A love letter to a beloved husband in prose. Confessions to a beloved man in prose - in your own words

Sometimes, mired in the daily routine and solving problems, you can forget about the most important thing - love for a loved one.

Not only men should express their feelings in words, women should also periodically remind a man of their sincere love. Speak words of love to your husband more often and you will see that he will answer you in the same way. And this will help you overcome obstacles with joint efforts.

I am given forever you
I'm happy and you are the reason
My closest person
And my only man!

How much I love you!
How glad I am that you are with me.
Thank you for everything.
My dear, I am always with you!

Joy, smiles and happiness,
To share my life with you...
My heart is in your control.
My happiness is to be near.
Next to you, my love
I want to dream more.
You showed me my dear
How can people fly

Everything is filled with you
My days and nights
I confess, my love
You are very dear to me.

My dreams about you
All thoughts about you
The ray of light is you
In a crazy life

Not every man will like to listen to or read long speeches, even if they are dedicated to him.

And not every woman likes reading or writing such poems.

In this case, you can express what you feel in a shorter poetic form.

You are beautiful, my love
I admire you
And every day, living with you -
More and more I fall in love.

I'm talking about feelings
Wanted to tell.
I miss you
And soul and body

You are the meaning of my life.
My air, sleep, my dreams...
How happy I am to be yours!
You made me happy!

It is always a pleasure to receive congratulations from friends and relatives on your birthday. But the words that your loved one will tell you are an important attribute of a successful holiday. Give your loved one such pleasure.

Today is your birthday
I want to wish you happiness!
You are my dear man!
And you should know about it.

I wish, my love,
to you on your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck
easy roads,
Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

My beloved husband!
This evening
I want to tell you:
For our union, for our meeting
I am so grateful to fate!
For every look, touch,
For every moment, for every year,
Because on this birthday
Spring sings in my soul.

If you see your loved one less than you would like, then boredom will periodically roll over you.

In such a situation, feel free to talk to your loved one about your sadness. Present it to him in verse - it will be more mysterious and unusual.

Beloved and most dear,
Come quickly. I miss!
You are the only one, you are a hero.
And I'm dying without you.

My love, I miss you
I walk like a shadow, I don’t notice people,
In a dream and in reality I see your face
And I hate our parting.

I do not expect wealth, honors are not needed,
I, as in paradise, from your only glance
And from a smile, lips touch,
I look forward to meeting you.

Without you everywhere is so empty
Even breathing is difficult.
I miss you so much, honey. Sad,
The sun shines outside the window.
I will repeat to you again:
I love you with every cell!

If you want to tell your man how you feel, but don't like to express your thoughts in verse, then use prose words.

So, you can more accurately and frankly say what you want, as you will not be limited by rhyme.

Why are you so tender? If it were measured in numbers, I would just lose count. Darling, you drive me crazy! I promise that I will repay you the same ....

I never thought that a person can become the meaning of another person's life! I never understood how you can give a man all of yourself, forgetting about pride. But having met you, I realized it so closely and sharply ... And now for me the greatest happiness is to be with you, to believe in the same dreams, breathe in the same air, give my love endlessly and just know that you exist!

What a blessing to have you by my side! It’s even scary for me to imagine that we could never meet each other, but just pass by without even looking. After all, this is how thousands of people pass by us every day. Without you, there would not be what is dear to me, what I value, what I dream about and what I hope for. There would be nothing without you.

Words of love to a beloved man in your own words

The most sincere and open will be confessions spoken in your own words.

There can be no example of such words, because each couple is individual.

IMPORTANT: Just think about why you fell in love with a person, why you love now, how you feel in his absence, what would you do without meeting him.

When you really think about these questions with all your heart, the words themselves will be transformed into beautiful sentences.

And the beloved man, having heard them, will understand that these words are exclusively for him and only.

You can find verses for congratulations above. But for those who do not like poetry, prose is perfect.

My dear, beloved person. I am grateful to fate for bringing us together, and for the fact that we are together. I congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you a positive attitude, constant expectation of a miracle, euphoria from life. May Lady Luck accompany you in all your affairs, may everything work out for you with ease and joy. So that your life is filled with harmony, and that you always achieve your goals. And I will give you a reliable rear, love and care. Be happy, dear!

Dear, happy birthday! I want to say “thank you” to your parents for giving this world such a charming person! You are the best man on the Earth! I wish you all the best, fulfillment of your plans and green light everywhere! Be the same worthy, decent and reliable man always!

