Summary of the lesson on experimental - experimental activities in the preparatory group. Lesson on experimental activities in the preparatory group

Lesson in the preparatory group for the "Letter from a Desert Island" experiment

Purpose: to develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation.

Tasks: * to develop the search activity of children

  • teach to identify the problems that have arisen and develop the ability to find non-standard solutions
  • improve the level of accumulated practical skills
  • experimenting with objects of inanimate nature

Equipment: bottle with a note; water filtration equipment (for each child); schemes for creating a "survival tape"; Balloons.

Course of the lesson

Children sit on the carpet.

V. - Guys, an old acquaintance came to visit me and brought a souvenir. Look, this is a bottle. And you know, I found a letter in a bottle, it turned out to be encrypted, let's try to read it.

Together with the children, we decipher the letter.

The approximate text of the letter "I found a seven-flowered flower made various wishes and did not notice how with the last petal I thought to be on a desert island. There are no more petals! Save! Help! Valerik!"

Q. - Guys, what is an island?

Children's answers.

Q. - If there are no people around, how do you think which island our Valerik got to?

Children's answers. (uninhabited)

Q. - What do you think is a desert island?

Children's answers.

V. - Since there are no people, it will not be easy for him on the island. What should a boy do first of all to survive and wait for rescuers?

Children's answers. (water, food, housing)

Q. - What can we do to ensure that everyone who gets into a similar situation does not get confused, but survives and waits for help? It is not for nothing that they say, "Tears will not help grief."

Discuss options. Select solutions and schematically depict actions in the form of a "survival tape".

Q. - You will offer your options, and I will write them down on tape.

1h ribbons. Find food.

a) search for familiar plants.

b) fishing.

c) collection of bird eggs.

2h ribbons. Build housing.

a) a hut made of branches

b) cave

3h tape. Find water.

a) spring

b) rain

c) mountain snow

D. - You can't drink right away, what needs to be done to make the water suitable?

Children's answers. (purify water)

Physical education.

We went down to the fast river, (We walk in place.)

We bent over and washed ourselves. (Bends forward, hands on the belt.)

One two three four, (Clap our hands.)

That's how gloriously refreshed. (We shake our hands.)

You need to do this with your hands: Together - once, this is breaststroke. (Circles forward with two hands.)

One, the other is a crawl. (Circles with hands forward alternately.)

All, as one, we swim like a dolphin. (Jumping in place.)

Came ashore steep (We walk in place.) But let's not go home.

Q. - I will show you one of the ways to filter water.

Experiment start:

First I show it, then the children conduct an experiment.

B. - We take a bottle, it needs to be cut approximately in half (children prepare equipment in advance), the upper part of the bottle will serve as a funnel for the filter, and the lower part will serve as a glass, where the filtered water will drain.

Fill the funnel sequentially with layers: a layer of cotton wool, then crushed activated carbon wrapped in a cloth, a layer of a pebble, a paper napkin on top.

Pour water slowly. Compare how much cleaner the water is.

Children are conducting an experiment.

Conclusion: What is the conclusion (listening to the conclusions of the children) we guys can make pebbles, pressing tightly to each other, form a sieve that does not allow large particles of dirt to pass through. The thicker the layer of such a filter, the better it will separate water and particles insoluble in it. Smaller impurities and partially substances dissolved in water are retained in the activated carbon layer, which is capable of absorbing not only impurities, but even gases.

Q - Why does the water need to be boiled after filtration?

Q. - Look carefully at our "survival tape" scheme. Let's try to read "If I found myself on a desert island, in order to survive and wait for help, I would .........."

Children "read" the tape.

V. - We will fix our ribbon on the strings of three balloons and let it fly into the sky during a walk. The tape will surely reach Valerik. We will be glad that together we tried to help Valerik.

Prepared by the teacher Chegodaru Gabriela.

"Letter from a Desert Island"

lesson in the preparatory group on experimentation

GBOU SOSH 1985 TO "Nightingale"

Synopsis of experimental activities in the preparatory group for GMM

Educational area: Cognition
Theme:"Miracle egg"
Target: evoke a desire to conduct a simple experiment themselves, to acquaint children with the subject of experimentation - an egg.
- to expand children's ideas about the world around and human health, through experimental activities with an egg.
- to develop in children the ability to use devices - assistants in conducting experiments.
- to develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of performing experiments.
- develop mental and thinking abilities in children: analysis, comparison, conclusions.
- to educate the social and personal qualities of each child: communication, independence, observation.
Equipment: for each child: 2 eggs, napkins; two large plastic glasses with water, one plastic glass with salt, a tablespoon, saucers, a plastic bottle, a paper egg template, colored pencils, pictures of grandfather, grandmother, Ryaba chicken, chicken.

Course of the lesson

1. Introductory
- Guys, guests have come to us. Let's give them our warmth.
May our kind smile warm everyone with its warmth,
Remind us how important it is in life to share happiness and goodness! (children sit in their places).
2. Main part
- Guys, guess the riddle, and you will find out what we are going to talk about today.
It might crash
It can be cooked
If you want, into a bird
May turn into. (Egg)
- That's right, well done! Today we will talk about the "Egg". I want to tell you a fairy tale.
Once upon a time, there were,
Grandfather and a woman once,

The chicken Ryaba lived with them.
Ryaba walked a lot,
Pecked grains,
But she didn't lay eggs at all.
But one day what a miracle
I ran to the porch
And demolished them not easy,
And it is amazing because it, so small, contains a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals that help us grow strong and healthy. The grandfather did not beat, the woman did not beat.

Grandma cried: Oh, egg, egg
How to break you
How to break you
How to split.
We've been hitting for half a day
And hit midnight
The grandmother has no strength,
I'd better go to sleep.

The grandfather thought: "If you don't break the egg, can you drown it?"
- Do you guys think the egg can float in the water or will it sink? (children's reasoning).
An experience. You have two glasses of water on your tables. We add salt to one glass and dissolve it. Gently dip the egg into fresh water. What's happening? The egg drowned.
Conclusion: the egg drowns in fresh water. Now we take out the egg from a glass of fresh water with a spoon and dip it into salt water. What happened? In strongly salty water, the egg floats.
Conclusion: the egg is supported by salt particles dissolved in water. Now, we dilute the salt solution with fresh water, we can see the egg floating in the middle.
Conclusion: in fresh water - the egg drowned, in very salty water - it floats on the surface, in slightly salty water - it floats in the middle. (on children's tables: two large plastic cups of water each,
a glass of salt, a tablespoon, an egg).
The grandmother rested and suggested to the grandfather: "Let's knock harder and break this egg."
- Let's also try to break the egg and see what's inside.
Experiment. Gently break the egg in the middle with a spoon and pour it into a saucer. We look at what it consists of: a thick transparent mass is protein, all living organisms are made of protein, the yellow center - the yolk is yellow or orange. A raw egg is liquid. We can’t take it in our hands. Let's take a look at the shell of an egg, which is called the shell. What is she like? She is fragile, brittle, thin. The shell, guys, also contains a lot of useful substances and people use it for various purposes (as a medicine, adding it to ointments, gardeners and gardeners use the shell as fertilizer, and folk craftsmen also embroider on the shell, cut out very beautiful crafts from it).
The grandfather got tired and went to rest, and the grandmother thought: "What could I do with this egg?" And I decided to make my grandfather a sweet called meringue. To prepare such a sweet, you need to beat the egg whites with sugar and bake in the oven. But separating the whites from the yolks is not at all easy. I know one secret, and now I will show it to you.
An experience. We squeeze the plastic bottle. We bring the neck of the bottle to the yolk. Weaken the pressure on the bottle. Yolk in a bottle.
Physical education!
The mouse was running fast (running on the spot)
The mouse wagged its tail (circular movements with the pelvis)
Oh, dropped the testicle (shook their head, bent over)
Look - you broke it. (showed)
Grandfather woke up, ate sweets and cried. Tooth ache ...

Guys, what should you do so that your teeth don't hurt! (clean). Now I will show you what can happen to our teeth if we do not do this.
Experience story: I took a chicken egg and poured it with vinegar. I left it for several days. The shell is completely dissolved. The egg is left inside the white film, which is under the shell. The egg became slippery and nasty. The enamel of our teeth is similar in composition to the shell of an egg, and the bacteria that remain on our teeth after eating secrete a substance similar to vinegar. And if you brush your teeth badly and do not clean off all the bacteria, then they will face the same fate as the eggshell ...
And the grandfather and grandmother realized that there was no need to drown the egg, not to beat it! And you need to take care of it and take care of it! And then a chicken will hatch from the egg! (showing a picture of a chicken).
3. An interesting experience.
There are two eggs on the table, one raw and the other boiled, how can you tell? In a boiled egg, the center of gravity is constant, so it spins. And in a raw egg, the internal liquid mass acts as a brake, so a raw egg cannot spin.
4. Reflection.
- Guys, did you like our tale about the amazing egg? Have you learned something new?
Ryaba chicken brought you a testicle. If you liked our lesson, then draw a smiling face, and if not, then the face that you draw will be sad.

Completed by: Zotova Natalya Aleksandrovna, educator of the joint venture Kindergarten №14. Gratifying 2015

Abstract number 1

"Excursion to the children's laboratory"

Software content:

To clarify the idea of ​​who scientists are (people who study the world and its structure), to acquaint with the concepts of "science" (cognition), "hypothesis" (proposal) about the way of knowing the world - experiment (experience), about the purpose of a children's laboratory; to give an idea of ​​the culture of behavior in the children's laboratory.

Materials (edit) and equipment: toy grandfather Know, a jar of water, paper towels, a glass of water to which ink has been added; celery, perfume or vanillin, apple, drum, metallophone, ball.

GCD logic:

Character introduction grandfather Know.

Children read the sign "Children's laboratory". Grandfather Know, greets the children in the laboratory, meets the children. Grandfather Know - the owner of the laboratory.

What unusual do you see in his outfit? Why is he sodressed? What did you like about the laboratory? What would you likeask? Grandfather Know is a scientist. What do you think scientists are doing? Scientists are engaged in science. What is science? Science is knowledge. This is the study of various subjects, phenomena. What Can Scientists Study?

Grandfather Know a lot, because he reads a lot, works, thinks, seeks to learn something new and tell everyone about it. Grandfather Knowing has a lot of books in the laboratory. The teacher tells about scientists: “Scientists are people who study our world and its structure. They ask themselves questions and then try to answer them. " All together consider the portraits of scientists in the book (two or three) with brief information about them. Which scientist do you see in our laboratory? What do you know about MV Lomonosov?(They recall preliminary conversations about this scientist.)

How do you think scientists find answers to their questions? Scientists watching what is happening in the world. What is surveillance? Observation is one of the ways to explore the world around us. This requires all the senses. What are your senses?

The game "We smell, taste, listen, see, feel." When conducting experiments, scientists record and sketch everything that happens. Grandpa Know invites you to become his helpers. We will also conduct experiments with you and will write everything down in our scientific notebooks. Sowhat are experiments? Experiments are experiments that scientists conduct to make sure that their assumptions or hypotheses are correct. When conducting experiments, scientists use different devices, objects: both sharp and glass. What rules do you thinkobserve when working in a laboratory? Which of them should you and me observe? I AM I will write down these rules, and in the group we will draw pictures of them and then hang them in the laboratory so as not to forget.

Carrying out an experiment. Next, Grandfather Know turns to the children: “Children, do you think the water can rise up? Now we will check it out. Take jars of water, dip a paper strip in the water. What's happening? How do plants drink water? " Grandfather Know takes a celery stalk, puts it in ink water: "Now take this jar of celery into the group and in three days look and sketch what happened, and when you come to me next time, tell me."

Abstract number 2

"Magic glasses"

Software content: To acquaint children with observation devices - a microscope, a magnifying glass, a telescope, a telescope, binoculars; explain why a person needs them.

