Sexual life in the treatment of thrush. How does a thrush show itself after sex? How thrush "reacts" after sexual intercourse

How to deal with intimacy during thrush

Many women who are faced with a disease such as vaginal candidiasis wonder whether it is possible to have sex with thrush? We all know that this disease is infectious and there is sexual transmission among the ways of its transmission. You can visit the pharmacy to purchase condoms that will prevent infection. But is the danger only in the infection of the sexual partner?

If you ask any doctor about whether sex is possible during thrush, the answer is unequivocally no. This is due to the fact that sexual intercourse is fraught with the development of serious complications from women's health.

The Candida fungus multiplies when the body is weakened

Vaginal candidiasis is a serious microflora imbalance that occurs with the active growth of such a conditionally pathogenic microorganism as a fungus of the genus Candida. Under the influence of factors such as hormonal disorders. Antibacterial therapy or weakening of the protective functions of the body, the pathogen multiplies rapidly, which is fraught with the development of symptoms characteristic of thrush: white cheesy discharge, itching and burning, redness of the mucous membranes.

For this, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required. The specialist prescribes a number of laboratory and instrumental studies to determine the stage of the disease and the type of pathogen. This approach allows you to prescribe the most effective drug therapy, which is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at the complete eradication of the causes that provoke its development.

In order to exclude the likelihood of relapses and reduce the duration of drug treatment, it is recommended to adhere to certain recommendations:

  • Eat properly. Exclude everything sweet, fatty and spicy from the diet. Enrich your daily diet with fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits.
  • Strengthen immunity. Adhere to an active lifestyle and completely eliminate bad habits.
  • Refuse sexual intercourse. Sex during the treatment of thrush is unacceptable, even with the use of a condom.

What is the danger of sexual intercourse with candidiasis

With thrush, it is better to abstain from sex.

Thrush and sex are incompatible concepts. Half of the women who are faced with this insidious disease do not know about this. The appearance of discharge, according to the majority, is not a reason to deny yourself and your sexual partner pleasure. But this opinion is wrong.

Experts say that with thrush, it is unacceptable to have sex. This is primarily due to the risk, despite the fact that, from a scientific point of view, the vaginal form of candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease. In fact, this is the case when it comes to an absolutely healthy person, whose immune system is normal.

The risks of infection of a sexual partner increase in the following cases:

  1. decrease in the protective barrier of the body;
  2. taking antibacterial drugs, corticosteroids, cytostatic agents or other drugs that pay attention to the microflora of the body;
  3. the presence of diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, disorders of the endocrine system and hematopoietic organs.

It is impossible to completely remain confident that during sex the thrush cannot be passed on to the sexual partner. There are risks of infection even with oral and anal intercourse.

Why it is better to refuse intimacy with thrush

Why is sex dangerous for women with thrush? First of all, the appearance of pronounced discomfort and even pain. With a vagina, a woman does not experience pleasure from sex, but only risks the development of the following complications:

Sex during thrush can be uncomfortable for a woman

  • the appearance of microtraumas on the mucous membrane and the inflammatory process in the vaginal area;
  • an increase in the risks of developing more serious genital infections due to a weakening of the protective functions of the body;
  • decrease in the effectiveness of drug treatment.

The danger of having sex during the treatment of thrush also lies in the fact that an unwanted pregnancy can occur if the only way of contraception is a condom. The increased acidity in the vaginal area, which is characteristic of candidiasis, can cause the condom to rupture.

Sex with thrush is dangerous by the processes that occur after the end of intercourse. More often than not, pleasure for partners turns out to be sad consequences. That is why you need to know what measures should be taken to protect yourself and your partner.

Sex and chronic candidiasis

If we are talking about, then sexual intercourse contributes to the exacerbation of the disease. In the process of sexual contact, the mucous membrane is injured, which leads to a new wave of burning and itching. What to do with the chronic form of the disease? Does chronic thrush require a complete rejection of sexual activity?

Refusal from intercourse is not necessary with chronic thrush. To exclude the likelihood of relapse, it is enough to use a condom and means intended to prevent the development of the disease.

Sexual intercourse with an acute form of thrush

Use a condom to avoid infection

Using a condom - 85% that a sexual partner will not get infected. What else should you be afraid of? Having sex with an acute form of thrush, a woman runs the risk that the inflammatory process can go to the bladder. This is fraught with the development of banal cystitis.