Darling, today is your holiday. As they say, there are two most important days in a person's life - the first, this is when he was born, and the second, when he realized why. The day you were born has already arrived! Therefore, I want to wish you to find the meaning of life as soon as possible, do what you love and appreciate what you have!

It is not necessary to write or memorize poetry in order to convey beautiful words to your man. It is quite possible to express thoughts in prose.

Beloved, only next to you I feel like a real woman - beautiful, desirable, weak, capricious. All because you are a real man! Your strength and masculinity are the perfect setting for the main jewel - your soul.

Dear, from the moment you were around, I completely stopped paying attention to the troubles, and all the problems that arise seem to be just vanity. You brought peace, confidence and a sense of security to my world and became a reliable guarantor of my peace of mind. You are my true hero and I admire you.

It doesn't matter if you've been married for 1 year or 15 years. You need to confess your love. This will keep the romance in your relationship.

At first I thought I fell in love with you. Then it seemed to me that love could not be so strong and I was just slowly going crazy. Then I realized that I love you so much that I don't mind being crazy just to be around you.

You are so wonderful…. Why did I get such joy as you? What did I do to deserve this? Probably because I love you so much. May my madness of love be and remain your amulet and talisman

Should I confess my love in poetry or in prose? It all depends solely on your and your husband's tastes and preferences.

I want to be loved by you
How I love you alone.
It's not easy to be your wife -
To be your devoted friend.

I love when you sleep sweetly
I love looking into your eyes
And see how they reflect me.
I love it when you say
Shut up, or joke, or grumble,
I love when you laugh
It is contagious for everyone.
I love it when you are gloomy, formidable,
When you are cheerful or serious.
Every gesture of yours is very dear to me,
I love you so much kitty!

You are my favorite,
And without you I can't
I miss you if you're not around
I keep you in my heart.
I am proud of you, beloved husband,
And I will never change.
You are cute, you are unique
For this I love you!

Recognition in your own words - that's what recognition is for their words. The words should concern your husband, your relationship with him.

Speak what your heart dictates. Even if it's a little awkward, don't worry. Your husband will understand that you did not memorize someone's thoughts, but that you are telling him what your heart tells you.

And what no matter how sincere confessions can cheer up and remind each other of romance and great love.

How to find the right words, read the section above "Words of love to your beloved man in your own words."

You can find an SMS confession to your husband to your taste in the article

Do not be shy and do not forget to say beautiful words to your beloved man. After all, you fell in love with him for something. So, he deserves to hear pleasant and sincere words from you.

Video on the topic: Affectionate words to your beloved man

Happy birthday my sweet. Today I want to wish that henceforth we will get away from quarrels and omissions, never be offended by each other and not be angry in vain for nothing. For a long life together, we had everything, but let the bad be left behind, and the most tender and joyful days await you ahead. After all, you are the only one for whom I am ready to give everything!

Beloved husband, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, success in all your affairs and undertakings, true friends and simple human happiness. Stability, prosperity and interesting ideas. May your every day be illuminated by my sincere love and the smiles of our children!

The closest person in the world, you know me better than anyone else in the world. And on your next birthday, as always, I am lost and do not know what to wish you. Health? You already have it to the envy of everyone ... Love? I give it to you enough ... Happiness? I hope that you are happy with me and are not deceived by this feeling... Youth and beauty? And these adjectives are inseparable from you. I only hope that all my ideas are true, and I only wish that everything remains the same for you as it is now: feelings did not cool down, the body did not fail, and the approach to the dream went by leaps and bounds.

Dear husband, happy birthday to you. May this year of your life make you even stronger and stronger. Let new opportunities and horizons open before you. May good luck and happiness not leave you. May there be a healthy free spirit in your healthy body. I love you and am always ready to support you.

My dear, beloved, important person, I congratulate you. My sun, I want to wish you not to lose your fortitude and remain the same beautiful and kind husband. Love surrounds you and you have happiness, so I wish you good luck in life, so that it would be easier to perform beautiful and kind deeds. Prosperity, strength, patience and respect for you, and most importantly, health for many, many more years!

Dear, beloved husband, happy birthday to you! You are the dearest man, my support and support. I wish you good luck, happiness, personal and professional growth, success in all your affairs and undertakings! May you always be surrounded by understanding, kind people and may all your dreams come true!