Materials (edit) and equipment: magnifiers, microscopes, various small objects, small seeds of fruits, vegetables, leaves of trees, plants, tree bark; binoculars, pictures of a telescope, a telescope, pictures of a bird's beak, the eyes of a frog under a magnifying glass.

GCD logic:

On the table are microscopes and magnifiers. What's withgrandpa cooked for us. Know? Which of these devices will you familiar? What are these devices for? What do you think came first- magnifier or microscope?

Acquaintance with a magnifying glass.

Grandfather Know: People have always wanted to see some things closer - better than it can be seen with the eye. People learned to make glass thousands of years ago. But even the glassmakers of the glass at first turned out to be unclear. And they replaced glass ... with stone. Yes, a transparent stone - polished rock crystal. It turned out a round glass - a lens. And later they learned to make lenses from glass. First came the magnifying glass. With the help of a magnifying glass, scientists saw what they could not see before: the structure of a plant flower, legs, antennae and eyes of insects, and much more.

Look and sketch how you see leaves and tree bark in a magnifying glass.

Children examine, sketch. After that, they are invited to look at the pictures and guess what the scientists saw with a magnifying glass.

Acquaintance with the microscope. Grandfather Know. Later, a microscope appeared. We looked through a magnifying glass, and the small became big. There is only one piece of glass in a magnifier, but if you take 2-3 pieces of glass, they will increase more. They will make the smallest things large and visible. Where is this magic glass in the microscope? How should you use a microscope?

Children, together with the teacher, examine the structure of the microscope: an eyepiece, a tube, a lens, a stage, a mirror.

A droplet experiment.

If a scientist needs to see a drop of water under a microscope, he takes a glass, drips water onto it, puts the glass on the table, presses his eye to the upper end of the tube - the eyepiece, lights a table lamp next to it and begins to turn the mirror. When the beam of light from the lamp below illuminates the droplet, the scientist will see ... What will he see? See for yourself. Only we don't need a table lamp, we have illuminated microscopes. What have we seen? (The real sea, something is floating.)

We remember that particles of dirt, plants, and various living creatures can float in untreated water. Therefore, you cannot drink raw water - you can get sick. Examine the leaves of plants under a microscope, sketch everything that you see.

Practical assignment

Children look at the leaves of plants and sketch what they see. Now consider everything that interests you.

Outcome... Where else are the same magic glasses used, like those of a magnifying glass and a microscope? Astronomers use a telescope to observe celestial bodies. Sailors use binoculars to observe the sea. Through binoculars, a telescope can be seen far away. And grandfather Znay gives us marine binoculars and invites us to observe on a walk. Everything that we see, we will draw and bring it to grandfather. I know.

Abstract number 3

"Sorceress water"

Software content: To consolidate knowledge about the different states of water, the water cycle in nature, about the importance of ox in the life of plants, animals and humans. About. that water is a “home” for many plants and animals, the need to protect quieted animals and their habitats, and the need to use water economically in everyday life.

Exercise in compliance with environmental rules of behavior in nature.

Vocabulary work: intensify the words water cycle, liquid.

Materials (edit) and equipment: a seven-color flower, a package, a poster "The water cycle in nature", pictures with images of aquatic animals and plants, nature protection signs; table, laboratory equipment; droplet silhouettes for

GCD logic:

Guys, look, on the floor we have some wet footprints of who came to us. Let's follow these tracks and see (children find a package). They sent us a package, and who is not clear. What does it say here "Before unpacking the parcel, guess the riddle and find out from whom the parcel is sent?"

I am a cloud and a fog

Both the stream and the ocean

I fly and I run

And I can be glass!

Right from the Wizard of Water, I take out a note from the parcel, read out “Hello, guys! I was completely bored in my watery kingdom. So I want to have fun, talk. So I decided to invite you on a trip with me. I am sending you a wonderful flower with magic petals as a present. He will help you, and I will see and hear us. " Guys, you know the kitty flower, as it is called. But to start our journey, you need to pick the petal and say the cherished words (repeat the verses). Children pluck a petal.

1. We are poisoned into space, which our planet is seen by astronauts from the window of the ship (answer). Do you know why it is blue. I have oxen, but what is it for? You answered this question correctly, without water there would be no life on earth, our planet would be without a vital desert.

2. We tear off the next petal and find ourselves in the laboratory at the droplet. And this means that you need to tell about the properties of water, which you know and prove by experiments. Well done, you know what properties water is fraught with, which will help you unravel many of the secrets of nature.

3. It's time to move on. Pick a petal, play music with a record of rain. Hear, does it rain in winter, but this is a sorceress water. Talking to us in the rain. You have probably already missed the rain, you will not only hear it, but also see it. Show experience "Rain". For this you need very little, a sponge and water. I sprinkle a sponge with water and ask, is water being drunk from a sponge? I give you a touch. Where to do the water, the sponge has absorbed it, there are too few droplets for it. I repeat. Then I dip the sponge into a baking sheet of water, turn it over and lift it up. So it started raining. The sponge was soaked all over, it could no longer store - hold water in itself, so it began to drip from it. Likewise in nature, a small cloud, like a sponge, stores water in itself, absorbs, grows, darkens. Tiny droplets in the cloud merge, become heavy. The cloud can no longer hold them and they fall to the bottom pouring rain.

And where else is water found in nature, where it happens, where it travels.

Children answer, read poetry.

That is why they call her a sorceress. She is now rain, now snow, now a calm lake, now a stormy sea, now a soft cloud, now hard ice or hot steam. That's how different it is.

4. Something has become damp, we will wait until we get wet, pluck another petal and fly to the sun, it will warm us, dry us, and caress us. Arrived it became so warm and fun, you feel. But where did this water go, became invisible. easy. It will fly away, disappear and we will be left without an ox. Is it so? Explain why water in nature will not disappear forever. Water does not disappear, but only transforms from one state to another and travels in a circle. Let's play, you will all be drops, raindrops and go on a fun journey. Where do the raindrops gather? (in a cloud). Here is the mother cloud (I put it on the flannelegraph). The droplets gathered together and set off from the cloud on their way to the ground in a cheerful rain. They watered the earth, flowers, grass, jumped, played. Bored nm began to play alone, they got together and flowed first in a small stream, and then in a big river into the seas, into the oceans. But then the sun came (I expose the sun). The droplets from the sunbeam became small - small, light-light, they stretched upward and again returned to the mother - a cloud.

Now, droplets, tell me how you traveled, what you did.

What are the names of such movements of water droplets in a circle?

In the house "nature" we found water, no matter how it played with us at hide and seek.

5. Let's pick the next petal and look for water in our homes, if we have it. Where does it come from? How to deal with her? Why open and close taps? True, it only seems that the water itself flows from the tap. It took a lot of work for this. Therefore, it must be protected. But what to do, after all, some people may object to us, because the entire planet Earth is covered with water, why save it, what would you say to such people?

6. Let's pick one more magic petal, and you and I found ourselves on the bank of an amazingly beautiful river in our city. We visited her very often. And then you turned into the inhabitants of our river (children tell who they turned into, show with facial expressions and movements). We dived and swam, approaching the flannelegraph) Something is not very fun here, something is missing in our house - the river. Children talk about and will interfere with aquatic plants on the flannelegraph. Can these plants be found in a meadow, in a clearing? Why?

As it became cozy and beautiful in this house, you can settle, where are the inhabitants.

Children will interfere with flannelograph pictures, images of aquatic inhabitants. What are all interesting, unusual.

Can they live somewhere on land? Why? Children talk using an adaptation diagram.

Guys, scientists say that they all need each other. Is it true?

Children talk. Why is there a mosquito on the river? Is he so annoying, does he bite? Imagine that all the mosquitoes have disappeared from our river. What will happen? We remove the pike (children's reasoning). Can Anyone Be Removed? Truly not, the river is a community, everyone here lives together, everyone needs each other.

I put the figurine of the man on the flannelgraph. I ask, does this community need a person? (no, the river can live without a person). Can a person live without a river? What does the river give a person, how does it help him?

Look, we have a guest (I will interfere with a dirty drop on the flannelegraph).

Only she is sad for some reason, you have to ask. He says that the water in the river became dirty, muddy, the droplet did not even see its arms and legs, before it was clean and transparent, but became dirty. Why?

How to make the river clean?

Pure water is a wonderful gift. Unfortunately on earth it becomes less and less. We people should be grateful to the rivers for the pure ox they give us and pay the rivers with a good and careful attitude. We will help a droplet from our river, show the alphabet of nature (children show environmental signs and tell their content)

7. Well, there is only one petal left on our flower, what can we wish, where else would you go on a trip?

Who do you think needs this petal more, probably the river and its inhabitants. I will tear off the petal and say our good wishes to the river and they will definitely come true.

Abstract number 4


Software content: To develop in children curiosity, cognitive interest in inanimate nature; Develop the ability to solve problem situations, put forward hypotheses, test them. Consolidate knowledge about the concepts of "weather", "precipitation". To give knowledge about the origin of clouds, clouds, rain.

Lead children to an understanding of cause and effect relationships in nature.

Methods and techniques: visual - effective, verbal, playful;

conversation, show, explanation, research activity, play.

Materials (edit) and equipment: tape recorder, Karkusha's toy, envelopes with letters, posters with the water cycle, various types of clouds. Tripod, flask, fuel, earth, glass; colored pencils, paper, flashlights, disposable cups of liquid (water with milk) for each child.

Preliminary work: observing the weather, the lesson "Creating a weather calendar", experiments with water; first acquaintance with the journey of a water droplet.

GCD logic:

Today we will continue to play young scientists with you. In our scientific laboratory, questions arose on the topic "Precipitation". For example, your beloved Karkusha sent a letter asking: “Where does this wet rain come from? My wonderful feathers get wet all the time. " And here's another letter, it seems to be from Fili: “You can't stick your nose out of the kennel, it's all snow and snow. Where does it come from? "

Let's make our first scientific conclusion by answering the question:

"Which of these letters was delayed, and which came on time?"

Why did you decide so? Since Karkusha has been waiting for an answer for a long time, I decided to invite her to us. Let her hear everything herself and watch our experiments.

Karkusha appears:

"Hello guys! I was in such a hurry! I was in such a hurry! I hope you haven't missed anything? "

Karkusha! You are just in time, please sit down and listen carefully. But first, listen to one piece of advice: Guys! What advice should I give to Karkusha so as not to get his wings wet?

Take an umbrella, look out the window, listen to the weather forecast, dress for the weather, - the children answered.

"Who will tell me what determines our weather during the day?"

(sun, air, water)

What does the sun give? (warm, light)

What happens to the air? (it moves and it turns out to be wind)

What does water do for the weather? (forms clouds, gives rain and snow)

How can these weather phenomena be called in one word: rain, snow, hail, fog? (precipitation)

Educator: "Now I will show you a diagram of the transformation of water into precipitation"

(Show with an explanation of the water cycle)

Now, my dear young scientists, we turn to the practical part. I will show how approximately the appearance of rain occurs, the evaporation of moisture from the ground. For the experiment, I take a damp earth, instead of the sun, I heat it up with fire, and I need cold glass, it will serve as a cloud. The earth heats up in this flask, located on a tripod, moisture rises from the earth in the form of steam in the top, because steam is very light. It begins to settle on the walls of the flask, and some reach the glass-cloud in which there are already many drops of vapor, there are too many of them, they cool down, turn into drops and fall down. (All message is accompanied by a show)

You could observe the very rapid transformation of water into steam at home in the kitchen. Who guessed what I meant? (Water boiling, steam settling on the pan lid)

In fact, on Earth, the process of cloud formation is slower, the entire movement of water droplets, steam takes time. Let's observe the evaporation of water from the soil, which we ourselves received (a long experiment conducted earlier). Our humus is moist. We loosen it, and so that the steam does not fly away unnoticed, cover the container with a film. We put it in a warm place and we will not see the first drops so quickly, but perhaps only in the evening (all actions are accompanied by a show).