The risks of infection increase due to the anatomical structure of the female reproductive system. In women, the urethra is very short. On it, pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria can very quickly make their way into the area of ​​the bladder, which occurs mainly during or after intercourse.

Memo for sexual partners

How long can you not have sex after treating thrush? After the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis have passed and drug therapy is over, it is recommended to refrain from intercourse for 7-10 days. This approach eliminates the likelihood of relapse.

Specialists in the field of gynecology recommend using a condom or antibacterial agents, such as Miramistin, during sexual intercourse. It is imperative to observe personal hygiene, taking water procedures before and after sexual intercourse. This approach will reduce the likelihood of contracting an infectious disease and eliminate the likelihood of complications.

So is it possible to have sex with candidiasis? It all depends on the degree and form of the disease. In the absence of discomfort during intercourse, you should not deny yourself the pleasure. In this case, care must be taken to exclude the likelihood of infection of the genital area.

Sexual intercourse and thrush- things are comparable, but under certain conditions. Given the fact that genital candidiasis can be sexually transmitted, you should protect your sexual partner and have sex only with barrier methods of contraception(condoms). Also, if you have thrush, you should beware of oral sex, because the Candida fungus multiplies well in the oral cavity.

In the event that a woman has undergone a course of treatment for thrush, and her sexual partner is not, then re-infection is possible during sex, even if the man does not have symptoms of the disease (he may be a carrier). This fact should be taken into account in an intimate life.

Even if one of the sexual partners received thrush not sexually, the other, having become infected during intercourse, can spread the infection already sexually with other partners.

Sex during thrush can spread the disease into the urinary system, especially in women. It most commonly causes cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). Moreover, the development of cystitis is not affected by the use of a condom, you can get infected both with it and without it. If a woman develops cystitis or another infection of the urinary system during thrush, sex is contraindicated until the end of treatment.

Quite often, having sex during thrush causes discomfort, especially for women. It can be painful sensations in the vagina, decreased libido (sex drive), and even slight bleeding.

General rules for sex life with thrush

If one of the sexual partners, or both have thrush at once, then the following recommendations should be adhered to:

    • It is advisable to exclude having sex for the entire period of treatment.
    • If it is impossible to exclude sexual activity for the period of treatment, use condoms
    • If you experience discomfort or pain, you should stop having sex until the end of treatment.
    • With chronic thrush, in the event that it leads to the spread of infection to the urinary organs, having sex is contraindicated
    • Before resuming or continuing sexual activity after treatment of thrush in one of the partners, it is necessary to make sure that the other partner is not a carrier of the disease
    • It is desirable that both sexual partners receive treatment for thrush.

Additional Information

Helena 04/16/2013 at 15:46

For me, thrush and sex life are not compatible things. My husband and I tried it several times after the start of treatment, in the process of recovery. It was terrible! I was very hurt. The mucous membrane is already irritated as a result of the disease. And the partner's movements only aggravate this condition. A terrible burning sensation appears. For the first time in general after that, cystitis began.
Therefore, it is better to wait a few days. And it is necessary to be treated for both partners.

Nika 04/16/2013 at 16:52

Brrr, any woman one thought about sex in such a period is unbearable ... All the ladies will agree with me, I think. And so everything itches and itches, turns red and swells, and then there is some kind of sex ...
Condoms are a matter of course, but it is still better to wait with sexual relations until recovery, men should understand this.

Isaeva Kira 05/17/2013 at 12:45

I, too, adhere to the idea that it is better to postpone sex during the treatment of thrush. This will give the woman unpleasant painful sensations, and the man is also unlikely to get pleasure from it. A condom is also not conducive to super-pleasure. Better to wait it out.
Although this did not stop my friend at all, she and her husband constantly had sex even during the treatment of thrush.

Olga 05/21/2013 at 00:22

Sex with thrush, especially chronic, is nothing pleasant. Pain, unpleasant sensations accompany him. Discomfort during sex has become for me the main argument in favor of treating thrush urgently. Plus, the risk of infecting a partner is also annoying. When I was sick with thrush, my husband did not catch her, apparently it is connected with immunity.

Anyone who, at least once, was familiar with thrush (candidiasis), he clearly knows all the symptoms and sensations of this disease. Pain and burning during intercourse are unpleasant symptoms that prevent you from fully enjoying intimacy and a number of consequences after that. And the thing is that the mucous membrane, which is affected by the yeast Candida, is an inflamed surface on which bleeding sores appear.

