Congratulations on the day of the anesthesiologist are short. Congratulations on the day of the anesthesiologist in verse. Congratulations to the surgeon

Day of the anesthesiologist - funny congratulations

Today, anesthesiologist,
Everyone is glad to congratulate you!
Sweep the gift flowers off the shelves
And they give you everything!

And I wish that next
With you was the closest circle
To understand your views
Wife, friends and everyone around! ©

Anesthesiologists! Congratulations!
With your worldwide day, festive autumn!
It's fun for everyone to celebrate: sing, dance,
So that you have a happy, joyful life! ©

May the holiday be long
And in honor of yours - fireworks
From the money of all currencies!

And inward, not outwardly
We wish to accept amicably
Today a hundred times
We are the best of us! ©

Anesthesiologist, your holiday has already come!
We are ready to raise you together on a pedestal!
And flowers with gifts are all for you now,
Because you are the best doctor - just class! ©


Congratulations on the Day of the Anesthesiologist to colleagues

Operations are so long!
He is unthinkable without you!
On a holiday, anesthesiologist,
I tell you, loving:

Be a reliable companion
And always dared at work,
So that everything that is possible
Always managed to get! ©

Have fun at the holiday today with colleagues,
But hours and minutes continue to run.
It's time for the doctors to take the glasses into their hands!
Anesthesiologists - friendly hurray! ©

Medical specialties
A lot - not counting all!
But one hundred odes are now laudatory
It sounded in your honor!

I wish you, dear doctor,
Never lose heart
And as far as strength is enough,
Give anesthesia for many years! ©

Anesthesiologist, I congratulate you today!
You are irreplaceable - all surgeons know it!
We do operations with you calmly -
You deserve the largest awards like no one else! ©

Our anesthesiologist -
Clever colleague!
You will create any anesthesia
Simple - as with a running start!

Anesthetize - awaken
From sleep-peace,
You will solve all problems
With an easy hand! ©

There is no reason to endure the pain during the operation!
Our respect to the anesthesiologist for this!
You completely surrender to the profession,
So let all your dreams come true! ©

Congratulations on the Day of the doctor-anesthesiologist from patients

You are very dear to us,
You have conquered the pain -
We have not forgotten you!

We are very grateful
That you are with an insidious enemy
As always, sensible
Ready to fight! ©

There are no operations without anesthesia today!
For the sick today you are like a light in the window!
I bow low to you for your labor now!
Don't let the awards-prizes pass you by! ©

Congratulations on the day of the anesthesiologist in verse

There are no operations without anesthesia,
The anesthesiologist helps to relieve pain,
So that nothing hurts the patient -
The anesthesiologist will do the job skillfully!

I wish you happiness, and be skillful in business,
So that you always get what you want in life,
To make you happy in life all the time,
To smile and work tirelessly!

You help destroy the pain
During the operation, anyone
Or do you give Morpheus into your hands at all,
To stop the patient's torment!

You are a great master in anesthesia,
So may happiness be everywhere on your day
Waiting impatiently, giving you a dream
To keep everyone healthy on Earth!

Anesthesia is in a hurry to help us,
If the pain is completely unbearable.
We need an anesthesiologist,
Only he alone is able to help here!
We say thank you - how else,
The pain recedes if he is near.
Saves us, helps surgeons.
We bow to you for this!

Happy Holidays Today
And I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart:
There is simply no nobler work
Than to take the sick at death.

Be lucky, strong and worthy
The best that life will bring.
Be persistent, accurate and calm
And success will surely come!

Let the patients give smiles
Warm with joy, warmth,
Let the compliments be a gift
On the path open and big!

Before complex operations,
You give a magic injection
You help, through prostration,
Heal everything from heels to heart.
And today, thanks to you
Different patients brought
So accept, with humble joy,
200 grams orally. Happy Holidays!

Happy anesthesiologist's day, I hasten to congratulate you to your heart's content!
Thank you for saving people from terrible pain!
Let it be rewarded for this from God many times,
And from me, take some pleasant words.
May health become stronger over the years,
Let the eye become sharper, and the memory only tenacious,
May joy fill every day of your life,
In work, let there be no gloomy, capricious people.

By the right of you a standing ovation:
For skill, for nerves -
You after surgery
Patients see first!
... I will not mumble for a long time,
Driving you into a yawn:
Happy Anesthesiologist Day!
Successful work for you!

Sleep will come suddenly, like the elements,
To soothe anxiety, fear and pain.
Peace brings with it anesthesia
And you are her boss. No! King!
Don't make the slightest mistake
After all, human life is always at stake!
By fine line, very fragile, unsteady
You walk skillfully, so continue to hold on!
May everything be successful at work
Let faithful friends surround
And finally, the main thing, of course:
Let the family be strong and loving!

