Postcards m day for the protection of children. The best pictures and cards in honor of Children's Day

There are many holidays designed to remind people of some important event or phenomenon. For this, international days dedicated to certain topics are established. June 1 is celebrated as Children's Day and pictures with postcards, congratulatory inscriptions and other thematic focus, become very popular at this time.

After all, this is not just another "holiday for a tick", but a day designed to remind of the vulnerability of all children to the difficulties of life, adults and other things.

Postcard images

Naturally, on this topic it is impossible to do without the children themselves. Almost every photo or drawing contains babies of different ages. Here all the innocence and carelessness of this age is conveyed, so that everyone can, even for a moment, plunge into the time that everyone had and are gone forever.

Kids, from infancy to primary school age, will certainly remind you of the very essence of the holiday, so the pictures with them are universal and perfect for congratulations.

In addition to the children themselves, flowers are often used as additional attributes, as a symbol of beauty. They act as decoration, not to mention the fact that few holidays are complete without them.

Children's Day cards may also contain small animals to draw parallels between them. After all, they also cannot withstand the dangers they face in this world.

Subject of plots

When a person sees an image on a postcard, then all its elements add up to a certain plot. Some seek to show the happiness of children, where they are under parental care, while other postcards approach this issue from the other side. Some of them depict crying children.

The theme of friendship between children is also often encountered. Kids holding hands around the globe perfectly symbolize the global nature of the holiday.

Joint photographs with animals and joyful passing of time here stands out as the main motive. Every parent in such things can notice their child. But on this day, you should remember not only about your children, but about all the little defenseless human beings on the planet.

Animated pictures

For the first time, you can look at an animated image for a long time without looking up from it. Unlike static ones, they attract much more attention. Animation makes the decals stand out by adding movement to the background around them.

In addition, objects are also animated, creating the effect of movement. This kind of pictures provides an indescribable beauty, so that every year there are only more of them. A wide selection of images on our website site will help you choose an electronic greeting card for everyone for every taste.

This is not the only day dedicated to children. There are also separate days for attention to African babies. In addition, there is also "child's day", which is often confused with the day of protection.

It falls on November 20, so the difference in dates is significant. But still June 1 is a more famous holiday. The decision to establish this day was recognized as early as 1949.

In many European countries and in America, actions are held on this day to protect unborn children. People who oppose abortion are holding demonstrations and trying in every possible way to draw attention to this issue too.

Children are always beautiful
Who is thinner and who is fuller,
Higher, lower and older,
There are no strangers, bad children.

Children smell unusual
It's better with them, life is brighter,
Let's stand together in defense
We are all children in the world.

Little hands,
Round eyes,
You, charm,
You can't not love!

Little feet
Of the teeth, only two.
Goes round and round with you
Head towards night.

You are the beginning of life
Sweet child!
Little man
It is impossible not to love!

Today is the day of protection of children -
Candy absorbers
The happiness of those who see in smartphones
And tablets. But undeniably

Gadgets are more needed - mom!
You can be mischievous
And disobey advice
But with selfless love

Maternal, endless
To be wrapped up forever.
And everyone needs a folder,
To sometimes threaten with a slipper

And frightened with a wide belt,
Doing homework together.
And, of course, brothers are needed,
And sisters need hugs

Homemade borsch, cozy home ...
So let all the babies
They grow up in strong families,
They do not know sorrowful tears!

Take care of your children
Do not scold them for their pranks.
The evil of my bad days
Never rip off on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them,
Even if they are guilty,
Nothing is dearer than tears
That from the cilia of relatives rolled down.

If fatigue falls down,
There is no urine to cope with her,
Well, sonny will approach you
Or my daughter will stretch out her hands

Hug them tight.
Cherish the caress of children.
This happiness is a short moment.
Hurry to be happy!

After all, they will melt like snow in spring,
These golden days will flash,
And they will leave the hearth dear
Grown up your children.

Flipping through the album
With photographs of childhood
Remember the past with sadness
About the days when we were together.

How will you want
At this time, come back again,
So that they sing a song to the little ones,
Touch the cheeks with tender lips.

And while there is children's laughter in the house,
There is nowhere to go from toys
You are the happiest in the world,
Please take care of your childhood!

Eduard Asadov

It is worth noting that these actions do not directly relate to the holiday and the activists are simply trying to find a well-known holiday similar in theme.

Children Protection Day. The holiday has a fixed date and is always celebrated on that day. Created on the web a selection of congratulations in pictures... This is reported by the media.

On this wonderful summer day, events for children and their parents are held throughout the country - concerts, performances, master classes, contests, games and much more. An important component of the holiday is sincere congratulations - we suggest you do it beautifully, below is a selection of congratulations on Children's Day in the format of electronic cards.

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

International Children's Day Is one of the oldest international holidays. The decision to hold it was made in 1925 at the World Conference on the Welfare of Children in Geneva.

History is silent as to why it was decided to celebrate this children's holiday on June 1. According to one version, in 1925, the Consul General of China in San Francisco gathered a group of Chinese orphans and arranged for them a celebration of Duan-wu jie (Festival), the date of which fell on June 1.

By a lucky coincidence, the day coincided with the time of the "children's" conference in Geneva. After the Second World War, when the problems of preserving the health and well-being of children were more urgent than ever, in 1949 in Paris a congress of women was held, at which an oath was made to tirelessly fight for a lasting peace as the only guarantee of children's happiness.

And in the same year, at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women, in accordance with the decisions of its 2nd Congress, a holiday was established. A year later, in 1950, on June 1, the first International Children's Day was held, after which this holiday is held annually.

International Children's Day has a flag. On a green background, symbolizing growth, harmony, freshness and fertility, stylized figures are placed around the sign of the Earth - red, yellow, blue, white and black. These human figures represent diversity and tolerance. The sign of the Earth, placed in the center, is a symbol of our common home.

Watch the plot of the event

Children Protection Day. The holiday has a fixed date and is always celebrated on that day. Created on the web a selection of congratulations in pictures... This is reported by the media.

On this wonderful summer day, events for children and their parents are held throughout the country - concerts, performances, master classes, contests, games and much more. An important component of the holiday is sincere congratulations - we suggest you do it beautifully, below is a selection of congratulations on Children's Day in the format of electronic cards.

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

Congratulations image

International Children's Day Is one of the oldest international holidays. The decision to hold it was made in 1925 at the World Conference on the Welfare of Children in Geneva.

History is silent as to why it was decided to celebrate this children's holiday on June 1. According to one version, in 1925, the Consul General of China in San Francisco gathered a group of Chinese orphans and arranged for them a celebration of Duan-wu jie (Dragon Boat Festival), the date of which fell on June 1.

By a lucky coincidence, the day coincided with the time of the "children's" conference in Geneva. After the Second World War, when the problems of preserving the health and well-being of children were more urgent than ever, in 1949 in Paris a congress of women was held, at which an oath was made to tirelessly fight for a lasting peace as the only guarantee of children's happiness.

And in the same year, at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women, in accordance with the decisions of its 2nd Congress, a holiday was established. A year later, in 1950, on June 1, the first International Children's Day was held, after which this holiday is held annually.

International Children's Day has a flag. On a green background, symbolizing growth, harmony, freshness and fertility, stylized figures are placed around the sign of the Earth - red, yellow, blue, white and black. These human figures represent diversity and tolerance. The sign of the Earth, placed in the center, is a symbol of our common home.

Watch the plot of the event