During sex, the mucous epithelium with foci of plaque, white, is erased, and the affected foci begin to bleed. Sex can cause cracks in the vagina, tearing of the frenum in a man on the penis, due to the fact that the mucous membrane during the period of this disease does not perform the function of providing secretion. Lubrication deficiency injures the mucous epithelium. After intercourse, a woman notices bloody discharge, and a man's place of attachment of the bridle may bleed under the foreskin.

Sex with thrush, the nuances of restriction

  1. Thrush is a disease that is transmitted to a partner during sexual intercourse. Often, a man does not even suspect that he is sick with thrush, there is no discomfort, but at the same time, he can infect his partner with Candida fungi, since he is a carrier of the infection.
  2. If there is even the slightest suspicion of any infection, it is necessary to remember about safety measures, that is, condoms.
  3. The best way to prevent infection is to refrain from sexual intercourse, overdoing yourself, which will protect against infection. A minute pleasure, not worth many months of examination and treatment, and it is good if without consequences. You need to know that with thrush, the vaginal mucosa is thinned and swollen, which is why it is prone to injuries that cause pain and intensification of the inflammatory process that accompanies this disease.
  4. Timely diagnosis of thrush will save you from the troubles that are a consequence of this disease. If laboratory tests confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe qualified treatment and sexual intercourse will bring pleasure and joy of intimacy in the future.
  5. You need to know that thrush is transmitted orally during sexual pleasures if the Candida fungus is in the oral cavity.

What signs of the disease should alert sexual partners?

Signs of thrush:

  • Abundant discharge, curdled white in color, which has an unpleasant sour odor.
  • Itching and burning of the genitals, which sometimes leads to insomnia.
  • The irritation of the genitals increases before the menstrual cycle.
  • Feeling pain during urination and intercourse.

What is the risk of having sex with thrush?

  • Sex aggravates the course of the disease and causes complications in the form of ulcers and cracks.
  • Increases the likelihood of combining any other infection through the affected areas of the mucous membrane and skin.
  • Reduces the effectiveness of therapy during the treatment of thrush.

How does a thrush show itself after sex?

Thrush often manifests itself as a sluggish process. For some, it is exacerbated after having sex - this is due to the fact that the disease has a chronic form. After sex, thrush makes itself felt because during intercourse, the membranes of the genital organs are mechanically irritated.

In men, redness of the penis and pain during movements of the foreskin are noticed, microcracks can appear on the inner side of the foreskin and on the skin under the head. In women, after sex, a burning sensation is felt in the vagina.

In the genitals there is a significant curdled discharge with a sour odor. After oral sex, thrush colonizes the oral cavity (oral candidiasis). Therefore, this type of sex is recommended to be practiced only with a proven sexual partner in order to avoid infection.

Summing up the above, I would like to note that with thrush, it is not forbidden to have sex, but it is not recommended either. But everyone, after reading the article, will make the right decision for themselves, since we are not enemies to our health, are we?

Sexual relationships are an important part of most people's lives. For some, sex is a way of self-expression, for others it is an opportunity to express their deep feelings to a partner, while others perceive it as one of the options for entertainment. In any case, periods of forced abstinence do not delight anyone, so they try to either eliminate or ignore the cause. And what if the disease is the cause? It is not always possible to eliminate it quickly, but is it not dangerous to ignore it?

Today we will focus on one of the most common female diseases - thrush. So, is it possible to have sex with thrush? Everyone should answer this question himself, having previously familiarized himself with the possible consequences and weighing the pros and cons.

In general, the medical name for thrush is candidiasis, which directly indicates the cause of the disease - fungi of the genus Candida. These fungi are conditionally pathogenic, that is, they cause disease only when some specific conditions occur (as a rule, this is a weakening of the immune system). The rest of the time, they remain inconspicuous neighbors that do not cause any inconvenience. Thrush, on the other hand, was called candidiasis for the abundant white cheesy discharge that bothers patients.

In addition to discharge with thrush, there is reddening of the mucous membranes of the genitals and severe itching. There may be pain in the lower abdomen.

A gynecologist diagnoses thrush, he also prescribes a treatment regimen and gives recommendations. As a rule, the treatment of thrush involves a complex effect on the fungus, therefore, preparations are prescribed both oral (capsules or tablets) and local (suppositories or ointments).

Why can't you have sex during thrush?