By the Day of the Medic on our website.

Don't hide your eyes from people:
Friends and relatives are not reptiles at all ...
We are happy birthday, dear doctor,
We are very glad to congratulate you!
Don't just moan: "Don't hurt!" -
You heal us for a hundred diseases
And therefore on your anniversary
Drink ten times healthier for everyone:
We drink only your wine to health -
It is charged with your warmth !!!

  • Happy birthday dentist!

    In art, the path is harsh and long:
    The frost was fierce, there was heat ...
    We praise you, dentist -
    Thirty-two-pronged whiteness!
    Throwing away gestures and aplomb
    You tear our teeth without difficulty
    You insert new ones, and the seals
    Putting in holes is nonsense.
    We wish the tools -
    Only chic and shine! Client, hold on!
    And in personal life not moments -
    Love, exactly as long as life !!!

  • Congratulations to the surgeon

    Sometimes ignorant and prude
    We can be cut without a knife.
    Only the surgeon's knife revives
    Relieves of all diseases!

  • Happy birthday to the doctor

    Dear _________!

    You are our most real earthly guardian angel! You are the one who tirelessly cares about our health and keeps our fragile lives!
    Allow me to wish you a Happy Birthday on this bright May day!
    May all your hopes and hopes of those who come to you for help be justified, may your wishes come true and dreams come true, health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!
  • Birthday congratulations to the nurse

    ____________(Name Patronymic name)! It's your birthday today! Accept our sincere wishes! Thank you for your kindness, attention, decency and affection! We wish you eternal happiness, good health, and your family - peace and prosperity!

  • Congratulations to the doctor comic in verse

    A doctor can do a lot in life,
    Apparently - it is a grated roll!
    He is not at all afraid of blood,
    In life, nothing will be surprised!

    He is a great pedant in his profession,
    And not an amateur in treatment for a long time!
    Please cure me
    Oh, the soul hurts because of love!

    Make me, doctor, so that I was nice,
    The girl you fell in love with!
    After all, I have no strength to endure the disease,
    How many did not try and fight!

    Be a successful doctor in this matter,
    Let there be no grief in life!
    May fate keep from failure
    In life, so that he can achieve everything as quickly as possible!

  • Congratulations to the veterinarian

    Cats and dogs are the most faithful friend,
    You will heal their biggest ailment.
    You will look, help and understand without words,
    The cat or dog will be healthy again.

    We wish you not to get sick either,
    Every year, only bloom and grow healthy,
    Be cheerful, kind and happy to be,
    Enjoy life and love your wife!

  • Poem congratulations to the doctor

    Doctor is a cool profession,
    There is no way in life without her!
    After prolonging health,
    He is a master to defeat pain!
    He will listen calmly
    The patient at the same moment!
    And we can prescribe injections
    Maybe ointments and pills
    There are different recipes!
    You look, it doesn't hurt!
    We are happy to congratulate the doctor,
    Let them give him awards!
    We're just from the heart,
    Much happiness to you, doctors!

  • You are really cool
    Best in what he does
    You can pick up any anesthesia,
    So that everyone is crazy.

    You will anesthetize at once
    Everything that got sick
    I want to wish now
    It's easy and bold to live!

    3 SMS - 170 characters

    You make life easier for people
    Anesthesia is your strong point!
    Rather smile brightly
    On this festive day!

    Your job is so important
    After all, you are a savior for people!
    Let your life be full
    Good luck and wonderful days!

    4 SMS - 206 characters

    I wish you faith, I wish you love, and respect for grateful patients, so that you do not want to change your profession and never have the thought of trouble. Let the work bring joy, and let the good people gather around. Happy Anesthesiologist Day!

    4 SMS - 224 characters

    Nowhere without anesthesia
    The hospital will not do without you,
    It is clearer not to find a doctor
    After all, under anesthesia to sleep soundly.

    And it's not for nothing that the whole world
    Celebrates a holiday today
    Happy Anesthesiologist Day,
    I wish you health, happiness!

    4 SMS - 220 characters

    A short

    I wish you measures: in life, in dose and in work.
    After all, your every step is especially dear,
    And in a career - limitless ups,
    To proudly bear the title: "Anesthesiologist"!

    3 SMS - 151 characters

    Congratulations to the anesthesiologists!
    Thank you for your medical work,
    I wish you very good health,
    Let happiness and comfort surround you.

    We wish you new skills and knowledge,
    Let wealth also grow
    May wishes come true
    And the heart sings with joy.

    4 SMS - 239 characters

    You are a guide to the land of Morpheus
    And you give a dream for healing
    Owning your profession,
    You give us salvation from pain

    Savior, anesthesiologist,
    Congratulations to you today!
    May the path through life be long
    We wish you all happiness!

