Primary herpes in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. How to treat herpes during pregnancy: local and systemic therapy, consequences for the child. Treatment of herpes during pregnancy

About such a disease as herpes, many have not only heard, but also know from personal experience. Today, 90% of the population are carriers of herpes. Being present in the human body for 5, 10, and even 25 years, herpes may not manifest itself in any way, since the human immunity “suppresses” its manifestations and the virus, realizing that it cannot cope here yet, “dozes”. This continues until the body's defenses weaken. There are various methods of treatment, aimed primarily at suppressing the manifestations of the disease, as well as restoring immunity. But there is one “but”: this disease cannot be cured, it can only be “put to sleep”, and until the immunity weakens again. Unfortunately, pregnancy is one of those periods when a disease that lives in a state of suspended animation begins to progress.

What do we know about herpes?

  • Every second person is a carrier of this virus.
  • The herpes virus usually lurks in the peripheral nervous system near the spine.
  • Herpes herpes strife. This is us to the fact that today there are herpes of the first and second types.
  • Herpes manifests itself in rashes in the form of vesicles, the most favorite place of which is the lips or nose (if it is a type 1 virus) or genitals (in the case of type 2).
  • Herpes is transmitted in 4 ways. Among them: airborne, sexual, contact (when kissing, shaking hands, sharing common household items) and generic (from mother to child during gestation or childbirth).
  • The herpes simplex virus is present in the carrier's saliva, blood, lymph, tears, urine, semen, and cerebrospinal fluid.
  • The virus penetrates the human DNA, introduces new information into it and multiplies.
  • Herpes can contribute to development.

Why is the herpes virus dangerous during pregnancy?

As we said, herpes often manifests itself during pregnancy, when there is a decrease in immunity. The latter is simply necessary for the successful bearing of the fetus, which to some extent is a foreign object for the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, nature arranged it so that for 9 months the body weakens and does not try to get rid of the “stranger”. That is, from the standpoint of pregnancy, this phenomenon is simply necessary, but in the case of herpes, everything is different.

It is very dangerous if a woman has contracted herpes while pregnant. In this case, there is a possibility of penetration of the virus through the placenta into the baby's body. True, infection may not occur. If a woman becomes infected in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage increases significantly. If this does not happen, the virus can “work” in another area and provoke the fetus: damage to the central nervous system, serious congenital brain defects, visual impairment, hearing impairment, and various abnormalities in physical development. Infection in the third trimester can lead to stillbirth or the birth of a baby with brain damage.

More comforting forecasts for those women who had herpes or were carriers of the virus before pregnancy. In this category of women, babies are protected by maternal antibodies.

The most commonly used method of delivery, if an exacerbation of genital herpes occurred shortly before childbirth, is. This is due to the high risk of infection of the child when passing through an infected birth canal. Some experts practice . To do this, they neutralize the virus with the help of drugs. One of them is, for example, acyclovir.

How to treat herpes during pregnancy

If a woman before pregnancy observed manifestations of herpes in herself, then this should be told to an obstetrician-gynecologist. In the case of an exacerbation of the disease during the bearing of a child, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor: the sooner measures are taken, the greater the chance of success.

As we have already noted, there is no medicine that destroys the virus and ensures complete recovery. The measures taken by doctors affect either the virus or the immune system. The situation with the treatment of pregnant women is aggravated by the fact that not all known drugs can be used for 9 months.

The main ally of a pregnant woman in the fight against herpes is the drug Panavir, which can be used internally and externally. Also, but with caution, use the antiherpetic ointment acyclovir. She lubricates the foci of rashes about 5 times a day for a week. In addition, alpizarin, tebrofen, tetracycline or erythromycin ointment is used.

From folk remedies, lubrication of the focus with fir oil is used, softening of the crusts with chamomile cream or calendula ointment. Recommend a plentiful hot drink, for example, tea with honey or viburnum.

The instructions for some drugs indicate that they should not be used during pregnancy. But a woman should trust her doctor, who has prescribed one of these drugs, and know that an untreated infection is much more dangerous than taking "unauthorized" drugs.