There are several reasons for abstaining from intimacy during candidiasis, and it will be very difficult to ignore them all at once:

  • sex increases irritation. The mucous membrane of the vagina and external genital organs is inflamed and edematous, it is highly undesirable to expose it to additional mechanical stress so as not to aggravate the symptoms;
  • during intercourse, you can bring an infection into the urethra, and go to the clinic again - now with fungal urethritis;

  • if the treatment involves the use of local drugs, then their therapeutic effect may be affected. This is due to the fact that suppositories and ointments cover the mucous membrane with a thin film, continuing to act on the fungus for a long time, and during intercourse this film is erased, and the mucous membrane remains unprotected. The fungus will not miss the opportunity to attack it again, especially since it grows very quickly;
  • sex with thrush is the risk of passing the fungus on to your partner. It is always pleasant to share something good with a loved one, but sharing a disease is what could be worse. Alternatively, the partner may not get sick, but it is highly likely that he will become a carrier. And after treatment, it will return the fungus to the place from where it was expelled with such difficulty;
  • discomfort from thrush can intensify during intimacy, causing great discomfort.

What if you are not going to abstain?

Of course, you can continue to have sex without taking a break for treatment. But if sex is inevitable with thrush, then you should definitely adopt a few tips. They will help to secure the process of physical intimacy, minimizing the risk of any negative consequences.

  • First, condoms should be used to avoid infecting your partner. Although they do not provide 100% protection against transmission of infection, they will significantly reduce this likelihood.
  • Secondly, do not neglect lubricants. They will help to reduce the force of friction and prevent the appearance of microtraumas on the mucous membrane.

  • Thirdly, you must thoroughly wash yourself after sexual intercourse. During sex, the fungus can enter the urethra, where it begins to multiply, leading to urethritis. Hygiene procedures will help prevent this.
  • Fourthly, in no case should oral contact with infected mucous membranes be allowed. The fungus feels great on the oral mucosa, and attacks it just as quickly.

How to minimize re-infection from a partner?

If there was unprotected sex during thrush, then the partner should since then be considered a carrier of the fungus. This means that you need to take care of how not to get infected from it after the course of treatment. It is possible that the partner also gets sick, with all the accompanying symptoms. In this case, he will have to visit a doctor and undergo a course of treatment, which will make him healthy and the relationship with him safe.

And if there is no apparent cause for concern? We cannot close our eyes to this. A visit to the doctor is necessary: ​​the possibility of relapse should be prevented at all costs. Relapses will lead to the fact that the fungus gradually hardens in the body and the thrush will become chronic. This means that periods of calm will alternate with periods of pronounced symptoms, negatively affecting the quality of life.

To protect yourself from the chronic form of the disease, you should by all means protect yourself from the possibility of re-infection.

If candidiasis has become chronic

If thrush has nevertheless acquired a chronic form, you must not give up. It is curable, you just have to spend more time. How to recognize a chronic form of thrush?

The first sign is constant relapses. The disease has to be treated over and over again, and not only a weakening of immunity, but also simply an increase in sexual activity can become a provoking factor. However, severe symptoms may not always be present. Sometimes only small bells, which are very easy not to hear, make it known about the disease:

  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the genitals and, as a result, discomfort during sex;
  • sometimes a slight itching may appear in the genital area;
  • the discharge periodically becomes atypically abundant and thick, returning after that to its usual appearance.

If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor who can recognize the disease even during a visual examination. If clarifications are required, you will have to pass tests.

Obviously, it is still possible to have sex during thrush, but all measures must be taken to minimize possible risks for yourself and your partner. And even if these measures partially deprive intimate intimacy of romance and fury, they will preserve the health of its participants. The inconveniences are temporary; thrush, which is not taken seriously, is persistent.

Almost all adult women know firsthand about such a disease as thrush. For many women, the unequal struggle with this disease lasts throughout their lives with varying degrees of success. Of course, the development of thrush significantly lowers the quality of life. In this article we will try to answer the question of whether it is possible to have sex with thrush. And how is the infection with this disease carried out?

During intercourse, the mucous epithelium is erased along with a white coating, and this can lead to the appearance of blood. Also, this process can cause the formation of cracks in the vagina, as well as the fact that on the penis. This is due to the fact that with such an ailment, the full functioning of the mucous membrane is disrupted, it cannot secrete a sufficient amount of secretion. With insufficient release of lubricant, mucosal injury occurs. After sex, women may experience spotting bleeding, and men complain of bleeding in the places where the bridle is attached under the foreskin.

Thrush - what is it?

In medical science, this disease is called candidiasis. The associative name "thrush" arose from the white, cheesy vaginal discharge that accompanies this ailment. The cause of the disease is the fungus Candida albicans. These microorganisms are present in 80% of people and may not cause any side effects in women, since they are an important component of the vaginal microflora. Can you get thrush? More on this later.