Put snow in another vessel and cover it with foil in the same way. It will take time for the snow to melt and turn into what? (Water)

And the water should heat up and start to evaporate, and turn into what? (Steam)

This will also take time.

The teacher continues:

What we will need a little time for is the game. I will be a cloud. You are droplets of steam that will take turns to rise from the ground to the cloud. I will try to accept and hug you all, or at least touch you. And so, let's start ...

There comes a time when the teacher does not have enough hands to accept all the children, and all that remains is to change their places, send them back.

In the same way, in the clouds, the steam combines, turns into drops of water, it becomes cramped and heavy for them, and they begin to come off and fall. So it starts to rain (Children sit down).

Children! Do you want me to teach you how to find out about the weather by the clouds? See what clouds there are (Show).

These are cumulus clouds - means good weather. They are white and fluffy.

Cirrus clouds, usually thin and stretched out, are a sign of windy weather. They float high in the sky and are composed of ice crystals.

Stratus clouds are usually a layer of thin, pale gray clouds that cover the sky. They often bring light, drizzling rain. The clouds are gray rain clouds with ragged edges. Some have a white top, such clouds promise a thunderstorm.

Now guys, look at this landscape, the artist's painting. What he wrote?

Sky clouds.

Have you noticed how unusual they are? How many has seen such clouds?

Was it afternoon or evening, or maybe morning or night?

Children express their assumptions, observations.

Why the clouds change their color in the morning and in the evening, I will now tell you and show you.

Children go over to jobs in the "laboratory"

Imagine you have a piece of white cloud in your glass. Look, is it really so? A flashlight is a ray of the sun. We see such clouds during the day, when the sun's rays shine on the clouds from above. Turn on your flashlights and aim the beam from above. What are you seeing?

Children describe observations. Notice that the color has not changed.

But the sun rises and sets, and the rays shine from the other side. Now you can change the color of your cloud by directing the ray from the desired side to it.

Children perform actions. Notice the changes.

Turn off flashlights. Let's make a scientific statement. When the sun sets and rises, the clouds change their white color and become pale pink. So that you do not forget the result of the experiment, sketch such a diagram in your scientific diaries.

This concludes our lesson. Next time we'll talk about water. All were smart and smart, real young scientists. Thanks to all!

Abstract number 5

“Properties of water. Water purification "

Software content: To consolidate knowledge about the process of water purification in different ways, about the pressure and strength of water.
To educate the basics of a humane value attitude towards natural resources.
Develop the ability to organize an experiment and get a result.
Reduce fatigue, static stress when performing tasks. Observe hygienic conditions for viewing material using a multimedia installation.
Materials and equipment:
Globe, presentation "Blue Planet", for the experiment "Water mill" - (from the set for experiments) - 3 ladles, holder, handle;
for the experiment "Atomizer" - (from the set for experiments): test tube, stand for test tubes, straws;
for the experiment "Water filter" - (from the set for experiments): 4 plastic tubes, 1 plastic funnel, 1 plastic lid, 1 plastic cup, 1 bag of pebbles, 1 bag of balls, 3 paper filters, 1 sponge, 1 measuring cup;
for the experiment "Washbasins chief" - a plastic bottle with a punctured hole on the side about 5 cm from the bottom, scotch tape; a container with water, basins for water;
cards with the algorithm for conducting experiments; coloring "Water";
drinking water glasses.

Preliminary work

Examining illustrations depicting rivers, lakes, seas, oceans.
Reading stories, fairy tales about water; talks about water, about filters for water purification, about mills.
Examination through a microscope of water droplets, ice floes. Conversations "Why is it necessary to purify water", "Who needs water for life?"
Problematic situations "If water disappears on the planet ...", "If the used water is not purified, what will happen?", "You ended up in a forest (desert), how to find water." Experiments on identifying the properties of water, on its importance for plant growth, on the water cycle in nature.
Making riddles about water, water resources, snow, rain, etc.
Develop rules of conduct when conducting experiments.

GCD logic:

I want to ask you a riddle:
Why not roll it up the hill,
In a sieve not to carry away,
Can't hold it in your hands?
(Water) (Sokolova E.I., Larina T.I. Riddles of a wise owl. Yaroslavl, 2000.)
Guess what we're going to talk about today? ( Children's answers) We'll talk about water.
Look, I have a globe on my table, this is a model of our planet Earth. What colors is the globe painted in? What color are the land and mountains? And the water? ( Children's answers) Well done, that's right: the water is blue, and the land (land and mountains) is green and brown. And if I spin it strongly, what color has our planet become? (The teacher scrolls the globe with force). ( Children's answers) That's right, the whole globe seemed to turn blue.
Now look at the screen. This is how our planet Earth looks from space. ( Slide with the image of the Earth from Space) (Children's answers) The picture shows that our planet is not called the blue traveler of space for nothing. That's how much water we have on earth!
Please tell me guys, where can we find water on earth? ( Children's answers)
That's right, these are rivers, lakes, seas, oceans. ( slide depicting rivers, lakes, seas, oceans)
Guys, who do you think needs water? ( Children's answers)
That's right, everyone needs water: plants, animals, birds, and humans. ( Slide depicting the need for water for all living things)
Why do plants need water? How do they get it?
Why do animals and birds need water?
Why does a person need water?
Where does the tap water come from? We use this water every day, but it keeps flowing, it doesn't end. The tap water comes from the river. She went a long way before she got to the faucet — through man-made pipes, then through a filter to get clean. The water must be treated with care, the taps must not be left open.
Many scientists work in laboratories to channel the power of water for the benefit of humans. What is a laboratory? Do you want to visit such a laboratory and conduct your own experiments with water? We leave for the Water Laboratory.
Turn right, left,
Find yourself in the Water Laboratory.
Here we are in the Laboratory. ( Children come to pre-prepared tables with the equipment necessary for the experiments).
Educator There will be 4 experiments, we need to be divided into 4 groups, each of them will have its own "supervisor". What do you think his responsibilities are.
Let's remember the rules of conduct when conducting experiments.
(Children are divided into 4 groups, a "supervisor" is appointed).
(On the tables of each group there are cards with the algorithm for performing the experiment, equipment for conducting the experiment)
Educator Let's get to work.
1 experience "Water mill"
Target: Consolidate knowledge about the power of water.
Equipment:(from the set for experiments) - 3 buckets, holder, handle
Insert the holder into the handle. Insert three buckets into the holder. The little mill is ready. Place it under the stream of water so that the water flows directly into the scoop when they are in a horizontal position. When water enters the ladles, it causes the mill to spin. The forces of the falling water are transferred to the force of the rotation of the mill.
Output: Falling water is powerful and the flow of water must be increased to make the rotation stronger.
2 experience. Spray
Target: Reinforce knowledge of the use of the power of air.
Equipment:(from the experiment kit): test tube, test tube holder, straws
Place the test tube in the stand. Fill the tube with water and cover with the hole cap. Insert a straw vertically into it. The straw should not touch the bottom of the tube. Holding the straw vertically in the test tube, bring the other straw horizontally at a 90 degree angle to it, and place the other end of the horizontal straw in your mouth. Without changing the position of the straws, blow strongly into the horizontal straw. The water will begin to rise along the vertical straw, when it reaches the top, it will spray in the opposite direction.
Output. When blowing over a vertical straw, the air flow creates a low pressure. The pressure on the surface of the water in the test tube is higher and this causes the water to rise up the straw. When the water reaches the top, the air flow causes the water to break up into tiny droplets, and the water is sprayed.
3 experience. Water filter
Target: Consolidate knowledge of the water purification process in different ways
Equipment: From the experiment kit: 4 plastic tubes, 1 plastic funnel, 1 plastic lid, 1 plastic cup, 1 bag of pebbles, 1 bag of balls, 3 paper filters, 1 sponge, 1 measuring cup.
Pour dirty water into a cup. You can prepare a solution of dirty water: add pieces of paper, a few drops of sauce, vegetable oil, food coloring to the water.
Place stones, balls, sponge and paper filter in separate tubes. Make a column out of them: at the top - a tube with balls, below - with stones, then - with a sponge and at the bottom with a paper filter.
Slowly pour the dirty water through the funnel into the upper tube. What kind of water did you get in the lowest jar? Compare it with the remaining dirty water.
Output. The more different types of layers in the filter, the cleaner the water. More than one billion people, i.e. every sixth person on Earth does not have access to clean water. Clean water is the most valuable resource on the planet. If the purity of the water is not restored after use, the pure water may disappear altogether.
4 experience. "Washbasin chief".
Target: Reveal the effect of air force on water.
Equipment: A plastic bottle with a punctured hole on the side about 5 cm from the bottom.
Cover the hole with tape, pour water to the top and close the lid. Peel off the adhesive tape. Slightly unscrewing the lid, we get a trickle of water, screwing it on - "close the tap" of our washbasin.
Output: When we unscrew the lid, the air presses on the water and makes it pour out. And without air access, water does not pour out.
Educator And now we will have a little rest and swim in the river.
Physical minute "River" ( IN AND. Kovalko "ABC of physical minutes for preschoolers" M .: Wako - 2008)
We quickly went down to the river,
We bent over and washed ourselves.
One two three four-
That's how gloriously refreshed.
And now they sailed together,
You need to do this with your hands:
Together - once, this is breaststroke.
One, the other is a crawl.
All, as one, we swim like a dolphin.
Came ashore steep
And they went home.
Educator: And now I invite each of the "scientific leaders" to speak and tell about the experiment.
From each group, the experience is shown to the rest of the children, a conclusion is made, proposals are made about using the properties of water for human benefit.
Educator: We return to our group.
Turn right, left.
You will find yourself in the group again.
Educator: What will you tell us tonight at home, where have you been? What new have you learned? What have you learned to do?
Will you believe me if I tell you: does water hear? (Answers of children).
I didn't believe it either. But it turns out that scientists conducted experiments with frozen water and found out: the water hears us. You and I will not be able to conduct such experiments, this requires large apparatus, special machines, and a lot of time. But what they saw through microscopes, I'll show you now. Scientists spoke kind, good words to the water, turned on kind music, sounds of the forest, birdsong, then they froze the water and examined the water crystals through a large microscope. This is what they saw ( slide depicting beautiful water crystals).
Then they gave the water to listen to rough music, said a bad word, froze the water again. Look at the screen, the water crystals have become ugly. (slide with a picture of a broken crystal of water).
So it turns out that our living water is able to hear and listen. So she's alive.
And all living things require a careful attitude towards themselves. How should we conserve water? ( Children's answers)
Guys, please come to the table. There are mugs of drinking water on the table. Let us say kind words to the water. Wish her well and health. (Children "talk" with water). And now let's drink her, and she will share her health and goodness with us in return. Never swear. Water surrounds us everywhere, it is in the rain, snowflakes, the water tap, in the kettle, in the soup, and "hears" us. Bad words make water unhealthy, and with it we can get sick.
Sorceress - water gives you coloring pages with the image of water as a keepsake.

Abstract number 6

"What is air?"

Purpose: to develop in children ideas about the properties of air, through experimentation.

1. To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation. 2. Enrich children's vocabulary: straw, invisible, resilient, lightweight. 3. Teach children to listen, answer questions, form friendly relationships, the ability to interact.

Methodological techniques: game element, conversation, dialogue, observation, experiments, experiments, play, physical education, riddle.

Material: Water.

Equipment: Plastic bags, a container with water, a plastic bottle, disposable cups with water and peas, cocktail tubes, balloons, a balloon on a string.

GCD logic:

Organizing time. Mystery.

We don't notice him

we are not talking about it.

We just breathe it in

We need him ...

Introducing the character Airball.

A balloon appears (a blue balloon with a face painted on it).