Specially for- Olga Pavlova

From Guest

My doctor advised me to cauterize with alcohol, but there was no effect, in 2 days it was swollen by half a lip. Saved by chlorhexidine. I put it on a cotton pad, washed it in the morning, half of it dragged on before lunch. In the evening after work I repeated - in the morning almost nothing was noticeable.

From Guest

All you need to do is lubricate the herpes on the lips with earwax - it will pass in a matter of hours, or maybe earlier, it’s checked. And free, and without chemistry. Understand that there is no tragedy.

From Guest

You can’t cauterize it, wash it as often as possible with simple soap, it dries the wounds and smears with acyclovir, I’m 8 months old and the rash is not the first time, it usually goes away in a couple of days

From Guest

Today I went to the gynecologist about this unpleasant sore (herpis). This is not the first time for me, but it happened for the first time during pregnancy. I am 14 weeks pregnant. The doctor said that it's okay, she prescribed acyclovir ointment and that's it! So do not worry in articles about herpes they are very scary, I myself read a lot and did not sleep at night.

Herpetic infection is one of the most common among people of different ages and nationalities. According to medical statistics, almost 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes simplex virus. The disease is especially dangerous for women of childbearing age. After all, herpes during pregnancy can cause serious complications for both the mother and the unborn child, up to spontaneous abortion or premature birth.

The treatment of herpes in pregnant women presents certain difficulties, which is associated with the negative impact of a number of pharmaceuticals on the developing fetus. Therefore, the use of any medication during the period of bearing a child should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Herpes infection: what is it

To date, eight main types of herpes have been identified, the most common of which are herpes simplex viruses of the first and second (1 and 2) types, as well as the chickenpox virus that causes herpes zoster.

All tissues of the human body are susceptible to infection. But the most dangerous for pregnant women are rashes in the perineum and genitals - this is the so-called genital form of the disease. Most often it is provoked by the herpes simplex virus type 2. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy is less dangerous, and with a favorable course, it rarely causes complications.

The disease can have a primary form, that is, when a woman's body first encountered an infection, or a chronic course with periodic exacerbations. During the period of gestation, primary infection is especially undesirable, since in this case the risk to the fetus is much higher.

Consequences for the baby

Why is herpes dangerous during pregnancy? The greatest danger lies in the high probability of infection of the unborn child. The virus penetrates in different ways: with blood flow through the placenta, from the vagina through the cervical canal, or through the fallopian tubes from the pelvic cavity. There is also a risk of infection of the newborn during childbirth. The acute course of the disease in the 1st trimester of pregnancy has especially serious consequences for the child.

The main complications that the herpes virus can cause during the gestation period are as follows.

  • Child Development Disorder. Herpes in early pregnancy causes severe malformations in the fetus and spontaneous miscarriage.
  • Herpetic lesions of tissues and organs. In a child, the nervous system, eyes, and oral cavity are most vulnerable.
  • Defeat of the placenta, amniotic fluid. This provokes preterm labor and fetal hypoxia and occurs in the 2nd trimester or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
  • Intrauterine fetal death. They are more common in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

In addition, in the acute period of herpetic infection, the condition of the pregnant woman herself worsens significantly. It is known that during gestation, the immune defense of a woman is physiologically reduced, which makes her more vulnerable to various infectious agents.

Therefore, in the case of a combination of pregnancy and herpes, the disease is much more severe, often with fever, impaired blood microcirculation, including in the placenta, dishormonal disorders. This further worsens the nutrition of the fetus, causes its hypoxia and developmental delay.

What are the clinical manifestations of the disease

Exacerbation of a chronic disease and primary genital herpes have similar clinical symptoms. The main external manifestations in this case are:

  • characteristic bubble rashes on the external genitalia;
  • pain and swelling in the intimate area;
  • pain in the lower abdomen with damage to the vagina (vaginal herpes);
  • painful and frequent urination;
  • abundant light discharge from the vagina;
  • the thermometer reaches 37.5-38 ° C;
  • general health deteriorates.

In recent years, cases of atypical (erased) course of genital herpes are increasingly being recorded. In this case, the only manifestations are itching or burning in the area of ​​​​the small and large labia, vaginal discharge, a slight increase in temperature.

Usually the acute period of the disease lasts no more than 10-12 days. During this time, erosions form at the site of the rash, which become covered with crusts and gradually heal.

