Male pride in relationships

Rudeness destroys our relationships with loved ones, but pride is much more dangerous, because it does not allow us to return what we have lost.

Proud people are not those who are silent about their love, but those who shout about it without opening their lips.

Never let pride take over your desires! Once you do this, you will regret what you did your whole life.

Love often puts us in front of a choice between a loved one and our own pride, while no matter what choice we make, pride will remain with us, but we can lose our beloved.

Best status:
We behave like fools: at first we had a fight, and now we sit and keep silent both online, trying for some reason to find out who is more stubborn.

Girls, remember that at the moment when a guy gets tired of banging his head against the wall of misunderstanding, your pride develops into banal stubbornness.

Of course, every girl should have a sense of pride, but it is important not to abuse it.

Long ago I became a stranger, long ago I became distant, but still I am still alone. Pride, passion and beauty are a burning mixture, yes, it's me!

Those who do not understand their purpose are often deprived of self-esteem. - F. Dostoevsky

Who has ... consciousness and self-esteem ... They ... are not afraid that others are smarter, more educated or more beautiful ... In the same way, they do not consider themselves much higher than those whom they, in turn, surpass, because they all seem to have very little values ​​in comparison with goodwill, for which they only respect themselves and which they assume in every person. - R. Descartes

He who preserves his dignity in trouble teaches the courage of worthy people and serves as a reproach to bad people. - W. Foscolo

He who speaks about his merits himself is ridiculous, but who does not realize them is stupid. - F. Chesterfield

Two things we especially value are our reputation and our life. Isn't it painful just to think that the most despicable libel can deprive us of the first and the most fragile weapon - the second? - Ch. Colton

Advantages, elevating you, humiliate another, while shortcomings, allowing others to laugh without malice at you, raise them in their own eyes. - A. Morua

Pride and laziness are the sources of all vices. - B. Paskach

Our pride is often increased by the shortcomings we have overcome. - F. La Rochefoucauld

A good name is the belonging of every honest person, but I concluded a good name in the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended towards its prosperity. Never self-esteem, often a submissive veil of transient passions, did not control my deeds. I forgot myself where it was necessary to think about the benefits of the general. My life was a harsh school, but innocent morals and natural generosity made my work easier: my feelings were free, and I myself was firm. - A. Suvorov

The highest approval of merit and merit consists in tacit acceptance of them for granted. - R. Emerson

pride - fuck you. "Hello, I miss you madly"

There is nothing more useful than a good name, and nothing creates it as firmly as dignity. - L. Vovenargue

Be careful not to choke on pride.

Do not be afraid of pride when it is justified

Pride is often an obstacle to true greatness. - M. Zhanlis

The dignity of human life is in the struggle. - A. Herzen

Too great virtues sometimes make a person unfit for society: they do not go to the market with gold bars - they need a bargaining chip, especially a small change. - N. Shamfort

The pain is temporary. Pride is eternal.

If I need it, you will step over pride!

A pride that dines on vanity gets contempt for supper. - B. Franklin

If someone has offended me - that is his business, such is his inclination, such is his disposition; I have my own disposition, such as was given to me by nature, and I will remain true to my nature in my actions. - Marcus Aurelius

Judge the merits of a stranger by his deeds; in deeds, the fruits of even secret intent are always laid bare. - Hitopadesha

I am one of those who will let go, so as not to run on the trail ... I am one of those who let go, so as not to lie at my feet ..

Self-esteem develops only by being an independent owner ... - N. Chernyshevsky

Pride is not at all the same as the consciousness of human dignity. Pride increases with external success, the consciousness of one's human dignity, on the contrary, with external humiliation. - L. Tolstoy

Pride, dignity is a reward for good deeds, for decency. - V. Zubkov

do as pride said, she is happy everything else suffers ...

Human dignity, like fruit, has its time. - F. La Rochefoucauld

Pride eradicates all vices except itself. - R. Emerson

The deepest quality of human nature is the passionate desire of people to be appreciated. - W. James

Pride - again you are at the wrong time.

The virtues are not as conspicuous as the vices. - Ancient Indus.