Hello guys, I am Airball. I have come to you from a country called Air for help. The inhabitants of our country are worried about the protection of the environment on our planet, on planet Earth. And most importantly - about the protection of the air on our planet. The people of our country want to know what you know about our country, which is called Air. What to do to keep the air clean? What do you know about the importance of clean air for our health? Is the wind good or bad?

Recording "noise of the wind": The air balloon is carried away by the wind.

A research task is put before children - we offer children to prove with the help of various objects that we are surrounded by air. The road will be long and difficult. Trials await us on the way.

1 test: "Feel the Air"

Is it possible to know if there is air around us? (we have to feel it)

Let’s breathe on the palm of your hand, what do we feel?

We invite the children to take a sheet of cardboard and wave it in front of their face. What do you feel? The cardboard makes the air move, and we feel it blowing on our cheeks.

Conclusion: to feel the air, you need to set it in motion.

So what happens then in nature when air moves? (wind)

Test 2: "The Air Within Us"

The teacher suggests that the children go to the tables. Each child has a glass of water and straws on the tables.

What do you see in the cups?

Take the straws and blow into it. What's happening?

Conclusion: we have air inside. We blow into the tube and it comes out. But to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through the tube and get bubbles. (Show)

Physical education. « The wind blows in our face "

The wind blows in our face

(arms bent at the elbows, wrap your palms around your face)

The tree swayed

(straight arms raised above your head, swing your arms alternately to the right and left).

The breeze is quieter, quieter

(slow down rocking)

The tree is getting lower, lower

(squat, gradually lowering your arms)

3 test: "There is air in all objects"

We invite children to put a pea in a glass. What's happening? Bubbles come from them.

Conclusion: there is air in the peas.

Is it possible to revive the peas? Suggest me how you can revive the peas. What can help us? What do we need to do for this? (Blow into the tubes). What's happening? Bubbles appeared - this is air. We saw him again. What do our peas do? They move. What helped us revive the peas? Yes, of course, air.

Conclusion: We not only found air, but also saw how it made the peas move.

4 test: "Catch the air."

We invite children to take plastic bags. What are they? (empty, crumpled). Calmly draw air through your nose and exhale slowly into the bag, and then wrap it so that it does not deflate. What is the package now? (thick, puffy). Why did he become like this? What filled the package?

Conclusion: We filled our bags with air and saw that it can fill containers.

Challenge 5: See the Air

The teacher invites the children to go to the table. On the table are a container of water and an empty plastic bottle. Do you think there is air in the bottle? Can you prove it? To do this, we need to lower the bottle in water, neck down and see what happens. If you keep it straight, water does not get into it. What keeps water out of the bottle? Now tilt the bottle slightly and take it out of the water a little. What has appeared? (Bubbles). Why do you think they appeared?

Conclusion: Water displaced air from the bottle, took its place, and the air came out in the form of bubbles.

6 test: Aerial gymnastics "Ball".

Children inflate the balloon - spread their arms wide to the sides, inhale the air deeply through their noses, blow it into an imaginary balloon through their mouths. Then, on the clap of the teacher, the ball bursts - the children clap their hands. Air comes out of the ball, the sound "ShShSh" is pronounced (performed 2 times).

Is aerial gymnastics good for our health?

Conclusion: Aerial gymnastics is useful - our lungs are filled with oxygen.

7 test: "You can't live without air"

While recording the song "Merry Wind", children approach an easel with diagrams of some of the properties of air (crossed out nose, mouth, colors, eyes).

We invite children to cover their nose and mouth.

How do we feel?

So what is air for?

Why do we air the band, dressing room, music hall?

Where do you think the air lives?

Conclusion: air is everywhere, it is around people and inside us, it is invisible, light.

You have completed all the tasks. It's time for us to return to the group, maybe there is an Airarik waiting for us.

8 test: "What do we need to do to clean the air in our group?"

There is no air balloon here either, but all because we have not yet answered the question "What do we need to do to clean the air in our group?" In order for the air in our group to be clean, we should ventilate the room, grow houseplants, and do the cleaning in the group (only after the children's answers are pictures posted on an easel with a picture of the equipment used to clean the room, an open window, a houseplant).

Does air purity affect our health? And How?

Conclusion: Air is necessary for everyone, without it there is no life.

Reflection: Under the recording of the song "Colored Dreams", there is a Vialarik.

What interesting things have we learned about air?

What is he?

What did you like the most?

The balloon gives gifts - balloons, for the good knowledge of children.

Abstract number 6

"Air and Water"

Software content:

develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation; expand knowledge about air and water, intensify speech and enrich vocabulary.

Materials (edit) and equipment:: ball; a glass of water and a straw; ball of cotton wool, suspended on a string; stone; wooden block, tassel; paints; drawn soap bubble and droplet.

GCD logic:

Guests have come to our lesson and we must be especially attentive today. I think that our guests will like us. And now they sat down nicely, put the legs together, the back is straight.

Look, we still have guests (soap bubble and a drop). They have just been born, and still do not know anything about our life. Let's tell and teach them. But first, let's play with our tongue.

Tongue twisters say:

"The mouse dried the dryers,

Mouse invited mice

They began to eat drying mice,

Mice have broken teeth "

"Three magpies, three ratchets

We lost three brushes.

Three today, three yesterday

Three more the day before yesterday "

And to speak clearly, you need to be friends with your finger.

Exercise with fingers.

One, two, three, four, five

Strong, friendly

All so necessary.

On the other hand again

One, two, three, four, five

Fast fingers

Not very clean though.

So, let's start the lesson with a riddle.

The globe was brought into the bus,

It turned out to be ... (globe)

What does the globe represent? (planet)

What is the name of our planet? (Earth)

What other planets do we know? (Mercury, Pluto, ...)

And what supports life on our Earth? (Sun)

Is the sun a planet? (star)

Who will tell me a riddle about the sun?

“You warm the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

And you look into the windows

And everyone calls you ... "(Sun)

What time of day does it shine for us? (in the afternoon)

The whole day the sun illuminates the earth, and by evening the sun hides, leaves on the other side of the earth. Tell us what is happening to the sun?

What is more on Earth, land or water? Yes, most of our planet is covered with water - these are seas and oceans. Maybe someone will remember and name some of them. (Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Black Sea, Sea of ​​Azov ...)

And then there is a huge ocean. It has no shores or water, silvery fish swim along it, and these are airplanes. Have you guessed?

Yes, it is an air ocean. We bathe in it every day, minute, hour, second. And if it were not for this air ocean, then there would be no life on earth.

So we're going to talk about air now.

Can you feel good without air? Let's check. Pinch your nose and mouth. (We feel bad) So what is air for? (to breathe) He's invisible, wizard. Why do we call him invisible? (Because it is transparent and you can see everything through it) And what else is transparent in our room. (glass)

What else can be transparent? (water)

How do we know if there is air around us? (we have to feel it) Let’s breathe on the palm of your hand, how do we feel? (cold) Wave a piece of paper at yourself? How did we feel now? (wind) So, in order to feel the air, you have to set it in motion. So what happens then in nature when air moves? (wind)

Now let's pay attention to this subject. What is it? (ball)

Who will tell a riddle about him?

"Throwing into the river does not sink

Doesn't moan against the wall

We will throw it to the ground

Will fly upward "

What an amazing subject. It does not sink in the river, it jumps high. And it's a pleasure to play with him. Why is he what he has inside? (Air)

You see, guys, you can play with air. And you can play in different ways. How many of you were blowing bubbles. Who drove the boat - blew on the water so that it sailed on?

And now we will be magicians.

The game "Who has a fluff will rise beautifully high"

Breathing exercise.

Place the balloon in front of the lips, make a lip tube and blow smoothly onto the balloon. Hold the ball at an angle. We blow harder and see how the ball beautifully flies up.

And now we got up quietly, let's get some rest.

Physical minute. "We are soap bubbles"

Would you like to see air? On the tables, everyone has a glass and a straw. With the help of these objects we will see the air

Experience 1:

We blow through a straw, quietly at first. What did we see in the glass? (bubbles)

What's going on with them? Are they going up? And why? (Because they are light) Now blow harder. What's happening? (storm)

Where else can you see the air? (Air is everywhere)

Let's check.

Experience 2:

What is it? Cup. Look, is there anything in it? (no, it's empty) Let's check. We lower the glass into a bowl of water, bottom up. Look, does the water go into the glass? Why? (because there is air and it does not let water in) So there is air here too.

A soap bubble brought us a magic chest, and in this chest there are some objects. The bubble wants us to check if there is air in these items? (The child takes a pebble out of the chest, puts it in a jar of water)

What have we seen? (bubbles)

And what else? (he drowned)

Now let's put a wooden block into the water. What's going on with him? (he doesn't drown)

Why doesn't he sink? (because it is lightweight)

This means that there is air everywhere, in every object. Only it is somewhere more, and somewhere less.

But the drop still wants to know about water. We said that the air is transparent, what else is transparent? (water)

Let's talk a little about the wonderful properties of water?

Guys, what is water? (liquid)

What can you do with water? (pour, pour)

And what can water turn into? (in ice, in steam)

When does water turn to ice? (in winter, in cold weather)

And when does it turn into steam? (in summer, in extreme heat)

Can water change its color? (maybe if you put paint in it)

Let's paint some water the color you like. (children stir paint in water)

Oh, what multi-colored cups turned out. Why is your water yellow? (because I added yellow paint)

What juice does it look like? (citric)

And you have red water. What juice does it look like? (tomato)

Guys, does water have a taste? (tasteless)

What if I put sugar in? What kind of water will it be? (sweet)

What if salt? (salty)

Lemon? (sour)

Droplet learned a lot about herself. She is very grateful to you.

Outcome: What did we talk about in our lesson? What have we learned about water and air? What did you like?

Abstract number 7

"Getting to know the wind"

Target: to acquaint children with the fact that the wind is the movement of air, to discuss the role of wind in nature and in human life.

Materials and equipment: small containers for each child (packing materials can be used) with water. For attractiveness, you can create White, Black, Red, Yellow seas by touching up the water. Make stable sailing boats with the children in advance (they should not be too small, otherwise, as experience shows, they immediately turn over in the water). Ships with multi-colored sails look beautiful. Prepare the fans in advance (it is better to make them with the children). You will also need small containers of sand (or jars) and cocktail tubes, an illustration of a sandy desert.

Note. Element of the game - in the classroom, children become "winds".

Experience 1. Children are blowing on the water. What happens? Waves. The stronger the blow, the more waves (but in everything you need to know the measure, if you blow too hard, the sea will disappear altogether!).

Test 2... Children "let go" sailing boats on a big voyage (we put them in bowls with water) and blow on the sails, the boats float. Likewise, large sailing ships are driven by the wind. Let's experiment: what happens to the boat if there is no wind? what if the wind is very strong? A storm breaks out, and the boat can be wrecked.

Test 3... For this experience, use the fans made in advance by the guys themselves. You can also take real fans, which you, for example, have prepared for costume dances. Children wave their fans over the water. Why did the waves appear? The fan moves and, as it were, drives the air. The air also starts to move. And, as the guys already know, the wind is the movement of air (try so that during the experiments the children make as many independent conclusions as possible).

Test 4... Now let's fan in front of our face. How do we feel? Why did people invent the fan? And what have we replaced the fan in our life? (With a fan.) It is good to show pictures depicting women in costumes of the last century, with fans.

Experience 5. Place a container with fairly high edges and some sand in front of each child. To increase the safety of research, you can use a glass jar with dry sand, closed with a lid with a hole, inserting a rubber hose into the hole. Sand in a container (jar) - imitation of the desert. Again we turn into winds: not much, but for quite a long time we blow on the sand. You need to blow on the sand in the container through a cocktail straw, in the can - through a rubber tube, then it will not fly to the sides. What's happening? First, waves appear, similar to waves in a bowl of water, but only sandy. If you blow longer, then the sand will move from one place to another. The most conscientious "wind" will have a sandy mound.