Treatment of herpes during pregnancy

Since most of the antiherpetic drugs used in medical practice have a toxic effect on the fetus, the treatment of herpes during pregnancy should be under the supervision of a medical specialist. Most doctors recommend active drug therapy only during the period of recurrence of the disease.

To eliminate rashes in the perineum and external genital organs, the use of local forms of antiherpetic drugs (ointment, cream, gel) is allowed. According to indications, tablets or injections (shots) are prescribed.

The safest drug for pregnant women with proven efficacy is Acyclovir (Zovirax). It can be used both topically and in the form of tablets or injections.

Self-medication or the use of folk remedies at home is unacceptable. Also, you should not be guided by the reviews of pregnant women on the Internet or the yellow press regarding any method of treating herpes. This threatens with dangerous complications for the mother and unborn child.


For local therapy, the following drugs are used:

  • cream "Acyclovir".
  • oxolinic ointment.
  • Foscarnet cream.
  • ointment "Bonafton".
  • ointment "Tromontadin".

However, most often the cream "Acyclovir" is prescribed. It is applied to the places of rashes at least five times a day. The duration of therapy averages about a week, a maximum of ten days. Usually the drug is well tolerated by pregnant women, sometimes there may be a slight burning sensation or dryness of the skin at the site of its application.

The remaining antiviral ointments are applied two to four times a day on the intimate area affected by herpes. The duration of treatment is from five to fourteen days.

The use of local preparations often requires the parallel administration of immunostimulants. For this purpose, Timalin, Splenin, Eleutherococcus, Taktivin are used. Also recommended are multivitamin complexes with a composition adapted for pregnant women ("Vitrum prenatal", "Elevit").


It involves the appointment of antiherpetic drugs in the form of tablets or injections. As a rule, it is recommended for primary infection with herpes, as well as in the case of a generalized (common) form of the disease. What can be assigned?

  • Tablets "Acyclovir". For pregnant women, doctors recommend Acyclovir tablets at a dosage of 200 mg up to five times a day. For patients who have a significant decrease in immunity, the dose of the drug is sometimes doubled. The duration of taking the tablets is determined by the attending physician, on average, such therapy lasts from five to ten days.
  • "Valacyclovir". There are also recommendations for the use of the antiherpetic drug Valaciclovir (Valtrex) in pregnant women. He is prescribed 500 mg twice a day. The duration of admission is from five to ten days.
  • Acyclovir injections. Severe forms of herpesvirus infection with extensive rashes and severe general condition of the pregnant woman require intravenous administration of Acyclovir. In this case, the dosage is calculated individually at the rate of five mg / kg of weight. Enter every ten hours with a dropper.
  • Immunoglobulin. In severe forms of herpes, antiherpetic immunoglobulin is included in the treatment regimen. It is administered intramuscularly once with an interval of three to four days. The usual dosage is 3 ml, five to seven such injections are recommended.
  • Interferon. It is also acceptable to use conventional interferon ("Viferon"). The latter in the 1st trimester is used in the form of an ointment or gel, and from the 14th week of pregnancy it is prescribed in candles - one candle every 12 hours for five days or more.

It should be remembered that self-administration of drugs is completely unacceptable. The wrong scheme of its reception can harm not only the health of the woman, but also the unborn child. Therefore, only a doctor determines how and how to treat herpes during pregnancy based on laboratory test data (identification of specific IgM, IgG antibodies is mandatory), the prevalence of infection in the body and the severity of clinical manifestations.


Bearing a child is always accompanied by a decrease in the protective forces of the female body. At the beginning of pregnancy, the body in this way seeks to preserve the fetus, which the immune system can reject as a foreign body. In the 3rd trimester, the child is actively growing and developing, the mother has to use all the resources to protect not only herself, but also the baby from infections. Immunity is reduced by working for two. And at this moment, a woman is on the lookout for herpes, which manifests itself only in a weakened body. What is the danger of herpes during pregnancy of the 3rd trimester for the mother and her fetus? How to be treated for this misfortune, bearing a child?

Herpes is a viral disease that manifests itself as a rash in the form of a cluster of small pimples filled with fluid. A rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes. The localization of herpes can be the area around the mouth, the inner and outer surface of the genital organs, the perineum, and the eyes.