My favorite, happy birthday! I wish you, my dear, incredibly good events, ups and downs. I want you to be the happiest, so that everything goes well and works out, so that the work goes on the ascendant, our hearth is blazing with heat and everything that you think of turns out. Happy holiday, my dear!

My most beloved and dear little man! I wish you success and good luck in all your endeavors. Do not be upset if something does not work out for you - I will always support and come to the rescue. Let only worthy personalities meet on your way, and all your friends and relatives are faithful people. So that noisy companies gather in our house as often as possible, so that you visit as many countries as possible! Health to you, dear, happiness, prosperity and prosperity.

I am grateful to fate and your parents that I have you. I want to wish you excellent health and health, many years of happy life, constant good luck and sincere smiles. May you always succeed, and have enough strength for new achievements.

Happy Birthday, dear! I wish that everything in our life is warmed by the warmth of the rays of the sun. May you always have a holiday in your soul and I want our “family” journey to last all my conscious life. May we overcome all joys and hardships together.

It's good that I have you, the most gentle, kind and most beloved man on earth. You are my most important person. You are very reliable, sensitive and calm. I always look forward to our meeting. It's good to have you around. All my life I want to walk with you on the same road of love. My feelings for you are getting stronger and stronger. I so want to snuggle up to you, and feel protected from all sorrows and hardships. I love you, and my confessions are sincere and pure. Only with you I will be truly happy.

As they say, all ages are submissive to love. So I fell in love with you, when powder is already silvering on the temples. All my tenderness, affection, all my unspent love, I want to give you, my only man. You so unexpectedly appeared in my life, and immediately gave my heart love. I am so grateful to fate for giving me you. I love you and do not hesitate to confess my feelings, I love and will always be with you. May our love be beautiful and big.

What a wonderful feeling love, it inspires us and, like birds, raises high in the sky. When you love, all problems seem so small, and, of course, solvable. I am proud of you, dear, and I love you dearly. May my love drink quench your thirst in the heat and warm you in the cold. May our happiness be serene and long. Only you alone I need, my only, kind and most important man on earth. Everything that is called happiness in life, all this is connected with you, my dear and just mine.

You are always attentive, kind and caring. The Lord rewarded you with such beauty that there is no one in the world more beautiful than you. If I were a poet, I would sing your noble image. For a long time, the agile Cupid has been fluttering between us, throwing arrows of love into our hearts with you. You and I are two halves of one whole happiness. My gentle, beloved, I confess my love to you, and I want our relationship to be mutual. I will give you all my tenderness, affection and love. I will make you the happiest person in the world.

I am grateful to fate for helping me meet you, my one and only man. One can only dream of such a thing, I have been very lucky in my life. You are my hope and support, I am behind you, like behind a stone wall. I trust you in everything and want to be with you all my life. I sometimes envy myself. I love you, my dear, and I will be the first to confess my feelings, because I no longer have the strength to hide my love. The flame of my love flares up every day more and more.

I loved you at first sight. I like everything about you: a pleasant smile, and a gentle voice, and hot kisses. My heart flutters like a bird in a cage when I'm alone with you. I dreamed of such a man all my life. You are my ideal, my dream. You are the prince that I have dreamed of all my life. Only with you I will be happy, only with you I will feel like a real woman. I love you, my dear, and I want our feelings to flare up from a small spark into a big flame of love.

The world is beautiful when you are near, my beloved, my dear and most gentle man. Our love will overcome all hardships, because love is the strongest feeling. And it's so good that this feeling visited us, my only one. Today I want to be the first to confess my love to you. After all, you still do not dare, you are shy. And in vain. I see how tenderly you look at me, how your voice trembles with excitement when we are alone. I will ease your suffering and say three main words, painfully familiar to the whole world: I love you.

Love is the strongest feeling. She works wonders for us. He makes the evil good, the poor rich. Those who are in love or loved are the happiest people on earth. I also consider myself happy, because I love you, my only and best man on the planet. I want to be with you always near, I want to give you my love, and in return receive yours. You are destined for me. Only you alone live in my heart, only you I call desired and loved. Everything that has to do with happiness in life, everything has to do with you.

It is unlikely that there is such a force in the world that could stop love. Our earth rests not on whales, but on love. All ages are submissive to love, and no matter how old you are, if you are in love, then you are the happiest person in the world. I'm so lucky in my life to have you by my side, my love. For such a gift, I will be grateful to fate for the rest of my life. You are a kind, considerate and most gentle man. I just love you and I'm proud of you. You are always the most beautiful to me. I love your hot kisses and tender hands so much, from the touch of which I just melt.

