined with a shirt and turtleneck. The first is suitable, the second is more impressive with classic indigo denim trousers. But this is a matter of personal taste.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of experimenting with layering. Worn under a jacket? Why not!

Cardigan worn under a jacket - layering can also be discreet and stylish

A party

Here you can make an exception and wear a textured or printed jacket under jeans. But try to avoid outrageous models, preferring more elegant solutions. If we talk about the ideal option, then the club jacket is what you need!

A visit to the club implies new acquaintances, interesting communication and incendiary dances. And in order to attract the attention of a girl, every man wants to be on top. A modernly and tastefully dressed man can interest a beautiful girl. And the chosen club jacket will become a visiting card at fun events.

The most popular type of clothing for modern young people is the tasteful, stylish blazer. The current fashion has created a large number of club jackets for every taste. Who said that this type of clothing can only be purchased for parties? Today you can wear a fashionable club jacket and at business meetings and meetings with friends, or just dress men's club jacket under jeans... Modern men try to keep up with world fashion trends. Confident males prefer to replenish their wardrobe with stylish things. Fitted jackets for men and blazers have long been and remain the basis of their wardrobe.

Club jackets for men - a win-win option

As a rule, a men's club jacket is a double-breasted model with bulky buttons. But the modern world of fashion is quite democratic. This model differs from the classic style with large buttons on the sleeves, breast pockets with an emblem or other contrasting details. In such a jacket, every man looks spectacular and attractive. A slightly shortened silhouette and elongated lapels emphasize the stateliness of its owner. The club jacket is an alternative to thin jackets and windbreakers. Dancing in such a jacket is convenient and easy.

How to choose a club jacket for men?

If you think that men's club blazers to buy is not easy enough, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some tips for choosing a jacket.

A properly selected jacket can highlight the dignity of the figure. When deciding on the length of the jacket, it is important to take into account the growth of the future owner. For short men, it is recommended to avoid jackets made of thick fabric.

The variety of colors for such a model is pleasantly surprising. If it is necessary to visually increase growth, then it is better to choose a model of one tone or striped. Catchy and vibrant colors are perfect for lovers of personality. More muted tones will become indispensable for business men.

By choosing club blazers for men, you should take a closer look at the lapels. They should fit snugly against the sides. The bottom should be free and the transition should be smooth. Number of splines Such an inconspicuous detail can both improve and spoil the impression. Jackets without slots are usually shorter, with one slot most often make fitted models. And double vents, as a rule, are in classic models and guarantee that the jacket will not hinder movement.

When trying on a jacket, remember that it should not be too wide at the chest. In this case, the model should allow hands to move freely. If the armholes cut in and the seams go to the side, then it is better to try on one size larger.

What can I wear with a club men's jacket?

Of course, men's club jackets should match your style. If you prefer to wear fashionable men's shirts for graduation, then keep in mind that it should not be longer than a jacket. In addition, you can wear a cropped fitted men's shirt and a men's turtleneck under the jacket. Looks beautiful when the jacket is chosen a tone darker than jeans. Tapered trousers or classic men's trousers will also look great. You can choose matching scarves, men's bags and watches as accessories. These jackets can be worn with or without a herring tie. As for shoes, it is better to wear loose shoes with club models. Young people can also experiment with sports shoes.

Where and how to get a club jacket?

In order to purchase a club jacket, you need only five minutes of free time. Our online store provides a wide range of men's suits. Men's club blazers buying is now quite simple. You can choose the model you like and order a call from the manager. By phone, you can clarify the details. After buying a club jacket, every man will understand that being in the center of events is now his credo.

Here are club jackets - men's blazers of fashionable cut with two buttons. In the HENDERSON collection, they are presented in a constantly relevant style: classic and casual. For connoisseurs of the second trend, a dark plain jacket decorated with large stitching and patch pockets will suit. This is a great blazer for jeans, in which you can go to visit and to work, in a cafe to a meeting with friends or to the cinema.

A large selection awaits lovers of fashionable classics. For formal meetings and events, solid black, brown and blue models of straight and semi-adjacent silhouettes are suitable. A practical purchase will be a product made of REDA fabric with Dry Sense treatment.

Fashionable woolen jacket for men with viscose lining is a good solution for connoisseurs of comfort. This selection of fabrics ensures optimal thermoregulation: in a suit made of wool and viscose it will not be too hot or cold.

The JT-0180-S model looks very elegant. She emphasizes solidity, gives the male image aristocracy. The blazer fastens with two buttons. An additional row of buttons is an interesting design find, inspired by the romance of cruise and flying on airliners.

Buying fashionable blazers from the HENDERSON collection

Some men in a suit pair feel constrained. For these people, blazers are a great compromise thanks to their looser fit. The decision to buy a fashionable men's jacket from the club collection can also be dictated by a less strict design: these things are often decorated with catchy metal buttons and patch pockets.

HENDERSON offers versatile models - in harmony with different trousers, for example, classic woolen or corduroy casual-direction, jeans. Men's scarves, scarves, extravagant hats look very appropriate with club jackets. You will also find these and other accessories in the catalog. The diverse assortment makes it easy to create complete sets and even put together a stylish wardrobe for all seasons.