It is transmitted by direct contact with an infected person, as well as by household means. Infection through the respiratory tract is also possible. Once settled in the body, the virus takes root in it until the end of a person's life. Susceptibility to the virus increases at the time of weakening of the body.

The following factors can provoke its manifestation:

  • hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • viral infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • physical fatigue;
  • prolonged mental stress;
  • mental instability.

It is impossible to completely get rid of herpes, however, antibodies to the virus are produced in the blood, which suppress its action during the period of exacerbation.

Symptoms of a herpes infection

In addition to bubbles that cause pain and itching, a person may also be disturbed by other signs of malaise:
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • temperature rise;
  • aches in the joints;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • prostration;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • depressive state.

Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic.

Varieties and forms of herpes infection

There are 8 types of herpes virus infection. Among them, the most common are labial herpes (on the lips) and genital herpes.

The virus that causes varicella (chickenpox) and shingles also belongs to the group of herpes viruses.

More rare forms of viral infection are also known: cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. In addition, three more types of herpes have been identified, which are poorly understood.

Almost every second person from the entire population of the globe is infected with the herpes virus.

Distinguish between primary and secondary herpes infection.

The primary form of the disease is characterized by a more severe course. In this case, the most dangerous herpes, sexually transmitted, since the first time after infection, the symptoms of the disease in humans are often absent. A carrier of a latent infection can pass it on to other people without even knowing it.

Secondary infection is an exacerbation of the disease caused by an increase in the activity of the virus present in the blood. Relapses are less dangerous for the body, since antibodies developed specifically for this purpose are fighting the virus. The disease proceeds in a less acute form.

Herpes during pregnancy

The appearance of herpes during pregnancy is highly undesirable, but, unfortunately, the virus often manifests itself in this important period of life for a woman. The development of infection at any time can lead to serious consequences, but the risk of contracting herpes in the third trimester of pregnancy increases significantly. If the fetus was infected in the womb or at the time of birth, this can lead to the development of various pathologies in it or even death.

The increased risk of infection of the fetus at the end of pregnancy can be explained by a high degree of permeability of the placenta. If in the initial period this risk is about 10%, then before the onset of labor, it increases by 5 or 6 times.

Ways of transmission of herpes infection from mother to child in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

  1. Transplacental route, when the virus enters the child's body in the process of gestation from the mother's blood through the placenta.
  2. When passing through the birth canal. Infection occurs through direct contact of the child with infected genitals.

The main danger to the fetus is primary herpes, especially the genital form of the virus.

The defeat of the external genital organs can be complicated by the penetration of the infection inside, from where it can easily reach the child. But the labial form of herpes is no less dangerous if the mother's body does not have antibodies to it. When the infection enters the bloodstream, it can also harm the baby.

If a woman has had herpes before pregnancy, a relapse in the later period does not threaten her and the child. With an exacerbation of the infection (secondary herpes), the protective forces suppress the destructive effect of the virus, preventing it from spreading throughout the body. Antibodies also reliably protect the fetus in the womb.

Genital herpes

It is worth dwelling in more detail on genital herpes in the third trimester, since it is most dangerous for a child. The carrier of a latent herpes infection can be both the mother and the father of the child. Therefore, a man must undergo an examination so as not to put his unborn child at risk. This is especially true if a woman has not had herpes before. In such a situation, the couple must protect themselves by using condoms during sexual intercourse.

Course of the disease:

  • at the beginning of the disease, there is redness and itching in the perineal area, the anus area, the inner part of the thigh may be affected;
  • after a few days, rashes appear in the form of watery vesicles, they can spread both outside the genital organs and inside;
  • on the fifth day, the blisters begin to open, forming small sores covered with a crust;
  • after a week or two the crusts come off.

Accompanying symptoms in this form of herpes will be painful and frequent urination, liquid transparent vaginal discharge, swelling of the lymph nodes in the inguinal folds, as well as classic cold symptoms (headache, fever, fever, etc.).

The total duration of the acute period is up to 10 days. Exacerbations can occur with different frequency, depending on the state of the immune system.

What threat does herpes carry?