You always give me love, tenderness and affection. You are just a real man with whom I was so lucky in life. My feelings for you are pure and sincere. I have never loved anyone so much, it seems that you are my destiny. Today I decided to be the first to confess my love to you, and I don’t regret it at all. After all, my feelings are already overflowing. You are the most dear person to me, and I will be very happy if I make you happy. I so want us to be always together, and our hearts beat in unison.

You have made me the happiest woman in the world. Only with you next to me is good, only with you next to me, I sing with happiness. You are my hope, my only man. I so want to cling to your shoulder, and forget about everything in the world. You are so kind, considerate and caring. I love being held captive by your love so much and I want to stay there for the rest of my life. I love you very much and will make you the happiest man in the world. Life next to you is already my favorite, desired and unique holiday.

Each of us is looking for his soul mate in the world, and feels great happiness if he finds it. I also pulled the luckiest winning ticket from fate, I met you, my only man. I give you the most tender and warm words, my dear. You are my happiness, my destiny. Only when you are near, the world becomes bright and beautiful. My soul and heart belongs to you alone. I love you and I don't want to hide my feelings anymore. I love it and I want everyone in the world to know about it.

Love for all ages. Everyone on earth somewhere walks that only half, for the sake of which we live, breathe, love. And everyone has their own time to meet. For some, this happens at an earlier age, and for some, already in adulthood. But love is always the most tender, most sincere, most mysterious feeling. I didn't even notice how quickly I fell in love with you, my only man. And today I confess that I love you more than life itself. You are my best, most reliable and most desirable man.

The world is full of joy and miracles when you are in it, my most important and beloved person in the world. Literally everything that happens in my life is connected with you. You are always there, always help in difficult times. Thank you my dear for having you. I am so grateful to fate for such a gift. I love you and will always be by your side, my one and only. My love will protect you. I want to see you always happy and I will do everything for this, because my love is so strong that all obstacles are beyond her.

I am the happiest woman in the world, because I have you - my most beloved and only person. Only with you I feel calm, only your love warms me. I am so lucky in life and for everything I thank that happy occasion when we met you. My dear, thank you for your tenderness, for your affection, for your kind heart, for the fact that next to you I feel like a real woman. I love you and will love you all my life. They say that love works wonders and makes people happy, and it gave us a whole world of happiness.

All that I have in life, and that gives me the joy of every day, is all you, my beloved. You're the best in the world. So gentle, kind and gentle. With you, it's so easy and simple for me, with you, with happiness, I fly like a bird. You are near, and everything is fine in the world - both rain and wind. You are near, and all the problems seem so petty. Thank you my love for always being by my side. I love you sincerely and tenderly, be with me all my life, my joy. My love will always keep you and protect you.

My favorite and only man on the planet. Let me confess my love to you today. My feelings can no longer be silent. You are the dream of my life, you are just my ideal. I want to be with you always, so as not to part even for a moment. Next to you, I seem to grow wings behind my back, there is no limit to my happiness. You are attentive, caring and kind, I am proud of you, my dear, and I want our happiness to be endless. You are my guardian angel, and under your wing, I feel calm.

Love is the strongest feeling in the world. Love can perform extraordinary miracles. Love makes us kinder, and our feelings purer. My love for you, my love, has made me the happiest person in the world. I'm just flying with happiness. You are the most gentle, the most beautiful, and the kindest man in the world. I love you, breathe you, and adore you, my only one. You are my soulmate, without whom I simply cannot live. I love to look into your sweet eyes, I love to listen to your sonorous laughter, I love your gentle hugs. I just love you my dear.

I'm so lucky in life with you. You are so gentle and kind that sometimes I even envy myself. I just can't imagine another man in your place. You are the most important person in my destiny. I will always listen to your advice, I always trust you with the most secret. I have a lot of confidence in you. You are the other half of my heart. Only with you I feel comfortable, only with you I feel you the happiest, only with your heart my heart beats in unison. Thank you, my dear, for the fact that you are in the world.

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Thank you for being in the world! For the fact that you appeared in my life, I want to be only with you forever! I really don’t need anyone else besides you, sometimes I forget about my friends, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are the most precious thing I have! I love you!


You are a man, which almost does not exist. You are the meaning of my life and I love you very, very much. I want to be only with you! You are my only one! Know that there is a heart on earth that loves you, waits and cries for you every day... Yes, my dear, every day... I love you very much...