The duty to oneself ... is that one should respect human dignity in oneself. - I. Kant

My life experience has convinced me that people who have no flaws have very few merit. - A. Lincoln

What we are most proud of is what we don’t have. - Akutagawa Ryunosuke

The highest dignity is inaccessible to the understanding of the crowd, the latter willingly praises the virtues of the lower order; average virtues arouse surprise in her, or rather amazement; as for the highest virtues, she does not even know about them. - F. Bacon

If pride screams, then love is silent. - F. Gerfoe

All our dignity is in the ability to think. Only thought lifts us up, not space and time, in which we are nothing. Let us try to think with dignity: this is the basis of morality. - B. Pascal

Yes, he's mine, and I can proudly say that!

Appreciate those people who scored on their pride for your sake

The dignity of people is the dignity of precious stones, which, being of a known size, purity, perfection, have a definite and indicated price, but, being higher than this mark, do not have a price and do not find buyers at all. - N. Shamfort

If we were not overpowered by pride, we would not complain about the pride of others. - F. La Rochefoucauld

Either there is too much pride, or too little courage ...

Everyone can be proud, even lack of pride. - V. Klyuchevsky

People of the market are proud of their dexterity and ingenuity. But life's path goes by, as if in childish ignorance: they are inclined to fraud and boast of prodigality, they never once think about how their life will end. - Chen Ziang

Pride is not a vice, pride is self-defense.

I would have forgiven him for his pride if he hadn't touched mine.

It is as wise to honor your merits in private as it is ludicrous to extol them in front of others. - F. La Rochefoucauld

There is no small virtue in recognizing as ignorance what others regard as knowledge, and openly admitting that you do not know what you really do not know. - P. Gassendi

All dignity, all strength are calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves. - V. Belinsky

Be most proud of what you least owe you. - P. Balepu

The feeling of humanity is offended when people do not respect human dignity in others, and even more insulted and suffers when a person does not respect his own dignity in himself. - V. Belinsky

and falling to my knees, I will forget about pride and past quarrels.

A moment is enough to become a hero, but it takes a lifetime to become a worthy person. - P. Bruhla

Nothing can be more commendable than self-esteem when we do have valuable qualities. - D. Hume

True dignity is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes. - M. Montaigne

Pride is a kind of contempt for everyone else but yourself.

something stole my pride .. this is something called love ...

The more we talk about our merits, the less they believe in them. - N. Chernyshevsky

No matter how close to the shore the buoys are located, swimming for them, you feel pride.

Damn pride gets in the way of my happiness.

When people whose opinion we value deny us the virtues that we have, we usually become discouraged, as if we have lost them, and when they ascribe to us virtues that we did not suspect of ourselves, we are encouraged and try to acquire them. - V. Klyuchevsky

Pride came to the rescue of a wounded heart ...

I will ask you “how are you, dear?”, Spitting on pride ...

"You must have pride!" - I thought and called the first.

We quickly notice the slightest strengths in ourselves and slowly discover weaknesses. - J. La Bruyere

Excessive pride is a sign of an insignificant soul. - I. Turgenev

The dignity of each person depends only on how he shows himself in his actions. - A. Knigge

Pride is the source of the death and corruption of man; it encourages a person to deviate from the beaten path, to get carried away with innovations; it gives rise to the desire to lead the lost people who have embarked on the path of destruction; it makes a person prefer to be a teacher of lies and deceit than a student in the school of truth. - M. Montaigne

sorry, pride ...

Infinitely small people have infinitely great pride. - Voltaire

Those who have managed to earn the praise of their envious people have truly extraordinary virtues. - F. La Rochefoucauld

Everything is correct. I had your pride!

Pride is the biggest vice in which our dreams burn ...

Only one who has deeply studied manners can recognize all the signs that distinguish pride from vanity. The first holds her head high, is imperturbable, courageous, calm, adamant; the second is base, insecure, cowardly, fussy and changeable. Pride, as it were, adds to the growth of people, vanity only inflates them. - N. Shamfort

I tell myself - forget it. Heart whispers - I'm sorry. Pride cries out - go away!

Often the word “pride” is taken negatively. Although there is nothing wrong with feeling healthy self-esteem. But the inflated conceit causes only irritation and bewilderment of others. We present on this topic statuses about pride, which may interest the reader, and perhaps even come in handy, in order to express their attitude to this quality.

About pride

The path of life consists of ups and downs, so it depends only on us what will happen more often. Agree that it is impossible to overcome obstacles and recover from failure without self-confidence. Help out - objective self-esteem and self-esteem. These qualities motivate a person and help them achieve their goals.