Secondary herpes, in addition to unpleasant sensations, cannot bring any problems to the mother and child. But the disease, which arose for the first time, threatens both the mother and the baby.

For a woman, there is a danger of damage to the internal genital organs, which can even lead to the development of infertility in the future.

Pregnancy with primary infection with herpes is at risk of premature termination. In the early term, there is a risk of developing a missed pregnancy. The occurrence of herpes in pregnant women in the third trimester can lead to premature birth. The child may still be born.

Infection in the third trimester can cause the following fetal pathologies:

  • cessation of fetal development and death;
  • disorders of the central nervous system, they are manifested by epilepsy, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, meningoencephalitis;
  • damage to the organs of vision, which can cause blindness;
  • intrauterine pneumonia;
  • skin diseases characterized by a protracted inflammatory process (stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • pathological changes in the liver, leading to the development of cirrhosis, hepatitis;
  • partial or complete deafness;
  • blood poisoning (sepsis);
  • hemorrhagic syndrome, it is manifested by frequent bleeding.

To prevent infection of the child during childbirth, an infected woman is given a caesarean section.

Preventive measures

To prevent recurrence, a pregnant woman must:
  • monitor your health, a disease that is not treated on time will cause a weakening of the immune system;
  • strengthen the immune system with vitamins, proper nutrition, fresh air, moderate physical activity, good rest;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to heat or cold;
  • protect yourself from stressful situations.

To avoid primary infection, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • observe personal hygiene;
  • do not use other people's intimate hygiene and household items;
  • avoid contact with people infected with the virus;
  • have a permanent sexual partner;
  • Use a condom if you suspect your partner has an infection.

The best way to avoid a problem pregnancy is to plan it. Having planned a pregnancy, both spouses must undergo a full examination to identify diseases that pose a threat to the unborn child.

How to treat herpes

It is very important to treat herpes during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester on time, especially before a close birth. Even the next relapse of the disease should not be left to chance. At the initial symptoms, antiviral drugs for external use are prescribed. But if herpes appeared during pregnancy, how to treat it in the 3rd trimester? Not all drugs are suitable for women in this position, so you should not self-medicate. Most often, as prescribed by a doctor, Acyclovir or Zovirax is used. There are other effective remedies: Famaciclovir or Famvir, Penciclovir or Denavir, Valciclovir or Valtrex.

You need to start treatment as early as possible. The greatest effect can be achieved only in the first day from the moment the first signs appear: redness of the skin, itching, burning.

If you have a high temperature, take an antipyretic. To prevent the development of concomitant bacterial infection, it is necessary to use antibacterial ointments based on tetracycline, oxolin, or erythromycin.

Strengthen immunity before childbirth will help tinctures based on echinacea or eleutherococcus.

It is recommended not to eat foods high in agrinin, a substance that creates favorable conditions for the spread of the virus. These products include chocolate, dried grapes. Products containing lysine can have a beneficial effect on the rapid outcome of the disease. For example, it is useful to include vegetables and fruits, as well as chicken meat in the diet.

How to treat herpes during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester without resorting to medication? recommends his methods:

  • for the treatment of sores, garlic juice, aloe, kalanchoe are used;
  • you can try lotions with herbal infusions (based on chamomile, calendula, tansy);
  • effectively relieve pain and inflammation baths with herbs.

Herpes and pregnancy are a bad combination. But it should be remembered that only the primary disease poses a real threat. If an exacerbation occurs before childbirth, it is important to treat it so that the birth canal is safe for the baby. If necessary, a caesarean section should be performed. The best way to fight herpes is to strengthen the immune system, and a routine examination before pregnancy will save a woman from many tragic consequences.

The analyzed disease is one of the most common in our country. Herpes affects almost 95% of men and women. Pregnant women deserve special attention, because during a decrease in their immunity, most expectant mothers do not know how to heal themselves and protect their baby. Let's look at herpes in the third trimester of pregnancy.