Creative task. Invite the children to look at a painting of a sandy desert with dunes and suggest why such hills appear in the sandy desert. It is important that preschoolers, recalling their previous experience, come to the conclusion that the wind creates them. These sandy hills are called dunes. When the wind blows from different directions, many different hills arise. This is how, with the help of the wind, the sand travels in the desert.

Experience 6. Consider the desert illustrations. On the dunes, either no plants grow at all, or there are very few of them. Why? Probably something they don't like here. And what exactly, you will now find out with the children. "Plant" (stick) a stick or dry blade of grass into the sand. Now children should blow on the sand so that it moves towards the stick. If they do it correctly, over time, the sand will almost fill up your entire "plant". Dig it out so that the top half is visible. Now the wind is blowing directly on the plant (children use a straw to carefully blow the sand out from under the stick). In the end, there will be almost no sand near the "plant", it will fall. Return again to the question of why there are few plants on the dunes. The wind now covers them with sand, then blows it out, and the roots have nothing to hold on to. Plus, the sand in the desert can be very hot! In such conditions, only the most hardy plants can survive, but there are very few of them.

Abstract number 8

"Ice properties"

Software content: Expand children's ideas about the properties of ice (melts in the heat); stimulate independent formulation of conclusions by children; help children accumulate specific ideas about the magnet and its ability to attract metal objects; identify changes in the state of aggregation of solids; to educate accuracy in work, adherence to safety rules when working with fire; enrich and expand the vocabulary of children.

Materials (edit) and equipment: Beads frozen in ice cubes, glasses, warm water. Magnet, cardboard, metal, plastic and wood objects. Candles, teaspoons and metal plates pre-greased with vegetable oil, granulated sugar, fire extinguishing jars. Sunflower seed.

GCD logic:

Hello children! I am very glad that our meeting has begun. I invite you to a lesson, and it will be unusual with us today. How would you like to see our lesson? (Answers of children). Do you want it to be magical?

What is magic? Then I invite you to the school of magic. ("Magic" music sounds). Close your eyes, turn over your left shoulder.

I'll take a stick in my hand,
I will gently wave it
We are transforming now
We are in a magical, friendly class. (In the group room, 3 tables with materials for experiments are prepared in advance) You and I ended up in a magic room.

Ice Experience

For our magic to work, you need to do a kind deed. And what - I'll tell you now. (Problematic situation). I brought you beads to class, accidentally dropped them into the water, and the evil sorcerer froze them, and the beads were captured. How can we be? What to do? And how can beads be freed from captivity?

(Children express their hypotheses)

Can be warmed up in a cam. Can be put on the battery. Can be put into warm water.

You guys have made a lot of interesting suggestions. Let's check them out and find out which of the proposed methods is the fastest. (Children conduct experiments with ice melting and draw a conclusion).

Magnet experience

Guys, I have a magic stone that can move metal objects. See what is going to happen now.

(There is a paper clip on a sheet of cardboard, a magnet under the cardboard. The teacher moves a paper clip with a magnet along the paths drawn on the cardboard - straight, zigzag, spiral)

Does any of you know what this stone is called? That's right, magnet. And now I want you to show me this magic yourself. Do you think our magic will work with plastic and wooden objects?

(Children experiment with metal, wood and plastic objects.)

You saw how interesting and unusual the paper clip was moving. Let's repeat her movements.

There is a dynamic pause

(The teacher shows a card with the image of the tracks, and the children perform movements with cheerful music)

Experience with fire

You were good students and, of course, you deserve another interesting and tasty magic. It must be done carefully and very carefully, since we will be working with fire. And fire, as you already know, can be dangerous if handled incorrectly.

Look - you have spoons on the table. What's in them? Tell me about sugar. What is he?

Please take some spoons and heat the sugar over the candle fire. Watch what happens carefully. What has sugar become? Why?

Now gently pour the liquid sugar onto a plate. What has sugar become? (Children conclude that when heated, sugar becomes liquid, pours freely, and when heating stops, sugar turns into a solid state)

(The teacher gives instructions on how to extinguish candles correctly. Candles are extinguished with jars).

Do you guys think the sun's heat will make sugar runny? The sun's heat will not be enough for the sugar to become liquid. ("Magic" music sounds)

So our lesson is over. Finally, I will give you a magic seed that you plant and see what grows out of it - it will be a new and very interesting story.

Abstract number 9

"Magic Snow"

Software content:

Form an idea of ​​snow and its properties. Teach children to analyze, draw conclusions in the process of experimenting. Develop thinking, interest in winter natural phenomena. Induce joy in experiential discoveries.

Materials and equipment:

disposable plates for snow (on each table on a deep and flat plate), snow; magnifiers by the number of children; half a cut apple on a napkin; disposable spoon; three water tanks; circles of different colors; visual models of snowflakes with the designation of the properties of the snow; napkins and towel; snowflake medallions for a surprise moment for every child; audio recording.

Preliminary work:

Observing snow on walks - snow characteristics: dry (wet), loose (dense), cold, deep, sparkling, crumbly.

GCD logic:

Guys, look at what we have there on the ceiling. ( The teacher draws the attention of children to artificial snowflakes hanging from the ceiling). Are they real? When and where can you see real snowflakes? (children's answers) What is snow like? Today we will learn more about snow with you.

Good - bad game.

Yesterday we collected snow and put it on plates, but I wonder what happened to it? I suggest going to the snow laboratory, but the entrance is not easy. (there is an arc on the floor)... Guys passing through the arc, you need to answer the question

Where does the snowflake live? (children answer the question and climb under the arc). Now we are scientists-researchers. And tell me who are scientists-researchers? It is clear, now we will find out what kind of snow it is and what its properties are. And our assistant will be a special device for research. Find it on your tables, what is this device called? ( magnifier)... What is a magnifying glass? ( magnifying glass).

Children pass at the tables, on the tables are disposable plates with melted snow.

Guys, what happened to the snow? (melted) Why? (children answer) (a snowflake with an image of the 1st property is attached to the board, a drop of water is drawn on the snowflake: the snow melts in the warmth). How are we going to explore the snow now? Where can we get it? And let's ask the junior teacher to bring us some snow, and let's not forget to say the magic word, "please". Let's take a close look at the melted snow. What do you see? (the water is dirty). Guys, I saw that some children eat snow. Are they doing the right thing? What snow does it feel like? (cold). Can you eat snow? (no, the snow is cold and can be dirty.).

Let's do an experiment. You have geometric shapes under the flat plates, name them (circles)... What color are they? Put one circle on an empty plate, we will put snow on top, and put the other in the water. Where is the circle visible and where not? Why? (the second snowflake is attached to the board: the snow is opaque - a closed eye is drawn)... Well done guys, you are real researchers.

Guys, let's compare: what color is the water and snow (snow is white, water is colorless) What else is white? (children answer). (the 3rd snowflake is attached: white snow - cotton wool in the center of the snowflake).

Well, that's how smart we are and learned a lot of interesting things about snow. Think and tell me, how do you know if the snow smells or not? (you need to smell)... Let's smell the apple first, which apple? (aromatic, fragrant)... And now the snow (the snow has no smell) (the 4th snowflake is attached: the snow has no smell - a nose is drawn on the snowflake)

Physical education to music:

Fluffy snow all flies

(raise their hands up and slowly lower them)

And the blizzard howls.

How much snow has covered

(show drifts)

All the paths are skidded!

We will rake the paths

(imitate actions)

And let's go play snowballs.


The snow today is white, white,

(raise their hands up and down)

All around him is light.

We'll put on mittens

(put on mittens)

and we will put on gloves,

(put on each finger)

We will dress each finger

We will be warm in fur coats.

Well done! You showed me so many experiments, and now I want to show you too, sit down more comfortably. Look: I have three cans. Pour water into one ( the child is invited to check the water temperature). What kind of water is there? ( cold). Pour warm into the second, but how do we get warm water, what kind of water do we need to pour first: hot or cold? ( cold, then hot). Why? (because the jar may burst). I will pour a hot one into the third jar. In three jars, I will lower the snow at the same time. Where did the snow melt faster and where slower? (the warmer the water, the faster the snow melted, the speed of snow melting depends on the water temperature). (the 5th snowflake is attached: it shows a thermometer)

Guys, now let's remember what properties snow has? (at the end of each experiment, snowflakes with the properties of snow were attached to the board)... The attention of children is drawn to the fact that snow is frozen water.

Summing up the results of the lesson:

How much we've learned about snow today, it's time to go back. Did you like our lesson? What do you remember the most?

Surprise moment:

Guys, I want to give you snowflakes as a keepsake that will never melt and will remind you of our meeting! (snowflake medallions are given to children, the rest of the snowflakes are given by children as a keepsake to guests)

Abstract number 10


Software content: To give children the concept of vitamins, immunity.

To bring up a healthy lifestyle in children. Strengthen children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Introduce the words "immunity", "citric acid", "baking soda", rust into the children's dictionary. Continue to monitor the weather, consolidate knowledge of seasonal signs.

Materials (edit) and equipment: winter cards, lemons, citric acid, baking soda, glassware, plastic cups, spoons, shreds.

GCD logic:

Before we go for a walk with you, let's watch the weather from the window. What is the weather today? (cloudy, clear)

Why do you think so? ((not) the sun is shining)

What can you say about precipitation? (today it is (not) falling (snowing))

Let's now mark our observations in the calendar (cloudy or clear, snow or rain, if it is)

Is there a wind outside? Which? How did you guess?

What was the temperature when you went to the kindergarten in the morning?

Is today's weather like winter?

Look at these symbols. Find the ones that are appropriate for winter. What are the signs of winter? (summary by cards)

That's right, it's cold in winter. People get sick often. Why do you guys think people get sick more often in winter (children's answers). (Maybe because they don't dress very warmly ...). Sometimes I see children eating snow. Sometimes you can catch a virus. Somehow you need to protect yourself from disease. Do you know how? (dress warmly, do not eat snow, take vitamins, get vaccinated)

A wise proverb says: "Take care of your health from a young age." Do you know how? (you need to temper: play sports, eat right, eat fruits and vegetables) That's right, fresh fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins. And vitamin "C" helps to fight colds. It is found mainly in sour fruits. Guess the riddle:

I'm a pot-bellied, yellow fruit:
Sour but healthy.
If your throat hurts
I’ll get rid of the blues in a moment.

That's right, it's a lemon. (show the fruit to the children, let them see, touch)

What is he? (oval, yellow, ...) Now try the lemon, eat a slice. (I put a plate of lemon wedges on the table) What does it taste like? (sour)

By eating a small piece of lemon every day, we strengthen our immune system. Do you know what immunity is? (…) This is the resistance of our body to disease. Repeat the word - immunity. What does it mean? How else can you eat lemon? (with sugar, drink tea with lemon.)

1.FOCUS. (showing and commenting)

We take a glass of ordinary water. From half a lemon I squeeze the juice into a glass of water. Stir with a spoon. What do you think came out? (sour water) Take a spoon and try.

And now I will make this water boil with magic words. Do you believe?

(I take baking soda prepared in advance under the table and say the "magic" words.)

Shalda, noodle - boil the water (and quickly throw the soda into the water)!

If you want, I will teach you how to do such a trick, surprise your parents at home. Take yourself a glass of water. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. If there is no lemon, you can use citric acid in these bags. (I suggest the children pour a spoonful of citric acid into their glasses and stir) What happens? (acidic water)

In every home there is such a wonderful powder - baking soda. Take a pinch of soda (I put a saucer of soda on the table), throw it into your glasses. What's happening? (there are bubbles, as if boiling) That's right, the appearance of boiling is created, but in fact the water remains cold. Touch the dishes filled with water. (she's cold)

Now tell me, how did we make the water boil?

Conclusion: When lemon (acidic) water and baking soda are combined, a reaction occurs that creates the appearance of boiling.