There are many reasons for disturbing the balance in the female body. In many cases, thrush develops after taking antibiotics. Since drugs of this type do not have a selective effect on one type of microbe, they destroy the entire microflora, which entails a bacterial imbalance. In addition, fungi that are not affected by antibiotics can become the cause of the disease. It turns out that antibacterial agents have destroyed the beneficial flora, and candidiasis develops in its place. Immune system disorders also affect the state of the microflora. Reduced immunity in most cases leads to the development of thrush. Many people wonder if it is possible to have sex with thrush? Let's figure it out.

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders, in particular diabetes mellitus, also provoke the development of candidiasis. The high glucose content is beneficial for the uncontrolled proliferation of Candida albicans. This circumstance must be taken into account for those with a sweet tooth who consume a large amount of sweet food. An imbalance of the vaginal microflora can be caused by hormonal disorders and improper intake of hormonal drugs. During pregnancy, many women complain of thrush. In addition, it is necessary to carefully select underwear and change sanitary napkins more often so as not to provoke the creation of a favorable environment for bacteria. So, is it possible to have sex with thrush?

Should you end sexual intercourse?

This question always arises when candidiasis appears. Everyone knows that the disease is of an infectious nature, therefore it is transmitted sexually as well. Of course, with intimacy, you can use barrier methods of contraception. But the danger here lies not only in the possibility of infecting a partner. According to any gynecologist, having sex during the treatment of candidiasis is undesirable due to the development of complications in a woman. Let's take a closer look.

Is there a risk of infection for a man?

The source of infection in this case is the female body, in the body of a man it cannot spread due to the specific structure of the genitourinary system. However, a man still has a chance to acquire this disease. Is thrush transmitted in this case, a condom does not save the situation, since candidiasis can also be transmitted through the mouth. At the same time, thrush is, in principle, not considered a sexually transmitted disease. Experts believe that with strong immunity, a person cannot become infected during sex. In reality, infection is quite possible in some situations:

  • If the partner is receiving treatment with antibacterial drugs that affect the state of the microflora.
  • Weakened immunity: with blood diseases, diabetes, tuberculosis.

Under the above conditions, the risk of infection increases significantly. In addition, the attachment of other infections is also possible. With intimate proximity, microtrauma is possible, which may lead to additional infection. This is quite possible, since the microflora contains a certain amount of pathogenic microorganisms, which begin to multiply. If one of the partners has a history of candidiasis, then chlamydia and mycoplasma can be recorded, which aggravates the course of the disease.

Reasons why having sex is undesirable

In addition to the risk of partner infection, abstinence during treatment is also due to the fact that sex is unlikely to bring pleasure in case of discomfort and severe itching. There are other reasons for abstinence:

During the treatment of candidiasis, intercourse can provoke diseases of the urinary system, for example, cystitis. With cystitis, sex before the end of treatment is categorically contraindicated. When a couple strives to conceive a child, it is necessary to first complete the treatment, since with thrush, an acidic environment remains in the woman's vagina, which simply will not allow fertilization to take place. The conclusion about whether sexual contacts are possible with candidiasis suggests itself. Sexual intercourse and even sex with a condom during thrush is undesirable.

Chronic candidiasis

When the disease flows into the chronic stage, it is the sexual intercourse that provokes the development of an exacerbation. Since candidiasis therapy can last for quite a long time, the question of the possibility of sexual contact is undoubtedly relevant. In this case, intimacy is possible subject to certain rules:

When to see a doctor?

If some symptoms occur, you need to stop intimate relationships and consult a doctor:

  1. If the head of the penis is covered with a white coating.
  2. There was a burning sensation in the area of ​​the foreskin.
  3. Painful sensations appeared during sexual intercourse or urination.

Even during the course of treatment for thrush after sex, a man may experience reddening of the head of the penis. If it is not treated, then cracks may appear, into which during intercourse, and the inflammatory process will begin. In a woman, after sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge increases. They become thicker and may have an unpleasant odor. When infected with candidiasis, symptoms appear in women for ten days, in men they do not appear at all, proceeding covertly, or makes themselves felt after quite a long time.


So, summarizing all of the above, we can summarize: there is no categorical prohibition on sex with candidiasis, but it is still advisable to wait with this until complete recovery in order to avoid complications and unpleasant consequences.

We examined whether it is possible to have sex with thrush.