In the case when herpes occurs for the first time, it poses a huge threat to the life of the mother and child. Let us consider in more detail what consequences herpes can lead to in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

  1. In the third trimester, the fetus stops developing.
  2. The baby may die in the womb or be prematurely born dead.
  3. Problems with the normal development of the nervous system, which entail the occurrence of epilepsy, microcephaly, hydrocephalus, meningoencephalitis.
  4. Birth of a blind child.
  5. Inflammation of the lungs in the fetus while it is still inside the mother.
  6. Various diseases of the skin, the process of getting rid of which requires long-term treatment.
  7. Improper formation of the liver and its development, which can provoke the appearance of hepatitis and cirrhosis.
  8. Deafness in part or in full.
  9. Sepsis.
  10. Frequent bleeding.
  11. Heart disease.

Of particular danger is genital herpes. In the case when it is diagnosed in a pregnant woman, the process of natural childbirth is strictly prohibited. The only way to protect the child from infection is to perform a caesarean section.

Herpes on the lips

Rarely, herpes on the lip during pregnancy 3rd trimester appears immediately. Most often this occurs 3-9 days after the infection has occurred.


Experts identify the following symptoms of the type of herpes in question:

  • nausea and headache;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • a feeling of ache in the muscles and bones.


It is not difficult to visually determine the presence of herpes on the lips of a pregnant woman. It begins to manifest with a burning sensation and itching in the corners of the mouth and on the lips. After that, there is swelling and a blister filled with liquid. If you touch it, there are unpleasant, painful sensations. A few days later, it bursts, forming a wound, which is tightened with a crust.

Expert opinion

Luvanova Arina Viktorovna, specialized in female sexually transmitted diseases

In no case should you prematurely tear off the dried skin from the sore, because this can cause bleeding.

To know much more about herpes, you need to conduct a number of medical studies:

  1. Take a blood test for polymerase chain reaction. It helps to identify the causative agent of the disease.
  2. ELISA makes it possible to determine if the expectant mother has antibodies to the herpes virus. If the result showed the presence of class G immunoglobulins, then this indicates that the woman has had herpes for a long time and has antibodies in her body. When the number of such antibodies increases over time, this is a sign of a recurrence of herpes. In the event that after passing the test in the blood there are a large number of class M antibodies, the pregnant woman is infected for the first time in her life.
  3. General analysis of urine and blood.

Only the attending physician should prescribe the necessary tests, as well as determine the course of treatment in each case.

Treatment traditional and folk

There is no permanent cure for this disease. If a person once fell ill with it, then herpes remains in his body for life. At the first sign of this infection, you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to provoke its even greater spread.

Most modern drugs aimed at getting rid of the disease in question are strictly forbidden to be used by expectant mothers. This is due to the fact that often drugs penetrate the bloodstream and harm the baby.

Do you think folk recipes are harmful to the unborn baby?


In this case, ointments will come to the rescue, which have a local effect on the site of the lesion and do not pose a threat to the child. These drugs include Acyclovir, Zovirax, Gerperax and others. They are recommended to be applied directly to the ulcer or to try to prevent the appearance of bubbles when discomfort is just beginning to appear on the lips.

Do not forget to use the ointment correctly:

  • Apply it to the blister only with a cotton swab.
  • The layer of the remedy on herpes should be thin so that it does not get into the mouth.
  • Try to apply the ointment at least 6-8 times a day.
  • Continue treatment until the complete disappearance of dry crusts of the epidermis.
  • In no case do not pierce the herpes vesicles, which will prevent the infection from spreading to other areas of the skin.
  • Try not to touch the area affected by herpes, do not rub your eyes and wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Lipstick should not be applied to the affected area of ​​the lips.

From the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman is prescribed intravenous drugs that are no longer able to harm the baby, but will effectively cope with a herpes infection.

As for alternative methods of treatment, it is quite acceptable to use the following means:

  1. Aloe juice and sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Lotions from pre-prepared infusion of calendula or chamomile are also widely known.
  3. Alternative medicine welcomes the treatment of herpes on the lips and near them with herbal toothpaste, petroleum jelly, vegetable oil.
  4. Too strong manifestation of a herpes infection can be cauterized with vitamin E mixed with an interferon solution.

An addition to any type of herpes therapy will be good rest and sleep, a healthy diet and regular walks in the fresh air.