I don't want you to see my eyes, remember them the way they were at our first meeting - shiny, happy, and not the same as now - extinct ... Now they have too much pain, tears ... Remember, what they used to be, and now they are empty, there is only gloom, darkness and fog in them ... I don't want you to see them. They will never be the same as before. And remember, I fell in love with you at first sight, and I will always love you, and look forward to meeting you.


My dearest man. I remember the time when I just saw your photo, just read a couple of phrases addressed to me as a stranger in your life. It's so unusually intertwined strings of our destinies. I felt something unusual when I was going to our first meeting, no, it was my heart that felt ... I was lost in my feelings then, but I understood that a miracle was happening, two souls found each other.
Now I can shout to the whole world that I am happy, but then everything that happened stunned me. I only know that I fell in love with you. I always want to be with you.


You are alone in my heart... My world, my Universe... You are mine, you are only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes my heart beat faster... You are all the most precious and desirable for me. Without you, I can not breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live only for you. I love you so much!


I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch you go about your business. Watch a movie with your chin on your chest. Inhale your scent, so fresh and warm, burying your nose in your neck. Take you by the hand, going out into the street. I want all this because I love you madly.


A strange coincidence... I have been looking for something for so long, choosing. But I didn't expect you, but you appeared on your own. And everything is like in a dream, no ... not in a dream, everything is like in a movie. But, really, I thought it only happens in the movies. A chance meeting, just all the circumstances in one day came together so that we could find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably, everything should have been exactly this way and nothing else. And I'm just happy that it all happened. And it becomes scary at the thought that if something had gone wrong that day, we would never have known each other. I want to confess that I love you very much from the very minute we met, I hope that this is mutual.

I never thought that a person can become the meaning of another person's life! I never understood how you can give a man all of yourself, forgetting about pride. But having met you, I realized this so closely and sharply ... And now for me the greatest happiness is to be with you, to believe in the same dreams, breathe in the same air, give my love endlessly and just know that you exist!

What a blessing to have you by my side! It’s even scary for me to imagine that we could never meet each other, but just pass by without even looking. After all, this is how thousands of people pass by us every day. Without you, there would not be what is dear to me, what I value, what I dream about and what I hope for. There would be nothing without you.

I've never been lucky when playing cards. But for that I was very lucky in love! Thank you my good! You are my main prize in the lottery of life. I enjoy even the thought that you are with me, next to me. I look forward to every new meeting! I want to look into your eyes for an infinitely long time and feel the warmth of your body. You are my unlimited prize of emotions and love!

What could be nicer than a gentle kiss on the shoulder early in the morning? Nothing warms like hugs, tenderness and caress. Nothing else gives such inspiration, nothing binds like that. Love gave us meaning in life, making our souls happy. So let it last forever!

Men are usually laconic and do not like to rant. But everyone wants to know that you are the most needed and beloved man in the world! But not everyone will hear it. You are one of those few, without whose smile you do not want to wake up and live. I love you!

My dear! I often think what would have happened if I had not met you ... My life would be empty and gloomy, I would be lost in its labyrinths in search of you, my only and most beloved. But I can say with confidence that I am the happiest of women, because I have found my soul mate!

With you we are two halves,
And it's good for us to be together.
As if two pieces of ice had melted
After all, it became quite warm for both of them.

I love to just laugh with you
And just shut up and talk...
Beloved husband! I don't want to be separated.
And I love loving you so much!

In my hands is the hearth of love,
In yours - the fire of our whole bright life.
For happiness and goodness, our union is like a beacon:
Reliable, full of joy, impeccable.

I am grateful for the generous mercy of heaven,
And only a miracle I can call that meeting,
When suddenly a gleam appeared in my eyes,
And from that time he remained in the soul forever.

In your eyes, I also see the sparkle of love,
Protected by a ring and an oath true.
Keep, my beloved, our light, keep,
Let his flame be hot and immeasurable.

My beloved man, how sad without you!
When you are far away, I miss you very much!
I can't eat or sleep without you
I can only suffer without you...

I'm waiting, I'm always waiting for you
and day and night waiting for you to return when.
My heart breaks into pieces with sadness
come back to me soon!!!

I miss you, I miss you so much, I miss you now!!!

My dear husband, my beloved,
I confess to you again
That I love you so much
You are like a day in my destiny.

I confess to you again
What I learned secret:
Quitting with loneliness
I will save myself from trouble.