    4 SMS - 222 characters

    Anesthesia is the salvation
    You save everyone from pain!
    Let in every day, without exception,
    Great success awaits you!

    May this holiday date
    Will give a lot of positive!
    Let the salary rise
    To live happily for you!

    4 SMS - 221 characters

    Anesthesia is no joke to you.
    After all, without her and for a minute
    Doctors are not allowed today.
    I congratulate you friends!

    I wish you accuracy in your work,
    So that you are always held in high esteem,
    Only positive around
    And outstanding services!

    4 SMS - 201 characters

    So that during operations
    We slept soundly, sweetly,
    The doctor will introduce us a wonderful one,
    Wonderful anesthesia.

    Anesthetize everything you need
    He has a huge experience,
    We will say "thank you" together,
    Most best doctor our!

    4 SMS - 205 characters

    Doctors have golden souls
    The most kind words they are worthy.
    Who saves us from all the ailments
    Frosty or very sultry day?
    Who knows how to help us with a word
    To recover quickly from ailments?
    We wish the doctors: away from troubles!
    Let only joy be your friend!

    Happy birthday to the doctor

    If your throat hurts
    We wish from the bottom of our hearts, -
    You are always, my friend, boldly,
    Hurry to the ENT for an appointment.

    He relieves pain
    Everything will help to survive.
    We sincerely wish the ENT
    We are always happy to be!

    Walk among many
    Angels and gods
    What's on the operations
    Sew on legs
    And in intensive care
    The dead are resurrected.
    Give us hope
    White clothes!
    And very much they would
    Nimbuses would do.
    Us with any wounds
    Will be cured in the end.
    Happy holiday, angels!
    Happy holiday, gods!
    Some heal our souls
    Others take advantage of the body.
    But it is necessary, they will go out into slush, cold,
    If the work has called.
    Their business is not for the faint of heart,
    The disease does not paint anyone.
    And how bad it is sometimes
    To them from their cynicism.
    Let's drink to people
    Dressed in white robes.
    For nurses and doctors,
    Who is on duty not for a salary.
    Let's wish them
    Health, happiness and good luck
    Let the sky be blue
    And all the tasks are solved.
    And also raise our glasses
    For the rest of the people,
    So that there are more healthy
    And there were fewer adversities.

    Congratulations in prose to the doctor

    You are a therapist
    You are a therapist, a wonderful specialist,
    We want to wish you good luck
    So that everything is cool in your life
    And never be discouraged at all.

    You are a therapist, you help people
    Diseases are all easy to overcome
    May everything you dream come true
    We wish you not to get sick either!

    Congratulations to the doctor anesthesiologist

    There is no hospital without a nurse
    They are the shock workers of labor,
    Let their important faces be
    They are always kindly illuminated.

    May you always be lucky guys
    We sincerely want to wish
    So that if they pay a little,
    We were able to raise your salary.

    Congratulations to the doctor anesthesiologist

    Chief Physician, throughout the hospital
    He will put things in order
    From doctor to nurse
    Discipline will bring.

    I wish the head physician
    So that you are always lucky
    To live prospering
    So that happiness does not go away.

    Congratulations to the doctor anesthesiologist

    Wizards of life, saviors of the body,
    Whose souls and blood, as always hot,
    We congratulate you to the sound of a siren
    Happy professional day of a miracle - a doctor.
    We wish you strength, we wish you freedom,
    Hope and faith that warms hearts.
    We wish you a happy and affectionate share,
    On the pulse of the Universe that beats endlessly!

    Congratulations to the medical student

    The gynecologist helps
    Take childbirth quickly,
    Relieves ailments,
    Teaches how to give birth to children.

    We wish you good luck
    Thankful patients,
    After all, there is no other way!
    Less insidious enemies.

    Happy birthday to the doctor

    Cool congratulations to doctors

    To all of you who take the Hippocratic oath,
    He gave faithfulness before God,
    Who is sacred to her in life,
    Doctors, nurses, paramedics!

    Low bow to midwives,
    From your hands we came to the world!
    Have a wonderful and long life
    In the lap of mother earth!

    Congratulations to the doctor anesthesiologist

    To a medical professional
    Medical worker, you are the pride of the country!
    You are tired and you do not sleep at night,
    On this day, we congratulate you with a special meaning
    Orderlies and nannies, nurses and doctors.

    You from rare breed that prolong life,
    They bring back health and joy:
    And so we sincerely wish you
    So that your benevolent work is always honored!

    SMS congratulations to doctors

    Who will tell you if not a pharmacist,
    What to buy for a headache?
    Who will always look at the recipe
    Will he be nice to you?

    We wish the pharmacist
    So that you are always lucky in life,
    Just flourish endlessly
    To enemies, envious people in spite.