Herpes genital

The most dangerous form of the analyzed infectious disease. Both parents can be carriers. In the event that herpes is found in the father of the unborn child, condoms must be used during intercourse so as not to infect the pregnant woman. After the appearance of small blisters on the genitals, already on the fifth day they begin to burst. In their place, ulcers appear, covered with a rough crust. They go away after a week or two.


If a pregnant woman in the third trimester in the last stages has abundant genital rashes of herpes, she is required to have a caesarean section.


In order not to become infected with herpes on the lips or genitals, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Stay away from infected people.
  2. Follow the general rules of personal hygiene in time.
  3. Avoid casual sex.
  4. Do not use other people's hygiene products.
  5. Dry the body only with your own towel.
  6. If the partner is sick with this disease, a condom should be used during intercourse.

In the event that a woman has already had herpes before pregnancy, you need to know about the main tips that will help avoid a relapse while carrying a baby:

  • Do not be exposed to low and high temperatures for too long, so as not to provoke the occurrence of a number of diseases.
  • At the beginning of a cold, treat it immediately, otherwise it will lead to a sharp decrease in immunity.
  • More being outdoors.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Eat properly. The diet should be rich in useful vitamins and minerals.
  • Completely rest.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Periodically drink drugs that increase the protective functions of the body.


You can also watch a video where the doctor will tell you what herpes is, why it is deadly for the unborn baby.

Herpes is an insidious disease that poses the greatest danger to a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester. If its first symptoms are found on the lips, near the mouth, on the genitals, you should immediately seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist. Only correct and timely therapy can cure the expectant mother of herpes of any form and save the life of the baby.

Section 1.01 WHAT IS HERPES?

Herpes- a skin disease of a viral nature, which manifests itself in the form of a rash of small bubbles (vesicles) on the mucous membranes and skin. A person can be a carrier of the virus for a long time, but the manifestation of the disease can be activated by various external factors.

⁣Fig.1 Herpetic rash on the body.

Pregnancy is the condition in which, under the influence of such irritants, the clinical picture of the disease begins to appear. After all, the factors that activate this type of virus are stress and a decrease in immunity, which are often found during pregnancy.

Section 1.02

You can't argue with statistics. Here are just some numbers:

1. every second person on the planet is a carrier of the herpes simplex virus;

2. The risk of intrauterine infection with primary genital herpes is 30-50%, with recurrent - 3-7%;

3. in the early stages, herpes causes spontaneous abortion in 30% of cases, in the third trimester, late miscarriages are observed in 50% of cases;

4. In 40% of newborns, intrauterine infection leads to the development of latent, sluggish carriage with the appearance of dysfunctional disorders at a later age;

5. In women with asymptomatic forms of the disease, sick children are born in 70% of cases. Mortality in the group is about 50-70%, healthy - only 15% of newborns.

Section 1.03 HERPES CAUSE

There are several types of herpes virus. The most common HSV 1 (herpes simplex virus 1), HSV 2. Herpes type 1 causes rashes around the mouth and on the lips (labial herpes), in the oral cavity (blisters, which are popularly called "colds"), herpes type 2 - rashes in genital area, perineum or rectum, always below the waist. These vesicles burst in a few days, leaving behind painful sores that heal from 2 to 4 weeks.


1. with a kiss (in the phase of rashes, since it is in the vesicles that the virus is contained)


3.household contacts

4. sexual way

These transmission routes contribute to the primary infection of the pregnant woman. After a single episode of herpes infection, the disease becomes chronic. The virus remains in the body (usually in the ganglia of various nerves).

When you are in the family of a patient with herpes, you must use individual dishes, wash your hands more often, since the mechanism of transmission of the virus is quite simple.


1.lack of vitamins;

2. stress, overwork;

3.excessive physical activity;

4.oncological diseases;


7. long-term use of antibiotics;




1.burning and itching in the mouth;

2. redness and swelling at the site of injury;

3. the appearance of characteristic rashes;

4.rise body temperature;


6. pain when talking, eating;

7. sore throat, difficulty swallowing.

There is a gradual onset of symptoms. First, the general condition worsens and a burning sensation in the mouth appears. The temperature may rise. On the mucous membrane - redness and bubbles filled with a clear liquid, touching which, eating and drinking are painful. A few days later, in place of bursting vesicles, ulcers appear, covered with a white coating. Gradually, the white coating is replaced by a hard crust, which, when it falls off, leaves a healthy area.