2. Take a moment. What should be done to improve our health? (Children's answers)

Every morning we do exercises with you and then we say: "Thank you exercise, health is in order." This means ... (health needs to be strengthened by exercise).

We're kicking top, top
We clap, clap our hands
We eyes a moment, a moment
We shoulder chick, chick
One here, two here ( turns of the torso to the right and left)
Turn around you
One sat down, two stood up
Sat down, got up, sat down, got up
Like a Vanka-Rise of Steel
And then they started galloping ( running in a circle)
Like my bouncy ball
One, two, one, two ( breathing exercise)
So the game is over.


Now I will reveal to you one more secret of lemon. Tell me, do you know what rust is? (When iron comes into contact with water and air, it rusts, deteriorates) If it so happened that we found a rust stain on our clothes, then our good friend lemon will help us to remove it. Here is a patch of rust. It is necessary to cut off a slice from the lemon and rub the stain, leave the slice on the stain for a while, then wash. Look, I tried it and it worked. Try it yourself. Here are some rust-stained scraps. What do you need to do? (you need to rub the stain with lemon) Since this is a long process, I suggest putting your scraps on trays and placing them on the windowsill. We will come back to them later, wash and check the result.

So tell us what you knew before and learned about lemon today?

What new words have you met? Now eat another slice of lemon - strengthen your immunity and be healthy!

4 homework: draw a lemon and ask your parents to tell you what else they know about lemon. And tomorrow you will tell us all new information.

Abstract number 11

"Why does everything sound?"

Software content:

Lead children to understand the causes of sound: the vibration of an object.

Materials (edit) and equipment: tambourine, glass glass, newspaper, balalaika or guitar, wooden ruler, metallophone.

GCD logic:

Game "What sounds?"- the teacher offers children for
cover his eyes, and he makes sounds with the help of
items. Children guess what sounds. Why are we knowndo we sew these sounds? What is sound? Children are invited to portray in a voice: how does a mosquito ring?(Z-z-z.) How buzzesfly?(F-f-f.) How does a bumblebee hum?(Ooh.)

Then each child is invited to touch the string of the instrument, listen to its sound and then touch the string with the palm of his hand to stop the sound. What happened? Why did the sound stop? The sound continues as long as the string vibrates. When it stops, the sound also disappears.

Does the wooden ruler have a voice? Children are encouraged to extract sound using a ruler. We press one end of the ruler to the table, and on the free one we clap our palm. Whathappens to the ruler?(Trembles, hesitates) How to terminatesound?(Stop wobbling the ruler with your hand)

We extract the sound from the glass with a stick, stop. When does sound arise? Sound occurs when there is a very rapid forward-backward movement of air. This is called hesitation. Why does everything sound? Howstill can you name the objects that will sound?

Abstract number 12

"Amazing stones"

Software content: To acquaint children with the diversity of the world of stones and their properties. Pay attention to the features of the stones. Together with children, classify stones according to the following criteria: size (large, medium, small); surface (smooth, even, rough, rough); temperature (warm, cold); weight (light, heavy), buoyancy - sinks in water. To direct children to search and creative activities in kindergarten and at home. Develop visual and muscle memory, eyes, logical thinking. Promote the development of aesthetic taste. Encourage children to verbalize their tactile sensations. Strengthen the skills of working with magnifying devices. Promote the development of auditory perception.

Materials (edit) and equipment: Photos, pictures of mountains and mountain landscapes, a chest of sensations. A set of schemes - drawings. Scientist's hat. A set of stones for each child. Magnifiers. A glass of water, a spoon. Large trays. The napkins are small. The napkins are large. Box with cells.

Preliminary work. Talking with children about mountains, examining illustrations, large paintings with mountain landscapes. Consideration of the globe, world maps and finding the highest mountains of our planet and our state. Reading of PP Bazhov's fairy tale "Stone Flower".

GCD logic:

Children stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a chest of sensations, inside which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the chest. They put their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what is inside the chest? - Stone. Guys, what are we going to do experiments with? Yes, with stones. I ask you to sit comfortably at the tables. Now let's take a closer look, what kind of helpers we need for experiments?

(The teacher recalls the purpose of each organ))

And now we will all become scientists and begin our experiments. Open your napkins and move the trays closer to you. Our eyes are the very first to work. Look carefully at all the stones with your eyes.

Experience number 1. Determination of color and shape.

Children share observations about the color of their stones (gray, brown, white, red, blue, etc.).

Conclusion: stones are different in color and shape
Rice. 1

Experience number 2. Determination of the size.

The teacher asks: "Are all stones the same size?" - No. Find and show me your largest stone, smallest, medium. Who will make an important conclusion about the size of the stones?

Conclusion: stones come in different sizes. For the next experiment, we will need very sensitive fingers.

Rice. 2

Experience No. 3. Determination of the nature of the surface.

We will now stroke each pebble in turn. Are the stones the same or different? Which? (Children share their discoveries.) The teacher asks the children to show the smoothest stone and the roughest.

Conclusion: the stone can be smooth and rough.

Rice. 3

Experience No. 4. Examination of stones through a magnifying glass.

To see the surface of the stones even better, we will use loupes. (Children look at all their stones.)

Educator: what interesting things did you guys see? (Specks, paths, grooves, dimples, patterns, etc.). Well done, very attentive children. Guys, I have an interesting proposal for you to become weights for a minute. What do weights do? Yes, they are weighed.

Experience No. 5. Determination of weight.

Children take turns holding stones in their palms and determine the heaviest and lightest stone.
Conclusion: stones by weight are different: light, heavy.
Guys, now put your palms on the table and quickly on your cheeks. What table? And the cheeks? Our skin can quickly detect temperature.

Rice. 4

Experience number 6: Determination of temperature.

Now we will have a very interesting, very difficult experience. Among your stones, you need to find the warmest and coldest stone. Guys, how and what will you do? (Children offer ways of action, conduct an experiment. The teacher asks to show a warm, then cold stone and offers to warm a cold stone.)

Breathing exercises. Children take all the stones, put them in their palms, inhale with their nose, and exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube (3 times).

Conclusion: stones can be warm or cold.

The teacher asks: “Guys, what do you think will happen to a stone if you put it in water? (Children's versions.) Why do you think so? (Children's arguments.) And what needs to be done to find out the truth - the truth? (Children's suggestions.)

Rice. 5

Experience No. 7. Buoyancy.

The children take a jar of water and carefully place one stone in the water. They are watching. Share the result of the experience. The teacher draws attention to additional phenomena - circles went through the water, the color of the stone changed, became brighter.

Conclusion: stones sink in water because they are heavy and dense.

Rice. 6

(The children take out a stone and wipe it off with a small napkin.)

Educator: Guys! Please look at the board. We got an unusual letter about stones. Writing in pictures and diagrams. Who wants to become a scientist, put on a bachelor's hat and make an important conclusion about the properties of stones? (One child concludes about all the experiments done.) Children tidy up the workplace, and the teacher encourages the children to go on an excursion and see an exhibition about stones.

Abstract number 13

"What are pebbles"

Target: to acquaint children with the variety of stones, their features, and their significance for humans.

Materials and equipment: for each child - a set of small pebbles for experimentation, different in color, surface quality (smooth and rough), hardness, shape, one pebble - sea or river (rounded), two small flints. Bowls of water in which the child can drop pebbles. Sand tray for posting images. Model of a mountain landscape (its description is given in the subsection "Ecological room"). Samples of large stones from an ecologist. A box of sensations containing several stones. Pieces of plasticine and foam.


The pebbles on the children's tables are hidden under the napkins. The ecologist asks the child to determine what is inside the box of sensations. First, the child must say what he feels - what object does he feel? (Smooth, rough, angular, with sharp edges, etc.) Which of the guys saw the stones? Where? Mountains are made of stones. Who was in the mountains? (If possible, show a slide of the mountain landscape.)

Exercise 1. Find the largest and smallest pebbles.

Task 2. Choose the most beautiful one and explain your choice.

Task 3. Close your eyes and touch the smoothest, roundest pebble, then the most uneven. Take a close look at the roundest stone. This is a sea pebble. How do children think, why does it have no sharp corners? Have you been there before? These pebbles are from the sea (river). The water moves the pebbles, they hit each other, all sharp corners gradually disappear, the pebble becomes round. Recall the fairy tale "What the pebbles were whispering about" ("Obruch" magazine No. 2, 1997).

Task 4. Examine the pebble through a magnifying glass. Who sees what?

Task 5. Take a pebble in one hand, plasticine in the other. Squeeze both palms. Compare what happened to a pebble and what happened to plasticine. Why? The pebble is hard, harder than plasticine.

Task 6. Let's try to scribble something on a pebble. What happens? You can look through a magnifying glass. Why do they say: "Hard as a stone", "Stands like a stone"? You can knock pebbles against each other. What's happening?

Task 7. What happens if we put a pebble in water? Will he drown or will he swim? Throw a pebble into the water, observing what happens to the water (circles are formed). Can a pebble float? A piece of Styrofoam? We lower the foam, compare. Why does the foam float and the pebble not?

Task 8. Take out the styrofoam and put a few more pebbles in the bowl. Let's try them by touch in water and take them out. What changed? What color are wet pebbles compared to dry pebbles?

Task 9. What is the best stone to paint with? Let's try. Chalk, coal.

Task 10. Let's make a musical instrument. Put stones in a metal coffee or tea jar, close it tightly and rattle. If you put different stones, then the sound will be different (you can do this later in the group). How does one pebble rattle? Two? Etc.

Task 11. Show the children a match and two flints. What do they think they have in common? The teacher takes two flints and knocks them against each other, lets the children smell them. What smells? Once upon a time, ancient people used these stones to extract fire, but now we extract it with a match. But there are also silicon lighters, where a special wheel makes a spark from an artificial stone. Let the children imagine that they are ancient people who need to kindle a fire with a flint (preschoolers do this with special pleasure).

Conclusions: pebbles are hard, they differ in color, shape; pebbles change color in water, they are heavy: they sink in water.

"Box of sensations" (experiments with stones)

Material: assorted stones in boxes, mixed stone box and cloth, glass of water, magnifying glass.

Classification of stones according to different characteristics.

Preparatory work:

Put several items in the box (there should be stones among them)

Experiment progress

Offer to find out what is inside the "box of sensations": select stones from all objects. Everyone takes a stone in their hand and talks about its features. What stone does it feel? (Smooth, rough, sharp, cold, etc.)

When all the stones are on the table compare them.

Why do some stones have no corners, why are they smooth? (The pebbles lay in the water, the sand and water cut the corners, the pebbles became smooth)

1. Consider the pebbles with a magnifying glass. Pay attention to crystals, cracks, patterns. 2. What happens if you put a stone in water? Will he drown or will he swim? (throw a stone into a glass of water, observe). What is happening (circles on the water). Can a stone float? 3. Let's compare dry and wet pebbles. What color are wet stones compared to dry stones? Which ones are prettier now? 4. Let's make a musical instrument. Put the pebbles in boxes (plastic, metal, cardboard) and close them. How beautifully and in different ways they thunder (small and large, one or several pebbles). (To music like maracas.)

Playing with stones

There is a tray with sand on the table: I invite all participants in the master class to show their imagination and make a pattern from pebbles.

Abstract number 14

"Is it possible to change the shape of stone and clay"

Software content:

Reveal the properties of clay (wet, soft, viscous, you can change its shape, divide into parts, sculpt) and stone (dry, hard, it cannot be sculpted from it, it cannot be divided into parts).

Materials (edit) and equipment: sculpting boards, clay, river stone, model of object examination.