We bring to the attention of the reader statuses about pride.

  • Never bow your head, hold it high to look the world right in the eye.
  • Life is too short to spend time thinking about what other people think of you.
  • Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
  • Generosity gives more than it can, and pride takes less than it needs to.
  • Pride is self-respect that separates superiority from mediocrity.
  • Our pride often grows due to the shortcomings that we managed to overcome.
  • Pride and poverty don't get along, but they often live together.
  • What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you.
  • Pain is temporary, pride is eternal!
  • Pride is worth more than hunger, thirst, and cold.
  • Pride is self-esteem with a halo.

About arrogance

Arrogance is not far from pride, therefore it has always been considered one of the most unpleasant human vices. Overestimated self-esteem is not just harmful, it often becomes the cause of fatal mistakes. Confirmation can be the status of pride and arrogance.

  • Pride demands respect for oneself, arrogance longs for the adoration of others.
  • The surest signs of ignorance are vanity, pride, and arrogance.
  • Arrogance is poison to the soul.
  • Arrogance is the mother of vanity.
  • Only sadness is available to those who are full of arrogance.
  • Arrogance is a mask for your own shortcomings.
  • Where personality is a dwarf, arrogance is a giant.
  • Ignorance, strength, and arrogance are a deadly mixture.
  • You can be proud of your own achievements, but not be arrogant about what was inherited by birth.
  • Let go of arrogance and hold fast to your dignity and integrity.

Statuses about pride in relationships

In relationships, healthy self-esteem is perhaps most important. This is especially true for women who are inclined to put up with what does not suit them to the detriment of themselves, for the sake of children, social status or the opinions of others. We suggest paying attention to the statuses about pride in relationships.

  • If you can't keep the relationship, at least keep your pride.
  • Every woman who finally understands her worth should lift her suitcases with pride and fly away to freedom to land in the valley of change.
  • Never cheat on yourself for someone who doesn't understand your value.
  • You cannot demand respect for yourself from others if you do not know how to respect yourself.
  • A relationship based only on commitment has no dignity.
  • When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.
  • Never humiliate yourself to make someone feel comfortable.
  • No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
  • If you underestimate what you are doing, the world underestimates you.
  • A person who does not value himself cannot appreciate others.
  • Never cling to a relationship. Be proud and courageous to accept someone who really wants to be around you and reject someone who is just pretending.

We hope that the statuses about pride that we have selected were interesting to our readers.

When a woman falls in love, she opens her whole soul in front of a man and completely dissolves in him. She is afraid of losing him and tries to be perfect for him in everything. And thus he makes a big mistake, because no matter how strong love is, you should never lose your individuality in a relationship. As soon as a woman loses herself, she also loses a man, this is such a paradox.

You don't have to try to be good for him in everything, you must always have your own clear boundaries, even with your loved one.

Yes, it is necessary to give love and tenderness, but not unilaterally. Everything should be in balance and harmony, especially yourself and your inner world.

Mistakes of women in a relationship with a man

1. Pity is not the best feeling for love

They say that a woman loves when she regrets. Such a sacrificial image of love is imposed on us from childhood. A man does not respect a woman and even raises his hand, but she forgives and regrets him. A man behaves ugly towards a woman, but she still forgives and regrets, hoping that somewhere deep down he is very kind and loves her. As a result, a woman lives in illusions, constantly pitying the man and not looking at him really, with a sober look.

You don't need to feel sorry for a man! Remember this for the rest of your life. If a woman begins to feel sorry for a man and show sympathy for him, then he very soon turns into, literally in six months or a year. And after he turns into her, he will exhaust all the nerves of the woman and eventually sit on her neck.

Always remember that men do not respect women who feel sorry for them, and, accordingly, do not value or love them and often abandon them. Feel sorry for yourself! And a man, he is a man, to solve his problems on his own. And not only your own, but also some of yours.

2. Self-esteem is the key to raising your value

If you respect yourself and have your own female pride (not pride!), Then a man will respect you. And respect and love for men are interconnected, which has already been written above. Pride and self-respect are essential ingredients for a man to love you.

Self-esteem goes along with self-confidence, without which it is almost impossible to build normal, healthy relationships.