Herpes can appear in any part of the mouth (on the tongue, gums, on the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, on the tonsils), when the virus is reactivated, it will appear in the same place. This is the main difference from stomatitis, which always manifests itself in different places.

⁣Fig.2 Herpetic eruptions on upper palate.


1.painful vesicles that appear in the genital area (on the large and small labia, in the vagina, on the cervix).

2. pain and burning sensation in the area of ​​the labia and the entrance to the vagina (aggravated by sexual intercourse);

3.burning during urination;

4. vaginal discharge (if there are bubbles in the vagina and on the cervix);

5.increase and soreness of the lymph nodes in the groin;

6. temperature, chills, weakness.


Why is herpes dangerous during pregnancy?

Herpes can affect the course of the pregnancy itself and cause:

1. frozen pregnancy;

2. spontaneous abortion;

3.premature birth;

4. stillbirth.

5.complications for the fetus:

6. heart defects;

7. developmental delay;

8. prolonged jaundice (with liver damage);

9. damage to the central nervous system;

10. hemorrhagic syndrome (external and internal bleeding);


12. deafness;

13. epilepsy;


15. hepatosplenomegaly.

Goals of treatment for herpes during pregnancy:

1. weakening of symptoms, reduction of the duration of the acute period;

2.acceleration of recovery processes processes;

3. a decrease in the severity of virus isolation in the affected foci (thereby reducing the infectivity of the patient himself);

4. reduction in the number of repeated episodes.

Treatment does not lead to the complete disappearance of the virus, but it is possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms as quickly as possible, alleviate the general condition and reduce the number of relapses really. If a woman has genital herpes before pregnancy, the gynecologist should be informed about this, and if an exacerbation occurs, seek help. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the timeliness of the treatment of a pregnant woman in a medical institution, and the best result is observed when the disease is detected at the burning stage or in the first 24 hours from the appearance of a rash.

The main treatment for herpes in pregnant women is antiviral chemotherapy. Proven effective for:

3. Penciclovir (Denavir);

In pharmacies, you can find many drugs that differ in name, price and manufacturer. As a rule, Acyclovir acts as the base substance: Zovirax, Acik, Acigerpin , Acyclostad , Virolex, Gerpevir, Xorovir, Supraviran, Medovir. The annotations say: "The use is justified only when the intended benefit outweighs the potential harm." Experimental studies have shown that Acyclovir, when taken orally, passes the placental barrier, but this medicinal substance cannot cause abortion. The use of Acyclovir topically in the form of ointments does not harm either the woman or the baby, because it does not enter the systemic circulation.

In case of primary infection of the mother, Valacyclovir is prescribed orally at 500 mg twice a day for 10 days. To prevent the attachment of a bacterial infection with oral herpes, rinsing with antiseptic solutions (for example, chamomile) is necessary. At a high temperature (above 38.5 degrees), taking antipyretics ( paracetamol).When relapses, you should take:

1. Acyclovir inside 200 mg 3 times a day for 5 days (with frequent relapses);

2. ointments based on Acyclovir (every 3 hours); sitz baths with herbs (chamomile, string) followed by the application of drying compositions ( zinc ointment)

It is important to know that herpes during pregnancy can and should be treated at any time (as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor !!!), and the sooner preventive and therapeutic measures are started, the better. Otherwise, various complications may occur (they were mentioned above).

When infected with genital herpes in late pregnancy, the issue of delivery by Caesarean section is decided.


The essence of the prevention of herpes during pregnancy is to minimize the factors that activate the virus. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from it, you must:
1. pass all prescribed medical examinations; not smoke;

3. at the planning stage, it is possible to undergo intravascular laser blood irradiation, which can block the herpes virus for a while;

4. less nervous, do not overwork;

5. avoid questionable sexual contacts;

6. do not catch a cold and do not overcool to avoid colds, acute respiratory infections and flu;

7. walk more in the fresh air, while dressing warmer, ventilate the room in which you are most of the time;

8. drink a course of multivitamins for pregnant women;

9.strengthen the immune system in all possible ways. ​

Take care of yourself!