GCD logic:

According to the model of examining the subject, Grandfather Know invites children to find out whether it is possible to change the shape of the proposed natural materials. To do this, he invites the children to press their finger on clay, stone. Where is the hole leftfrom your finger? What kind of stone?(Dry, hard.) What kind of clay?(Wet, soft, pits remain.) Children take turns taking a stone in their hands: crushing it, rolling it in their palms, pulling it in different directions. Did the stone change shape? Why can't you break it offa piece of it?(The stone is hard, nothing can be made of it by hand, it cannot be divided into parts.) Children take turns crushing the clay, pulling it in different directions, dividing it into parts. What is the difference between clay and stone?(Clay is not like stone, it is soft, it can be divided into parts, the clay changes shape, it can be sculpted from it.)

Practical assignment

Children sculpt various clay figurines. Why don't the figurines fall apart?(Clay is viscous, retains its shape.) Which one elseDoes the material look like clay?

Introduction to air theme

Target: help children “see” the air, prove that it is everywhere, that the air is transparent, “invisible”.

Materials and equipment: containers with water, transparent cups, straws for a cocktail, cups with soapy water for each child (you can also use ready-made sets for soap bubbles), balloons, toy or homemade fans, a bowl of water, a ball (any inflatable toys), a plastic bag (rubber gloves).

Experience 1. The teacher shows the children an empty glass and asks if there is anything in it. The preschoolers then carefully examine their cups and answer the same question. The teacher suggests checking if the glasses are really empty.

Children turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into a container of water. In this case, the glass must be kept very even. What happens? Does water get into the glass? Why not? The teacher discusses these issues with the children, listens to their hypotheses. All together conclude: there is air in the glass, it does not let water in there.

Experience 2. Let's repeat the previous experiment, having previously fixed a piece of paper, cloth or cotton wool with a piece of plasticine at the bottom of the glass. Be sure to let the children touch them before lowering the glass into the water and after, discuss why the paper (cloth) is not wet (children should use the results of the first experiment in the discussion).

Test 3... Once again we immerse the glass in water, but in an inclined position. What appears in the water? (Children answer.) Air bubbles are visible. Where did they come from? Air comes out of the glass and water takes its place.

Experience 4. Children blow into glasses through cocktail tubes and observe what happens (warn the children to blow in moderation, otherwise nothing will remain in the glasses).

Experience 5. Place glasses of soapy water in front of the children and offer to blow bubbles through a straw (for example, through the same cocktail tube). Discuss why they are called soap bubbles, what is inside these bubbles, and why they are so light and fly.

Experience 6."Air is lighter than water." Invite the children to “drown” balls and other inflatable toys, and discuss why they don’t drown.

Test 7... "How to catch air?" Try, together with the children, to "catch" the air in a plastic bag (do not forget about safety), a rubber glove, a thin cloth, etc. How do we know if the air is "caught"?

Test 8... "Can the air be weighed?" Take a stick about sixty centimeters long. In its middle, fasten a string, to both ends of which tie two identical balloons. Hang the stick by the string. The stick hangs horizontally. Invite the children to think about what happens if you pierce one of the balls with a sharp object. Pierce one of the inflated balloons with a needle. Air will come out of the ball, and the end of the stick to which it is attached will rise up. Why? The balloon without air has become lighter. What happens when we pierce the second balloon too? Check it out in practice. Your balance will be restored again. Balloons without air weigh the same, as well as inflated. This experiment can also be carried out on a large plastic toy scale.

Experience 9. To make sure that the flame is polluting the air, do the following experiment. Light a candle (with care, of course). What do the guys see? The flame is burning. Can it pollute the air? After all, we see nothing but the flame. Then hold a glass or porcelain (but not plastic!) Cup over the candle flame (at a distance of 1-2 centimeters), in a word, an object made of material that will not melt, ignite or heat up quickly. After a while, you will see that this object darkened from below - covered with a layer of soot.

Abstract number 12

"What are sand and clay"

Target: to acquaint children with the features of sand and clay, compare how they differ, and find manifestations of the properties of these substances in everyday life (a combination of experimentation and observation on walks).

Materials and equipment: cups with sand and clay for each child (you can use multi-colored cups of yogurt, sour cream or flat containers-packaging), cups of water, sheets of paper, spoons, magnifiers. All this can be placed on a small tray. During walks, invite the children to look for sticks or branches on the ground that look like trees, which will “turn” into trees in the classroom. Each child should have a personal tree. In addition, you need to prepare sand and clay. The sand should not be too fine and clayey. Coarse-grained river (lake) is well suited. It is better to take natural clay, since the commercially available white clay used for the manufacture of dishes and crafts is somewhat different in its properties. Where can you find clay?
In the nearest brick quarry, in a construction pit, in a trench, in a pit for a cellar. How can you tell if you have clay in your hands and not loam? Take some dirt and try to roll an oblong sausage between your palms. If you get a thin sausage with pointed tips that easily bends into a ring, then the clay is real. This is important because in nature, clay and sand are often mixed in different proportions, and their mixture will not give the desired results during experiments.

Experience 1. Take a glass of sand and carefully put some sand on a piece of paper. Does sand flow easily? Easily. Now let's try to pour the clay out of the glass. Which is easier to pour - sand or clay? Sand. That is why they say that the sand is "loose". Clay sticks together in lumps, it cannot be poured out of the glass as easily as sand. Unlike clay, sand is loose.

Experience 2. With the help of a magnifying glass, we will carefully consider what the sand consists of (from grains of sand). What do grains of sand look like? They are very small, round, translucent (or white, yellow, depending on the type of sand). Are the grains of sand similar to one another? How are they similar and how are they different? Some children may say that the grains of sand are alike, others that they are not, and there is no need to dissuade them. It is important that in the process of comparison, the guys carefully consider the sand grains. Then consider the clay lump in the same way. Are the same particles visible in the clay? Each grain of sand lies separately in the sand, it does not stick to its "neighbors". And in the clay - stuck together, very small particles. In some ways, clay is similar to plasticine. If you have high magnification magnifiers, have the children consider powdered clay. The specks of dust that can be seen are much smaller than grains of sand. Sand consists of grains of sand that do not stick to each other, and clay is made of small particles that seem to hold hands tightly and stuck to each other.

Experience 3. During this experiment, one should not forget about the safety of children: after all, grains of sand can get into the eyes or in the nose. To avoid this, experiments can be carried out in three-liter glass jars. Lay the jar on its side, sprinkle a thin layer of clay or sand, close with a plastic lid. At the bottom of the lid, make a hole for a rubber tube through which you can blow air into the can. One end of the tube will be in the jar, in the other, insert a regular rubber bulb. You can even try blowing a balloon into the tube or using a bicycle pump.

Create a strong air flow in the jar - a toy wind. What happens to grains of sand? They move easily, deflate. Then we blow on the lumps of clay in the same way. What do we see now? Can pieces of clay move as quickly and easily as grains of sand? No, they deflate more difficult or do not move at all. Similar experiments can be carried out with moist sand and clay.

Experience 4. Let's take a stick and try to "put" it in turn in glasses with sand and clay. Let's imagine that we are planting a small tree. What is easier to put it in? Dry clay is hard, it is difficult to stick a stick into it. But in the sand, the stick pushes aside grains of sand that “do not hold to each other,” and therefore it is easier to stick it in. We've already found out that the sand is loose.

Experience 5. Gently pour some water into a glass of sand. Let's touch the sand. What has he become? Wet, wet. Where did the water disappear to? She "climbed" into the sand and "snuggled up" between the grains of sand. Let's try to "plant" a stick in wet sand. Which sand does it easily enter - dry or wet? Then pour some water into a glass of clay. We monitor how the water is absorbed: fast or slow? Slower, slower than sand. Part of the water remains on top, on the clay. For greater clarity, you can simultaneously pour water into both cups and monitor which of them absorbs water faster. We plant the "tree" in wet clay. It is easier to plant a stick in wet clay than in dry clay. Let's remember: when a person plants plants in the garden beds or trees in parks and gardens in the spring, he water the soil if it is dry. It is easier to plant plants in moist soil.

Experience 6. We mold a long sausage, balls from wet clay. Let's imagine we are making earthworms. Then we will try to create the same worms and balls from wet sand. What happens? It is impossible to mold a worm sausage from sand, and the balls are fragile. If the balls still work out, carefully fold them on a board and leave to dry. What happens to the balls when they dry? The sand balls will disintegrate, and the clay balls will become dry and strong. What can be made of wet sand? Remind the children how they play with sand and molds, make Easter cakes. What sand is the cake made of - dry or wet? If possible, invite the children to make two Easter cakes right in the classroom.

Experimentation in the laboratory must necessarily be associated with observations on walks, excursions:

1. Draw the children’s attention to the sandpit during rain and dry weather. What is the difference between sand? Have the children try to mold wet and dry sand castles. What does the expression "Build castles in the sand" mean? (Experiment No. 6.) 2. Invite the children to walk first on wet sand and then on wet clay. Where are the clearer traces left? What happens to footprints when the ground dries up? 3. Children often bring mud on their shoes after rain. Where does it come from? Encourage the children to walk in rubber boots on the sandy path and on the clay path. Which dirt is easier to clean? Why? After the experiments, the children washed their hands. What was washed off faster - sand or clay? (Experience No. 2.) 4. Carefully examine the areas where water accumulates after rain and puddles stand for a long time. Where do puddles appear more often - on sand or on clay soil? Check the assumptions on the example of your site, park, square. (Remember experiment # 5, when water was absorbed into sand and clay.) 5. In windy weather, watch the sand - does the wind blow it away? (Experience No. 3.)

Abstract of the intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

Target: The development of the intellectual abilities of children, speed of reaction, ingenuity, resourcefulness. Development of social and communicative competence.

Material: black box, spinning top, sheets of paper, pens, video and audio questions, envelopes with numbers and questions.

V.: Good afternoon, dear guests. We are glad to welcome you to our intellectual club “What? Where? When?"

Meet our connoisseurs (introduction of children and team captain).

Connoisseurs versus viewers.

The game goes up to 6 points. One minute is given for the discussion of each question, after which the experts must give an answer. If the answer is correct, the point goes to the connoisseurs, if the answer is not correct, then the point goes to the viewers.

V.: So we begin Round I.

Spin the drum. Envelope # 1. The question came from the teacher of group 41 Elena Mikhailovna.

Chickens and dogs were walking in the yard.

The boy counted their paws - it turned out 10.

Attention question:

How many chickens and dogs could there be?

A minute to reason.

V.: Time is over. Who will be in charge? (The captain calls the player)

Now pay attention to the correct answer:

1 dog and 3 chickens

2 dogs and 1 chicken

The score becomes 1-0 in favor of ... (connoisseurs or viewers)

II round(The child turns the drum.)

Attention to the screen. A video question for you was sent by a student of the 1st grade, Egor Balev.

Hello dear experts. I am a student of the 1st grade of gymnasium No. 89. I have prepared a question for you. After one minute, answer: How many ends does 2 and a half sticks have?

Discussion of children.

V.: Time is up. Your answer is experts. (Answers of children.)

Now attention, the correct answer!

2 and a half sticks have 6 ends.

III round.

Spin the drum.

(Music sounds, the assistant brings in a black box.)

Q: Attention, black box! In a minute, you need to name the item that is in the black box.

There is a bath in the belly,

There is a sieve in the nose,

There is a navel on the head,

Just one hand

And the one on the back.

What's in the black box?

V.: Time is over. Who will be in charge? (The captain calls the player.)

Attention is the correct answer.

(The assistant opens the black box to the music.)

There is a kettle in a black box.

Musical pause.

Connoisseurs are invited to their seats, the game continues.

V.: We remind you that the game goes up to 6 points.

The score is 3-0 and we continue the game.

Round IV.(The players are spinning the drum.)

The next question came from the teacher of developmental education, Lydia Petrovna.

Attention to the screen.

Magic square.

This is an amazing square! They say it was invented by Chinese scientists 3 thousand years ago.

Attention! Think in one minute and say what is amazing about it.

Discussion of children.

V.: Time is up. Dear experts, who will be responsible?

(Children's answer.)

V.: Attention! Correct answer.