3. Obsession kills his interest

This is one of the most common mistakes in relationships with men. If a man needs you, then he himself will show constant signs of attention to you. But if you do it much more often than he does, he will quickly lose interest in you.

4. Dependence on a man

There can be many types of addiction, for example, physical or emotional. When there is addiction, obsession and fear of loss appear, which can lead to a cooling of the relationship.

Now we are talking about the most banal dependence - material. Yes, the main task of a man is to be a breadwinner and protector. And a woman should not try to earn more than a man and be absolutely independent from him. But you should always have your own source of income, no matter how small. After all, you are an independent, self-sufficient person, aren't you? You are not a little girl who is completely under the protection and care of her father. You are a grown woman who is realized in life and has her own source of income.

Do not leave work without special circumstances and be extremely careful when rejecting sources, no matter how they are expressed. If the work takes a long time and distracts you from your beloved man, then it is quite possible to find work on a free schedule or part-time. Your sense of independence, which will give you your personal source of income, will preserve your self-respect and pride, and most importantly, the respect and love of a man.

Be careful with your property too. You should not immediately sell it and buy something together with a man until your feelings have not yet been tested and you are not married to this man.

5. Loss of your interests

Quite often, a woman puts the interests of a man above her own. And thus he does the crudest. You act in his interests today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, putting them first. And at some point, a man realizes that you simply do not have your own interests. And when a person has no interests of his own, he becomes uninteresting! And when there is no interest, there is no liveliness and brightness of feelings, boredom and routine comes.

Your interests should come first, followed by the interests of men, children and family. And this is not selfishness, but healthy self-love (read the article). No one will appreciate your self-sacrifice, simply because no one needs it.

There are women who “devote” their entire lives to their husbands or children, and then demand gratitude from them and constantly stifle them with a sense of guilt and duty.

Men are much more likely to fall in love with developing personalities and have very little interest in women who stop developing.

6. Corruptness

Men do not have much respect for corrupt women and give preference to those women who are not for sale. In such they often fall in love and marry such. A man, looking for a wife, seeks and, to some extent, a friend for life and proceeds from the fact that such a woman rejects the man's direct or indirect attempts to buy her.

Men admire such feminine adherence to principles, they love and respect such women and forgive them a lot. After all, "not venality" testifies to a tall and beautiful soul, and a beautiful soul is impossible not to love. And, on the contrary, a corrupt and ugly soul repels forever.

7. Does a woman have to be smart?

In order not to tell jokes that men love stupid people, this is far from the case. It is clear that normal men absolutely do not like stupidity in one form or another, and they love and respect smart women much more than stupid ones. Yes, men do not like women with a masculine character who play on their field and are initiative in a masculine manner (read). But they are very fond of intellectually developed feminine women who do not bulge their minds and do not try to beat and defeat men in everything. Their mind, their intellect, their sense of humor always arouse great interest in men.

If men loved stupid women, then everyone would fall in love with women with slight mental retardation, but there is no such thing, right?

8. Inability to manage money

If a woman does not know how to keep a budget, then it is unlikely that such a family will ever be prosperous. No matter how much a man earns, such a woman will just let everything go down the wind. The ability to keep a budget is an important quality and it is very useful, even if a man himself knows how to spend money wisely.

Different views on the material issue lead to constant quarrels and scandals. And they arise not so much because of a small income, but because of the lack of a reserve at a time when the family urgently needs money, as well as because of thoughtless spending and unpaid bills on time.

In short, no matter how cruel it is, do not over-indulge men and do not let them sit on your neck! Often women try to treat men “humanly” like their friends or children. But with men it “doesn’t work,” and experienced, wiser women have long understood this. In general, a man should be treated a little harder than a friend or a child, just so that he does not sit on your neck, dangling his legs and does not yet shout at the same time that you are running slowly. First, women will do this, and then they become unhappy in marriage and constantly complain that everything is pulling on themselves. So who makes you that? Themselves put themselves in such a position, pitying the man and treating him “like a human being”.

Let Men Be Men! Strong, brave, caring, your earners and protectors. And for this, be feminine, interesting and a little bit mysterious, and do not make the above mistakes. I also suggest that you visit the site of the psychologist Alexei Chernozem, who, both as a psychologist and as a man, gives very important, valuable, and, most importantly, working advice and techniques. Come in here and learn the psychology of men, as well as all the secrets and tricks for building a happy relationship.

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