This is a magic square and it is surprising in that the sum of the numbers in the rows and in the columns is 15.

In this round, the victory goes to the experts. The score is 4-0.

V.: And we move on to the V round. Spin the drum.

V round... Blitz game.

V.: In one minute, you will have to answer 3 questions. You will have 20 seconds for each discussion. The victory is awarded to you only if you answer all 3 questions correctly.

Ready! First question.

1. Boil one egg for 4 minutes. How many minutes do you need to cook 5 eggs? (4 min.)

2. The pencil was cut into 3 pieces. How many incisions were made? (2 cuts.)

3.What will happen to the red handkerchief if it is lowered for 5 minutes. to the bottom of the black sea? (Will get wet.)

VI round.

And again for you, dear connoisseurs of the video, a question from the teacher of English Svetlana Nikolaevna.

Hello dear viewers!

I really love the game “What? Where? When?" and I know that you love it too and play it all the time. This is the question I have prepared for you.

Father and son ride two and three bicycles. In total, their bicycles had 7 wheels. Attention to the question.

How many sons does a father have?

V.: Time is up. Who will be responsible. (The captain calls the player. The answer of the experts.)

Now attention, the correct answer.

The father has 2 sons.

And the audience won this round.

The score is 5-1. The game goes up to 6 points.

VII round.

V.: The question was sent by the children of the older group.

There were 3 glasses of berries on the table. Vova ate 1 glass of berries and put it on the table.

Attention question!

How many glasses are on the table?

V.: Time for discussion.

The minute has gone.

So who's in charge. (Children's answer.)

And now the answer is correct. (3 glasses.)

V.: And the team of experts wins with a score of 6-1.

We congratulate the winners. Today's game was won by ……

  1. (Children leave the table. Applause.)

Purpose: Formation of ideas about the melting and solidification of substances. Promote the development of cognitive activity. Develop curiosity, imagination.

Objectives: Expand children's ideas about the chemical properties of the world around them. To acquaint with the various properties of substances (hardness, softness, dissolution, etc.). Develop research skills, the ability to analyze observed phenomena, and formulate conclusions. Consolidate experience in implementing safety precautions when conducting experiments. To cultivate friendly relationships, the ability to work in a team, develop communication skills, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Material: two paintings, winter and summer, paraffin, ice, tiles, metal mug, basin with cold water.

Guys, look, guests have come to us, say hello to them, today they will see how we play with you.

Turn left to a friend

Give your left hand to a friend

One step back, and two steps forward!

Left - right turn!

Let's turn around, turn around

Let's join hands again.

Three steps forward, buddy

Our circle will become small!

Spun, knocked

Turned around, scattered !!!

I see you are ready, have a seat. Today we go to our laboratory, which was created in our group.

- What is a laboratory?

We will be laboratory assistants.

- Who will you be? (laboratory assistants).

To start doing experiments. Let's remember the rules of conduct in the laboratory. Each of the laboratory assistants must perform them:

  • Listen carefully to the senior laboratory assistant.
  • Do not make noise, do not interfere, carry out each other, all tasks.
  • Observe safety rules.

Prepared: "1,2,3,4,5

I'm spinning around myself, I will turn into a laboratory assistant. "

Attention to the monitor, see what heroes are visiting you in the laboratory today.

What are the names of these heroes? (Winnie - Pooh, Piglet)

What these wonderful Disney characters have prepared for you today, now we will begin to find out.

Also interesting material on experimental and experimental activities:

Educator. Do you guys like to guess riddles? ( Yes)... Then listen.

I have a lot to do - I am a white blanket
I cover the whole earth, I turn the river into ice,
I whitewash forests, fields, houses, but my name is ... (Winter)

How good it is to live at ease!
Play - and nowhere to rush!
Tired of playing on the street -
Go swimming, sunbathing. -
Everything in the world is warmed by the sun,
It has come, it has come ...!
Answer (Summer)

Tell me, will winter immediately turn into summer?

No, first winter, then spring, and then summer.

Is it cold in the spring? (yes) Is it warm? (Yes)

Spring is sometimes cold, sometimes warm, which means that spring is winter and summer at the same time: sometimes it's cold - but more often? (warmly). The sun is shining, snow and ice are starting to melt. Everything is warmer and warmer outside. And then comes? (summer). After the summer, will it come? (autumn). In autumn, it is getting colder and colder even our guests will tell us about it, but sometimes it is still warm. So autumn is no longer summer, but not winter either. Autumn is both winter and summer at the same time.

What happens in winter? (snow, ice)

What ice? (cold, hard, etc.).

Please go to the tables, take a piece of ice. Once you got it, what happens? (began to melt).

Why does this happen? (from the warmth of the hands).

Try to break?

Take ice and look through it at your finger?

What do you tell your friends, what kind of ice? (transparent ice)

Well done! Now take another piece next to it on a plate.

They are alike? What is it you know? Maybe your friends know?

You don't know, but I know - this is paraffin (choral and individual repetition).

What is paraffin wax? (solid, opaque, etc.)

What do you think, can the paraffin become liquid?

Let's remember: what did we do with the ice to turn it into water? (heated).

How was it heated? (palms)

Try to heat the paraffin with your palms, does it work? (No)

Tell me, are your hands hot? (warm)

Right, warm. Why, then, does the paraffin not melt? Who's to say?

Children: little warmth, hands not hot enough.

How can we be. If your hands do not work. Maybe there is something that could be even hotter?

Children: sun, stove.

Well, the sun is outside, but we have a stove. She's very hot!

Children: warm up.

Okay, let's heat the paraffin, and so that it doesn't spill, put it in an iron mug. Children watch the wax melt until it melts.

- What's in the mug now?

Children: liquid

- And where did the liquid come from, who will explain to our friends?

Children: Paraffin becomes liquid after heating.

Well done! I suggest you rest. We will rather stand together in a circle.

Warm up

We repeat all the movements of the warm-up without hesitation!

Hey! Let's jump in place

Eh! We wave our hands together.

Ehe - heh! Bent backs

We looked at the boots.

Hey - hey! Bent down lower

We leaned closer to the floor.

Turn in place deftly.

We need a knack for this.

What did you like, my friend?

Tomorrow will be the result again!

Guys, now you know that a solid can turn into a liquid.

- how to make it hard again?

Children: chill.

Correctly, in order for liquid, hot paraffin to become solid, it must be cooled.

How to do it? You know?

Statements of children.

You need to take cold water and pour hot paraffin there.

- What happens to the liquid?

Children: It began to cool down, changed color, gathered into one whole.

Smart girls, that's right, I propose to touch the paraffin, which has become.

Children: The paraffin was liquid, now it has begun to harden.

Conclusion: Hot heats up - cold cools.

Now we will play the game that our friends Winnie has prepared for you - Pooh and Piglet called "Solid - Liquid". If the object is "solid", then squat and wrap your hands around your knees, and if it is "liquid" - get up and raise your hands up.

For example: (bar - water; brick - tea; stone - milk; ice - juice; pencil case - cocktail; etc.).

Well done. Guys!

Our time has come to an end. It's time for us to return to the group, say goodbye to our friends, until we meet again. Let's say our words: "Turn around yourself and turn into a child."

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the presentation options. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Practical experimental activity forms elementary ecological knowledge of children, broadens children's horizons, and allows them to develop children's cognitive interest, their ability to reason and analyze.

Target: to expand and clarify the knowledge of children about the properties of water.


  • Help children identify substances that dissolve in water.
  • To acquaint children with the method of water purification - filtration.
  • Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of safe behavior when working with various substances.

Organization form: experimental research activities.

Equipment: Water, flour, sugar, vegetable oil... Gauze, potassium permanganate. Vessels of various sizes and shapes. Funnels, oilcloth aprons, oilcloths for tables. Computer, screen, multimedia installation.

Preliminary work: to recall the properties of water already known to children: transparency, lack of taste, smell, to acquaint with the properties - fluidity, the ability to dissolve various substances, the ability to move from one state to another. Repeat the rules for working with unfamiliar substances: you cannot taste the substances - there is a danger of poisoning; you need to sniff carefully, directing the smell from the glass with your palm.

Course of the lesson

Task Method (reception) Content Time
1. Introductory part.
Introduce children to the theme of the event. Artistic word.
Have you heard of water?
They say she is everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And at the faucet
Freezes like an icicle
Creeps into the forest with fog,
It's boiling on the stove
The kettle's ferry hiss
We can't wash our face without her
Do not gorge yourself, do not get drunk!
I dare to report to you:
We cannot live without it.
2 minutes.
2. Main part
To increase the cognitive interest and speech activity of children.
Conversation. Statement of a problem situation. As you may have guessed, today we will talk about water. Guys, do you know that water is a sorceress? I want to invite you to the laboratory. We will now turn into wizards and engage in experiments with water (Children sit at tables). 10 min.
Experiments, research method.
Educator: Let's see what happens when you dissolve the test substances in water. ? (Children dissolve various substances in different vessels)
Dialogue with children, reasoning of children. Heuristic conversation (element-by-element assimilation of experience).
What happened to the water? Sugar dissolves quickly in water, water remains clear. Flour also dissolves in water, but the water becomes cloudy. After the water has stood a little, the flour settles to the bottom, but the solution remains cloudy. The potassium permanganate powder quickly changed the color of the water, which means it dissolves well. Oil does not dissolve in water: it either spreads over its surface as a thin film, or floats in water in the form of yellow droplets. 3 min.
Maintain a sense of joy from communicating with the hero, changing the type of children's activity. Physical education "To the fast river"
We went down to the fast river,
(walking in place)
We bent over and washed ourselves.
(bends forward, hands on the belt)
One two three four,
(clap our hands)
That's how gloriously refreshed.
(shake hands)
You need to do this with your hands:
Together - once, this is breaststroke.
(circles with two hands forward)
One, the other is a crawl.
(circles with hands forward alternately)
All, as one, we swim like a dolphin.
(jumping in place)
Came ashore steep
(walking in place)
And they went home.
2 minutes.
The method of problem presentation on the example of a fairy tale. Educator: Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka". What happened to Ivanushka? (Children's answers) Why was it impossible to drink this water? Correct because it is dirty. 10 min.
Element-wise assimilation of experience. But there is such a situation that there is no clean water nearby, but it is vitally important to take a sip of at least a sip of water. There are different ways to purify water. We will now get to know the simplest way that can be useful to you in life. To do this, take: a funnel, a handkerchief, cotton wool and water containers. Together with the children, we figure out how to make cleaning devices - filters. So, if Alyonushka and Ivanushka knew that water can be purified by passing it through a handkerchief, then trouble could have been avoided.
Physical education. Didactic game. "Water is not water." A game of mindfulness. If the named word means something that contains water, the children stand up. If the object is indirectly related to water, children sit down and raise their hands. If an object or phenomenon has nothing to do with water, children clap their hands. Words for the game: river, train, pike, ship, cloud, sun, puddle, boat, chair, steamer, train, snow, wind, lake, dolphin. 2 minutes.
3. The final part
Encourage children to make basic generalizations based on existing knowledge. Summing up, conclusion.

Conversation, fixing the results of the experiment.

Educator: What happened after filtering water with different substances?
We managed to filter the oil quickly, because it did not dissolve in water, traces of oil are clearly visible on the filter.
Sugar was not filtered because it was well dissolved in water. Potassium permanganate was partially filtered because she dyed the water pink. The flour passed through the filter partially, some of the flour remained on the filter and the water remained cloudy.
5 minutes.
Maintain a positive-emotional attitude of the group, motivate children for subsequent experimental and experimental activities.
Surprising moment. Fantasy, TRIZ technology. Educator: And now, we will turn with you into magicians and sorcerers.
Tricks with water are performed: Application
Lower the pin into a glass of water. How can you get a pin without getting your hands wet? (With a magnet.)
The teacher thanks the children for their active participation and gives everyone soap bubbles.